PAM am LONGTIME PRODUCTION CERTIFICATE _AWARDED A purebred Holstein bred and owned by G. Leslie Peer & Son. Milton, has qualified for a Red Seal Certificate of Lonitime Production. Site la StIltasdale Shirley Keyes witb a nine lactation, lietime total production et 109776 Iisa. mille con-.t tainiug 3867 Iha. fat. Al of her !i records but one have been modem ons twice-a-day millico and insi seven vf her lactationsa ahv quah'- fird lar thv 305 day diviusin P Shirys largest ndiiduat ec ord mas mode as a t've-yar-old wheas she produued 15702 Islh mi eoetoiaing 585 lias. fat. . "Darling, do yoa thicle yaa van i massage ta hiec an an allowanvea .5 $25 n weele?" "Precivus, gel the license. lIli ry it s weel." LIT US DO YOUR r BUILDING Traynor P Construction Co. f GENERAL CONTRACTOR I Phone 485W si P.0. Box 86 Milton G MILTON I WELDING h Electrir and Acetylese M Repaie Weldng ot Al Typva s Weldieg f Portable Equipment PHONE - 348 MILRT. - MILTON 9 DANCING t HUTTONVILLI PARK cl IVIRY SATURDAY v Sing Song ' Moies t Amateurs c IVERY SUNDAY NIGIHT Phane Brampton 357J13 LOA' PROPERTY V., CC SOLIDATE REDUCE .MON ANY VORTHý FastS INDEPENDEI CORPORATI 75 Caîborne E. w- FAIRM BUILDINGS PAIPOTHO As one mateen tbeeugh the casasty tl seeld seese that mare tarse build- ngs have bhe pninted in recent meetb tban in any sirilar peried n masy years. And seat ancm pralvs'en a'loer tw valltsuofpaist maba'Wie a paint job caauta reat uueey these days, neveethelcua i aur opinaon. the 'value aI the farces nereases arcoedingly-and sehat a uot uf satisfactien tae farmtasesser cnd bas family muet gel sut ut the face laftiang." WIIEAT RARVESTING UNDER WAY Durang the seeb of Jsly 131h, a gooadnuaer of Halton farmers roi- ced ast their bandera. White coim- bacasg malt nutlilary gel ucdcerseay aclil tse meele of Jsty 27tb, the eue- ccln meek-end malt sec a faaryy largs'îsrrcvctageainsstock.e In gecerat, the crue as a heavy oetruc. a fcm faeldstaave breas hsaîby ruat rotanad aanysalbcrs ta saule esîrsl by ralses-erttariesu apaospects puant ta a bagher tbac noralie-ld. Draitheîpalmcele saaaCrrainsoausofathea'bavesl fati seeal crups cnalsar experiece. sn gesa-rai, the taads ara' a ltIle asaorler chas naormîat. baltthes' tacds for the maut partI are ttîacb Wr an- araipate Ibal sîlar ut the fietds n teîed an the -Pat'Baaasei Wbeat Tsamprtalîus' avit aeared tbe tafty a ustavî a hiectas e HAYING CILE [IN PROGRESS Hayîsabasg bau cstended user a loeger perîad saf lame an 1953 Iban bas bers the case an m.îsy yearu It bas brrcî a tryacg year lu esabe gsaad qaaalaty bay--urang the paut ten days or su gassd pragresu bas bec madebattala weesd tbereseas atli a lra-uavdasuqaaantaty in the faids vaîher aia balsrsa a li stand- ing, Certaasly the "boys" sa-bu mre an a posataon ta mabe same grasu silage thacueasp ar for the st part amay abradat thegamne. Whlc the creat majuety put thergrass inup- rigbt citas, me note tuile a nurmber seba are tryang oul the --Pal" aile. At the Landale larm uet Maurace Beaty, as Trafalgar tomnahip, a "hoeazontal- sala un top et the grund, lookes tu bave real peasibili- tira. Ie anY event thecesebe oare lucaîrd an farmuseich are net candarive ta "pit,-satansewilI be sealehieg the "Beaty esPeraremnt. Me. Beaty's borazontal aileoseliceh es huIt ut came puai, a litîr tam- ber and anuse tene, blds 20 acres ut grass se ta the neaghberbaud et 200 tara ut cilage. Il as. as me re- catI, 110 or 911 ti, lang-20 fret acroan. and six fret higb. What impreaaed us mas the fartthal asade tram their smn labur,lthecontruactionecaatseas lyse Iban $108. In tarer day, et $1,000 tu$120M for un cae pe gb NS ePOV EMENT E DETS THY PAYMEtq S WHIE PURPOSE Service :T FINANCE ION LIMITED E.OaIaville, 2390 BGILDINEG M EEDS CEMENI GI-A Sheathing Hardwal Plaster N GI-A Gyproc GI-A Fis shing -me LGI-A Lath, Nails Gasin g Plaster i GLA leisalatin Milton Crushed .11Mason's Lime Lm Paristone Im H .S. Aa stores 1td. iles, tais aquitea factor, provtd- ing there ln net tee mach spoillge.j At the moment, prospects are pro- mising but nrxt sinter wiii tel the final story. NEW CANADIAN REPORTS PROFITABLE LITTERS A Ira, days agocsec bad an iter- esting chat sith Klaas Van ToI- sehe maniages and operates the "Long- staff" farm erar Campbeilvitle. Mr. Van Tel reports that their tme soses farroserd and raised 25 pigs last sinter. Wth seeonllog ssigs a drug an the markeet aI thal lime, il wsdecided ta boy the fred and fie- ish the 25 piga for marletl. The grass returns ameanted ta $1375- the fred hill fer the Is ass and tbe 25 pigs amnouasîrd te $735. te- cadrntally, the Is ass have for- raserd ogais and have 19 piga eight seeebaald the cstftheteedtfor the sews and lthe sauc lttera as ineltdd'in the abuse figure. 4-s mUS TRIP Saaty Haltes Cauety 4H emre accompanied by Club Leader Fred Nurse, and Assistant Agiclturat ltetrseuntative Art Benanel, jierd a greup et 75 Peel1 Caaaty 4H Club esembers, their readera. and Agri- cultural Represecltave J.W. Me- Cullough. fue a one day Bus Tsar an Tbarsday. .laly 1h. Bat Weatber Temperalures sehich bad therma- matera has'eraag an the ntnetaes al day dampened a gaad mary brass bat faled ta curtail the ecthasaasm et the large gras p mbach reqaired lhrcv bases and tIm aras tar Irans- partalaun. Itassey-Hsrris Fsrm, Milikes Here the craup mas met by farm manager Bil Satherland, seha con- ducted thme an a toua, af the 700 acre taras Ater carmang orne of sthIe very tatest in farm macanrry. -hih in- laded deep tllagie equapaseet. dase harrase tllera mth aved bax attach- eeta. coambines, foage waons. etc. tbry panard thraugh the daary bore, whach mas brief painîrd a pastel blue, ta the muoss shere o bay draer mas in aperatian. Gaad qaalaty bal- eti hay mas in evadence in spite et ail the precasas adverse meather. Fram the gang-may lhey aw hage fields et regustered grain - mostly Alan eala and Carnerl 595 seat. F encra have bren rrmovrd tram thia part of thetfarmand permanent gravel ruada rstablashrd, sehich arr VOTE eaily reached trese every field. Be-( tom tae bey haras ts a large area laidc oi4t ta centocr tripa. Whle thesa lape ef tht, field did net appear1 entreme cempared ta semenetf0crà bille ta ertb Hattn and Peel, thef groue wsns ld Mhat the teseer cor-r ner mas 70 teet belase the geoced tevel aIibeheharas. Special gras seatersenys seere spaced aI intervals atecg tae stepe. Maehbaery Test Traek A corce, consisticg et cmaeth asphaît esada, especialty deigned raagb ruade, steep bitta, sharp cure- esetc.seresuasaîasing gruund for esrrycssodetaal eery machine peoucrd. Osly Isea machines, a peny tracter and a large combine, serre an lent but une osld seender hase any machine ceald remnain seorleable atter a fese trips araaad ibis course. Hoseever, the Peny Tracter had bren palling a large tracteur suntiaaaeauty day anad aight since Marh 192. A neset oftires s needed rvery three meres. RelaxatiTsa Arraviasg aI Cedar Beach Parle on Mscrîmans Lakv fer a Isea heur stop, the group csjuyrd simming, stbaîl, and a sarete lunch. The manuagement aI Ibis gsed nansteer r-scrt geessasty gracted free use sof al tfaciltsas ta the ectare grous. Inaetuss'ty Palyed hatl game, Peel alýt-tatrd Haltis8-. Highlifht et the game mas the smashang ut une al by threanty girl player. Final Visi--Elmeraf Fara, Oshasea Eliîarsft. owsssd and uperaîrd by CGeorge MeI.augbli,cmrar 0 ace.A cas-mbarns, rsaapprd sitb cacfotactstaat, iv. fau erl eide and ve-clfret long, a fuîtere etraner, sptscaal raliearstaîsse baaaang tue Yosang caille, Isea bay dryiasg asits, sps'raat grain stsracc and terd mix- aco facltaîs bas hemeu mpleted re- cently. Evaphasis bau bren ptaced oncneiereasd labrusavers. Fsemerly. 12 ta 14 fuîltlime men serre hirerd.flasse s'mec du atlthIe marb, an iras lame. Ose mas cleana the barncinac aca'batt aaur, shebati totaas 5ma bîaa aberer Osa' mac maueacaugta fred ft Ise erls (in n-taaaitat,asandbfaaralit tule ts'aa aaenalne daY e is sas raagb tsr onres'bek Cul csli acresase value, and ssaabrmore vîaacey, s the soganusa- rd aI Etmr-cft Excllen Pasture Fsety-tasr acrers pastures 35 lu 50 mature matbasg Halutrans. tram May acti September. Les tians one acre per ruse, as ceme plats bave yrt ta be ased as Pasture Ibis yrar. The faeld la dicaded by ler. atrieeces, nIs tes 4-aere plosa mth a fac-acre lace acrs une sade. Caam' are rulaîrd ecery tese days Atter eaeb gracing, plats are harrumed anad eipped. The stansd. a tiarl. luxuriant mixture ut Broea. Orchsrd, Ladinoa, and Altalfa, la tee of meedsasnd producing mare per acre each yeux. Mont ot the field bas been out et tac reguasr rotation and ic pastuee for four yesrs. Ev- ery Septembr the entire 45 scres la manured and fertillzed seith 675 lias. ef fertilizer nt a ceet et thee meelca mille cheque. Twe Questios 1. What ta yoar opinion an grasa silage? "We use ane tn three siles of iîarh year. Haseever, siece in- atatling a boy draer me tiasd that the ass traeer boy Caseqsentty, me sae caascelid .aaa srder far tses acew siloas math sclaadasg devices seh me had antended ta pur- chose." 2. What do u thiele about bring- ing the grass te the cases, imstend et cending the cama ta the grass7 "Wr have tua many ather thingu ta de thia lime ut year hi hather teediasg Impressed math George's manag- criai abality. bas straightfarmard fluent cammentary, and Elmcreft tarse, the geasp headed fer hume te rest up forethetrip nent yar. ROLL CALL ANSWERS HOW GARDEN GROWS On Muaday. Juiy 6, the Haraby Homave lardes Clubatetd tbh'ar ae- onad ma-alasa aatlbh' homîe ut Betty aaad Maaratyca May. Thesîa'etingmas pea'dseath the clab sag cnd Betts May ted the Ths'ratt cit., Hsm my gardes gro-uss'mas arsmeeed ay the eight menîbers îsresrst. The garlsulookaaosîon seWevds. te- sectsanad Disseas; asnuats, ben- niats and prrenaials andon a- taraaisg hume saruundisgs. A detacaauslunchse.rathen sVrved by tha' sstrsses. and the meetang seasrlosd. RON FEATHERSIONE Electriciain PHONE MILTON 158r22 PROMPT SERVICE W. wiiI reduce federal taxes by at least $500,0O0,00O a year ... without reducing any pensions, famnily aliowances, or other social security payments. THUr8DAY, 3ULY 23s'd, lm0 "SALADK TUA You are Invited... EUCHRE and'DANCE FRIDAY, JULY 24 Esquesing Community Hall STIWARTTOWN GOCODPRIZES - LUNCH DORIS I4ULL'S ORCHESTRA Cards at 8.30 A D MIS SION F RE E Sponsored by Progressive Conservative Association SEE... JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR BITTER USED CARS L PHONE MILTON 586 $500,OOO,rOOO TAX CUT NOWS THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 'I The Liberals say they cant cut your taxes! th 4$ We wiii budget for Government's legitimate needs ... wfihuimornteefcecyfor we wiltop budgeting for bloated surpluses which- AW. wPere, cretha thpair in he efficienc af In in three yers-took from the people's pockets the trheadmForcstreto the aeppaliene ffNioina l I stgeU n ur f$1,618,000,000 moto than the Dthe anisrto ftheeat.t fNtoa Government needed. , W. wiIi end the shocking conditions in our Defence W. wîiI provide the nation with an administration SDepartment which the Government's own investigator, whose attitude towards the spending of public manies Co.G. S. Currie) described as: "A general breakdown . wiil b. one of prudence and commun sense. A new in the system of administration, supervision und ~U s overnment in itseif will mean substantiel savings ta Jaccounting ... Accounting records in a chaotic con- the taixpayer-it wiIi replace a Government whose dition und cf little use In determining the nature and arrogant indifference ta economy was best expressed extent cf irregularities ... Waste and inefficiency far by Mr. Howe's scarnful remark, "What's a Million?". Or, more costly in lors thon that covered by actuaelF "If they need ai gold-plated piano it is our duty ta dishonesty". buy it". W. wiII reduce or eliminate countless hidden, indirect taxes, which -rossly inflate the cost of consumer goods, add ta the grievous cost cf living, increase the price cf homes beyond the capacity cf mort cf our people ta puy, discourage saving and initiative. hac,,6,e,,.aF,.C,,,,mOasp,,reaf'sa.,ada. I j