Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 1953, p. 2

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MILTON. ONTARIO TIEUBBDAY. JULY lIrd, 1053 A Quiet Election Comment generally is tisat we are ltaving a very quiet election. Compared mitis wisat me heard misen tise repablictc tou00 soutis cisose a leader for tise governesent me presumne tl s quiet but il's a kind of quiet tisat Canadians may meil oppreciate. We question if a rip-snorting, gigantic parad- ing, sensational ieadlees and charges and verbal mud slinging betmeen individuals misa aspire to fise igiest posis as leaders of country' will make for a beter Canada. We like $0, tiink tisaI tise miso represent us in Canadas parliament give some consideration to tise intelligence of tisose misa elect thees, We have iad moutis> and noisy electiont and we for one appreciate liis one miicis seems a lit- tle more dignified and a littie less blatant. Wltis neari>' tiree meeks to, go, me isope tise present election ii continue ta be a "'quiet one." Tise weatiser is sufficienti>' mares mitisout putting en any cross curreets and creating a torntdo minis tise nubsequent destruction tisai sucis unccstrolled gusts croate. We have iad nome election literature tome to our desk aready that mouid tend ta, mares up an election campaign or anytiing else if il mere not 10 ridiculous. A eem paper is being sent out froes Ottama called Tise Ottama Sentiniel tisat esay ceaie publication after tise election if not betore. This meek an organization miicis me had neyer heard of previously sent a paespilet published b>' "Tise Society of Goda0" Tiera are atteespts being eade to put ieat le tise elacion ced move tise quietude out. Tiere mil ha more mitiin tise cet fortnigist. Tiere sili lie tliasaada of Casauuansi sa lstl le dotaroatized in tise Aiaoue electitasa. Reaason l ott ie lieatctona, li- Set an stark, but smpti lerouae tisea are n i tle caacertsed ta lietir tiensetrcî ta go ta tise patta. As Others Se. Us Hom do you tiink and talk about your tome? If a strangar camne into tomn $0, make inquiry misat moutd ha iis reaction after ha iad talked to business mec and citizens? Tiese days hafore an inelusry locales in a tosan tiey usually make a survey af tise place aiey ae going to, lite and mark, Here is an incident told about in tisa Durisam Chroeicleu 'Last faîl a representative of an Englisis fitem cama tc Durham and called on merciants along tise main street asking questions. "Alîhougis tisa marcisants did not knom il, thiss mac mas eaking arrangements for his coccpany to establisis a maeufactuing plant in Canada and ha ated to find out miere lise fines moutd ha Mot melcoese. "Durham Ciamhar of Commerce follomed up tise inquiries but mere dishearteced to isear tisa report of tise comnpanys agent aI Toronto. Ha saic business mec to hmise he iad talked did no' seem entisusiastic, information mas relactactly given. and tise genaral impression mas lisat ouIý siders mould not ha 100 melcoma, "Alttiougis this fires mas imprassed Ish tise physical assets and facilitias of Durisam, tisa re. ception mas mareser t Smiti's Falls cnd tisane il: Canadian plant is being established.- Councils and Chamers of Commerce canno get cai industries misas individluals are sot en. thusiasîs,. Tisa kisd of tomn cn miicis an industru manîs ta, locate is a friendly centra. Wisen any one aîks about tise lomn misetier il be stranger o meil knomn friend, tl s meil to point out tsi thisigs Our tome offers. If tise folks wiso lve anu mark here are soi proud of our tome ut cannot b. eupected tiai tise vsilor mili iew tl entisusiastic You dont need to, be a member of cousui Ciaesber of Coesmerce or any other public spirit ed body to be a booster for your <oms or you self. Ever>' citizen tan help by his atitude ir making Milton a better place to lot asd mort Nobody wesents to lotale in a town zaere ris keockses are n tise majonil>'. A munsc ideuilitue lii iorion, i ecrîlcni_ lo recediva fesmiim as ie ouvneru 1 stand il-W. G. T. Sisedd. No RT H E AsTr W ii S OUTIl THE GOOD'OLD DAYS I MAY HAVE SEEMED I BETTER H'faiton HOiM London test week-end by tlise lth Fi - yY.ars Ago Twenty Years Ago Ilince ta thinkth lat Misa, Can- Cady Aaanciatiaon convention. May- riy Checking on Figures alown bent fcose eeygitin laietisepad o bayo lland kid- Front tleMse et the Champion of Promthse laine et the champion e C..F supporters ina Ontario have a habit o of Ca~nada mere an Burlingian 61this e ahne. iluratay, lily 23, 19013flsnrsay, Zuly 27, 2918 quoting their social governmeat in Saskatchewan wewe h on ayt e- MleGnPwe resenit Canada mas chosen at theIse s ae Gui owde t htwl Tepi-adsefctonfr JhnBAmtogh asbu as Au mrI as takîng part in thse mabe an iadatry loraie in a ce- Miltansa new permanent maths freman at the P. L. Rnbertiolin n Canada. This dotsnt ibe wilh tht following esaiestu tiehe atits nsitsg Hal- tain place-buhUlires cne tis alse have bers eomtleted and are ai ScreeMHansfatring Cci' plant fiursf omte witCur nSn a weekly tan touired Hamilton Rock gurdens, asmittrd us rassa is strange! Thethtie tcwn clerk's cIlice. At the for a nsmberecf yesrs, met mitls figure fromthe Sift CrrentSu ,ment ta Triisily churlib Snday manaer oa cismeîîr firmnai Oak- iowcoroscil meeting held Msnday a serions acrident t tise plant osa newspaper published in thse Provinceo asa-maenicg,saam tNiagara Falla and ville has anaunred the Brn ia evening i a se yO.Ad rdyeeig ht ragts cea.attended a dance. movlng ta Barrie ater ilye yeaic ersan and secanded b>' Me. Hem- occealer, lie negtetied ta turcn o chwa.Burtinglan ladies are actinsg as in Halton. 'Ittesa>'aaand odd" sîreet tisai tis e renssk fat tend- thse drauglit, tauslng a isackfire. "The total net revenue received by the C.C.F. ta, rae-bcesen h ays, "bul we Ccnd that anr ers for Use constructiaon of 13,tllCTise Cames airons hlm In lise fate. 1953 thotese. ustamers appreniatsur eftarts îs square feel cf cernent maths tintise chet and arma, causing terrible goversmeat in the pant sine years, 1944 to,193 Cabinet Pontt arquaint them ils the great cal- tame Of Milton. The rontrart witt bourna, frona wiich he wlll sufter almost equals tise total received by aIl previous Haton csunly itI have satais- deoro $0 caur plan is tai have a lie rlie and the msrli rommenred foriseverat meeka. inet minister if tise Progressive guest osge ins rsnsecîisn mitis oan as ncan as posmible. W. B. Clements and sac Bradfardt Saskatchewan governments in the 39 years, 1905 Cacevatises is the Augasl 10 Barrt speratian." * Yesterday morning hall a dsarn have relsened friam their trip toe 10 1944. Tise total received in nine years by tise lertion, arrordisi ta tht George- TeCml asda> fa Osbtnigt itnntrn h ot' ar iiaa C.C.. goveesment is about $432 million, an ave- Hrl.Ms . .DmisConservalive ladies' organizerein meriran ont and the eustomers coi sut Of their patare field anîd Me. J. Lott, of Winnipeg, and Dr. rage of $48 million a year. Tise total for tise 39 Ontario, stard aI o Ira in George- aiehntiio and ltahing as melt as ere rtfatitsf themielves in Cliet F. M. Loîl, ot Toronto., ment tise loirs liat it 'a an "'Oprn secret" that cosmelies. So do lise Cem'soinConstable Badîrys snfeseed cais- meek-end mitis Iheir brother, t W. years before 1944 was about $445 million, an Haltîîn s stid tfoa rcabisets t<i employers, Use manager admita. hage garden on Victoria St. Tliry Loit. mere rounded op and drives 10 Me. and Heu. A. Wharton. amd average of about $11 million per yeae. if lise Coservalivs are is power. Pagag Rieh Citent the Pound. Tht damage mas Oixrd their nepisti. Leosard Wharton, 'if lise $35 million iospilalization sao collect- Margaret Ailisen, Toronto T - A lady in Smtzerland munis 10u t $2 and mau paid amnong the 1Mes. C. Storr. and Mes. C. Hnoper gramrerporter.apolie ut liselia, iseep p-to-date uns miats going cs ointesot the <oms, mhicis misi1 and son iRonsie, att og Wininipeg, ed by tise C.CF. gootrement is included, lise total ielîiiig tiit lier tamity hi'd heun in Halos and lso lias heard hom ihen rereasrd. arer visiting Me. Whatos'.,sîstera, for tht paît nineryears is $467 million, an aue refertiends caSh lise fliu' sut calthy me al are oui lhis contin- Tise garden puely aI iseherse ,Mes. Gordons MarNais sndtMes. Sybil Bennett, Halion'o Coco'ýivau ent. lshe mete one on tht Galivitie of R. W. Fox,. Omugl, tact T _rs-Calii Fleming. rage of nearly $52 million per year." tive casdidate. papees; said sise would uppreciale day evenîsg attrarted uo rsozpt- Efforts alleged made isy Sam - ----- - -Sise dectured misen ilie Coserva- il if uof nthlirriel cliensa oîîtd iooutty large attenduoce, tise ce- Hareis. alisuo sen o. t iie up If aman is asond asibcfteOeis c Osbc ivesmwererrelcedlo ittie, onecot send berthse taper "illinat uny eips amsoingto absout$225, a an acquaintancemitti tmc Yoang 3 onSatuedaO ssgiland 400on Mosutau tac tîutappinitmns woldlie a rosis' Sisealsi ddsosris soi handom addiio tlthfondsOf momen halliers ai tise ieacis at ,ns 5fn. % iintuithebabe ,inet and lise lo.g- mueei'd. Christ Cisarei. James Foc.rmeBot mrdyeddmsnts caleliieemas"05e tis iluo Wade i Wet voralisi, Miss Haotey, elmsutionisl:, girls ehasrd the youti dam Ushe' Hulons Sybit Bennett," On undy,n asome doms- Mus Olive Brans, vistinisl, att f, ehei, raptaeed iim and isetd hlm W ho ill Juls Bufal Bil por. he adig pol n AtonToronto' R. E. Gollins of Hilton, captive utlishe arrivai ot Ciief W oF isJ lsDid yu k uffalo ii Bit] aPor, tsfiismaîsg poenADcPton and lise Hilton Brase and Reed Kerr, of Ouivitle. Harrisa mua l's been ciarged tisat Canadaus nem settiers cornotuar Conssîlle, andsdno f thliemealire, abuta a dotes yeosg-Bad unseafiePorm rlae n$40bdpniga are "filling our jails. Tise facts are interesting, hos descendants lhec a,s near as stes tisoaglt tise>' mîglt an meil A maroing la Young men mho ait hearisg onsHonda>'. saysTheFinncil Pst.Welington, Middlesex, Perth,. On- bc e me Io mays ai oncer and on store mindom sittu. ,tIhad a By lise may, fOse pstitical piccie, sas is Fnacil os, ord and BrunI eouotirs< Bufalo lamped imb thte oIlow 'pool. iodoir broken isy a felloir mio veey popstar ia Ostario a few de- Somne say the Foies are given to, misseisaviose.titl, tise famions Americas Indusn Thuse ton timid 10 dans foi ussî mas siting os my indom sll and rades ago. seema 10o lie eoming bock, Wel, îseydon pefors een iser fir isae o $gsle.uuo han samivors at Lon- us cet as the sthers. unymsy. ise rarrird on aI a nad raie mies In a rosIraI reptete ils spet- Wel te dnt efomevnthi fi dae o n. mi'-hereclentîs ssited. Tise undisg Poiîs for childeen trugdhmfrsm.H adtacatar f$lding, Hilton, champans crime. Foies bore in Poland nom esidest i l eerutoins for Col. William sp lu Il,.h sarrounded by a Pren iat i tisaImas tise may t did bus- cf the Msaton Coanty League, juet Canada represent 1.17% of tise population but Cody. "Buffalo Bit]", mere held os usd mtibcseprsi'srd. nssliotu acain eser nemino MYseos Sedayt t mas n of lse'e only 0.96% of convictions for crime mvere against ________________ em beoises in toms, but no 'Le Mmo stitiantly ptayed hlaIt amea Poles.doeo ilt (?)Tisere are dooraemysmttaesied in Milton in yeaes. Fac- Potes.have 0 OBITUARY FId mthaut windows mtiere saris peo- inf eliminialios of a Play-off birtis, Th lalan? el-bhaed teyhae .4 Fordu Bus Trip ple eat silif It>' munita Insat. Acion played isspired hall, mi>' ta of th poplatin andonly0.15 of te inic- n anappeat feom a decisin bnseot bYa 21 scoreKena ofih pplaio adony lOsoftieînic'Active in District Speik r C L Ô jct gîves b>' Judge Finiste, Chacceltor Clemesi. ertmhîle juniar, mon Use ments. Irs~ u ue Boyd and Jadge Feeguson hase instigalar of tise ditarbante Uai Waabuth emnToebr bodMrs. C. L Dies proconed eueisre a game cf rauued îa murs grief ta Atan, Wisa abut iseGermntTisse ote brod ~ O isiiMm. L. LtIee mas hotesi for ciance. Jadge MrMaison dlssented, misen in tise elgistisblaits a aordi- and nom living in Canada comprise 0.30% of tis e IirJal> meeting of lise DrOm- agreeisg mus Jadge Finste Usai ing drive foc tiseee bases tirIe, countrys population but tisey accouet for only Maint Lsuresa liiecli. brloved qain Womens tntitulr. For rotl eaeisre hs a gume of sill. A couple second liti of the day. Tise Clement mie ai Cuiibet F. Luoli. pasîrd rail tise ladies lrouglit piciares ai ai local experts mili bchiaippy ta beotaers isad yveis betweec Ù. 15% ofthtie convictions. Junt hall as bad as iisey umway siiddenty ai lire home in Iheir moUsers and a contest mas give Use Chaonceltar and .ludge tlsem. Perliapi tise featare indgvtd- sisould be. Hilton on Tueiduy. Juor 3i tsh e letuInce mio eoald gass e Fergusi, tifUsey iii camne lt ual Play qcf Use day mas execuiec? mas haro In 1879 ai Ctarisusm moat corrcUy. Mes. O.iCifton Milton. peani usai Jadgeu MtMahos in Use foarth inninga, misen Boyce Fortise Fines i's ties ame story. miere se residesi untit movisg 10 mas lise mnner. and Finlile are riglil. Clemesi rabtued Tere>'f aimot For tise Dutci tise odds for crime are amay Milton somte 40 yeam 000o. Afler the minutes. tise rorrerpoo- Amimm iabtal aSordrm o keenaa ike sucneng iio-tewith lom. They have 0.30% of tise total population Mes. Lusmac a ielosg mem- drîre and Usush y oa notes mgee 99A ymesthBi t alr tiserlimew cf c ati ana unging a e-drn- al .6 fcnitos ie ai Cuemas MeiliodlstiCisarnisasrend. ,hicarlite. eeeorehe<I ov cach adla b' ienimed. s and 0.06% of convictions. Ctaeksoos.and af Si. Paut's United Teo dollars mac vaIed ta hi sentlif.evdoainb h rw.d Tisa Scandinavians, tise Baîkanites, thse Orien- Charrh, Mitoa. She mas as attise la lise Canadio Suver the Clilîdeen _______________________________ tas-aIl beisave tlemseîves mel-or at least cn-'n mereni the Moanlain Union Fund. A sparts ensemiltar mac Women's intitale aid a direetor samrd t0 tank aller Use racea and siderably better thon Canadian-born Canadians. ai tiseRaltion Agriculatural Society. games t tise local piccîr in Aaguslt. TiseCandias bre seremits 8 3%of ise Beiides lier hîsboîd olie it sur- Members wrereemiîded othtie The anaian bon hre wth 5.3 ofthevived b>' ima daughters. Cora ot rammi.niy picir ai Loseville ocd population do 88.9% of tise crime - more usas Toronto aid Mrgarel'I.' enas fteACWW tMpeLa R FS I NAL DURECTORY tiseir fair sisare. Barnsaloa Milton; ose grasdrisild. Garden a ter un Auguil. Il aks ourgean gts o e n imirat.Cliftord Brn Mittn;anad liro Mes. O. Clifion gave a repiort ait AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE t taks corageand uts t be n imigratlares, Mec. John Wilson, Hamilton lise disiit aosuaa. First tl takes mone>' and tise capaczity and milling- 'aid Mes. ClarencenMare ai Port ________________ Credil. Miss Otadys Feathtiriln mai Use nest ae I ae oto oa oriuetigorsi speaker and tld of lire tripe MEDICAL DENTAL ces o av. tke alo o mra frttue o Tise faneraI service iras enîduci ________________y__ maka tise decision to pull up stakes, eaoe ones ed if lr e home bu b>'tise 1ev. rFlorida 1e< bus in Atrit. Moan and riendî ad d ' J.L. Blair. Tisnc enmn estti ada and folders mere pamsed THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING jbadfinsadaccustomed surounings. I u'ýl aroandl making many membees ob Cra tribales tesified lu th isrhi is îhey rould asc matie thse trip. Phoanes: DENTAL SURGEON taises real ciaracter toi face tise uncertaintlesanord rsiurrmin shici sheaiseachrld. Ms etesaeadMs uk Mlo-ubr2 Ofc nioa ulig it problemi of a nem land. jTise jalbarers werc six nehrss asiiir tise hosîrss mith tunch ee r. KH -aosn iw -5 1ný.iersaes.aii.. a1-ku14-h-eIlsg mas .au.d.mis '04 Dr. Fre .817 Evnno b Apanien Maniisi ar mae miteirdin penis, Carhios: William Harc, lave the Quren." Manknd re oreindetedto ndutrV Port Cedit; Vicor Wilson, Clank- tiai ingesuity; tise goda set up tleir faoara non; Hoirsos Lusis, Aldeesisai and ai a <rierundindiutitryis atue paarlaee. Alvin Lacli, Hamilton. Iniermeol Conservation is a matien af ise -Addson. at in Evergrens Cemnir>, Mlon, use, bcpravemneni and protection. Ali Around Us Tsme are tise days misen th isett>' dellers maci 10 gai ouIt10 lise country and tise fIolkise counery mould like a holiday, loo, but find it is iarvest time and not tisetilme for liseir vacation period. Ties me mio live le tise sesaller tonins ficd our lot of juni being in-halmeen lise big KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH cties and tise big ide open spaces is col 100 bad. REV. E, ORSBORN, Minuster But me tound several years ago that aven in Mes. R Wright, A T.C.M.. Orgalul tise cties tise birds sing and tise tres maya in- tise breeze and lisera are shady and cool spots if SIINDAY, JULV 201h. t953 me iii but listen and seek. Trouble is mitis lie ttM a.m.-Hrnung oruiSt.p mils large centres tisai mac-made noises dromn oui tise ech hantîl tlisened nf Jul>'. sousds ofthtie birds and folks cioose to go misere isusiness s to be found mhichis 10 ot inlise quiet ST. PAULS UNITED CIIURCH spots.Nlniste-SEV. J L. BLAIR, BA.V tememnber oms tume ago of beung us a isos- oeganit, M.Rbeisrt K. Care puta] us domstoms Toronto. Euly n tise morning SUNI)AY. JULY 261h 1953 tise brds sang jusl as they do at home but as scons 1.Snum eus. muai iii.Su1r10i00 ie.m.mSeniormorn ong Ourdi and yet me hnew tise> had not lefi. Oser tise roof tops the irees came isto leaf and maoed n lise breeze-ol> fron tise sidemalks tise>' could sot be soticed. If me cas jusi eep su11 uandrishum roentelise dal spots me seek are luit rousd us and tise reeze me maet to cool us gors b>' us- noticed i u0r ihastc for otiser lhings. QUanaù1-aU QHampîn Pu btlihd is thée Heas-t « Hatton Csiînqy Pulbishrd rvey Tbo<sday nt Main St., Milton, Ont Memn- bcr<>f the C.W. NA.and tise Ontais-Quebec Division of tise CWNA. Adiertsîng rates on reî1sest. Sutîsciptions payable in adsance $250 in Canada; six maths $1.50; sngle copies 6c; $350 in the Unted States. Astlsarized as Second Class Mai], Post Office Departmsnt, Ottawa. G. A. Dlt, Editar and Pubtiser BUSINESS A ND E DI1TO0RI1AL 0OF FIC E T E L E PHONE 2 20 Kno ttrsyterimîs Li mii o Servesueld in St. Pauls Nue- sery Clamai aid Juior Seismoîl. GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN lRs .Normanî Grecs, BHA. LTh. Rcelor SUNIJAV. JIILV 201h.1953 Eiglmti ISimino afler Tinitu 8001 um>--iul>'Cîunmaniun. 1100 mni. Hurnng Prayer. 7.00 pin.-Evî'imsg Prayî'r. "Beory e nouthea s uedensu îîidsud nfulfil tl îîrof Cirial." Gultianso6' 2ý ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Milton Heights lice. GSimOn Tnompaauu, LTh. H ic humr SUNDAY, JULV 261is 1953 EigistisSnndatî afîe Trinitil Il.00 a.m.-Huly Cummasnioui. Short uddresm. Att Are Wecone Dr. KL S. MeCuîiough Office Boucau AM-B>' oppainlcent oaly, P.M.-l-4 7-9. SUMDAYS-Kmergencien ont>', MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY Coroner, CP.ad Ooal Suegeon DR. G. E. SYER Physiian and Surgeon Offie-Jamea Street Phase No.,38 BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH Ofiîce Hases: 9 .m.; 1.3 la Use I10,0F. Hall 78.30 p.mn. Pacior. Res. R.-F. Ssyder Coroner SIJ3DAY, JULY 26th, 13 10.0 .r --Suda. Shol nd DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Aduli Bible Clasu, held in the Office Houri-O a.m.; 1-4, 7-9 p.m. Tomn Hall. . Farmers' Building. Main Street 700 p.m.-Escsnf gService. Miss Telepisone 395W Vertu clead, mîmîîu<ary t0 Reidenre 395J tise Betfum Cogo, mît ssow hî'îsg dunc' liere. LEGAL W'dsi'sduy. Juil>'20 t 8015-Peu>'-_____________ err;id Bble stuîdy utthlie home ni Me. aid Mm .Frend Hobins DICK & DICK Al Are Welcome W. 1. BICS, Q.C, ___________________ K. Y. BICK lOurisles, Solicitors CALVARY TABERNACLE HrnStrleet,. opposite Aresa Peaterostal Bliaem Tetepisose 4 BEONTE ST. ____ R H.Woouds,Pasuur T. A. HUTCIINSON, O.C. Friday. Jmly 24. 8 pm. Prayeu Barrister. Solcitor. Ete. ievtiig mud nBliblitdY. Ollici Ncsl Dooc Champion Sc]NIoAV JULY 2flis 1953 Ofice-Main St., Milon 110,0a.m.-Sid.uy Seisou Tctcpisoîe 54 11.OO.r.-M Huueummg Prayrr. 700 pmEvzmgîtlistue Service. Taîsduy..tsly 20. O p.m. irayer GEORGE E. ELLIOTT 1 undt Bible olady. Barrister, Solicitor, Natar>' Publie (Att servicers bicifield aitishe Offie-In Farmers' Building ehurcs.) Main Street, Hilton ________________________ Tetephose 70 ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and PBI IRR OR ST. GEORGES, LOWVILLE PBI IRR OR (Anglican)î FOR ADULTS Rsv. R. E.PoreiIl. Reelur Moduy ........ .3 to 5p.mn Taroda>' 130-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. SIJNDAY. JULY 26t1i 1953 Wednesay . $. 930 a.m.-12 noone1 Eîgsti Siuîndali,fiter iito Tiusedu> .3.u5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m 9.45aa.m. - Mriog Pruyee and Friday ............1.0-5 p.mn semnaISI. Johnns. Sulurda>'.. 1.30-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m 11.00 amni Horuing Prayer aid Pulieîs ilida>'i aut inçiuded Cisurci S Irisl milSI. George's. Scisoot chldeen liave separote Ahl Are Welcume Sauna .-Ray Service Telepisone 19F DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office in Formera' BuUldint an aineet faonr Eveninga b>' oppointmeat K-Boy Service Tel.,oaie 65 Bes. 1M rMSCELLANBOUS LEVER & HOSKIN Cbaetered Aeeountunto Succesooro ta JENKINS & £HARDY 1305 Metropotitan Btdg, 44 Victoria St,, Toccata. Erm. 4-9131, CDIKOPRACTOR NIELSEN - Tho Chiropracloe Drugleon Therapt S 301h Vear 0f Practîe 0 Lady Attendant Hon.. Tues., Fnl. 2-5 p.m. Wnd.. lai., 2-5 and 8-9 p.rn, Clourd Thurîda>' Oee Dominion Store, Georgetowen Phone 150W WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Doatr ofutChiropracie Heoile St., Hilton By Appoiotment PHONE 102J X-RAY TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC IOAILWAT Standard Flue Ooîng lu Toronto - 7.51 o.m, daity; 2.04 p.m. dait'; 8.0,2$pm. daity eneept Sanda>'; 8.17 p.m. Suc- day only. Coming from Torono -.04 a.c. duîty: 6.31 p.m daîl>'; 1.00 a.m, dait>' exeepl Salsedu>'. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Ooîng NoeIis-7.lt p.m. Gong South-7.t$ pe. 1 la - . JL TKMDAY, JULY 23rd, IMM MILTON, ONTARIO y r- e ýy le id )e c- ir- in k

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