TED STOVIR m (arpenter NEW HOMES - AITERATIONS Il ADDITIONS - TRIM - CUPBOARDS i Itflaonor Ut. coînou m au ne a usit. 220 e1 SIultgo lIe Canadia sFor Fre Etmastea and Prompt Service chmpen ffte tuiiiitopPHONE MILTON 438J AFTER à P.M. -The Model KnItag lMille, are -ThurndaY amd Friday of liuat__________________________ ulosesi for twa meelc' holudayn for weeis the CPM. crousnn oan Mar- il1 enmployee. tin St mos repaired. Rfllmay . MU MM U M U M M M M M MU IM -Mill St. mas clasesi let Fidoy twen pavari tolaab.:~ whilo thc tret mas holng ied oonIhapi eut dowmoan duit. -The Lamne BraIs mon thererg- M -Famer intheditrit ae cl-imestal cup for ompetitias win he C oMo ting wheal, a aure sige Ihal ohm- the-Lobe doer ibrtir mb eC on go- mne is paing quietsiy. camp from Juiy 41tu11l The groap rompoord uin part of rrprmcentativeo amîmming, Dr. Bull of lac Balton second place ta all-roond profir- tu. County Healla Unit reporta. Tests ioncy and fis place in lac marrh' of lac mater mode last year mre pdisl os Friduy when Gco. Grahamu mode il unouilublo for simming. Gun beadrd the local gr * ugs Addtioal itests iii be maie Ihio your. -Wisîees in the Milton ChamberMM of Commere ngar dram held St- a TO CLEAR a -Damage csi mated by police ai urday rvrning, Jaîy 18 more Bns., approalmately $128 apiore resuted M. Transom. Brs. M. Crrir, Mi 1 M when Iml cars drivon by James Dave Maukefl, Boa. E J. Parions, la Shpeda itnadRyodMs i al m err.,oPhitip Burges af R. R. 2, Guelph, Cooper, ila Corradelli, Jady Par-IU 20% O ff :3 collided Fiday. JuIy 17. Bargen Ian, Catherine Carrne MesH. lM . wan divingaon Bames S. aid Bbep- King. R. Bmilie. W. Coalno. Burg M HO ER N herd ai preceding met on King Ciarbian. Ccci] A. Wood. DavldiM HPHR N sohen the Ima crs werer in collision Menirs. Ted Lyle and John Brad- MAVE aI the intersectian of the tIl ley. Theor nonuer r Inca tu. ,SV streot. Police auer nIl]]in*raligal- RHa Nae trua00e lapick up tir M .,J ing the accident. sagar . Satisfaction Guaranteed : - or Your MOIe McKINNON-BLACKLOCK HENRY-LE DREW WED Refunded MSFLORAL SETTING 'IN TORONTO IRIDAL : .1Io e t tr peonies demorulod Nosagamoya Troto, on alunday. July îlo t. it n D p t r Preshyterlon Chrrh when Mrion seven oecloek. the marriagc o! Aice :POE12MLOOT Grure Blcklorh eachangod nuptial daoghter of Mms. Auna Henry o! HNE12MITlaOT v6mi wila John Ear BcKinîan. ittaila Rasa Le Drcm. san of - The bride ns the only daughîer of Mrs. Agncî Le Drew of Toronto., M iM M M U i MMM îîîîîîîî Mr.oandBMrs. ay BloekI, R. R. wassolmnied in a chamigcar- 1, Camphellvilic. and lac groam ta cmany. Rev. C. R. Bodd ofir ted. the ion of M. amd Mms. J. E Me- Givcs in marriage by bcr brother ~ ] U m II II fl J Kinion, R. R. 6, Blton. The Bey. M. Robert Henry af Racbwaodm Jim Sutherland performol thie die bride more a lang gemi of ~~A thrce o'clork cocemony. white lace avec mhie set mnd The bride. givon in marriafe y sastn. er Stngrr-lip lengtb v i Ier falhe,mwore owhite flor- fell frasa a baddrrsc flilyaf- lngh goamof nylon st oe the-vley, and he carredoacasi taffeta, toppod mith a lare luches. adraof red rases.M ItTON PHONE 448 A heoddîrca of lIly-oflelley The moIrai of banor. Mes Helen M L O and white roses held ber fingertip Henry, nîter-n-lam oI thc bride.j Two Shows Nightly Mafine. Salurday vii of illusion tle amd the car- more a blue nylon gomn idi white Continuous rom 7 p.m and Holidays aI 2 pe. ricd a bouquet of red iwcoletacessorion mnd rarrecd yclom __________________________ rOuM.,rouies. The brides oltri aced s Mias Moble Blaclock, coain of bridesmoaida, Mion Mary Hnry in F S t waring a gamn of yciiam nylon mid a headdresof yellaminetend IA net oaver tffta ith matrhing matchiîg flamers. aid Misn AnsiT o uy 42 Iscketmadheddress. MissAnni Hnry in agomnof paegrennt Blarkiocb. coasin o! the bride, wuo over satin ilh mtching headdr îa bridesmaid,wertg a gomo ofoand fiameri. Bohmwoewite an- pale green nylon net oser laffeta ceories.r dres. Bth attendants arried bau- best mon aid die ashem mwe rMr.b tt te quetsmofring carnatid he d onMc.FMridae an Mr iloam MisLorraine Richardson.cu Gn awyraifnrToronoadM Ia a l a t n K d et the bride, mas flower girl. At lac reception foc 90 gur ts eta g agnmnofsmaouvcnylon mhich falomd athe War Ampu- ........ net over taffelo miith haddressItations of Canada, the nasa her of c! doitle piag flamens. She car-1 the bride recîvedin usao avy blocue RS riel a aimali basket of yeiiam nylon dremi mth mwite aceiress iq "MNUU swnetheart rmrhudi. rs. Iian d acosage af whte oae= d u V IWH- Cuie cusn Ithe bode,masThe mailler of the groomrenîvrdnisa oo-sselslSlcsIuU. bout non and M Are-ie McKini-lin a peach nylon dreei witb o cor-' .ai.saaFRAN WARREN se.rea .ae on.~aai non, brother f the groom aid Me. ousge of whitr orchido and daeb - 'L' ,uM il*' 0i5 co oeonaoSRER815 Laverie Biachînch, brother of dir acesiariro. Guestl enddfraIANR R bride, meretuilhers. Bilton. Toronto amd teUnitd,______________________ A rcoptias for 90 mas bell on States.- the lami t the brides home. tari Folomîog thse mv di rr * iithn w eaing a savy mnd w heerr Grarguan Bay, the buie fain Three Fun-i eu av dres ith novy mnd white areces- a oovy biar tatbrta drois wicth ahii- asriesoand acorsagerofeed su.ct-accesOsoe B r ad MrsLUDen heurt roses The grooms nather asitI resude on Toronoto. Monday - Tuesday - Wednesdaa ate. eorng a Ilnysheer lace .dnesswith navy accessoiesandoa corsage of re- el omorîri roses Can Shorten Life - JuIy 27-28-29 For o trip nsrlhthe bridr changad 50 a drs of pair htae Wth Over-Eatina nylon net over nylos with white arrrssorurouand a grdsua osagoe.- On Ileiretri. Mi. undt MesMe- OIentw IoiînîlîuvCaida, Kinno imitreside at R.R. &6redaeci heuir ife-opcany Billon. 010- atuof 1und suevihtp Out of towi guests caelusco- e sonse ac ereei ly ou rmy Toronto, New Hanhuec dilora, publie hmlh pohen tte la , Gue-lph. Georgetomws asd Buîreucluuv Hidu o DDigest. _______ Thaîssvermeighi ea ajrqac ton n mnoy of the diseSm O h caus dcuth alter45 i. hw o- Health For Al luivl by lite-mosurnesait Aim of W.H.O. speifin aeaois alwoys grvi - bI obesiyA ent tuy f h tate-d ain of the Wvld Hu-otlh helth of Aeny offinesrvae Organiza ionaiaperulierd g ny Orric sideose ofhg lo of Ibm Unito d Nations. is *'hnu 'i liesuen mong aveegtid tarînt f oIt peosu.of i5h-1 s igheil possible 1 1 of braiSth - uitrruy te)popularI let.Oc- Aid by heoltth. Ibm WHo nv- mmight alv.al u-euivuiuv iuuien stluoion meona aiaes oupceabout qualto.volcnt rr rle Iboq.- phyicat. mniaasvra l o f high oocPhvs-uu-limis biccoandvnolmerety the àbnc 'ou lonsuit 5 000 ,cîpityf.ain-vi of om infirily. doînial irmtien siclu,uuI bt uvi..-H P whieh the R senher wuuld-nid- l : ulve .O,ý ioih. -,n- ongi ztion bis bru-v ooekuîr one u-t onful Tuie T, il, 1ERg sivc ils onoittiosnuisee îto i-c-vuýn-o a liproed ivu-ut land fiel Aprî1 7. 1948.bI bmthe intîeven- 1,,thexub kenniuv a i j . ivg yeaes. ovder the leadershipo aI îg is pOnu ih h,. h IIOUR z Cavuliaus Dr. Brark Chtaholm, ose- ub -o eiuiai lime Dep ty îinitereo!Sitosiî The- ocu-;itu vîîuii of vi- PiOo5ity HRRYit TUA H-ath. iu hiq it in .utiiî ec i rIcno.îiuiii he 9O-.itdby HALSO.OB mu-vIssprottnauo l-v!es us ,usimpiv hyo-rýt MI y R O ,a»vl Withji the val scie WHO hia,'l' i îînîîuîu.uu.i, h idi- L WILW OR '>fÎ. , offc ent ad e.ir ore.;mode ituuuue-liuulsmia.utainiuo effctve 1- Itu-rnitîiuuv;i! SOmt iThe urtclu 0-riu,, huimuver Ibmu any Rgul aliovs Iht millIfeue i n ul -.uy 15110 tu e uîciiuee iu lu .) ternationsal travet asnod f irad I s«a( y t) euduore-irieDiu-l, oltdaid elh IretIctuonmain- sbî itulvc rndit i-enuoiai f.îuul taiuueui oointernautional niideniv ']ýentu-osruu neci-ase _calories________t1o._ anngoervie;ruhedoid to sev- pilt hee eihs i onra Prl governiunextsfaed ithmepi pid.Spenual oniiî s nt el e denisaid eCue heaith peab- nalonelli-us 0ecommn i lertu-mo oeare, wilh the UN food fdits iavb s -iuales ' Childeni Fond, responsibilily cfor etiaiv andt noy se-eul ipi contnuig ati-uberulois ac-hath. Drucs. to hudb v h r . a d F i 03 cination progeumi o falomi the- culot.___________________________ officiai cil if the Interiational Consut your dotrIon<un oy Tubeculosis Campaign f 15;we-gh-edsiîg pan, the artcl SPETACUAR ADVENTUREI maintainedumswrîd-mide infloeseu; couinselo. Oniy a physcian bai Ibm research praect in London, the hncwimdge and abill t0 evaluateîynrnlu Tubereulaîis Research Office in altunoth hyic ndieiuaesmoil os Copenhagon, aid brurellouiscerntr- satsofth ndviuARasLlla e throughu themwoldand is bis degreof ovrmrightM E f R- M CU alsoasent workcnn ta Errea toashare -Il eBYROINCIE InteU lt iiinrcfugeeî. BAKMOOD K The WHO constitution delares -V that "the hcllh of al peoiplen a Little Audrey mou ridng inas cab fandomontal 10 lac atlalnment of aid the drivem told ber to gel out n o nTcRItS oN-.a.s CHARLS VIDOR pecadserarity," and points ast becouse ho mon gong ta dive ovor ..-.nnsîO SsLNC ou w.GEORGnsABssOR! poaeh ndurncsacooasIeMBRssas s-m.vn..su alatth achieveonent of ny Stalte tho cii!, Litle Audrey jut bugh- ta lao promotion and protection of 1 d boasse she bnem le accb wsmon.. bealth a of value 10 âï yellow.____________________________ P»z TM 10.ÇALmâm TRU»DAY, TULY 2ard, lm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONlIkRIO l"elle qqm irths, Marricies DuhEtc. WRAD BONLATE T TIE FOR INSERTION - I P..WEDNDAY IEAD-Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Read (formcrly Beverly Jonninga) so!-R A TES - ilosCralg are happy to an- No charge for announcements o Births, Marrlagea, 1eat.ha nounice the birth of their aon on July 15, 1953, at Victoria Hospt- afld Engagements i, London. Both dong fine. Ia Memoriam 50e plus l0c per lino for veraga. Artilea for a. Rent, etc.--2c a word. Minimum Cash SOc (If zso paisi unUI after WILSON - Mr. and Mrs. Spencer insertion, 501). Box No. ta thia office 15c additlonal. Comlng Wilson. Norval, are happy toan-1 Eventa-19c per couni line; 50c minimum. Carda of Thank&-OOe. none the arrivai of lhesr daughtrr Catherine Jean, at Peel Bemnorial Hosptl, Bramopton, on S l Salurday, Juty Il, 1953. A iler ForSaeW n d for John Gordon._____________________________ ___________________ FOR SALE-Mach chair and nîe. WANTED - Second rut alalla MARRIED sized crih. Phono Milton 397. r and clover hay, standing or baled: STOUTT*-Mf(lLSEY - On Friday, FOR SALE - Bealy gasoline t ii.PoeMlo îrs July 17, 1953, ini Enox Preobyter- waohing miachine. Phone 391r4 Mit- WANTED-Good home.,sethout ion Churrh, Georgrtown, by Rev. ton. ecrhildren, for brown and white Alexanider Cader, Katherine -1spcnfer spaniel. Phone Mittan Moiley 10 Stanley RIraIt of FLOWERS for ail occasions. GOs- 1296r5.c Milton. 1r Bros. FInois, Kilbride. Phone 498rll. c-ha HELP WANTED-6PPORTUN7- FR AL -Ud rîreror, ITY for marrird mon ta Milton dia- DIED FRSL-sdrfieaos trirl 1$50 ta $100 per week, spare, ____________________lawo mowcrs. Merritt Hardware, lime. Con bhomme fulltime. Apply iDICK- On Wednesday, Juîy 22, phone 499, Millon. c Box 16. Canadian Champion, MI 1953, in Cleveland. Charles R. FOR SAL-2 York îowo, duo 10 ton,. Dick, son of the laie Mr. and farrow in Augoot. Phone 387-2-2, WANTED - LIve poutry and MiRhar f Dim.G. of eniond . SCarrie.Milton. r feallierso,.atsonold feather tichu, of ioncrndMm.Ga .en ndy ofHighest prices paid. We alsooulli * c MiIa, mdCîstonDir 0f FOR SALE - 1,937 Hudson, ce- pouîîry free of charge. Phone Anersrovics it ehodbulin ecellenticmndition, $'4tI Randeil & Son, Billon 143, or W. *Fea seJuice4,s Cillvcd cash. Dr. Riddoil, Bronle St. c-tf Dent, Millon 92r15 or write Mos FOR SALE - n year nid M H.Zoner, 18 Croydon Rd., phono Or- I BROWN-At the Ralios Centenniai grain bindo,-, 7 f. col, excellent ehard 5133, Toronto. c-r M Masor os Salaeday. Jaiy an, 1953, condition. $150. Cedre Harrop, WATDCrrpikr.taI M Rouilla Cardinal. mîdom of Tho- pooIOls15r1 c AMnTdy .Taiy 7t.35 er 13t mas William Brown, and dearphnMitn173. cigM da uy2h 5eerI * molhrr of Mns. Fred H. Jeffrey FOR SALE - Clipper combine ci. barbet. Brig your own 6 qI. * (Luia May) of Milton. in hec mîlh moIne, excellent condition, basket 10 pick in. Transportation * 781h year. shosld ho sen, a hargain. Nol proeided i the Highs 6.15 sm., at Fanerai service was heid frisa Once, phone Streelovilie 185r4. b. tho Poil Office .30 a.m. at Me- the MacNab and Son Chapet, Mil- ---___-- -- ___ acherno Garage, 6.45 .m. J. E. Ian on Tuesday, Jsly 21. Intormeol FOR SALE - Odd.qumîllties of Hartley, R.., Milton, Phono 284r Evergron ceanrlory, Milton. tle, amati room or veaibale iota. 13. c-6-2 - Fer sale rbeap. Clemnent Floandmd Roof Servico. phase Milton 426W. e TENDERS WANTED IN MEORA FOR QUICK SALE - Gryo n Tenders for painting the book ahl- DICKS-tn loving memory of 2 hiteenamel heavy duty Moftvos of the Billon Public Libracyr dear hsband, Arthur Harry lectric range, ide aven, in good wili ho rereived by the undorsignesi Dirba, mho panard away Joly 2, orkinf ordor. $10. Phase Billon ap ta Jsiy 3Mbh, atsoparate ten- 1945. 128. e dors for painting the library cei- Ever rmcrrod by bas wifr.ig n otsiigadoecs Besiîr FOR SAL-Negislored Engiih îg i oIsnn doeoa oprînger opanîi, maie, gsod with paint. CARD 0FTHAES iaidres, $15. Harvey DemursllS2 Lomesl ne any tender not _________OF____________Gueph St., phono Georgetown nrresiarity occepted. I mish 10 thank frienda, ncigh- 453>. r For particulars ral bora, Canadias Legons. L. A., P. L. CH RIS rcray hr M. T_ WHITE, Sor.-Treas, cara.kidocs a orflomeco Montmocency's. Pirk lhomn yoor- Billon Publielhbrary artau kndn ad monpolhy; alsnOrtif or phono yoar ordor. er os Syne oe, ilo Dr. Syc mnd MacNah mnd Son Co r mhad cea Phono Ctol. in. yde ve,~o Ibeir iîd attention ta my mother, Grecs. R. R. 2ilton28l. W._____b______ tbe laie Mm. Rosella Brown. Sin- -b cerrly. Mm. Fred H. Jcffrey. MILTON Miscellaneous Brrrmara ae iadeual ~sNOTICE - Dr F. E. Bahcoek's Mee ors r iadqutet office will bo r]osed fromi July 208h expresaur gratitudetl a can d $ ,(50ta Augunl 4th. cO42 every ose wba bas boiped us_______________ tbrougb sur rorrow, ih beauti- $9,350 CR2283 BUNION SALVE rellev- fut fiamers amd mords of ym- o4 fat, mear tyllsh ahos -aon. palby; linbh do ranad nurses af Druggints mIl Croas Corn Salve Multas hospilal aid aur neigbbom b1 the fuil prire for lbese olid Ion. 6V and relatives; alan Rev. Jamnesbrick. steel boom homes, consistingf Blair. Wr say thank yoO. af 3 hedroams, modemn kitchen, 41 CUSTOM COMBINING: Rave John Armstrcong aid Family. pre h atiiroom mnd large living your graim rombined mnd traw raom. complote witb lighl fixtuces buoidlod in one aperallon. C. Bar- andok fiasring. rap. phone Millon 157r3l. e Coming5bmnutes froms aroosanmd - NTC Coming Events ahapping. These bames havo maI00 The MillonNPblc Lbayw] and a houwerm as-close os Auguol 8 aBterlilbrary Dane.Friday J.ly 341h. 9 pas. ,Fr tcoactourspesc îl-bomadrpeonAgt3. Agrcalurat Bilding, Milton Fie al os otc u ersn-husadree nAgs 1 Druia, Miiai reeora A-alive, FRED DOUGHTY, mho mill c-7-2_________ aiounds,.MLun'schst. Ar-ho utthIe building silo, 2 bocks CORNS? Use Loyds Cors and missin 50. Luch prvide. ciorlh af the Irra on Ontario St., Calas Satve mnd Pado. for painful A service, in charge af the Suni- Friday îigbl brîmoon 6 aid 9.308 P cons- md touses. Qulrkly ef- day Scool. iii bc elrintaornby m. aid Salurday aflernan, oiraIls ftiv. SaleM, u25,a United Cbarch on Soiday. July H. G. OCHREIRER REAL ESTATE Pieketta Dm0 Store. c 26 at Il os esrt spaer Dave 3Colbose iS. E. l'illteiro.ic Oubvîllo Phono 2561 DRADSTOCK removed from FoOT b farco prompiiy for nanitary dia- F-squesivg Fsderalioi af Agric- posai. Telephone Collect: Milton olaure a vnuail hareb service wiiiTR CT 210 or Toronto EM3-363O bi beld io BoistonCbîrcb. Sunday lIGORDONK ____ 1_NG_____________ Augst 9at 3 pzn. Hev. J. W. USEDGODONTOTNGLIERE» Fraser. Chplar of Sunnyhrasb ul uaate PHLTRN -Dmsi n j Hopitl. t lx speialspeaercammercial. Add loosand rocfori Eveeîyoîii.wrtreme. b witb îbiiied re-slyling. Your fueni- __________W e 5vcFord Tractors frm turcoran bras hondsame asnew 1947 t. 1951 modems. raiging ini again. Lam cmlt, free calimates. one pricer f ram $080 la$895.Alsoanewrrb service. Phone Millon Electir S Modal H international Tractar, 259.t mlb carin plaînteaid calivatlr. EARLY BOTORS - MANY WIVEs ARE HAPPY Phone__ Milton_519w _bNotice to Creditors TO MEET THEIR HUSBAîNOS 4A1FWA. IN FPACT, ON tP'<- For Rent IN THE MATTER 0F the Eslate of DPiVS THE MFEUT RRNT-4Fmwaarm CATHARIHE WILSON. loto of FORGRTNTPt4TI4om ParVmF0 the Town of Miltas, in the PIGW ATTHEPAYWINOO(W! avoulable Augasl I. Aduits prefer- Coasly of Rulain, Widom, de- nid. Appiy Bei. Joies King St.,. eaîed. pbone 257j, Billon. r ~, .71 -AIl persoani aving dlaims agaita FOR RENT Salid brickb8hosthe Estate of CATHARINE WIL- - 11135 2 alarcyo, îuîlahie for worb- SON, laIe af thc Town of Bilttas. so aP.grage or repair îhaii. Phone in the Cauîly of Hllan, Widow. Miton 604 aflee Ilp.. c derrased. mho did ona or about the rd day of Jaiy 1952. are requestosi ta sesd the îame la the undersigned solicitor on or heore the 1h day of Augasi. 19533z aiermiso the Es- tae ei cditrihoird mithout ce- ELECTRULUX g'tal ircais SALE. SEVICE& REAIES George E. Cllaiot. SALES SERICE &REPA S Bitas. Ontario, iO, Domotir and commercil S olicitor for the Adminstratar Morîing nis he lime of day ne-,: <leanori, F1000 Polihehrs Miltonî. Juty 61h, 1953. r-S-3 gleclful drivers sagger home if and ______________ Iheir cars decide to nîrike for 13-5ET-IC Scfrigeratorg boter cure. If yon depend on 61 Bato Drive, Osavîllo e ,ili IiIiIMîIIîIIîi li yoor car for mark or business PHONE OAKVILLE f247I transportation, and value your MILTON life and peace of mnd, dontI_____________ 'shirk on repaies nohon hey are ___________ IE N D needed. Pollock and in D Y 1952 Chu-v Sedanr - Closing for Vacation on 1971Meeoru couope runlakll 1 FIi Dodge Sedan ss.. Monday, JuIy 27 1950 Ford Coach Maîofacloreri of 1950 CochCoSeda HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS OpOIIifg 0on 134$ Ford Club Coupe MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 1947 Bereîî,ry Coach 6-a- S. olh GL Monday, Aua. 10 1947 Fard Bedon 6 ae tNrh GL 1947 PontiîacCoach TELEPHONE 2040UIi*IIItiIiIMIIMIIMiIIIMLIiIh 1940 Pantiac Coupe 1940 Hudson Sedan 1948 Choc 3-las Stabe ________________ 1947 Fargu -on - -ta- 1948 Fard 3-lai mitbhaaIst FOR SETIER BUILDING," aid body a-o 1946 Mcury 5.,ton Pick-up Open Mondoy, Wedneaday, FrIsa>, S ap and Salurday ovonings, 7 p.m. ta B hCn 9ipn. fr cr solesonly. BusscerCo. _ BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Esimates Given on Horace Tomnlin Any PojectFirst Lino West Any rojel - BRAMPTON 16302