Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jul 1953, p. 1

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Ut f aubê hmIou Volume 94.-No. 7. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 23rd, 1953 Tçn Home Print Pages-Six Cents Courts ofRevisionGEORGE ST. CHANGES IN APPEARANCE AS FOUNDATIONS TAKE SHAPE eetBae etR o Are ittng TdoyBoard to Re-cail Tenders P. W. Cooie, cotl Beturaint Offteer. reports that tierce a"e In a lettr tthNat taHgh Schaat BoadteDprma UtS uiss on55eMilIu 505. ~of Educattan disapprovcd of the construction of the proposedl utiltt> bauc- a total ef Z8,401e the Halten i menct roam ai Milton schaol. The Depariment sated that if coesiructadl Pauer ose inluded? Rura courtof revin are ait- ½4. the Boadmontîîassumefull respnablity andgranta woàld bc pad ony ting oda>'. the ltie day before on t the libraay ctassroomn origtnatty approved. poUtng day. between 10 am. amdi I vei af thi, a motion was paaaed asktcg the contracta ouho te pis. ln Mltn these are bint bail a 'tdy tendtu tsubmtttendesan the revisrdplans andaspecitica- held uith5e tive enuiserater' a tatahraatatadmttaPaaathD atmf. homes. Urbon courte tn Oakvillee und Burltngtoe wll sit Frtday aned ~ .The aaty tender accptad waa far Saturday as Weil the aew High Srhaolat a tn Aqualird elecer sebose ramse Two B. Makezi and0 tiis lamaito lsnorntredfltevoors'tst e~t 45 ~ .,>ted, mas by mstioa acaeptad. Thia en poliSe day may ill voe I bc -f ilm'cradaba esiata la voehed fr hy on eletar Reprte m~ iS VlM7tgîhtgiit ctapu tabose noise te on the lot ond lnsaig kaes on atl Te voe a persaIaaca maet be 21 years of a, a Con- Tiat cases af toiamyertit have Teader pricu tar the Saur raam aiatn citizern or eSSec Britilsh eeb- Ied enrpre]i atnadto iGogtw ecn Jetoand resdentln Canadatefor 12 atreaybra lpendth Hata Haln a adedexcesie int reata t- menthe preeedfil polling day. Ytut hya h ataCu cdrdeealel eaiat h __________Bath ate in Burt agtaa. bwtldina Ia viras af this a motion IBath ciaeaetin yugehitdraa mai passcd asktitgthe Dcpartmcat Miss Hume Speaks an on hapoue oprlss t eosdracmlt e ta 1952 thcr c ete aaty stix ase shuaint Gcorgctown. Massure. OntttnN me ih anu tataittie aad a total ut 21 Pert an rmBcaCr t aaredtate in 951 ber and thce ertary andArchi- _________ teet tac ta canfer mth the De- Union Women'a Instute waa heid Sal Minimu paiet aiopa] at the hame of Mr and Mca. N. Lot SaeM nm mMr. o av norain Langton with 33 mrmbri aad 19 Mr g cadetiaa vittors prescit. Twa minutes' sil- stiigEetouxitrcmui coawaa abarvcd fac ta a mrmber iConsidered rurrner cto ytm ntetreshos tha hard Puair wyttatdb .. t A intter trace the Ontario Bydra th Lrd Payr Wa-si. uhtot Nelson tawnshtp eaarit, ai ils Eectric Power Commissian wasu re- The readiet and appravat af the scrd metngof themasth, hrtd civad rrgardiag the trriovl af mienutes, cocrepoadenca uand tens- FIRST FOUNDATIONS ara naartg complatton on tae raccntly open- aecssary services. Sauceal types of houaes wttl lina the siteet. 1 i the towschip halt. Jaty 20. de- pales tramt the Artan ita. snd was Inere eatwr r dasa Goge S. in tha Bousctîcld survay whare almosi a compilate Camaent block foundattons ara at various stages in thit pictura wiih etdrd ta give further cansideration tctt tfor referecr ta Arisa Councit. tios o $10 wau tite ta the ava cS GeOr-a qeto.I T lh redt a h the Chitdren Fond. Mcc Bush and treet of naw housas is batng ercctad. This is part of the 1 00 housas thc mounds of aarth fram tae eacavation pilad to tha rtght T. R. ta the zanss y-a ssithTe Baard has Iledt* u h was deidrd that the third reading esimatcd roui t of20M. aehed by Mcc. Hadley oure uppairdei sue- planncd by Dattes and Daviest b ia elc in Mitto The Solid Isbister is the construction angîteer al the sita. woutd aat be attraountit a iperiot Hydra for removat o Oive joles. tioscers fr Dia escusat yrar. brick bungalows are baîng cold complata wtth samars, water and'meigs lda8p..AustAetrfonthDprmn f The reports othei standing coam- i13. Eduratian approard the plane t mittces wuer titan Thre ms a rpsdb-a slrsrc co n ereonfrlgs d»seuias as ta the type o Tweeds- th pucae.I a eie oltoeD.Hg pe k tws farmeri ta a fita-arre and $20000 far Geargetown.Th aommt d th tcain Dr Sena sClu For Mrs. R. Marshall Plan Conveniences D.Hg S eks mtininum. Strueit praots atumîst Srrretary reparird teprhs M. Reded th ititurco Hostess at Omagh SCo, At Nass. Service .the meacitteotarer ?i= ai tatO prier had bran paid the souicitor M.li Raadho ea ohf ditrict drtar, pubttr meti s hetd tha macth ta anst the dard regsatered for Aton fo TinoatDy n pr Cto .aa -- o eN me ewS ol disease Dia by-tom. A Dird readina srhaat praerty. foorena a nMape Leai TbrWom--Asaactatiiaasdt Garens Toont. fTheWomn'sAssciaionandtheTht Nsiageyca r Federattus ut ai thr by-tam by the towtnnhip Acaunts pased amaouated ta GudrsTrota-Wamrta Miunaey Bociety brtd Agriculture hrtd a uperiat chureb rtecil La nacesaay brltre the $230436 fat- Jsr ansd $108422 toc The district pienîr mhîeh is ta be A crrad uf t,80 filled thr up-n hine ,tutc mseetg ai the home af The .eetary af the NettItt sriter ta Budam Pieshytretani matter ras bc rrtereed ta the Ont- oy Sed in L ailte Community Centre air sertiouof the Brant Iati on Ms RbrtMarshall th 22ltd towshp charesboard Ne.one ehrh ottoufldayravenifl. lyt19, afintMunicipal Bard.Amto etimn h s ows il asotserd. Mocry mac Taecday night ta heur Hue. C. Des prset. Mm. Cameeas Mat- as aathorized ta dtertise foie th,- ait8,1. Thiu mac the fîast sarh Aoton______g heen votcd toward fiianeieg the pienîr. Hame. miistet af teadr tue Cari- Il. W 5.S.j presîdent presided cmltinalton-fmdenseraicer heldb th Fee.1, gagmretaof teace t Arais uts a The artcesrawrerprofil frthDi ada. Heaouttiard thettarr.Cssthat fr the bacstes tanitaryesstreniesrm. for Bettas mht plan tamahe itanantual en- comeria Aece aiAA Aco a groupes dicptay a Mitoa Far Catada hiadt made tiare t935 trieradre n hesngigo a DeadZmmra l a heHighii dfer aowsii cuces thr GS i slr o 300 a pse b h Caaadiae hitary beica the ladies' uonne ufthDe mat ditfieult ut sit- apam e ista tif Dogas hya asretingt ofthei board. Dr.arta Aorste-OntService Board. piMisMnaH 1k e atos H i .ntcainta d prayer.,M.Th Mectre sho D.aatla nan Sp cil Srvc Mmcmri. Mariin, Cleave. Bromn. tape uîcM n Hue--a as brata.Hddnraish thDe Beiptsrereadta McM TtRmS~a ualaa atuau Cîtîtetr. Guelph, mas the!M ih.Crei CaDte ad inbar Wtaa a o Nus ram Lberat gutversaseat as ettirrly ayp( eui Braunt ua im areet pooDiReei Puberc22WitvsrarAadrpnt fa CLada ia eTurner m'aecrrta"il thetrastti Smith Sebaut, ta guet statkear,- tahinas ais hsotub- Provrbs 2. vrsec - esposibl fo Car favre terabseneoftMra. H, peum i hriaruofWL. Smith, a formeject. 'Tebrthi-ihthe Ltidtand 1On Sundayt uty 19, the Cn ena ;ol n in eepeci nreis ralier ta hae chsrn hapstitn in the nations but he said ,aeaberotthretbaard. and atatll- -pekîutofhîmetasrt ageteatugrgaia Haay and Bitandatrcerhaaian Geoirge Cteana gratirec thepapeeri= hrilb retaieetae a ii reortstcîîre giea antd thetu ia - persidrds f Hrn grea rihes. Inher li il belevethe ibeaantoven-masmi.îlaiimand pramientreidntttofapeueh mîr th nature. HetUnied eharces jained togetae re _______ HumtatdhomHBallntancaaed mettildtiaenftadteadrttip. rl ansmerrdyat MCneat- M 1c tht- towtnship. Mr. Smith bas been wsasauistcdiytloal ainisteni formtorl iin Hsrabyehurch. and dîidedhala tomeships anttrtt Thrteadeasiittei-delrd CanFaal fave un interesataf at-ruint tttry actiav- ta sebot atiairs. as Musiri mat pruntded b.attThe serrvice mas ptannd atndM asdatenms ftetwsan ý1 L n trwnster ftteat.Hen by jont1 amdc e nlb Auethan Ice sed Traffic au hm ta nmesai tr tmnnacdadiasu -haae ttahed tai-mard ftoe freit the sttidy batti ut erigiaus l s atami aia.H-cuc tdeejityyBia n MWU vihaes actvtiae o the yenirryeae v itnthe fpa wee tt~ th tîthe s ta Ate schitl. t-ster on the Burîîagtona ad iteftii taau 2 eraMsinr est e rf nrC ne can prsar tebensaintreetia ia tereeCadtitahtdt Me. CeilPtteetit.W A. petS- NlsnsHghSchotBoard cidmat eeataidctthe church. JunorFaeam- Wo ' BrmisnntarbSociet peron illonl tarelute t serchbuld awrncebeaaydtameimed tht-as'tyfari.t>tat-aerriof the houtitei-hard e feothtownmshpucI astadcrandMfalgartageamat paronittcythriaetsrerhutdthe Sti am. -e ~ andthaaheîtthe hts, for iertaih-tteJa- ctiiersht-aadtaookhp tht- flernetadenMs .In mo adrn.TemtoMsHueaoe nile eie vrtmav(qs Bethe]lted ic prayer. aadt read The mulaaith clsHue er htsittality. Mecý S. Mt-Ftidds nt aft Ht- ma asaaasembc-ciftth mhîeh, teultiagexrpe-mes, in hi-- .Gog rwrdeo hreMaagrtwsi te this well-Tht-aterpasepîirtedhp obstacleaearereîyt-aeandit titer. Tiiitiiiurtheres-dtettalt- SLshutI oueci Geai-teaBrtmns tdgo ai ghsetetTrthatCaratvmaehip.,ettee-s trtîttrgupateraea1 t-, eta.e ue o et- atth Ju T ai-erren i tml h w i1Gr., ereon Omagah mas guesi npaker and gave tarer dmsigsated as thraugh strarts thinmrl~preprcdpaarmantatChe CI.maynaaLc nipelit--eat- v ut-siiuadai eisfttmal 1 he or prhd hed tttil tîettîm.a npen rtaeaaast yanhiracl tnMn Fathe andmake he wrld alitte decTeb redri se sere Co- Jct "Bread-the Staff of Lite.- day rvestag. Jut>. 13. Thase ara tan moeF auhtadmfohavimaed in ever ta buildiag il. Il ihiild bta appreeititu NIii Met cFa i t,î iailo an ootoe-r o O IL r.Bonig coe ihte it iefotteQ nEia il. bt laarpey g Canada.ia d I t e Mipp i se tîtti Stîti ut Ttidetfatth Straih t-tns, Gltamsaod antd th, thaugt thai the rrmedy tari-rees- heth ta the Oundas highmay; Poîp- The rollieaimas a wettrn articleili urveme tubidj is an SotfTrnofr theamei Smiîth nehititti Tht-sert- . Pe tat-day ills s t partae et tac lar drive tram Cedar Groe ta the about. tht- home. Miss Marîtyn - ic mas. ntuctetd tas adetiat- foi Haiton Pebytery .apiitiabredatfif. but intrd-auh edfthsbdivis5ion; and Htlnslacmpne yMs . - t-ime for th Ciccautve Me, , Fall ttr-..iiiii SM enta ase; oii r ,1 s tiî reeady. the itdinid- Kent Ave, tram thr servic raad Lantanuredh-ldrimtaryt o ihtecirn ,itit-laeiithom eemgshi17. ht1Welosp.mac Waites muti sprnd murer tiase tith thetorth ttthe end ofthetreet.tIn- GraY rctited "A Fui-m Forum oftilcîusahîr t) îpe îlh thenlt ttitthae-tchobireuitt et. 1 .M ] flooid atet- tîppîntîdl ttimet-e Ont Feiay eaeîitg. a retcepttc'i Hraby chir added ta the seeri. e 100 Yeats Afs"' mas abiy arird hy tant- preîci and uaalblî- ta h7 ce c ',i vitaei mielih -tftmt h ehteuadieîd acri i tltt h aoîrne y- theje renditian oftw Dm . A. MrCenaahir, township sot- Messs Fend Rai-bottin. Moet aaa peaapt-eaita Thalta asct--w imci d eiid fîtr doltîtti ,ýth- cilor foirpainting th--t-I aate etlr nfrRt-a ;ni iat-t. Ciittiidc ptetal outilhre iritur. aasaunrad that ha maatd ttedh-a ad u> C ariThî taîti> euof -t- 't htLbrcu tifhe item uhîtît. J. E. MeKîsîtîtn. Watr, aadee the aupicescat Hulttnl muntIp oran ad aar ng anth peaed tuaheqaîtramusîag and ai ais Therc are r e pi-upler- Th laie dt-tidedt-iîby auld chaîraît, pt-tîdedý Petsebyte>ry Rt-c Geoa-u eAtaal .Em.ac o tu Bruncial bpolardiaafri aneon rasr!tanee1- Io neti h iitr n Cail tale mcehairmag and was VIplororou Ratf 7 af tamapiainfranxto wellrcrted. The euurtrsy con- ptie hu -e efire, greniaer lihe lte--,tahmisea asistedîa thesrvieeby Ret o townshiland. artotcviatr veile thnkd al ho adin nypeapeety thaa ,ee beote. ad sesinaoftthe TorotoiiWet Prri- Planx adnrt fte ilg ma>. hetped ta maah ihia aeeting a Canada deftntl i ti tht- aptasi byler>. ai a dînnase ta the t-t fut-Pa For Two R@om A. Demtpsey.. Mitigrot-. atnd Rea. i roposed Cont ract foe indutriai purpases. sucs.pt.'cr l1 .MFu l oe-.1 CW Stewart, Trafalgae. Ai-h-t-n,- edvuhrahemoso cureas ont are Ht- atla fur teFnd tee litttin M Arthure tantied he gueci with ThRrpon aiat nme 7.4.4d u erath aaun ao- Threma c iaty i iustu-It luiag hic addrt-.a, Mr- Hutetno b attaii w ahe Tcale thrnrmyfemd otasaiutstheurt t765.4an g7t3.02 marccoud toi- meeyuwnd byiJohneRadhead Sr. miîd the L-bteral part>. had îîely Thc-et t Misso Jutan ittît-e b0 r Usir tire phonee esolroa.aeta atdmpacdy Mes Bai-fr Onucproiseittmaab-and thatmwis l-ie Ste Wokr oftircapyet ___by JOsv-isccyedjao ot, cdr nd the manageasent if the P. L. Theaseetng etseîds'th thcrend- ct-iue.s.eof Ciastnd theli,.tt.-e1 Oae oftthe gritp tiicias l Mn- P'ltasfiiesauil-tmirrst-ti1 Robertson MaaafartaucagCoaspany, ASA icltt the pidge anditheataiaaugofet asfîthîte Csaditt pt-i le Erita itt-deet-aa attit hte huslatd atît ut-hitl ta Mitont mier asade, Miltoan, r-rired ratitîcation hy the N AAWEYA SS. No. 7 "Co Saetemen-Tehses1Fv ilitltteh-rti- tht.tgoen iittmîiiat Se tht- lit-aitlt Sihittl Boatrd tutI tîionase hehip of almstt30ao Gii Sceth Qre Th hics-e FatLihi-rai candidattesi ai t-ttii tit at-att--ii Tht Society tiiltISir irel icti-a Rt-n J. P Iardil Sunday, tin 19. Tht- daite fat- th, Federaition Service andcrasastteerthealùeert-reeuh.îthe piatitteta al Iit tuit-tig 1 lhernmaitte tere car tof t apii-e lt-dhia erh. WtIe the .pa-sttefhvp-iiCit aents. Marray Mtttbai Hultutit Toi,t- tteh- ii i inpiettid tîîtii._~j ptht- piatio ofaataset brat- etIoe togethcr.~~~arel sie a, TTenaeahsc, ohig Avs-hteit-cs.biithi- iatlitf.tint (lionl1't T(, ecitnita lnîew lcrbe and tif, wiltîiilit- itiS ht- Hroard hapra patmnietba o cC ag lyA tn Wbîprt ndrwt It h ùýeelît- Ioup lbdu th. t..f fot atc-tii Tht-. The- eBoard h thir ien aittfalt-ttadt-' fieuliemtteilîilîuilii tio W is. tv s. ltt t-ty tuiilt-t-ofiixtalt.t- lh itifSJsp P l he ttereree an Sana> nhigh art ta ta prodatiaa fcor tht Cttîadin is cilututteuut t-bt t-et ctljrt of tit i , Suit t-ti iltsliîolteW A Falu-t, tîîî uttili --rhsric nS nayngta iiauîiuîî,iuîlhs.iitîutuMi. Acîîtt,iiamhtî1). t.luiTii,,,rt-auiile, l, l 1 .a I as a miied choir f tas the sr - il -fid i " Mi pp ',tit t-t tutnîiîtelti anItutl t A-eip. und Loa *W Cub5oEs SeLinose til htaimc The seakr j~~t- s. ici i. fil the Le r he er m s a ag MILTON CHOSEN OVER 9 LOCATION here lbs b ilh-arg.ene tt aevuii îtse satedn hJrý o thnk fo fi aýMet Dssltte Kesu>perint ht- he iyn fluendanedl ail-îs 0 I cl; ýc-o r oad Bttt-Kenney Tpeu I-sie Aidk edatedhys RELEASE CONSTRUCTION PLANS i dd l c- th, Aul t. BRIDGMAN - ROGERS we-n iBueBahLde'Addntdhm The rneDe. atd Mrs.T.J> Campell ofibuhTketheaaaayaechareh Mit~~h et- Clarence tuna-thea tntici iit a tl WED IN OAKVILLE unanouuuue andiauc Bertha Et ,Whîrh met-e rddiraird an Sanda>. Mrtiton ,iasssauCtt aubr in thtrom f u ni tî,îý.4 sqat- h in -oiod lut tf Guelph vs.ted atthe home asrntcf hifie secrvice b>. Me. Ataei homnte lhntefe r lo pc vdIt, Thtttet-tt i f Berthta Mtîiuiuo Me. ad Mc. L. Campbell t-u Suiher.b Totrlr ialtl-Oaktie sîo I ilali fa iscîtIti cith ahîgh Mrs iRutht-fod a Mr W ujlitutbcitMtiue of Mr bd I Z tSsdutMii> u ie t-rthoaItio ofai e ntaio SteadMsG MuistaryBahettint-m Th apys utTtiseaamat I-i o.Ld. li-thilîmu1ai.l ppdtcy ta I tMIF d s n the hose- t-cc ofOratgiile, tut Laurnc T-tu-t lcessd af doveandtuituli Mish Mcattr Bcanvsiie ithr cThe bsoutdysdftasdaymutt Pacul Ilanuthuuimte banduf toinil Fah ceth tubes Eldlt. sonu Of Mr. «and Met, t. W. .fteumwhuhaanyepertheaaofmwetI-i,-nd. cardine adhad a vry ejeyahtr maade lhe ret te ft-m ad tut Cernntata ensgthe ipprusec Bredganî tf Ziasaerrstti taa.ol ciii e etît-iltulio ofic lo cthrofhewihwl eLoca izEedn. itîm tari-el ht-ictaiasaffnai aI Mrs. Thomas Aihicca e im.rtrnn om ap bttr eudi hi th ieeraintht at-ad alnttt esie i-hiii viiig»g> -tnaasdtiOiru rtbtit bath tîhîrets. Me. and Mrt Waîte d-y utnh ha.. ai ere botiher. edanîSunday night. airut bidat otagcu.Te etd o tue of tec ly tht eun Hag bt e atca--htt au, of col Resat-h asade a ftting rt-pI> and theji-WMs.MssDmateeateee tht- Mltan -ittc tî uitd an cstead rd aurn a in tht sprint, batseel et em De. Rehutl ffiiated. meetinga mus aiused mta pi--yer bc M. W.hiore. HMissi tDHser rte.awsond th Mr.a achols cd sutrt-y fedtrac amhr p-cac Meet in Niew York Gîvn in maeiiaae b. ie fthîr. Mr. W,tc teds anile unduer mut Min sh- Weaa ed aroupie.efdy rset Tht- tttriactcer hat iiies temnpet d and prepau-d ttc tai- thi- bt-dr thse uts utehe-lengtit îcrr Avtlaonle crier FraMir. C ath-W. ieey adup s, of Mimi-as tasteîetuîd n ilieea ina wil bu qîuiy ehatusted gw ofta utwhite- nyloni net aere ta- M aedM We Carvtier M er isa Fdrasr Btet iGnp teenrphmiet Mnes. Kennedy,- thythfrec uidingft cyrarain thougheroofct-ntiattut-capabeuOf Rpr"eatnve (1he sealcns fita mith abcaddrensu of n-t an(d r n m .CreMs .Ms daRbrt fGep sc.anpeo r.Kney f I oeraio ealyin 54to mpoyhadtung mulet than set-en ait- ai-utasn of Jehtvah' W tesrc rasehudu. She rarred rreuîm amd Couuicn and Miss J. MePhaul airr httidaying ai the home ut ht-r visitd iethesaine heme. luieuttmn-anii4teeest Co-hangcs pcr huaeaOftruaia natine- f t hiskt attnd the Waeld ced rasas. ateistinmth Mr. and Mes. Culita parents. Me. and Met. Chai-ira Mr.and Mrs. Saandcrandmwee 150ta25has-n cdmuan cri d hîsmah s wek ,fi> ai irbeahu W franrae Miss Pega> lean et Branle i al MePhuit ai thair cottage an Pane Roberts. girl sprat the meh-rad in Dia Mmie

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