Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jul 1953, p. 2

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Back Again Wcureo bock again t fine dock wm eoff a meok ago and tino staff ail report a ey enjoyable holi- day. Tino propriotors report a nico couplo of deys end it car mostly bo blamedoen tino samrmor olec- lion. Votee'n lists a hd tb b prepaeod and whilo your oditor and one of tine partnrr hadrt oporat- ed e Linotype for somo tOme the Imo of u did manago to put n type and pint ovor 5000 rames ln tinocounty litou. Tino Hydro staff on conversion to 60 cycle visited tino plant on tmu daysard touk informa- lion and mo colloctod tino mail osoey day antil Friday. Vos, theo blirds mero deumr and tino door mas iockod but tmo of tino staff stili have somoe hoiidays duoeminom. On Fiduy me moro consinced some nom parts woro neodod for tino Linotype machine. Wo pue- ciasod tino parts and riduy firnoo preosidod t a meeting of tino ececotivo cemmittoo ef tino Car- adian Wookly Nowspupers Association, Satneduy me iad rotiing miatosoe b do miti nerompapor moek but comirg homo feom Hanosor or Sunduy morning mie noticed the dlooe open ut mie Dueinam Cheoniclo office and dcoppcd in for a chat mitin oditor Goorgo Cadogan. Il juni seems difficuli for oditors te gem amuy from tino interents thut bocomo part o>fminir lifo evey day of tino yoe.Ion fortcrame miai mont o> iinom liko tinir moek. More Service--More Taxes A lttefeues coonty counicil mc municupulitues n Halton siems mitin justifiable alun eto mount- ing tests cf tint sure cf indigent patients. Tinolci- tee is constructive and effort tome suggestions for copirg mimi applications and geming tino co-operu- lion of citizons te moot this item mhich conributes Oto load of municipal tacet. n 1915 tino total accourt for hospitalizution cf indigent pationts in Hlton mas $1,673.31. in 1950 theo total inud more char dosbled and mus $18,048.05. Tino budget alfemarco for mhins itm for Halton in 1953 is $3250000 and judging by tino accounts comirg irto municipal councils roItwl roacin miai amount. Tino ieavy.es pend ituro cannot bo chured paticulcrly me any one municipuluîy. Tin o mot s mnunting acd il appears bo be a treend of tino timon. Councils aueounablo te koep as owon und provido mono services. "Tinopor e yohave mimin you alescys.' Thne problem in mc decido mine s poor and those mino are rot se pour. Keping dlomn tacet is a peobleen for esey irdusidual coU only tinougin co-oporation oe> lcli urtheo tasin be accomplisincd. Thne cimotant ihin o0w in focriens eeior tb be cure lit a ome ta on flic votece' listasc Yue opinioni tst ciccîli ocoîine if pou ccci expressnil on Anootot10h. Compulsory Idleness Corrohl University han emboekedUousa sover.yoae ntion-mide scecey nnmie United Star- os mu dtermino minther or rot tincre is ary mrutin n tino beliof miai insolsniary reomremerr basoU or ogo speods up symptons o> diseose and er doatin. "Winy aIl miis conceen about olUer poople?" romarks Irving Ladimner in Occupuional Houlmn,- publininod by the US. Dopunimeni of Hoaltin, Edu- caion, and Wolfureo. Probueiy beccuse me soo more of thom arourd tinn oer bofone. Altinougin tino population of tino United Stateios noUubiod in tino lest haîf century, tino numbor of middle oged -15 to 61 han tripied. The number of portons oser 65 han qucdruplod. Ose ir eseey 12 per- sors todcy is 65. Thore ureo mny pros and cons or tino question cf compclsoey rtiromont ci a set cge, Mn. Ludi- mer gues on. In us fusur are ouse ut operotior, fainnens, cetiniy, and adsunce financial and psy- cinuiogicai planning for cil parties. Againstilt are mie arguments of kromn sariation rn aging cnU obility, contiruoU participation rn production, pus. siblo moroy sasingo by educcU pensions, and tino satisfaction crU mell-being outheiooman o car crU mt ormo orei. Tino miole plcn o> compulsion and Uctunito noies faim ls cwys mu tckeino consiUeecior minci ail humans are iffererm cand ecies sarcet be ap- pliod os mitin machines. i r Qanabî;Z P Srund CIü BUSINESS A ND E DI1TO0RI1A1 THE LANALIIAN CMAMPION, MILON, ONT'ARIOI -TIIUBSAY, JULY l101h.05 jTHE GOOD OLD DAYS NoRTHII ~wn nmMAY HAVE SEEMED EAST BETTER JWTSOTH - t.,....May BSp litHre moreRExpain? rmfty Years A o *wnuy Ye r e A o john Dieteobartner, P. C. candi- Iru lime we abouid bN lhlcklng a -date in Saskatchewan, wha tinsof a Gronler Eurligion" sid j><>y<g Old Fashiond.? Frou e Iss ue et the Champion et Frou the Oss elt hh. bpta@fb.. N e kéatIn bOntarie, vuiLttd eoucilar Gardon Rugby eren4y._ Aformer residont and stili an ardent reader Thuieeiay,, bOy 16, 1903 TOuseiay, JuIy 25, 1968 Sytil Bennett Oriefly in George- lHe introduced a renolution ta sait - owctlanftween. He toldterfecupsacomnsttetagoioto the of the home tonan paper wrote ut recontly and QObvile. ChietConsctabler - Hot, dry orather ohicb prrvsilrd tops ta sesti n Haiton lter in question cf ecuber nmatgsmatlng or acked if we would spply him with the rames of kinhoppeced with a painfut ccci- tbrssghsct Otarie dceiog tl tthle snuenmeer. forming a uetropolitan ares mta nah 50yecn gowcoe to ntrnc ocm-dent Satnrday atternoo, white on theerobet oJane ad adeterior- No $4,001)lBeues Netson and East Ftamboro tomak- those h50yasaowoeteetac xm officiai duty. Ho oas dcivig home ating effeet on ait cropo. As a rot- We non where printing inlerebt- chipa. inationt. Wo woro glad Io comply with the ro- feses Mitton on the day menlioned ait trvp prospecta which mere ing itemsa af otd neos, line lit>anod REpanaion plana,noct new goy- quot rdwccero ntrote nthoorouto. aller ccnveying natrisoner ta the promising ai the end cf May de- 20 yenru ago ic ttilcpayer, got un wNere inthie ecoty, have Noen dia- ques an wewer ineresed n hse esu coscty jait, and when somiof atccg ereoued materially, and weee wett Onteville payer toto some 'trouble. cunsed in Bultcgtoo bofore, too. Porhapn its bocause cee may bo considered old, the middlle rond noti erd on acto- under average at the end et June. A oewcomner ta ton, workicg in fahoo.Imobier up1raching hies. The Rainfati on the tant day cf June the Fard plant, tarted hcatingfor_ fashioned. ~ ~~~chef gavea a c al to the auto- and dcericg the Oirt weh Of Juiy n banne lin unw advertiued for 'PI incHl lo in significantthat 50 yoars ago the boys and mhl b t li hekocoicg thal proved timely and erop conditions $4.000. 1He sed tic plicefr1 gilsha t 'rytogo otrrc oamnaios.the horaciescarniage seccld fright- arr gecerally being autained, buthlinbuloeatlng taneowner,, nd BYiouflg DaptIsts ofrl 25 who w "rto gthoe ore etésucconsu. ensthe borne, but the ignai oasceotinurd frequent ramo are re- they poicted out thnt lthccgb hic Octof2 h rt hr ee1 ucsfl igoorcd. I an instant the animal qsircd tb prevent further damage. payer hadîtarh riglit date, Jcty 2, One hcndrcd and twcoly Idllon The marks wcéro psblishod and me knom jusi how duohel to the ile ofthIe roud, the The mosl erioco droughl bas pre- 1953, he oaa readtag the 'Otd Oak- ycang peopte jourocyed bo Gait by thoo bysandgils oron hoi ahieo-constable oas hcrlcd imb a ditch, vuiied in couines and noattueroville" ctlumn. Thue mac, reporta tracsnund car for the Boocu Bnp- prosd toeby n il eei hi civ-but scliiheld on tb the reins, and Ontario, and crop prospecta are îhe cemuIpaper, wnot "intacbigli tiat Annuni Rcniday Scincol Picolo ment. Fifty yoars Iter mou lbot that heyaeuili aller sonar reariof, ip-and-teaeicg tenu favorablr thon in western, dudgeon." o cyi podof tho work and effort thoy madoUtosocsotIbecbuy wafn rohen Ibm brneocehe ndcnri ai.Ralle ia Palan Aller tunch aI Soper Park, thao pros gs irr, al nu nalycatueit hit mcorig hme roc Oui- ithMca ,tsa Giddinga, tac prenant PerliciPnted in races and this standard in thoir chool work. In thoso days by Wm. McKay in front cf is ville on Friday niglit, Htarold EInn OaitvWe Record-Star anyn in ita tunta. Thero wan iwimming and not mary mort on to high chool andi thoro was ugh aro. onThe ain fchir tea reto o Itelnoa oe bituary, dled "a fabaicca icgeod a bail gnose at tocclose of toc sgi gali o he îdeni isbrs, cntHenderuonno faces, an the ai oie Vienna eod Aunta-lan rayai- aflercoan. no compslsion to attord school affer theo public:' and deep rîdges n hc babnds. coco- Milion-Paiermo bîghony. Aller ty, M.Gdiua b de a Aller npe i resor scinool loaving had been attainod. cd ronhaoing obihcr0 srbigthc animal the carhitthe Gais-Ile aI 95, mos tac widow cf Preneolted and a hearty ing-ng tha miofnams o 5 A meeting cf the Miton tti'e guard postsanad mac tadty wmccl- larry Giddtangs Sr., wboue trotting oa ed by Mster cf Ceremnoien Looking todlay oser ta ito n so 0Club sel bcheld ai tbc Walace cd. The rom, ohieli bad oncoidlits ntablewmsos tanodmg in Euraye. George Moore, mita acrompaci- years ugo, me are convircedi that tho odscational Honar oct Tarday esenief. aI legs benhen, had ta be dcutrcyed. He and ]&,.Gaddonga rame ta Oak- met by Mis Madeline Zimmer- stadadu roidd ncey oodbakgour fr igbt ociocb. Rev. S. J. Sievensnnof Kellleby, ville about M0 yeara aga. ma n 11whePiano arcordio. Jacte stanardsproideda vry god bckgoundfor There oas a large turnocol cIthe milie cf C. K. StevensonnifMUitn, MrsGiddinga oas born in Vi- Brialcwo Ochebgaitaranod Jacte life in the world of today. Wo are rot no sure that anivrnary cf tbe baille OnI lbr-ban tabrnoup Oua residonre OiD cana and ma nmember id the Macutain on thtethamonica. thocdsatinalcopndiureof oda s oig a Syner ut Georgetown on Monday. Woodward Avenue lier. gament Spantulu Riding neboolt 10 Thle ocather mos excelettin theeduatinalexpndiur oftody i giingasAil tbe CalIse lodgen Oece there Ail tbe oorldc tcyny-barvey. 1 ohicb ouiy royaity man admitnd. Gaît, but on arrivicg at Milton, great an incentice to the young poople. Tinono'acd orneraI frona culsîde the coco- Evrn tae Jane bugs arc nppearing Bal, beenose cf lier promena in tae the picncreru ocre greeted aI the plaes lon ealylif whre oug popl haely and tbe procescion 005 qaîte in Jsiy Ibia year. na1ýddtc, he mas aiioed tb ride rnilwny tation by one cf the beno- plaesalng acy if mior yun popl hveimposiof. The beaco bands oi Arion tact wceh tbe Trafalgar Councl oitb te youcg Emprescf Autri a ltdOno o f thebe ann. te, try" and ohere the achiovements weec gicen Gergeftîon and fletWilliaoms neosnd a prsposa] cf thc Qabvilte in taeceryulal-eliacdrliered palace for ail te road had noocthing that eens lackirg marybel e inront ofteir respect- Counicîl ta petîtîo the Oupafiosent wbere tae c unon waeooduceed n ose oducatinaechyutem.e mode of Hîgonyn b o den tbe Lk -h ncd obere the perfectiy îraioed POET'S CORNER today i u dctoa ytm by Johbn t).Hacher, M P P. cs Road. A short ime ago ait the> Lîppiran borsen piroutted and pran- TUEI GAmIENROPEAKS We ore in agroemont mith Hon. Me. Dunlop, Me. ron ciof srtscc. so andaitatio from the ncutb efthti ed. bu Mury Etten Portes the Min ister et Edscotien for the prosince, thot cis-s bccogccMiddrdcco lestotbrccTrecpla,oaf epresented ai Pieute absilsc a idanc cfr wol thie MdirRn1Tiepin Trafalgartonhip mos oeil rcp- The treccoand tlwccu, oncre dcad necd te gel bock te the tirerR's in ocr educa o i music000 as prîcîlel Tbcer, suesirl, wocolbe for thecProo retentdai nIthe PoliohAli aionce low lion agaîn cas a basrbali match. Aclon %, inr tupsy the cotire ciel cf theFrodyRilypci edJuy utabcttesarignerli ionol progrom ond thot aIl log the moy iurdles tl,,osîllc. Four nninfo Oece play- oidcrniog prcrnu, If tbe province tFRierdySceypci edJl nte rahessrn fe h msst be tcîed and osercome te make succoosstc dcd clArcowis eocraI roc,, î.s incapsion otprsrecdoit ew of t e Emea enn ,Far n ccTbey oiclrs ieepngbnn .,bnad. The Oabsill t, cm bje i., r ,idcnl thionl e iretion c h yaeuadTaagrpot- huslic aigbner mes rd oen ad oere or abeler san b Si c Iecicco e ib sciierIci S ceeovnstrtio hiH 1ianire ehici Fred Oliveranul Centable sAasm tac cadh, Hory Wlmnram nwy iodd. cd mcli cf au e tenapr mode thon lb OUI edccational sysco f rom Grade île OiltidcdIcfi tel the guor colnty soubos rtherutrrtcb br e- locco nthem taey bad 73 qunrtn one rght troug the ourse woih enticoAcnib iocroenMiltoand Actsn. Wr arr oî beer adO veboeo 111 hrei o uh oein i i A000 rightstinrougin the course.-v-isfieîd tIbothebc Iporimeni obro taben ini an effort te sho tant tthend A cior ba bes cibe Ice ecioiirirorl by a driegslioon ome- - - - -- - - - - - eialsigbtcs llîrncrib ci ec.îj ersaopoisdthtt GerodCnadian picoirs are dîfferect from, Tant Ood hlion enofor yec andt Conupion ofetetri porerin Tuaiù Iliisecpo-îteciltbtiiloil]ec- ,in Yeeonlcemipardfthcies Pelîlihoceul MP.ODavid Creilrep- bIc irse, .s ruming 14per cet. aboe a per ago lloi brillant thn any ther: ymrecenîthediPrimenstMinisternteStPiLencr-stAndt.oLar- tndwi levinglo banduan I 1cca s nunstolyrrcct.beeabai-co scc bîllco Ibs n ibr oî ebcOs cncrion -roi hevelnI fameeil deeam and shape - ----ichbbas is-ro sero iciuibrîtheiliro a e iliccuniy, Tbhe oe te nv Sik ca eoriai Gee mati cerner for thc sprtcg- i-it 10 ycaro. put os the section by teCoelty taoroonrni Wtadyntaw Rbenh. oe pageantryf Ail Through Your Life TbiioimeOs f Jo-an McfCsiseii Cccoeil bas msadc excellenit prepar-, Sine Oea daI b f . .MeCancel f tics oto e construction cf tii Engineering Rews Record esfi- Woman It applicent for lob as Did ycs ee stop te thirk that on ail the Mlto, apycors ni tbe beil ci tbe 'bîgbcy. The coriberei section cf moles thai Trubeel Cesp. (Canada) maid): Why did yeu leave your -liSci orcccil rodîaie dcbbecscyoîleorrîtheOepel-Limited mil upecd 84,000,000 le tasI lob? morld tinere is only one reospapor that is reolly :or,,t, ailbe rccrnb hîgb sehool et- ment ic impiement Ibis rntret- bud 3360steel frnmc bouson Ilie Apien-WllltatycI concereod mith yoc? Ard tinot 10 yosr home tow m O:alicnia un Milcon. but i île iîo brsn î HoisCont7, alo- 98-acre Sicî I lie, Trafalgar pro- you toit me mby yese lait maid l'i nnredInIal oho Orotein nhbbcng the Toronis-btamilIton teaffir le perty, lofI ycu. peper. csoybeo aie oostll lil h bsie cotent otil ts precoroltoc Big sîty dailies are orly interested in you tbe liplis ber osober cf morkas i.,hîcbocys âcocsc Haîo Coacty mhoc yoa commit o crime, break yesr1 rock or do tb- hi i-on I onlîl ssrb iîmr as hîs a oeton somothing oqsally spectocolar orfo l'.ih N o. sc7 a coy oorlc Bot yocr home toor pape r s irtereslin 0 BUG7 CATCHER I R FS I NA IE T R yos ail throsgh yosr ife. Ocerethn eoeo t til elis Nwi',tebg h- r on HTSSM theo srory of yoo. 1fîî iol tae pclisbcd icîloo age-r- Lcckc lîtne -tOAND TRAVELLERS'GUD Tin ontry begins, as good stories sinosld, atolls The Fîconriol Psb ln-e-.s , ,sitrais' NsoenGUD tino begînnirg. os are bero, and 0 ino birth ianotype iof ficn o s obur ýin 1 s rsh bcmerasolbutchoebbc osn o10sfileSeIi-poiîîhisîg.if ou base o gadget drcribc-l ne cs oe uroroonîma oc mthril moi-cn Lînanoe os iuts 5111 :igrecestlinsThe Fîsocciol PosI. MEDOCAL DENTAL ssd lutiner hace beer blessod mîtin yoo. agent, o effetive in thesteroiii? This aulsmalîrolly rlossoîndos atolî f cI ribs. cs îs. en-il b-il ohm i rans and opens lbcm obra fTHj STEVENSON CLINIC DE, G. A. KING Thon Dad anddem go amuy ov a tri nd soU o.îcof,îeîrerscîclis boecil stop~s. ti 15 crmyioPons:DETAbRGO nok yo mrinthse.Seyoo rae ppers10 e 10 bîlees and pets. Occus of emoal lecîrirccc-1.bc loomen:DETL I2GO tak yu it tem S yurnae ppar i te ctionissbrogtbî hot hy relays îtnNubr2 Office tn bayai Building, Milton social arU personul colsors. The yeaes puss crUdcscr.el oîbb n mo Il prictrl-rie- Dr. C. K. Stevenson Hocrc O- cîuît geils ond insalird "sut et, Dr. Fred Menyt Eocnicgn by Appointuneol yos go to scinool. Eceey so efren yocrr asse ap- 00%nif tle icai f cli cool- sigbî uon te ibi wso. rou-. Dr. E. S. McCuliough X-Rny Service Toîcpbocc 197 pvarssi the csool roscîts, somtes a;tin,îo..-pocil ticiuu. ie' - ostiuseeuiaWbceuîrio striîbs ao l. theoeli- 1,Office Hours: cf ou cas, omtiesatth btimbu a-tornof uthIe liseace crielocco ,nasso uses inoapecalion W , te M-Hy nypoinîmenl oniy.DE ,,BAC K cfth yordosmtîo tm oîcbla-i e neof 20 icI 50 l île lime grul drîrs bb, reversecion tWhetbc, M.-4 79DRF.E AC wy hr.!i euuly ucI 0. pac ad hewi 100ue. SUNDAYS-Kmcrgecien ooly. DENTAL SUREION Vosu aeros the hockey tem or tho bail trom ____________________________ MILTON PRbVATE HOSPITAL Office in FarmeruSBuilding o: yos geo cidere soUyooe namo is oontîoned 1X-RAY ocnrel floor many tumoo Veou golf, bomi, go to sommer camp Coroner. C.P.RN and Oaci Surgeon Evcoicgn by nypoinîment with the rserve, lak part in te music fetival, In X-Ray Service Tel office 915 mifi tio ererv, tue prt 1 meOsOi fetiso, len. 20 oct in a play- your 0000 0 r inoepopereDE. G. E. SYEE Tho cmo -4o -or emsî > in Physicianancd Surgeon part e> youe le-hugin scinool graduation and per- Office-Jamen Street ICLAOOB Phone No. 3u hapo o hîgin remord. Vos sur il oct for your grard- KNOX PEESBYTEEfAN CHUECH ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHUECH Office Booes: 9 a.m.; 1-3 LEVE& HOSKIN chinSdrer te tee. Thon porinaps collogo und homo REV. R. ORSORN, Micieter Oicser-REV. J.. BfLAIE, HA. 7-8.30 y.m. Charters Aceountaite for theo holidayo; yocer ame oppears olten Vos Mes. H. Wright. A.TC.M.- Orgocnt Orgonso, Mr. Hobert K. Cnrr Coroser Scceunors la ________________ INKJNO & HARDY groebooîe ard yoor homo toms poper i us colas 13it Metroyelitan Btig., pocd et yocut yosr paronssare. SONDAS, JULY 19uI. 1053 SONDAS, 301.5 191h. l9t3 DE. J. W. McCUTCHEON 44 Virtcria St, Toronto Yaucom hoe nd o t wok n Dd'sbu i 1100 cm.-Mcoîoig Wcrchîp wib 000 acm.-Ornîce choci. Offîre Hors-9i sm.; 1-4, 7-9 pm. Em. 4-9121 too como home onU gotoSmcîkausOs 11.b0si- .-CcsbirrgaService 55tPoulsmcmsCsBuildingSeesireStreet 0000 or toît oneofolyour omr. Vos morîtihe one eburch cul lbheendo f Jnu5 . Kno i5eeoy lerîc;n CbsrcSi. FcrnBidng aoSc ______________________ Seesvie bell snSb, Pasi's Nue- Telephone 395W and ooly girl ard yocr engagemevt s assooncrd- sery CILos and buci. c ooni Heoulence 395J ClOOOPRACTOR ufin e popor. Voc arc marrurd asd thono is acdUc ALL SAINTS' CHUECH SileU occoanl ot yocr moddîog, Milton Heigints GEACE CMUECH LEGAL NIELSEN - The Chiropracter As theo yraro roll on yosc homo bown pupor Itirs. Oriti Thiopscs. LTI ANGLICAN a't.s Teaps tolls theo sfoey of yccr social lite, yocr commcnuty SUNi)AY 30V? 1911 Hrmanereer. BA, , DOCK,& C 3ubb Scar cf Practire ochinivomonro, thc birtin of yoce childror, the hon- Srsrctb Afier Trîniir K. Y. DOCK6 Lady Attendaot ors thot como b ycu. Fnlly, al tino esd of yocr 11 00lac-m Matinss col SrmOo.PritrSlctr o. usFi - .n long and ihappy lifo yos oppoor u inoe obitury Al] Are WeîrCme CSONDAS. dOLS 101hPoebrs cuientoTrcF.2ip. Oesu-îuh Suslo ayittre Trou, îy Hiron Street, oppocsîte Areca Wel., Sol., 2-i and 8-9 p.m. &cn'005 ies IIcSy Ccmsmuoion. Triephene 4 Cosned Tburnday il m ssf -- -- HWES APT1T1CU 0CH Oi.m. Mrsi g Praeyr Oser Dominion Store, Georgetown iti arbel, sinîs ns si(cssuiisv i le b 100F. Ball 7.00 psu .Eceoniog Pnyer. T. A. HUTCHONSON, O.C. Poe10 rcusosminm fo rcoIocîAccriig luo Bis oery lie -ascii fneister, Saliitor, Rtc. coin-st *tafian o s eur t vok Pusice, tIrs. R. F. bOylerT s. Titcc 35. Mssuisusuuiosineesseunofheoswieooin OticenNrstDOser Champion WM. G. EIDDELL, D. C. leti(mcFiicis mIme' ruImneebecv n eb hyicll a SOSDAY, JOi.S 1911. 1053 Office-Main St., Milton Dueler oCirupralltt f sluorl fuse ite week-end hîcl eesîao-rn 130 acm.-Sslliys Srbniiil asnd ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA Tetephcne 5cn4St ilo souriorrlel rondodoive île robinlecsl han. AdllblîerClose bfels inte Banît, ilo crivedrad, p oth ctag ad ok. Ton al.anSy Apyciolmeut _____________ _________ 730 p.m.-Esroiog Servici. ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE GEOEGE E. ELLIOTT BPONI 102J X-RAY b0i-Icrcay, Jsiy 22 t .15 p.m. (Anglican)iarseSlctr oayPbi Pro yrc unI ible Stsly ci the Hec. H. E. orcrit. Reebe -fa-OtetoîetrrnayPulc________________ banceof Me. and Mes George Offie-in Farmers' Hilding Muser. SONDAS, dOLS 101h, 1953 Main Street, Milton TEAVELLEES' GUIDE Ail Arn Wnicsme Secesîh Sccîtac Afler 7rtcito , Triephsnr 70 CNDA AII ALA ______________________ 9.45i smo - Mcousig Proyer ndlCNDA AII ALA seronalSt John'.eStandard TOme H c B CcCAVAE TAEENCL ilOt .m Muri siofPîcr. c PUBLIC LIBEAEY HOUES Goeing le Torono - 7.01 ton, M S M inte erto Hlon COlnt MmPectersetai Hlies Churi Srchl ci Su. àonsges. al;20 ..di .0pn eeyTusa tMiStMloOt e-BRONTE ST. Me. Stanley Jas in eborg, cf boil FOE ADULTS doiiy1 2.04pen. ndoy; 8.2 p.m Sn- eCWR A n te0trO Qee ivsion of Rv .Wsîar Serve(i'. Msnday. . 1.30 tle5i y-m îay ooiy. Sobse pt Rcv.Braes lOieqest.SubOripcensComu-cndiWoe.îictiibUn ,Tcrnlcy 1,30-S p.mn. sol 7-9 p. Ccmiog frocs Toronto - 9.04 ton, navne$50 n c dý sxmonîtit I____$1.50;___________Welesly .......0 .30 a.m.-13 nocoitdoiiy: 6.31 p.m. daiy; 1.00 a.n. bOy n-ns 6r;1350 n the Unied States. Atborizel an SONDAS, JULS 1h Tbiirsy .. 1.30-3 p..unI 7-9 pjmcepf Satorîay. so Mail, Post Office Dnroîent, Oto- 1. -es _Ciocmi_ uIyc ur Si-Fil1. t 1.0i_. -1 1 1

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