1WURSDAY. JUNE ltIs. 1953 LOAN'S PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONSOLIDATE DEUTS REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Fust Service INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORPORATIN LIMITED 75 Coiborne E. OakviIIe, 2390 [ÏMi- BOMBS - - CIL. GI.A Sheathiog GLA Gyproc GLA Lsih< Naiss GLA Inaulsîcon DUTCH SETS INSECTICIDES - LIQUIDS PAINTS - CEMENT GLA Parisiono Hardwasll P later GLA Fninhiccg Lmo GLA Gaugcccg Pias-er Immodiato Delivery SEEOS MULTIPLIERS at R. S. Adams Stores Co. Ltd. PHONE 48 uot- TREMENDOUS VALUE- SPFCIAL-GRAND VALLFY FANCY " ' lo z , n TOMATO JUICE- 3for29e P LL SA'a Nr;i II 1's AN!I) I < s') <a Tt MI-XED PICKLES - - 23c -SVl'ON MAIL 1 11X T['(«'S Il AS<RFtnhlATE - 10 0 n î c S G ML[ FAN) la!' F 50, IN C ASI 155 -PLUEF SPI IIS CHEER DETERGENT - pkg. 35c I nýAIL Y(--)UR EAKING1 'SPECIAL DOMESTIC SHORTENING - IL 25c IEGLLA? NMARGARINE MA RG E NE - - - 1lIb. 34c FULL FLAVORFO IIORI< [DAF GEL [ClOUS ORANGE PEKOE W[TH SAI ADS Ft[CIMELLO TEA BAGS BURN'S SPORI< 30's 34c 60<s 65c 12 OZ. TIN 31c GLU SFSI SFNCY -_l tin RED SOCKEYE SALMON - 39c .PrO JAL OFFFR-SAVE [7cc 1IUR[TY WHITE CAKE M X,[ g valueas46e 2 IKG DFAL PURITY PIE CRUST MIX - 29c TE[R[IF[C VALUE ADO ZEST Tu YOUU GATTUSO MANZAN[LLA SAI AD -R[CH ANI) SMOOTH RICHMELLO Stuffed Olives Salad Dressing 6 OZ. JAR 29c 16 OZ. JAR 39c [UCY CALIFORNIA NEW CROP 288s SUNKIST ORANGES - doz. 29c FRM GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS - - - lb. 19c CALIFORNIA SWEET EATINO Large Saco BEAUTY PLUMS - doz.35c JICY CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, SIZE l0 SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT - 3 for 33c 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PEACE, BROTHERHOOD IS AIM 0F U.N.Farmers Consider OUTLINED TO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Dimensions, Sales The Jane meeting of the Scotch can hecome [ho greateot force for Who shosld stalle hoan much Block Womenso Institute was he[d peaco and prosperily the anne[d land Trafalgar towenship formera lt tho home af Mrs. Fred Joyces. bas ever hnoann. Force [la flot may soit far housis developmrenta, The ansaners [a [ho rol caOl, mIsai enough ta save the world [romn and. the dimensions of [hese lots, impresocd me mot ahout [he Cor- aar. It mill i hereesoary for love, more rossideoed hy [ho Planning onatim,.'covered maoy parle of[ro-operation and Iaotherhood o[ Boardalt ameting recent[y. the Cor'acatio rsoices. Daring the salions la, marIs ogther. Only 0v- Dr. E. G. Flodi, ponning ras- husinossa pcc'<d, ie[[ca'a af thanKsnoryono aorkin [ogthor 000 sltant. mas pceson[ed ilh [hopro- wcro ead fram [ho Cancer Soc- srong[hen [ho rothehond and lomali a meeting wi[h frmers in ity and Meal Hcl[h Soiety for savethe world. Trafalgar Hall os Juso 1. The 30 the Penny Rond-op. Mes. G. Jefferson [hanhed Mrs. prescrit approard tho official plarn A donaationccf[$5.00 instead of E. Ford o chaa[[fthelccotiO[O acorc',siylautccc oont decided)I pisI,," .,, h.' [<<c As'c'c.<sîcî<<îc.lliy Ms N. [,so ,' s'îc.îc.îî ]andiii î'o a,tiossca If[ec lt LI.sccsy Field Day. MiaArnolld dMrs. K. Mashall invoo thelacN,,shanst Trafligar The- rports !<s«« the'standing .0s an s cc ry pirasiof duets, "In RIttrayers Associatio tomoccow cammttesrea anise ntcso[d. [he Gardes' and 'Whispering lFridayl in Palormo ogin. Agriculture and Cnadian in- Hope." S[an[ey Inglehaot nI tho seconnd dutso[conn<00Mrs. Finl.Joyce Mr. S.Muraygavesfu[[ ro- fine pplid todeuida lo[150 [eet mailansamosing acanofr.The port[oftheSnd District Annual by 1leeoo[ hs on,Knnth farmor anho hought margerin.' held fil Burling[on on Jane 5. Gilea nid tho farmers mrent Citizenahip and, educalion co- Mrmhors anre encoaragod [n at- against lot sates bot wanned tho vnrMca. N. Lamnon. spashe ahout [end tho A.C.W.W. in Toronto.tlots fani[orm dep[h. [ho retiramonts aI Mc. Marcelus Namnes wccc dcawn [o detormino 'Thats a question for tho [ar<oeco and Misa; Jardine. [ho W.,nscmhccaarho winh tlata- thrmso[vos [o deoide.' said Dr. Mrs. C. Service, cammoci[y art- tond Canada Day. Faladi. "I sish to hnow anht tho ivi[ies and poh[ie relationns.rosis- The meeting cloard i[h a Cor- facmcrs want in tho may of regua- cd the orkcofaIMina Ethel Char- onation mrdtcy rof patriolir songs t«ana 000000ing [and naies." mon in tho Homo and Coan[ry pnb- playod hy Mc. N. Lamnon. Board Chirman Normas Sma[[ licaion. Rfreshments avre served hy [ho said [hat the farmeos mccc pre[[y Mr. L. F.Clarke,.histori'aIro- lunchenommitee fothe mon[hrof rtllagrood[that lo[saonodninatod search and carrent eenrsLs.[ld[the June. Mr.N. LaainoMr.Arnod, contry rod hnodhoiehalfai) memheosabsoutl [he rouimdevo[cd Mca Carhe aod Mr.AHume. acrein sze andhle didn't thinhlhhe enirly fi)the JanetMoorecoxhib othor dimensions anroof maior iin tho Dundnr<n Casle mn ram imporlance. Hamltn.Ths s o secal M eeting Panin Bordsugete est[tothe ScotchBlaokW.1.mot-M eeig a c lld that farmers lho a[[oand [o soit hors hecaaoo Janet Mooe %,on[ [o ebl hochsksof S ces or mareahle Ligny sohool and a[[endrdiHaastr mn tîmnt [hoso in oural suhochan areas hoe church. e dn ete e tat[osrcd to dispose of [mo acre Mr.RB Cuirie. homeooisnabhochs. Aong dosigna[ed roads and hea[h, gave some in[ee[siO Traflg[ar[ownshp roonci[ ras- faomrscoutid se[l off baf-acre The Sco[ch B[och resolution rc e dacoprmnt aIof[ctli[cenih the commending than the Deparîmoaltaawnn cf Dahaie and agrord [hal TRANS-CANADA HIGIIWAY of Health and Wetfaco and [ho Do- the Municipal Board shon[d settie- partmrnt of Edocation hoe ashed [s [ho annenatiacc diapu[e. at a apoaci The iggrat season m orh yet consider [ho estahlishment of s mertincg as Msnday. Jane . donc an tho Tracs-Canada highanay home or institution foc prss The decris was made bs [han os prcdir[ed [se [bis yoar. reports oith multiple handicaps. elîhor as 24 horsoiftor Dabville coanicil tho Financial Posl. Evey province a scoarato institu[ionc or as an ad- ta'<rc'os'd as hy-tcw ocqnoning ex- encraI Qooho c[[ holie<n il, and ditiontuatheocrhoo[ fortheoh[ind'ln-rtesioancaofathe o [Ocs bhaodoaritheoroadha<drsail[hliebuny fenm soeothor inlstituctionacclrady in the o [ar h fine,. Gispr Mdde roaid Neafsnnd[and [o Vancoovor Is[and. exitenc'.m argorcod .ad tu theTTorontoa[tonshiptcine' The Feral orne'a[pays ha[f The narsahrs eacr e ohd IlThraroa rocaaicas 5946 aresand the oct ofapprovoirdanarhon[the mn ho a doficate choîrce for the ex- .cclaaisathe $32,000,000o Ford plant hiohway cd it ha ow nncp[edged toinioa'.rîa'rr bat , i [ly A le'lto< dcliva"cd fis Daholir $54 <lIlion. rf a'hioh $34 million,- meertcig. t a'.a«i,d li.ra. a'cTsa sy gnoc yTrafal-hbas altrradylsara<aaad tscthe praov Murray an cc d 'rddl hyvMra A. lir tlcc k Sheldon cFrathectoar iacra fa, rk c, cmptotod. Iraraccg Lawoaasn [bal eaie[csdccc. Ivinga'sni.t.ta'al hat Oahacttr'c a crnaton ahout $20 milliocns nw cammitted C. Cationanad F. o[< lca'o<am-cî cs'<oc's'tsads'ct ccscny rc',c ctcscc -by Ottawa for onstrction appro- mittevof h raae'nge the hope 'Sion' af joint oîlitcc.a. Afler [ho rd bu[ «ai yen donc. rhea[ dispa.y at ho Mi[on Fac. aarnxtioissue soo ans aotlld Dy This $243 miiaans mll nos ho The Scotch Blolc nts[tue aas the MunicipsalBoarcd,*"[he owTan- noogh [auccvro [hn saacns monh. aardd s'c'ond <rie,' 1r thlac- hos[ ba<coanlng tudscacshibisma[-shh is enpe o cornemelnabout iprogramu sf 1952 aitt[he 2nd in-e- 1<fsr[hc "$50amilions in aul. feict Anncccl b'd ia Buling[on lao[ meoh Tho [952 peogramas wre defins [o. pcfic and fully panned and thoy dre [argely on ils ovin membors fsr taIent. * A donations of $5.0 as g'vnt tho Junior Farmers [as aid i h buyisg of spoons for [ho girlscu Afler tho conclusiono sness [ho peogrsm convenor, . L Wlis. aohod Mm O D.Lasn soin trodare [hoecls[ speake u c c e s Emersons Fard. hspo c rith snkjet 'Yaîc United Nation'. AT Inasclouto. Wsmc"nMisiry u e e and Ladie's' Acd sscoiolars hane ited Naions. Mrs Fcrd acd hooosuldc<vin trodor[hoesbolan d ««podt adthc' a tudyc 'coth nc [<s fcathrch't'<icdy cf t atut c a r ne,'<c<aThea' [.of Naaross [«ilsd alterthc, ic rc. c Wa 'star thec,'ccldGre'at War. lw 'c""'! c of the seasoni 'i. '<<i iccsbssis. livre s,cc ,'a1onts.ia.aa'c adn le[og cccl:c<« cc><t .ci , , ..is cccc, a< Icrc Iwih iore ccli Pc, 1ciFod'% acIoimed f<cci,cos-t[scas-[ tolcioet Strc<sSt<r c"" i11ii! I0-11p. V-t cgscco. aclcvorcag flic lom i LssafcIpsoer 1'. 'N lhatcIh'cc« lincalicc[[rc<[rct'\c.<c crs - sootl<< cal>, l t'i he Fods opp[odod ciccarry praovcnce [for <litancltt<ofai ic-car fý'. llc ,l ,,,,f ',ei.,c<.« Ica[ursrr-c cclnalng [1f lc ciceofccl hrce <trL-flaodr« trOat J< c' ilil<mcc clild ho <resc. The mcsis-c««- ordonîsîc, tOverdriv* rn oSyccclira-S<ltcs-hit. ahic"i < ' ; ..a.c , si',ic'fî[ Fod', edoirod by ecra oneca scccil-c sacrh sahrc<[y hi' UN ,calutl ii' yMc Ford, jns<deancd <cut-and ecausca i tfers-surI s s-tsfying rltoicg «c' cs'cc'o. I 'crandcclhcsman ofcci'cc[«r-c rn[s andiacrc. r.aici<d ol< yt,'iv 'hocI 'il. <i 1' .dg- Yrs, thra arc plt<ty ofi'rca<osanhythe a[rody, rocchiscoig <5r<<o[ aatlic'<,'cc <ci ctrend,<aa ordia s r albc«cde i[ hryoascd cy donb he 11creaccc lic <avok c, <ci.<0 «'s lii ;vcar <s]thcc,.acacccc. Yon'It diaaaancr al chs e maisnnr ahen The tIc,s ani« c'«cc cc'c t yc s-tdrive Foird. thesUN ioc- he goclc.ccshl <h,,h 1lccck'i<[lsr h <cc ca , lr' cian hi' <cccli'<ic'il ,hich l s <<<'and <ck , fo. ck 00 'men irand "h.sýli.' W id..gn lît'o.î tcoos yocsl tas c s ,, co<c s t loi f fl csi cc cîcclcr.lsacliccîf tI i ccrIsd ««hcsîsîîîîo.a,ly«id c'onhlc'h'c <n'I t rctailsr i. <cc i'r'< ,sali T h i ' [J a s - r <li'dio, a<-<l h y c. icl 'hireanredi[hon c <snacnc Bertha B. Brown NM NMTRN hg l REALESTEARLYKE PHORL NE 37Phne51W or-Mn ANGI FOR YOU TO... FTO4ORD NIOTORS rch Dealer Milton Ontario PAGE NDM" CARLINBEIN PLUMBING L. BERT WALTON Quick Service - Any Size Job PHONE MILTON 274R21 Enjoy Top Comfort und Long Wear in Shoos built by Scott-M cH ale Quaîity Shoos for Mon TIios. Dear & Son Phone 26 Milton