Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1953, p. 8

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THE- CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGIC EIGW Wood's and Gem MWILK< COOLERS FARM HOME FREEZERS J. R. CRONK Phone Milton 635 New and Used Coolers Portable, spray type Tank material BRDLEY NSRANEy AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE COURT ST, MILTON Phone 418-J ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENINGO0F À New Order Office: THURSDAY, JUNE l8th AT THE M CORNER 0F MAIN AND JAMES STREETS MILTON M aE HAVE A SPA cJý)S N-EW a' .u iCE (F"biCcOU AI i THE USaJAL a SIMPSO2S SEARS SERVI:CE- Hou rýPPkOlIOR SY M TELEPH-ONE OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER IS àE 6 15 * o hepyubde o orfaiyandhue di * ed MiposSasofr o hi e eovn Io Tor elyobugtfyouo l ed n u forily an hoehld basis. *Main PHNE a SimpsosIer James i «~ 615 J. A. ELLIOTT Licens.d Auctionens snd REAL ESTATE -Phone 177J- Milton Pollock andl Campbell Manufacturera af HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAtING 62 Wstor St., North GMLT TELEPHONE WU4 __barn ta also equlpped mith a hay este tlsat outbreaks have now teen drier for eut hay. definttely conflrmed ta date on a IThe final day saw thse pacty at total of 35 premiaes in eleven tie Ford Museum t Oeartaarn, Weateras Ontario cauntis. Ile cd sometanelve miles outaîde ot De- cane sa far, hoga passtng tlsrough --Z rsit. We ras snly suggest 10 aur communtty sales have teen the milliers that ibistoiant alose juati- caase ai the infection. HALTN FRMES VIIT ff n th paî.ties the tripa. Here there tas sse- A methadical roatine check of HAL CHGANMR II oii h at thing af intereot for aIl memtera il lots af haga nold in these chan- MICHIANta Middlesex atane, well aver 70 of te famtly. Hamever, when sels han nom tees completed, and Tte 19533tuc tour sponsosed ty haros and same 30 tsoosea werej planning a niait, te sure and alloan tbis procedore tas teen instru- te Hlton SoiS anditCrop Improne- totally drmolished and masy aters for aIIcat a hall day. Eoeoute mental in detecting poteottal cases ment Association a beldi an Mon- ancre tadtpdamageit. Along antît tome throogh Essex conty, aO mm tefore visitle aymptoma are day, Tueaday and Wcdoesday aOfte anecing of te tuildings wcnt visaitanas mode inte sot-sectioo routent. Etforts are ntîl conttnu- loast weet. Soy-sastIallonsfoialm te destructiosniofavnus adatWoodlea where a sudy of ro- ing totracktdonltheaaource of tflk poticiauedi n te eventwhniet gurco of otode trocs. In trief tf ltioca n aitevYa day nits is teisif oriinal infection. There are a neceia-ateal twai esocus cri (f the m s tragi bO cou, at-of the edînai nf trillumon snaaanlsaolpaoasibleayotin mhich Thelniî,apoit c wîcalc Ili, laaa.i iivvii ci and )lwihloil taSîsc ýth- virusa c-aslvia,conta-ed the to4liadl.. l , u Ia,, a-l ho-a-îp-î,a.a-aa cI',alhi ac t it ~' taa,--all ,aa -ccc- taain. 1-naaof ilh('ailThoaa il...ca i a, e laic,, lava arflialica~ c-cla i-i Tlaaa-,Vile Auli a, aacs li cu, i leaclira vur',fa are couîa ld deaccaaaae. ait 66 adiie îta ly % Auti nItcont- ccl aaî aa.aa-arc-dris Sias-icTruc,te lîîlaaiîana-lurorinsei tome ticci, bol HOO PRICES HtGIIER ed te prty n atout oftohge tuasinss.sections ut this ily ib gel-I maare tsn uticlied s'Ittte ttrec îraaicland dcocrbedlthe cocie- in tacuon its feetondwtae dayprogrum.tfagu coalinoed touancn harp- naliaoon pogrna wacant as teen tedct.is ad benclendgrom . -ly in pice duringMay intbot ondntuen.ttcaieet, mi57taldigamcae-S. and Canadian markts. At Wtile ris Middlesex, ttc grasp acaird ahere te top torey was TIISTWEDMEIG Chinago ttc May avcrage petre cf tadl ttc ppactisnty of seeig mi&ingsandceeonstruction mort WELL ATTENDES) $2360 per -m for ine hogn oct someting outhetc tuoc ieutiing maunder may. Ttc gcoop alsa Ttc fiasI mccd meetang of ifs cm ccrwattcmnt cis tracas te cyclone an talc May. Aitt aditheaopaunity ofa tmsatauc Itnd ener teld in Hallun mais t rnos itn M0t cal the gop tadlocea soettiiig toaartroîîgisttc immense Imperiat taied cas Fiday ecnng last a u 94 tc eubilatcsofo2.4nen ai the dassagcudo'lacinHilton t7 Oil plant, andal atu a drive ttroogt tce bran nf Mediord Pemires 5 7.00 per naS. in Chicago bugs iaullcn "lu-cter is ta i frmer ycacs. Ct maal Valaey atnng tSt.sClair 1Trafalgar Taonship. Despite uo5" icne cramtnn. is sprecedenîrd Hauce, onetasaousec the wrc.riaer. tavranale uataraoditions, sonan uninfonscenty te mont sangu- ag n te calacca rmmaînitica of T60aly fl rean sand forttheeen llentine toccastns. Western Osnaota ipcncilte htam ue an tawte puty io Miah--lnacs Stanley Yaong, ficîdmon TcTnnota ore.flon f an tce teynviAildfticidit faoiteCrpcSecds and WoodsinTTntoludsfmarket. ndçtiw c cc anIti Csacay tre aI i-ciat frma. Ttc tigtlighl here Sa-cnothttcOntarioDepuar-mnonuaa lnuontnMy t __________ SO fua at Frnt acaas.cacarof Agiciultuce. was ttc- apenial pica- ait$34.00 par cant. for Gcade Armaada. Oittis 20 aerfao-îcat Cctiinly itmu-,a pro- A drc.ced hogs.uîhe close of the oar isaoui ~geassnilagecen~c-t aodcnînal catd fil allandttothpaa~caSp~r9 ttcuciast. Mc. Jacoto tas teen nctcn îIrt coklarm epac 03 1951, * i-ig gras, iailotht pi-1 17 InlhoaCccnlnstH latno-eedt In direct cranlcutluuguthe O Syvrc-anit il arasa teg-ecal cr-caa a rasicra tandrads ni Stoasands I t ai-aca af iiisaiciamuafttcuiic.(It ala-ancnually. Municipal cc.ncd lcy claairly tcacy supplies isi u~ tat ithoisea n uauttsnity on fSica accll,,cics-s ici te Csccnty in munsmdd rtlecangecin picns.Beef a RSUcta, htacste main. He s-ma cccae c ca a-apediiiii acyatana-frocsccmaii a;'bnaialotm tOetac lacaîclta md-l ccc, catic i cc,Sf0010 $2000. annaalty on raad- cii, rvnlinaI utïtantiaInolu'mtaei diriierrttîios tc. t Inho t i ci ultng.Soe rs coinga- iS ccriad ccllc-cctc intrenlation tSo ilw i. s'as Scuttat af u it &caani ob'i- cic a-Ici taesqito Tn IEFIOIA lymouhfand ait iaînt Jutzl arail olbion.tc -ccI i ticasem cnilo ysiatananglccîcl that chic,ýcnbil, at7atrinathe-a - ha-aealralistaaa St,on itarccac i s cl-, drhat o ccf& l cclcacc-islivinga-al t-cîatTon- a caaa cl DOLLc- -ARl calc nie iealers "laoitacaS lac tie 'lhln c-d aicatend- tai-S sioc-hare alc-cay la-aicc l' ial,ad fadin res.a -- acclacndtillo-nanairK1 caclaicaaacacithetAmer- USED CARS p lie. rai ctie acc tton - iini-.uit.-. Iotia cia- îaaaiaaindus- Ila,! ' i t1. i , i. I caca- cl ni i - I l'- :1?- , i c - p icilca -,c nifac ,TON 586 cîc l ulIaS & s rl*i tii ce - sela la ,ýCi...f.., cc- ciat ilita.,a il l,- lac ,ii-aoni-- cco-atalctc ;.1,l. da q w !l oiil1i , )1ascIIIaaab o n, ?m i Ta1-ci,- Ilitac l i 7 a l, i l li,- accc il anla la - ccon-i ia,oai,- 2*2 I i f oaal sit e ccii th:o-aiOSîlili i-- aî , ,,ld I.--d ' y 1i2i lai, i 1929; or 28 aaclli, hc-c,-laivo-vi-alia-acf lacaicciatola1.5 M~~~~~~ or EMilMEM IM MM Ils, *M thati iabouaicn I c12 t alaiS liai, ;okt b 114ý * acca- Vly?' oi- airccaI i cc-taioran ilittîn Sien - n-aourrit ctîcca-ccncib taact. COTINtES l'ic,,î.cancc., af cfîcraîda - ecciichoieîtnara ccarl aundit cliii ciil.ia- rethetangeal * ,cciccio viaccsSan Ontai mdi- cli tclle cii h C a, -îîîacccccclt ON ISPLAY AT GEORGETOWN Halton Co-Operative Supplies Head Office Free Delccery Roule Days Branch Office MILTON 127 -phone- GEORGETOWN 86 COME AND SEE OUR FIELD DEMONSTRATION How to make better hay-f aster WITH THE REVOLUTIONARY FERGUSON RAKE S---cc,-.ae i-c an I3lc Iri 3 cena ckabîn riuN i-Slaid of ll cia-raclylhi alcylaa-i lace acaath ctia liai a-i iactily tothelliccaailo,-a c-itla fatlcrr- ccc i ctm hi ,iesila rci ous actrientinci fa lic3 AndaaeIwllîoe, 1sgrill1,yrakiqdnlicate lIgahî billas flias coch o wacdr vitlhout lrraking a single sial Sce lice fastest ake ruer bailtliTIce Fenguson Sade Oetcrrry Rake cacair eoperaled cî spoada 5p tb 10 villes an losr wiilcoslIfagueciamcage 10 the ake, and wtlaosî shatînncng pnncious leacesi Soc anicanva ndlcng o oupay a Muclaas anc usn tir handknrchcef tnst ta prove thast the Ferguion Sade Olccnry Rake anoans ayou niswatb fa aind- roa n na ran sidoanard mtnol aand cic hall the dis- tance ordinarcly required! See cleaner hupi Me'il scatter rocks and alones iv lice swallcand ceiSic shoan pou how lice Fergusan Sade Delavecy Salie delavr nocne oS Ihean 10 the wacdnouesi Sen profitable rakang! To dramatize the lact Ihat Ibis rake docin't cave crop profits in yoor fields, ce'il pick sp dollar bis aith it-avd deponi then in the anîndroan ancia lfinders keepers on the money)t Sen light, lluffy anindroanîl We'Ill et yaa iry f0 pick up hay Iroan the aindroan aiih a pole. Yoa wov't be able to, because thercîIl 6e vo roping or tacgling thal saolifen spoils hay. And anhen yos look ai the aindrows, yoalIl see that the rich ceaves are tscked an-proteclnd Irom the san's harsh raya, Be Sure to Corne Out'. DATE: June 2Oth PLACE: E. Braida Farm, Just East of Acton on No. 7 Highway tomne Garner Motors ACTON PHONE 452 EARI. J. McCONACHIE, Vour Farm Equipmenî Represontative TUS a ioUN 1ta, l MAKE~ GRASS SILAGE DIRECT FROM STANDI 1 ?q A SEE... JOHNSO] GARi Your Chrysier,f FargoDg FOR SETTERL PHONE MIL« him a à a,@M 'aIaV m m . TIME: 2 P.M. P-«as.. a 0 Tte chl etI saive-fSocS MawerBas Attsch. meant ha Stebig catachty ta Sceadle heevy yielts eaity. and proea.S te foac, csam-M~ necesssy Sos quality adage. 1 maws te assa tnw-gsownag csesosuaus.AllfaS ad Esa.e. as well as t ew aUat-grgwing tsfrnasd silage" mixtues suct as illeS, Sodas Geus, Soyheasa, Sosghum and Cane, sawed hoesst cast .. . stops and draps tan. Intoa wgon. The saas Baic ISeerUSets. 551ta nomsaa or p-eastatef -nilen aos ae"Buns sfl Md sssS «-tu - - - hb" embs. iass-h.,, ana assuema a. taebaaat Corcre met. MY O0F Tl E IL 08101 CKCHANOE-VM NITS MAT RE RTYACIED IN 811WMINUTI 0.01 Glas.Y-aCos'spilsEsqsCeenane s Fîld lt.Sîsso.. Pssnrfsl BababtsssestSnsas tiatusB.o osrsA«s.P.l- frlstdg puroses w15h <SehI Part. KO. Ou-oss.1 CEHL Posaga o.eaa.. uasss.Says:'5t5he.buStdsna- aeper ts th- isud. re.s.nsh.s - as aos.a" Osth heh hoanssnu aI asYstseitdep-ed- est nssaîssose COME IN AIND LIE THSE 08511 TRITRAnAv -irtTuv lois. iý 1 - > ....... .. . .. »" ' 1

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