PAGE SIX fl-lE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THUESDAY, lUNE 101h, 1003 OMAGHI MOFFAT1 PAIR EXCHANGE RINGS LOWVILLE Miss Jane Scott 4f417gcii This Week's Bride INE MITCHELL CHURCH. District Farmers Speaks at W.A. Tea Bort t ý'Honored at Shower In a double-ring. cerentony in Take Western Trip Mc. and Ms etHtho fTrluily Anglican Cu JouMicellt The W'snens Assocition heldia Ayur wero visiling fiondsinl town MinsaDce lschloch. a bride- Evelyn Alborta Paris, dasghter of eea amrsi bson u sccessltes on Tusndsy aller- al Fridsy. elet of Ibis weeh. was honored ut Mr. John Poris, Mitchell, ond thsei joyed the bus trip t Western Ou- nn in Ontsgh Presbylorisfl Mr. Georgc Hanilin oi Ennishil- siniscellaneous ohonter heldi ai the loto Mro. Paris, wons nilod la tarin and the ulule ni Mîchigan tho church. rbicli nasu decocoldnwt l In lins heen nponding aslow doa honme of Mes. Cycil Elliol and Ms trig nl ereMrn m îu itcnclnourdb h banel c lary unttc Io wca mth Mcs. E. E. Yolen. 1Coîhorine Elliot on Fridoy Oening. calir nf London, non of Mr. sud Haltan Crota Improventent Ansocia- Thenwaesiernwasidesloandsahbel . nhen thcyceneclsined atout 40Mrs. GosrSinclair ofMilton. lion. Ail rpartcd haing agood oglriedsulretfaradocsar wecC M.and Mr.Charles5crirtgatesserînsnlîtaeîsb, i proncritaleu r John ErPianoebrde or afrellnghtal Th prtaanr aofocd gg nTho.rrnasa o gond atllendnea Th getswre wl lmd y tletted the nrddiag aIMît Guelphivisiîrd onu Ssidad. sith t ca ei.edoilboaslroptcso bodicentodnceg lli,.;,.ra Tii5iP WtO'a. , baiei dirW, sChiiitolvla- ,s rrsain, alongtlhe i- cal rritaI giron ha the3 tir,' rs. Ccil Ptterso. nie, ho'ilLiMMi.tadlMDsrW.yA FA R' b ,ignua Mnnt NT Tii- t-aî r tîaîd Nr p-adi-r-ai î. Sia nd it al liin ait, IirIIlpi 'fM blDae.AR ' Ruhl-o reàth eiptfi ls- N and ls o lnti t I f t il - a l-- a\Ir j d Ms. Geo. a liP l atta ai-a'fithi aili ie la- T î-cita-ig T!o ldciichiaoiniTtina lito. ien il few ca- iîaîiM.dsorts.Thoeuti n Ttin sonalbeiadi sd ahi5tardipie c J î t. latrllng a i iaaii hllide.iieA llat ltaiir Hei~~l lctia Itr toit aras tingerriarp na sibrnccN ntT N. MeFaiii led n prayer. Darytitle Lobe. Mi VBl aNrdk. Lntile aIgtllnanalhe art ca outpase. on Jbonnu. LîNna TGuna Misa Margoerite Peaose ad naleontisiocstbean enCrletaigroes.lTtrnis ohînahsonoinJesGun Misa JaaMoy ylaored aillivocal M.M. RxBakeraofTi.tu saataca. t J. Ror a h oeMs.Calsnn.e fTrn iaeHsok ai olJa sonînu.the tainte electiouanu tabhila i ciiting in Milton onuWednesdayof M a Roerso.10 m ton nfbanrrerin apastel, GDoiha' Arabie Rallia, Gîlbecrt thea' <are anarded ntedols as île nilhliber tans sislean Mcs. E. E. s r ndd au . Vctar Andeisan pinli ballornna lenglh f roansd theJbnsn, Dan Coalter, Acîcue El- rcrr alNtIon Mssic featival Thc Yoles sud Mca. George Rumnlu d Miss Annobel o? Guelph uinil--d bridies tain ialeco, Misses Jean tonSozanne Fouler, Violet Baver- were ccomanie by Ms. CarnilliMca. V. Cantpbell oau Fîday.Iand Joyce Poris, wi-cc bidcatid,'n Mr.andMrsJ. . Eliot ad Mssr. Dnca an -stal, Elear Ponaell, Ruthi Harris, enacresarcnoi uetli.'Ms a: hc csdMaJ.EtsllMor.DnenIudDoglapsîi.îa'oaan hîalcaSnall and Eileu Fnalcc cure Proton. Mat Peler Pcddie lbIt Ibis ontciiig Cantpbell, wnabhmboaler attendîta9 Lascia Slicasr, sister nI thae osdapesnuvraint i The iliu qarttte Ma Ns iîîdr-ive totaheb st crasa. i Tbr r rltcgcat Aacaorc rehante f:laite osn. aa s ate uleant ta pemingacr ra o taih nard. Mca F. HB dei.Mca E- ilb aa o everles bsolîdoys. gom a He itefonte, prîîgram teewr oa asalbenaa'fns Iacea ii.inslong trtebof baby bloc nsnihern ba'Rannie PowerllDonna Reodlrad. Mas. W. Gosld sud Mr. sud Ma.s. Beach sud Mitanlniatrisiteentih isdelierearnHari.anet,.MaryJeansand Mca NB.Andersona. beir ascoap- MsC. A. Noarliraariard Marie Beach nf Hamilatoanaeri- arîiîîe.arratd MetrolfeuofOn a Posa'Colsan, Stuart sud Steves ansbI rcadced several elctiniome tSatacdayallr v iitin iatillget onSsudaa' nath Mr 5nd (l oundwaagrnnntunan and the Ha'ward, AldilliR Nahîarsu nhich *acre esocli ppecaiatedi. ber doogliler sans-m-lana. Dr. Mia. Franki Hathaaar aaRbr ai ITruu.NliHuesnsdDi icel MistMsaoarctalraihGfsornladbaoiR.E.tbotHocfu-n-Mr CasudoavnMorS, aNEuseMeCoRoerrPrisofalCîn- Mr.ClsaliDnadn),ýn1Ztb îI lia ortvraca 'aag violiuîal, lsyocal îruiaitî.Obusio, d a nda aîeond c I Tht acception nasa ht u lc Intiumntual acieatnala ai atenin D-.arne ad r.Harod Douiît%,t'f haieh poclao. Gocata narenprs taL anglan au thecîni u r lioautottly sud nasa ntaab coaed. MCorbîca ggrsduation.entl pa îenrbcda Ie a rn ocn nr ani trncLaAto au beaopie Mai \lcFoal radaedlbhe est,tioir ofllbirnmtler, Mca C Dat speoker-.NMi:.le SottlofToiron- Atiuila'uorta'nahirlisiouttlaat ta..Mtas Exeter sud Sîrollord 1acrrcruîaa'rd. ta. MsaScoeti s a tatiter aI elig- Sudoy ai Niagara Fasits lutded _1_-__1__Tbr yîîii cou oft I tI-i lai. Tht pacLa Ipraeutcd Mis Daca' toý rielea ortoc hle Globc and Mr. sud Mas.Rîcanscl Moeaaa' , ZIMMIRMAN -i trip Ila the tosîberUntliled SItimo t aîtb eaîualill olltuquet ni cotes. Maiae ldher audieces ra d Mca Milon Haigarires. lci e_ as, The ill aitntbeirone iMr J.lrta'eyacrd s baioaand Mail Mea isonr ndhd n rs lxadrMura adLaidosaiavtld theoaudienceadonstaato triaed ei2boatiouaiaulitMr anMi.des MuradMvi e mboeia deitiaaa5bufîtîlll Iua chsrard taa artaAritesbtIli iOt.r tatSu *g i DMrr'sdlîcda Thoghzhc hrslfcold Ms rthr LamnstI iPrAfi'ican B -hL'fe District Actinities l-cîîlsb. prerculcdsentberga-v>ofCoraad Mw aselîbou Lspta i Presented LBush a s.G. E.Nasdhrod spant a fana Tarihe olMi ssîl ot t tr Cornabtu aanNoaglitrellbarastudfie lir .iigarliiuaelnot taeks ehwnith Mr. Leninil Speakcer's >uoiect ille, r. Nirs a Poila li ia cr o.adeancerld MitaSoairtn- tata brother. Mr. ChalasLewniug- The repulrIsa nthla'mtngtupu ofaiMi aa ofi alcdhumdeesa'beisPiculou- ain S. etlMonday ight lni the ZintoirantaWamnssAssor icHCttauorlrca ai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tk cci lia tîrcoinaVandouver iatiau ras beldi ot the honte oaI s Mo.Nviir lIo îîr i is. KlliBei dasonhl MasvDcal Mh ica. W ibMeFada îbnc rtlI-ilcodte)aVartce. iFranak Hodîra' aillithe presideul tr at a evi t of aisoxPirsha'cat Si, alun Mortoni salt lrd otlibaed t he oili Mr.ansd Mca Wnt N. Hanes!oila-Mca. C. W. Brdgman. lu charge irnandtitGraaîrAnplîcan ilarîbest TIsa Jah saidiiiCopa Claub graint Theuoctirp ast tîcS b I itnsdaiir iaH nsd 14 atue ca rspreaci. ta - i t o f tilheirAterrooa Anx-a stî-udcd Ithr lî-abnîaaar film cunitI- sniinttai Qoet ad aboelldie'- oeltisatudcd teactchbraliot ýThcneteingapeuadaaita1yntu ofitSt Pal,1tltatochircold"A Qoi-raastt1,; rdslBain- Tolas i-rNI MrthrI ii fhe .iib saac-arr Iif ha ltlstard hytheoLttd'slhî0 - M icaThari-dra i tearot loto Il itinsnNlonti.irrto andsaflo The d ia h- ibm ontdîaac he:i lia ta Naduti lttlsl atb t Mr M na ar h rttaepo This,ts oricas s b i.i l c (s sitto uicttici ans-ui soca Sda s Sbertin ouas s-b--e- -Sais -trMl-î Hl t ia al 1923 tal arli37. ail ,.-cio in o i-r i-ig-tr tapether. Prescntation Party liraiIte-wniut T , c...lari ..... . i cït ilute i ii l ia reur.tinili rt ttar l Canira a tinSi cetsl hn A . FIoaýiîi1 everiri %, s sttalai tai lia-iliaitlit-tiWtt- theih:Y,,iac r .l ansd Mas. Wllsr z ti n T- odras t Gaaf"" ýtIaa i s mNti lAt FrP;is aa'-tr lou t capoNîoarsîo Nin,-rst- n hli e nou iaud li i-,ia andlc.iao rai il Cndaaa'ilri; ons'oll, it1ii-ihcc Ao.. w ,adleab r soflSS. Ne. 7 utih- i talbrII 1 h*ult A h i !it"îîî (serîîaia ac iai -ra-ir-pof itagar aa ha erod ,r apre.scrittionparýv. Tn Pro okes Battl Thebusiess ii plI!,,i :ia a-tuaiCmnlaitonv ilaaIaiar-ltii-atdb occc l nI -roes ettto r'Ta ooe sD TTentobasaaamaa.ta-a p.îa i - c i t -.-tir. Mi ýFîtc bo '1 trsa! rlorlotoottt thero Cntnîued frsusPge one) frclbtsgado atv. llpitsca a as-es sa ar strt ieeaa Mr- - seGanbt of aI NII aspcs<ancst itas taulîe Mca Labo ca- N iitint Thft(-an d >t tail lii.hct, N (i Au ntdr. SIotit Esc-a r~s oîsrd alt lac intaaitsaib ilît, rba1 aipureldhtsllc. Mr. StalofRlNa'cl r ait hIa aadian nuiaKep hada Mati. Shirle.Mary' lime. Tber aesia occ mi,,Adhtai i ithbepai,%%- tan c cyas. iantult. b ad a--ccd riua'a-atai-rhag rSudiaîaPrhilr Olodia Feiathonea ansdMNtasa ns- itrtilis. laspeasiai the W.A. Anuiccisa' laI. thaý tbe slas n iw i tiM taîan Jamesîbrt ItyClard liud KNllyr.McGeorge PracroCîcuttap ta1i- iaSstdaycrcenisg.î'sncday-ttsyai aiPa-tEtloo-baa sudMFceAntue icKdradachst.sri-tcyrcc Abtheclose aIflacelbusinsn uuasaabo anAl poa.nd Maolyu To-s .ernasutcroled ennaoispecahittoiidlia atheecmeetind. thew.A. prraculad lantps _______ Mernseddbsalaeltssetrrappirsla-hdrîta b fonitnoMra.Haaa'nththa;;"NIaG. A. Kingpcsidrut.orsl bride sud groomansd baped tIt theboNlson s-Issl Oit-, Sirntlso asa tbe contotanita' and Mm. lIinrhecaie t-i ebonte tic sttt ES OFIO SO FN sathecenliscicdnn ie sha es aî ssaan ahcueiraadlol rnt abonhihaaaaoeaxaaaadcanaIsi~ satenru' ha'ntpl aa ctaudînnî-ntunaaoesaprsset-dlr utlianaaîih a fcîa -atsNtrs. Jeuigsand Mra.WDG snnooliosailiug sud mny happ ftialts. ad coiuahctd b' aellabhotsnards. Ndohnaoson i chpnentedîstceantt- Aneanntactechaslieeubuill iato and'es n gc ile nib aabsc ittatuan stia ldcarthocd I- A tala-aI dsnstned arbiclea tas. unrports an the depsrtntcntt ofi apeisi de-lune gol carIsansd tllýs Aan ds ed y Mr. ih rais a uald breapiIb a Kit- plana. Theornciplaanre s itîle v Chisiansucitazecuuip asaeanard-1 lbc pslîcc rpthe atuaidistance of bas Au sddeates lia' mc.onKti l aînd ap r NelTonappaship or $13.00. ahap. neapetiluel'. 1driavil, La heFin - alPet Mherry olntead Ms npnta ct cul deccbuedsaPprtuglthcesra-' A deciiuslounchanroterae-toal! 1Prarcanas telhenefthbe de- annula tind ait gonad neigîbtra Mt Paae'nare5iacra Iitci nlsnd ancalîhatc Mîrp o. v Nîal K Mcausts nutd Mc bS Wint Raîleyansd Mir Ceci Patter- George E. Eltîsîl. Miltan,appoacc e i lsd wtte Ipa rirK.o TIi licae aan tphs. S. sou preseuted tic giflas logeon lirbaîf oftheitc otîaauaaDîtarastliaîl a sng ai es EO G Naare rrcoe John Alhlus, Nls'n, ilitoo- FHanrd MaK O asîeotI cystal diai aoîsi ed ! berio reaît N tlaIcGoade 0ta? Peoaer sud - GEMRTU Tha eo-ta'nacdn oupreauerd their bîlcatîs u îtd hartc asN Sfl a rdiHaoîfPacr and appceaatiosund inviedl taorisqî Ata.dralJaueSMITH tiet he' av s srantutauAclnnor lacIh caîon T reeREVIEW lubradas.Mro. Faux laid li Dicusticntew trsîvut ai tha aotnîrbuiaans sian tiosa -ru il oftheaasped. iBRICK AND BiOCKWORK Di re st ric epors a M accpted aIt a c Rtof$328rimitite taaplîrîla' aI bash ibie., Wnoa ar' arpattt-Mt Tnaa applacatiotsaut , hi etaibahch foar il iai- bec hotanda 1 PLASTERING WilltMrsanîin Psrbeatai the lIh-uants1if stcrisaiaandtara1v_---'--------'---------------4 -- tiutoralhet ibsrSb hornt er ac dsper Mat. F. Ma- tarO -r ctrld plcal" b-atlca-duiaad h1 Mlo 6 gor l Ralevile.baang A.Rarow, higipaa7, A SFNSE F Db GENCY b tt uaepspeLI teadd ier laonrsl aeroîncr- ac IaIcusab1n lniTlargaof ' aat op a u .ault-at acrttb BURLINOTON NE 4-3703 bIor eta Na abuinSlaenrasC rao I loar h. MaArtihsi tI Aryona lnau i hotpp rip ifi !taitdira sîrts. bti trc;IIIatt- lulcnaatarsiuSiterCanttca lçt - .i aîedaîthr,.. Torrnto i. baaad ita aatdac I-ll îaBiab rst c o julties-rt Na'nuasthrî-cuetcdedîaîe littiabt.uvHNra1i tbiaab Fi aitsnid Shî n 's.Il aiýhi -f achiîrab .- I drla Mcs..Hîcca r caaety. Ualirtuaaîtr aaaaýild;T iiia ;."aIl aais ialaa sa f lI--a a--> hai inrît dijnattieaits 'et duec1, tir -NIaiCassas a11,11 aaîiiatlliais -' i ni. ,Ilx Railsral rtbrprrarta th',ITr* TteTtil -accu, Niasi;ni h t if aa siia . al Sassas ciai nt bsud sthon:ia. ail I. !. al--a, tfiaux.a-îaa ar sttýi.rnbacatdiin ar al-..a.--liii aaila-iu îitsiai:ia ...batlaataiiui i h u.s batia i ager i T ra ls b s a i l au-a.T-11îtaîî a ur I.,., tb . au -.a. aitu ia iî aiuruu s C sn prc ipa tb m ris inibtst, h m ari a a.l .i. sau aica use ul1il.-1als ail la-lichnu î_l_ d- ofa th ea a s s n ia t t n aT o ron t f t i i n 'la ecI ai . ta a s Tahs. Issus rs ai c . . i- aa Ic sa a -l Ietsla ua're asPtantt r lt M lerado iaua a ndisîî tsa a irihie ua i. 'ntcb.aiu"haga fataaasarm os lie rnerlco the iiiittitt Stuuh-il tc- îî1s1 aiI-a hntai ss Naia tb Ie aIiaau tue cae a cancI- ban out ln, rf l Asaci i Itia ia'dllîT s uercuî 1tîearayape ra-a arIIon Tbe Pehreaci Is la' rnanta anas tua-ris arsrt,-r aiu-cuaaiitts au-taMissIIi-hAlaS AST niai - gssd aDoada risuc '$2,aa!C,2PELLVILLEI naThe-at alîsar (>uaîca IlNuiri sf atifon ci'I;is St ulut u Tba MIo t ria a- au G o d tnance Nsbt ý Trot -ýa i -11 o ptC,,aubd1' S uuu i ri t llchl ndF ii tarr 5nssdaaisI dsala 'avil Te - rausaflc-'d.ssata-aiarrî-.changps al.acavsn ottoitiatthug Mj-T)rtoroTon a li. letrupit ilassvîr-tlI-asttilsTta asr j un t e uic a Apti t he cia li t a s s ci ,- a d c s r s u a b n a Tbc CsM tauolrdtn iTuaysoaab lu-r l tt a I rnta I s u u - t ( - c1- sct i tal ut'S E .usai -tAuN ia is y Dtcnac ,in AoiAanLLIucriatadcidodsaashisltrripilur. TnudtiS tridrna i..rceMiton oI Lo n R I M KiOW , T t a s at iii s n t n a s a hosa b r e a n t i l l tm a il5 a.uf olI aa - beit aItIStanlnestd Cartstitatdi "Ili o su halia' tahiu iL l lit batt; and 5ll pI lo;crio tlbar urntpelhttings. unpluuTiclrsirad TIr ,ith Cou et ita ir abnt strA t c auacoanî a' o ait, la laeorigialitenlcotirpntuotr arhicl11 lt o idgea ltaacbulrigaat-e tar;lu- 4claiaor; ouno nacietri Ar îotmaca utanct teanli Msson Bod eetn iit liintct acati r nwth aa- sItt plaanrd:Mo.salrtri o, ceIr ilr- Lo tis huat ner anicsof Mieias Rod I nsý lO tbeir ltîadctSintpsaen ootlite Tor- anafle ia norsiuarirr'pinoluches Dd's c eeingot tc; bntoaI Bu ofatanlhavggugIse Trebdauof'7atr;t:l I'aleasrs trustwas, mail e-A t LET HtaliNOW it esuTs nce i aspnedanîîb Hih, Pynbba'casnntndnof asd aab a nocdcalianduraibc Wien sas naI thilis Wrillie ail a nacohi lia Jas! Mi- s at ngondniitcc abl a tiolnaTeo dau" ieurrb a Rattractivesud Morpor- aOMnth EN NS PARLIAMEssNT onasllc iianiti pcin exstenso- La,.Isa'su innan lb, o ckt Meo li es ad tcoRonto e readb)d mriibetlestas.lerb; fetoi IaInand 6 ih ack Fanilginsys sde ss osr a od n.inttto fbra ae n acarto matdsichi; oni alglsu ITu iig s or c tlcl Poaancoans thglu e l ontn MI- coTicoh-usaa gs p eatisurd i a niea t: ni; waon;pper ora lotI- J the limpaeuute ngtrsdo- iddto ode î. h poo lte Ftona o Pas apiropfdor- cFratant a ite lnounouncanleeet-o I.e't asu husan t. TIc apifia ugn lia'pybbc l-onia's lurcant s ie ing nan draotepsd o udktabe table;ast un nete cop ra, thercin,' n t sliunbripcistnoyn ecparatpribs&eebi Wbmls u ra Itîsrian l s e a u, sîim wsu o illage" a bou fro t c isa iniuep nouliy n pni- nca nt; i r.gsur :r ntp r Poe Ln tat bisakian th b; h l ie ss'ionI.aLo einInuits nud anrcluUSor da su Chi n r-a ist nt ps turd Mlarle spatri ddec; Inetiat grnero.2 W Let. i tn nacb ta Os - asa Miebet sandunscsntpan Rort an o s deuthfoc o lon e sdtri t saraanu;eet Le u ioaute. m"eetn tteb i( fB v os tbgiil, a ur an- niaa ta-le rfu lipc oteb s A O r p em d nai 1 1 m b b i s rRyb eMi s isa p a x u r , s e-ead c i i a s a a s s o l b i r e o f f a u r s a' mdi s b r o d n a : o ilt e ; b g i - u o îîarî eLl nitn t maintGad Tdn s"blne u ansd rsol l on sruaat d u iteu: as d iut b oitusas!reuser- bisa huntnt. tTh' mî e t", aiigw oItfand ucaîcc- Pacconetoluan annt sc a lad rîfea. w rrb.: sel b doc"mn h Suns igl terain oshnacre JanetlacMiras une randspantelac Y4aura', BOYD he AN! __________ rst' chel. BvryRbrp n agr ots grlINg ARLAtu a-nanC aoh ithosringtr mii Gior siti onYan.ctdeaI borvetlicor lsrnbd sticle f.o Asapsigvintlsti;lt na ui cara s tirfraprirrut liaset- GifliFuid a an e. PHONE 57it an Tnp rln'aol l Cnoo a rerlirsgi n bInnbaeMic- hacu sa gp en tatioed hact rIiNmachDLEYArELLir;bth- IsSi. $10 satîtinu aniarbi anas solOial P ontclidua'onasug anasnsangilac; Juanta',audcpucsea-alaDproli- Lut PeaHe Prainu. Tetpcena enb h la-fi nfv of ii oai e adrudtal omac;v erS saib t , A rp e n bagesas ni Aamnar adlag g s ctpcpor;etric Whena fllo plase yo. uchritia vilag" tken frotallegilatve espnsiilW.. . NaisOeilu rl don.eec 1ir lo2 Mu rray Grenke PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone: MILTON 366W EYES EXAMINED THURSDAY JunelG8& JuIy 2 10.30 arn, IG ô pm. GRIMWOOD JEWELLERS MILTON PHONE 113 The Council of the Town of Milton WISH TO EXPRESS THEIR APPRECIATION AND SINCERE THANKS TO ALL CITIZENS AND ALL OTHERS WHO ASSISTED IN THE SuCCESS 0F THE CORONATION DAY CELERATIONS ON JUNE 2ad, 1953 O RAN GEVILLE JULY lst Harness Races PURSES $2800 STARTING GATE WAGERING SCORE CARDS ARTHUR ROWAN, JOS E. COONEY, Presîdent Secretary AYING TIMEl We ntil have a omaîl supply of e famous Massey-Harris natic Twyne Tie, Suicer Baler ,mplest large capacily baler on the markst AND POWER DRIVE MOWERS STILI AVAtIABLE Forage Harvedfe supplied with motor or P.T.O. Cen bu had with table. "Three" machines in one. See us todlay. DIRWIN IMPLEMENT CO. %ASSEY-HARRIS SALIS AND SERVICE MILTON, ONT. PAGE six THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE loth, lm