rd --PMrIN , NOETHWNqmj H'fl Like It Sunday is Fathers Day. To thase cf usN write £0 regclarly il seemns Ihat mont every! day or eve ry meek has omethiug thaf requit special date. 0f course, tl was Mthers which came f irst and, of course, il jut nacm4 natural that somcbody would thiuk that fat cheuldu't lag behiud and we have Fathers E tlu very easy te write ice sentimental tl about mothers and flomers and memories camehow dadu jut dont fit junta that categer) wa have foiks suggasting ien and secks shirts and makiug dad more practical than h raady is. Being a fathar, we oudu't for the monl anything derogatory about Fathers Day. The! position makes tl almout impossible for a fati suggest that childreu mear a bright red rose1 hlm honor or that you shomer hlm with gil show ba's not a bad guy. So wa jut say Sueday is Fahers Day. ever way you f lsd tu cupress yocr regard fc me kuow ii be appreciated even if ha gruff way af csprassieg appreciation. Eaaumeratara are husthsa meuhrmpai th. vsateru' istsa ta ha aed ira the aeca elertia>r. Be mre yaar ceme s ona the lia. The Choice is Yours The date that has beau most oftau merý lu tha pat fear weeks hasnuow beu ofi dasiguated as the day mhich Cauadiann mill the polis ta choose their govarumaut - Mt Augut 101h. The summar monthn cf 19ý geing ta have soe heat aflar al aveu warmiug up is a littia blated. From uow util Augant 101h the electc have tha candidates and parties puttiug hir varlous planks. platforms or issues whicls tha votars are aked la buse thrir duc Thera may ha a great deal cf confusion au- ors may find il bard le malsa ther decsior the many tingn whch mnay bu prepcsed. I' right of every Canadan oer 21 years cf vota for the candidate cf is or ber cheicu. daecision that is slnly the tanpcnnibilty cf dividual. Ne mater mbat date lacticn day vor you oma il ta yoerself and y 0cr coutry te and aaarcisa ycer franchise. By aur freae e ef 0cr goverumeuts me anjcy prîvlages ahana in many other ceentres meeld ha et( Your ballot is secret and scmatbing mhi nhould guard carafully. Maka sure yoe es Augut toth. Holidays ara important baltp alone nhould oct kaap auyona from makir thal thair vota ragistars thir opinion mhei da votas an Augent 10th. Along the Concessions Ou the week-end me made a littI a a soe of tha concession uines. The higbc. gatling a littia cromded thana dayn for c pleasura driving. But the concession lines duty and driving ment ha linurly to1 then arrem and oftan tmisting roadmays Mot tamus hava streats named thaý lu Nasagamaya Township neat sîgu pc! ceas ractad at all the crassroads. The daignate tha concession huaes and the i nembars. Thay are a great blp in findi homes and au aid b ail travallars, Nas ban set an acample that might mail be ail townships where tl s not lu use. A trip along the concession lues brin dInar items le the forafrout. Mont avei naamn bo have Iydro and telepbcue avail abit surprising aise b suee the nembai vision aarialn that dot thea countrysîde limas ona marvals, toc, aI the beildînc ara carryîug Ihîn latant communication syý mhatbar buildings shculd ucl hava had c( ion firt bafora any uam allachmeuls I addad. AllIhe modarnizaticu bas not beau to te inIghmayn. Along ihthenacon% and advancement that han coma e I hek cessions thara is also that quiet, linue fuines hat han beau driven from oci roads canaclîug tomn and cilles. Ci4 Iurant BUSINESS A ND EDl' THE GOOD OLD DAYS EATio MAY HAVE SEEMED W EIST BETTER *S OuTHi liasss et teel akiusg lthe patllghi ihua meeal- Ago Tw nt ~' A Bte tram Stail h ad cas Iecause ceatSuBaday lis *, Yers y ears ÈO SmarsedPapa Day" eisiarl Oc a drive * some --ry tram. ead1c aamS.naacSuna enoie- agiiet CFroua thae Issue ai the Champion Of Froua the Ilune cf the Champion u of S ace ubdiuiaiac Se the baaday me crisandiee a mageifiecc mIna What do yau lika about Miltan? What are Thursday, lune ta, 1a03 Thuraday. lune 22, 1933 sutb at Tratalgar. The cne-styleat Ruebwaad. Sun- yod suggestions for imprevement in the lewis? Tii,' ssi,îîîîîel hiis, showv v su 7h,- wehly cpis ic band Ccs-thathe- eaeal wund trames, bat ada Faile as a lIeuse snritup the questions Ihat ara beîug asked bld us Gls civ Thvîvduy, Eridiy ccisc.ili Vîcsuria Paruereccc va-thcy cva he cinclisia hons, mInasigusciny! Belinasears ani auraefinscc adcumdesTluedynauScs. The-huildici s pningaîu336steel- uldsiestrucchieh had itslant anracr huesofas.t ereniaer acdhnaseusuty drcuralat.udrmglury-s Day lu a public opinion poli biug circlatad by Millesnsuccmeî at utfaucrahir crather Thehad ciii 'pay lathe parC h irrl rmuedS 1av sCrus.na bice Day^, b dca eau sary cd a Chamber cf Commerce by lthe membars. The cuadition,the raie cumiat dama Se sighi. Thaa mid $aunata area. Reaias-ed ubselesaYausd iu ee nrterra- ihrs machnt asoas qesios imd i ndelua rrrly the tasIcu das. The as- Miss M. A. MeNiahel. Miss M. taie r$r200,so ay ea.iitRales-tdWerbsodeparsmacs-lur us tha ithes mechats aso ak qestins amedait ndivduahibitu cerac arsclass, a luser St E. Tercer, and W. ID. Gas ie.Miltonuatecrls asteOkil eodtun-o s iay. soeimprovameut and service, dure l ol chrdt e aqe hi istya nte FcStar, uay the oeners paSd $45sa0torta uaar erd t 1The traubck aapue- storgulhcra teceld hr adie agr a ud f seirrtyrfSuoFn-o,hepraperty Sas hac Sca yaara Chasead bsece Susin1924, ousd hings tIlu snt askad Ibat thana questionnairaeus î,rhr b uce buigagea lyuera USre tTrateacl ucdesudra iaad ai aicecas- ar u cd irs spcaill ihenurae usie'rica siaa5ee. raai EenlTinl >wd, chita aa"d bica daeraicer but nîguad. TIey ara sicply dropped lu the boaxuleu i bnu ancdl Sh Ghuîs aSe eaaSu e Eenl ragewsie auiuapraaSuea y.Sbahsoe ll ea htfo hs utm r heaucu and beny clae. tah crsnesrd Inn the arrivalina the Aishuegh cana earu nwaraadILthCorainpadinB- ry.So achstoe. l i hoed hatfro thse ustmerbv5h lbceuîingliecrns rlives aned barber ai a aulhe eseaceraeouet the cisary af the Esereai ingia. and ansmars and cnlicinars impravements i luMtes h rsvp crighihuierceclasses, A. S. crrylsu a cargu ut ccci. And nu Triangle ucry ofecinsa cicg pue- CocteatWinnra te ai- and lu shopping service may bu made thar miii Chuahals lm fOakheir cricul slbah i heS abouat a ccary aeue im seras and cuvais, Gorgetownce s Wr Sec Ibis Mra. Grdas Taaker mee wih te aproal f te mjorty.Il asharnemsisec.55bandsansd uccu, van a .hesy port uîicu itsurfinaovinS a Tranugle, etfB..i, Miton, cas$50 Se a Can- mue mthth aprva cflIa ajniy l asA. S. Chciaor, second W. N. Scoti., Preachinu ai Meaaccavd United and s apparrcuIp ncrp happp about ada Panrs HappypHaiidapauontalt- Id say long beau cossidurud a good maaim amoug Ibose Milton.îîBu-csluie-vi-eiPrrabpScrisu Cherch us SabieulI. the choeu hScgt Wa mare alse Saermsted Se raad Se cviii, A. .5 Chisbviar Ceiscrel Juer 25 ai 23f pc. Enerrbcdy Al lIntreicpbcre ur ucers iush s t h e nusrIa nd cicn, Mca. Tara ama who slil t a "cutocen lu always igt." Thenu ýpetIeni, W. N. Sctt. l- c.c îcscc.semaara Incedsfotr a hacge-s Siraad utfN.. ,Caiiacder, drave cen ta Chambur cf Commerce lu ta bu comcendud on Au tbe Meiid.uy smcctuuguomilirei Hcccb-cRBanelli Hamiltoru utTriagle 7 alunS fuerusIer digits.a bretarc iraclarftuer milas toepick to do ilin effort ta seccru crsîscîsm Ibat milI bu heipfel in5owcr ieuee sicrics Pe iJTrafnlgart onshpnd cErelaeInstelhumesn ofthcu edieas ciiha-esu lelhequnesfh$500!ers.ar aty ifs to cakiug Mlcn a buttun place lu wbîch 10 lice and CascS F H Dr)convsfoic ivc incues- mv.iiediciaithe parscrue abp Ce.usn e rus eeb, acd the arc diii aed papcratu an the atai. le eser buinssvcscet ofNe. 7 Co..201b rt, aI J. A. Neill u Seiccdey Jcuc17, ecaebacrcl isbly go ita opera- I rnatbsns.criTbcn viii brin e tethueccnte ton iceSeSeplechar. liasses fur Atan? MInaI- - ---Tbec tcloiî, si.the apcivie i Bradletur ru onbhe11hlSuer, Tes- Uluhe Torocto, mIera nuclur Lac decu ppaymeal hamac tuer mevitesorHBilon utlhr Lcuîvslseie îul.c yulrc s îc pecasiac. GeorgtowActon arteccusdcr inesatiaincc . - ®rIniar .Tbrr ,5noaeh thfrglasanaldiefliiii,"' publicccvl gacesiSuc tbi.i yei. uule Cvencil-E. J Ilitby. o acf rareei su cclp pdlne e udiaciag basenharica au c5efol- ban a c amreatn KthrenWtea ead ,sitsniiut410, N.eviuemv$276,the Bas lieulca Higb Scbcci Boerd, tshe lusidturds sml p ilinointealesa inn Accap- e addiua, Thesre caiIua. Ncevia$322, Trafalgar $415. %visîc she eaaulty auicgu fr $1,500te55 ordgt.picto o h neaino ---------Asaiecici iMcof vatie St. was oicc5îcacherr'salareaud pey Emergenru Fire ParsufaEs=dar towshiubp . .. us-au buir vs attbvut 12 sicîcck orsec ruesura theibohard uccliSep- Wbic Halteru tice brigades wmea Fiaccapccasied te aAruan T he *~Selecd.'ssihS, twomen suce.ddembar 1. Thea lîtr suled SInus ut sheur musai sid drmacelratiec ce publie sebal boarcd acSIn tatusSi Sng Rueoa Lie h-chim vt'u h Pi. ccuiuadclauemcycastrlccigTuerdep etlasceek, a tire broeerocumaoe the prescrit hitIn aubau rai A ecent biograpby evealsilis subject, tord di-inaisdrd mreu e-.fGis ei bse;il ocr, the huard caaid bce tarerdcaout ieoreon.eThe acacgnccp ciii hae reqeired tac publie arbaci vent aceardurua os nhedula. theagh, accmcodatien Iny aeltembar cf Aton, as n ocf lthegreateut mindu cf modern paiaîed cîîmelhin7,appmîenyîîa se- îc cansîdur îahina ction se shusth h r rad ie wyISI is a Iacebgnsha tiars. ebite cibi en butth ate eotcunypspiîru as the braicasce sa she tw rgd ie ey15. ln o h e ihsho ie. oberes im be - thguinSussesofMIne lait erm .Thacasarîl ces- the ci u ce w. arc uadeccap. 1ibru ientdte rn oe ftelteTeTratalgar erginailhad In A large part cflthe mould today lu merriad tbe sSear pîrirucic.bsieadhealuaisuc eith iciermasîgard 5e caner Georgeown u Fou v.î shurstlotaccbcheele.and ;ucdsc%ýentîý.oheopinionsShat h Sbr te - f irbt h nSix Feet o rIc about icing ils liberty. Stlu sintenestiug te ncal uide cc-idic escapueBuslîsnechucîl ueuld h-ace elteculaatibtShucste *.s iind Actons deof liberty and ils value tIoucanity. The Oubvile B, s F slcr- cj'S ceptrpi cvey puplln s sbrtepIL Policeman Hiretuckdrrve ueialyodecelvcd lb-ilSbu-he peelvis il ieeSep-iulaTheNo. 2 paceSltrucb acsercd the oie a ie ficialtytfro t .W A ertýj oeini ueaofthieua stacdby uctl the Tra- ýI go to Wfet baibullte tt es i- bl lmcutsrtasrtigur raguar arrivad. Cuis Ccucns Tratalgar seca- If happinesu n thaeud cf Society, iben snn o.riae bsnbuen il -cith, is lnt'urvcei l ib te ge st Alsbcagh uaerlcckseu ira peu- aipa arc police afficar. Be ca cday, lbryi uefuos...Lbryisnttepve ikii hsmabrsdeiruIldi, -l'lscuv i.id. bctdu-IlIhî fisrtvcciusdabacacnapersuesdrd 0513 are l0rynnuafcu -.-Lbrt o In ee ite usici taliri-viey. iiishrt*c h elbi t ulsetea bsld eulyp.p-id ;jb ci d hclisa acn s l e cîicce a wrur oeu-fa23 ip secal s pcîsie ccami- cf deîng what me lke, but lthe rigInt cf baîug able bIl-uci-ilmaki-iilisici sU iii -,,Ity rite. îaderShe Tuie csudc amas ccletosu onelspoiecomt if the o de chat me ought" d il etitcti,-Iivt il c cir ii i, h bn e vlbeh, i bancSil us nd ithesTafalarcr-ded C net ee -.aercdsuacl .i îtîi ili, nid puoabic hat t il Biuliet"--sii cSllmoe-ithse cmi.t osn.2 yer oli sxfet Avtion said Ibet avery aeahad wtnansed, hti i I l isu s c-vb -itriioahi.vu tiii.andTsar (ardrnsa fcur ichrus ali. uand a nastivarut ®r inn miiices sruggle fer frardcc. bel man weuid neya 'iil l s h ii. i.mil, 5i theiIcss resic beessitul tbcauuhcal Georetown. Be hb er amcacha aîb fîrd it mthîn social ci pelîtîcai fracewenkn aicne. , iltI fio mli:II i 1,vi.liii s-cl tise ti i lis lviibussmeBeeif teHoaticccl- ulcb Onec a iniueccai Peiforu1 upon Athemnlbryfiei o nne eavîui i s oii. v.v b chilccbit u Ie cdui s e aVruutvcc tacn 5 - . .....S" butalldovecu icithe lI seec cu- now SEDER STUBBLE drînicn leieedt asgamîc cnenei0 lat he uce., are lu bc inchadedi Jetc- nmdacd af nght and wceeg,- sud cadern de-v l v5- piiui ri fltIw cacrecmvcl iluhd iiIcuve vlvc;loeiOucguedeec Celfefirvvaiucd battery sbanecu mui h l fmn nttewl fGcws the ruie o ca1 L sL-ci-i ,, icv,, , lvi frc.i.visitS. te FsacîiaPost.Pua-ercoeua age o ýi oucu s a I pibtat moeccarceaultIrcc lerstandard ituublmghs bal- c caBONi)'-ciscsfvthIe ucrgeuei esr caeteurte lighiercaasu ega e 10 lîfa."reeom-Aclo i. tec de- ti .. BRN ibe dsictsPcppuru arecars. * Ils ai ien- irilnvlc Aî0enceici tiiû Sm XOI, I %1*,Ii- illii. lalu pacdcd ce quite aeeîvner prnieripi the pîvipîr ItitnlEcl 0lSilr . 193. ', n 1) Xl ieon thet ail poliirai auhreîs must lce testelavndc l'-crio 'i eîII me efore cc rdîug toa vcode mijce i-es vot ma, cvl ii i.mi.tic 1.X .D ~fD I)vgo isutlu. te i i bf h n-lPROFESSIONAL IET R 1 hîch i - ra i -îtilieihisc i:tcsvti-abAND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE c heve. i.s-vie all adci Iiy the Mnay n e Tic seil n yc c-e iunedi co f reccr esCircieccMEDICAL LEGAL pesiuue -- --, THE STEVNSON CLINIC DICK £ DICK in g .L sure > hich Kind? _ ~Phones: W. 1. DICK, Q C. ug suran nîc-Rnl wi.e. M MI c~Milsen Cucbac 2 K. Y. DICK* psrecunt edîterialin e haSaturdvy Evanîn gi 7tXs75Ie Dr. C. K. atevensan PnitnSSlcr I - ~ - ~ r. Fed MlnyhBocs Straes. apparsSte Area Pan panîsta Inatac teras nl1 ged delDr. R. S. McCullnugh Tetaphane 4 ef confusion about tha merd - cepitalînc -- iNOX PRESBYTERIAN CI-UECIE ST. PAULS UNITED CNUECN Ottucer Iteucl pcints out thai lIeuissuce mbîcb is bang feugbt RIS.E. 5ORSi5UNislnstr wnsîr-ïREv 1 L. BLAIR, fl-A, A.M.-Bp appasnteet ulp. T. A. HUTCHINSON, Q.C. eut in lIeu ml ouday s nal eptaiîccverscsnuoaMmeilsRWs u5ht. A T.C 151 Orgînlul Oegscisl, Mr. Bs-becs K. Cana * PM.-1-4 7-t. iun oer aptaism bt reecaitlisrivesusstll caitl-SUNDAY-Ecrrgeces Coaty. Barriater, aolicitor, Etle. Nasara imc. "Undur freeaneprs, the uditeriai ullas, bt.N1)AVJIINF 2i<t Cim SUCîvAY, JUCE 21-J. 1953 MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Olicc-Ncut fleur Champion 1ayn 1n1rrî00 s a.c. Gccemea sravirr. X-RAux Otfice-Main St., Mlesn caak-end individuels une tucptad by e hope cf profit Ioc11 -c Iccivi ScbInvd. Muriaec.Jue22-8ais pcm, Ceg-Crrnera, CPC .and Gaul SurgaenTriaphana 54 s sn e ave eud suvat thein surplucuin raiîeadn, air- lo isss -sac nsiicu Woiie bm-s Idcnsinîbe Scinaep -cbcal keap ou planues, freezer plants al lIhe hacueud and one bc -Tn-Puccuums Na-iii- secD, ,ESoEGOREEEL. îhîugs requîned by ant aapandîng accnacy Pmi' nuldeh-230cii e t.s Physielas ad Sureorn B - fle, oliciter, Ntary Fublie ese dayn. lu e cemmunînt uata, capital is umeai eut cf S, OH'S ASAGWEA ca aGlS peck. Foi ac ses- Offi-Jce-Inîea aisSues MSldin ST. JOHN'Sequscu Iausupals sca. bc Perne Ca e Milbret ilo -tbaathe people by taxatonconfiscation, foncad sac- and flu rc clli e 50e erb -ce a1.oo1 OtIlea Baars .r. 3Tataphoea70 ne ignu iug, aven fcnced laber. The coul cf Social indus- ST. GEORGES, LOWVILLE per alliy. : 9 am.; 1-3________ sideroadiAaulmeanc Fssdsy.Juar 26-7350suie. 'rai 7-8.30 p. niaadtîmlzelson mas thea mal besng and freadoar of Ban. RB E. t5aceit, Brassa Baugera, 730 tic , .Jili GaCnernDENTAL ng farr cillions cf teusan.Ihe cepîtalint mcîld gol ils ___rcor,;f8tc.. Ceaiosuchoub.sume gmyacapital frcm lIna acceccieied avîngu cf millîous SUSA lNE2v.1-DEJW MCTCONEGAKG oîdb f free cen eud cocas - 94tar.-c ip yCiomîcmonai S. GEACE CHUECH Otficea Burs-9t uc; t-a, 7-9 par DENTAL SURGEON Th rtrgoso opaint oct lIet parbapu Jhsi-ueGus micsccuisiiiiuuiANGLICAN Frcera' Building, MuSc Stret Ottice in iBayai Building, Mltan ig ay free cepiraliium sut "fir' in lInaesssathat il doean ic.(j() ssi Issmnig ,Cc ndRv Ceamua Gre, BA., LTI. Tlarbace 395W Eucnicgn bp Appisîmeat ry home sot remard iucompalent, lai-y ni avenunvulceby GCcucb ifebîscilutSi R lic-mev- 95--RySevie Teepoe 9 ilable. It's peo llis-cisc-shmussSiliiiwards th_________________________________lunchfoi____ lube.Ils pepi asieisIlyvsil umrdslIa rcg.ut Anglicasu and mmiilriiii. sut Iii St.5NIIAX, Jt.NE 2et.1Sf53 ISCELLANROUS DE. F. E. BABCOCK sr cf tla- fîcieut and thea forîuele, butI Ihen lIeu ques istonmymi tofciHain me Actîmu7lrinlt fe rnl,________________ ETLaJGO a. Sane- aebad, Is the aliagud enfairuescf free capital- ici pIý ea v iv Lycus As-via8ic.00 yGiCeommui.LEVER & MOSKIN Otficer leFasresBuilding gs chichin 1m onne lIeus tIen yrenny cf ulaecapîiuc cn" soitinoe'urSsesrvice inc10Sf55 au Cuatidap Cebel. Chortered Accuntantu an sa'aaS iiacr. isenand lThe adtoriel vencludes by natîug thet il in nu SsF s mI. Cricmi- r smc loly 00mvi Mm-Hanu Pucaeray- Sccesrsutal Eveucgs Inp appielmac -onidera- anocgb ul ta blievu in frea cepitelînm. I... Trmcsly cbucinmeTorcs sri-v Acscusitirn alip atm iIS AD XRySrvc e. fie6 hadbee Ilis lsonecssay o rsis crppisu ,301ar.-liste B.-utin il S. 1 Sesrier us Arts Pirsp aa- 1305 Mascaplistun BUg., Ras, 20 sudbeu is iseneenary10renntcniplngteaaton, Imbus ce ý-, therBec. JohibrFank,, cc 44 VicteriaSt, Tenanteo _______________ Screucratîc absolutioe and iflatîou, lthe damons Cn eceri iosbip ivs-db ns 1er cet bideT susly ebereb, Ec. 4-9131 cofnd wihcnkl recptlsdsielteb.Toerualo -PUBLIC LIBEAEY HOUES ivncf iefinad v tuheca kul rancapîissc, deupueloilI bu lion. _________ Th taiisia 0s useîas ALBEET J. CEANDELL FOE ADULTS bauscas meon-te-med,-ed-ku- f-ud-ar boaALL SAINTS' CIUECH CIt. ube 17:21. Charterrd Arcountost Manduy- --.............13fSa 5 pua, back ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ il co--------------- _________________Main Streeti Geregtocn Tucaday - 1.30-5 par. and 7-9 pin. and ranI- Aceet-sisea seacuspeper repentse rSi-e Ccl i ltonOffice 654Wcdncnday-.......93fa.m.-12 noces irpa ld is iiertî ps nrd ta eapitlec idui te v.GruffiaThumpessi t .TIn CALVAEY TABERNACLE Tburuday --1.30-5 par. and 7-9 pin. u ae f n $,00ith akadryliso etrPenteoa HlnesFrsday- - -.......1.30-5 pin. lefi BNDYJUEesar . 1953 estai _________ aladay i.î-sp..and 7-9 pua,ý $7,000a e aseth l to i o.Tiird SurdadecTuils iiBRONTE aT. CIRPECTR uhîaHoldysno30t-5 I 1005 ac.-Canday Seharul. Ce. HBWoods, Palca _____________________ CehPubltldccs etava paroe i1,00uacc-MaSinsanad SCrrcan. colhidehaespr Frsday, Jueur19, 8.30 par -Prape NIELSEN - The Chiropractor bauns ____________________ anC Biblre tudy. Dragleaa Theraplst BOWES BAPTIST CI-UECNH SUNDAY, dUNE lis, :1953 ISnVa e rrSa TEAVELLEES' GUIDE ib tau Q U4 am pituu le the ..0..Balt 11.50 a.mc Wanaip Cervice. 8hYaofPcte Pester, Bau. . F. Snydar 3.05 par CSuaday Sebaci. W Lady Attendant CACAI5AC PACIFIC RAILWAY 7.05 p..Eagctiaîie Service. Mac., Tus., Fr1. 2-5 p.m. atanamrd Time Pushed Sin hBaHurt cf Ballera Caunaly UNDAT. dUNE 21c, 1953 Turndey, Juer23 -a8p.. Pranar Wcd., Sas., 2-5 and t-t p.m, GOeing te Tcrntocs - 751 a.ns Pahtinhed eucay Thauday aS MainSt., Mitoan, Oct. Mcm- 10.35 .c.-Cuciday Scbsmei anC ACt- Wreeting. Ctoed Tbunnday daity; 2.04 par. daly; 8.2a pi. ber (i the C.W.C A. anC thne Otaria-guchar Division et uSO Bible Chisc. Wdnsrday. isue 24-t8c cm fna O ccaoinion Stoe, Gacrgelama dulily anccpi Canday; t.57 p. lSue- the G 'W.NCA. Adurrtilcnt ratas an requcat. Cabcrnipiecu 7.50is..Eveauag CeSecrc. nsAeailiaay. - Phone 150W day asly. payabein seadvncc.$250 se Canada; ie cantIne 51.50; Tbrsvduy, Jane if at m..Wacaa'm AIS arces e Il a theb -Cuaiat tcec Toronto - 9.04 a. sngr e pues 6; $350 le the United StaSes. Autbeied an MicsicnaurvAauiiacn t tbe cuc. al:6,1P.diy .0am al Seconud lenn %Matl, Pet Officer Daprîent, Ottaca. hoeeoet Mes. milliamsCeGm- WM. G. RIDDELL, D« C. ecepl Cturday, . A. Ott, EASer and Pebliser mWrdcayJue24clsiSt.a 5 seî~ i- b -eccile . Dorlor of Chirapractie CACADIAN NATIONAL TORIA. OFFCE TEEPHON 220 e. - ible .ady t-5bebusse- iiGiiiin "smueua.mcuclssu' Riante t ,Mitta BAILWAY nIURSDAY, JUNE 18th, IM T14F CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTAPIO TMt Ç;Ar4AL)IArd