THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONaTARO THUE8DAY, JITNE lSth, 1lm OIL HEAT Hi T 011 Surfer installedi in your furnace, complote with controls end 200 gallon oil ani. $369.50 FREE - 200 gais. Oil - FREE WIth every Hi. T. Burner ordered and installed before August i th Your 011 Heat Dealer STOVE OIL - FURNACE OIL - GASOLINE G. BUNDY AND SON Phono Milton 313 A FewuumumouuuuUuuUmm SugsinM CA WAHM P N RSE .. 16 TA KL AN O LB XS-... -.... 27 M H VM SE ILCRCR Z R .. .... ..$19 ES W N ST EaAM R ................... 4 1 FIS INV S .........- - ... .. 12 QU AL ILS IHN OD ... 37 COLE BRN 2 IL25 OPE IRDYADSTRA * Suggestions. LEWTY MIýO DM RE OVER HAL19 TON LEAD ISECOND ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW STOLEN FRQM PIPE LUNEFETRS15NRISAUDA Nelson Townshilp police, under iE T R S 15 E T IS S T R A Chief Constable Hrsvey Hunt and Constable William Smith are in- Ose hundred and itteen entriea varîety, Mes. FW Chishoai E vestigating the UeR t 1,300 pounssa ere recel. ed for iudging ai the B. Cleaienla, Mrs. Harlley Robert- of lead frram the shed of thse Carrol second Flower Show held under sas. Sharp C rotructio Company. The the auspices ef the Milton' and Rose, oce bloom, Hybrid tes. Me.- compans slyn a new water District Hortculual Society onan r.JCowDulsBth main ta the lows o Milton. Salurdsy. Jane 13. Owing ta heroan r.J rmDulsBoh ThIheft tbah place ln the Town- laie seson, flomers le soaino the roesy cother, spray or single ship of Neson mhen 13 pia aif cascs mere not Mnfou blasai. The blom, Mc. . Dredge; rose ar- lcad mccc eaiovcd, weighiog li0 show was mdll allesded and thc rangemeal. Douglas Booh, Me. pourada each. îîiity of tiheshibils masnof a d Mca J.1.Crame. hgh stancdard. Mr.LueclcWai,î Pernnlaran~cîgercctE.B.Cle- oft Reisna ctdias dge ad pc,< i-OUets . cF. W.Chisholos, Mca. ,ver, pecacaîrd by Ed Rycr- R. Drede; table arragemient, ssy "Loaves of Bread' raaman ofolîoming cahibitars wn- pernniaMrs. Hscley Robertsons; Ladis' id T pic pais: M. and Mes. Joc Crame. Mca. F. W. Ciislsolrn Mca. A. E. Ladis, id T pic E. B. Cîcaienîs, Mca. Hatley Robs- Manniag. e rtson, Mes. F. W. Chisholm and Panaica. dish, Mca. R. Dredge; The Woaie's Misioaacy Society Mca A. E Manning. Mes F. W. Cibolm, IMc aSry ai Boston Preabiteian Cbaech Reteeshracnla mccc aecccd hy thse Maeab. Violas, Mca . Jh eI_- beldi ls Junaieeting sn Omagh ladies ad musie mso proidcd by Ion; Mc. Hacley Robertson; Mca.1 Cbocch. DrigIbeehbsincss dis- Acîcone McAtboc, Jesnnette Pcer, Hacry Mass. Deateis. Mca. A. E. cussian. tbe aicmbccs wrce aked to Shirley Damnsasnd Eleasoc Powell Manning. bpicaaarrs cagemeat, doaoe articles focrIbtae .sndtdur«i thcaftecaoonanod ecrala g. Mc. Hseley Robertsons. Pinks Rom- îbaadlherainatMa. Ed Soas Te Soety epressedîissaisntuail ccîng sbeob,Mr.A.E. Mannin. 1aaaa as possible. thsanwbîîielpedake the irFlower cERB.Clements. Moc orageMr iMrs E. Robertsoîn spobe shout Sbowa sliîcceao. A. E. Maning.Bashket iacladiad MIdivaidigîthcnoîcieie oactbe sectà MadMoJoeCcowcwonîpennes, M.and Mca J. Cromi. 0 sertl mectingas. c cil aad r. aintde raI lec Ba skbet inctoding iris, E. B. CIe- 0the scity icaromscy-o i ntefis lvmet; Mcs. Cact bondera: Mas. 0Ibctaben to sendiagirlae p Mrs. E. B.Cleaintsmwon 2ndtfol« Hartley Robertas. Baset includ- IThecost maldaatiybc $tlbcOafcîbeehIroincxdsbaiset wa' etb u in 'seosMr. and MrsJ.Cre. cacbo.cicte. iîecdomîn,îlrog. Baket mied llamersany iod, The colt cal, "biild.' folltomcd Pen fll blîair.I1blooam, white. Mca. A. E. Manin; E. B.CIe- thbe otfcîng.Thsededicatisn pcsye E. B. Clr-re-rt.i. Mi-. ad Mr.i J morsct; Mci F.W Chisootr. %vsas iacrrsy MmJ.Wilson.Mrb.iCroîc. Mrs. V. MerrcIl; penny, Arrangemntldiisgcoom peon-- Wil~snsîo gave avery inteering pikbloom, ra. and Mrs.J.CoWve aMasd rsJcm. * cort, crrntcvens. LctesEB. Clrairnla penny. anc redrangeme.ndininie ,,,m iisMrs I Iachlanba('wccec eceved fom Se-btiim. Mr and Mci J- Ceas".E. A. E.Mnning E. B. Clemenla;I " phea Hsgyscd and Ruth Wlson. B. Clema-s; arragemens. iivc Mes. Hacley Robertson. Arrange- " The Orasgh ladies hld their, W. blaras. wite. Mr. and Mes. J. ment diiai casai aises. Mca. John MS ieting inthe iaseracalof Ceswc. Mrs.E. M. Readhead: icr MeMillas; Ms.RB Drrdge. Cor- ah lbchuchllhe sanetimas the bIais, pish. lit. ad Mes, sagc, soy salable flomeco. Mca. Bostos ladies mece havng their CrameMr. V. Mecilt; five Hatley Robertson; Mca. F. W. aiissary meeting. blasais, ed. M. and Mca. Jý Chishali. Noaegay, asy suitablc * Aller the conclusion ai thene Crame. flîmees. Mc. Hatley Robertson; a meetings, tbc Omagh ladies lotaed salî. white, Mca. F. W. Mca, Chartes Andeerso; Mca. F. W. M the Boonos racheorla a joint Chisholai, Mc. V. E. MeAcîhur,, Chishalai. a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Societ- Mc. Hatley Rohertson; anc slîh Pal foliagr. hegosia. Mca. Hatlcy M les. Ms. C. Pallemson elcoraco yellom or ceeara iris, Ed Syernaa. Rohberson. Pot fîrrweriuig begonia. " the Boton ladies Mc. G. Mc- Ms. Hacley Robertson, Mc. F. W. Mes. Chartes Anderson. Pot hoase " Gibbon eplrd os behaîf ai the Chiahatai; ose stalh light blue or fers. Mca. E. M. Readhcad; Misi " Boston ocicly andd bah charge of aender ris. Mca. Haefley Robsert- Docslhy Nordis. Pot hourse pintl *the progra. sosa. E. B. Cleracala. Mes. F. W. (net clasoîiedi. William RelIsais; MesS araycadbeerptChioholai; one stalh darh htile, Misa Dorothy Mordis; Mes. Danc Mrs S.Mra- ra h srp- popl or ed irsE. R. Cleaiento, Lamsoa. Pot lhec cacli, Dorothy tir redta ao Mc D.tcvag edMca. F. W. Chisholai, Mes. HartleY Nocis: Mca. Haetley Rohertso ino prayer. Mca. H. Mchre sag Robertson; blcaded color iris, Ed Pst Afcîcas aviet, Doealhy Noccîs. a apleaig solo. "IesThis Haase," Byermaaa E. B. Cleaiesis. Mes. Mca. Haccy Mtseh; Lyaoe Rohert- *accoaipaaied hy Mrso Peacoch. Hatlcy Rohertson; iris arrange- non. Ipetat cactus collection, Mis. L a Mc. J. N. MeFasI thes iatcs- ment. ice or more. ane vaiety, Vlsia Nrcris. "*dscedlthe gueanspeaker. MrsHar- Mca Carl Saonders E. B. Cleai- "*ry Reid.mwho is oneofthe cossiciliota Mrs. Ed Byercaso:iris ar M cecterof the WoaicnaMission- rangeaient, fine or mare, mtxed- Iay SocietyinaToroînto. Thespeak- ler sroused theîladies' isîcreot in ___________ __________ Ithe caîsacîl enestiverby bcr dca- Icriptio fit as'icb Shi ,ddrîl shtirt ws asmosdrtiiclmasx ID 10. m Dr Cmmns II seve( 116 Chld en Now m rehen hes'as raide Mîsiesati c hiso / hoo.Mc. Reid raptsined ta Under Supevso th lcooncil earcstii'e is cclly the___ a dmiistrstive pomer af Ue WM.. Eight nemcassnahe lb dPro " ad tbr- reaibcca Iif the recats'c tcctîîîa Deortaict ofteCid M tri tîiraak theaianrc goas far a rensAid Society mere eot"a "posisiblcand doasranich gondasthrbeeslarhbardainn .e " pîsaibî . 19 in the Socety office. hi ae " Thc spcaber" îsccl. "Thse a ttalîofii57 carra openath à BLoas-of Brcid." ciiriid lb, of thce monlb There are16cii- ai culcitcras.1liafiof biiad -j'rnindrrsiprvision,3 eigv M bith, iiffee'în ilc t pa raofni. iinacy psid fiiler bhnnes. M wii b Te'bri'tofttherlaoastsfîrc, fOielairt, Isc ibre ft thebah,'rie'anditbi.îirttiwsicu.cpccîidetnt MrWA We (>Wn Sliiiiari c e tabrnonsa ,î iroirsand iog.'irrctiicaperitca î 'b! .ctbrc..àiîI',itic hithe ira if thec.1,Brwuis MnVelmacNormue I wot , 11. urry Mhon.E F L ivrr-, Give Hni nus rý hrch in ht ands'r it.Frst .noice il.h-BIbi Hiadsiandl ibi- IGIT; Therîî s a raiefîdicussion, iTh. men ,îiith the gîds'eive w~îsib rîlef-cîci'tubte Iocieta sîrdi thisr raîîcîy tr il upportithe Dr-aisnîd srar il tbipriibti'ra tîîîliii COMFORT AND COLOR SitîlirTisTe1ladies erîthtise hurcb tri thiseprotcieîtioniîdeprteirnî. tise M.,ib.ii iand tbhe d.Ir*.. c'iîi bard andra.ieiuiiinli'iiîisditih 1TboisUi'enidi'iîîrave r ieeiîîci Si ight in egbt, 5 ,,,, ttisr anui îîîcal e heId ia cool in teed so bond- i, ii h-lp yIrthe luilch eisst andîîlTî in aywhnthrew- r uy frte i naOiir i yy aiitieSc sone in ealor and de- budîget. - ielirgtstregîistraion inctheliiii.î air ,fite Asascaitiîn. igri i What bettet way ta iMes. Reid addri taitiýtisa'idee I lt'asiideiedd aslt îîîaliib,' showa Dad 505 (Oie hi fuiieh fthie hoemsiosah i h rtereat oftesi ti f acwith agItbe oold iî'reiîme hd s'ali ii'..te tmd apritendent ti ie.mira- bave picked hîraselfi tie mni andcolfiedsa nd ici chîtiicthc Cacadîin W-tcirec th iitr ntherwestern priîe.î.iilnelmbchhbas lhad ofice at isritb acc ahi- support of the' twa WbîM.ld.fEait hi ý .marsci mb as decîdcd ta disprri.u.,sjtb $3.95 to $6.95 shoud fel tht th wo of tis te July ad Augsamecetîingi.tise .aicîcy renia lnada depensoup- inaince- îrrralte u ws hi oan theiserdicîdual efore. Esen I hya ute Ifor 5iii5 Ihe rain'rtilsebculd pat tise ]D ,tiofTelacoout forpshernt. f iny. May. aîîîntri ra Io 1,27.28,wr RelutMccliMieie aeeîrpaniedl MissCi loette' TutrîneandriMs.Ch Mar M(i"lltsîîa 'le hiccuIl", cris imihur ar cioiurs aussi 'Brît,îiîLîa'cidv ILeUI "l'h,' Gltirii iC ielî ' M i. bîî tis:nîb,.îlMi ,'îe id fw hcr:I about tuîîîîfIfî,îî tvad and î'îlii î: 9th An niversary AîeI urvhîei. Mil iii, >,l i ( r i',1, ttii.ia iis.ciii se fiai tl i se 'e o'r f il,,îîrei tîîîîlifi i ls lrs,îvet ,inliiil ir,*bu liit.illli N i, cl,i'e îl ri i'e ire bîNtf 1 br~tiîl ltironîii t oftise ehiiris OicAPpe ýSEARCH LAST WEEK I. 'îE,'îc Brihtiita 'nI Fai.- 0 luii iitlie mrrecîrliervie.r FOR BIG DOG OWNERS ' Tise puis iiiivas îîl îi i t 184 !___ ie i'intIiirlL. Albeirî. isin Miltnscm eprîrt ao îtrcpecoîi n iy travellinginiiitise I Ioti clriitu riltire îîeîrr'e -aepr' .îi' The [t rll.'eh tuibreis" tclmrathe jailiisOmrr, tinstccidla ilt ec ea ycaCalter. lsdt;s ;tri alrsiîilii5îlly deperte hunt presn iniîc'buesrrilin %vsiireetîI toe a diii andsi ito rîmc A large.'ii 1895. black plicer diii beîî eri las abrepioscreate ai tha C.P. saltasn ahrîrtly aterceriitg ri saiTarira- tir ira thi- 10.04 train onr- maroi ngHALTON HOLSTEINS lait mer-bad ]siildJacis BausSeîd torealn i5irriitr rer diratise FLOWN TO COLOMBIA Te dog easly outyitanîe t in Treplaetrrud ofCasadi pîîrsereasir the statioîs agent, E. -litiins IîîUllng 27 head inai Hyreman, beaaacarrb for ils haventreceestly becns aipped tuCol-I orima r. Meand Mes.E. Andrews.!rîaibia. Local cnribso tahe misribadc rrieid tera P.t:aaa hipaesaere J. C. Bel],Bs lni Inqîîiey ai the Part Office fsllcd McClure, Narval; W.L McCluse, tri re-el thi addrc,iutthy Nraeanod A. S. Mas sandSn mie n- aonasMil Il. as the ca-clt CarapIellvillîr, mho sent fiee afseoverat cinidenctsanmd soor' The Hlaleins mccc prachard he CLEANINO AND PF qoîcis deleceice mach. i1DîillerrnVilla, Medeîtis. Colos- TED STOVER m Carpenta NEW HOMES . ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS - TRIM - CUPBOARDS For Fre. Estimates end Prompt Service PHONE MILTON 438J APTIR 5 P.M. N-O-T-I-aC-E J. I. CASE DEALER HAS MOVED TO Brigden Manufacturing Co., Hornby Tel. Milton 74Rl4 Ros. Milton 463M FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, STOVES GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS KITCHEN, BEDROOM AND CHESTERFIELD SUITES SIMPLICITY WASHERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES J Free transportation to main store in Georgetown G.M.A.C. Plan 'if ekU HOME FURNISHINGS Main St., Milton Oscar Cliffon, Manager Phone 304 r - PAGE TEN a--- - nad IPAME TM 1