?HUESDAY. JUNE llth. itâ. TED STOVIR m Carponter NEW HOMES ALTERATIONS I ADDITIONS - TRIM - CUPBOARDS PHýor Fr& ltimates end Prompt Service. I PHONE MILTON 438J APTER 5 P.M. ___ MAX WELL ROUSE COFFEE B 97c SPEoXL - suIWZB PEXDE CHOICE UNGRADED PEAS 215 z27cI JAVEX BTL. 150, 25c, 450 CLEANSER I;WIT'S 2 18 29@ SURF PACKAGE 3Sc, 75c BREIEZE PKG. 40c, 78c FREE-PurIt3r PIE CRUST MIXK Wth Plu'ty White CAKE MIXPEG27c PARAMOUNT FANOY RED SOCKEYE SALMON /rLE. 39e 8EIL-TILBEST SALTED IPEANUTS ll/îA-0z- 21L SOLO NARGARINE3LBS. $IL.0C GodLUCk MARARIE 40C VINEGAR im17< SPECIAL - FANCY BLUE and GOLD WAX BEANS 2 oz33C SVALENCA288S SUNKIST ORANGES - doz. 25c TOMMTES --cell pack 27c LOCAL HEAD LETTUCE - - - 2 for 17c NEW POMMTES - 10 Ibs. 43c FLORIDA 112s GRAPEFRUIT WATERMELON HERE'S WHY YOU GET Greater Windrow Capacity WITH TME SNEW HOLLAND Forige Karvostor îc~....,ZZ iiZ Zl ello Homnemakers! A shower for then after readmef the corda, the bpi Kap Dee a bride la a specia knd of psrty. unwrapped itema may bo brougt -You see. it is a part af thot aura of ln on trayu. Heei a ltr 1ri eved lat romance, Ilod ishes. guifs, flowe- Here are other suggestos you ýek ers and trousseau that surrourds migbti lie ta try out: hobby show- Ciilian Dfe Comiiite. her weddinf that treasury of ers, ahower of glassare on ubelv- Qtlras .,Park, menmeries shc oil herisk aitlihec os which may be cons;tructed usabs Toono Onario lfe. The pariy cain be quiet and bricks and boards, cosmelie shamer Under the direction ai the Civ- simpe bt we yand add atoi5ch sin a bridesmiaid asamdepic liais Defence Pragram., we are ont- of novelty. nie accessory uhower and a recipe eçisg ino rather extensive plan- As the hosteas. yau set the ime obower wiib a lisi of topie susppiea ninf ta argasice bth ciilian and aller making the date with the la be deivered 10 4aysa ater wed- indusiriai rars,fo the parpoae of bride an same preteat. Decide un ding date. And flroity, one tbaughl airelighting in the evral that the the number of gueals, al frienda of tbe bride seil biseas 70 for-do danger of air raids ahouid beeamne the bride and the ibeme. Pion for provide ber wth same kbsd of imminent. the preseftatiln of the gifts an't hamrpes' ta carry ber gifla home. As an outtardi nf citieen wohse foi' refresbments. Sandwich Loof loyally la aUr favernosent is un-1 Gardon Shamer: For the brid- i of ussiced bread questionred, we belilve me asay oho sl bacc a gardest, opprae- Balter, liiotiy oftened for spread- court an you os o pailtie citizen isse giflaseuilhelis ber developais sa for campiete c-o peraias. We 'green thumb." Two girls may bc 4 csp rottage obeese bave, iherefore, laten the liberty lie purchasiro agents for the graap scap devilied hamn opread ai appaniaf you Air Raid Wari)en a 1is) buy seeds, grdening glovra, %csp rfa oaiad for yaur sireet. lisais and frdsiaf bookso. Y4vrap lana fish salad Esclord yau iii fia) o liai ai Linon Shasrrr: Fac qualily and :Y. cois cottafge heefe I cheeae nia- receasary eqiposeni noressary for iolisiavrliiss,]miens areOasosel. cdioilh choppe) cr000) each Air Raid Wardes. May eone as evccr. Prescsithe fift on 3pfs. crem heese 550 fot that ail possible hastoehol a decoated laihm rock. -/ a / up-ih exrcise) ln akainf preporoliana Laundry Shooser: Use as indoar Red col.rnf for skia omergoney. cJathea linoeas a gftfian) an il peg Trim ail croala f ram kread; rut Thaosk yaa for yaar caurlesy la pressinf rioth, a peg bof, sars. lof ini.ai- iosghihsee liceo. ibis moter. ond isîrose occept the bagof a Op and mayhe a note as ta Spread iras i sce silk baller, thon bhaksflhe Cmiee fr yur Iran afk oard and iraaft. eilh colafe cheose, Spread nexl part ia iis onlerprife sebîch we Condiment Shaseer: Select sosie- lice oith boiter. Place bolterOd ion a na vital la the best interesi rs, scasni isa, spires. reliahes. a suice doses as tap ai firsi suce. ai al ai os. insstard lar, mayonnaise dish and Repeal Ihis pracedure asing devl- Yours very trair, relish isobes. Wrap ibero sepsrotely lad boos ir the second layer, off lA rame f roldalt make oui)1and pot therm anone large hon. solod in the Ihird, ions iisb saiad Air Raid Warden DivisianniLabel Sia bildly wîlk aorh wiiiic - i" the iauelh and rasSoge cheose ln List ai Neresgaay Esîspoent orsama as "oae torhe ganse" 'or ibe Ssii. Soi sen ceamoscheense iib iAl Air Raid Woedena: p'soer ai 1e.' sa spaîn. Add milk ond caiaring 1 'One reapiratar, 1Kile.hen. Skawer: lTi.i lbi'geadoaIly, kiendint ont!] soi) an) 2.Oneraxesrreed inabrl int iiias _iiabhioned brickh caris cs s aais d. Fenitlolaf silh 3. One stieep pimp tbc car- 'Co% rte sidesfa te lbaîaaiwitbrbcse. ierd oacreleit asiuderaskl. gcreclps' pipee. Caveri Cbilil Sbarsssstbin letra 4. Ganesxenson lsi)i)r Sib, ., hi'table las>)a'ithb lalck paiper ais frîiersiar -secersl hauss s pais- sarieid oacrerîgb hi suri isîshsar pIite.'evanilie schk"sflosks'Garsssakthkviasd silb let- 50aneIaisthanlshoivelaciiSk1), rsing plats itcsibbssk Mke tiseraislssrosisad carriit caels casrioi)issîsîri j ,sarra ss. lisTa' bs'cei Sf ablus',('siic bll ihskicsiha vry fion soo î h? n ,-i -,,. aitlack caer. Arrangesharp kilIf r dei.sirsd.auseler- rush ,dt e ison thelbtop oifilith sis iii,',aif ahole eesi aad tobýcrid ne t.r, atakrStll.asirctpiss.sikhilss ll.slîGlkrefisinos maybe ahi sies il, ilsl, saiith slb glt sleladir ss.ed Yuel). 12 ta 1.5 sisers 0-, wc aisile h. ingsî 4fessiai s- alspoesasn ikheutnilo YYas 'iAKE A TIP 9Two setibuiketsi aouieasicd iicraor disbri .d, aavi..îrieicii)i)yoaacn wrop truck. Csphsord Shase: The gfti ach elotisin.iayowaxllaper and 10. Gar belt i su risosîîsd the sîsîsld ble yack itris as airi banit Placi' ini esspilit as se pliable ,lslisiiiith en oas for carrying eru.. abal lees, bissbeiscssl,ilrsilunrkatr.'o - six asi-tiId bats nd fosrîae sl. laîhes riscieu, hai bases and iras- l-sscratar. of owaier. aer hantci'5<sinielker'isiss t 2FIlsbasndwicesby pocsnf i. One flashihfblssssee saoud b- amari inier i'iel. The pesea a aa hotmiikaclisihnverlbeas. asck foreesy acess. .io isllhiette mostlmosinf 3.One laresaondwihiaaf cus 12. Ger tin helîine isbtariosa p. fiaturee usi Sis asho r. The claihe., sus, 60 île O5 sces and) the s'noi tcarryextmroaesoleri sgi csei may bc filled os lypicai t'sb- sneiniSs20 surces. 13. Ose baoxacesea sh i- ber MeGeeiaaloei as) hace rollnd 4. Ose large toaf leqoiees hali ei.sidiariy bosks ibai fait ta ligbi. oattsn pckgsIlfoutsaith iihari suas)baiSer asdSlsee-qoarler.. 14. xtrsasndaeccaerird in ad n aiofiein la be donard. piii'o)illlai svisishie porbeia, là. One shsp's asebar Sa be drap- srd in case sardeis cannai sop. The ilsnature vsas a macSticlib- clii sect tsirato or acesi 5l.lssfkSsspualssr ar» tle inysisi' .5lisv, lis - - For youryhom, hope c-es, oritustig oro1111 sno'hI dy Frea ilsiusibis I be îîpii. To 0 ely kîîîser an sdiPiIowfase iosisnesios1y. - n1iada " F ry u o eh p h s, rjs i h 5ý, 1 i --?,) hobs i.r o,,a pair, I'ih98 p i o""ks t,osi fiiks se ' f nk-. i ..ke' " ar user loy ,fesses CIsss B e kfs C oh issuicili S r Cny lon . ld Stt.his a c-Sia 5 istingasi)ingeginee iiiua eie. $ .2 ea1_ st wsia lrsesbs 5 pspiif _ j c c 5 - for 27c --ench $1.29 poe_ét's Cor ne r SPRINGS'OARRIVAS. b yaE Files Vslue ilOhs Sîsint uassoin(,wik dsaning 'is s1s lsth îihia ni) lie rais l'Alli flsilsandmioislets bineîs iiscint IsisisitlIse lii III i.S Sjig sihas camne wîlb isO '1(k'r, sn isider I ne mores Ali l isni)rIa ssîsi, ile lino cas hear BiSrd-sisaf Ski saals lIsekslehen 01I, s.nsi'eiierdsind wi'ssy folk c. t(Usns oinusoranc goi, coreins and)loob wekree Rture An ul1,aste oifi s urîlIow IITOT 1ME The' iignilii'd ssii)lsdy sbaak had lisisaeshe k' use silicteeare' vces, "Winderfai irrnon!" she on- uIis 55 so selissly ole isher 1 knaes." Now - a nfw forage pick-up for ail modela of the New Hoi- land Forage Harvester! Reres o sasi)sosoriaNoe Roi' land'a klgh cnoci'Y.Insteiko Pic eies ai tke slgki. sas bsho h e iana5 filsatn ppas arsa kesconstaana.on baol ni boy. its oexlscives Rae Rai- land) inalassi lo a kooie p la 18 sans ai glass silagu. 20 lans of mos silagea, on ms ai dey bory per kasi. Ilsts oh-nife fynwesa elhcas dosesanmin folacballas muting actian. frigoss aees ssîily soned las sbaipasirg snilkasi ssadiusossni. Feodar acincokesoppad. siartad os ees ad iran the Carias sait. Far issibsi dalails. soe s oa ay. PALERMO, ONT. Hure'.ls tee..meb As boy "-ad (big ssogh la aloqmany chsp porsaiconactelo hast ci ppoe q> sas, sema rite s d GUO"e as saau-veiismdu aqqcilsq or chah ias. As wod passas. fronit f q mon drosobasc tosasmalfor oas- bail of liaher wvolodeat eios lov. haeim isas opesasd vd passsaail iat igtls. asa-ýIsat apeals. Crawlu. typeo isasaysohoasid vis layas tast ta a alitain 1aa imed eontrol. PHONE BRONTE IR33 E VENT ving ... this selection of imported lin- dy printed tcwels wiII deliglit you. Pure Irish Lisen Dish Towels Se 17"x32" ~ Each 49c Embroidered -'Irish PiIlow Cases Fine qualsly cotton________ Sîze 21 cx33" 2.98pairPure Irish Linen $2.98pair Dish Towelling Fancy Bath ToweI i 49c yard Large 2Gax4G nze 98C Printeat . Bath Towels Heavy Durable 70-Inch First OsalityEirlag 2"n " Snow White Sheeiing Hemmed SIieets $1 .29 Mode in England Doiaj d Sisze Sf"a99" Face Cloths 12"xl2" $1.49 yard $6.99 pair 29c Handkerchiefs - 3 for $1 Fa ce Cloths - each 10c~Ds oes-5fr$ PaoeIrsh inen Hevestithed MILTON DEPARTMENT' STORE Phone 112 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Milton Il F 0