Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1953, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Another Birthday Birtisdays een t 0roli uroand nery qaickly and me lmosi onerlooked tise fac tisat Tise Champion had reacised anolise milastorw and is tns' in ils 941h yaar of pablication. il a is e nid- est newapaper in Halton coanty. Il is alntost as old us tise tos'n ni Milton itsait, Milton wiii mark ils centennial un 1957. Tise Cisampion ha been a part ofthtie tomo for u long inte. While ail tise files oft tiese 94 yeucs are nol complete, ntuny of tisentave in bound fort, gining a hivlory of Milton for a long period. Tise Champion has iad senoral editors during tiis long period and miile editors conte und go nemapapers are like tise tos'ns and brooks thtiseen to1 go on fnreeer. At this anninersary ni tise Champion, tise pre- nant editor s'ould like t0 express appreciation ni tise co-operation receiued by vo ntsny in ntaking tise honete mm papar represantatiue ni Milton and district. To enumarate moald ha 10 inulle omission because tisa tasis ni recordîng ach memk tih ie oni mm and district a ove tisaI rasta on more thon tise sisnulders ni tisa adîtor. For tise pears ahead an anninarsacy giuas as an oppnrtunity t0 reafirs' nar resolue mn do our part to keep tise Champion a nemapapar misicis residentv ni tns'n and district milI enjoy reading and find a rue mirror ni Milton misici isse centre ni tiis fine coanty ni Halton. Loud Protest N..d.d trv ies' ni lie fact tisat cilles are vol represanl- ed on county coancila and tise intercala ni tisa lonens and towensis are serned by convy coan- cils, vie are rtiser surprised lisat no prolest ha corne front uny ni tisea bodies on tise par capita grant 10 municipalitias by lise province. Toron gels $400 per capila grant mhile iv tise villages of tise province lise assistance ironthtis prouince may vna s lowsu $1,50 par person. Il would appear thul sera indeed is a cause for county councils t10 aspousa. If migihb a bck- cd by resolatiovafiront municipal coancils ton, bal defiitely haeeahould ha a prolent ragiatecad on besaif ni tise townn, villages and tonships ni tise province of Ontario againat lise discrimination on grants on tise prenant basin. We hune vo iauit 10 ind mils basing ni gronts on a par caputu plan. But like mny olisars s'a cannot andernîuvd s'iy a city lise Toron shoaid gel a gravI ni $4 par person avd a tow'nship isa Nassagas'eyu only receine $1,50 par parson. il would appear tisaItishe trulisoftni lnd aayivg, "Tise iseel vihici s queuas e inudest is lise whieel tisaI gels tisa grease" s'as again baing Coanty councils and tisose ni lomna, villages and tow'nships upparentiy veed 10, do sonta nqseakivg avd losdly, Ion, i they ara 10 gel a fuir portiovniftis axloes misicisara evied on ailtise people of tise Province aI equal ratas bal dieidad nevy anequauly. Ha on saios' Hean ronfees a sceptre insss ol lisesaeitilti habeasit-Cor- saille, Common Topic Tise meather ias been o uary matis discussed lopicthtie ponas' s'a weks- vol nnly by tisosa s'io sos' and isarneat lise cropa bat by people generuliy. Tise prediclionv by tises'eatiser fora- casIers hune aiso heen s bit aslray. At home me hava a baronteter tisaI has been pratly reliabie. We enjny s'atcising il euary day and voting lise changes. In stili reliable but alan uery cautinua, For s'eekn lise needie has ardly movad fronthlie position ntarbed "Cianging.' 0v Mondoy il mon- ed ouI nfitis suie positiov and got nuar In ise 'fair' section. You'Il knom by tlitne you read this article i our oliserwsa reliable baronttr venturad ton for. Some place ivnar reoding tisa past meais s' came acros tisis lit1e risyma attribatad t10 a rural philosophser: No use grumblin' about tisa mealisr, Il doesnt eip a bit. For tisa kind ni mealiar misaI ous gillin' la ail you's goin' tc, git. Our Trade While the Trude Fair han been iv operution for a fae yeuvs, this yeaov nas tisa first tinte s'avue taken the opportanity to attend. Wa s'est on o public day and thare s'as qaita an ottcvdance. la ntany respects, tisa Trade Fir vsembles tisa En- iibition, but tisere are many differencen. The folks ttending this unnual avant ove flot in holiday mood. Thare are no amusements for isitors. The people in charge of the enhibits are able t0 ansmer technicul problents. Tise folks viiing are there for business information. Most of thea sen huve o very interested look ancd the woean appear to have conta along becasse they had an option of aoming or slaying t home. Thse ciildran are fae and nobody appeuvv to melconte thes'. As oaa walks aiong tisa aisies tiera's anotiser item. Tisera ara many longuagas in nhicis con- versationr s baing carriad on. Tisa Trade Faitrisas o more international appearance thon ony otiset exhibition. Anotisar trend tisaI saemed oery pro- noancais sas tisa anhibits thot ara baîn sisownn front counirias on oiher continents. Wa didrIt sea ona anhibil of printing machines fronthtie Unied Stats eis ila a dozan pressas or more mare being shoser front otiser coantries. Ferhaps lisis condi- tion s'as oviy typical of one brancis of business bal certainly Canada sented to ba taking on more of an international trade aspectiand perhaps milI vol als'ays continua to be sacis a good cus- lonter acroos our miles of unprolecied border. Pricas on maciinary front other cousnes mata omet thon usat neiicis had pravîously bean given by firmos'manafactaring tisait pînduct in tise United States. Oaa coud flot halp binq întpressed by tise desira 10 sali producîs sisosn by trude fuit an-' hibîtors-or pevisops wssould say lise de6irea b book orders. Il s'as a change fronthtis past fas' years misan tisera s'as a scarciiy of gonds and uitle initiative 10 secura ocders for very indafînite shipping dates. Tisese are but a aary tas' reflections Iront oue first visît 1tiste Trada Fait, If s'orld peaca is s'ainîained trade faits ntay become more inter- national and trada borders ntay ba graatly an- tendad. Lasit est Cuvudianu asdut ontnira s milliondollas ta atais filmas icdre-in theatres. Ignorance May Be Serious Sertous consequencas of ignorance ni tisa Eng. lis language migist be cnnstruad fronthtis casa s'ich cama up racavîly in an Ontario court in mici an immigrant miso coulis naîisar raad nor s'rîtas'as cisurged ithmssa breacis of tisa tlas of tise road follos'ing a collision.Tisa magistrale, ob. ioasly enoagis, foan i di dffîcuis to ande siard s'iy anyona incapabla of raading tisaOrturi Higismays Tr#affic Att should ha in possession ni o drinars licans.i Anotisar aspect of thiss casa is tisaI a prmt to1 drive a s'oit vehicla capable of înflicîîng deatis, injary and dantagaes'as upparenîly granled a parson to whmis sci signa as Scisool, Sos', Dan- gerous Carne Aiseais, No Passing on His, Merg. ing Traffit, are s'ithoat nteanîng. Wîîh tisa încreasad amount of motor oriîcla troai ltise days il mîgst ha mal 0 issue a tigist- anîng up of restrictions betova a licensa 10 driva a motor cor is gimev. Tisa folks mis a cn read but do flot head signs ara jual us dangerous to otisers as lsosa flot fantiliar s'ils Dur languaga. Than tisera is another groap s'icis ias no regard for tise rigisîs of otfisrs. Oar courts raveal s'any in- stantes s'iera is'proveas'nt might ha made for more hisgissay sataty. Tisa sonner thay ara mrît- tan in and eniorcad in our Inufit las's tisa bat .er. Sage Advice by Lincoln You cannot kaap out ni troubla by spendîng more tison poar incoma; Yoii cannaI burtser tise brotisarisod ni mon by incting clavs aistcad; Voa cannot baild cisaacter and courage by taking us'ay a muns initiative and indepandance; You cunnot help mev permanenîly by doing for tises'misaItisey cosld und sisald do for tisemselves. i ( Qanabiîan eQu'mpton Psisllisaed in tisaHeurt nof Halton Coont5 Pabisihai everTissvsday ut Mule St., Milton, Ont. Mes'- bar ai tise C.W .N.A. uni tisa Ontario-Quaisec Division oi bh- C.W.N.A. Aivartîisi rates on reaisat. Suissariptions payablein iviance, $250 in Canaia;s ixnhs'ais$1.50; sîinle c opias va; $350 in thea United Stas. Autisoiec as Second Clans Mai, Pool Office Daparîment, Ottawa. G. A. Gis, Editor and Pobliotîca BUSINESS A ND E DiTORIAL OF FIC E T EL E PHON E 2 20 THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTER Fifty Years Ago liron Uhe lune ofthUe Ch-asPion et Thurud&y, lune i1 190 Tise Oral Milton senior match ai Ibis season s'as piayad on Salar- day. In lad ilts'as vol bom ata tsece s'as a senior tram suttise game was advartisad, an tisa boys had net iseen praclisivg and tise vive mas vol oelected until P'riday evening. The visitors mare tise White Oas af Toronto. The lovais mon, 16-8. On tise homne eam meca Winv, Springay, Clamants, Turner Campbsell, Galbraith, Panton, Fild and Alisinson. Toeisathers-Mayor Dice mishes it undartodtisaI vo halhing mili ise aliomed in tise pond have ai avy urne and. ai tise ead aiflise pond only acter davis, baisers tu mear isaihingsits. Tise misa iolate tise aboya rcguiaiiann miii ha paoa- ecuted. Aitishe avouai s'activa in May tisa Womnan's Christian Tam parance Union ciccied tisa inioing olficaro Precaient, Mas. Cooicy; Vice Pravi- denis. Mm. Basteda. Mca. FP C. Witts'iitt. ee.ariea Mca A. Rions Mev Drt Robertaon; iecý,stircr, Mc HIl.E. Hamilton. TheCrtts'aLands Scandat Tisa investigiotaliaitoei bcfo,,th, is Paie Accouais Commîttecaof tise Ontario Lcîir.laurc diaciosci mare vascaltîy intahie Crwn Lands De- parîmavi Il isabecs proard ibsi Cap. Sultvan mans sud s blacks of ttmbcr for $250 micis ie soid iaimant is's'dîaieiy for $9.000, and that bc-divided isaspoilmitsTao- >dora C. T. Taylor. a cleakisn tlie Crama Lands Dcpartmavî givini bis' $4,000. Lant mach Taylor ws'a agais put on tiesa tand andmas ceîî'iîatci10admit tisaI in 1901 ha recaircd $1,900Oouofiailocks in Cspccot Tommihipifor wich a lomberman namaed Munase paid Th iselclstsomr in 5M isys fr11 inOttawa os Susidy. Naocs'a ,han yci bers iscard nf tisa missing scslivgsccoa. tis, Domiînon,wmichis t'PPaopsed h. ha tant amasg thev ics fisas ofthe ts coint oi Ncs'indland. DIRED HUTCHEON it Naasagas'ea, n Taaaiay, Java 2, Mary Mc Pisad- cao. s'ic nif Dacid Halciscon, an- avardein o ey52nd yeov. LITTLE -InMilton. o,ît Ecday. Juse 5, Suaon Kcray.s'ife ai William Little, ta bec 7tst ycae. I6UG CUTTER A eaîîvgstr atia pep scist, bacdîso.i by bi isdtv iesirvpîng htsarovtiyset a mrgncy air-mati tettert tt, bs parents. -Pleaas ved meoa rergbtas'aa tons. tise )lttýr ceai.- i nerd sas'etIsîng to, vamp tidr __Tise tesier v Digest KNOX PRES YTERIAN CHURCH REV. E. OESBOEN, MlnisterH Mas. R. WrighstATCM.. Daganst SUNDAY. JUNE 14, 1953 o0.00 as'.Scnotr Seismi 1100 a. Juniîa c Siotl, 11.00 as' -Mornîsg WîîeobîîiaP Tisame, "TisaWell ta Deep. Noi eocoivo s,-evice tilt Sepiember. Tusdoy, Juva 16. 6.30 Ps' -Cor- onalionoGrnsp. pal litaisusppat aI Mvii Erasca's, Wotwis'ii Aae. ST. JOH4N'S, NASSAOAWEYA ani ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE (Anglican) tra.R. E. Povaiti, Radaor SIJNDAY. JUNE 14, 1953 Secandndi2vay Afica Taii 11.00 o ..Apovinlia ile ni Con- fîrnialion aI Si. John's, cita iscici by Rigisi Havaren i W. E. Bagnali, B.A., 0.0., Litai Bisop ni Miagara andi eicat- ion ai Oas' alar iotlsaiuni isangings for leaient uani paît pi, ioiiased y cremoay msvising tisa ieginving niflise maris on tisa vas'Paciis Hall. Evevyonsawelcome ALL SAINTS' CHURCN Milton Hoights Rer. Griffin Tisompoon, L.Tis. Radaor SUNDAY, JUNE 14, -1953 Second Sussdalt Aller Talsity 10.00 a.m.-Sanday Sats00l. 11.00 .m.-Movsing Prayar and Sermon by tise racIna. BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH In this 1,0F. Hall Pator, Rer. R. F. Snydar SUNDAY, JUNE l4, î1953 1030 a.. - Ssviay Scisool and Aisl ible Ciass. 700 p.s'.EvcaîsîîoService. Mr. GeoregeMooire illesost Weiistay, Jane 17 ati .15-Prayce andtiBible stoily atiilie hittieof Mr. tni Mca. L. Tiics'.s Alt Are- Welcome Tw.nty Years AgoI Fsrn the Issue o Use chiampion 09 Thursday, lune 15, 193& Tise cmbined domaustia vcienca, lirrittucisand acai ludigcomp- tîiaaa sheld ta Haltun Cuunty u Saturday, Jusa 10, mare msnc- tisusiasticsily supportai by thbm young paople niflise munIr. FPut2-i Imo yasng wmmn tosis part in tisa dommsile valence section uni 52 yosng s'en In tise lire atocks and seai iudglsg. Tise trip ta Chicago mas mas by Ers Ciseiolm oi Mii- ton. Tisa eousty wmlii harepves- entadinivtisa isatia science ludg- ivg comptitios ut tisa C..E. bya teas' cos'pmad of lolene Maaislin, Appiaby; Isobai Torahl, Palarmît; Eleavor Coulson, Lomuillia; Mary Jarvis, Milton. Tise ia for lise Lamer Saisoul anamination tissyear mili ha $1.00 insteai ni 01.56 as iors'eviy. for eais enaminution. Miss MarionoWallace ni Toronto aald Mv. Prai Litleon iltoa bava been angagmi as teacisars fur Mil- ton Higi Saisool fov tisa asuing terrs' At a smeting ni trustees of Asis Seboul. NcLaov Tuownsip, a vote on tisa quesion 10 raisili tisa scisau detinyci by liec sas taisca. The, vute rcslici iva tir anditil as ibas ieciici st ou ubud au pras- Aliopmcial smeeting ni the trust- ee uf Limmustuve" Scisuni. Nelsun Townshiip, Tis. Ware, ni Camp- beilvilla. mas amarimi tisa contraci Ou bud a vaws eiool ta replace tbm anc destraumi Iay fre a fes' es'rs ago. Tise ses scisool wiii most $4.100. Wek-end sprciasiiat therBank- ruptlesi isli by Galbraiths & Co, mere 10 ladieu' coals aut $1,95, lnes tea owerls 1ceachbeach pyjaa 59e: ladies' slips 69e; mens mors pas or ovaralis 98;00e; Mau sets aI $1.29; mas's suit and stureis ln- enomollars 10e easci. The sîxtis annua Chissiols' ce- usiona sas held at tisheios'fnitise preaidesi. Thsomas F. Chishuots' aI Clung Paris Pars', Esquamig Town- sip, oa Jase 2,cis as sttrndae 4it uvr 200n Public meetîing ta-vigist! Dii Sbry tsi Rubinson gt s square deal? Atend IbmPublic Metisgl in tise tîîs'5 hall ta nugit at eigt 1 velocis TRIC'KS Helo. wn.s'varr ya muina esae sisates tanigisi' ViY(s Isam acaid tbat 1amn. Spivndid. lisca yau mont mini levdings'meîîîîr tua. Accucdîsg tii ther Coadian Atb- cîtisansoiRismamatis'Society 4 oat ait 5 uf tise riationio artbritisea be savi Iront ariusiicipplîng it iisvîccaseaaediîagnssdceariy and treaici vcomptiy. ST. PAUI.S UNITED CHURCI4 Mlnste-REV. 3.L. BLAIR . A. Organit, Mr. Roisert K. Cave SUNDAY, JUNE 14. 1953 10.00i as'.-Sastor Saisont. 1100 as'm.-Woraip Sersice. Juiorn scisool. nuseray ciasa. Taiesiay, Juna 16-3 ps',. Juiie Group of WA. miii mcciai horme ni Mca. J. E. Taylorc. Thonmas Si.; 4.15 ps'., Mission Havids'tll bh oapicote in tisa paris. Tisarsdsy, Jane 18-3 p.s', Meeting of Baby Havi. AUl molisers museiilic iie 4yar.i Friay. Jtîsv19 -Trou BaRanes 7.20; Junior Choir. 7.20; Sevno Choie. 800. Sîîaday. Jîtor21 Cammuaiîn Octr- sica. GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN Rlva Noranu Grecs, BA., L.Ti. Radaor SUNDAY. JUNE 14. 1953 Second Sonda0 Aitea Taistili Oaa Hindrei-ani-Nivlis Assîn- avvory Serviccs 1844 - 1953 8.00 os' -Hoiy Communion. 10.00 a.s.-Ssniay Scisoni. 11.00 a.s' -Monng Pcayar. 7.00 p..Evcnivg Prayea. i"f'il fili ibis house siihalors, sitis tise Lard nofiosta.' Hoggoi 2: 7. CALVARY TABERNACLE Pent«estal HflHesu BRONTE ST, Rer. H. Woods, Pantor Priiay. Jîîs 12,.8030 p. .Piesyca and Bible study. SUNDAY, JUNE 14. 1953 1.00 Os' -Worsip Service. 3.00 p.s' -Suniay Saisool. 7.00 p..Evaagalistia Service. Titis-day. Jave 1ti- 8 an. Prayc meeting. Wi-tliiesaia. litai' 17-8 poti., Ilt- nietas Auiliiary, (Ailsevies obeini bhdaIt the eh irais i New CoiICuID I altribuling it ta the neZi for aFlhln The very papalar, 103 year-old in lasure lime in a machine age, Erin fair is 10 have a ses' Coliseum and the satisfaction in creation and this year. The Ern Agrieulturai achievement which crafla provide. Society has obtained a grant 01 as well as0 sociability. $20,000 tram the faderai gavero- The classes held at Milton wera ment (about ove-quarter of the mantioned os part ai the govero- total cost) and miii also receiva a ment pragram. contribution from the Ontario iOv- The Georgetown paper reports avomant. Theerest oftheamoveyiisthatheadiesare considving an baîvg raiuei iocaily. offar ni the Canadian Handicraft In the coliseus' thara miii haetise Shop in Toronto bo mahe tha..shopi arena, whose dis'ens~ivrs are 75 available for ana meeh for ivplay ieeîbyl175 faat,mîith îove rassOfand saleof praducia madehbythe vcais ta accommodateabaout 800: a membars. hall with a stage and dressing monan office, anacis har and reni Ballais Wld Life rom. Many community affairs Concerned about prolactivg the oîlllieheld intha na.arensoîfter ramaivmng ish and miii hIfe in il iv hut, tis distric, the Oaisville Rod aval Try Agaîn Gan Club has paosed a resolution Application iv hei gmade by asising strict enforcament ai con- Branle village to the Ontario Mon- narration ias's by the provincial icipal Board foran orerto annex govarament. Copies wiii hae for- 423 acres ni Trafalgar 1usd. The wardad ta the governmeni. Stanley arain 'avtvd hy the village foc- Hall, M.P.P., Trafalgar counicil, and indusicial davelops'ent sit... otiser intercvtad organiaions. Eaeliar ivnlise year Bronte askad. The Halton mev reatize that tise the lowoshipu oapprovol for the industrial expansion and gromth ai anneation; wsra toii, No." subdivisions cas hava a isautrous affect on mild lufe. "We are vot Fligbt Year st a cfuh intereated in going out This ib the *'ilight yeur for Java hunting," viatai pranîdant Howard iseeties andl thay ara certamnly ly- Litchgield '*We are interestadinir ing! Smarmu nf the pents diva- consarvation." bomb inovahlicint and ugaivot lishis and windoms. Anybody whs doran't hns' hat lhay lois liisc by now is lihely rare; however, MEN ON NIER MINIS the Juve bugs are a raddish cal-- oredhbertir.ahoutîthe sieof ahbea Tean-aga Carol announcedhvreath.. Prof. H. W. Gable ni the 0.A.C. lessly, vibra Ohe camaeisomaeii'om syn thasa bealn lina in a ibrea- lber firot day at ihsochool: 'Ail yrar cycle. Ment invasion is :n my teachern eoceptîfive are men." 19.56. 'Hos' many leachers do yau have Prof. Gable says thara miii sol aliogether?- lber mother ansaid br s'sch damage ta lamos and pas- -Seras,' Carol avsmered hlithela. love ibis year, but s'han the neason -Tsa Meaver'v Digest. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 4' îT OUTH * NoRT N E AST Sc Remedy Molorisi: Aven't you tise faDas' misa sali s'athis cuar tvameals ugo ' Salesman iprouilyl t Yas. sirl Motorist: Wel. tell me about il aais. i ici an divanuragai. At Anssîvary Mva. J. L. Ellceby, tisa presidant ni Halion Conty Wnman'v Insll- tuleu sialai t Palarmno W..mas lise fouets ta maris a 01h anviver- sary iv MalinIbis yaar aitishe calabeatios lisera racavtly. Mas. W. Speers, misa recently celabratai bar 93rd isirtisday. mas melcomaid. Dreatings meca extasiai ta Pal- arma W. Isy raprsevtatires iras' Actas , Bannocksburn, Burlinglos, Dublin, Drumquiv, Limaisoasa, Nai- son, Hornisy, Omags, Georgetown ISSDICAL LEiSAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC DICK & DICK Phsonea: W. t. 191CR, Q. Miltos-Mumber 2 K. Y. 191CR Dr. C. K. Stevenson Parristers, Solicitors Dr. Fred Melnyk BonSreopst rn Dr. R. S. MeCulleugh Bro e tel.opse Aen Oficîe Hnurs; aahv Ah H-y appoints'esuony PM 1-4 7- . T. A. HUTCHINSON, O.C. SUNDAYO-Esmvrgmvaiesonoly, Barrîster, Solicitor, Etc. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Oiic-Nasî 000e Cisampion X-p,,o's'Oicie-MiniSI., hilton Coroner. CPR. uni Gant Sumteon Telepisse 54 DR. G. E. SYER GEORGE E. ELLIOTT PhYsiaîan and Surgeon Barrtîtes-, Soleltos-, Notai-y Pobnt Offic-Jams Stret Ofice-In Farmers' Building PhonaJaesoiseau Main Street, Mlton Office Boum;: 9 as'.; 1-3 Telephona 70 7-8.30 p. Coroner DENTAL DR. J. W. MCCUTCNEON DR. G. A. KING Office Hours-9 as'.; 1-4. 7-9 ps'. DENTAL SUREGEON Pavsmvrs' Building, Main Street Office in Royal Building, Milton Tlepisosa 395W Hours 9-5 Besidanca 395J Ereninga by Appointment X-Ray Service Talaphove 197 ISISCELLANEoUS DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUJRGEON LEVER & HOSKIN Offira in Farmers' Building, Chartered Arasuntuasto on nStrt floor Oucessoan to Ervegs byuppoinlmant JENKINS & BARIST X-Ray Service Tel. office 65, 1300 Metropoitue Bia,, Ras, 20 44 Victoria St., Toronto __________________ Es'. 4-9131 PUBLIC LIBRARY NOURS ALBERT J. CRANDELL FOR ADULTS Chaetered Amountant Movday .........130 la 5 po.. Main Street Gaorgetownv Tsasday.. 1.30-O p'. and 7.9 lies Oficmes5 Wednasday .....9.30 a.m.-12 nocm Thurvday .. 1.30-5 pm. aval 7-0 pis. Friday................. 130-5 p.. Saturday .. 1.30-5 ps'. aval 79 pw CHIROPRACTOB Publia Holiday@ net Ineludai Scisool ehiidren hava vepurate NIELSEN - The Chisopractea iosea ISruffîeuu Theraplot 301h Vaur ai Prunticer TVELLERS' GUIDE Lady Atendant CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Mon., Tues., Fr1, 2-5 pm. Standard TIsse Wed., OuI., 2-O anal 8-9 ps', Goivg la Toronto - 7.51 arn. Clavai Thsrsalay daiby; 2.04 Ps'- duily; 809p. Gvr Domiînion Store, Georgetown daiiy excapu Sunduy; 8.57 ps'. Sun- Phone 150W isu osly. _____________Cos'ing iras' Toronto - 9.04 as', _______ iuly; 6.31 ps'. daily; 1.00 as'. dally Il. G. RIDDELL, D. C rcepu Sstîîvday. osclor aofCistroproatte . CANADIAN NATIONAL Hennie St,, Mlton RAILWAV By Appuiuuis'u-îîl Going NRelle7.50 P. PHONE 102J X-RAY Guuvg Soath-7.10 ps'. ---611 L 1 PAR TWO THURSDAY. JUNE llthý lmzý L is ovr ani egga laid tisera yl ha damageatolawvns uni pastures. misicis ylhava yellow pabce& Tise Larvue af tisa Java bug is tise visite gvub, Tisa Juva baetlas' favorites are bvoad-ieaaed trea ni siscab, tise learea oi atm, nab andl bamawood ttenu. Tbay sret iaring salauvlt tis Leatherwork Tops, BLestiserworis le rigisl vos'tise 1mot popular caat ln tise province, ralssaly follomai by ail painting, a govamament apoksian for lise -Cns'muvity Programu Brsais eof a tisa dapavument of Educulisv totd ktisa mmbers ai tisa Arts und CeagIs -of Georgetown ut a recasl meeting, i Inlereet iv craftmoris is msunting

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