THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARîO PAGE lITE ELECTI CON .TR FURNACE OIR BURNEI NEIL Mc Charles St. APPLIANCES ai HALTON REFRI( Phono 600 - Mai INSTALLATION - SEREXCEL AND PRE Gem Mtli Cttoler - Eectre MeOO Servici ElectrcRefrigeaorslfor salet$ fll Iguar RADIO AND TELE% A nn o u nc in c assustung B BRUNO'S BEA ronte St. Milton 1r5 NOTICE TO WC The foltowing prizes ha Acton Fall Fair Wbosi ciilbt' judgrsl onqa.ltiy.p For furher information phone Acton Acricuttural Society, C.1 the president, Mac SI YOUR HEADQI NOW OFFERS A C * INSTRU ACCES! Ail Types of Eleci ED. SI 38 Coiborne St. West LET US DO YOUR 1BAND, CLOWNS, PRIZES AT OPENER BUILDING IMILTOWS 1953 BASEBALL SEASON, Decorated btcycles, clowns, Mil- cf. Secafini c, Mills If, Southt, Traynor toni Bond, majorettes and prizes Grenke If; Tosiser, Marshall p. oparked the first home baseboll Winners le the lucisy drow mere Construction Co. gamnsjeMiltasse Saturday when Ken Gervais $10 cash; Mary Lee tise local teaso met the Campbell- Bell, Brantford, flser mat; Gordon GENERAL CONTRACTOR ville entry and sufered a 6-4 sel- Taoker. Imo quartsofetpoint; and Phono 485W 4 back, ticket 395 an Indian blanket. In the firsI ganse of the seaso's Vouchero wece also won by D. P.O. Box 86 Milton aI Wtcrdown. MilIcn lied the Dasohens and Betty Wilson. score 5-5 and the ganse was called Winners of the 12 and seder ut the ed of the siolh tnning. bicycle race were Don Cornie, W. A fatalosecond inningof fourHilson inthse2nd nder clso, _________________rails___kv lie Catepbllillr crce with L. Colsooand T. Tofford )i ttthot trattnt iîtthte lt-'d for lise otninglthe t2 and oet'race ett getîsvit'th Mlttonflghting trce- tlecrtlclei elce îtizes wet t1F. ise egoued. Morlcy. J. Brotwn ttd Robin Peur- Rues lenlise second frunse sete e. R IC A L rgsee yEryfo ak Cu fiii xrse hi p ~CTlING cisoice. Stan Fuy for the pipe to consîroct REG. ADAMS te shome with the Tise borneItdans regained two tliscreen. Appreriation mas aIs R SALES & SERVICE end talbe le made ut Campbell- rues enlise fouts wisen Ruits and opre.ssed lu lise donoro of tise cille public school. The table was Hleipel scored. Tise bases mccc Peices. '. uodcd us Greoise wus tuggcd 01__out ____________ :P HAIL oneofîthe muv tems oedisplay isetweece licol und second on a Phone 432J Milton aI the officiai opeeing os Friday. illders cisoice. AITdL eeenieg last week. Compiselleitte registered iho iflis "LIC IOi SALE Id FIXTURES ruitsin tise Ottis mien S.Heedeesot reacicd issme. Tise bases wccc 5ATURDAY, MAY 301h lîtuded le tis ioing weet W. Sole shrts 2 PM.te ise condu'ted KILBRIDE Cairns strstcbott. fron tisa Mvluîsuutt s)eted a cott ttcistise "COACH IIOUSE', ENNISCLABE Scolis und egrtgiss inmd 50 lise (Former Cox Estotel Laisesisore Fret Hom Ope ed Mlton corog.ltt th isecgistisTsi- Higistay East, Oaiseille. F ret Hom upe e clebs mbmmed u toIuIo iug it A tide ronge of uscd building ïERATION CO. To Young Aduits ibutilftîd t tcînuo ls e itut o; niteristmwilise ffered. mi St. .Milton tibte stîters et cul. TERMS: CASB, StIC REUIIINO Tis Yong dul Orop set lXmpisslleille added ils fnlI lI;'c-50-2 G. C. GIBSON, Asclioneer. tiseir May meeting t tise home tf tt ise uisI, sti amn e E100K DEALER Cit and Loues Fente luol Wed- tit iome. itteviio - u Far Euimet eeoday eesiet. Tise proocains as fcile ttt bpitie onthileschancebot AUCTION SALE eaey stocor maise icargeBliseneingFord gave lise Tacher tarucet-ierd on tise msued - deotieal reaigtan o eol is e second leome isy Marsisul GALT LIVESTOCK MARKET L 60.00 or cent $500 per menh dvtoa edn n nne ts.freMilltn ils Roberts dsieg tise Every Tsesdoy aIt 1pm. D.S.T. - ranîce Natscy Ramshiaw gae btteidhulieg fsr tise etoitor. Oeaosu top markset for 15 VISON ERVCliel.wIa Bs aitAnsepAkens Lttîleos--yeors fur tise sale of fri livestecis VIIO SRVCENetainarge of e iiemtrs Campbells'lle-Barlfo Il, Moure and pssllry. Special tteetionand werein harg ofrecratin, wichfree adverliuing gleen 10 dispersais conistedof cort whist The wi- *b; Ealy r;Dîovlteg sE.C ' tdog onioet.Asl nero ofltisclenet were Edea oteb COe llB rc:. 9 igîc ieIgtisee ulmool satisfaction t10 - tee. Beottre Heliseingtse, Re,.BRobertsap.bttth kuyer tnd seller. Speciol tow AImons and Ken Bullard.* Mltont- Vaugthan lit.Rttsk t . cîr it udealers and large cnsmign. A large crowd oltended lis'- Ws-,Heiltel 2b: Melateoîttb;kTslrtzis es. Sltbles regslacly disinfected menes Missiouory Soie t Oivc,.' for Y-trProtection. Oece a cao- tmsre aI Gaît, olmay.s a ousoomer. onSseday. RevtuMr.Dl)em AystOlelone perienced and top 9 ...Miîîgerous tis special spetaktr. OBITUARY tutl,ieero empîoyed. No sale. no Music wo5 furniused is Cals.try -omsin United cisureis ckatefrottt litil- St. u esCe e yA. B LNN, sftisallIronsm ils Wîrreî Mç,Niv- Ls R sig Place___ clszien asr bysbseoanagea~La:Retn br t ' A C EINGS L M.adMro., Erie MeArtisorlMe,. Allas Dont dird ton Wednes- petSseday tBiho vldya51no.My1,a hrhm. A C I N S L Wacismortis. Foutrtb Iittc. TratalarteTowshtit.INTWIt 0F NASSAGAWEYA ffl SA ONA miscclluncoucssomer 000 iseld Alîthogishesiaeitudbren Il ftreabotl ie tise hall lsl Tusday evert-îug. lisr- e ores. iee deutiscasse sa O Dairy(CallePigs,Tracorlin-îm Phone 102W fot relyceds Me. and Mes. Cal- tsseis lit family ond friends. as sise plimnist. Itaseriold Goodo. 8gw loway. fscmerly Fredo Hitedscl.stucs sîted 10 gel opupnOSalu',- Mill and Sac' Miil Equlpmenl ie. Maeyusoefssl ced preely preeenlc day. were eceeteditylthe Young rocîsl. Before ber morrioge. se ma. Tbe uttds'.stgoedb.tceecels'edmin- Janet Lutiteaay. dacgisle of tiesetîutiîtts frons uatc Me. aed Mes. Robsert Lonea- L. W. MOORE my. BrnnDundasOntariosite T.tscll by tsîtstîatie fartct, I ode ubi nd 'iihschis'î'ilot 24. cottn.5N.tssoucc'eyo Tc'p. AUCTIONaSA Ded publ .icHailtn orma s'l aaed on tise tocsuosd Ltte. 51 *V..fA1OUAO O Of Haasrsoid Furniture Sieltugit forltwo ycoroat the Cîtmmeeeng asi 1citeotc. p, ONE WAYS INTHE «M ~OR cdd Gleesecisy sekol onthie Fsortb the îîulosmng: *SHIPPING ROOM-IN THE FACTM PLACE AT . M. ADAMSONS lte. lueîtîg 10 muery Me. A110'ti IOOISES AND HRESWi OR ONTHE FARM ...RUBBER BeistdîG.A.SIore,Streeltsvtlle. Denu'isttpeeceasdier10 years mtteed geyîuam.statdl10ears TINTE SATURDAY JUNE S. 1953 i. MetDent mas os Anglican.lii gour!tditeall barnsseut litf STAMS WIL00OTHE MOBBETTE2.0Otp.m. isitogosise atls'ded the Peesn-t't'.erhgteulitîtI ;colas FASERANDWIH ASOTE Sacni cso f: cbtrltld, dlit- bylte. nSînleît Ladies' Aid and 'e ... FSTER ND WIH AMR 1 ogroomod bdromsiteril- 'a, pieî.idnt oltePrecsiyern 4 COWS Ctnstsisîofleg'uand ACCURAa " ver. leatsribet.ttoat,e j led,liMcststiat'y Soi iu-ly of tise Sistete Ton; 8 rr.ts' and rade o fsd 'dtcsssch sates, studto cotuchse; s es b. t tisetle otllber dratish.îTm., tbeec.ocssaet- i l teo. Slaltu'esw'ing andmaeyttbei ,scL c Fueetruc as eld on Sauday, (îlîîtîtitsbecdue daess'llise giv- îýsFttc titmrss. te mento. My 16 at libelle. CanoneJacklson tttft otisae da.ssonede ti u ,- veryhistg iîuclsbcsld lSt.fitde'c Anglicanocisurccias- ,'titl.uly. st'eî'lfoi- fatllsescuu TEeRr'dS:Cas seday cf saite. tiulits. Heefiso.,îttfsIPrcsaylre- trig. 7 ll,,lsl,'.iriu (isît. itecîl lt Staloney and Office Supplies J. A.ELLIOTT, Asîtioseer- ce Sic lesît ebîttein ecsîtductli'ia .'hec nIýt li. 6 IlsIstine ifsieo Main St. Miltan c-5I-2 h evc.T aS edyT af Phonte 420 tsD.'stM RîttE QU'.ItetEti. T &îtOccli Inteement lOas io St. Jades ce- l11,Y E LaMval& IOsF.-d me t-e' ltPallbs'areets ecte Lesourd st.gî'î îi teeîtl 2-tîsît - huttpe. iAiberti Jttsttutt.Mach Se- etilkinuiitt îteu - o'iikpilles. pttmpc -cil.Jtm Cetîse, Tom Croshe oatd etc.; kîlI liP. T.seTccl.'ltric ni'.- -- OS i'baie Tookelie. to;uluitu tti ti.uusc.2ltcd- Silt.te t.uneî.dagier. Ages'.s't...titt.tttndttt.1lt'ttc'r: i IL ltMAINO15 INCOMAPLETE Itiîsrt seli.i îte',.ttd cti.stsîsiy UNTIIVHE MIS-010) SOWS Yotsw li Maeeb 3f): Yornsso'. ireud Aptil Il: )OL GROWERS 'TN N hIES FINISHEOD! oi rdMy1 TRACTO9 & IMPIEET Fia Feliisttit let. , , , f 'irs. tittuual o ecu: hydrattlic tu!- ave been addod to the Yivator; Frrguson'utu. Ft'tcuusuis3lu - m tm " 4- iuts. Fi ctoo.tî tireu i 1953 PrizesList " tsW.t 7dtui -apl Mrad Mrs .E.F Vîlttit et , ilNtttittttt.t dttt'. .ltso b miMe.nîl 'td cîins deilfCoch-qon i ii i lat ý(ýik-(,çi ith Mr. ndet'sl e atiettit- endur C e lmli tster fiem iom Musît tuetut -reluo ircý i Cash... St,50 $200 $10 narEs F zlnb Alishiltulvotandecl-m di bhw- uts Cats$250 $200 $1.00 Mr.adMrs t oise tddit tii n, o' d ac% ecs; 2retti ti ý' 1RobrtSi.v d til wtb Mesrît sgos tfiati i e'eb'lit geral cisa'rcte'and prrparatlo l ,Woodstb ciii tîtuece! t bieder: Att od t Gnn Ldge inLit- er-rise 15-Mtrtcireo good tel-i uisecondition;'.,hlGubl-i il O uailes ti i,,bo. 1.4inîch. mtk uîîtde :il the Secretary-Trasarer of theo 1 r.9 Jck tobs.P. illay te i E.;n i d e titi'silico tlevtutinil 3i lite B. Swackhamer EInn 68R33 or tThe quicist way to wipo out de. Stit luit iii stI Cuimisellvulls oe ,teIn lle al ls il rl, iprowi Acton 19lW4. jpendabte service from pour car is [S ti utc ite s,î' ' itis Ies SAIN MII.t,.& EQtIPMENT - 1tî1iMes FEtî rbuîîsî' andtf:ini- Co.Ttuioetif tltu th.ut' hi te stint on its cane. A car osonor iic ItMiss Audrety Bfliotttotf Tut- recitcdlîthis ît. tdoubletii t-li -'han to givo as wmou as tais e- o- t utt i.. iettfui iMss; Rout O it 1:1'.e eue atee tIlnrsr cause his transportation is n4u, ,, 'euvaliscaw, 8 eti oli bete- ha tscndton in tatu Mu - Victorlt' s401ho kit oilelargetiiituit bottertthan us condition.tutus usîîîd luisetîe '2N.4itiil liii ).uîee Sis, ttt.dth te hitc îîiî'î. icOu' lu- l tbo col 19 5 Do'g tf h tusnSîîulu.Mty 24. As thli ,oo seuod. etc IEE EIEE IE Era 150 Mt. orSedant bui lue.' ks'siest maecîcdIisey Auîciu Thisî'ee'il.îir' P)49iordp'tul iiCtute ttut'uMT,'ti;li M isn e oftl lar'ge i an'd t exîiiîtttstcfrteO of 1949Frauc a sdecenternmahnîtean'd dites WARTERS FOR -1 1 949 MPtet istdttolc MWtt':J.ucP.MesRobto Miocistie, ile. h erisnw rAill.etdycttt-lël 19 17ti)Mc'iî'uî h.î.î itin S. onl fierl tîîd ro nt Win- cull h t Ocrv it h u euolykesevd ll47FuedSdan suisei.tSesti.ttttlMsstiekîct sle, an cdmill bc, eold i 9 147 IPontiace ('tItlu tt.sî'erodtlof Milton. Rer .,,cm lti .1942Ford oachbusttut s mtitcstat thke Ulti TERM: Cashisit cerrion dy E 1940 Pot'siac Coupe eistreis(i lloe 1940 HudsonSsSedan Mes. Robsert Raspykcrey anei te Nuso eeee s e ftcm isot 'OPErELN O 97Wlly's Jeep Imîs dauuuieslreo . Meeoist Ez. WRA GR-O. tcee OMPL9TE LIN 0F 1047 - taise rard and Mes. Victor Nettie of Pisn Corepis 743Wo' 1946For 3-tn wth hist Torotoelsct ky truienstt Muy 20 Art iamond, chk IanENTSdy foc Los Angeles misece tiry sel - M ENTS 1946 7 Meruy -osPicks-up viitetcivers. Tiy illtteumoay 2d UsdFr Tralors for tisre meiso. LI MorelHIstrnaionlTtacîse Dr. FrankLollibsoettessrdlii SORIES wihCon clne and Cul- his honte inLs AngeleCalitor- E Ioornaood U tocide sr ii oMl- s C R 0 K dinq M OpenMona.Wededay, Frlday Miltoe. Dr. Loît som iseads a de- ad Strdy tvnng,7 p.m. to pactinetisheFacsitysof Denlisl- T A 9 pm.o arslsonely. ey ol tise University st Soutisesn trical Instruments 1Collet-nia. Behind Red and White *itono andîm iipeg ut tise Store j isc hme of Mr. und Mes. Gordon Mac- MILTON, ONT. T O S W sarton. T sey a rvd M o day aed plus tu stuy otecekin leMilton. Phone 635 m 'A Os Soluedoy. May 29. tisey milI aI- 1BASE TUESDAY, JIJ 2.30 p.m. MILTON FAIR C MILTON v.POI Admission - - - BALL¶ JNE 2nd GROUNDS RT CREDIT - - 35c -I MAKE GRASS SIAGE, ~m6 * Tis Geisith tive-test MswerrBar Allacis mmlt hfie big capaciîy te isondie isravy yielda oity, ansd preducro tfieo, nieso-cut ooomasary for quality sadage. I mestie sela Iow-grosig cropsc maAifalfa and Brsoe, as-e meth ie orso all-geessseg isaleserd silage" mixtues.sech as Millet, odes Grauo, Sacheasa. Sangise and Cane, sord iseosd- out ... choeaned deepo Iism inco assgo. Tise sasse Basic H.cvesee1Unit, olis socnin ruets.. hac ricisir, m-o-e-ian d - tacisesct forcn. cestes,. &KlY OF TOI àS MOL 0110K ONII-OVER UNIT$ MAYTDElATTAREO IN à FE MINUTES G.Oi ci.. Ye« Cemeht. Essiem.sI hose Fielte Sto&nage. Paesfat 0551 ilnmtreleais te itil. ..asne. 0551 Stlf'lU.dteoF.."s Waon .. F... Plu.teerisildi.g eneosr 0e.. . f tOL Fesg. 9.1e- eaon .d tS. pro s Ih . m ieaissl-cer- saora f-isnor G-merssess-ith. isseensfsI.nhr isindepeed- C001 IN AND SEE THEO GIlL Halton Co-Operative Supplies Mead Office Free Delivery Route Days Branch Office MILTON 1 27 -phone- GEORGETOWN 86 T S WITH PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT 0F 'VERNON McARTHUR AS SALESMAN ON OUR BEHAI.F FOR ALL FORD 0F CANADA PRODUCTS EARLY MOTORS MAIN ST. MILTON PHONE 519W THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE FM