Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Feb 1953, p. 2

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- flTWO Working for Milton Enthusiasm in the possible work of the Milton Chamber of Commerce was sparked last Thurs- day evening when the group played host to many potential members and heas-c the Gunural Mana- ger of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. As the speaker emphasized, the town is badly In need of an active Chamber of Commerce. The easiest fhing in the world is to sey "thats a job for council" but with the co-operation that should exist between the two groups, a more watchful eye can ba kept on the progress of the towe and ls development along sane lines. Milton, although tl may not be on a main highway, is served by two railroads and is in a good position for future industrial developmirent. Jack Moore, the Chamber's speaker, pointed out that many industries were flot going to settie in Toronto or Hamilton, weren't interested in the high price land commanded on the Queen Eliza- beth Highway but they were anxous to settie in thte area. If the industrial plants cant be settled on boats in the lake they mut be directed te those areas nosth of the Queen Elizabeth Way. With the general industrial desire for services near any pcoposed plant the land searching centres around communities that can offer these advantages. The Chamber of Commerce can offer con- sides-able guidance to indastrialisus susveying the area because they can have the ansmers te fuie espected questions. As Mr. Moore outlined tee, the Chamber can serve ie many other ways. lu is te be hoped the local ctizens, meschants, industrial representa. tives and farmers wiii bud an erganization strong enough te tackle some of the wcsthy ps-o- jecus and activities that wouid highlight Milton. Tis s aBudget Oas and Canadianasawi ko tueue sadthd le uera of suie Domiion taxationa plana fer Sthe sear atsead. Finanrce Mlaslter Abbtt suada asmpatuiu ssder- standuing a suatas ra'tttem. Cow Jumped Over the Moon A statement by H. H. Hannam, president of the CFA., regarding the cow andl the auto has been seceiving corsiderable attention. Ha la credited with saying that from the point of vdem cf national policy we useau car automobile butter than the dais-y cew. The speaker gives a gecd case for the cow and ber efficiency and the pay and labor of farmers and thosu who wcrk in the in- dlustry and a compasisen with the autemotivu in- dusts-y. We are quite le agreement with the argument and me are ail in fayor cf the rights aed efficiency cf the com. We efuen monder if this very êfficient farm animal had not had se mach interfes-unce from man, mae made esguniztions and gevere- ment regalations if the indastry moald net bu butter off. Wu meil rumumber the fine dairy bat- ter that me usud toeun1oy and mhich is ne longer available. We do keow that the puscenage cf butter fat and the grades cf milk offes-ed te con- sumers is mach more confasing new than ie the days wben there were ne goveremenu rugula- fions. Advertisements tell housewives cf pomdes-- edi, condensed milks and a multitude cf recipes for its use. We hear of onu greup saying there is a butter shostage and anotbes- group denying the statement. The poor cow and those whe feed and Care for her are stili efficient. Bat hem the pub- lic is coefued mith deliveries and distribution cf the daîry indaus-ry prodacus. Small suceder that substitates creep in and are accepted. Se fem people are acquainuud mith the efficient dais-y cem mhicb is described by Ms. Hannam as the "best and eldesu forage harvesu- ing machine on the market. She is eqaipped mitb a mower and grindes- on onu end and a menus-e apreader on the ether. le betmeen is un extremu- y complus and highly efficient manufactusing plant spucially designed for the conversion et large quanflies of passas-e, silage and hay inIe niatures mesu nearly perfect food-milt." Fiant usein luCanada of s aut wptasard brckSalt ieS a suaping Suie US. selttindsry P0-oteaiO aa reeuted intas Sir-bada-esu brIe ic ouan tat iS rîtet teae-wiasoeee famailles for $57 a meast, rea-rts Tuie FInesi- diat Peat. THE CANADIANa CHAMPION, MILTON, ONaTARO Double Attendance Foreseen Those wbo may tbink the ps-sent expansion of higb scbools annotasses-y may mail consider thut the officiel ustimatu of high scbool attend- ance is that the neuf 12 yeas-s miii sue the encol- ment doabled froue ls ps-sent figure. Our- schooî population, says The Financial Post, is growing et a much fastes- rate than oas- total population and for quille a feue years et leasu, if wiII keep on gsowieg fast regas-dless of almosu any other factor because of the present and retenu bigb bis-fb rate. Most of the youngsuers wbo wiII bu entering bigb scbool 12 years froue now as-e already bere. We migbt as meil make up ous- minds that we are going to bave to puovida uchools and teachars for a lot more students le the neut dozen yearss and Ibis sus-vice is geing to test a gruau delet money. lu is meil te providu for this incseased attend- ante ,ves- a period cf yeas-s. Rsidents et the North Halton District miii bu pleased fo les-e Ibaf the prusenu expansion being madeuin the scbools et Acton. Milton and Georgetome is being made mitb un upu te the futUire. The prelimieury sketch- es ps-cide for additions ut ail Ibrue schools suhen tbop aa r uised. la is muil te spruad the load oves- s pesiod and this is being done in the build- ing pnogram nom undermay in the Nor-th Halton District. The ps-sent enlurgemenus in the district miii give accommodation for 200 popiis en Acton; 270 an Milton and 260 in Georgetown. Each cf tihe schoista readily bu enias-gei te ps-cide tfs- double this ens-ciment suhen the time tomes for such a stop. . . . . . . A Comnmon Brotherhood This week of February 15 te 22 is keome as Bsotbrhood Waek treugboat Canada. The mook bas the endorsation of leaudessof the Dominion and Provincen. We tbink me live in a good tom- manity. Dasing Bsotecbood Week lut us esoive to keep cas- communitp a plate mbes-e people live and help live in a spirit of Brotbes-hood for ail rates and creeds. Lot as have unitp sithoat aniformity. lu is mail te bave a meek specialip sut apura * NORTH EWST So Na RatasTracts Ne gigastie raste track for Stalles casastyl Wiihth ,Se enneencement9 tbat 400 auras have Seecs prclsed by thenariossueJockey eclub neas1 Maltes, rumeurs that the race tracts woald maya la Trafalgar township bave baurs squastsed. New County Chrit In Gergretuwu, as bu slurcy brick tactury building bas beau purcuiesea ferusue as a church and living quartars by the Panlecastel churot. Thse new utsurcb wiU bu callad ZMon Tablarnacla and the panIer will bu Rev. F. M. Fletcher. tleargetswn's flood rulileSf fsd slarlad ait wit5s e $ste donation tram the lasen. Actenstarted ait ber tsnd lst witts e donation et $2te fs-eue sue Lekesida Chapler, I..D.E. Casaicil instlgated thse fend lu Gesrgetown wbile a speciet couemittea la lu cuiarge of cantin- butiona ln ArIen. Rapreentatives oetotwn argasiza- liens sud cauncit met le Oatsnalle, tee, ta arganize a fund. Mans 1sd Teai J. P. Ceomba bas already begus the man-slaed ltas utsuessing the buge uew Ford plantlin Trafalgar. Mr. Csue ba ks asbecs cogaged by thee tomnship rouronSlteasuuuco otuier tuwnship industries. and uic expecla the juta mill tatesnvrl wccks. Ms. Caumbae i teuscrclrofu lihe Ontario Auneruars' asmocation and a dirc r offtheBuiness Plan- sint Assaiatru Ltd, He bas pictscd up tacls an Trafatt.ar*soa&aasnn, backoutcnd tram townsip onsrsuuc Edlaaaral Dasuam. Coty ttoaslng Prejeet Oaa tf thavraisent pnahn. that ts. ard Canadian aalfari- aihatitiiai,.tosinofcaitaislaund in i vin-lad valarea tanryvaor.a a lb. sainta utof aiaa.hiausnt lai. t.iiivs whor, ýli;rt ts aII dlation liv rai, i-tia, s ita thaîir saidu and inexia.sa. nournahttai ait thvir psistbaat,"sasyana KENOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH REV E.ORSBORN, Miter for feelings cf bsotherhood but onip muien mu live out the principies cf brothehoa 1or5 SUNDAY, FEHRSIARY 22sd. 1953 weuks cf the puas- miii peace tome te this troubi- 1)00 o s.-Saviair Sctsîîl. ual morl and a nom ara bu ushereal n. if requis-es ii00 .m.Jona oSh sul. , tcerance and ondesstanding te malle a commcen Ttsvaa-, Ha. Visionaaii îsaadid. bond among ail races and crecals a nal thrcming In AîapevvCaofutJesu. umay of preudicu -but the day miii ceme muie 7 0uit' niiCaaMhan.saa-ai i Kîaan auhiani J Ova . 1L Hi me have a ccmmce brothe-hood i mth aul peeipies ..li unal the mark set upus-! fuis meuh may mcii bu the Faiia St2th. t ai- Sa-lalaîn hiai pr(tC il ha h aln ai f suast toward that ulimafe geai cf peace on cas-ah. S Laîkîn, Coaurt St. Th.e vollias liane onat fosisctaîshacf5 lite fload ivrat a-eus isntoslan. Hoilas-d. Btri oltravond suie oportso -tits-s-ideaaaiale fac uIt ttarîela Couudtu s tiît ldia tsersaer Cutting the. Strings ? t mas particaiariy initrestîng 10 munacapalittes abat a board set ap te invostigata the distribaticn oS provincial grenus te municipalities. recore- mundud a cutting of the sus-legs hat go witb Ife. Evury municipaliap roceives grenus fs-cm the provincial gcves-nmant on s-ads, police, fis-e pro- tection and other itoes. The disailvantage is that the municipelity is Sosced te spend e dollar le gel a dollar. This systeue fe le ads te an andue rush t being progressive and custainip robs the municipal govornueunu et toc math oS ils power. t bas boe keom for seme ime that the local tome or tomnship coancil is the cioseslte the people. Thal is uasiiy anderstocd suhen pou roulize hem easy la is tfigot the mapor or reuve on the phone, compared to taiking yous- wey thrcagb a batlery of ciarks, ruteptionisus. privatu sucreries and a gond many more before reacb. ieg eeyoe as important as the Premier oS the piovincu. The groap sot up le 1951 by the Fs-st govere. nient tc sludp the taand grenu arrangements bas touepieled its stadp le ime for immediate relief. flis ceriaiiy te be bopod ahe suggestion miii re- cise theattlention iludues-rvos and manicipalilies miii agale bu given mes-e of the authoriîy tbey as-e entitled te. Ci4r oeatîabîatî (1ïampion Ptulilsed lunSue Huart of Holîsu CeunI5 Putlistsrd cvary 'fiursday t Main SI., Milos, Ont. Me- besr oS thse C.W.N.A. and the Osterio-Quabur Division o! Suie C.W.N.A. Adnetisisg s-stan on reqocst. Suscriptions payaei n edeancu, $2.00 in Canada; six muntuis $1.50; single copies 6c; 03.50 in the United States. AulSurtzad us Second Clesn Mail. Post Office DaparSaient, Ottaa. G. A. Ditlîn Editor sud Puiser 1BUSINESS A N D E DITORIA L0GF FIC E T E LE PHON E 2 20 1 CALVARY TABERNACLE Pantarostut Hoitettr MEONTE ST. Itan. H. Wooîd, Pmont, Friay, Febrnaoy 20,).t30 puai, Prayer meeting and Bible s..ady. SUNDAY. FEORUARY 22nd. 1953 11.0 u..Waship Service. 3.0 pue Suuduy Sehout. 7.0 pue -Enangetiervi-nce. 'facaday, Fcbs-uucy 24. 0,30 pue- Yoang Proplua' servicc. Wrdtarsduy.Fs-brous-y 25, 8 pue - Wsmeou Auoiliaey. Fnîday. Fruiruary 20-Würld's Oay vS Prar servnioces ut tuie Uniteda Curruigt 3 pue. and 8 pueý ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE (Anglican)i Os-n R. E. Pur-Itt. RcSar SUNDAY, FEORUARY 22nd. 1053 Fis-st Suudsu lu Lent 11.0 use Mscning Praye-and Ctsurat Scbuel ut St. Gergs. 2.30 pue -Eurauung and LiSasy at Si. Johnns. Ail Asre Welcoue ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Milton Heights Hnv. Griffin Thompuen. L.'Ts. Rs-cinr SUNDAY, FEBHUARY 22nd. 1953 FIa-at Susdss ln Lent 2.00 p.ue-Sssday Suhool. 3.0e pue.-Evaning Prayer. Suiort addrans. il = THE G( MAY lUTH and Welfara.' publlauied by the F Departrnent of National Stealtb et Fifîy iears Mgo Thsce pertrment blocks for oldeo' Frais sthe ne of tise (Chamspion if poale et Burlington la plcles-cd au Ttsursday, Feisreary 19, 19az on exemple ut "loue rentai bousisu prajunts in Canada wticb bave hauts The follomisat peroans tram Mii- drarlopeil ythyIe poblir-spicited tlnaurse oan dîna Suie Gsand Cous-t ossiatîna aitprivautuitienos, aided cil R..aofT. muioh isal psrat1 by letisaitn.' Tuienee n 501moy lu session ut Cobsorg. Dr. Robent- of tuirse projecta, and it bs intereut- son, J. H. Pcacocts, W. J. Armsrong logt Suit oseeofttice n la cated lu Sr., E. F. EarI, W. J. Armestr-osg Suie couty. Jr., and Miss Edua Earl. Wfaees as850w A gosd progrem a bacs enas-- winersai how ranged frthe social ta uic given Tes ladie of Dublin W.t., nees- neot 'fumduy avaning et George Adtos, ment ta the Hobby sowsuin~ Gastîcas. Admisson 15c. Procoado Tforoto-and not j uet le sec thie t St. Gesges building fend. Tuie hobbies. 'fbay hud e hobby of theilr lest une tilS Slauter, lest begin- onand lhey set riguit downs 1n ning on the 2 t fFebruaryudAs the Coliseum and praaeedud to do Wcdneodayl. it. 'fbey wece quiltiasg et their A crra in ig Saded uitb aSsaut origleul.ly deigsed qilît whicis et the statiou here ITanley) by Seatured blocksu aile national cm-soumeaSfSuie tas-mers in lhla vie- bleues itue the thiatte, rosa, ehem- inity. rock and mupte eat, the Roae F. W. Philtips waso e visitor In croan Jumelsaund Suie motta 'Sch lean lest aets and Psrcbaseda Des,' (I sas-na). Undaethlui neatiy brown enUy froue 'fins. eent for embroides-cilrsmas "Elizabeth"and $185. 'Phillo" was ariltan "couememora- 'fue Silbride Lilerery Society iog the Royal Vlalt 1951." beld its regeler meeting on Satsr- 'fIs ladies aura Jadged fist and day siguit and as excelent prograi prasîrtd ih a chaque tor $100. waus rendes-ad to a large and ap- preclulive audience. O motion of H. Newel it wa decided to chuS- RE RETIREMENT lange Stabasu Literas-y Society for a dusale on Febrsory 27tis. The Dr. tus MueDonald, Healtt mage- progrose consialrd of a debale, and zinc's cosutting editor on prots- instrumental music by Misses Flynn lem of egong con hacisuoted as eay- Gers-e Greenlees, and W. Volicts. oug: Premulure rniseentlu aaslu.uy Miss LrotsJones and Mis3 bouard." Conisuing activily should Rallie Langtton, duel by Miss Mubel naotolyhbrpermitiEd but encsa-Wood and Churles Prer, rcciStion o d Curonin ilîncon in mony oSder ayEbfn ruean, speench by H. liaipl. btsiinnsluad Pbysicul, NewearlatsThe Tamcs-afLondon' c n cdelaoyedmioomized oran noncitatinhy WalterrNixon, eadà- av nt(difthe iiilainatystfuiaity, ing by Grava Tuanholi. soiv ha izyt i ah ii a noruted ttanel ictolar Nixonv tatonillfu tanlslanod arr H ORN a)-imttecl tai conatinue % anask miluion'MARTIN-Iii Miltoni, un Maîsduy. telrnt., ot thiraainpabilities. As 1Fahniaiy.101h. ihe ite ut C. W. in ohrfaIlilaola tînîlths aoin tSenMaîritnaiof adaotir. t ni f ahrmeilatnssas pri-neoasn DIED f r ettien thon cure. Agts-rul uMARTIN-At HarrionasRivrs-.H. arbcdiaotiita vnnanthSue nstly .aon Fntruany Itha, Jane Maundes-. uitut . iboiti ikan lss ofa reflet outhSue laIe JosephMartin, lld agrsoueplytsysrnosingsar at. turuerlysofMilton, agnd 83yerur itiadeusiiwaronlds- r ppl. FEA'fRERSTONE-tn Trfrualgar ou Storday. Frlaruas-y 7, John A. Fruluirsuosor as bis 42nd ycas-. About haîf suie accidents in On- ,Sario lsyeor ocorrdin cilienand tomnn. TEURODAT, PRERUAAY le, 1lm COD OLD DAYS 'HAVE SEEMED BETTER " Twenty Years Ago Frais lhe isseet thse Chiamp"laor Thsday, teebruar, 2S& 51M A mectingtolureorgunizu the Mil- las BuaneucumensAsociation waa tseid in ther Cauncil Ctsomber at Friday niutst. R. MeOssitu psesidud. Theu treaurer cupas-ted a baleance in tuie baeltsot$105. After some discssion it wau ducided Ikat le.r memberahip tee bu 50e inateed of $1. Thie tottowing office-s weru elected: Hon. Ps-es. R. McDsuffe; iPrus. E. Sysr; st Vice Puce. A. L MacNauit; Snd Vice Puce., G. C. Hill; Srd Vice Puas., Jouie Wiiueett; Sec., Gardas Gowland; Truas.. H. MitNicuiol. At Mssdey eveninges meeting of Town Council accounla tetallng $1,83.05 wmccc tsaed. tnceded le thse abone amoant was o bill train thse HuIlaci Csnty Council fer $107.50 for accouemodatisg 215 vag- renta in tise casnty jeu bhere et tha rate of 50e pur day. Heurty congratulatios were ex- itendcd la Ms-. and Mso. George .Ellenton of Lawville on Wednas- tday, Fcbruary lsth, on reechinit the 4iSui uunineos-ry of tuicir wed- Geltint may bu Suie most les- portonS tuiiog inu IS, accordleg Se your ideas. Gîberu bowever imess- os-c yaur stature by washulysu give nsl tsy seat ysu trots. No mus o asucceuss uis enriceroonly bamselt. You succecd only as yaou- succasa enricbes Sui encoi-e usa- mosity. Werenaraita orepart Suie delts aI' Dr. G. B.Carbait sotCampbcltvill. mtsa paurd 0vay ut tshome tuirre ut 2 anlanis Sis mas-ning 'fuis fons-ouav ili tube paoe ou Salai - day, servine in St. Donid's Clurnb. Campbeiiaiiie ut 2.30 pu. WSIY NOT' 1fuie pbalograpscr tad just teken a pictune of an old mue on Sio Mtb birtuiday. He Suinenrd Suie aId mas oayleg, 'tItsope t-l ice resasd te taku yoas- pictore wuian yeu're 'fuie aId mas rcplied, 'Wtsy sot? Youloos pcetly uiealtuiy.' ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Mlslster-REV. J. L, BLAMI A 'AI OgnsMs. Robert K. Car PROFESSIO.ML DIRECTORY1 i UNDAY, FEORUARY 22nd. 1953 AN R VE L R ' UD ui0.0aum.-Senior SntsuuNDiAV LER 'GUD 1100aum.Wrhip Sernivr Rv ttingr Lrvh. caast minitr J.uniir Sabai>!astI Ntunuvna j MEOSCAL MIISCELLANEOUS 70011a ii Caeand sev-ias- ini THE STEVENSON CLINIC LEVER f. HOSKIN Knaav Pr,,.ha lavaran Chanvch 81.7,ap ii Chlllva b Mmvh liPhtsu.Chartered Areeuanle Cli1a a . ,Mltan-Numbes- 2 Scrnssors Su Mnasalî. F.-biar -,aa 23 7. CGI T O r. C. K. Steven ns JENKINS & HARDY aili ma,,-ai, 830 lAis, theSaesi- Dr. Frd Melsyk t305 Ms-Ssoplitan Rldg., .in ,aIli meea ini thes-adias Dr. R. S. MrCulteegh 44 Victoria SI., Tarants W-i)-(iv eray 2 - . .Office Huiss: Eue. 4-9131 lh, VA. uîll mv'a'.aatthevhamî A.M.-Oy appaintvventouy. ar is .Gordnaîs ManN.ab P 1.4 7-9. ALBERT J. CRANDELL Thîvaday, Fataruiry 2-7 sTy - SNDAYS En-nnasul. Ctartered Aursenlal niaBoys. MILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL Mass Stsret Georgeown Fîidaay, Fi-rtnai;ra 27-731) Tiai Ranta-ru; 730.Juviors-vchoir; .i8,!A5Ottice 654 - Res. 57fR Sesior cr.Coror. C.P.R. and Coul Surgeon Opun Wcd. and Fs-i. Evusinga _______________________and aIl day Suturduy GRACE CIIURCH ANGLICAN DR. G. E. SYER CHIROPRACTOR Rrn. Nos-mos Green, H.A., L.Th. Pisystutan and Sergeon Rrclor Office-James Street NIELSEN - The Chiropractor Phone No. 38 Drueise Tieraiss SUNDAY, FEHHUARY 22nd. 1953 Office Hoursa 9 e..; 1-3 31ui Year oS Praulice Fia-t Susdap lin Lent 7-8.30 p. M.0 a.m.-HoSy Communion. Cor- Coroner Lady Attendant poa-ae Comueunion oSfSuiv e Mon., Toms., Fsi. 2.5 p.. Chiancel Gnitd. Wad., Set., 2-S and 8-9 p. 10.00 .u.-Ssnduy Srhuol. DR. J. W, McCUTCHEON Closed 'furidsy 11.00a eue Musning Prayrr. "The Office Houri-O eue.; 1-4, 7-t pu.Goue Dominion Store, Gergeown, Tretations ufJesusu' ficnst af Fermes' Building, Main Street Puisse 150W oa srai. 70e pue -Evunint Prayer. Scos. 'felepuiose 395W Guidrs, Cobu and Bo-unies ln Residesce 395J D* J * ARMSTRONG uSîrodance ut Ibis servine. _____________ Daier ef Chiropracte Wsdursdup. Feirsua-So 25ttt, Lassas DENTAL 15 Frederiets St. N. Ses-icesa____________ACTON 415 pue-Ciudens srv-icein tuie Pariastli], Pauoa. a -a DR. G. A. KING PHONE SM0 sfat soil.' DENTAL SURGEON n.00 sue.Meditaions insFac< fichue oalRilig, MilSuos WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. iscodofases-ian>. Houss 9-5 Dealsu af Chiropractie Evninso ty Appointaient Bot tMlo X-Ray Ses-ice Telephone 197 Os-aSe StMilest BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH ___yApines In the 100OF. Hall PHONE 102J Han. Robes-I F. Snyder DR. F. E. BABCOCK _____________ DENTAL SURGEON SNAFEBRUARV 22ud. 1953 Office lu Fus-mers' Building PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS 10.30 a.m.-Suoduy Suhool. an sîreut !loauFO DUT 30e pue -Guspel Ses-vice, dort by Evnnsb ponmn ody............. .0t .L RuthAnn Shrrat an Su'f uesday 1.30-5 pan. and 7-9 pus. Draper. X-Ray Sus-vice Telapuiosa 65Waduesday .....9.30 e.m.-12 no 'fuesay. Fubrsary 24 - Prayes-'brdy. .0- u.ad79ps meeting aS bome cd Ms. and Tusa .13- ..ad79pm Msn. L. Taras un Main St. LEGAL Fs-lday .................1.30-5 pue. Ttsussday. Feruas-y 26 - Wsmnen's ______________ Salas-day.. 1.30-5 puen. and 7-9 p. Auoiliaey t houer nf Mes. DC APCKFubiluHolidays n use Iuedd RubrS raps- n Min t. W. 1. DICK, QC. School cbildran bave sepes-els - K. Y. DICK bans Pus-risSes-s, Soliciturs Bowun Street, opposite As-ena TRAVELLERS' GUIDE Telepuiona 4 _______________ Vouth for Christ---- CANADIAN PACIFSC RA1LWAY IAR f ub B H.T. A. IIUTCHINSON, O.C. Standerd Time Bernîser, Se-ul8su Etc. oing uu Tas-osto - 7.51 e.. Barrste, Soicior, tc. duily; 2.07 pue. daity; 8.39 p. IOOL AUDITORIUM Office-Nent Dos- Champio dily encepl Sunduy; 9.24 pue. Sun- y reqsest rsterns te tilg Office-Main St.. Hilton day uiaSy. orn God's Word a Telephsoe 54Cuuig frein orool- 935 aMU taitian Pulls-tmon doily; 6.31 pue. daily; 1.00 eue. daity yaylos-EREE ELOT ecetSrdy 'fToronto Y.F.C. GEREEELIT rxeSuîdy Sb arrîster, Solicitor, Nslary Publie CANADIAN NATIONAL Offica-int Fuarir' Huiding RAILWAY :NG A CARLOAD Huis Street, Milles Coing Norlb-7.58 p. i 'elephene 70 Goa)og South-7.10 p. Halton County1 THURSDAY, FEBRL MILTON HIGH SCH REV. HAROLD MOSAN b e challenge fusi Testimuony ut o Ct PLUS-Tcnos-Sutuint. Ed N PLUS-Joycs- und HltSeof u PLUS-HCYFC Choral Clul COME AND BRIu 1 1 m-. n. w rignt, A.' -U M.. urganist

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