Ut ~auabiau lhaluipIou Volume 93.-No. 37. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY t 9th, 1953 Elght Home Prlnt Pages-Six Cents PREMIER ASKS FÔR LOCAL FLOOD HELP OMAGH HAPPY SEWIRS expIained the value of a good pattern, suitable materiai goodl sewmng equipoent and suitable sturdy seams for the completion of good sleeping garments min their dis- play aI the annual Achievement Day on Miltons towo hall on Saturday of last week. Shown are Jean Rae, commentator, Marilyn rwim, secretary, Mrs. J. Roberson, leader, and Lynne Buody, president. The exhibit was one of the many that weeiocated around the hall, placed there by the Haltos County groups. -Staff Photo A... List Many Pie Requst urlyjkd10nOfl At Institute Party SThe Mouret, s Union Wl .party hrtd ai the ows hait, Milles, os Main St. Bridge Repairsm-odgogb.th1etsrmc njyd jum-b uay th fnas mac e-.d Dmputy Reeve McKera' asked action aom repairise the bridge over Ttomty-smx tabrs osre sseded for Sixteen Mite Creek on Mais Street aI the regular Monday rvenmng meet- the proarroiorecradteha lng et Milles Cooneit. The osderstandmng waa thal the Ontario Bridge trd Ftam--t mth the consotaios te Co. was la repair Iis bridge mast yrar but' ommet te the atenrss ofthIbm Mrs. Margarrt Wilson. Grol' high miaasion uwomws doeonthe bridge. Ths srucure iadrterioraliflt mettoHaodRed adthecon- fastand rpairs shouimsbe made at oe, l was m-grd. The stmmets and soatio eoJackhCurrie. walhs cemmillee ta te loob ater this job. Ilteihria-y drawsthe airtfoam _______________________ taib-o -m-t ta Mm-o Joseph Crocro.1 A ltIer rom the Hydro Com-* Milote rir, Mms Jios Robertson, mission inctaded a isi o thm- ar- c1c 2N aho mmcm- m- Mmimm:pl-bt omiM-.K mears mor the trt igtieg sm---mrvc.ca-e12-oPrigHr oCv-Mln:prbthowsMsK Thisism-tebset back for astale- nrsm- ago.ad150tm-m-tof ipemteoDiiio.Amto;.rishiay. Mr.W. T. ment in the propr tormm Thcv bîmdoame, iges t cot $170 ram-b Daims. Miltton; inerstois. Mrs. J aiea requsîrd ibal peroission be Tam cmgs a--r aiao tm-bm p mm-ha - EMcKinon. Mitn RR6 par grantrd fom- trioomet 10cms o-d tfor- the'Mary St. bm-rdtradinibt ,am-mGa--No-ss ms MaisSirot 'es tam th mota ..t'SloswBad Cure- 'ai a M-t ,>f tas. bmox m-tmoatm', Mms A. BaIm-r ias ofthIe improord lîgbiog smr--$12.40. Fm-m'î'ltmMîîi Ilo;Afim vol,--,mmî , l . vice Cousicit gmasrd pcrmion amo Thec m-ra-am-- -m-m-rm-rmmmm-mD)oald Mm-Lvano.PmmlcIm-m- waci,' visionofaItIbm-Stmrm-i. and Walk.o Iimo$3.040 bîcým pero mas la $40100 Mlt-on m bmabox', ms mammm- lm-Mowa Comosmtee. ha.sm permm-oasn vom- rsn!uiton., MîlMm-to:parN.ba toamm lmmbyM ouat. Ait Baro as prescrit and rm-er yoomipeTbman mii m-o. e- mrd aimm-Pma' .smbm-mmi.pl-pt porIrd te corcit osthm- installationpry-a rro a -cm asesa Caoadoaimm-m-mdrdm-mm-m-r: sctîmm of scoerrain the Boooirid Sarves: Thm-m-m-bmma.,mo as m-lm'mm- sd papers.Marive Latngtonsiltîo R.R Ait sm-m-rmsarr laid and hrr m-la m , i-ieIbm- Dmm-amm-iosmof m-i9hvmimaY' 2, lmmm--m-ba'skmt. Nomoa toc'm, Mi- sonne mincirrleaena-pmork remin-rem-m.-momotith istallmioof tma- t'In. m-g. Tbisumom-hwiibcmpm-.mtm-ie im-gbaaMartn and MainmmO Jmmtbm-rluncash cas sm---md Mms oshes the trost a out ofthiem-ground m-mm-sm-m-m-sNo. 2$ttmmhwa 'y mi-olm-e t M. Rmadhm'as. pm-msdm-s, calird sa that a omoanib-job can hm bowsm the-oathrinte o-derm, welcommea dose. Thm-m-m-mrcipasse]m-moonmr' andsdmhmga]] anm-sjoyabm-mv-m-s George E Eiotoas precrit t o.! ot ibgte Municipal Board m mca tcgm-h.tc'-,Ib-oaobm-d tbemost Iis meeting and rmuraird tbm' rasori a rut tlm-m-OinDecmbm-m'sngtht' National Aelhrm bm-tom-c counlte10have a origia plan mon 1951 fom- thr disribution aI co.s m-unch. Merln S., wicbmas aid os'otheb Nom- lbRmton Hgb Orbomm Benrîlts orchestra sappiied Ibe about 18, wilbdmaws trom th Distic--mt. The othrmum mnie iitstsmsmootm acn hHg e--- regm-ery office, This pan bas nei have aimeady paserd Iis molmm- 5 me chamge. Foar speciai prizera oera becs used for quile soose ime andi A ler and invitaion 1te j-em- give mth Mm. and Mms, Carence the change mil help ibm-h. mreg-Ibm- Assciation of Maos anst Gabrailmmth rMnCtyde wmîsng the lalcaios et deede. Recoco mas m-m-mivd. The- api 'n '- svely Sprisg Bouque fri th Ie atm m-umm-m-ing is bring bm-din Smarbnoanmsersam-y malm. Mm. and Mms Coanicit approved ationoi atownsbip sm-si mosîb and Ibm-an- tarank Gm-m-m-sies, Kibm-dr, wmrme Ibm motion "Ibal George E. EtiolI bc- oaat tee of $10. is te be om-amd'd wmnems oftheIbm- îmhday dance-. Spot aulhemized as bebait othIe tome 10 the Asociation. dansm-r as con hy Me. and Mm-a et Mmlesn le apply le tbe Coanty As arrangeoentoas sontim-om-rd Wm.Shields. Miton. Elimisalior Court Judge othIe Coasly o m-t et'hIb-Tswsabhip et Tratalgaro d'ne--oas won by Mr. and Mms. Roy tes tom- as order m-teing Ibm- Jobn.s mbm he Im-toms moobso m Il Broomsmidgem-fci lyto. Mrin Sumvry nomt-bmast o Mr- aaed tbe approarbes te the C.P.R tnSt rmte 0..t h ta nte b-second ise. This wl nrh etoosimtothe C.P.. meIb- lache li Cidm-eaI pay elîce tomgel il S thelbtmwnshipsîl etitbr tossmm-lb' out-fIbm-carm.,Ybipmom-bmocs osa outm-opens teorom-osmOammoev im a spoiai tomp tom- tbi s a--l t oboot o--am-out foratatm- cm." '.mm-sdm- o bm-- Hall Ibm- cool m-ottmhb' Notice mascem--mm--d af adoil anerrgero-d 1te elomnship. ot an indignt patient aISt. Jos-' Altr I-m-ioTHHad,i,- epho Hopita, Hamilon. Av ar sm--m--omanolfarors, bohm- emmm- coasitfom- $124.00 for- asolh-m- -O' atbetionmofmm--om-cl am-m'imbai' digentotpatient was paom-d ontoi-, onforaomommion ay.The il, i payosco:. Ibis accmoun amus trocmomtoioi the Ii-om aqiummord t el ,, - the Toroto Gm-orai Hospital. imird. The' lodusm-m-iai and Pia n-i Ahiy-lm mas molodoord andiComomim-m ad the PakbOand pam-od, m-aigthIbm-ordisg im-cormalioCoosomiteo mm-m-o cota Ibm- Barbr Sbop By-lam. Il peroa- itIbm-palmioie rgî-mimaioiýi mtId Ibm- sbopo s m-m-oainropenoo Mitomnaod idout01 maî pm--gaos Wrdinemday alirreoo tIbm--r as osas moloempiaim-d for Cororalmon , e sIa uooy holiday on Tbam-odey. h ar as iomludm-d Ibm-penaltiesfo o tomsi Tbe Srves-n,]msiWaiho, and adhm-mie 0by-lam boom-. Parmmk, mmoilim-m-- mroi't1eoabm- Rrovm Andem-rs orporird os a m--mm-m-mi m--o aboua Iom--maiogtreem- ý meeting mmIbm-theboard et Hator ho ianemd m-mothbm- dom-m-. Croîresiat Maier.Tbmy dicrsord Tbhe m--motof theIbm Gmpaote Ibm- Milton charge tor- aiereand m-st imgbmm-ys orimm Ians-mm-mm-inm-ia seermaesroovice. The- îoliomiom-i mmd jacb teTmmrmm-s'oforo$77.50 m, motion as Ibm- oalcomo sm- thlb" hldaup unIiim-at ouod outmbsm meetint: aolboized Ibheosam-bine, borausso m- Mov d by CR.Adrso, s -had netbomou-d on the bri-dge ondm-d by E. R. Pm-am-m-, and m-sol-onOOMartin St. cd Ibal a by-iem bm- pmmpemd m--m A lttico rom ibm- Lm-ismaooo' the CompoationofthIbm Toms ot Stoker Cm-. gaea-dmtam- othIbm-cap- Milontebntoer m-te agreementiamiy ofthIbm-toker i mn Ibm- lomebail. iîb hmheBoam-d o Goversors ol Tbis lm-II-o ma ilmd. i Nallos Crslm-sial Manor laemsab' The- by-iam aoihoiisg Ibm- sm-gm- ls-h a sm-mcm-ealm-ate ad talm-nofstanagreme-t-oîiîbtheIn Ibm- said mae bcm-$500. pero annoos Iteroational Watrr Soppiy Co. fim- tuecomme-ncmenoam-y 1, 19123 ant idmgmg Ibm-th mm-l and intaiits m- Ihal ibm-e aid agreemen ea-rvimv-'300 gallon perominute pamp, mem- cd cm-m-my Imo yeem-. Carrird. paoom-d. A- ttIer troos Ihe Miltes Band A bytam ma passrd aatbomiing Commitîe requesed Ibal partGo»thIbm-bom-oisg ot moscy ai Ibm-m"W. Ibm- gm-al he petd t Iis ime. Bank et Nova Scoiea p te amroont Il as meved by B, Mm-Km-mr, sec- net te roced $5,1000 tom- Ibm- tre' COMMINTATORS FOR THE onr asded hy S, Chld, and reaolvrd sent yeam. clabs, represented their clubsi tisaI tbe smof et$M10 be pald te Ibm- A by-lam and atm-cm-meltfom-a making good sleeping germert Mlles Bond Comm_ît.TIe ,,m-, trsono a municipal duosp ai Are Honb'; Marilyn Healol ousit bcbog prt pay fsîe IeSmles Carric' aitmmnle Nlasn s, y cosai ran leIbeBon. tomnship maa passed îdogc nd in the front row are Ann Authorlly was gmaned te par- <Cemsllmsmad on Page Pour)- Jean Rae, Omagh. Trafalgar Fights Annexation Plans A fgtîtI 10 hem- bmtomnshipthebm may il m,' ma s ettm-m-cd by TrIfal- W.L Chooses Child In Europe ta HeIp Tis e mglar meeting et Gruosqain WlI. mas bbd al Ibm-hobe ofettise tam-msmdmnb, Mms. Loone Chaembemlin, No Increase Planned In District Board Estimates MMMFUMgrn7p" ' 1 - 1 - ' - - -,- 1 1 - . . ý ý -ýWIM"ffl garicea-ncit et their meeting )-ïl. . . . ____________ Mody abra- 6,alt- m er. The meeting opeaed mmIbm-th Nom-lb Hllon Higb Sm-ool Dstrict Board mIl aperole Ibis ycor an ataion tromn Bronle aaid applicat' d tloe ypryr he ro sraume lcvy frotIbm- tive municipoliîica Ibat mas conlrihatm-d lest ym-r, ion as bing ade a th Ont r al mas m-cange et valestînea, m-ex ma b-moade ote ihe340acreThe.mmnuIrsaond tînanciol report This mas revroîrd ohen Ibm- secretomy-treamrcr, G. G. Broewn, precntcd rm-smcm-altowndsahob.în 40 a rem--enmed hy Mm-a, Clifton, the smc- Ibm-enlsimaten on Menday eveniot et a meeting m-s Georgetomn. Total tm-x Ib- lonuhsa. -mary. omont xt the levy troos the tîve manicipolitien mIl be $49,800. The total 'Wr mast proterî our omn in- A lleemet ofIbanha mas mred con -_*budgetforthe_______$138,_0() dutrial emeas." Reeve Emm-rsonm cebudget toc the y-Fm-nta $130900 Faord oad. "Do pou realize les mr-mgIe iîeFsc o b-InI addition, the pocuenl dcbcnt- than 10 per cnt. o e totalias- grou at be men sappertisg otom b-he c lb~ aeemeo e Ib- lmxblpin nd al-pot em yeam-s. As he m-a ne lester Ho keyCl iaH s tim-exnIbm-acheois bm-ch amaunti mn seseto h onhpi u te sm-rd et belta othecm-bmld was total eacb m-ar te ever 114,000 mil m-aI?" bc ahed tbe dlegalion. choses le be antted. Eucimre and Dance be m-tîm-md mm-lb tbe payoscot Ibis "BranlIe ta crampm-d and teeIbm rsma m- Badd Jarvis mas appoinîrd - atr in d mrluirem theaOhm-oce- Thoma Miîmar bldTrallgtr Ixoob afteth--Ie penny bago and Hom-mby Hockey Cub bm-id a sac' amy m-mmam-brd hat il mas doubîfll Thomasii."Te tate old Trahum-e tsproeedo teta om-ormentlthelt m-ossutaieochm-r and danc ai Hocmîejifm-t uother dintm-t lin Ibe prom-im-e couicl. Th vllae us hae n-A donation et $25.00 mas vobmd tom-Hait on tam-day,tambruamy 13 mm-lb coaidosahe a 1cmy as advaxlageoUs duclmial assom asamnhavem-on- Esm-epastfloodmrelief. a good allcxdancmad dancingwao ta the maimpaym-ms as ma shome ly one amal mdustry." Mms. Cavasagb m-ad a m-m-te-et o m-m ibm- Haiboeai-m- oroches-tm-a. Ii em eNml aln Mm-p Miima-dt a re id B-ourbsto dmdol Iansaroua a tormmmr migbbe-nom Mom. Gay Buaseti and Lloyd M'Y The sm-m building pmegmam came onsh pealm- butve "om- hlmmsm"ivingmn Nom-Ibmrn Ontam-io. A par-mm-cm-- ithesl in omrm-. mwilS Ms,s m-som- couideraîmos The kehmm- osIb- rosat bi"m Ihaticel ofteys adm-lotbmsîmas msnt taLaver ad James Cusingam ge- plans bave, mm-lb a tem minat il bmstttellyou adsrilgo behisd tbm-at Christmas.tim-g ibm-emcosolation tamm-cm-. tmm-m hnga sl mO gxrl pon yomîm- acha." Hr oaid Bmontliaichngs etbt gnrldprv 360 acresofc- mas-sbe laod and Mms.J.'Listercm-por-d sm-stIbm-Dougas waaohm- o-mosmcoft Ibm-al ofthermemberu. Sxme esmgSIt- oaa cotii-d t10700 acresox.a mdam-m1 m-admrsbmp training cou emms'b-d ai bm-mm*bv dm--mmr pm-m-eeand 0p01 daom' maiosoreîamding laxd requiremenla prescitpopulatm-on.Mltice Mm. J. Lysnchm-d a papr -par mm-oiIotMrm- Lloyd May and have-bm-rcarried out and amepm-' The propoecd am-m-atoo ann-sai- m-msocuienso. Mims Palm-y Hamiltmmo.ma gm-m-m-tatbbcBoam-d. mm-m- ooImndc lmont Ibm-Radial BmadI M,. T. Aideroon condacird a --Them-ce--ayas asedit oo sm-mm-lb1a ibm-Qm-mm-sEliz-abeth-ib h- nom-cm-m-y myo esclThemoeol- ta .. îctIbm- amcibrcba, Messrs. Bam-- may aod bîmeeon Tom-vem-mor ilm- i-tm-i.s iacmdmm-tbhe L.rd' Pmayr. Evening Auxilmuary ntt ad R-dr,andmrmauaed theY Cre n utwsto h eod A cocacpotec . îemd H fvj iit the tree-sites tamake sug- lm.1 ih Mms J. Lynchb, Mm-ss Bodd'Jam- eu so M ssins gsiosadavaosetingeof e. GopaIy-mreeve Robert Maochm-,I1iscmond ihlos. S. Faim-m-ascmstIbm-theBoam-d Icîtomixg the viil in mirb cmi tm-a t d il hal bm- col admssure .Th ambou- oelmgetS. ogim-em- This meeting mas le bc ucoTraflarom-m-"baim-'oinm-mturPao' Esig Auxiliaoy was eld amrange-d mual aosoaspossible. tamo ted is m-epayerroby toingitobm-FIVE PROM MILTON ttahm-meofbMm-s. CE B.HClemonA Gm-om-gm ron t h l r- o bm-mp the tomnship the may itlam-.' eray4h Ms .B lme ereonpoieled out Ibat fte Cooxit cceprd n inilaiox c ETERE IN FESTVALand aftîre thereodint et mai recolaliona nbeuld be pasacd by a meeinl cetomsam ivtatison ab to N N ETV L miutems Ibm- molitm-aIlms asnmered Ibm- Board meqesttng tbe rosaxcila o medeyixngatanshis nb auc FrotoaMmlo rccl-m- - y poymenl et tees. mina M. Ficld, ot Milton, Actes and Georgtwn medyinNet ar Fbestuasox Fv ri ito r nee nSewrsi ertrinpeet aisethe debenlures m-qtemred wyofavidint en nee eiin iteKwnsMscing ber report omged ibîat m-ssterlingmorbilding. Tbeac m-ealutm-aîa by rapandint masniciplaitico .P Ft-irai beisg bm-Id ibis erh 5ib tis nem yeam-, me ail lobe stock of foa-m-m-eusd by the Board and mmlt similar meeing towtanships- ms'. Tom-olto. Emres haro beec m-m-mmo crseicex and lmy te brîler at ho tom-am-e e b aicpl heid rmcety ai Brantord, sm- l md mrom 127 Casadian owsaend ym-am'x endeacor. b owre atemncplt tocmships ailendint ---sicodo iîoM-n.Rnai Cmmn-ymmoIl mas reporîrd Gorgetome ahitiro pan tfsr epntmson7i-,me.i edn itn.M .Rmrelry, m-epxted '2 moilplir hy -lgb Ib esmîmet Tbrbm-arnImaelamY.-nyrlm-trmm-dnh2a moncl bagimn fimt andsecontd -. oa ntat r ae i-Finsipsceaedes ad pmeeted thc hy-law acreago The toms msuld mmn mus -ste. gm-m-m-' scos. adm-m-16 ym-mims; Os ta Ixhostal and eyerai per- tax tenipaBorfr h m-om tm-om 1000 ocres ta 8000 wmih Alan Eroron and David Pbi1impc. sonal visite and phone catIs. She10ImMuipaBadto-hm- m-bm poouad boondaries tabte h isym mieThemhasm- no-c-a Ama'- x-godreportselertonmewMIIt' the Fodplat adsaeTrafalgar Emem-son- beys' solo, uncbesgm-d Iheo a -e 0Im er.I iIm-omidtia ar-a Th lmmiof!h,5hm-cemmad boys'soie, eodm-r 13metcemaneîtmm a-mm- d b Gbc kitlm-os he tsu-h smam-c: Rsbert-IBm-l, aoapbcnmsolo, Mm-. A. MarNabb mas te charge gave bmgb tamaise tx theshasî and m-mns'osIbm smsI Ib- tmaîm-m--mider 15 ym-am-:Donal-d 13.Wilsionofthe dm-rtissai, eint as ber pagioms rbl.e b-md-e m-smo Onteet hm-mot es bm -pmmromnl-sdmm' it ýIbmo,asd-m18 y-a-mand tm-imsthemm"Wem-h' Ibe m-m-d eyeraIpoincipaul. Mm. J. E. Mrcellson m-m-mm-id mm-ndIb' he uhot rdiea mcoma mnr 6y-mpacagos troaitebm-B-lle t oxîsraîr bm- oty-smes nand a hiait ycarm xf roadon he ort. Oavile'spro soo, uder16 ear. tIm-oMr.StaeaIhrxtoe inisro- a-bms6m-nhervn-e. Mm-bas m-mmai mms ibm-heasdoae imaG- Thm-m-m-ny rsuits e rmmd sami m-m-m.dacisg Ibm-chapbr-f thIbm- udym-thelmmareabim amh-nrecrd inbh- oim.- -Taaga - Bm-teplaningm m-mrimoFaym- Cm-mm-nsm-i. mbaplam--c obpmsmd siemum anmis ommnmrad is mom-bbas bm-rn Ohm- stationmm-m hOn tGmario Plus' ontiîraam-b-Ibm-hc. camoc ssClm-o-s-oi nnds et boys axd girlx s he mn tum-n m-m-muhiot m-ningAmi.mmd rmos-rhmbby ccii m-mm-rbm-pmsg bbrim- m-ropi n bbrtr The budgets- pm-mcmnImd by tbm- -' _________________ m-crtfor Ccmcbmasiy. Sbm-oasaas- pincmipmial-sm-m-eeisamed. AIpmin- ssmId by MmsG. E. Sv-m, Mm-.Bam- cipalcsm-eprecent atthe naetisO ry ~ -Brosnand Mn.E. te-m. and C.E. Wood.mbam ilatuccm-d PREMIER FROST APPEALS TO MIL ON A hsuas lwe atwhch Mr Marcelrlus inSeptemober. TO ASSIST EUROPEAN FLOOD RELIEF tctoce omomîc.pfamet!iI Sm-mepse Claude Cook was appeinled t1a Stidetsat heMitonPuli 1Flod elef omitee a. benInstitut. Heurs Ibm- Tm-anspotation Commitîe m-o 9 Sçi mde a c o ribm um-ias of thm-m-m bs d mm--mthCommittm bu, bm-rn .-CIplace et C. E. Wood, wo has me- Shmmm m-md- rmsbimiicm mm- bm m-rumd od-- b Cas-aohmpcmOf Robbi, Burns sgned. -rcd bi-m fr--a1c-- ont -m-m- Vaitmnm paom-y tms Excm-iimnm-y, Ibm-Rigbî Basar- OGe-application mac ieneiv-d tom- Dta. hm- Esrpnî an ad Britis ltaood m able Vincent Mauam-y, Geveroom-- a teamhing position mn Georgeteo c Relieft campam-tn m-m-t800543Thi GenmraI ot Canada. The Scotch Blom-k Womens 'In1- chool bal caniderotion woe mmt-b cosgmegelos of Goace Angmicans The Premiers elier pints ouI dtilate mmIet Ibm- home otf mrs -a J bed ntil lime bed cîopacd tom- al e mhumch aise made a contr-ibtionmm- Iat the situation i le nbiasmm A. Elitt os Tharsay, Frbrsaram- pplicatona Ix bc coneldcm-cd, sihm-om-gb a apectul collectnoseraoo i',mml many beint bm-led as'l 12 mm-lb a large aIIm-dance. The Membera prert wem-c Messrs. eabout $200. ovr- 300,0060 tpie bave sattcred ueaal business musatemnded la. Cees, Cook, Carbert. Mm-Se, 00rd. e Mayor Gt. Thempoon Iis mm-m-b moncm-dm-m-bbm-or totllobua. Drai micb incladed doaaionsaet $5n. m-aGmis, Bmomsand BIche anld em-sm-m-m-od a m-qocoltfrotPmemi,"-Bm-maio and Brlgts o i srqare the lood-stm-l-en aires mn Eurape Cbam-mmas N. PicheIt pm-cidcd. Frtamc- appraint tom- the co-eperas- assistnace. and $25. la bbc Mental Heelth As- ________ -mmo cf Ibm- mitm-xcand nrgusioab- 'This te a nalma-miide appral m-m-socaiation. em-m-ns mn the cemmonmly. "Ail Ibaimthm- people et Canada ta castribmbo Higlighting the aflernooxe oas Knox W .MS. Heur bt m-m m-mqumm-md m-o Ihat donatons bhoa 1h0 eibm-om-m-bm-m- t o- o sm-d-muetibm-o asaddrm-s ho Mms. Shce 'sm-, - aetaaybuk or timyour post ismsutrTise grealeal expedtios rs gave a biabery m-f tise ite et Bob-0f Mou Mou Terror Ibm- cdt h atoa omnt e Fotephszd onte use yMr.Lochie et Mil- tem- Them-e sm-- mogmeai and I1m-m Mayor Thouapson a icaurd an mon.Barns' perma, love olie. Tise preident. Mm-. Abert Pcd' conidnt ts hal Ibm- peopeoft Gcimr- apîscailta te ibm tlizmeoanddsrgasmu- poetm-y and ebbro am-e- m-btisoomîs dme, mecomed 16 membcm-s asd Im aio m-s mmmido bhm-tm-pari." tIbrm- ierm--m-c-1mions of Ibm- csmmosiiy and ex- bot bis gm-ouiest rosirilbolion1taIbm- viitersaet tise Fehrmamy meIetg at I m-m-mtdoudm--m-iprm-m-c-dcofidensce- m-alMmlIon omcodhabeco bis sommas tor mhm-mh Kno Eenintg epartmcnt W.M.S. A Cuomîdas Naticnal Em-msamisas mmoisi m-opm-m-sbe toby. hbc nm- om-- old late any remuoco- aI the home et Mm-. Les, Wi15s. atios. Bemm-a aimayo bosorabits,. The devolienabpartof tbcmeet- sutimng ypom-m-sy. bbgory mmsm-sti max acondecîrd by Mm-a Net Mer- --cm- - -aaod dmspimabic Oings. Be dim-d alshoaîl, bbe Seiptore tesson gm-mes by bt- he- arby agm-of3,le7.boo-m-ta thmb-IMm-o Bribie Anderson. -da cmch imgacy in ssogs andCbamstem tour et thc nludy book iho m-m-h em sui. can tiim-n tea mont ntm-esting - ____he _peaer al os ans-r by Mms. Albert Peddie, m-mbm-h ocmbinod the 11M-em-sAtmina, Grou Drps ame olad nem-o. This mes felowemd b Group D ops No e a -ea ed by Mms. Les Wilta o Kenya Maui Matil bmm-mor, This mas Sugges New os aop-to-daîr accoanto e b-Atmian tmouble- vim-med by Matîheos Haltes. St.Puln.United Com-cbMissones Acsociatsam-t0u flowmedlbhe mm-I m-msetam-Fbruau yIlb aiMar- mm--etin. m-rt a'sn ihl17 meberm-and svnguenbxprecrit. JoenNombMr oh ise prromdm-d. AIer abyme, prayem- and M o nLse an xctiemeHoswr rn lstoss to Groups and adoptod. - The Irexsu-m-- m-pem-ed $.34 mmn Brîhel rhum-m-bW.A, and WM.S. gesr-ei tnd and 066.72 as proceed bm-bd Ihm-r Ftaruary meeting ai lise Irntheb-te. Planx tom- etertais- hainm-et Mm-a. John Lister mm-lb 18 melt aIBallon Cenîesniai Mener ladies prert. Mms. L. Lister pre- mero dixm-cmnsd. Supply er--ary ctdcd ftomhie W.A. Notb Brome lata teporchane tiansel- Ftaeacial repom-rt olise banquet Mm-. Blair expbaincd the dif-t- em- osen--d roo tbc WA. dm-visin 1ecm--me boîmeen an Auoiliam-y and aofethIbm-Hamilton Centcenc sking Circle, and the membeon menîrd tIxor 1er cdmlting. change oem-c nltos trem a Cm-m-le te Mm-a. John Pichet, presîdeet, tre- - an Auxiltam-y. Suggestiona tom- a sidm-d ftomhie W.M.S. A cult aîtiti sememrelabebreagbaup at next bmex qoilted and sentIt e rScott - meeting. Miss isinTeronto. Mes. AIlfced h - Etîtese Mrlin oead an article on Bell, Supply sccrctecy, rend tise nI- Chrisian Stemardabita. Ruts Bmoms location tom- tiese cimty tom- 1953. mamn chargceofthIbm-dm-ntional, Mrs. Pichet bob Ibm- devom-ano5 touai Achievemnenî Day programt held by the County Homemaking "Fellomabip m- Missions.» Elener readint, Ine laIs cisopîe ot Rom- and explained the eehtbiîî Ihal demnortrated the requirements of Mrlin presled Ibm- study bok, ana. -t. Shown hemein the back rom are Marlon Bird, Ashgrovem- Jean "A travelling tmaomn Angla," a ollRaIlm-aIlms anamm-rmd by Ibm- tary afthIbm-voicd mers donc by mord "tallos." Tise study beok on p, Palermo; Betty Pie, Brookvillem- Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Limehouse, amiibarim-s. Tise mm-cint loed Atminaa montaen by Mm-. Mm-m-my. Cox, Nelson; Joan Ridîco, Ballinafad- Alice Wilkinson,, Aclon, mnd mm-lbh benedînîlas. Bctom-ebmentn Tise Morcis meeing wlll bm- bm-d -Staft Phsoto emmm-csemved, i et tise parsenoge.