Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Feb 1953, p. 7

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THE ANAIANCHAPIO, MLTO, OT12, PG195VE FARMERS, TOWIISPEOPLE ENJOT FINE UNDERSANDING, FORMMIS LOE On Monda y evenm g February 2 Tke seond question dedt seth a uarted pnel was heard on tke six differeat metkods seich seosld weekly farus forums rsdio road- tend luispruve iis undertanding cst ou thc topie "farrn versus belmeen tke fsrmern and tke tuwus- -urhan relations." The panel eau- peuple. Huseever, Pioegrove sug- alsted ut Kingsley Brown, editor of gest a metkud ufthOe osen: the thse St. John Telegrapk-Journal and country dweller ta chusse the part- aloi former editor ut tke Rural Ca- uer tue lite frum tkc city, sehile tke operatur; O. J. W. Skugg, publicity ity dwcîler chuase is teon tke direetue ufthOe Datey Furmeru ut couuntry. Canada; Mes. W. R Wallon, Oak- Prartically al troues agere Obus ville. presidensaofstheCanadsian As- laria onaien sbald beosce more saciatcas ai Casstacs rs. with chair- ,ct,%c icins, boc f the Cavadian As- mnRaîplu Mars.n agicltuaal sactatcs of Caaaaccccs It il alsa sriter and cammettar. Ho peav- saugetîd tbat a public relatians ed aoeryecapableebhaieman, keep- repreentaive bmaintained bythe ing his panel un the subject and Ontario Federatian of Agrieulture umming uptheeconclusinutfthe ta presritthetarmerscase throutk farts very conciuely. publications that may be avoulable Reports tram Hallun Forums and by means ut publie speeches. dlaim ibis ta banc been anc ufthIe Retular contaet by local forums best broadicasts ut the scsun. seîsk nesspuper and radia stations Forums mre msked. "Do yuu as suggested. hink tbero is gond undersandirit Ligny Forums suggesOcd a ebset between toc tarmers and the peuple t the C.N.E. shusint shat share ut youc neigkbaing tomas and vil' te tarmer gets and the pico tke lages?" Some tbought tkis skould consumer paya for tbe food mlght read "ceopte ut youu ncihgbrint prove beneficial owards a better ciies," cthr han sauna and vil- undeestandtng. loges. The latter are mode up mustly ut etired frmera seku have JOKER experenccd tarus lie. lis pleasures and trials, seheceas the city dwel-- lrs are isclined ta uadcrestimnate 'Hy god triesds" boomed the the tarmers' dittirulticu and the cot poliical speaker, "I'm plcascd t0 ot praducing farmn crup. Hast e- sec sis dense crased here tonigh.'1 part laelmcd 'there was a gnd "Weil." said a votre tramn thc back undectanding htwccn tarmers and ufthe bal. "dont he tua pleascd. the toma and village tolk. Wc inst al dense." soi proved ) features 0"oub oud ut "Wmau . mm, "" O.tnla" "un. outalàw" y ué d sul wu coa hi.ii NEIL McPIL Charlea Straet Phono 432J, Mlton CHOOSE ANY MODEL TO SUIT VOUE NIIOS The Canadian Bank of Commerce c ~ Mothers Invitoci M. Bridgman B.A. O N THE To Group Meeting At Plant Opening O The mcmbers u thtbc Mrnby Hlvln . Brdgmsan, B.A., a HOM Nifty Neediers' Club hld their graduate cheuist ut the Cla Cota g *eighth mecting un Juuuary 31, aI C. ai Huatecal, mou anc ut the lRONT homo 0cm plant ut the Caca Cla Ca Tise meeing upened mith the aI SetMille tram Musday, January ".Intitute Odc." The secrclary 23 until Wedneuday atght, Junuary ____________ eadthe miuesuoftheoloutsee- 26. Heralm a a gucsO athis ----------__ 2 i.ig. The colt ral wsa "Sumthiaf braîber Harlds hume aI the Trou- h K1 Ihave lcarned tram Iis unit." tua R.C.A.F. air busc, sehilo la luie N y E yd l b Ta Iis meetng molhccu wero Selîvillo arra. satslsd'.in lbtbr pr reayiiou svild taue the mark the girl Me rdmnastsorc- Alcuasatifid ' I te rese nalsu fid badl dos'.Tbc leader, Ms '.Mca. Brisdgmnwafre ok Alisuriý%,otefrn Eglad r- ,sy a ceactThe chbrc' bsy astudentoftut elpb aslyAssainsus~c wa ý fl i-nt s. s.hbi ws a scscl. -î,i,1ssi.autstcdutofMe- slcagsntercstin tbe Britshsbles, naI Atbm ad alunech a fu t ab st eîîîca cuîa Iltbaugtl1muuldtlllyou some 'ccad bylbtbesse. trbcat2yas Salarhiegs urmcep she si.Kaoav and abry your trattie laws Moser boys thon fiels are kilîe r stresurd. Oaeroutlber triends, seho luliesuOarurlieaidu. 5u'orks aI the Harmel ubservalury, badl spent a great deal ou au Ox- tard eduralion. lieliadtjust maaag- c d lu huy a houase and mas turaisb- _____________________________- ?ing it on350 pouuda yer i... how amucb muuld Ibatliho? Somethang a vec $1000 a year. I gurus, aad lho rand hs ite sere especiat a baby onuthatusalary. While the salaries are su lau, prires a re aul accudngly lau N "Cars are almot Oice as much N e p r i kere as aI home: clthes are slightly 5a espeusive. Fursiture priceraare about equal.latinad tonds are less hrre, caaued gods more. N W i '*AITinsual hn.malersally upeak- N W M sug, lite bas hecume vry ditiraît tue toc English tamily" said Ais- satin. "Tl su al tuaeasy lu sec mhy o manymat tuemigrate." Bus Aissouuand orhuaa i NAVY 'S .. areul ruansiderint emitralsat. ai-I thouub Ibryve badl pleaty aI op- ALWAYS FIRST CHOICE FOR SPRING poelunity. Tbry lave Euglaud as su, maay do, and especialîr heir bouse One and tua pioce drosses, short or long thal I laid yaa aboutl ast wecek. sleaed stylos. A new foaturo Ois spring Even moser dscuraiot silI ie. s the laffetu rise. Sîzes 12 to 20. therprospetIssmr Eoglissbbouse- wieseAlisouso cue. ut these PRICED ,FROM bansra luudcd and îrpssly und As il Esclaus ialas snug straus Io bsrs'ksbthe cinssa aleay.Mt hesa w55def5 $ 4.95 to $22,50 straws.New Dresses wiII be Arri Saoday sus' lsssactssBrmpteu lbeouasuthbs ma inativesls tee ucaiber possibsle. Rametm R ight Thro)ug the sbv was sv lan d du eh andsn jwirled ovsr'the u isdaseld. Ths.o theclssudsuuould scasd aaay andSYL the sester sua muuld brase ils MILTON'SST L 1 sarmestoan uss ram a delphsisasm blur sby. Tbc iese lessuthe bill- laps maulsi rhange tram monotone erey. polka dtîrd uilh suase, toaa sunuy rail utf filds seslh saîl-res barssand wherand green bouses . und drîseale beusn-frea brachs su uaads. The vaccu sa agreal deal mare rulerl.aissg Obusan ur Sanday aflerunrascoversatiss, facia se- erre tua tait uf a goud dnser. Fesse ululer me slepprd egbl sala the tImpies in Brapton. Afler salksstualantealsealksdclownsaisu, up stases asd thrssugb crrîdari sec came ta ba. hraay-asred grecs-i houses aI the Dale essaIe sehece 15000 arehsds serre in hiaus Yrs -15,000 And Oere serre hund rds T11 a E U I M IIi I Ià mure in pals thal bad blassus doa serre about tla MosI aft Ibruserre the usual psrple asd whte rehisn ceeailut fosr abouat$12 earh's butsl sme I ______________1_____________ wuud neyer cars have recuturzd PN s orrbsds. The spray rehids houp- M ILTON POE448 cdl asutfrssm hee patslishe branches aI esalir appîr Islssae. Ose af the guieds oldussethese ermeused in NOW PLAYINGH U R Y bouqets or eddigs.ThatsH U R R Y 1 ssuscîbsufId lave la ne There serre ail knsofutvarsatslsif andsutormatlions andcsds ut se reYou've OnIy Three More Dai as etfurlns adras, al Ie thasewhe îrsprays. The celait peser? Isn!dn'se asl laspui the beauty hy«T H E Q u 1M T I Wr-had a clrrcamserra se h us and inaoe areshuselaurgide suggeted uc tabe a pictureut pf vey spcial geupaofarcbsla He -upeard a issue bebnd hios and se liped in. Ife ponted tla raicd e heif uhcrr a duzec or nu potse ih f M j;bloomn orrids had bers plcerd.i l A 'Thats $4,000 urtb up there he sasd, and coelrthe doorhbehsd us. Sa therrec erre, alune ih $4000M . sir aI. hiassaus asd flouerpons We taak aur pi trcrasher t ngerly Thergreshsasemas fsll ut alher AS ADIY' sschdnlua.asadswe et asfl usrstue ding je a rauseful of hssmecphisopssytsr. btl assO i ..h os'assssc cf daiflssdilqn d as i on Il. s t li, 'isssral o se tl tnI kthe sin sAS Vay sin i isngflor 1FUNK m m m.0 Demonstrate Hems To Nifty Neediers The' nebrs.ttt lsccb Nty Ncclcc' Clatshblcbs" s'rs'sh met"ing aon tanssat y24 a5 th'homebof.stMrtbht Masy.Tbh meetingycvs's(d i sihe Ib vtit' Ode.' The' .acrciary readsIths e isss t,. tsI the alst eesting. R Isl l] ailutt s uagsliotn tfcr club -shibil or demusnuratan. Bcily Masy dcm osntlalcd an "Iltts la Hem." The leader chaued base 1,ssw acon a buttonn The cccl ut the ime mas apcst ctisi'ssss cafta. The meeting cînard uith God Suver the Qaueead aupper sean scrveci. ALWAYS AI NVENTION Every I5 minutes ou amateur or protrasianai invenlur thiako up aouelhing ht eveuluatiy iii ho patcalcd, sayu Readeras Digest. AI- thaagh sause 00,000 traiued techni- clous lu research taburatarica arc cuslauty ltoaklg tur pateutable Ideas, shout hal ut ail patents go ta sgarage sud hasoment amateur in- venturs. SEE JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR BETTER USED CARS PHONE MILTON 586 ig Dresses 1STOCK PRINTS ... A gay selaction of spring peints including the new nylon crepo that is entirely wash- able. Szes from 12 ta 20/2. PRICED PROM $12095 t. $17.u95 iving Weekly from now rh the Spring LEADING STORE MON.-TUES. FES. 16-17 Two Shows Nightly j#tpist Continucus From 7 p.m gmW. sî Matinee Saturclay fALLBECAUSE and Holidays at 2 p.mn NOW PLAYINO «ni Ys To See Plus Short and Cartoon WED.-THURS. FEB.18-19 fe r ,bayo eyuairiao Hmail a nie and Aerp in --MICHAEL CURTIZ$ DON'T FORGET' The Amateur Show FIRST PRIZE Eslacsetaof boudoir tamsor a susoker stand from Mactdsb and Son Furiture, pls b, an Ottawea Valley Woot Stan- ket teom, Ross Store, Milton, plus c) A Generat Eleclrc Kettle from McClure Fursiture, plus d, Satin Bombher Jacket or a Ladies' Station Wagon Coal tram ;Hilton Dept. Store, plus (e) Men's Watch or a Silver Teay trorn Grtnswood Jewrllers plus IfISlsCertificate for $12.00 f) romMilton Hardware, plus g> Electrie Alarse Cloek framn WARDBN Milton Elecîrie, plus VICOR M(ALE h) Dimer for four from HMilton i) Giant Wluner's Cake f rom White Eakery. . PAGE BEVEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO qqg#"LQIAV Vp.1tltlTÂnv 12 lass ,

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