THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO ~G LOANS PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONSOLIDATE DEBTS REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Fast Service INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 75 Coiborne E. Oakville, 2390 Time ta Think of Baby Chicks We Can Supply Co-op 18% Chick Starter Co-op 20% Chick Starter FOR BITTER CHICKS ALSO A FULL LNE 0F PURINA STARTERS AND CHOWS Halton Co-Operative Suipplfies Head Office Branch Office MILTON 127 -phon- GEORGETOWN 86 il - - e s Appoint H. Ghpnt Arec Subdlviding Schools' Diroctor H.S. Cost Mootod Thse Onara Folks Sebuet Councîl A by-law ta designate ans erea af ba anneunced the ppointueret of sub-dlvlalan contrai lu Esquealng Harold D. Gisetasu directar ai Tawnahip weiraddte s iat Ses On taro ftamthe Department of Pni e nADec irt of Jonuary toe lienmd get epment fee their opproal olillaw- Mrri.tHarold Chent la a frmer lng the regutar meeting otsoquea- ing Townsis Counit on Manday, February 2. Under crn ir- cumsane, tond may nt bueao- vèyed entes ita luinearegiateeed plan of sui-divisian. A motioan waa paserd tating tisat Ceeusil favoed the Ontario Mue- icipcal Itoard making ais arder hahingiigthaeca ns ta ba pesd by m tise varieus municipatitiea in the Narth Haltan High Bsento district au set eut je an order daird Dec- ember 27, t19t1oadmoing tise charges au en tise rqualized osseras- ment oi tisefilve maniripoltiîr. This waa in acerd ils on amie- obe ogreement eeacised by tise Teownsiseoe Esqueint and Nasoa- gaweya and tise lawne ot Mitten, Arien and Georgetown. LeHey Date, soicior for Equesisg, wasa autisrized te sigu tise nereaaary camsent as brisait attise townsip. Tise satary efthtie road saperin- tendent wa adjeaird and towmsip emptayers give a 15 cent per iseer ut Marcis1i F. J. Bshorill waa appinird tere vieseer tee Eequeing. HIAROLD D. GHENT Membemsip tee et $it wapad ta Ontorio urai Muicipoiti2s and tise reeve and deputy-eeeve president efthtie Unied Form were oppelted detegatete tise Yeung PeopeetfOntorio and une conventiien in Torento ibis mentis. ofet uregenlaiNew Canada Meve- Th eead eaperlntesdent watiI ment wise ploeererd Frm Radio dets e eneal upy Farum. e babren leng osenlt- ariseafdrdeeivers oploey cd ms Fus cisai aisat>'le15,00cubir yards et geovet an Ontorio. townsip ruad. M. Gient, nase 38, tuerard ai Witred Bird and George Leaie Mount Fores. Cbtarlo. until b-'sere appinird towshmip repres- jeined tise Canadian Arrnys rrlutesaicat eqeing Cummsmity fiiiCda, rn.lgian. ttalyht Hall Board; Johnu Bled te reprs- Attia, Fance Begies, Desos net Estiecint Atricultural Society; and Hlland. Upun diacisarge frrnt Desoy Charle, Federaties et Agri- tise Army, Hareld tueis a r-aper- cuture; Hemeun udeli. Junior ative Adminitraion and Manage- Farmers: Mc. Claude Piaketi. As- msesi ceurse and iecame manager us-tva Wemcnsns titute; Mrs. Wa- et tise NesemureriCt-uperativc tee Lawssn, Stesartteses Wemens3 fs-cm Marris 146 tu December 1951Intotitete. and tisen manager ut tise Teessaer GereC rian n.Shk Co-o untl qute ecenly. ereappointe4 memiesmoetNarval Oins-e it rears rere Cverseas Athistta-Ctlub. as ceusilo rcprcs- isc bue served centinueunt>' un tisa ,-tativcsonthtie Iboard ut manage- iseard aftie C-Dp Union utfOn-smeest. tarie botis as preeldent and a dia- Th olwn acurtadfx acar e ceHvrsisc aitaimeerre paeced tsr paymesi: is-arie. ae Rtaer uscs- fl Otarit Hospiala, Wadaeris $4500 teahe. arldis ateroff e land Haines........... 1751 oiidren it varird epecience. Masicipal Wrld Ltd . 256 bnusledce et turm pecdsleme. anAdaeogtonHecatA 3.58 geneser itermi in boman bisellostiTatepisene Ct. 1291 admirabl ityt i biotache importanat I.AM.Benttt. ......... 24.25 posi et Dircter ti Feus Sebeoo a-a -mse, ergtwn o Ontario. ~rett . _.......... 2.00 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. W. eston . - .. ... 70 Fuxt nuims eere preeited as gi- _____________________less: C. F. Davie, Deorgeteownt $5,00; Wse. Sieppard. Arien. 0$M.00 LT US 00 YOUR C . . Bailey, Gergetowen 2, W1.00 Mervin eset. Arien, $3.0; R Lokrisui.Georgetusen, $10.00; lt MIII ILI ~ Bennett, ieun .las, $500; GDue lua ffl dan Sisaebridgc, Dergetesen $1000; Harald Casepbell, George- T ra~ tun 1, $5.0; Cliffrd Stover, IL T rYm lueo, $1000; Ken. L. Alen, Agier $00;Gant Stark, Milon 5; $500 Construction CO. W .$ ibs.Geretwn $.Dr a Dee Gor e g 5.0 eluw,$5,0;oJa Opiu COTRflow tune, D ieuWllias, 0.00; Wilsei Phono 485W Waisins. Arien 3. $10,00; Willaýr P.O. Bx 86 lton ThosoeusMilles 3, $.00; Deergo P.O. ox 86Mikm Barber, 'Georgeteown, $10.00. Tot ut 46 tueras 3.0 HALTON JUNIORS TO DEBATE may bave an itiprtultY eof niti-v WITN IIALDIMAND irizing tisemsetveu mutiste poit>',r H*Râolved tisai eue preseni edura- Use Maieon C-eperative Medîral$ tiienai yaem toaits te meet Ue ervices bau arronged te bave G. J.t needu et Yeung iarm people," intise BearsfethUe Wrknen'uComeser- nubjeet arieduted fer tiesecoernd ilun Huard oddreas a meeting le round ufthtie Junior Farseere Inter- Milton. Tise meeting ieaiseduiedE Cuunty Debaiing Cumpetitien. Hal- toc tise Court House. in Milton. Wec tus debatce, namcly Eteanur me- arc lnturmed by . S. Heatbeelng- Ks-awttand Ecet Snoa-eiieaied tose cretary t! tise Haiiuu Cu-r Ws-îtwaatt at a uoscan the iss-tistatss-s-atact Ms-dis-attSes-vices, tisai roaund, andl malt n o eai HalAi- taassthi etnas opaean taaaveeyosv. flfe Keister Yuui Necdtsso tu add. rural peuple Centre, ncrcCayega. un Tisuraday wseuld bise mll advised lu berume evening out tisemerS. Thse Hattn tamiliar mutise pliey, inre an-1 tram bae tise negative aide efthtie neally suserute in ueoly every1 aouve tupie, in sisort, iii bave tishe mseaity rereivea injurieus iirhis iaes ut prevlug tisaieue preent resultinle ieavy expenditures te edurotienot sytept dees net meet rover ispitat and derter bitte. theneedouteur faem Yeueg pruple. - HOG PRODUCTION COOTO COMPENSATON FOR Dring tiseftuar year periud 1947 FARM WORKERS tu 1951 nume 50 cummercial hog peu- Foese uperature and oUer tacue dureras ept detaiied rusitfigureun serbers bave long frît tise ions et a tieir etterprise in ru-eperetien potin>' mitatsprevided teercom-wmus tise OntaioaDeparimeni ni pensation fue iorm worersr. Urban Agriculture. te ibis siudy, teed, warkers bave tue a great mon>' labour, interesi, depreriatiln, in- yeere sod ibis protection and ht la auront e and tiser crment expendi- ont>' reeentty tisai legittation boA turee mere taisen inta renideratien. bren enated mits previdea tee Tisese figure indirate Uai on tise elmilar prutection fr orserr workere. average durlug tisafour year per- leI orderetisai Malien trm peuple ied iltuai t$0.02 te ralar a pig Us 1953 Ch 7/- AdvancenDesign' For 1953, Chevroiet trucks offre nese performancea new stamina. nese safety and economy -andeodcery model ss evaestrongere, ourdier, moeerdurable u/,ae thoor ef Pat yersr! U9hr advanced Loadmastere Torqurmaseer and Workmaster engines in ail modris dri iveremiser poswer thon bas ever bafore -,bren avoulable in (,hcvroiet tracks, This big, husky, vaive-in-head engine wiîh a new high-coauprtssion ratio briegs yo floere performance, fasere acceirration, gerater hill.ciimbing asilit>' and subsîanîially greater gasiine iileage. But tats only tht bcginning. Yîsa get ail tht provrd fratures and advantages that have tmade ,hcvris- meoning age. Fs-em weanlug te rur 111w wnoIWie ru imyI markset melgisi et 200luse. anotiser Use total ceai tfriing oaiseg up te searkset welgisi te $28,14. A two isundred peund market boa on tise averaoge dreaseu eut areued 75 per cent. er 150 lise. Wisen tise announceesent wau U ..UU....M M U U U M U U U made a fese montiso ugo, tisaitie. itasas osive svatod isa redueed o Jana s-yt foanm 2ie to 23c, i a -n TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR bce seadly cedecsoesa miy suchaia* large pereentoge ut Ontario beg* producere lest inieresi in tise smlue* Sealed tenders wiII b. received by the undersigned * fedmiery. Dne dors nt nerd te be maris ut a matiseseatielan te figure* UNTIL 12 O'CLOCK NOON FEB. 130h, 1953 oct tisai a 200 lb. bog witis o drese- 0 ing pereentoge ut 75 per cent. mould : iring tise roducer aitishe 23 cent For a Standard Coach price, approseaiely $3410. Dneemavlliseeswineibut atereait la tise legs rosepOyiylnt going te blaedk finish, medium pris-e for use an police rainer, equip-U contribute anytiîn tomards meet- 0 mus it heaier, defecister, slip covers, wîndshieid eranher,* ing tise taxes and oibrr rureenie-* underoateuid body, antifreeze, side viese mirror. Equiprnenit a ienditures. lo be quotod eparaiely. Tender must tate date of dci lvery. *Loseesi or ary tender not necesnarily accepted. PICTURE FIXTURE - M F. W. OLIVER, Oseait pleces et ioam rebiser whien MCiief Constable, a sturis un tise barbe et pitares, keep Trafalgar, Ont. tisem hiangino siraigist and percent dot elleting te emudgr watts. m uum uou u u um m u rolet Truck ~ - power! - MeYou ret al tise powae r you seA mtisoutsa ed- ing a vaIn seod eeosomny fuse Cisevroes great erwenie ore1953 -tise 108sp. Laad. - stase tiseiJObeToqumate andsthe big 130 bp. Wokakser r ll witbsro igiscorn OMM - /z stayîng Nom broc ee, songer more Auraisle feanses ______________ aseoteeedty, add truggdsess andstassina of ehl 1903 Cisevelet truckso. Long famoos floe thir bri itep s taise tise rogistsjobs day aiter sd.Cisveulet trucks are sose isaseaier and strieretisasevre. let trucks world-famous for their ability to handîr thc roughest lobs day after day arthe lowest oere-ail cost to you! yet, even witb ail these greater advantages, 1953 Chevrolet trucks give you more for your money than any othrr trucks of comparable capacity and specifications. Drop in at our showroom and talk ocre your trucking nerds. Let os show you how mus-h more you get for your money with 1953 Chevrolet trucks. A GENERAL MObOS VALUE 4 ae bete ~s a aa ~ braking la 1953, ail Ciseveoles truckis ap ta 1400 erties models are rqaipped bath frot and rear witis big, pumeefol ~Turque- Action" braisas mbich makr fullsuse oftrck momeetom fosr geter seppisg powaer. Orira 1100, t500, 1700 ad 180isavy-duty trucks use extra-larger"Trque- Astissa' brakes la front, "Ta-l-Astias type ia ra.Bush assare qalis. asmoosis, safe stpa- peovide grrasre sttppisg power, greteredore- iiit tiasiefoter. Tieseean er-economy! ai nwan re ase saaof1953 Cieveolet traucks, plat etra s'asolisre eauasrrv isS its- prosrd valIve-ie-bmad efises. redus-es iauling cos-atper sos-mile, brinssyoua te-re avec-al ecosoasv sisotttbout she long life of voue tructs. Ct 1550 TED WOOD SHOES SHOES 0F QUALITY r éL L0Jh:...jnla .Ml BELL BROS. Sales and Service PHONE 89r2 MILTON, ONTARIO TUUMBI)AY, FEIMUAKY iz, ivob SFrom Holton'sFarm Lanids FA RM NEWS lraup.RDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1953 7