Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Feb 1953, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPIONa MILTOfI. ONTARIO ,TMUR8DAY, FEBRUAIIY 13, 1888 iI~ 'p Trvthful Promotion If memory servae s mail, me ecail tisaI mian tise Liquor Control Act replaced tise Ontario Tom- perance Act tise statement mas made hy tise man misa mas tises premier of Ontario tisas if lise sale of alcoisolir beverages inceased ander tise neus lagisiation il moaid he considered s failare. In a latter to tise membars of tisa Ontario Legisiature tise Ontario Temparance Fadaration states tisaI from 1934 la '49 wiile lise populaton of Ontario graw hy 27 par cent, our consamrption of aico- hoiic spirits soarad hy 300 par cent. and nar con- namrption of bouc by 533 par cent, Over $250 million lu heing spant eacis year in Ontario foc oalcoholic hevarages, t moald saem tisaI insofar as modarating tisa consamptionof aicoisolic heveragas lise present lagisiation cao ha considered a faliare, Tise On- tarin Temparance Fedaration pcoposes 10 aak tise Ontario government to istroduca legilalion hy misicis ot bss tisan one par cent. of tise net pro- caeds from tise oparalion of thea liquor Conîrol Board shah asci year ha mode avoulable to tise govarnmact-sponsored Alcoisoism Researchs Foan- dation. Tise funda, about $400000 aI lise pre- sent rate of baveraga salea, mouid ha ased for tise express parpose of disîaminaling, tiscoagi ad- vertisements in periodicais pinted and cîrcuiated sn Ontario, adacatiosal and scientific information on tise nature and affect of aiccisol on lise indivi- dual and on aociety. Tissoame of tise"profil" nom coming f rom tise sale of aicoisoiic heveragea mould ho invesled in o presestive educational program designed to reduce lise ieavy social and moral baos resuiting from tisis indulgence. This mouid appear a more sane approacis 10 tisa problero and sance tise liquor inlerests are op- pareotly sa iling to apand money in advectis'ing tiseir product in Ontario and appeaa desirous cf hsving regulations cianged 10 permit sucis ad- vartising, toma of tiis advertising appropriation migbt ho added 10 tise one par cent. asked hy tisa Fedaeralion, We douhl if sucis educaios ilii recaive an- dorsation, Profits alone are ohviousiy tise desice cf tise aeling aicoisoiic hoveroges. More pro- fits coma froro more sales and tisa trua sonsy cf rabn created hy abcoisob mouid sot he eocouraging for greater consumplion. The desira of tisose miso soul intoxicants la for more sales regardiesa cf connequances 10 tisose miso consume. Up la thse prse-ua ao plaein asiont bren s big item n ntisemaintenance of tais- tVamIsaOr iliin cilles ants oumn. Ooa't iaom mlselier lOi a a anti bearing on tise amenaI uftefers andlacra 10 rover tliseritems.s Always Changing Every ime me iear someona teling tisat nar sassons are cianging and me dont get tise nid fasiionad iard inIers me used to, me are ce- mioded tisaI faliser uaed to tell us tisaI on Oeir wedding day on Fehcuory 5, 1870, lise nemiy weds drove to Walpoleein an open huggf and tise duat mas f iying on tise oada. Tisen me racail anme cf tise reabiy lougis in- tara sioca lisesin tise pat 50 fears mises snom- hanka mere ovar lise top of railmoy Os-ins and in tise cuts tise trains traveiied Oroagis tunnels of snoo. We dont seed to go bock many yeara to recali misen tisa igismay hetmees Milton and Ac- ton iad snnm cuts mel avec lise top of tise cars. Il is quite easy to recall anme cf tisose honka misen o storm mouid ho raging and a cut tiscougis anme of tise drifts mouid ho fiiiad in mithia an bouc and me travelird a- pairs mitis a sisoveli n the cor and cisains on tise racmiseels. Yen, tise winters are cianging fsonfa-ar to fer. Seems as if tisa- always bave ha-en csang- sa-g. We are at tisa age misan me tisos-ugisîf en- bf tise open iatoc me have iad ihis faas. Siece me cannot sprnd tisa cold montisa in a-ridla me onîf dace tb hOPe Ous-Cavadian mîsta-ra mîlI con- tin-ue to foiiom liis foars pattes-n. Looking hacis crer tisa- rs, isomevea-, t aens a futile hope. We are going to ho hadif spoiled, isomeves-, misas one of tisose rai taugis winters descends upon us and tisa snom isanka hacoma- noua-tain- Thse budget la due la ise paeseasîrd a siesk fsras ta-dus. DosaI basa i abalit milI oti butil 5cas rojotiaostsea- seis f shf iaj Iiisiiasg asimay ta Shopping Habits Ge We more iniarasted in reading an article ce- vie cently, which referrerd to the0 number of wmrnw who go shopping, and realiybsy somrthing. Ac- il, cording tontise article ose large deparimeat store, h in tisa United States, mode 12 sarvefs tb ascerlais the parceatage of purchaseet.St Tisa rassira mare tartling, for the cisackers 11I found ihat about 50 par cent. of tise momen mho bs cama Io look arosnd bougisi somathîng. Anothar e ssrpriaing rassit mas that tise ban momen tisera asu mawre in tise store, the iigher the percentage of sales. Basad on tisase sarveya, Friday la the day of t0 tise maak mhen the nmabiast flamber of wmrne go sopping, but a higiser ,parcantaga of tisem n bsy sometising, possihiy hecause Friday la ofien ti poy day. n Tiis couid aiso ho expiainad, stted the article by tisa tact tisat mith femer momen customeen ID h mail on, thesanoes people ara able 10 gise more at- lt tentionton eacis momon and complete tiese oe ha- foraese hacoman disgrantled and goes off anme- a, misera 10 look arosnd anme more. Tise renua of"O sucis a survay in Milton mould, andoabtedly, st prove Most interesting. g Fersuas-ptaseis kta norals-asginin latlie snbe of da e-en if theserstsssis ab- I nonsol. tuaI cweals-riaisi dosa ta Febssus-y ta More in the Middle e Cornparing tise latrat taxation figures (1950)1t mitis 1941 there la a amalier percentage ot total tùapayers ai tise holtom, and fewer attise top-- and more inlise middle notes Tise Finasciai Post. Tiis ireveling" procrsla even more apparent after tisehisgis progressive iacogme taa and social secartf are coanird. 0 tIs as important ecoaaomic and social conse- quences for Canadians: Mass demand givra outiets tontise gooda of large cale production;, cars, refrigecators, ap-g pliancen of ail sorts. And tise quaiity distinctions are redsced. Tise office boys Sunday sait looksa a lot like tisa prime miister's. Tise guif heimeen ricis and pooc la narromed. n Tise idea nf a clans straggie itacif isas hees made ohaniete. No one cdaims ise's on tise hottom soyh Depos-lmentasr salesi-a afiscl msah .0 1953 taure bren s-aaainu lta-es- cent. ubates roeuaepondis0 ps-s-ld saier as-uo, sepoeslthlOi Finaoniot a-aut. Gainsaruse garas- allil pa-- ine a olls, Sasatean, 24 aper- eras Galas-ia, 22 ps-s-cent; Qarbea-,19 plas-a-t Manitoa, 15 pes- a-snt.: B.C, Il5apes-cent.: AIbes-lu, 14 pes-caet,:masiimes, 12 a-es-rcent. Bad Reading Tise evîdence gîves an court at Brampton ce- crntiy in a case in isicis tmo young people were kiled makes tise lackest rrading me iave scan- ned for anme ime. William Fleming mas cisacged mush motor manslaagislec and mas foand ont guily. He ma, isomever, foand guiity on a cisarge of dangerous driaing and failing On remain atie scene of an accident. Tise evidence toid of tise moman passengeri n tise deatis cor feeling a hump and tise driver1 saying it must bave heen a mail hox. Tise rai- dence aiso told of tisa passengers inahiiity bo amaisen tise driver after tise cor isad heem stop- ped. Police isad taken tise keys fs-cm tise driver for a period and suggeated ise gel a cap of coffre. Tise killing of tmo young people look place afler a pasrf atie isome of a publisiser of a string of cily nemapapers. Fleming mas ciauffeur and isandy mas atie home. Puniismreîîî waa gieno on lise lasas- chsareas and Fleming wiii serve a ecm in prison. Tis envidrnce maises sordid eari. la-g.Tisa-conclusionsta ialmaf he rariselara- sol lkely to malin for gînater respect ivnsa-lorca-ma-na cf administration of saft-y for ail on ose iigis- vs afYs. Two innocent young lir-a as-s siiu1ld oat éth-er-a as-fartaahoma- Cas suris lins b5 e ta-s-m ecl accidents? liiiliîsirial pI îîîlls as-e eninngtoIrisals ertt -se 1a111a ay , labile pautiîls ils isiliiîft-i7ii- g sî alaIse asr ua is assen îpers esut. Tii.,inituesof saIls-asp i ia-,sa « Ts-sises-uiîs uFsidayth ie Ibista-raIls If tati aies-r .soilis o tsa ilI have lanise daîstlsi i'asrfilaI Publisred bis e Neasi of ifatoasCounty Pabiisised evera- Tisrsday ai Main Si., Milton, Gnt. Mem- bereofuthtie C.W.N.A. and tise Ontaria-Quebe Division ni tise C.W.N.A. Advertising rates on requrst. Suiscriptions payable in advanrr, 1$2.0 in Canada; six montiso $150; single copies Oc; $3.01in tise Unted Bltes. Autisorizrd au Second Class Mail, Post Office Deparîment, Ottama. G. A. Otla, Edilor assd Publisiser BUSINESS A N D E D i TOR 1lA L OF F1C E T EL EPHO0N E 220 E AST Reat at Flood in the banda of tise puisaiers, la a "European flooda brougist tragedy book about Oakville and district tea Georgetomn tamlly,,thse which will go on sale. sometimo Georgetown Herald stated test 0001 August. Tise autisor ta Mjn. 'rek. Jacko Vandervoort reCeived Hazel Mathemo, one of the descen- word that hio mufe and eîgist-montis- dantsof Otaisvilleos founder, Cati Id baby, Jariir. ho had ilonta William Cbn.hol. Hollaod th erekbebsfors ta vsiit New Guide ('ommlsslaner ueraens. i(lied is thedisas- Wr arr by the Oikvillr Trafalgar ous floods. Journal tbat Mrs. P. H. Bennett, Her parents lived five raitesfram misa mas a Scattisb girl gaide in Stellendam, an theses eaau on ha-r rhildhood, bas bren named dis- landreclaimedfram the sea. Wien trict cansmissianer af tbe Girl te sierma brobe on Friday sigist, it Guides. she bas bren Browa Gmt taselieved one of tise dykes gave ot the Linbroos Bromnie packs in mway and tbe lamily mould bave no tise eoaoty sioce ils formatios. bhanre to escaipe. Five cisildren Nem FieBaill srvive in Georgetomn. Atter maris discuasion, Barling- More Diai Phsones tan isa inally amarded tise con- Conversion ta dial phounes is due Atratfosiln mglis eior al ae taise place in GeorgetomnaIn10AHaeirtoerld tusthejobaao September. A nem telepisone ex.n- rtne bdfr$878 change building on Main St. is New Dhseavery reariof compietian. Ail tise amr- Two cisemists framntise Massa- bers mill becihasged, as tbey mere cisusarla Inatitute af Tecisnolugy net long agu in Burlingtun. bave discaverrd a metbod far bar- aesig tiese unas eneegy tisaI may Report en0 Flood ana day pruduce eleeseicul pomer. Tise Gabville-Trafalgar Journal Gar ofI lise cisemiato, Dr. Alan P. had an os-tise-opot repart ai tise MeMilian. la lise son af a Halton flood ia Hulland tue Haltan readers. casaaty couple miso live in Barlisg- dybe Oyer, miss in attaeised te tan. Tise technoique involves tise Radio Hollasd, bas iseeo mriting risemical breaisdomn ut mater imb ceeisly columno lue tise couutty iydragen and anygen by tis unas toms for nume tinse. Afler visiting raysanad later burning tiser Im the devanlated axes. be caisled a gases ta peaduce iseal. story hsome ta Oubville. Plan for Corenation "Indeocribable terrer and ravage At itsla lut meetingth ie Actan eeéeted as misen me neared tise sciseliboard vaîrd $601lateh soast,' lise front page olory isegan: scisaaî tue a caronation projeet. *Na mnalter in wmiiridirection yaa Jusat iatlie prajecl ia. basaI yct aaised tisre mas natising bat s vis- beeo aanaoced. taaoftluating waves. Atithe cattle Aras raleasia-b- were dead. and tlating alangmils Artagaîndo rtu.clascaveacbe- the debris. Tise rava ge reaîrd by c- r asrrsa a ilig the watrrs mas bsenaunylising 1Iesarinsrin. ea ineraarmb h aad .saldrrrbavimagîod. ltsad Allesdasreis very gaold sisreserslsisbc ndrsaad. allissgi srrsrrllfro Aclaaaand New Book an Oakvilie eisi rt lStar imilar cussi Oubsîvlîr an thaie Sialen*s oaMilles Ttir.sdays. INDUSTRIAL HEALTH Thei- ltsteialHaals Commi ter of lis,-Heallis Laagar af Canada nilles: A Ibarosgh indastrial isaltis lrsogram bruns mils a prr-employ- ma-nI enamînation asd continues mils periodîrciscisc-apa. bealtis ,-dacalîsn, dental and mental by- giîa-e, adeice on nutrition and stiser relaîrd malta-a-s. Il ssuld isclude ealuaaîonoftraci idividual'sabil- îty to dolise mors 10 micisie o se n assigard, and delection of cauida-sca af espasuel a brmtul mateciols and ma-Iiods. Preentias as lise esaneesîone ait indastrial braIts. Comiai and gaîng: Sisimpa. cssmsv lv CanaIliona-salatîers. matsa-a- irai as males as tise tint orsecond va-ar. Aftrr osa- or tua saosas il-liaalla- a-ie malss tisase vsimaschangeroa-and isselsis as temaîsfor tisa- aest sof usa-e rlises. PLAY HALL A t0-yveai-uîld vsulvarim usa- maînasd sas sevit-I by bis 10- va-ar otldrassis tsi taisea-art ia hibrr eulua- bascisusl gama- and mas feeling a-e-ty gond about il. Ratisaaartlisenmd oethtia-game. ise bit saally. The oral baller bit ately. tisa- test isitra-v casais yrlling la tbe sisita rcepoaing 0a' tia-siisue. "Taiscsecond!" Anatse- isi-ta-be tlit-I! yallrI bis nrm 1teammairo Tisesa meab geaund- Ser Ivabed ise a oaa-e ouI. *Go ihome! Go borna-t obri-is-Il tisa 1yaangalrrs. MortiOril tise ysa-sig a-atas-moned oaIthtia-base a-atri strama-Ilofaitotaard ihome, tisesag tis e b-Igi-.alaoglise ruadmay. and Io lise bosea, laInbtheUnitedl Kîgdsm. a-brr suaie esia-sl continuan ta be rîgîd aiigar eýssaluie ;Lvmuchas in 1Canadamisesr esorais mer- ae- mved ivn 1949. KNOX PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH REV. E. ORSBORN. Ministre Minter-REV. 3. L BLAIR. BA. Mca. R. Wrightl, A.T.C.M. Grganisl Geganisl Mr. Robert K. Carr SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1tIl. 1953 SUNDAY. FEBRIJARY t1tis. 1053 1000 a m.-Seniar Scisool. 1000 arn -Sesiar Scisasl. 1100 am.-"Caadiaus Missions" 11.0 a..-JniorSchol.Junior Scisaal; Namcery Claso. 11.0 a., JaisrSeisal. 2.30 pm.-Cisarcis Memicrasil 1100 a.m.-Morning Wacahip. Class. tisame, 'Tise Lasser Liais.5 7.00 p.m.-Camiiad service i 7.00 p.m.-Sersîce an SI. Pailla S.Paul's. Mr Grabsra mill Cisarcis, lieme "Joserph. As la- bsisg tise message. nocent in Prisan." Maaday. Feaary 16-7.00, C.G.lI.T Friday, Feiraary 13, 8 o m.--rar c .Tisaesday, Fcbeaary 19 .- 7 p.m. chisr pearsîce as aise isomr ofTyra Baya. Mes. Tsm Bradley, Caset St. Friday, Febrsiaes 20 --Wsmea' Msday. Febrsary 16 8ta.- C.r- World Day ai Prayrr services .:sasîssGrossi. bsss M .. asmesi il 300 and &00p.m. girl.,a 700 p.m.: Ts-is RasgZee Charles Assser.son. 7.30 pm: Junior-Chirl 7.30 p m.;Sensior Chir 8 p.am. CALVARY TABERNACLE P4s-osurliataiI lulas IRONTE ST. liii IL wssîui. Fi lsy, Firails 1 : 1 1:111 'n' Iis uueiiC.îdIlu. GRACE CHURCH ANGLICAN 11-s Nuslia r B-sA. 1,.Th. il001 ;,.su Ilffle Coiimmuniaitîs suis h luus, . ...... -- sî SUNDAY. FEBRIUAIY h1Is, luit 110()suaMoriieausPiayvr- 11.1,lin;'iaT00 ;~ 7111 ns Evening sayr :ase lias.- SsundasuvScbîui BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH 7.0vpr- Ev.seii sluu ,t,-Sii-c. In thieID.0F. illt Tiuiayli.Frýbisar17 -- l8.30 HlIelîsRobet F. Savde Wedarauîssr. Febrary 1Il-I81unm..SUNDAY, FEBRUARY astis. 93i Wu)iiiunsv Aauliary. 3.0n am-m Gasa-etService. Sa-scii FeiayFs-ras-y 0 Wia-IlnDv music bv Ruts Assa Sisa-rat b m Fbury2-ordsD.Y Tsandy Fsa-miDapeIlr. au i8U îdC. r a.p Prayer meeingil the borna-i Sa-m. Ma-. and Ma-a. S. Sisrrotl, Moin St. _____________________ Tbuaasday, Febcaaa-y 12. t arr-m Women's Missionora- Societya-i tise borne afMa-s. Bamdin, R. ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA R. 6, Milton. and ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE ALL SAINTS' CHURCII (Anglican) MilIeu Heighls Ren. R. E. Parrelt. Rector Re. Grittin Tisoma-son, L.Tis. Radaor SUNDAY, FEBHUARY l5tb. S95 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 131is. 1953 Qulnquaaeatn Sundati Qssnquageslnaa Sundaii 2.00 ip.m.-Sonday Seisoal. 11.00 a.m.-Mornîng arayer andI 3.00 p.m.-Ea-rniug arayer and tIe Cisurris Scisool ai St. Georges. LÀtona-. 2.30 p.m.-Rvrnlng arayer and Ha- requeut ut OrneraI Syuad o Addrroeaai St. Johns. Canada, special collection tu. day tue tiseflIard virtimuIsi AlI Are Welcamr Europe. THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED Br ETTER j Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago Pirom tiseblue of tise Champion 0t Feom tise lous. ai tise Chamopion of Tisursds3r, Febaey 12, 1903 Thuoeday, Pebruary 16, 1933 Men miss mnd tisir oms issain- Ifeer sisere mas a ime in lise rsara- sally suarrisfal lýecauscbîhî. ofa thelasrof Milto,isav lbry bars- srry litIe rvmpclilisv. tIbrermas lise greaesseed for Foot and mouthIiseasae ire- co-pration b-s een all gverv.. parîrd lu bave braisan sut amaag isg bodies, it isat thepreseat. The- sea-es-al iserds in Massacussetts. annouacement tisaItishe Ontarioa Kiadna la a alangsage tise dumis Gaverament mill cut iigi s ossi con speois and tise draf can iear graula 10% and public urisuola 201% and undertand. isrglanisg Septembr 1933; and tise Tise faremell service ai Rea-. Nie isanisa arr contrmplatlag a redurt- milI be iseld ou Sunday, Frbruary ian on dnpuulla ot trom S3 la 2%, 22nd at Harvisy and StEmvarttomal. sisould net evera- rigist mladed per- Miss Ka-arna of Barlingîs, u. oa-son thiuising urriaunly. youag and popolar trociser of "Pleasant Vlley Scisool" Glenorsy, The Narval Boys' Hustel, cou- ia gîviag godsea stisfaction at the dacîrd by tise United Cisurcia of prescrnt time. Wr miis aur tciand Canada, mt ae lsdua-su Miss K. succeras as sur îeaa-ber isers. Marrhis lt. This follomu tisa change Tise conclusion of tise exominat- in immigration regulations, and as ion i n conner lion ailistise tailure a resust aifmisicis na more bosy af tise Anderson private bonis aI milI bie brought intu tise country-, Oaisville- bas ismagisî mils it tisa ta ise placed un tarmo at theo prea- issasmîdge tisaI aiere iîî nul ise ent. Tise superintendeut IsMr. Alex. ana- return ta lise depositors ufthtie MacLares, aill i upervise tisose bonis. F. R. C. Clarloson. tise liquid- nom on tarma trom bis bore ne sars-naid on Munday tisea mould Georgtomn. erceive uotising on Ibrir dlaims, Tise iardest lising ta ru ualof os lisere mas littîr hope af assaillingla lematation. Tise rooleat iz tise position aoflise Bonis of Hamil- manry.- ton, whirh apprared la be pertectly ireesttin sifuloeaor scr.Tise stotement misicisW'mil n mg la lapond. T eraisa10 bc formarded ta tise creditars milî anicMartis ad Tse ler las1 show m aa bout $40.000 mas lotinse tsis ad oscar e la baid invesîmenla. At tise meet- erystal. ing tiext Turaday lise crrditors mita Joisa F. Little, gasarament isouer decide misaI action lu toise ils (« automobile licroar berrr, bas. reterence la lise Bonis ut Hamil- issard ta dote 1.400 osto licenoru- las. Mrs. Anderson la secare in and l00 truck lîrrases, wmiiris l ba-adowser, amo ing ta$15,000. soid la bc bou nyh h oa ____________ smba-r issurd here a year $60. AR#ENAL IN YOUR CAR 7 At a meeting ai trustees of 1 Srboor Secion Na. 17, Trafalgar. Many matststaend su elsîfer ha-Id Taesday, John Ware ai Camp- lie leolge aisse lise reor-scat sofielîsîlle, mas amardeo tise roatrars leir cor ihls arolaircla suris tva-bsilding a nsa- cisoalla ce- asssses, sali-da-isi bolîlea. melal place tisa- ad ana- dmtruyed by Isala or cool-baagera, casord goada, fia-ean Decembr- tlatstat. Tise miiisha-rame dagea-osus as rap- pli-ae la $4.000. sel i îaanicstoulporaro ead-on iAnaisteresig evernltooisplae- collision. on Mondayut WiteiOakDoisLdge, Tests carried aut by ceacka driv-- mien Me. and Mes. Jus Wickssua ut o an American motor veliicle enlertained tise members fainla 1re.saarcis argonlualion in smasbing Lobe Hunt Club ansd lieir ladieo or craasicg cars ai bis aperda, in-1 mem-bers being prearalt rom Mil1- diîcaîr tisat socis obets eau cause ton, Polermno, Zimmnerman, Broute seiossinjrymien theforcrofond Toronto. Ateran ea-ringaor impact aroetra lise tomords tisei gamme, tise gaests ual Iluo ta a wi ndasirld lisesas many cannon-. sapper sera-rd in Ileer isanters balla, camp styla-. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE MEDICAL THE STEVENSON CLINIC Phsones: Millon-Numisor 2 De. C. R. Sievenson De, Fred MeJOyk Dr. R. S,. seCullough Ottice Houes: A.M.-Ba ppointment onla-. P.M.-1-4 7-9. SUNDAYS-Emergrncirn onla-. HILTON PRIVATE HOSPITAL X-RAY Coroner. C.a-R. and Gol Sureon DR. G. E. SYER Pisasician aand Surgeon p Ofic-Jamesn Street in OfficerHauso:9a.m.; 1-3 7-8.30 p.m. a, DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON i' Office Hoaro 9 arn.; 1-4, 7-9 a-m. Furmcrs' Bailding, Main Street e Trîrybava- 395W p Residene-395J s- DENTAL DR6. G. A. KING DEINTAL, SURGEON vils sursins oll B uildinge. Ililtosu 1.5 lioissus 5 Evcs-sîsa eApsîasiîi-tIe X Ils:. Scussea Teleplusse 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK IOENTAL SUs-GEON Office lu atrissera Building oas trer fluoar Eseossugv by aca-umaeot X-Ray Sei-vice Teleebose 65 i, LEGAL DICK & DICK Of W. I. DICK. Q.C. in K. Y. DaCK Pua-a-salera. Solictors - Bromwn StreetI, oa-posite- Areva Ta-Ira-ouse 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, O.C. flareister Solicitor, Etc. 1. Ottice-Neot Doue Cisampion Gfier-Main St., Milton mi Tglepbonr 54 he GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Bareluter, Solieitor, Notaey Publie Offire-In Farmiers' Building ti,- Main Street, Hilton 1 Telepisone 70 MUSCELLAIlEOUS LEVER & HOSKIN Chartered Arcouniants Surcemors la JENRINS & HARDY 1305 Metrapolitan Bldg., 44 Virtoria St., Toronto Em. 4-9131 ALBERT . .CRANDEIJ Cisoetes-ed Accounant Main Street Georgetown Oficer 654 - Res. 176R Open WrIl. and Fni. Evenis and ail day Salarda- CHIROPRACTOR NIELSEN - The Chiropracoe DrgeaTierapisi * 38th Year ot Prartice i Lady Attendant Mon., Tues., Fni. 2-5 p.m. Wrd., Sot., 2-5 and 8-9 a-m. Cloard Tisursday iOser Dominion Store, Grorgetomn Phone 150W D. J. ARMSTRONG Doetoe of Chiropractie 15 FeIeriris SI. N. ACTGN lOGNE 5,50 WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. loctrluoft (iiropracie 7Bs vls e St., Miltoîn ily Aa-psissmesl PHONE 510 PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Mvssday- ....I..M.. la30 el5p.m. Tvarsday I.30-5 lu m. and 7-9 p.m. i5Wedrarsday 9.30 a.m.-12 noon Tîssay - r1.3v-0-5pm. and7-9 a-m. a-rida--........ 1.30-5 pa.. Saîascday 1.30-5 a-m. and 7-9 pa.. Public Moliays nos included Sebool cisilIleen base srporatr heus TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Standard Time Goini ta Toronto - 7.31 sm Ilaila-; 2.07 p.m. daiiy; 8.39 p.m. doily encra-t Sundsa-; 9.24 p.m. Sun- day only. Coming rom Tornt - 93 j -daila-; 6.31 p.m. doa-; 1It0a.as. daily exept Sanday. le CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Golag Nonsh-SM 8p. Golag Soutb-7.O p.m. LL L , -- ,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO

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