( 7 > ,Miltn , ECUBER CERE40NY Canadiai ~éfiu14 MitonATTRACTIVE WEDDING TIpo Stana ut oflarge orite crysan- Mr. and M. R. L. Mcl)utfe leftemospanadtw cndbr Canadians aN rs'tàrmed the settiof in Brampton phsone cal psi fer a trip and holiday te Flurida Sh o Bapliet Church on St ., Dcc. 131h, estatliuoed th, lut weekushen Elizabeth iHettyl Mac Wil worlde greatest huame, dasîghter et Mr. and M satoaîse Jar MSontgomery Jr. bau accept-UUJ Wilford Williams of Milton, Ont., telephone surv e. pto n ichrnBu rurn _______________N _____ , became the bride of Lieut. Eugene aeaiahîe by i Co. o Kithene andai pescrt isKingston White, son of Me. and Mrs phone and Tele travelling in the Aroprior district. b ereEgb ae ht fFirilCNB air pi h' iLtnofriedjoib. esu- tl rionde me re back again 'rLieut. White is stationed t Camp n oc wre tup i ces riu s .e w job. isanotherbgpile ofnothint Il Bordien, Ont, mStaet mccc th Seurs laI b' tratvice have nothing . Thercrremony mas coeducîed by Stat e whrsa' _________ lu wrte about s s ept hockey gantes liae'Rev. Chuhh Mes.Harringlon Canaar p e r andOWce, hiL i ea oinwht au l he orgao, usiile the soovit ada 309ri .uohvdtdao eidton, if y ' Mr.'G. Evans aoo "TheLord'u sî bu 0 P anel Discussion Radn.i Prayer" before the bridaI retioue iS daîrd Januar, PWhle ttl fluahedils the suc -. airived and "Beceour" dorangthehtOc uhth Program H.. lig resu eftIheir luel de' the Student "a. igninc of the register.haecutb teci i planning another dance. As the oienisg chords ut the The Limeelone Farm Forum greuP Ths one te destîned te ho an aven ednMacfrt,'Lhgi" formed a large part et the galber- grealer affaîr than loro weelss ago. a pealed forth os 1he orgue. the bride ing enterloined by Neson Toorn- (Oh t cant go on wth tbis drisel. rntred the churhon the arm of ship Federalien of Agriculture aIaut lIt111ouI suate 1he faci. Ill mîterwogaelirinmr Nelson hall on Monday evenint go under the tille of a Valenine niage. She mas a charmisg figure An interestiot panel discussion Dance and is te bc beld on Fr0. i nioystngwetwt wau the highlight oth1e program 61. i bat la Valentine's Day??55> MISS NORMA ROBBS, daueter et Mr. and Mes, W. . Mobhs, and fitra bodire uith high standing ehaired by Mr. J. M. Rradhead This time Dave Dobie promises MR. DONALD GORDON, C.M.G, L..D., whoue engagemeentbas bean coller and front panel of Guipure AD Members ut the paneoere Mr. M. sotme neor records alun! oilO 1he sanoune'd. Mins obbh s eae raduale in Ats of MeGill Uivemoity and lace and fongtitghl sieeves. The AD A. Campbel.,St. A. Service. Mr. R. insual promises uf priors and s-cal- nerved with rite WRENSdonne uat wr. Mr. Gordon asCar ean sry fuît satin sirt orseurt lu fores S. Hrtheringttun Ms. Gro e nvly ocs oepriu and President efth1e Canadien National Rilwaye, and former Deputy a train adbrln mrîee OryadeMri, hord on -lerl"o nety- m erb. Mr a -Geverer ofthUe BankofetCanada and idu he ewae Chturman eo the et vrnifrherolonga eadreo Gray ingiMrsg.Maru r. Cdoias ne eekesdansePricem and Trade Board.The marniagewill tak place inithe opii. orange blossors.H er cascade bou- 6i Srs J. M. Readhead ai 10e piano. Dite ta the tact tOt ubsolutely nuo ieOS.iceblaaDui)quel oal mauofu red roses and A hrarty lunch ended a very05on~eba ommnted onthe hockey stephusolis. neç morîbuhile evening. section in the calumn, and also br-Mes. Frank Taylor ut Brampton rympatay Exteeied cauue il orcupirs su mueh epare we wvrasq us f EDD. hewoe bhrchhrererceived oord on Fr1- of enumeating the corigof ethe CANADA'S GREA uiSm NEED IS FOR fer ow. utwiha alers M day ut the dealh ut hin moîber ie individuel goalsAtter eaeh game .. .e a. op oilO matebîsc lurbel and very MILTC Devon, Englasd. The beartelt lre is posîrd a complete score U L "' K L W l N N fuît sirt. Hee cascade bouquet oas ympatby of the etirr comosunity lit on thc boulletin board. se the S IIU L U T R L A A E IG o elwbb hyatenm uroetrnded teMr. LakerandfamilY section brr n useceusary any- hy Rev %ntW aee ortbatcrlarge broneunee mixed itheir bereavemneni. oay. Humever. lOre is a summnary Lovlle United Cherch in. Thr brides siter. Mes. James lasI Thuesday. GradrIlI drfealed Browrn i Toronto, mas the brides. KILBRIDE Grade 12 10-0. TOhevirtors everd Thc grealest nerd for Canada tu- desirerau'ahrnrd. the youtls mdl net maid. Her tomn mas similarly styl- lrre penalties; the losers srrved day os for a spontanrous movement rrst ustil istanner orge su tultil- let that of the matrue of honor, t N C uci ta-o On Monday Grade 12 recovre- amnongth1e commusity ut large lu- sent bas bren saistird. Provide but sn musceren. Their headdrrs- Nome C c , S.S. ed eugh lu louer Grade 1010e o ardu opirituaul and caltural aorah- hile oitIs facalirs and lis aspira- ses oere bandeauxofu chrysanthe. nf t.ailue ut 7-3. Grade 12 servedî he congu. Suh an ausaenintoillin ions ouI blazeratneoa ire orirh munisltomatchbtheirhouquets. OffrI* s, laao r. une and unly penalty. Wr blieve csderabu- measure. depeod sas rradaly impurto turl t thuse Ore The two younc flouser girls oere -tOt special mention should br the sacclss of thr Fotk Scboot shuras thrie mawth. Misses Carol Cuoint and Sharon The aesuat contretatiunal suret- made ofBrian Mooreusboscored Mou-roent. Th FolkbSrhotitisementhbas Brown. nieceuof therbrid. Try Anas ing f the churrb oas hrtd lest tour goals and made une asist. Whrs teaderiship r -aing5 s ua.-thersecretof providislath catalyst more ful flou egtIOdresses in Huttorano Tuesday esrnng. Rer George AI- Thats pao-lisgoual hockey. ors-drrtahrs ha caserreant agi.ncies. ad fariitiein-uausprrial oray. By guld taille tuffetu andl rarrird bas- isformation mac uss eaîran or 0e am n i-oiîhaisîo ioaways laid uoausksilîs lringaugtheOrright peoiple- tocs-ber brIs ut bronze- and yrlis chrysun- thînt abous Mac as N ra n oru sahera -ti-y ChiiiChat audi tchs iqassTher tiple wo ai the imht tiseunidi-r the ragbt Ihu-ussors.Thair baddrrusseus- Champion, Satîsfatory reports fss re; Aupittroronhtme ahurisia'arloastrta.rusilithlriisrl onrzevi- s rsatsri .ad easin r Lal brnhuofthelirurcwrrrcisrn. il theho bckey gantes, au the cte andatelia aaîlayra-s out he rîrcîrd aliang xruienin wosuhich"uehsrhyashsim Atea-La Thiosr rîrrird lu office uere: Ses-.ii-rrplsuslltrradty sow, sAttrsd- cisrroi'îaiiasdersiaod Ihal il s ilaigsultsilrlhrsuls ablaer' tendastsouuiri-uits tsematchbtheir Ltl13, Nr sae. MeOu-ai-te Burns anal Mr e s daopped eiuusly n the lheridoiy 'v iiigis.- ahi' peupîle- haii Is duteac his i echtty puants luecio-ns. ri JuonRares. Srwards. Mr. Henry Iast 5.-se ms What's the matlae ahi-> a ilsau fr.seali-s friai-ds osd tlloship as the Me. James Whiteosas bis heothers arasa il8 Orler and Me. Lloyd Rushes y; kdn useool spiral' sAriaals Wlaas ta aur liais uaaauauiagua-. ara->, whaci raaaa s t hu aandriu a urss raan. ulla'Messrs, PlriyarCh truasees.Mr. R Taser: eaal; a rao orgas herosuor d rcia 1)%,111, a-rch iLha. lh, as-n-aichrelite.seararf Chalh Rier, ., sicad Bo- Js ar Ms. H R. MeD nad.assstant osour pressrcardl. drilyiga-ssalaptasaaaisec- Th(- nast ioranaiuaialictons e'ul.Jons ofMsntea. sered. oransa'uaEreeAihia choir famfociheld anothepart on lorua as itaicrlairnds tus a otsr le-adeshaip u ar airr suisof i AI ther-aruîatian ithe Baîrlusi legader. Muers.OEric e.assistntFida nghiat Tavtoe'sake-. si-ar dsauslra.rat s-iunituasaanud the oallais. aaceu'aa sdu'stadussofthu Chirrh Pastour-. 10e brides mortier Mes. H. R. MeDoonidG adi. e rBrampton, Ose is uisusidabiespcciu-ralrauinph.a..sass.allv lie. us a liiptope airaIs Ira aluarb a teader resauuul uerarcery reryrdres and Mes. McDtnud; cumpiiers. Mes crrunsmtacs e e'ssonrt ablr tai ilhespeatall, ri-lai'uis auspecrts ofait casu-an a faessuluap ofhe tech' usth maulisga uresrrres andal Euie MuArihur asd Mss Netia attend bolIfrom alreposils Slftruathua uan th drsrelspms'slo ýou e iisi-ntlii>?v.tIfebhav'esmen crsagetsofredrorises. heuwsoas. Burns: mssrosranass nanc- or cte an affale hIlsuas. supposeao ir- hiutman. ua i~-sii gomz ontititrais iiicom-sa-'stu-d ay the' atiaios'mother. alsn' comitte. avi RoersnoMsra skating parey.hot if me ermeorler Th, Folkhhrhosol M on.snuith r rsiunar%,iasrulusarulith tesqualtirs'uin fe-aliot svith lauiuoise aarcs- Prdhm ndMr. eg t asluove 'smweathhr. ilmas mare ils commsuadaofruechiuaes thsuusui, andli of5s tlai els'confideneissaies atd r-d roseecorsage. The annualSusday Schouimr ri-i seaasoomasc tur.se. coeain falteLocn h5 cne hog-ýiei in asaoeidlthesame evening.Te -ýnmct met and selar diaiaoatamios. 1 s n adspratieluweuned haerno Jon Hg coladaga eo floigwr lceteofc: Last Tbursday 10e Junior Choral anal o'ih ils usa-ssprrsaiaîla asus-is tsar riherfutiure. St.Joh Gn RalHs tlfrNu Supeinsendents WmnPiert and 01er Club sang an nId Tennesseerensas sîsaalatsuanaliiiuspli-s 1TOe i-ruonIr'vgn outsif tOry crnme esM Arcb airs:uaassistant soperinten- rmlodv "Gomn n the Vlley" dur- as the Iundaluan ut aIl calture, pro- n la.iOnh, Soual suhirOis abete ta Fartewdigti oteMr- B dent. M. Rottingsusueih: secretary- isg ithe oprnang eserises. Ie mea idas tOi- nerdeal bridger ewee s's5(Iiauythrr. Wll tOry' vcamein' ima- provinces st1e bride travelird tresurr. rs.Pruham asistntsentenlia (colps tOerero sme mre the seulauanasalther elgioas lita'os; That i, r.0ioa arleor or 50,551stris-- in opal i smOonaisuit. piskhaOu. truurrMr.Podaa sisatFenhMrWet andhis îgroupî.heeaororasuty atlarge.saahui^ghi ,snd^man tsaoIve. b-trimmedowit a brownsr theruand sertpanytsu es rsMaaeAnPiburarr dung a reuly fane jab. The FolkO Sehooul sorihsd, igaso casa. cispasi.- satauuîdepenals. in' sel.anal rn r s,,rre ies. tnpprd asistant piausst. Marilyn Cirn: Wr abee ntu elh a stadamnrialty vsuasassinrruilppso-ari.ih..t.ar-rs.srhauulisuofltheiOya moutonea Herrcorsagemuas Missonary cuneorMsPegg. Cin ewanyu h rae.t vdsipts t teîîy rnihig aur f s ut 'tuarecultureaof aur o ri as Os their rrtusrn 10e Tempeance.Mrs.Cartwight bc o the ookot forthe nnoune. cxerieces o spiihuaigrowt andland appycoupl wi ismaki rhei hom radîerollt.Mes Fond; amuighl; menaflthe atbletirsoruedn 'I atiasmnrslIn asei. inderdi, il -in--usBarrie. mitie. Ms. Prudbam. anal MesMr- Nus Grade Ninerrjolie lis arrh Onngs aboutiuin ug almostana ArthrOss-Anoîber meeting uitl e bias, eause ire dsnt munit tsaaaroim lia ebith, TOc emrorîsiA fter-CaLre Vital He 'saB in s helr cia eushone teachee. - mahe asy more esemirs in bosre halda ai brth hrcans Ie oatisas for e saB in s NIe anal Mes.Malt Housard visit-loerss itil worcaan reconeale thosese ls-f. etre tlOit i s aa miuite For lYentally 111 ed frinsdatOranfeville Sunay, Ireadyagufiss i sr passsrgee for wlsuisnrrythisgiss Going to the Dogs Miss Edna Nicholsnn speetth1e _____do______ ln(-.AilrrOith ilhegansiself ta iaOssp's'nputala I ____________lru-tOr tua fred. las streirO ad cr. M c ' ilyipatia i -seek-nd oilOMiss Diane Ahbouil l'aat. tua s-s- anal grrl. tuapermeise i suaailu se ou c ehaiiaass ii'if Th, fredsng oa i Fda once ne- at Bsrllngieaanal usaersiasal. lusmahand alktuh - pab' asa als ardapeilîad'utth- gardedal aodequaoe mth msat _____AUCTION SALE r S durina eusru-e ks r aged( i))ýdmks nadoddffnlybjlollar ;ç induin anada y ears ausiîiaepruessofemergree ain eia-stsiilishmeril Lasi year. the satransspur?- Of Durhams CoOlie. HRes, Posîtry, nhruactal e uisg place i s Olraer TOI. suras l irasialliaDr ýG lr d amangreta gahltfaiy Rage, Ruy, Grain. Fas Impleasenta souaI o-Or. lhrarugb theimpact ofl H, a-S-censo. Mrdueul Sassartnia- ,iyn;itrs.is-d .50millasn poonalsoaiceus- MILTON and Real REsate sorrsatalysi as insrs uahs-ening iii t.Onaria IHaspital. tanne -nlil dsug faousa. v.ilurd in eserea of Os-cass Tber rasthe ynrth ne msalri a Otru ain sar- toa su- ofut abs$7.00.000. TOi. scoteassharply TOa' Unsiasgnrd Oave c-sasetbeginseuinseaotsaasand oit ur-e Gi ir i tal a ie' ith the records orae1936tsOrarlr,- Etectr anal Acetylene ainsAriartan tfrainsthe ilssaat-pose Ins"Iay holal rf lite" oaldIode- 'Il a. in-inc aos.issly curi anine- dluraey trai beumu-,papis- Repaie Welding f Al Typas trass'a uoftheO rtais- ai the laue vuotrh 1e msny ltent pnmrrs itO a iri th e li're.'iîinsýiirlito't arin 10e daggy sel. In Ihai yeue R WEDN . .BRIMO ahurO Or s n«rdussed WitO irrier hiissalthbsulfI nat anal ahi-usthi tholoututlas slighty mare tu FW 0soit y publie aauin ai Liii 20, patieiusLas tak s oaame, sur tOus aur milliusn paunal.. taut Con 1,twp o Esuesng E.i.ýonratlOretOt aunea iecauimoi tualis j o'ea'a.value rf sme$77.010, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 10532ftohsia nest eog Weldmng ai 2 'rtash the fisitrisinit NASSAGAWEYA S.S. No. 7 tes-si ti-a ou'pasu hauaputI olsnsalasc PotbeEupet HRSES-i han Cîsals' saur.rassi'. st ;isal eehrlaaaIian osuti Porabl Eqîpmnt yrsual; t ay clyde mari-. 14 nia. L - U ô prrtuSirrsoun wmieis. PHONE-348 raoId; t ay cînde mare. aga-al.Su-i ivrs. CoxeHs tess Ha- ýýýrrusaue-kss ýia the higO re RMi IMaMlI.i'u* Ua.aU;UIîîîîîr PHN 4 fhrasy har sa ilies, adal cl- aetomnal - s ita MILL ST. - MILTON lutsetc. uns:Busy ee sa4..i aus.'saaa i abot u eust f bsamis COWS anal YOUNG CATTUE-t 1-saurs -s indication usf 50is nsrud r0 2Dur aDhmamm.bub-dtofealýnsu ~ irtat ham.I t w a Feb. 2;D1rem urm Cow llbrTesbsi asara sauscing ofîteRBua lit'rvsi-sthie nuuu-r hue let a ifs notwIU te____________ifreseusMarub10;1 ecidDarhum Bes-rniilulu s heldinthehnai o laison elmoeuu the aLorOuard Cwm bred tsufr.sOen MacOi15 1ofaiM te reCsr. The presids-si atiiunt's famity phsirian anal tOnII resalDurhams Cusm.breallte euOu-ullr.S.Cuorepreiald.RllocaiImoaý mental hspilsafler-re or e- - Apyrit. dS p;Durha Hlifre. a san waaereal by as Ns-m eruresrrîs- habilitation deissteos. u d ýThese arr meti real Durham Cari d 5e enjoy -. .50are home and t. Yusg raille rerd tram Maple tusw bal as splendid piper ou eol- rerhaltiorn tinstai the Osiuriul kepnyurhati Unit bus. seatisus."Gar Muta T-day" mou, Hospiall.Londluo, us Sepleisher. l keep n you hoar 1 HOS enal POULTRY-i mature given by Mes S. Robinson. a 1949 TOus is Onrina tbeAftner Cooks o sfinr and fan- YokSusmbeallmusth; 9York A ,,cela]half hurmns eosvd cae eprieleoaideaosss ofae btcecig Cus; 7 York Pig, 10 oreaal1emeetng sitafthIrer suscial mrbees. faur trlcekn he cook book THE QUIET MIAN' raid; IYork Rot. 2 yra aIod; 231 The memeres ut Na. 7 Far.r For- sursis mth puychiatrie anal publie S Heavy lRensu.o 1 r u vtells as rOLgn eualtO nusing enprerne aldbrus * AFTER you've begun ceari1 Say, anal GRAnl ous aîrd xForumun Musday nigbl pychohugislu. c fInaddi tion, tOhe mnN W YN . Hy.50 bu. DaIs; 7Il as.Buck- Me. WhltnorIu Agriealr e-Aller-CarerDeprimes i iosuper-a proue uudîy dîsusîrous. - - AR MPEENS M.. evrniog. andal e a very Isîrresî- er. At prescritth1e hopital psy- anAnnMP&C *015kM. ' ehiiriots serve as cussulans te MisELUErmws Grain Binder. 7 ft.; F & W. Muoer. isg tub os soisg oeedu in uel NpJI.I Vfl 5 e f1; Seel box Masser Sprradr: grain analmurOets. He bal orverulth1e Aften Cure Depurtemmibui 10e Tearton doube Disb. 14 plate; stades ut bus trope that halt bers plan as lusudal a pari-lime on fuit-* *UM MMMUMUMUI - - - -- -- - - -- - Grain Drill, 12 hue; orbeel esli a I un susme ut the tourus imte pyehiateisi asao member'f. w . or;1er So Siehor s ; a uriceesrcr uu ly t ent, as oeti as ocopalionat eAR I7EA~ Dik te ad Porsieecr a lydb therapisLs anal empiayrst oficers Po;Scoffler;uy Roe-S2 Fans leur tablesr.DrSveonausiaaumi AIl - - - Wagusns; Lgb'Wagon; Serd Han- M. A. Pringirenprrssord the D.Seesn -sta o l oms Hay RuckO Faoning Miii' ibusOks of No 7 Foruo fue th 1e Ontario Rospitals are tlisisg-a i s h w y u Sone Ba;ROlPie; eaknd bspitliiy anal pîrusasî en- sui anal are deveiopngutrae ANDEcNILO ~ Cras1 0 Vg rasofM-.Js sak parimen se S Ibulpatients is aIl rru seaa Ro Ppr; Ve to ba en nig enefit t tOua rebuit.tio à d MOO. ton, tabe morul Fiirh. Shnspis. Rturas froas Rospital tr h t10 ruvnee mon havertlb REAL EhTATE At l se sume are.pFrankl ta Osousoobesbushne-lrageurS ime anal placerlOrre wmlliebiof- tusnedbhomrfrsmithebusupitutoand tered fia s alesjeel lus as-oses-Or huspesi0e iii satin Or fait yrerras' SOCIAL CLIMBER a Oral. t0e frs co-sising ut 101esrd. un Kiaus uhut icodo BEFORE - acra-a, more sr tess orich la CIscS fer Couple Re usulal nelîber eead sue rsile eres-ered as -rsomeal feame bouse; The rhoir membres of Nosagu- baiutsOco a disanut relation dird M you do« l. For the best re- i large bues ilO nor sieel rooustbueya Presbyeinrborch gathered ana lteftibisa a matI fortune bc fd'isebb tretsitaOig.usoser ws and tew. in 10e home of Ms. anal Msa tas-d e all uea pIasb. Heaseaj ts tu uvertisingusth ltler carriere. Abt t5 ,roGrnlMcMiianon Fsiday nigbste quird a checkb oouk.bot intal-m - tOloaforor la rieu sritO boaernlnor M. anal Mes. Thos Kenntedy of sauig s 0naseeun cecker r n oo eon pupor, cross- lianal information Je.. on Ibeir reresi muriefe. TOry pottbrus cross.es, analth0ebaoik pai4. C* roudt of bayers and sellers. Sopoean rearainglbhisps-opert.5amay bcolhI mer tpreseoird ilO us cetreir Then oe daylune aldealthe ol eot taineal othe1eadminstratsis onj elorh. esisie.uchek signealmith thee as th. 10e propety. -Cs e- TcSyaspathy Etended croses. Tens-msof CatI-- h symptby ofthIe communlinl "Wbu's iis?" aemunaledac.b a cd nlIorelu îvea of trs- dabie. "V ovefutsl rre.rume R o x y M i l t o n l m e n t i lis C ts m k d y n o f s a e . l e x e t a t h rl t i vn e sy o n h "1 h ea s o m i u 1e t r e p i c r o s" b u Th arToeorre fRea. ae ae at i ettaKnndtia ýr et soleF pa.edalvaoray lestrerb. hua "I nw- asterly"bta A 79,400,000 telephones ins use In tise fls DAreTbP world during 1951. The United 111Stte Id over halffth. it mie Tlkers 45,636,437, followed by teUie - Kingdem with 5,724,440 and Canada with 3,140,000. averaged 1.03 tels- Only six other countries had mare we day during 1951, Ihan a million telephones-Westecn temselves au the Germany, France, Japan, Sweden, st telephone conver- Itâily and Australia. In the nernboe acording te, world of telephonea per hundred peersona xvey figures made the United States, led wilis 293 the American Tale- while Soreden and Canada hed 25.2 fegraph Company. and 22.1 respeetively. n lIse lalking depart- Ne'w York Ci'lya 3,349,M2 tala- peuple efthtIe United phones suhen the survey oras taken eoraged 37 calls a made iltopsin the numher ofin- son, only 2.2 behmnd strumnents inone0 city. Grenier len took third place London, with 1,170,000, mas highesl in the cenus, orbich amnonf citiru outside the United ry 1, 1952. States. Washington D.C., had thse invention seemu tei greatest density of telephones willa nIld as there were about 64 for every 100 persona. SPECIAL iUSTABLE WRENCHES inch 79C 8 inch $1.49 eg. $1.69 reg. $1.95 lITT HARDWARE COMPANY TON PHONE 499 >rmation WaCnted RE HUPFMANS sueuumentlilou of Trafalgar Towrnuhipa 1822, shows Henry on Lot 13, Con. 2, New Surrey. Should snynse have onous10 orbere uaid Henry Huffmun came from or sny- ,ut that family, pIeuse leave uame in Box No. 29 Canadian iMilton. The preurnl Hufforans are tryingto establish record and would deeply appreciate any assistance. alRecostry Office records show land Iranuferso0f Con. 2, orw Survey. with the Foutrs, Teilcels. Gardiners, etc. if hr wat a brother ut Jacob Huffesan who had a land 109 on Lot 20, Con. 2, North Dundas Street. dres sucra'Henry and John orbo marrird Agnes and ry. rpresetey. Eliza orbo married Robert Hill. O0 YOU NEED iiiding Materials? WE HAVE GLA GYPROC BOARD-4u'x8 GLA GYPROC LATH AND NAILS GLA PARISTONE HARDWALL PLASTER GLA GAUGING PLASTER SLOW SET GLA INSULATION BAiTS AND WOOL GLA FINISHING LIME GLA MASONS'LUME GLA SPRAY LIME TEN TEST INSULATION BOARD 4do8 -4o9' TON TEST PRIMED CEILING TILES 16"xl6" POPLAR 34" PLYWOOD, GOOD ONE SIDE CEMENT S. Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 lu. MEUNU MMUM MUMMMMUU MUMUUuMMMM MILTON PHONE 220 PAGI roux ý THMRDAY, JANUARY-29th. M THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO