PAGI TWO TECNDA HMIN ITN NAI Beh ind the Mike Mot of our readers, and me suspect, many who are flot our rdons, knoos the situation bock of getting the editor lu, do the Neighboely Nems1 brodcast last Ssndoy. Many of our frenods, both in and oui of tomn, have told us of their enjoy- ment of the broasicast and been most kin i n their comments of the experience in a nom field. We ourseives had not only a nese experience but gainesi a fiet hansi knomledgo of te tank of the othor fllow. In this case it mas Don Fair- bairn's job. Like ail undecstanding, il han been goosi for u, ansi me cettainly hope Don enjoyed the oppoetunity of one Sunday free feoin hit regular duties. Let us tell you ail that te f ifteen minute Pro- gt am involvesi a lot more lime titan mont listeners realize ansi since Don hasnenver taken the trouble lu tell his lsteners of tite houes involved peehops we con relate the turne me spent orsi thon a de- duction of haIt sould be mode for ose inexper- longe and listenters con understond whit Dons job takes in and editors con realize they are not the onby oses on te gind" eveey oseek. CBL Studios Toso weeks ago, before Don Fiebairn left foe the ment ose went lu Toronto lu meet tite stotf and soo the quorlers in witicit ouf woek would be done. Reid Fosee is director of peograms for CBL and we itod a mot inteeesting visit seeirtg tite bock sitop in te beoadcasting business. Witen we refet0ose in titis case il o iteedilor and is son and ossociate, Jim. We were o have te assistanceouf Miss Ring, mito painstakingly goes uvee ttho 200 and moree popees tat cornein eacit meek and clips ail te items logical for te broadcasts. Site teerets out air tiose lilîle items and user 90 birtitdays many times buied in tle Imu oerteree ine items inte coreesportdence. Miss Dobson types ouItte script foerte beoadcast and knowss lu mititin o feosUnes of te amount of copy eqoired. Office desk space mas aranged in twu sepaeate build- irgs-une for Friday and aI CBL un Saloedoy. 200 Papers and All Wv stard befure nuon un Friday andd l Jim un thv job Frday atternoon while teecdilue presided at a meeting ufthlie bsesutive Ccmmitîlev ut the Canadian Weekly Neaaopapero Aoosocrc. Murer papers camevin during Fiday ojenuon andi Saturday murning ose osre aI work sn COL offices until ime for lunch. This osas volvo in tise sale- teria of te building. About twoo uclcit orsecsrpt starled ta lake shape feom ail the pilesofu clippingo. Sume veve duplicotes ond feum the sorîlng emeeges te scripts that more lu moitete bruadcast. Shueîly atter toue o'clock Miss Dubsun had ail te copy and befoce tive oclock site assured us t osas ssf- ticient. Titen te trip lu lite beuadcasîing boutit, o trial eading ufthlie script sndee a stop match tu see titat it came mititin te requlrees tino. Il's been many yeacs since me moeked or con witit someone holding a stop match on us. Tees almoys te tendcncy tc0 speed op and du as mucit an possible in a given timo ans iils difficuit to overcomo taI feeling. But titece s always titat guidance ut stretciing ouI tite bonds troin the dicector to let you knom hoos ime il eunning along. Finally you got tecdomn beat and te broad- cat is on. To read aloud for even fise minutes witit no interruptions seents a vecy long ime. If yoo dont beliove us junItey il some time. You havent an audience -aI least you thînit yuu havent, but you knum igitî mou i'slsieiy te biggest audience Yuu esee oddeessed. Tiats ail; the timing osas igitt, tejub mus dune ond ail taI emoina is for you to uitno Yuue omn vuice witen beoadcooî ime cornes be- cause bts like neospapee wuek, ilosnt ail mitten ut peoduced un te day ut publication. Municipalities a0ev atching ilhitonereol tue tite legislation furecoot in te daily preso s hîci osili gise relief lu munîcipalities in tee aîing ut taxes, Il's lu be hoped realization miii be mode tîsat Toronto 50 flot te unly opprevsed monici- pality by te fax bordons. What's in a Name ? Sînce the broadcaît of Neighbocly Noms lont Sundoy folks at homo have givon us quite a rib- bing about the George part ut ouc naine. Lcally i os-e are knumn by our ucher naine. il ohl came'C obout titis way. When ose moltfolks inte noms-t paper and otiter tields amay frons home me itad quite o ine explainbng ansi spolling the nainet Arlof. Il took ime ansi me founsi folks disint use il and itad difficulty wlth i. Fortunately me has twou gleon naines, so ose unI stated lu gise our narine as George oshich. mass quito on ordinory naine and easily emem beced.C Su oulside of local fielss e have become knomn os George ansi, of course, sehen ma mero brood- casting loi places oulside of Acton and iton e nover gave tite naine a thougitî ansi beconse George and a perfect stranger to titose mito knoos us intimateiy in Milton and Acton. We onsoser to botit cames to almito knom us su junI take your choice and use tite one oititf oshicit youuare mont familiar. My tatiters naine osas George and a littie grave in Ficsieos Ceme- tory bore bears te name ut George Macphesrsons1 fis. There rent any otiter living Georges in lte famiiy nom su there is nu confusion and por- haps a littho sentiment and recoileclion osien me are callesi George Dilis. ter members ufthlite fumiy hase easiiy remembered naines surit as Dose and Jin. Yet To Corne Whle our port ufthlie excitange ut duties oitit a broadcooler are complote, readers hase te oseek lu ok formard luositen Don Fairbaien meit-1 es these edituriai coiumns. Ho ansi his staff mode ose part secy pleaiant and ose knom 00e readers s ansi satf miii do their beot lu moite bis lask a pleosont une. Ho miii brong a nom siempuint lu our reoders and me know a mont inleresling une. We caenul teli you te dole because that bas flot been settied upon. But sume Mondlay me mont be miling these cousmns ansi oeill catch up on the Saturday ve lot. Honor Cornes to Esquesing LasI mesi Hallon Couosly Councîl mvmlîers ccoeGeorge ivolîr as Warden for 1953.Me. Lcsviths hacl oany yars ofimunicipalc-oper lIeseandd : cres of Ithermen or) Countîy Cosiocl on pirsesîl .-hooas ho-rresombeosr for 0;e ionsîcm perocd. He sas sevesd as Cossoîllor, Depslj- Resse anîd IRese and brongo cuperîese Io tite position. Il is quile an sonar tas liseosas accord- ed te poositout upposition. We hase neser tasord enîîrvly te procedr ot basing te selecîlon ut Morden osnte Isen ut osy msnicopaliiy soiely. The bonor os shoresi be- toseen te edîsidoal ansite munscspolîty ho ce- presents. Haton is itnoresi bj' thir choice ut Warden tuert1953. Wo osere lso pleasesi lu notetaI te naine ut J. J. Stewart, Reeve ut Aclon, mas aiso mentionesi as Wacden. Me. Semart bas been gasning muni- cipal experience in thte local ansi coonly tielsi ansi il s itopesi tatin due course te bonoc miii come lor hum ansite municipaiity ho represesîs. Sincerely Yours tl s sai tat te sculptors ut long ago. munit- esi witit a passion for perfection. Even otter long ansi tedious boom utf carving, sumetimes a floos ovouisi appear eiitee n te 5500 or te ciiseiiing. Unscrupulous mon crtuiiy hit ltam mitit waxo. Mititoutte asivantages utfte modern Petter Business Bureau, te bsyer toonsi il noces- tory toc bis umn proctiori lu requîre a certotîcate of qoaiity. The bunest scuiptur signesi bis mort Sossera meoning mithout max." Gradualiy te dea deselopesi, until tuday miten me sigo use crrespundesce "Sincereiy tours il 50 o certifica- tion tas mits as been mitten is o presentotion oititout deceit, and truly ceiable. Some of te meeitly seosoppero siticit adopîed Corona type seserai yeors 090 are bas- ing o chuckie as lte toto ite Toronto Star is mak- îng ut ils typevotue tex t ite papeco. Tite face bas been avoulable ansi in use for seserai yearo. Pshbsaited snfthe Heocf of Haltis Counsy Pubisited eve y Titorsday aI Main St. Miltos, Ont. Mein bte ofte CWNA and te OtaroQueter Dvision of te CWNA. Adertusng rates on request. Saiscrplons payaiteeis advance, $250 isCanada; sio mostis $1.50; single copies6r $350 siite Usited States. Aulhorfzed as Second Class Ma i Post Office Depacîmenl, Ottoaa G. A. 0011,, Edf toc andi Puhtlser BUSINESS AND E DI1TO0RIAL 0OF FIC E T E LE PHON E 220 THE G( MAY Fifty Years Ago From the lsue of thse Champion of Thuaday, Jaauary 29, 1903 At County Councîl on January 27 it a moved by Dr. Webster, sec- onded by Mr. Andreov titt Jameso Gordon Wilson, Esq. bc Warden of the County of Ballon for the year 1903. Carried. Mr. Wrigglesmorth moved, seconded by Mr. McGibbotn that lte by-law appointing auditors be read a second and thjrd tinte and passed and that the blanks be flied in wî 1h tite naines of Duncan Dewar and W. H. Speers. and that they be paid $12 (îmelvel each for their services. Carried. The first meeting of thte toWn council was beld on Tlsursday laot. The folfowsng gentlemen hasded i their qualifications lar office and mere dufy amoro n Samuel Dice, mayor; R. K. Anderson, D. Hartley, G. A. Hemotreet, A. Higginbottam, H. A. McColl, Fred Wales. J. Somn- ervilîr was appsistedi Assestor and W. J. Armnstrong collector. J. W. Cramier asd Jas. MeDfute have been re-appointed aiseisocu for Trafal gar. A Yorkshire som befocging lu 0. C. Pettigrem of Bsyne had a fitter of 20 Ysung frunîvrs fusi year and raised 18 of thero. LasI mrck site itud a littor cf 21, but loy on und ssootherd titreo f titro, but ber uwservsperts tu ri socthe otitr 1f. Mrs. lPaltisos mto fiOrsoun Maini St. josl rOsI of Graor Cbsrch, slip- ped and frît, disfocuisober fsÏofld. et and il is thougt une f therbiotts iber arn sousitiiifvs jsst b'fsm te soldr joit The poblositors of ther Toronto Woîild wnt ai000 -,elttle l eoviy postal istict1inDOtaio. Tfiry arc fi ying tuoscre 50,00( shobri bero bsfore fheend of thes presrit yerc Tfhr Wiird srrd a distinct succsoas thefirst une cent mrioil rssiatirr pobfîitred ini Canaida. Tfii RolsofBack if Canada wîff storl biiscoss ut Toronstsoroet SAYERS-DREDCE-At tie hssmerof ts.- h dro bfalbcr ss Januatcy 21. itotRev.A.BaiB.A.Fak E. bSsu es iofNassagamrya loi Maeg- os si Isisublir of Win. Dedgc FIAIIIS IbUNTEB - AItteces- its-simc solfte bu des paersîs. Witoloi,sss on Jasooaoy 14 by lis voiitîosssi i , W Ibios. ,il Kstoili. eto Augsosita . l ic Avn-ljeat,-d rsolos sonseototo s hld acisîsnilfbomsoîtde and a îlI...lit hi:slssî.e ignornce. O0D OLD DAYS NorI HAVE SEEMED ýEAs BETTER W _____ Twenty Years Ago The ,e'ogeto'nlHeradsei Fronsthle ncofthte Champion oft tiis tosen and district, tas. "Il lae Thursday, February 2, 1933 sosnetlsnes hard ta belteve hom fast - tins part of Ontario f0 gromllsg." anc At a regular meeting of lte count- item says. The editor expeclo saine lyriioscil iteld in Milton os Tors- defînite stepo Wil bciteaites there1 day a re.siitiliso a. pard that along hliune of toWn planning fort itigit scool boairds ber o qurslrd lu the residenliol and industrial ex- show a2tcoý et cut in stoîu s-pansionmwhich îs ound to spread tornales titis year. op troin lie soult etolte ouny".. . Memiters of lte Good Roads The Georgetowen Chamiter of COinmltee' of Ballon Coonty mito Commerce te holding an Industriel mant 10a ttend te annuat conven- meek miit exhihila, tours and dis- tion wilshve o -adde teirOwnplays.. IfoWl av10'adeteion There is a mention o atSs canoe bi the malter of expenses, dy Negiol NeofitodastSn Ballon County Counril decided On dWîen lie dîorot tits bpaer as Tuesday.itecharge. Lst Salurday aflernoon lise old Georgetown 00W has a Homne and Druinquis Pont offfce mas deslcoyedi Scitool associalion. by fire, supposed 10 be easised ity Tax Troubles an overhealed stove. Mr. and Mes. Brante's Iax rate weil be sp 100 Harold Trimitie *eee occupants of per cent., reeee Alfred Jensings lte bouse only six months and ot says. Be called lte taxation pictuce ' ail their flirnilisce. in lte Balo village 'tanlaslle."1 AItlite invitation of lte Ex-War- *Puzzled Police res of Peel Counly, a nem argant- Trafalgar and Oaitvitle police av ration tobc e nomn as Peel and psooled titis meeit. Ted Squires of1 Ballon Ex-Wardens' Association la thte fourthli 1e tetormed lte potine 00w in course of iteing focmed. Af- heliadt stopped te help a moman ready te invitation itas iteen acled mito was pinned itenealt a truckt. spon and te former Wardens of Be mas requested to maitehiinef1 Ballon mîfl meet aI Milton 10 coin- cre picte plans for scfonizotion. Witit When lte Police arrived - no about 20 rligohle for memiternitip, truckt, no moman. froi ravit of te Imo cosnties. il in City of Trafalgar roperîrd that tite new oeganirotîvn More expansion tait from, Oakt- mîli fonction for advisvey pueposes svie! One tomo councillor said, in niotteen uffectinc te inrfare of "Mayite me sitould eses roll Tra- l'e] and Ballos taI corne mititin falgar ond Oahville togetiter mbt 1km ýj îoesdirlîon of lteitr respective ose rity.. rîou ily rouccîls. Hoses Tale Up lI dole, Milt10,50 Relief Coin- Witen thte mood and sceap mefat mitîleitoso90bloîiotîromh 342 de- ihobbtyiorsilîlen yeasuago for iiidrvls on 01 lisl, te,,luresroltheson of Geneeal Chits Voiesltooh riîiib- reo rsiioovcltedreco - th, attenion of thcousr of Com- ,ibeO'%O mos recenlly, lte omner of on Tîs,- tromioss ot f Mlton Bigit Oaivillr daory foughed. Thse pride hotoilîich ios ciîsîpîrd of smosoof is dclîvery slceds hodgiven its havees.oe oloileerdto accept tbol focrtaI horse, and hiîsvars ai10 liiivent cut i iisaay, witmanager, coverinf the Central Co- 5 timr cns i Olio elimef. mandcroutedonated thrlail tothte Soit 0one m-prsvoodr0f te UsaI- casse. cd StaIes romins live. Titrer arer"Prince dido't serin 10 mmd," thre-Es- li*eit-ofCta'sodaliv- titey said. "Altitougit. if ite'd realiz- ing -BocefnMrien and King. cd tien tiat afellom named Currie Cîîmosî doon 10 lite Municipal mascgoinglto moite sucita fuss about fîild. Miltoin bus roohl living Ex- il oIt a decade later, te migitt huver Mayors; J. B MrColloin, Calofornor: togitlImice about il." A. Bogginitotitoî. Vancoove; De. Esquesing lire Ares R.K. Anderson.MP. Dr.H.A.Me- Therformaton of a fre aceamwit ColI, Jas. W. Blain. John Irvisg, o portion of Esqorsing mas ralified toits Maxed, J. M MrKenzie, Ml- ity Ceorgeon coucilull heir first GlOLDEN iRULE A ci mce ii ,vi- aid is me, B. ý ruil1o kn w so ilsîsisi iîci.icii m. ioiiioiosf;.,,, i 'oîi' ý Titi f1 a'h.. tiCs * KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. PAULS UNITED CHURCH RLEs. F_ l10BtRN, Misisiere linsbslr-REV. t.L. BLAIR, BA. Moo- l SOsWright. AflM, Ot)rst Ol'als ssite býlooleol K. Cace SUS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~UDAY. FEBRUAII .. UISY IUbY 1,t. t1933 filou0oom, --SenoiorOritoss1 1100 an i-vsoirSebssi. 11.00 arus Wossiip Service. Socs- 1100 aisn. -Janoî,rSmitoasî ry las. Juniose Smssl. 11.00am.-bily Csosmuion.ssSmr- 230 pm. -Uhouecmemmbes-oip mous tmmr"The-Surrmodemrd maso 0 inte CitoreiPacîvar. Lofe. o 7».00pm-AIl te citarries are 700 p.m.-Cvuvmosoty Youot Ser-, insitîrd I attenod thc yoslt vice n St. Paals Cuirch. Foure srieux. ab ritureites un cx-opeeatuos. Put-' sevcinS.Pu" lic Scitoot Choir and vas isus' Mvnday. Feitruacy 2nd,-4.15 p.m. yoslt groups mîlI attend, AI Mission Basd-7 pm. COl.IT. Fireaude Boar mibI toIlons ,Titxcsday, Fesruary 51k 700 pi. Fniday, Jas. 30, 8 pirn-Senior choiorI Tyro Boys; 8.15 Tite Me. ad practuce i the home of Mes. Mr1 Cu ilme i h David Sinilie. htome of Adand Reta Woodbey. Tursday, Peb. 3. 8 pin.-Cet-to- Fridoy. ;Feb. Ot730 Teail Ras- gether Oroup. Mstems, Mes. gem; 7.20 Junior Choir; .00 Prddîe. Robiert St. Senior Choie. Wrdneoday. Feit.15. 8 pin. Yosug _______________ Womens Muasiosary Society. Binlesa Mes. E. Rooterlson.î GRACE CHURCH Chtarles St. AGIA Titaosday. Frit. 5, 2.45 p.m.-Maple! NGIA Iarf Croup. Bostrs. Mes. Rois- Ses NocmnsGreen. B.A.. L.Th. ohaw. Mass SI. Rector SEPTUACESIMA SUNDAY W000;im. Bote Cosomunion. CALVARY TABERNACLE 10.00 as.m.-Sodouy Setuol. Penterastal Balisieso I1loi Oî Comomousio BRONTE ST. ,700 sos. - Coismsoilc Younoîg 1ev. B. Wooid, P t'oir Propir's Sm-vire sou SI. Pols - United Chient. Fî îstiy. Joissiry 30. 113 ".5îAstis osvw are led bltise Sîpirit meetoingsO and Bobi t Soy loi te,- f Cd, iseyorse,- te sonosvofCoud." eico rh. -RBomansv8014. SUSI)AY, FEBRUAIIY 1A. ___1953_________ l0I loJ) O ; s. -Soolloy Otoîl. îî00 os m.-WîssshiîîS or BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH 700 pino.- Servscs. clsicsII5d: titi us Irts- 1c0.O.F HllI mitiiocit Ois esrinil I Oiit ltms.BoRoert F. Ssyui Nat ionsalI YsiootSccvimr oslu 1u- sIti UtlosmsTisida, Jasn. 24115 IS o W.MS. Ysosssg loroothe soisemof Mrs. MorUton, chioorit FbrîolscyFEBIIUARIslt, 153 Ws-oiicdlo. C. Suiiý t, 008.00 .u0. 0 a401050Suodoiy OtSotl. - Wosoosmsss Auxils-oryail te, 3.0pm.-CooprSercem. Mes. B. Chilori-eh, Rvd of Cornwal. Isoost. ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA and ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE (Anglican)I Rrv. S. E. Pocritl, Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUARY lt, 1953 Sepluageaimo SundaY 11.00 a.m.-Mjoly Communion, Sec- monnd Citurce Scitool aI St. Gerges. 1.30 p.i.-Evenuosg and addresa aI St. Johtns Ail Are Welcomne Tîorsdoay. Feruury 3, .15tS .in00 Communi.on, SRecrotionofusl es inemitecsoiadrauaol buine.s mestisol aIhome oft Mr.and Mes. W. Williams, Commercial Stret. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH Milton Heights Ses. Criffon Titompsos, L.Tit. Rector SUNDAY, FEBRUASY st. 1953 Iu Sepîsagesima Sunday 10.15-Sunday Scheoel. 2.30 p.m.-Holy Communion, Ser- insby 5ev. Nm. Grecs.A. of Groce Chureit, Mitos, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLERS' GUIDE i NIIAL MISCELLANEOUS THE STEVENSON CLINIC Mî110 nNoosbrr 2 DIr. C. K. StevOosos Dr. Fred Melnyh Dr. R. S. SlcCsllough Office bîsors: A M-B5 appsontmmsl vniy. bIM.-I-S 7-9, SUSCAYS-Emrrgvnroeo only. MILTON I0RIVATE BOSPITAL X-BAY Coroner. Caol Surgeon DR. G. E. SYER Physleloas aad Surgeon Office-James Street Phase No. 30 Office Bours; 9 o in.; 1-3 7-t.30 pi. Coroner DR. J. W. McCUTCHEOH Office Boucs-9 ain.; 1-4, 7-9 pi. Farmers' Building, Main Street Telephose 395W Sesidecce 395J DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Cffice in Boyal Building. Milon Bvsrs t-5 Evrnings ity Appvinsuesot X-Say Service Telepitone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Offime un Farsers Bouldong inssuOlrel floor Ev-o-ins5 ly apsooulmroot XRa loymservie Trîrpitoso OS LEGAL DICK & DICK W. I. DICK. Q.C. E. Y. D1CR Parmsteros, Slicitors Browns Street, oppoisite Armna Telephone 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON, O.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Ofire-Nent Door Champion Offie-Main Si., Billon Teephose 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT ,Barriste-r. licilor, Notary Publie Office-bn Farmers' Building Main Street, Milton Telephane 70 LEVER & HOSKIN (hartercd Arrauntanis its-meso ois1 JENKINS & ItARDY 130. Mmlcopotan Bldg.. 44 Victosrsa St., Toronto Em. 4-9131 A. J. CRANDELL Charterrd Areountant Main Streret Georgetown Telephone f54 CHIROPRACTOR NIELSEN - The Chiroproctor liruglesa TheralInt ê 301h Year of Proctice 0 Lady Attendant Mon., Tues.. Fri. 2.5 pi. Wed., Sot.. 2-5 and 8-9 pi. Clased Titscsday Oser Dominion Store, Georgetowm Phone 150W D. J. ARMSTRONG DoetofetChireprscibo 15 Frederici t S. B. ACTON PHONE 550 WM. G. RIDDELL, D. C. Dodueot ofChiropractie Beonte St.. Milton Sas. 9 a.m. lv 9 pin. and tsy oppintment PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS FOR ADULTS Monday ............. 130to 5pas. Tursday .130-S p.m. and 7-9 pi. Wedsorsday 930 noan- Tluoesday 1.130-5 pmo. and 7-9 pi. Feiday ..........1.30-5 pi. Satuoeday. 1.30-5 puy. and 7-9 pin- Public Balidays not included Scitvvt ehoîdren hase separole TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Standard Tinte Coing 10 Toronto - 7.51 ai. daily; 2.07 pin. doiby; 8.39 pin. daily excepl Sssday; 9.24 pin. Sun- day osly. Coming fronTarants - 9.39 a,., daiby; .31 pin. daity; 1.00 ain. dal3r cucepl Sundoy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Golng Bsrth-7.M pi. Gsing pin. Umm THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 1 OUTH cosmsil meeting for '53. Thtis wMl he one of theee ses Esquesng-)Mi- ton bas had anc in operatiais for several years and another ta"luinte procesa" aeosnd Acton. Georgetomn wmUt have the ose of a second tire engine and WiUl mas il for district tires, the sane o las ù titis area. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Urge Consideration 0f Magazine Sales January M2.195 Dear Mr. Editor: Calllng off parents Whase ebild- ren recently camne home tram seisoot With several copies of New Liberty magazine. Paritet just ousode lise grounds ot our public sehool a representative ot titis magazine intereepted claild- ren on their way home froin sehool and sought to enliat thein aa agents 1for hin periodical. They mer. lin rereive IWo and a hait cens for eaeh copy sold plus prizes for tose mito sold the mool. A tom otaling lthaIlise parents consented ta thelo children partieipating in lis seheine WaO sent itoinetoc the par- ents 10 01f n. If lthe parents Wilt examsine 'the mnagazine, they Wif f find that one of fIs ritief fonctions is 10 adverlise iteer and tiqoe. No tess than 17 adverîisements of thin type are lin its puces. Tite minfotees rot Milton feel that parents sitoold be alertedti 10the forts stated aitose. Witever me musc lini of the ose of citdren ia sales prsootisonranpaigo, teso, if ony, elisth ie tbosgitt of eitildren scîlîng liqoor udverliseinents frain dosclto dose. Titis letter os Weitrn on iteiaif 0f lthelorut minîstees in te hope ltaI parents Will refuse la sign any documvent ronsentinf 1n their chld- Cen participatïof in titis sceie. Thanking you Mr. Editor, for fie- ing spore for titis letter, me remsais. Tite Milton Minioleriai t~Association 2 E. Orsitor, Secretary, People woare 15 inlent on 1featiteeonclteir on nesfa are sel- r om purlîrulor mitose goose they tplurit.