Moellsm Momemaeie At tbis lime et pear every iseaeker a-a mays bus a dresm home ta mind.1 Since Jtatry la tise mentis et rachenint il soutd pick ose cn 1 science le lise point ol' miisf 19531 capensea le a budget bonis. Maey1 bteiss, agricullucat offices, hydre ofices bave accoueS boos and ot- fer Ise aervices ta ittutrate aj pratiinaey sel-up. Setere yau see thon, it tise inormation tisaI mil pans expenditures ted savinge -taxes, incono. insarance, tlee- phase. etectricity, etc. Nom, set1 y.sse goal tee t l10 per cent. saving. f you cant mnage if, keep trylet. Tise tmo ethlie ioueold budget le considerint tise reoeame of tsy paccisar especiatly if tisere ara ciildeen et Young eges. We have sItes heerd a natisor ay: do me need it ted if so hem mucis cas mc eSsaid le pay for il, te addition te tise dollarsantd cens valse me muat esesider centeet, ceevesience. dur- ahilly ted usetainees. Ta thoe miss ptan a budget yo's may miis ta, review these pointa et buymanship. . Taciste the jais ils confidence and determination. 2. ComautS atissities betore shoep- ping. 3. Decide le advastr mietiser eash and credit erres cas ho ad- vanced. 4. Dea ils reptabte mrchatt. 5. Letre bsw ta recognize fesaîsee iargaisa. 6. Read tise lahls end sait for tise tarin. 7. Chasse atearding ta yeae seeds toc a 5 ta 10 yesr torm. 8. Seect modern equipment tisaI isareeses efitieesy. . Fil puchuses int yoar maie af living. 10. Parcise ils lise inetion et keeping lise article. Il. FoSSom directions on lise aet ctcetully and malte tep report oreflin ponptty. MILTON Electrie ted Aeetyteae Repaie Welding et Ait Type WELDING Weldleg Portable Eqalpmenet FIIONE - 348 M£L BT. - MILTON fES EXAMINED THURUDAY Jan. 15 - 29 1030 Orn. to 6 p.. GRIMWOOD JEWELLERS MILTON PHONI 113 TIlE CANADIAN CHAMPION, eMILTON, ONTAIJO TMUE8D~Y. JAMUART Salis. - At thlie tisve prieciptes cete ted tpptied ta Most items parchuoedy tee lething, tarnisisinga, ted equip- ment. Nom if me are aavlsg ft this part of tise budget me sisould t Iry ta ceduce tood culas. To don Leoce hem lu cioseu he ls eau) 1 capenive toads ta malte up se adequtte diet, Neyer mtste foed Ibraugis avec- l bayisg, caretes eekieg. averserv-f mng se Impraper starage. Plan le gram gardes peadute ted1 praserve a surpus tee inIer ose Est meain aI home etteary a lunch.t Serve plain, lulty food forcrm- pn. TAKE ATIP f t. If yeu mant automaticalty cas- leolîrd hast, inlaîll a heat rega- lter. Il mil save yoa teps ted money and aI lieseatae limet keep yaar home et an even tmp-1 eralare. Tee mach ieat is asîrd hy leavieg tise draît dose open 100 Sng. Itemenhor Sial mustrd ieal mean masîrd fuel. 2. Do sot "itddle" ils a iisermý)- stit. Il le a delicaîr mecianisn wiicis cas be eusily put eut ot ordre. Ties, tee, be sace la soit in eapert asstaecifanylising gees rasg ils lise regutlr 3. Wttec pipes tisaI are set trezen uolid cas ho lhtwed tiss ay: Tare the taucets apside dame asing a clatis under lise pliera. ties pose le a gallon et hoiling mater cotainiet asmaris sai as milI dissolve in it. 4. Wien glaumware develapo nicks on lise edgmes uh them omolis agais ils fine stedptper. 5. Replace coled lampa in ligit- ingfSalurera tIserve no opecial parlsu. They grvatly les tise amouel et igit ysu sissaîl gel. t. Replace danks sisde Sningo mis mhisie-ied htdes 7 Wise makipg on-distece tre. phase raIls, place as egg-imer or minate minder neae-hy Sial milS ara you esactly mies thr perliodefthtieer minutes la ended. :AMPURLVILU Buy Table, Chairs For Sunday School Tise Young Peopes Society et St. Davida Preshyerits Cissecismet os Mande y evening mils Marjerie Chster presidlsg. Audrey Nrres iad charge aoflise devtienat perlio. SranasMuore. BitS Etlted 1ev. J. Sutherland ere ntmed a rom- mtetapcite a table ted chairs tee a Sanday Scisel cîtu etf six pear aId, misose teacher in Mise Joyce Chenter. Plans mere made tac a steigis iding ptty set meek. Anna Harrem led in e disussioe "Hem a Christite hoieves". Rer. . Suthserland clsed ils prayer. BaveralI SI Reidests eft liis cammaitly are uorry le hear Mr. Gerge Harris is itI etiis home, Mr. William Van Siekie wmisl e t tise home oaIies sister in Trants, lie. Archir Dan- by, R.R. 2 CampholtvilSe, mis ais bers bed rfddee for a mentis, tîte lies. Asdrem Fraenk. 1.1. 1, Camp- hollvilte mise anderment asoerea- lien aI St. Josephse Hospital, Hanil- toe, receslly. We miis thorn al a nperdy receeery, When you need help in a hurry, yon reeck for your tlephone ... Think of the differenoe it makes - jut knowing your telephose in there, reedy to gerve you ie any essergency. No pre cen maesure il, use! ulneao @ TE BELL TILIPHONI COMPANY 0F CANADA FASHION HINT Groups Hear Report Of Succes'sful Tise Janueey meeting efthtie Omn- agis Preebyterlen W.A, ted W.M.S. wee hold at thse home of lir. Cameroe liarsalel on Ttsady et- eeo eDssite very leclensent reatser, 21 ladies were on baed ta Uttcuas thse business for tise new lire, C. Pettereon, preeldeet ot the W.A., welcomed tise ladies and ;ook the chair for tiseir part ofthtie meeting. Mrs. Robert Marshsall read the scriptare leeaon and gave en slterestisf talk os thse theme, 'Tse chucch's truc foundation" Mes, C Mtasall and lire. F. Jetîcoît gave prayers. Lettera eft tianke for flomero ted frait were received tram lire. Pell. Srs. I. Broweridge. lire. Cuetisa, Mr. A. Armstrong and lM. MscFadden. lire. lcFaul thtnked lise ladies feertiseir Christma gitt and lie. E. Heedersons ent a letter et tistekorteeissChristmaa guit trom tise W.A. Tise Jane tee was discaated and Mesdames MeFal. C. Peaceck. H.i Peteoek mare eamed e committree te aecare a speaker for tises eveel,1 alai tt tlime tisere mill be aà taie eacis mentis.liembere tee le-j vited te bring trticles tee came.1 Tise "travelling apeon' mas oece1 egale etarlesi on lis way. Trees- areros report mas give by lire. Jet Ictantd sisemed that tise Soc- iety istd isd a most successtul yeae tinancially. Tise biggrst projeet tor let yeer wtt tise redecoretlsg of tise iitchen ted S.S. reemo ted donatiosofet uhis te tise Scott Mission. A lettr eftteins a wttte hosent te te abset memberreteeecuis donatien to tise W.A. ted W.M.S. Mes. C. Peececk, vlce-presldeet, presided teertise W.M.S. meeting. Roll cati word wtt 'tloundatlen." A shoert conlest mes eenducted. Tise seceetary's repert wtt give by lire. M. Peaceck.s, iomingttItise geop isad uuccesatully rentributrd ils ehare te tise Mussles tonds, had made ene lady a lite membr. thet one efthlie devoted and tailistel muekees isad passed amay. Mise Jase Rayner, leader efthtie junior mission bted, gave a fine repert on lise yer'so mris. After discussien, il was decided le cistege lise order ot meetings. In fture. lise W.M.S. mlI isold liseir meeting tiraI. Me. McFtul gave closint prayer. lire. S. McFtdden attered ber home teerlise Febeuaey meeting. As lise close, a sale mas iseld teertise tlomer baset aller misici tise hoatess, teoisîrd by Mes. Snem and Mes. Jetteoll. served a dellcious lunch ted ail enleyed a social hall houe. Mes. Ceeul K. Jarvis received tise sad esemafethlie paeaing et ber 1.brotiser-in-law. Mr. James Beaton et Waleedewn on Wednedoy et Ibis meeis. Tise Medfortis Pemîress famity miil Sootn ie eeleying tise many hobnetits et hydre. Werismen are 9busY Ihis mecis makina lise nc lie ted lireBert Sales tort an Susdty tor a vactteion Fleride. lie Bruce Seytey et Durisam spent tise week-enld wmu lie and lire Wm. Sayley. litoter Chartes Kerr trrived home frant Fart Leuderdale, Flar- idt, by plane an liondey.lie mes vinlting frirnda tar tise Chistmas Physical Caused by Emotion Physical symploms nay ho tise resit t ofcenlinued emelios, oflee pent ap tee Sang periode, mitistise condition grettly eggrevated misen tise patient morrnes thout tise per- sistng symptama, tributing thon te, serioaa disae according te Dr. St. F. Farqaharsan, Dr. Farquison. Pratessur et Miedicine, University et Tarante, le te aticle satesa tisa teemat- tans tuars es rigisl, aster ted te- xity otten cause veey ceai phya- IeeS dioorders te people experiene- lng them. "On saddee trigist, t sear arti- dent er veryactee ppreisenlion almosl everyose bus experteeced lainînetsantd postural inslailty. palpitation lueduty rapid iseat atlle) tnd repid pulse, flushing. emealint, mavea f et at and raId, therîsese af breatis, saddee meak- nss or an 'ail-gene' feeling." Dr. Farqaharean meitet. Beaides tisese, is ys, mtey have sltered resttessesa, eedeaisa taintinus, teck or lau etf appetile, nasee tnd ether aympins. 'Whee patients mia oiookttirly melemplais et attec..exisaustion, oe cas ho satisfied tisatI;ttle et àematienat erigtnJ' Dr. Farqahar- sansteales. Tisis is elles evidenerd ln patients, recevered tram an af' lacis et cocoary tiseombesis, re- nainint unabte la enjoy Iheir re- cevey hocase cof tise symptemo caasrd by esxiesy; patients mits osleoatthcitis wmisfarttetisaItisey have riseuaaiid arliseitis mîthisi more serious disbhity ted prag- nuis; or sone patients mits cancer rrcognired betare it givea rîse te arvere eymptomns. He turtiser expîties tisaItise sec- vas patient mut have camptete confideneln hie pisyscian in ordr le receive honettints ramtrealmeel. "Ie erdisacy people.,mises ilI heallis t L ctsd by simple anslely tnd tension, removery i s utlly ctpid 1and complele," Dr. Facqaharo stya. "Tise lioroagis esamination and subse<tsent cetsseeane diep"l lishe anxiety. ted adequale rest ted traininf conîcibute Wsaquicis ce- "Everlasting" Pipe Claim; Used Nearby Symapthiy le es±ended te ir.Ex esiem Polylisene plul .asir pi pieg estin- Thomas Hostdrs ted tamily il ebre c ssve S O arai , t-tIa'torever" Is exitint errent bereavement le tise lSofsIHuts * ie mIeraI aIagrîcallurallals aed hér athe, M. Rasay f Gelph ýurs te Pu e tomne le alreedy in aoc le Halles he meM.rsma P art Grli e ure anîy. Tise pipisg le aid la he Tise sixtis mne eseiser parties got rssataantrt utadat undereay Ima eeks aga ith a Excecsive sperd net oly edant- len et soiS acld ted sîkalîs. It mill tale allendanre. Mr. Lloyd Miay la ers lite but it aine isuci lise poches- sol barsî mies aIeretreezes inside tise prealdenlteeorIhe pear. Prise book. il ulece tlisfexiible metI iii ex- innere an Jauatry 2 ere Miss Drivieg rosIs gu up evrry ime pte lis ntS hae gaetisemn. Doeen Moden, lire. CPatters, lise acreteralor tocs dams. Wien tahlioygin l astic ter tf le le George Peacoan td ted John 0'- aperd leinererased tam Thle e nemythnelaicy bm lempe-n CannerM. Tshue u ie ir eubas, gaclile rus tares. Lloyd Msy. l~~ump amuIst3eprecent. Cula Ts pltieeptiofarlie On Jasuary 9. iesruaS tade aIl coesumed gaeup lmosl ffr The plthes ted SîveIstrise mere lils Marguerite Pescocis. imes misen sperd la inereased rd trteani, el ainsan Mn. N. Castelse. GratRaycerted 40 t0 65 miSes an bae. AItlise maIe tarc elcsestd Carms Cnleon.Tesisuesemussam lie, iseres etmeatedpressare underground pipisg, andi Carmn Cnteon. es ostss ws sme imethecos of earandspray or irrigation systens. Ose lies. Lillie Camepbell. tercon tiren is Imeted a haift sadis.g teatusre in li gis Oming lea aotise party. tise timec greeaI tise highee speed. ouigisl miicis reduces shipping rueisce has hors ilisdrame tac Theiselereued seriosaness of te- cue ted tarililsîrs hsedting. A hiIIe MssEaieFalrlnet!dentsa1ishigiser speeds ile mdi- ose and one-isaîf inchs plastie pipe Litte Mss Eaie Plleron ractaiSy lise recoeds for 1911. ISe250M toSng meigiss80poandu Oaisville le holldayieg ilshbec Onario cilles lise "tataS rate"' cemreed balise 040 pouedus a - rcale.n Myrat Campbsell. (tataS accidents per 100 accidentu vasizrd seel pipe et the same dim- et att typeu reportedî mu 0.7. On rnsions mauid meigis. Lite in full ot repelitien. Tiselise Kief's igiswaya, tise reecru- le Canada potlienerpîplins unme ras bc ssid ot campais podlst rate waa2.4 ormore thon Seing trird exprrimeetliy by speeihs. tisre imes as higis. municipal mater sysiens aI Duns- ville and Oaisvillr. The Case of the Missing Kippers Sensible tols mould have a pretty aor opinion ot a mane mis gors fhiet miserer here aree't asy sis ad speds isn ime tliseamet is bil overbeard. Any ledividual who cise 1a candaclhisinself te euh a tathien mosld he ronsider- cd a likely candidate toc a mental Intiution. Tise steange thint e is aI cenduet wiinlethe Individuel wmasten isst domerigitst illy and mastefîni lotten regardai misen dosecSp lise toveesment asu rigisI and praper. Cossider for example. lise sîrsege cse et trelando mislng kisppers. Unlil receetly, -*ierriet fshing mas ose af Icelande ciief Indus- tides. Tison, hecause lise lshief groundu mere sverfiuhed, herring att but dieappeared teun Iceisedie waIeres. Bal didlise ierrint fliser- men atop shint' Not a bit et il. Ofiniale le ReyisJavis deelded ta iubsidize tise indasley. Sa ta-day me have lies olange spectacle ot filhermen giegfilshlsg for ieriet tisai aresIq'Ihere and Seing paid y lise laxpayers ber doing nos, Sounst ab aout as siliy asetise man mise weeîfshing mhrre there wrerno 0isah and gaI a ick eut ot aI sthroisg tes hall amay. St pour tanpen la suddonly stiriint or cloggleg, try ls» smple hueme reeedy hetere yeu THIS S COMBINUD living and dining ares in a model Canadien flush Il eut teveral tines wmus houno which oces recenily erected in Thornereet Village, Ontario. ain mater and tisen tfilt Ilmtlls Ail the furniture showneis of original Canadien designami dqsality witet flaid. NOTICE Milton Livestock Market wIII b. dlscosstlnu.d dua-Ing the wlnte months. Watchfer annousleonft of ro@pessnln I .rly .prlng. SEE . . JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE Your Chrysier, Plymouth and Fargo Dealers FOR SETTER USUD CARS PHONE MILTON 586 Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders wull be received un il 12 o'clock noon Jan. 31, 1953, for a five-ton truck approximately 160" wheel base with flot less than 325 cubic inchs motor displacemnent, equip- ped with 7 tires, 1000 x 20-12 ply; 2 speed axie; heater; defroster and electric windshield wipers; separate quote 6 cubic yards 7 ft. x il ft. steel body, cern and roller hydroullc hoist, mounted. State delivery date. Lowest or any tender' flot necessarily accepted. TOWNSHIP 0F TRAFALGAR, J.D. ORR, SUPT., TRAFALGAR P. 0 OWFARME SPE- CIALI L SVIN AI ALES . IT O SPECIALI FAB DETERGENT 35ý SECIAL FITUREt1IRAESIDE-GRADE "A" LARGE EGGS- SPECIALI Dm ,53e CLVERHOUSE-Chic*--Gldn QUEEN'S ROYAL-SOd.---Sia.d CORN 29".-331rPEACHES 2,82-3Up TIF TOP-Cbal-r.nsgg. SCOTCH aSROT-TOM-VMG PLUMS 'il 15u" éSOUPS.a- S @%-11>W MMSEAL-44NK SuGoARIN&-LA&rE1 SALMON ~43,f PRUNES . 30e< MLAO CUT ELC.Etra Fney DeUeWmoxa N ACARONI 261 Apples - 3 for 29el :;%.i & L/.jALL Fress Gren Tops Flarisia 2 baba Radishos - 15C Texas Feesis Green Waabed 10 oz. celle bat Spinach -19C Fres Green Pascal Sise 48'% 2 talks Fi. Celory- 29c ArizonasFiret Crisp e leberg L9. Blet Loftuce - 19c Firm Golden Teilew Ripe Roanons - Ib. 19C Rialsmello Coffe. - lb. 93c UNORADED 5005 WAN5UDI U.g.dod les. . sas. fer J... Istis. 14h 17 R.9. ee.d. Sttlo 0-29. Reading tise Salut decrees Iran lise luhios isingsantd qaeen le tan lisn ime et pear. Tise slim tnd tInn akirt la stilI higin le tvor, se. of couse, tise diet wtll he ia laver agais tea le 1953. Tise talt. smiis akiel lea tlltsisemeforeoves- inge tnd sunner dresses, lsckly foe tise s'ny misa Snd tison ta contertable. To anyone mitis te artiterim- agination, lise cames efthtie nom colora arre imply deligitfat-hlatk plan, brosse shadom, rose smake. tmiligist rai, blue blaze, green glil- tee, red flale,reue stremberry. Tise fesiiesspatîlgisl le tareing tram -tise rceeety papatar grey lelise brames. Same af tise elco, osatret colora have bees saeaideseet eatti, blond champagne, ivsry »aed, Frenchs day. Inca cepper. goldepice ted percelein yellsm. Pristed wme a te eabrir ot thin smartty ttilored suit tist doubles fer a dres. It tetases a lisee-butn lariel. ted a modec- alely stin tkirt. Canftoclabaetop rsidralien thîs srm pear! KILBRIDE Phones, Hydro Out After Severe Storm Tise severe ire seorrehas put tise lelephones est, aine tise hydre, le soeplaces. 7 Mr. ted Mea. Warren McNives have celurard home aller opendînt lise iolidtys mllh relatives at GaresnQuaory in Manitoa. Tise Honeuruble George Prudistin of Ottama vlulted isis nether and eSser relatives isere lest Tsesday. Me Set by plane tram Maltas sI sigisl fertise meal. Mr. Harry Abisoîl et Vancouver, mu.,wa a Sundey visîlse mils Me. and Mms. Erie lirArisur. Omingto le ts terny meether lSut Tiusdty, tise W.M.S. meen mu pulpoed antil Ibis Thareder ai Mes. Prudiasanehome. THE CANADIAN C~10N, -AALIM, (MARIO