Ut ~auabia QThampÎD Volume 93.-No. 32. MILTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUJARY 1th, 1953 PeUArchitects to View J. Mcinnon Aga' Nelson .ouncuu Appoint ihShoSte HndNlsnB Haili aSdRhierlrSites H0d1elonB tebidn rgarn on the thr .E einnwsral Committees at Inaugurail gLenthooin R n itn__ecaimnofteSholB Georgetown_____ are viitiof the prop- e o ,NesnTwsi The iaugural metng ef the Neluon Townshp Counicit wao hntd in eties sn the thretowns this.Zee theAiauguratmetngTwshiN tise nounc I chemiser on Mondoy. Clerk Warren MeRNien administered prinse for epauilding. ~e Trustee T. M. Hawnkins was the oth ofoffi a Reve Rusell male Depuy Reee pti ans fors.etised building.an tis oah t ogie t RnveRusnî Smle Deat Reve ttlsonC'is. In Atan a ite for a comptete etred iMrinairmn.,wo a Brenheltu. Adkins and Couîson. sein sehoot han 10 be chanen f rosi distinction ut honing been the The standing commnittees are: Finance, Atiinson and Coulson; roado neverai whirh have bren mode an- tren.onn the boord sisce il and bridges, renholt.oand Adiins. The rood aecouat for Decemben mcs aitable gfor non h a building. The firanalinaugnratrd in 1943, inas 4,U.1e; and retint occonoit, $252 a .00. ithitect' mciiinandbe m-appointnd tn tisaI office. Tis Rn.E.W.Braeny mn-mendations wl crnqoîed before Marshall Campbsell, of Zin TeRvE.W raly mi- -adeti1nite location cas bnasecured. mon, seho bas hes internate Ie ot Appteby and Nelson Unted In an r nc Milton the nectossroom sitt rral eduralios oere a longp nisuecis, conductnd tise reloglouso r e S k bc on tise presenit scmool propeety. ni years, oppnarnd before tise1 portion of tise meeting. Ibroogh J fl. In Georgetowcn tise presest location suggestint thot tise Ontorio t wiic Divine gudonce ;eas sougis D sto *aatr slîl hane ta bc studled before a Trusteem and Ratepayers' A. foir tise adminitering of tise affols es to e u i deciin cas bc made rengrdisg tise atos malus as effort 10 han( ofthue township during tise year - location ofthtie fourneesoma. Canadian 'Edncotionot Assoni Membees of cooncil are Renne Mînor damage eesslttd ne i nindsrt a reseorchis tudy oi Russell C. Smaae. Depsty-rees'n 10e paper eonered dynamite sisa kpupila in one-room scisoota, oi John Atkinison, Cooncîttors Georee augisl fiee aItishe Mlton Brins tlitEetO f c r t g asiot fngs os Brennioltz. Leonard Coulson and Eon TOffoday oftînadeoon. Tifseen wanom Harod Adis. Tise latter two are no dynamite in tise small buildinglonM.eetoing tis e s ocalandin ewe h tise nesecomes tiis yeae. Reneeat thn lime and tosinteb id JfllifV an n dmestnig nwests Sosimts uid typea of scisoots. Tise hoardp mate, Dnputy-ennnnAiîson and ing ween damagnd an tise building a motion tsaItishe peopanrd Counittor Brenniolto ihane att liaid wan romptetely desleayed. Miton Then Januoey and tise anssal ltion bie forwarded 10atise Or previuse municipal dxpeelencn. FIee Brigade sean cattnd 10atise tire meeting of tise Atternoon Auxil- Trantees and Ratepoyers' A. Tise fottowisg fox boontins were but officiaIs allonnd lise tire t- iaey W.M.S. of St. PaunIs United a0h05 for rossiderotion. patd: Franks Posonad $t.: Ronald bars and rteno up tise 1cm remain- Ciurcis. tere rombinnd w hens Tise Trusteea s etd a diacuani( Maion $5.; George Lucan $5.; Stoît ing puits othtie building. mnmbers gatisered aI tise hame of accident mosuronne fan pupils. Peine $M.; Fend Bridgman $5: Cause of tisefirne io unsisows. Mes. Campbsell Wilson os Tisursda), board aleeady carried iaiilit Mark Aton $5.; L. Bridgman $5.; OuI of ane as a dynamite sisacis for aflernoon bost. nueneonnita own brisfait Robert Aton $5.; Harod Kemp $5.; saime ime, tise building wanued Mes. R. B. Galbeaiths prenided ie of tise fart tisaI mont tar Dudley Mteicox $.; B. Zels $5. by tise mes tn heep tisein tanches ftelsn eglae basnssesnosion aind carred indiiduat Inurance George Readisnad mas paid $20 in and store a fra smatt tanta worsisip service wmus Mes. Gearge tries, lînoan teltta10be ast i for siseep kisited by dogo. King in tise chair. Fotloining Ith- udintian ofthIis body. Thei George Brenniolttu sa appointed installation and dedication of attir- poa a cmtarord donon. te tise Plonning Board for 1953. U.N. Orgalhlatlof ars tnr tise sein yar. Bec. J. L, Ao arciîteni aulliord prc A reaolsiios mas pansed ta ne-Barth iitr aprsit1ben mdeateNw oind by-taws s1312. 1314 and t317, W ork ToId To W 1. Birdct, seriae,. ous enset ta n itmae ahtse ei regardîse tise dinision ofthtisowns- Mes. J. E. Wiimnon prenented It mcms noonerd tisaI Mini Daispitmenof scisooaen md ise b A ineli attenddmeetinig ai Gm- tise excellent assuautreport of lb" lys Course. of Hnrnisy, bil Deprtmntof ductis miiihoaghi tstitate mc s eid ai ther homne Aunitiany. iniite Mro Gordon Mon- nîgagnd as muacher ai Gen notifled 10 tisai nitent. oi Mm Dolby lasit wens tinor a Rab nabmiited tise statement oftheisrScisool, and Miss Frances Fi A deputotion, companed of Allen mcrthisie meanage by Mes. Em- treosse. Members ai tise Aux- ofOwcenond, asiteariseea Wrighstand Me. Logan, oppeaeed eson Ford on Vase tUnited Raât- iliary are geatified tisaitisey han ciSnhol. fro tie aea i N. Iisiiswy.ions."' Ris aid, "Are tee dolsg ail attabsed tiseir atlocaled gitot Mm. Kenso preaided a, tise coul et Appteby linsrequetint ecnt epteUie ain oe frmsin.igo h etn ni h tisai building restrictions bce'innr ras toinpliste Uited R t-noMone fo mi ssins. are f iog of tise cmn ilts poaed in tise area. Tisecmuriil ion?" o futahisetniedRa- otiaioseodwoseiaremetn itsecsims peomtsed nonsideration, and tansh- The Humas Weliaee and Free- wsanTise Beauty of Holines' and MS .MPAI rsu alsoin tennte e nl ion 2dom Organization tees brougisi Mis. Gatlbraiths fane a mml inter- R.EMcHI wasalo pesetedcotaiing52aboat by Mms. Rooaenelt. Tisnes ting reoame ofthtieiortis stsdy ENJOYS CHRISTMAS rin..os s.ettseRilMr iere are otiser organieaîioms. narie- ofthtie Africos prograin, wsec AT BRANDON, MANITOU. Mr. . Rlka.of he Rll-acty Serurlty Councit ion PeacFi deoit titis "Heoiing and Heoitis.' Construction Company, appeared Wortd eattsCiildren'n Emerg- Tise members elerted 10 carry Tise masy trienda of Mes.1 ieore ouncil In rosseciiosnous h ncforontise ciildeen of tise nortd. speciat espossibilities for tisecon- Mtiiait ot Miton. nainr tise devetopment of a entot iosa- There are' une permanent mese- îng yeon are: ionnraey tîeidents witi hecsooo Perny, teois lng projent on tise sortis aide of bers in tise UN., ose fromn eocsotfMes Stevenson S.. Mes. T. Dles; tired tarmere living ai 33 il1 New St.Tise mtter ws ernerred tise fine salions, weiini are Great preeident, Mes. George King; tiraI Brandas. Manitoba, mciii ha ta tise Planning Board. Bitain. United Rotions, Franc,. ice-prealdent, Miss M. Hame; sec- ta issiiin tisais s n'aria Tise road rommitten seos inteut- Ransia and China. Otisees ta a toi: ond nîne-presideel, Mea R. R Gai- îoyed lise Christman urason edtaenuie ot, hebuilding«3 al of Iti may be caiied on importni- h E odig seceetaey, Mes.J a fent bridge os No. 2 igsmay ai ast iasues. More la heisg aenom- E.Wiiteîlok; rorreepoedig serent- indiosi Point. plisised isy tise UN.' tisas genar- ary, Mis Grane Wilfned; lreaoar.-r, A remotutions eas osed ta sup- .aity beiiened, uhecaaid *Mes. E Beudiead. port tise resolulion of tise City oaiSomosy hune asisnd. is theiseu- Riemaedsiip. Mes. W. R.G, John-: Windsor ta petitise tise gonern- ied Rationsatoise 1t0ane thi sns:Christiasn itioeoasip. r.H. ment ni tise Province of Ontario tOamortd tramnmae7 Are ie heipint Jessînsn;tieae.MaC.W- lnlenoiiy thein pronine-seide oetI- tise U.NR by maint frinds iîli so; Missanary Maniisiy, Mra. GaI rawed amainsritl eloc-o s ein Casadiasu? ioiay; rammueity trirendahip. Mev ing tise provisions ai tise Weed Mes. Ford naid tise Contory Wo- MaNRab; associar e Misn. ..Mn. Contrai Act. men ofthe World iii martine Galbait;pressMissHaine, pian- Tise renne and depaiy-reca Toronto thisa ynae 1ta har many is, Mms. Haymard. mere appoinied o nommitîe inmet isnpiatddisusions on mcnnid ai- seti a lise commitîe roi tise fairo .* .* loses of Burlinglos 10 dionaso Tise afleannsprorandiegs iner C Oil9 I.rackllng mnutuai trobleme of bnih manniip- broagisi ta a close is'y a sasi t% aties. noie o a sta0Mms. Fond hy Mrn s ire Warnung Cbtet Constabte Harvey Hunt Bailey and t h oses is mes appointed scisool atteedanna oyc, 1he rtisetntemb effine. oloronts sdn. Fire orîginatise train as oner- Coumellor Colo as appoint- heatnd tove pipe nas restraîsed ta nd repesetatine os Miltan Fiee NIPTY NEEOLERS HOW shboot $8001 damage aitishe home et Area No. 2 for 1953. TWO MEETINGS IN MONYN George Massetfeidt os Mite St. os tl Couriillor Adiins snd Road Sup- STUDY MATERIALS, SEAiMS Friday aI nooOf of lasIt enni. ertatendent Marris Bell seee p--eartag a crachlig ie tise bit- potled an Neloon tosensbtp dle- Tise members of tise itîr eedlt chen ceiltt.g attention mas ttrarted - gales ta attend tise Good Roado -'clb ldter it meigtatise fine tisaI had eideetiy tarI- cssve9.l10 a TotondFeIl.-ans' nasbed he10 ish eeilfed traim tise onensested pipe, ras conyenio irotoI nd n onJmar7r1$51tise homeof stasg tise ceiiieg joist ta tise ousiade ber geosdciîdre and greot, _________ Margaret Stark. Tise meeting open- eve and sp teside tise roof. niildren ai ber snn home. CAAIMVU d sita tise Institute Ode. Tise rail Firemen rmspooded ta lise catt and ai lier freedosed reeta;înn CA PULVIICati wsa, "Shose a nampte of mat- quiebir controlleci tan fine. reeeined Cbristmas cardsasin criat ,fan pyamasnmd a su tahialy mrssgesntraim ber and Grace M ission Band neain. "Tiese onretar7i resd tise mie-isppy 1tsase wtisaI sisea ir Tolheirtgeein rlseere taugtst ote tndo Injur.d Returning athndsrt. hemmine, faeMeitinged Sise contnues ta taise a Tise Grae - tiseshelrise it aoin oH ltnM oaond nteetin enenyihieg. haviel the orkd butonole. To olto Mo or ns e namben of inernting t TeGaeMission Band hebd Tise meeting ctmsed wtltiGod placea in Manitobsa and os si thetetitroi meeting of liseene year Save tise Queens and a delintoas Me. Troter ni Hatos Centenniarelnais, tise togersi ose bc aI tise home of tise leader. Mrs. W. lunic m ssnrsnd b h ie hosîsu. Masor msîjrdmssh a mi ir mdS Grhth ienan ntaLoisdarealenossIeurs by a tennis drinen by M. Led- mnan Her osîr raompiaiet mtis pre let oo reie, Tise members of tise itirReedi- mita os Mondsy eceise shoot 7 se cassai mals as ruer cisase. bld thete fuIs hmeetingonpmoceoud Anits Smiths eead theis raIl10Jsaary 3 ai tise home of Jean Mr. Troter mao maiine sione Shr reneires tise Multas I momship. A isymo wsan ung and Ares Opeotng lise meeting ils tise edge of lise highnoay, retorief io and reads nous bers Betty Couter resd tiese oripture tise Institale Ode, tise rail ral mas t0 tise Benor trom tise traie. En- ail lise nenon il cnaibs ofa nssane, follotend ils prayer hy 'A gffad suggestion for s record teet of tise iniaries mas sonetosn. uanonry doiegs. Lots teglis. book." Te secrrtory rnud tise Miss E. Stmpson geve a sontminutes. taiS on NisinsBand noris. DonuaTise lesder, Mms. May, demon- ,ie Mitchsellreed tise mnu nioftiese tnated isose t0 muise ceiesoas previons meeting and Lois Int'is bis bindtng Tise girls tises morisedA gane tise Cisee report. Tise rol ne thele oses pyjamas.- naît mus asseed isy tise psymn-t Tise meelîtee ws laned ntis God n. memhersisip tees. Sendra BIravRae tise Qseen and a delicmoan gaena eitalios shoot tise snew lancsmasened b hîistesto Mr. Greenee gve a rnssme ni Egotismis h r fseintig tise 1952 stsdy book. Tise meetin " i yo nlftia tts anîetthse sas cosed wit prayer byBeverley miaaoîtsninisnte Roberts. Tiseen young bosrnne presenai * aiiers 12 mes ai age and under InsolR. Coulter wiaI tn Ibis m meeti ngisioe m sa miI -:e lseemetns As W .M. of Lodge IDUAS FOR SKIT ANSWUR ROLL CALL Tise offm ru ai Campbsell Lodge AS LOWVILLU LASSIES MUET N. 603, AF. and A. M.ere instail- ed isy Bt. Woe. Beo. Frank Meices Tiese its meeting ni tise Loin- and PasI Masters eithtie unosalin eitle Lassins mas hebd t tise hume stallation ai afficrn. oi Wtnnifred Duises ils lise pres- Offinees ieîtabîed and ineoted ident, Eeanon Poweetl, in tise rhum seere as foliotes: A. Boy Couiter, Tise Queens mas ausg and tise rail W.M.; . G. Thsomas, I.P.M.; J. R. Cati aoswered by a suegeetios fon MrPhaiI, S5W.; G. E. CoUlsue, J.W; a akit on Aciineeent Day. H. J. Coatter. Ciaptats; A. T. Th'ie teaders lises demonslnated Moore, treanuren; Roas Crser.. tise metbod of doîng iaegoling and eretaey; assistant aecnelory, N. worised buttanhobns. Afler a shsort Gorter, L. Coxe, direncor ef cern- ulng-uong, luncis mas aersed and a monies; R. McPisait. .D.; R. Ma- vota of Ibanks aIvn by Dases hon, JD.; R. Twlua, SS.; W. Nue- 1,200 CHICKINS WIRI LOST in a blaze on the farm of V Couter, inen, J.S.; V. McArlbur, .G.; B. Tusday of lest weck, Shown here Mlton fîramaen extingi Mana get eit uceamut acourler, Tyler; J. M. Readbead, or- brooder houssaThse 1,200 day old chîcks mare valued at1 Si m fa os utwl gthl a Fotîotelng tise ceremooy. efrms- tosen for fead and the chicks seere n thaîr nhipping bosq car selle a mlt, mentesere aerved. quitte warmn enough for therm. ]d otý p. ai as tise eseci, ted en îeriod buard irisoot uAsocl- ve tise of tise and te oa and iassed )ntario Asoci- ty sn- Elglit Hom rnetnnt Pages-Six C.ent CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED, Calvary Tabernacle on Bronte St. was officially opened and dedicat- ed in Sunday services. The dedicatory message was given by Rev. J. H. Taylor, present pastor of the Evangelistic Centre, Toronto. The feame church shown here han been under construction for about Ino yeaen and has just recently been completed. of he Ak Srve, bject St. Stephen's Guild Rev. McFaul-Speaks peu- SrvyO Eects New Officers At W.M.S. Meeting Street To Town Exp. nsion .Tise aniiuaimeetingftie ielnent- Mrs. Gordon Jefferson mas si Etc. Oaivionrofoentfooeirioford St.e Repisena ens frtise Jsnsary meeting of tise S Ev- Okvile' intntin o imed-Gsîld nom tinîd on Jsasry 7 51 Boston Ladies' Aid and Womneo'u 1beens ite boaodsry expasioOnowan 0j5 the borne ai Mrs.John Brodley. Missiooury Rocietins. noo-t posnd thim tennis y TratfaarTise nemciy lecteal otticers are: Tise W.M.S. meeting ws opened 'irneil, township rreve Emerson Ford. At Ipremidrot, Mes. John Busseil; vice- nitis the DoxoIogy and prayer by BeIll., the inagural saeetungof niOsisille prroident. Mes. John Bradley; uer- tise preaideel. Mes. E. MeGibisun, uorci n Monday. Jasuay 12, ceary, Mes. Ted Bobnon; Irea- Bec. McFaaI rnsd tiese criptirsee op - opyr sam siacko ie tOe 'tirerW, Mrs. A. Plunt;aditons, Mro eand gave an inspinine mesage tor c, nordistee xaso ftet ' m readier and Nec. J. E. Mas- tan year ahesd. Rn sdvised the bossdariea mas tlîe osîr soutio'snwell; smsine rummitîee, Mms. members ta remîmiser tise tisinge .a Osisvilie'a probtemai. Boy Elia; press reporter. Me.noiich inspirnd and turent sebtever, Trafalgar reece Ford oiaied '1 Gien sRunders; nooris rommitteer detered. diocoaraged or hindera.t 'basin an if tiser are espandîse le Mes. K. Penoîrnan. Mes. B. Kinedon. in tise pant er. Tise W.M.S. sisoutd se effort ta goishie ap mare ansena- Mro. V. Archer. thinis of tise pant year'o succesueS A ment.' With a nery uncemsl rear lie- and iseep rassise tise race toseard "We intend ta louis siter tise in- hisidpiano ion tise ns eamursen sl- tise goal as Apaste Paul counsel- Ernst ierests ni ose laspayers.' iese aid. rnsdy beise made ta purniseae led. Lot thn Socity serve tise eidine Traalgarrcoseril Tauday deid- piano for tise pantis hall. Lord nomh gladeess. ;a re- ed mn as for a provincial foyers- Tise meeting seas nlooedi and pie Tise eoll csli. "Gladea," tollose- '1h Rt. ment aarey of tise ononersisip ut nous Inn cream n ad tes mas servrd ed tise offering and dedicotios glad ail land n tise mssnipelity. The by tise losinan. prarer hy Mes. E. Seose. d en- roui. $.00, wnoulibe borne hy Hal- Mms. G. MrGitibas gave asnminen- ciîh ton roaoly, Trafalgar townsotip and etniseannoant of nureent evenia indiciduasiresideots. LOWILLE tram the ttlad Tidins 0and an Tise abect aitise sorveyrTsaIl article desnrihing thse tondentul gar towcnhip eniseer Geratd Bris- On an e reaet noris being dose fan tise needy ai ___ co smd. is in carnent an accamula,- .7aro e rt y tise Scott Mission, Toronto. emoaf rnaainaoxisting dneda and * F rm Mrs.R. Dredg gaeea tought- avsisa insfutare ansemsment al Ic s toFo um prnvoising readune, 'Reigihbses Ar- lists. etrama the Sireet." Mes. D. Irving ~î. Tht expanion teosîd bc as as- Tise Limenione Farn Forummi eead a mItter noiri Mes. B. And- reasonaisle move tise renneienlu- îr_ rheir retuar noeisîr meeting reinbasd sent ta Mes. May. Tise ad. as mot af Teafaigaro iodant- aitie home of Mr. and Mea. Harr mee.ing loued niti tise Lards s sar ntise propourd .msoesIl- King seulsMount Rema forum as Prayer. or.sens. Tise Osiscilmnmoyar gîmnol. Thene nere t0 presrit. Mes. G. MnGibbon opend the ____declarad expansion ai tise lainos After listeomin tiste broadrant sod Ladies' Aid meeting iS prayer. isisdanra mcaaold beneftlthe tains- laiint cure ai routine bssiness. Mes. G. MnGiben resd onverai oiip ansinali. Coannilior Wilium Mas. F. O. Colliioe in a feno netl letiers of tisans. Mes. May gave Andersoo aid hie hoped for moare ehosen nordo. introdsred lise ganot tise 1952 finunnuat reporl toftise amiable relations betten e tloins speaker,. Mr. Clifford Wate, inn- Socuety. MosI tftise membees res- and township ibis yeae. rtarr ai Ontario Farm Radio For- ponded ta tise rotl rail, "A Newe Mayor Bisckseaid the tloi aS- uni. Vears Verae." liso hoald lie nxîended emit, sest Mr. Walte spoiseas tise qualific- Mmý. P. Peddue 100k tise tisair inlude tise Ford lplant. nohinishan t ofisuris are, I(1)issomiedgeof tise ut unnerat sebetons thlie plasisi, sot mlt been regisiened on tise an- pruhlima aIisand nohicisls gained Misa M. Joyce; a pleanine duel by neusment nits. by reudine, studyise and doung; (2i Mesdames G. and E. McGthbon; Berne Ford Ihougist tis exnpans- shilis sebuci are deneîoped hrIbrene readingn, "Kenplng up mush ion noutd sot lie permiiled hy tise leuding in a ine-sone, npeeing on tise Jones' may iead ta dlsconlenl." Manicipel Round, tapins ut generai intereot snd "Groing old cas hie a deligistuat Oubvilie numpleinnd of lose ate0 eanhing otheno lu enjoy tise rigisi sdcnnture,' and "Rose ta greeltise grand- teertpressure in tise industrial ores. sortout encreatton; (3) lise igis t- nebaby." by Mes. P. Pedîtie, Muer Tise townshaip engiseer seld ibis titude tonoard bis fettonoman isai Tise meeting losed mitb prayrý es eren ares mosid bave final nonideration muSes btm sensitive 10tiste gres; isy Me. McFaul. ci ind- n tise tater stem construclion potentiels in ondlnary peoplle dram- Mes. Maeyamd Mes. ESnot, an- merc peogeain. Plans are nono betof use train tisem lhier hesi and Put- sisîrd by tise hooless, served an sn goad prepsred, he raid, for an under- tise il lu morS. ahundant, detiiloas lunch and a ground renercoir nitis a mais con- Mes. V. Norria Ibanised Me. Wsita socilniai heIour ws enjoyed hy seens necîrd ta an Oskicitirpampise and Me. Maure Readheed tled le a ail. ig ben station. TItis sutd prontde adne- sng-oong. Tise groupe lises dinid- ripa 10 quate pressunre ton ail tise industries ed tondiscssiuon on "Wsai lu tise auito tain tise area. hie saltd. It sould lie commant doine ta deceiop younngRe .B arI ta s eing, a0compleied In the aprng. peopte teitti leadership quaattieu" e . li Isa i Lsa -Il mas geserally drnided tisaI moe A xii rv O f es ltha;ý CANT YOU 'R? naatd lbe dose. Mes. Roy Cositer A x la yO fc r an se -reed the "Stury et osr Forum" an Tise issy nuenstine anked his e a nar ered by lise forum in a Tise reablar and anssat meeting Chasmp- rrtery misere hua pencil scas. "In' na.ion nolde contrat, a i S. Paunis Enentug Auxitiany mas inr.l heiind rase eu," ohe eeptmed. Me Edean Ellenton, on behait ot held et tise home ut Mns. S. Ban- ftloins-Comne, mome!' snseiped tise hig Mosuit Remo forum. thunised the duil on Wedneuday, Jauany 7, seuls shot. bm s ahusy mas. Whinh nom?" Limestone perosp for tise opportun- Ms .B lmnspeiig h ity ta meri Mm. and Mes. Wute and cseioms reports given by Mes. R. for tise pleanent eveoine spent t-Clsceay isTehwy igether. A deluctous lunch mas tressuren and Mes B. McKIm, Mrs. sermvd br tise hosteon and commit- A. Woodtny and Mms. S. Bandait i . , teinrcharge and a cote of thanisoîhomced chtisatIis onesolzatisia han rodered ta tise hasts, bren vnny active and bas bad a er Tise monihly mingsog0f the sarnesotal muar. y.ladies' croupi oftihe United chuenis Mes. B. Cule presested tise der- tere held ut tise home of Mes. olmosut but oseing 10 the latenean et Erland Colint nous a euod attend: tise hase, tise studr boouS s hetd -rMci. Vernon MacArthsrr nsouaver antil the Febeuan meet. innchrge ofîtheprogramîfor îî' Bec. Ne. J. Rlair noan oresent Wîmme's Missonsry Society, as- and insasled the iaooing offur- osted by Mes. Eus BRonhefotuee mis,,ia for tise comtisg ynan: hosoare led n prarer, Mrs. Rnrdge dsnba pireidet, Mtns G. Wilfsnd; pees- sehovee raabi boi lie sudyideol, Mes. E. B. Clemeuts; tiraI book uon Afines and Mes. Velma vce-presudent. Mes. R. Festisee- 'Norrus noho reod s lelter tramn Muaisstore; second vire-peesident, Mis. .lse Lsveny, s eturned miantonr G. E. Goodrhild; nenordusg sec-et- . from Angola. Mme. F. O. Culing sey, Mrs. B. Cale; nonespandise cuedunîrd tise buiness. senretery, Mes. B. MbKim; Irsasur- Mrs George Coalson msstn er. Miss Trethenour. charge of the short businean pnriod Chisltian teteurdship, Niss Fer- for tIse Woman'o Assocuation and la; commrunilr frtnndsisip, Mis. il noan dertded 1a hotd s Scisseudeen BRandait, Mru. A. L. MacNab, Misa osper esrSt.Vutotuen sy ndM. Gemmeit; nitizensip and temp- a nommtten mas appoinled 10 erunre, Mias Burlny; Mtsionary maisn plans. Tise meeting clusnd Montisîr, fîts. J. Puedy; supply, nois a soctal hiait houe and tise Mes. A. Wuodley, Miss Cunnung- bootean mnd commulee charge hum; pianlet, Mes. C. A. Wood; senved nrefrestimens. Mission Band, Mes. S, Bandetl, Mes. The conleat tuerlise best poter on B. Cote. T.B. seals for lise rural uchools of A social boue fotlomed mises the Norts Nelson wsuwon as tu,._ 5osless Wasansisted by tacenetres- W. G. Munson R.R. 3, Georgetown, ont toms: finit, Dases Coule, Lime- ment commîlîce. ulis tise ramaînîng embes of tise meail stasue, second, lIed, Relis Campbel, $190. Thse. oner hud gone to Stewart- Zimmermas and Bohhy Naymsrd, Tise proiensofethtie bridiai cauple Limesloae. Mn, Harold Spees pre- islase 10t elude tise gueulsa suer the cs because tise broodar houas seas not aestedo tae issers wmus nice eeremany selleaut eludtag tacetiSe- % lampa . tograpisers, --- - ------- 1 t-I ýes id CI in a.9 tr vij bei as] L a ci ir of an arr D o f le roi s 2n, Ir! t E res a17t e trK CI 1 gt Xe