PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TISUIOSDAY. JANUARY SUS. 1958 1DEOEP!HVE RAG Therens a pasatic shopping bag mhich loo like a pusro but ex- panda toan 16-loch square bag, notes The Fiisancial Pont. It's mode of 12- gauge, heavy plastie and temo throoghout mth nylon thrend. One of natures best consevt lonlota la the beaver. Theirpnd toronantural resrvoira. holding mater in ime af flood and provld - ing mater for cmergoncims. UNRESERVED AUICTION SALE IN FIlIN TOWNSHIIP Of Reglstcred Oxford Emes, Regis- tercd Seed Grain, Mlch Cown. Young Cattie, Plgn, Feed. ec. The undecsignedhoasrcccodîin- strctcions from J. B. LESLIE AND SON Ta adil y aurlion t lot 6, con. t. towrnship o! Erct, stuotcd o No. 5 Sidcroad, 4 miles eost cf Racchct od, à miles, ment ol Actocc, SATURDAY, JANUAEY 10 Cocmoenciog c 200 ocloclo aharp the folloiog: SHORTHORN COWS-Rcd Com, mlking ml., due in Marrk; Rod Cow. duc Feb. t; Red Com. milk- ing weIl, bced Sept. 3; Red Com mîth ral at foot, pasture bred; Red Cowttrotl caf t foot, pastore bred; RIed Caw ilh caîf at idc, brcd Dcc 17; Roan Com. milkiscg metI, polluer brod; White Hefer ilh clf a. ide. pasture bred. YOUNG CATLE-3 Vaccinated Heifero. about 80C lbs., rcady 10 brecd; 4 Sîces, r§ing 2 yearo old; 8 Sprmng aod Sommner Calves; pore bred Shorthorn bull. riiog 2 yeors otd. PIGS - York 0010. bred Dec. 2; York Som. bred December 13; 20 Thrifty cebtos, aboult 100th.: 9 Thrifty hoats. t0 meeksolod; York koar, yar Od. REGISTER 0 OORD EWES --I regitercd Oxford emes, bred InOl,: 5 regitered Oxford eme lamba: these emes are a eboice lot, bred 10 a breeder ramn. REGISTERED SEED GRAIN & FEED - 25 toas of choice mixeai boy: 800 bue o! regLnleed Beaver oals. 10 be pomer cleaned and Car- esan treated. 10 be ready for deliv. ery on or before April 1: 100 bus. of Gatoce bartey. Termo on Sced Grain: t0 per cent. on day of sale, balance ohen seed ia picked up. Termo on Livmstock: Cash mith cterh on day of nole as in previous sales. Atsoo mol be sotd f rom the Jobs- 0100 &tate-7 Oxford ewes: 3 ewe lambo: 75 cross bred hen: 4 geese: I gander. Pmsitively no reoccoe. Sale held under cover in case of bad methes. Mrcc A. Barris. Clerk. WM. A. GIRSON. b-26-2 Auctioneer. 1952 ENDS WITH GLUmISD embargo ssould MARKETS glulted markets. The closing daya of 1952 sam the stock yards.o! Canada literally de- OUR Pi luged mth hogs. Hog producers TOC fromt coaslto coosl mere making a That nmay s cool effort ltc gel lheio hogsothe soneofor farn maketlberit-the23 centfloormwent lhelrcc.clc sltrc ccItt fclîcIocn Janoccoo ,IstI Whclo ckcoc Oc cc the hlcday s-,concoa lar ge cctoc cc, ofc peceroslge o ut ocoshippers se- thal despil Ih cooccd instrctiîco rooî Iheir 00- tari. Icoormeha spoolbco dislrcbuors babcld back a vr iro lheio chiprncolc lcom Icro tbfico 110cr days. Fourof tcIhe larger Toronto The 40 loccr w doloir crc'll cdisod thoe mho es pi, ot incîco lcc ot cbeoclcppngcctlloast200 od agrirccllccrlc Oc dooai1Yddorcbccthe ccclttrce the pointcoheie iiontshtcttlcotproductcccold otl pccdocsterlig- tcocoqcccccd cctlro Janutarsy Ist. citrccît Jusc llct -,c'k. eighttlcral hc- pcdcr. TOi pers roprccting sonie 32 000l of rcvr cI Ottawrai ocîll pero day. 0010 cdrccrd ho Ibir fbcd, the iiicccbe dcirî thatllhc-r inlk rocldscclhbc As reorîd i aclrrrted aller Jostcarc 3tl lotît Isterrîd Al l his cdds cp ccclach oark- forsortefiv agi rt. Nerdîcs taodd. the US. em0- ticst Carros b bargolccsl «rd anoimporanparttlstî14o kn in rooisg tlItconccdiion.Toalthe crclh the Caadi bettlfocr îtccctdge tislthe fîcsl tercinDesmarki * ime siccc Cccclderationt hat Cana- Iralcoasd New das agtirulturat pccdcts Ihave Casadian pirei hccmsht ot ofGratGocfrtan and cheese he New United States, batlh aI the same lîalian prîcc 21 lime. ItLsl ind ed forlunate for pod inCanada Canada thal auredctttealic market% In rggs the bave cspatcded tremenottsly in the Fulford werccas poclton yoars. othermise the lack 46c, Australia 5 of expool markets mttutd hase Canada 61c. made itelf matifest artior io the bacon. and mep yeao otnd ecocomreoserioosly. ring tb Wiltshir - the price inDer against 36e ins IMMEDIATE PROSPECTS These prncesi MOT BRIGHIT have ehanged cn The prospects for any improve- fcm meekso jr ment arc faic frttm bcîghl for the authority mcar early port of 1953 t Icoot. Cerlainty Dolch and Dai the remocal of the U.S. emhorgo on bas dropped I0 March IsI sbould bc beneficial not sinro that tyoe. only ta the dairyman but 10 some That sboold1 degree aItoast, should kelp the hog dence 10 sobstar producer and nOesr feeder. Ihat me haveo p It is queslîonabte if prices wmOltIhe ospool ar trengîhen materiatly. mince Ameri- cao pricea for some of our rom- imodities arc lomec than 00u 0100. Homever. Il ohootd resultith Ie On- tario dairymen being ahte ta dispose of saome of or surptu o w s and Poli< heifcrs. all of mhich shold help 1a relieve domnese milk markets. Il con should atso renaît in aomo C09oout heaierosteers goisg acroso the hor- Manar der-alssonnme ef our hetter quaîity HIGH GRAI tbacon colos goisg 10 the same mark- MEMORIAL et, Personally mc do not anticipate 62 WatoeSt. any immediate improvement ins TELEI: pricea bol attceastlthe removal ofthe From Haîton's Farm Lands d ease aor present PRICES ARE O0 BIGH usd lîke keresay 10 rmrfrccods. Neyer. ue inI socfar asO cool dado ivn td l corccIltccl ît pricccg ofthe cpot market h- Ict l lccîlthe Oo- lo esn operalisg on cctcargfoIcr sm îcrrk wtît bogb 000. indctlry han isrrcal. r cctccfprodcrtiontc mcth cîher morîd 'his coco ntodtcvrc aicrelîrly Mi. FîcI brfi- Leeds Ccccccy. in Hocîcord. Mr. Fol- rcmtpartivecrpricrc agrircllccrcttrctmmccdî- On Argeotisa aI 18.7e dia0 ptice aI 44r. But- o i 40.7e. 37.8e in Aus- wZeotand aod the e62e. Passongotn to ow Zealand and Aus- t21.2 agais 32e per ptîces gosen byMr. os folloms: Desmark 52c. Irelaod 54eand Finatly, coming to ptcoumehle larefec. ies, 30.2c per lb. mas .nmark and Holland, Canada. smay in some canes materially in the pont infaet. on retiable are informcd that the sîish prie of baron 10 shillings per cmt. 1be fairly good cvi- tantale obîr taterrient Driced oueoeotni bkel The high mages lock and impbell utactnrers of oDE MEMORIAl AL ENGRAVING t., North GALT CPONE i inoindustrial centreskasin the main been responsible for our bigh coot of production of agricultural pro-1 duels. Il moold orem thai t mny nwbe boomceranging on industry. The rccent lay-off by to-o 0fotr largrr faem implemoltt manufaO- tttboryiductth i o't'lo t m aoIthoît cocdîtheinc ; l,, ccl the laiccc,,tl cc ct.O Il tcttccttttcchcnrcc :cticcest ptttrirc. Lrodrrcc ccl labcccr cnionstovcid 01rcpîoccd, cIrl toc rcîcomber the fable tcf -Thetmnochttkîtled tht gccttco chirh tlaid the guides e000 Httovr, c'rocîtîclt liklch c Clolcc. hî coa r îtc itlttctt c littir bihoîlcoter Orîoncalcng time c\ccc'poitccttl corconfcildent cf bol- toc door fccc tht agoccut crcîl prcc- dkccoocIttchccoltnothrr cctnooyé lccccccincl ccr rîccoîcco bcdin 10511 ît pocdtc ctctio fdaito oprccdcvlc croc Ioiahîct e OcîtIo 1 01rcon- ctccccptîo.Cosoc1ctIvol.noce the US. embargo n rncocred il sbould cccl bc 1oi,0long heforc mc arc baek in the satmr posilti oe atman,, oocr leaders fel et1 s nrd fo t nrtacrd prcdctitcn 0f daoey pro- docîn. Ditr 10 the rapod popuîlation is- creaocînstbîstcontinent sonne eeoo monlc, go so fara tOS 0sogest that loyc 1960Y me mili reqooro a t00 par cent.1 iresin datty peoducto bI short,c il moy be Ikat beforecttc, long, Ibiss rontinent milI require ail her omn. agriraîtacal produclu 10 fecd br s 0100 population. Junior Farmers Se. New Year In 1 The Hallun Junior Farmer keld a Nem Yeaccs Eve danîce Wed- ncoday cncning, December 31 aI Trafalgar Hall. ilk Loroe BonI- ley'u Orchestra supplying the music. Thc hall mas gaily deeor- ated and aluo oocrlllled ilh the d aneeru. At ioc minutes 10 Imelve hals aod mhisttes mere ditributed by the execulive. At tmelve midoighl Mac Spromi, Couoly Preaident ttf the Ballon Juninr Farmeco and chaîrman of the hockey execuline callcd on eoecyone lu joio hands and sing Auld Lang Syne, Lunch wmss henaserncd and the remainder of the cveoiog croc opent is dancing. The average Canadian npends 36 per cent. o! boa Incomne on tobsero, 5.4 per cent. on drink. Pst's Cerne SICURITY The cllar la klglng mitk pnilsa And trawbîerrieu, pealohesn ad Whiia jama, and oili aauce miaigle Wiîb puel, froahly salted in layora. The carrolu are carat lly pitled Aloogoode the paesnipa ana koolo Outaîdo, a mounaîamoa! ordmaod Au big aus10the hen it heatut Thec omelilof pooatousa-frying, A lcrîtlcc obirh mho,leo fur îoy. inthe l cove, hcroLsutia-brunn Acnd a chcid at îlay coilo a icy. AXîclaiccnrc cy aoflboutsof clIlo Nccm 0011 front ao asktruly dune. (lalcîde the mood mhoctlccu mldiS As s000 bcdes the afîccrnocn suri. bîîct4r ht-i«t-*icotthieoand loogi- A.ctnature guordsaovccr itsocc. il oly 1the crcd ho halh 1010. Accd cousasccatt old yccor fadoblo Andta Otto es10 ahng is Place Ilb otillracoo ranch o!fIts bouoty Tecchoe whom ilstruthsmbac. Fur tcac hath socci of kîo lrcsuoec, Bol mccre thool more hread alune. s îcrodrd tu haooch hoarl huoger In acrbd ohere love iîunokntomn. M. Z. B. Ladd Tor oto. WESTERN sIOSPITAL-ITY As oatUnerof siucpy Iraccliers mail- rd 10 board the modnighl huin n Wetrrn 1000, a sharp report sud- oroly raong ouI domo the treet. A startled youug moman tuened ta ltse maikehind hec. -Wbat mas that?" she asked apprehensiccly. "Blomout. pcobakly,' be anumer- ed. She sbol ookc.d morried. "Sound- ed more libo a pistul shot ta me." He Oodded rcassuringly. ,Wkat I saîd. Some foot Sot hin brains blowod ouI "The Readers Digest. 0f 14.000,00 Casadiann, 5,100,000 areoncr-d agoîsst hospitat ex- Harold C. Fay PLUMBING aMd E1EATING -- JON or, MRTOu PIIONE 45M QIL HEAT instalHi Tr 011 Burner inayour Furnace Now--$339.50 MADE BY TORRIDMEET Complot* with 200 gallon Tank CASH OR BUDGET TERMS GEO. BUNDY & SON B.A. Distributoi Phono Milton 313 SHEET METAL WORK BUILT-UP ROOFING AIR CONDMTONING OIL BXJE1ERS EAVESTROUGHING VENTILATING HEATING STOKERS If ia' Sheet Metai wc mako It CIL. PAINTS Wholesale and Retail ILECTRICAL APPLIANCIS JOHN A. W. HAUl 41 JOHN ST., SURLINOTON R.R. 1 Mlton Phone 288r3 Phono 3222 Local Reprosentalv. LOANS PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONSOLIDATE DEBTS REDUCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Fast Service INDEPENDENT FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED 75 Coiboma E. Oakvilll., 2390 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAM Six THURSDAY, JANUARY 8th. »U