-rMIIDAY, JANUARY St1, 195 There ls one Ifid in ehicli the 'mise man and the foo1 meet on common level. That la ehen they fat i love and tahe their pen in DO YOU WANT? Toe en frein 8 te 10 thoasaasd pr year ? To Establish Your Own Business ? IN 'MILTON or sureunding districts Mnalre.sdy iothis business mae es. orn anceo cialy n- sAgtedon r3p ar tne bosr. Fo IlAertgrd or mnge and show them how te rganize and train thcir own sles force as mon in other districts have dose, and hem comparatively new men carns trom six 10 eiflt hundred per month. Earnings start ai once, no canvassiof, dlgnified work,ý an opportunity of a lite- tiee 1 financial securty for years te corne. Repreentnf a proven product in use and re- eommended by thouuaids of Canadian Homes. Apply in wrt- mng. IL & L. PRODUOTS Attention Mr. 3. F. Prudey, 430 Jane-St., Toronto, Ont. TED WO( I HES0 For the W iH-O-C MILTON MILTO FRIDAY, JAN. 30 - MIL: OVERRIDE THISTLES IN 13-2 WIN; KILBRIIDE Enagm nt Two Anniversaries 1 naeet LOSE 11-3 TO KUNGS ON SATURDAY Marked utSSu teeorr an Ms.A.C todw Tee games sn s moey nights for ri e u ios elsîle the Ce.npec The Camumty Hall Board e their daughter, Ruth Marions,10 the rapidty improvief Co-ops, Wthlat hodtser lises on tels. Kibride heit a turkoy suppier ~Me Williame Themsen, ses et Mr. lirst thse leafues deermats, and 'Mlone d t- t a the end etfIthe the home et 0010 Ceulses on Mon- and Mra. Robert Thomsen, Milten thon the leafue leaders, resulled iretisrtitd, 7-1 t the end eftIhe day. Janaary 5Hihs edn t aepael letw alletly ditteront performant- secend and added ix more in the HColobratiel les tmeddiefplanee- e trom the Miltons. final rhaplrr. Dive Irons waa bp eer rM.atn w wen Mes.Bob otly Febraary. Fiday sighs tre, semwig the sarksmass mitis feurgealuendtmu0Ceverdl arrd paaas resait et intensive coachingtrxm asists, tellamed by Tomesley iih C. eades.J.L. 28lhertsr.HatuJnir Rues Beeman. the C-osarade thre tuaIs and an as8sel. elaceen ri d 37 years. About 19 wore pro- H lo u ir rughhodverthe hupiessFefuwith -thrce,tand Raine, Fax ;tidd tiaxd lbe iwa brides receivedDe at aîiaa - l game which theydominatect al ýhe o .5otocu, i he bel meriForu i es vroeejydecr e\ý1 :' 1 l tli -4, ffil t;oi -t . o e ibn olvsi polr oa, plld ut llth st,;s hePlan Schedule For I , k-,,;, ~ in th'e 1 intes laondltîtt'cî'd ille oithiit,iiithie' lb i I-L igDcnr29nanehito e'h Io'o.itneiousya itbl43ithe seasn:no t(,im îpyie t _uai gaie iit a olt wthsevn tanin plyers ndwe h b l-. wn Bowling Club D "CI ropareithe t' n t t- goals for in 113 victory. Tethe ;illhl.olthe tithortan !1t.- i hw ol.Ths etn Cii eptliaid hep' lob wtih theKing., thte naue TL, 'IIy. lîttiry 6 vt s ,ltotin- Chnegolto Thoto . pe t h11 St l "Ir thebettr par ftî.lhe an utnnayentbSStttot ',ota l Ie tna l tll .irl o cîlop, . ilR ICtîldo g ehoo ieddieinto iallminutes FERCIS 2 - IiLTON 131 Ni.. 9 fi t' e oicilLotît HuiltteleCalv Sol,B.Did and Elmito oopiioitued lit'OiBotling lA'eîoîiîîtii fOntIerie batBlizfo fls Wheihoo tt taitihe iteitit utf bte'gtie-Netlt gîtai, titittis', The Ste, t.t'ili,' î'lb mhuitli pieying' tat garnît x. os oe te xon l b. 3SOU nighi.< or beinc mrs dootît hothe Entio, eii. Atbowlit liniig coubsin b-Mitn ico lico Kiîgalu nohduegaiOs. Mitiott Lino'. gol: defittîee, ditiiottiiUea spoiai micittig. o,îla'd'ci Betiexcîue Miltion cotld ette toto G soiko. Wison,. MeNlly, Hto,'1li; bhe hoDitit tChaictian.te10dis- W îtn lu-I Score ihol the tim eau miselet on cxl- frwarde. Fox, Mesao, Wîlliais,îoo, ote oiii.'ilily tif enhedulinO - ire lite. Ct'uiokhase.Raineo. eTomewn rCu oî icx b uC ie ithrceieteal ElmruStu pt u ltI d'eo ury Brpe iaitasisou1953 seasn Wr lurmcr Shockey gamea is Milon ibis soaste. patieg a 20.guttto Frol Peiod The plan mioh rvoiCed clla forarsasMudymiS elin ubin et in. Ruich Mart n %.as M: Townaley (Iros,.MeNafly) 4 ro u" ie13olo.3i tes aiiso eusacueise ssyus e go ach again teir to hand, M lIoess IMealyl .. 9.25 ec fte1 lbi un uattni crn nyoega ah gasIhitoSastiingu a iF: Kelly (Balzan) ....124a hatsons onerTueuday nigh. dure- Milles detrated Adtos 10-I and teratgals cedefe'tsoe and .th- M' Meluesus (Fox, Williams) 142 2 îxtthe sommer t10a0 eses iplrt Palormo deftutoerval 6.1. terntin bewee defnseandtheM: Ironstu Hripri. TotCslryl 1807 enrl rtoue eaoh et the allier 12 Coulson scered tour geais tee Mil. lermard lise. M: Melansn Fus t . . 1900 clubs. TSureprstulivet feues tes. wilh Course asd Devlil eoch Gresho. Cruickshans uasd Toms- M: Melasson .................19.20 erry c lob iii visit every ther reuntingtlws, asd Ingrues and Gi- sley siped the Co-op cortiners and Second Perrld club in the district once darisf the lies oeec oS ple o r plapt mli u atach eedy te- ~ TomniIHeir 133srauenAt the saine lime evry tons singleton. rcase turned isca goed performi- FBote'26d ee club milSte aferded contact race The tee penalties ot the tilt mre asce as did Sis cuonteelarl In the M: Irons tRaine, C raie b- e ih ersnaieso l ah aMlo-oJi il n Elmira nets, shans) ......- -. 1.39 the olherrclubs. A srhedule milI Ste Graham Gillies. Fidays gamne Stre oaw the M: Raineo(Ironso* Craick- drame ap Intime for distribsution Don Viias and Smith earh shot p Thisîles, who have esanaged le shanhot . .....ý- 1, 143 al the asuaul spring meeting ot the homne goals teice for Palerme, with E in only ose gamne îhis far, appear M: Tumnsalop McNallyl _..5.26 ditrict mhich iii ho calîrd aI the Marshall and Kes Vivian cacklnf shorthanded. Thcy had ony 5150 M- Irons tRaine, Craict- ed f Fobruaey. up ose each. Grahams mas the only than6oi ' l. 13 Il %au tihe teseral feelngt hat, goal-gelser for Norval, m: Fos c Il *328 mStreo osble, o begisser or a Penalties puntuated the fame, M: Cruickhkcs 18.51 ur bèSinluded in rach entymitS twImugoisg to Don Vivian, et asd ibiat the personsnel et the ont- Palerme. use te Tasher of Palerme, I L.,I ries betldhbe vied eachmweek ta amsconduct tTyrellf Palrmo, A nnounce ScnUuIe ottord un muno membres as peu- ose lu G. Prlotterie et Palerme foc si* le he bplsrae of viuitingc tlshng,Cne taMcDenaldeof Nor- O D S O S F rMio e g e Wîit h espeiencre wmSthIeil val for slsshisg ast the sevenlh et 1 hr gloerd f ru ihis yeares schrd the gaime ta Earl Wilson of tise Necr. January 10-8.45, Lattvs. Rang-uleitmay b ossible rgaiii'val team, f QUALITY ers; 9.30, Ca adiess. Detroit; ai Distict Loogîse 5r the tolleiet 10.1, Cicagva ostn yer. lexHallîmeli peomises tStl 1015, Ch a-ic .4, ag ngvusBesluC ifya leecanbfermet, Se ii iSîx Teans Compete hole Fatnms.iîys te nin cubint erp1954îIn Milton League 1 Januaey 24-8,45 am., Canudiens At the meeting. 10 Distriot Ru. .1 vu. Chicago; 9.30, Ransgerrsvs. Bus- cuibs mccc reprosîrtd Sty the les; 10.30. Leafo vs. Dtroit t u oloioncg gentlemn:n Caxadiat Hua Kttight Sas axsuusnod the - Januars: 31-8.45 a.m, Lealo v. "')a' by S. AYot'hr and W sxtntamsthat will br amng ithe Chicago; 9.30, CanadieCane s.Bus- Proalos: CesteolPark by Orso. .pityeraint he Saluedan trriit ton; 1030. Ragers vs.Deroit. Ai'sotSJM auducH. CWoei,,lrogup.The custlmacvtfoarctî'um February 7-8.45 a.m, Detroit vsmax: t7-orgelsms Sty H. Hutchin- ernti rsugb t a aetmodte Boston. 9.30, R angers vs. Chinug'l nos., A.Thomptan andtJ WiI- the large totuti xf boys. Monoelhs' iiets .hctriiooi ar pîilipating ic the iragut'. Frbruaey 14-.45 a.es. Leah vs. Gren ad Airs ollieli,ý MiltCn Tmo senioro leams are ta bc 00K - -YRangeru;,9930, Canadiesuvs. Det- by J W Higgim:NewmTTronto St1tpîohed act frein theesaOC mIrv cot; 1015. Chicago v. Bson. K Precieus and R. C. Sleat" milI br made in thet- rio' iplay- Februacy 21-8.45 a.m. Rangers Gobville by . Fînnegas astdî1. damcsiaosoueed bylthP L. Rob- vs. Canadiens; 9.30, Detroitlw.1 McArltur vic hima tdisl- rrsos Manuactrisf Ce. Chscago; 103t, Boston vs Lents. rri9). PortaCredtm aoCp- Harold Learmonxl Casnadis- Becsy CrtaC. Deug M.CA.cCamp Febeaary 28-8.45 u.m.. Canad- bell. .MT Co1,oper .Hrrieso d o nn Cee og cuce ions vs. Chicago; 93.Bngc s P. F. a nd e Streetsrille by George SOmillir. Gary Eimoed, Tee- IBoson; 10.30, te9.&0vraP nes rc . 1Teucy Liteeleis. P S Sutun ast ry Amboiuse. KentJoStnsoCn, Jies Marh 7-8'45 ases Lcato vsj G.LTarnry. CRBursrtdistrict rdrGcelataKnolY Chicaos 9.30, Canadsens vs, Bus- cheimax t act G. R RitteilLsJfi KnltStl. tCn: 1030. Raungers Vs Deroit (disrict sececaryl, ohlofetMittn. arrcY Coahisn's Back Hawmsu Bosles; 9.30, Rangers va. Chicago; At the close et businesthe Irving. Peter Dryden. Lae Thoms- 1030. Lrats vs' Casadiens. treetuvlle club. mhîî arr noled fer pans, Ken DieSt. Roy McGssltie, __________the excellence et thir hosaplality. MîSto Basbet'ry. Hasrey Zimmet'- rvite est m lmonme refresh- mas. Bob 9Cer _____ LEmes forhosrmwhhad braved aBL oit les e irm n.gr--eK Fridlay LrelitE 1953 a bo t ,terafelltir cl Bnduohuamot, Grr 19e3da eomyeaslfor, te Stelpubse ratipti, Jîît Ceuisux. ichsard Lit- Jan.9th Cho se O f iers and, thereturo.. tue District Ne. 9 iry. Allait Emersun, Wayne Ties- For und y Scool and lamîs bomling is goseral beros, Les Ksg. MihoBuhBl 830 p.m. Fr_____ Bsush Jack Prddie'C Rangers -Retis TOUO3H DECISION McCeCîîoll. Don Wlsuon. Deug CO- PS s.Ànisstpiretiunai ndinoratveBromn. BarryBsorne. DGervi.s. film as prsrsted et the Unted A shipmrecked sailospent fiee Vie Augeti Laru n Dewuîst Chue!- Church oSundayrevrxingloat isth eas n.adsertrd islasd. Oetday on Marlt.,imBrowmn. Jie Leur- K VILLE o goed atlsosdacco iscludint mass e.ho as ounreoyedta le e hip trop ment. vîsiosr. Mo.Harold Spers wosSnachor intheStay. ÀAsmuiboat Morion Rserrys Bruine Aloan che oftthSe prectr anod eCry crne asbtre and ansCftseer Stesded Trayno. TrrStrlDouogPed IN ARENA use mac ach imnpresord mitb the the sailor aStsîchsofsemtpapeet tdir. Waynte MnCesseli, Roc Bat- lite stcry tof Feedersco Mussili-an -The coptis suctesho.' Set oît the w';sd, Allait Haymard, Jank Robins- .TON CO.OPS va. NEWMARKET Atricac bey mho beame a pester in saiICor. Ihat peu readmSats cot euxo. Georgi' ChrisessîC. Dosng the Atcîcas chureh. on inCthe wrld and letus knml f Black The tollsmsog teachers andof- pue mant ta e Steos-,eed' Mibe MeCîtîCrîl',, LotI .-11w ficers wersappntatthe assual Augeor. Doss Curre. Rinhard Pieu-I meetingofuthIe Unied CSurh Sus-tleMals .Gevs ee day Sehusît saprinlrsdest. Mr. C&MpMPBLVILJ Shot ait in, BRatperriPetJer, Nrsîman Langton; assied nsupt.Mr Sheoh.i.thToutveRspto.rilb LaC sertr-rast o. GaieldCl;s Entertain Teachers e iisg; assstnt, Merle Gusby; tahou-t eros, Ist casa, Mrs. Stasley Ceulses. O LJT ch o Mes, P. Gales; 2sd lass girls, Mes. u aySh o Moc.Tue.Jac 1213 Erlaxd Cîsliiii, Mra E Fotei; baya. Mo. itd Mca Reger Mubos onter- Mon.-Tus. Jan.Mos. T. Ramnsbam, MesW. RLake; tisiCd the toichere ut Rt. Davitos 3rd clats. TitisFCteo. Jueckljsul SnaScolfrte nul Just Flrtr; 41b rIass, Mes. R. Csulter, Mr-S. metsng chan etfo trroetC - F r G. Ceulsun; ith closse, Be.WR ions, etoewriscusmst.epetandtr Y ou" Lube, Mrs. B.Guoby; ible rIass ao.wh albentreay Coo yMe.T.Mitir MrEFuttooMrG.Mhi h ttbe seeap CGIur byColiso, Me. G. Cosles ,Mr, G. A' tooosssOt' for %tom rne . ierstignd Technicolo Culsun, Mr V MeOrthuo. Tempe' asd Mits Joyce Chester mut up- BING CROSBYrancer, Mos. F. . Flin; iaiss oite t tatp sitin.Mis Si Mru . Citul susand Arlease Mc. etube.I a dcttt For Your Added Aîtr iceaessy ... give the ffereiCp uftIhe brglt- pi.ase lsMr. Oral Pîter ast Mr. Homard ies las,u$ 26.00, te the India r- Pleasre: Culsonare i St.Jesephs Hospital.I "Gymnatic Rhythm" ' Hamilton, recsverisg frees receni t « Officersr tallet and Cler Cartoon sprratiosIl tste hopedt tSey Bec. J, Sutherland intaledtihe "Fit To S ieId" , iii sous Se homo agais. ullicerofuthie fslleiCt erfaCliai Euchre Beld lace ai the rogulor ervicre Ir Limestese Farmn Forum Stoît a Susduy aflerseent Woer's Mis- s ic lonFrito peenisg last. Peiro Ausitiuoy. Lain' id. si.eDavîts gý ST O R Et' - Y iosers wre Mrs. R.S. HeatSerGirl%' Geuupand Grone M5,iss etS'hows isgtss, Mr. Gm. Reatheot. Mcs. L. Band. Frein 7 pn. Skating se Pends fromeeseistb chuptor of ActuORsi Seit. & Boels The cuit snap in the Stoii'ty re- This mu s nintereoting seviro n A l Frein6.30 tuttot inoutteer eatisg rinko on t'hIe several ns os ervation ponds ANXIOUS sn the locality. The ehiltres t nk . . fo atatge et theis ont n ot AyugId asfln e many future N.H.L. players gel In a punîupmstita oe lot f pactce hot. 0 wod g ea s mbbcotaisedtIhe single T e e Iw BgMis1 a.Fe15Prume ots TheC clerh setrmet lie thal she woiHim Jn 1.5 Teirst mertiglIntheormwyeer rmigtsnrd a te oe messageost tEAT HELLI" . of theLimeston Farm Forum s Wlthesamo rate. heldai he omeof M. ad Ms. hepoîssu lady piotderot the IOY - ANITA LOUISE Roy Coulter mltSt s talc attestante. problois tor a mnment, thon ropliet. S cocd Feature -- Aller tisrussilsg the tripe ICostofet"I tbh ilts al rigt. If I sait 'Yes'STFA IO )WL STORY" (Celer) Marketing" a Short business perot tes limes, il migtIlook as if 1 more AIATO ma e Soîtast plans matle te enter- tee ossieus' id Evecte in the NOes" tais the Mt. Neme forum seot mEoh Kisthe.hmcCte r.d lo rar The inrst coudes et popor are M ilto i etng Mr.olihomo tI c.asteM, ccy fe VOh --î Frus-eil ho-tuent moto tram rat puipu--cats mate MILTON LIVESTOCK MARKET Sale Every Fridlay AT 1.00 P.M. There je a demand for Calves Al sizes and mail Pigs BRING THEM OUT Dependable Lines-l WESTINGHOUSE Television Clothes Driers Stases Refrigerators KELVINATOR Refrigerators Stoves THOR Washers Irocers C. C. M. MOORES Points Varnishos Enimels VEE BELTS PIPE FITTINGS BOLTS AND WASHERS PYREX WARE CUITLERY HOUSEWARE SPORTING GOODS ELECTRIC IRONS TOASTERS KETLES HEATING PADS FOR ALL HARDWARE NEEDS Contact What's What at Milton Arena WEEK STARTING TIIURSDAT, JANUARY gth- RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY Doublhoader-S.00 and 9.00 p.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY th- INTERMEDIATE A OHA. HOCKEY Oakville vs. Milton 8.30 p.m. SATURDAY. JANUARY 10- ROTARY MINOR HOCKEY 9.00 &.m.-12.00 pi. PUBLIC SKATING 2.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. M ONDAY. IANUARY 13h- NALTON JUNIOR FARMERS HOCKEY 8.00 AND 9.00 P.M. TUESDAY. JANUARY 13th- RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY Double Hader-8.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, .IANUARY 14115- PUBLIC SKATING AFTENOON-2.00 p.m.-4.00 p.m. EVENING-B.00 p.m.-l.00 p.m. THURSDAY. JANUARY lth- RURAL AND INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY Double Header-8.00 p.m. and 1.00 p.m. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR JAN. 16TH ANNOUNCEMENT Radis Deep Freezes Driers NIDE CLEARANCE Winter Merchandise .dous Savings HOP HERE AND SAVE DN GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED en Dept. Store PAOÊ rZU THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO i