Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jan 1953, p. 3

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M!JESDAY, JANI3AI1Y tis. 1953 IPLNUA ýIWIN 16%n à um Mouens Makr n CAAOU ONMQUS Godo Sta PHN 15R2MR ,MLO M MQ vYu 1 1k. 10MAIU PEANUT- DUTIT&E IMseelb hmd Il a@ iem %k osaurfer spcadissg. e- E0M0Eco»zumfl. !.m-m i Peaulm n1Omi. vies reaatiLie Mt% - immte fruh-roaaad4s&-~ au flaver.1mu"la "à asIcu- iftdr w oueeel's Tula' 27c ma 35c u..Aai~ .. wETMI 8 OPEAZ suad GRAPUFEUIT MARMALADE u Oc25c DANSON JAN E»U.Tz PINEG LO o L zz-I&,250 Remnet Powuler julIEN? 2ni 27a SPEOZAL LOW PEozC, IDEANS 2 .2e Stokely's Corn ' l 2 T29e KIDNEY BEANS 1mO »T210 QU A KF.R OA T S '"xol. 35o SPEUL ROSICor NONARER 16 PG.29c TUNA FLAKES /829. RED SL Nleac-/ L.Tn 1 STIAIIED SALMON swis f2 3TIS 450 BABY FOOD HIZ 2 TIS I90 I ARROLL'S O0" TEA BAGS WITE ECONOfT - PKG. ~ oC u SCOTTISSUE RZOLL 20C Swift's Cleanser 2 TINS 290 KLEENIEX 2 rk.39aC SHORTENING JEWE NE OPIOE 23c GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS - - CAL NAVEL SUNKIST l252s ORANGES - - FIEN RIPE. CELLO TOMATOES- 51KM CRISP, 48'% HEAD LETTUCE lb lb 7c --doz. 29c --pkg. 21c --each 17c PRESH DAILY - Cal. Grapes, Cucumbers, Coeiing OniOsea Spasusi Osions , Grecs Oions, FI. Oranges. Parselps, Teesips. Yam., Swct Peittoen, Caalliewe.r. Fashion Hint 9 - ON TH E HOME FRONT. isug lasjDec Il ceally ia good 10 sec tlis 55w avisilint araasd to-day.tIavas glad fth ie d Jyry sds aI Cbri stsas ansd Ns-s Ys'.s'i., but didsi't sealize tlu t-d.a' Il1. as 55.5 toamstsi wbat roallY is ssSs"assy sstre Sunday u',sreuding day aI sas house. I cead tise lest hall af "Least «f AIU Saints" by Grace lri. and thes D.tosisit andeead il sîraigisltiseaugis Knosaing the assîharss gavenme a mosl tersonal feeling usise I eead! I dusI bkoas il lise baok is in Miltons liheaey o sot. bot you avay bave ailudabouts il in crsea.t'u. or osvo il. Anyavay. it is shoot an intelligenst fand hssdsossse) yoosg man wlss breomes soyrd avilisthlisermn ie iseasasnd ridicslsa.s arguments agaiest factual Chistisnily. He goossliseougi as a esinister aI Vic- toria College in Toronto. He gradaes, gelsa a ity risucis. aows tise tees agers and impressea lise adusa llbaul onet-avithoul Isiths Somne of tisesisinga young An- dea Caninglon lisiis, tee hescd Grace Iravin speais abouit. Sise wouold asis us if we ever psld at- tention 10 tise words aI tise hymnai are aere sisgisg In chrisc. Do you remember "Faitis of our tatis- ers, living faitis"? Ils wordu tell tisst osr falisers. chianed in dais- geons, stîl sang God's praises. In lise last verse, lsoagis. il says "Moar saveel wostd be tisy cisildren's faste, if lisey. lise tisees. rsld die for tiser." And Mis ewis esised ais if ave eeolly thosght il would lie saveet. We didnt-and 1 hseen'tasung tisait lait verse nînce. New 'Year's Ee e evntto a travelling dinner parly. and croseded Intolise groso In sur car wes a yoang man jest rcently camne btise States f rom Srollasd. Me's s doctssr. oluds'lng aiucgery tisere on a scisolarsip. lHearas brillanI; he dldn'l bave maris 10o ay and sal stuielit by islf in tise croard as If deliber- aling incisions or ssmeling. 1 asised iim. lsoaghs, wariat Imiscesaid isim mmlt about lise Amertran avay ni living. ie said moat Scots wiso rame over arent barS isomne ntis nolising to taIs about excelst tise fond. He aras differenl-sis main impression waan'l tisai. bai-Pogo. .Hetelt us almont deligisledly lissI daring tise Amectcan elerlion ise woee a isage "*I Go Pogo" bstlsn on tise rampes. A isilled surgeon on seisolarsisip! Walt Kelly. Pognai originalor rame tu lise sniveesily and spoise ta tisem, drassisg quirklv on a blaet- huard aIl tise lame le illestrate waria isearassying. David Kerroas lise name ut oui frîls.' traveller for dinner. Hs instracte.l s in prononni "Kerr" isalf aay selween "rare' snd "car" It mosl ceetainly an pronaunred 'cur". anyway! After a langis drive, s'a'er gtad Isa gel lutisctheuarm basa aviers' de.ssert and coffee avers ready. Tise hvuae'savaravnesaava sne (ist tiss'main tosysta ut conr aatsssv tisrs' lectria rudianîhea Gavcs's tu uonestftise trst house in tise district tu avse it. usdlise faiy was vccy plcated avilis Eacis cases isd a svaurtisermos tut .avdia scat u.'sll sas ther aal Tir'esa avier inatatîrd Las trsctt lisaitesi. iss'ass.ss'sthtie Iuad a 55 a-c Ws'sa'ssders'd sf st 'sold t yrettlr 55 lessva. A ller Newv Yer's. tisre a sasi asg tatuaisoktarav ucdIsbut spray andl1c-rtatvly ar! Theseedcra alagsbavcscoreansd lacs aat iug sut abat arslltasoais re ta Il vs'u'gard'n arssnd sasr Iraisîve g rats uvder tiesaanvav Tisg co cauldisa treavands - sicuda isave slfers ofcst-awssyu vis Nsgist scisual Tasday heepa vs nterestsinavsvter. Otherava s pesng cou Id oeva usl asytar vu-ju't aytise. Time Loss Drops In Novemnber-Ministe Ta a'lIss tiscoagi aonkstai pages arisint fruav andustriol d putes an Canada dairing Nsveavb 1952. derlised usarply iroin. 1 preceding muntis and waes I lsavest fuc any montis daring 19 secrdingtoi0 a lreliavinacys mary utfatribes and louris, leesed by Hon. Milton F. Gre Minister of Lobor. Preliminacy figures aihowed utribcn and lorisosîs in existes ducing Nueavier. 1952. invoît 5,04 avcrers ntisa limeIos 4176 man-avociint days, as co pa.eed avilis38 vons stoppge Octsbce. 1952.,avilit3h 9 ni inrulvrd and a lime lossf 165,s mavuwriint days. CAMERON. MILLAR MASONRY AND BUILDING CONTRACTOR cornent Block, Brick, or Stone -Phone - CRONK TAXI Behind Red and White Store MILTON. ONT. Phone 635 24.our Soevio. THE TUNDRA WORLD MNAT ARMS A mitd story avitistise mainj stress on lise aatsores5'5sas nin- Icrestn. plantsanad arild lige, ls "Tise Tundra WorlS" isy lrained nalural- is Tiseodora StanavelI-Flelcser. AI- î tissagis ita locsted ail Chuchiililv! Nuethers Canada. avitis an atîrset- arr vassavagirtlatadysg naurea aavd asy aveuavsld tle ia dis- tinrtly ruond lu its espects aviicis ras ho sudied. preerved aind clessifird. . Tise buoh it based on lise aistis tarent' oas enperienreu in tise Arche sand nsttiers Britishs Col- uasasia nd tise Information lns- cluded in thesrrcalive s genuinely ivtecesting. Plantsaund animais ut the nonsh are rarely considerd in many des- criptionsof ott. part frumes ishus- ksy dofs and reindeer. Dangers and encilteent in lise corosue ofnearcis- mng tocriotanical anS esological tacts are sscprisingly gond sabjecl malter. Natscalty. Ronamand foaind lime sait fcstm nstualisss 10 maise fciends avitis a yong mon calîrd Erie Grey. "Mes at Arau". lise maris dLrais- sed IsîrsI books of Evelyn Waugh ta mas. by lise avaiyt. balan iv Milton Iibrary. Guy Cesaicisiacis lu tise hero. and Waughs ispes 10 aae lise bonis tiseirait ot a tcilogy. Ivnlise aar Crouarisri iopet for pesnal revilalination. Divorred, living in Itsly ise isad been "in a rul". Tise arcos.isoavever. creal- cd lia n nrail. Ove la nairprised 10 lind a slory about lise scmy ln warime so calm. "Bcidesisead Revisiled", foc inst- sance, isad maris more vilalily. Thsis reviemer bas iscard a paper "In Defense of tise Myailecy Slory". anSdisopes 10 oblain parts of Il for tiblacolumsnsoctly, CORONATION SEATS Wanl a seat aI lise csrsnalisn parade? 0f tise 100,000 available, Canada, reportiTise Pinancisl Past, isas itee allolîrd 8,000. Some con- fusion isas been caaised by reports of prices wisicis ran as igi as 10 gaineas Iisbosi 30). Tisese. Itlai esplained, acre mainty officiai sma allolled tu fnreign esantrica. Vleil- ors am lise Commonwrealts gel a brceak is hiisprirms csssing frsmn liree 50 555sixp055ds. Good Néws! TH1E PRICE 0F SALADA TEA TO THE GROCERY TRADE HAS BEEN REDUCED REBATE ON STOCKS PERMITS YOUR GROCER TO PASS ON THIS REDUCTION TO YOU ig NOW In SEE BELOW Nq ~ *****u.MMu..U.MMMMUMMMUUUUUU TO THE GROCERY TRADE-Rebate forms ore jin the mail. il i PiIl in your stock on hand end returus the foins 90 SALADA. TEA BAGS 15's - lc par box 30's - 2c per box 60s - 4c per box 120s - 8c per box REBATES WILL ORANGE PEKOE NO CHANGE IN PRICE AS FOLLOWS:- BROWN LABEL lb. pkt. 4c par pkt. 1/1 lb. pkt. 2c 1/ lb. pkt. Ic 2 oz. pkt. no change. YELLOW LABEL 1 lb. pkt. li c per pkt. i/i lb. pkt. 5c Fi vespecial rayai csravbatc bren chosssn far the Coronatioa this year. They have been as-e siausored ty t*e British ColorL Couvrit and ase-Elizsisethan red. Marguerite bIse, beau blue, pin-n eras gray and apas gotd. Styles are 'seisg ilsfaeneed byc tise Cranatian as aeU. with even-f mng guavis espeellly taking the1 terst Queen Eizabelsa gownai as saggestiosso. Wile teav of us purelsase "spec- ais" Ilie tlise Coranatîin issues of styles and shades. a basic dresa is ftes waa we sio for. Tiis coat dress cssld be tise background of a wtnter aardeobe. Tisey are especlally nice instt, lighisaegisl wost. A two ballon leader sends a single flte marcing rifisi down to tise hem.à Greencorn un tise stalkis laai-1 traetive t10 acrese s naceas wisere lisey are plenllfssl, liser animais witl smetimes cal s esmplete palcis of saeel cornsln a few nigis Bertha B. Brown MEAL ESTATE BROUI and GENERAI INSURANCE Main St., Milton Over Bus Knlghts PHONE 237 ~. 2 ~ proved SeIectric ) featuros 0 Tm è a" l * am"a -k wb -- u NEIL MePHAJI Chaules treet Phone 432j, Mut.. CHOOSE ANY MODEL TO SUIT YOUR NMS PAGZ TUE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON, ONTARIO

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