BrAGU V" Essential Once a Year One a yrar, wheliser me reed il or rot, me have or old-fasiioned habit of clearing off the top of ose desk. Womer do lhier spring cleonirg mucis laer in tise yrur und tise only eas me cor give for selecing a year-erd date far desk clear- ing is tise fact that rrw calendors and desk pads and memos aimays reqoire ciangirg rigit fler December. Wo didrIt find ary last cieques or other valu- able popers or documents mier tise cleaning mas beirg dore. But mhat an accumulatian cf clip- pings. articles and material whlch me iad laid aside ta perose aI a future ime of more iisure. But il recel mon donc ardoafter mony years of experierce me have faurd tisaI misai iadrit becs accompliased in 1952 wosid soon be cromded out by 1953 maierial and tise taîk of catchisig up would be erdies, The job af cleaeîng o desk is aine tisat canat be dore iurricdiy. Il must rot be inlerrspted and misai an irleresiing moy to sperd an houe or sa lise loti day of every year. Tmo af tise reqoire- monts neccssory for ergtisy periodn beimeen dlean-up are o taie sized denk top-o system(?) af aederly piles miicis yos alare urdersiard and saine large dramers in tise desk miicis cor conlain saine af list maloriol mhich cornat be discarded every year. Desk dramers ii take a langer per- lad beimeen dlean-up times ond is lut un good rn July as in December. We might add lise desk dlramers of tiis editors dcsk are being lefI unlil July. But mhaî a lot of srfinished eading that yeor-end dlean-up hon reveaied eveey year for mary year. Does are ever get cougit up? Prime Minsbten Wintaos Ciurchill la on an- otiser clif ta Sortis Amenons asti ne douisl jounuostltb wiltl et a se suppîse of qsîtsiie A New On. Every Minute Theres always îoenethisg rem to lears abaut, Unil tat Fridoy me didrIt knom about an azel, Tise mord is prorosnced like isazel mitisout tise 'h" 50 me presumne me have pelled it coreectly. We came croas il rn are of tise big city soret misere a mon mas domorstrating a itlte gadget Sial mauld sharpen anytiing t rom a razor to a lawmuomer. We've aimays bren interested ir listening to the soies lingo of tiese specialisîs rn deonstrations miso ircariably soul as article at hait tise pric o tisat lisîrd on tie container. Weli tiis nem thing in Torono stores mici he caiied an "azel" came into tise sales talk qile un- eoprclediy. He mon shomirg hom duil one of his demonstration kniven isod been mode, il iont mouidrIt cul asylhing and to prove il he drem it acrasn hisn liroal and espiaired tisaIt ut i menu sharp il mould nover iis iead tram sus body ans hsm head mouid be out there us tise "azel' and he wouid be beiind tise courIre ilisout ony iead. Il toak us some littie time ta grusp aust misere the azel mas locaîrd for rolling chopped aoff heuds nia or misther il mon a nem kird of elecator cr escalator, and tier me iooked up and fourda uitle igr right in front cf tise demorsîrotor rniich nid "Aisie 14" and me discovrred our speilinc and pronounciaîlon merent t ail modern and WE slipped away dloms onother aiieymay beimeer 0000 disploys misicis mas marked Aie I1 arc kopl out oye on tiese nement Ihingo that me:f iniroduced ta us for tise iet ime in 1953. Who mandertul tiings con be accompisisrd mils usi worderful Engish of ourn and hom confusingi con beoame ta even tise natives. Oh for lise opimiain of liolsh cluat are gel- tng fus Oui of iuiing skisan osiusnter sports equlpmsen wils irais l lfi Ovece oh tise Chistlsmas spestitts. Holding the Line rn spite of tise tact tha thlie nemopriet peuc was incrcaned effective tise firsi o tise ynar at, tisai a boont in freigisî rates comes inlo ellect tise same ime, tise price of your Champion wi remis unchonged. Tise reason is simply tise fi( tisaI me purchased an extra stock of nemsprir before tise 'price became effective and hav enougis on iard to manlain our present price- Perisapn il's o hopelens hope but onymoy i like ta, hold tise price lire and perisapo sales ta or nome ofthlie otiser taxes micis enter inb th cot of somnpopen production miii ossint in mai Publins ber of tise CW payable single t< Second BUSINESS AND EDITOR 1 TI4E CANADIAN CHAMPIOF'I. MILTON. ONTARIO TMIJBSDAY, JASIUART Rh. 1005 OBITUARY Instali Off icers Nom T m Mutual Fire Aid At St. Clair Lodge E AsTr ~D ' ~ I ~ . Inauguraitor Dies Monday, Derember 201h was In- W EST - stlallation nigist at St. Clair Mas Tise retiring reeve of Oakvitle, ois Lodge, AF. & A.M.. No. 135. Rusaell Lauder, died on Tueday, Wor. Bro. J. C. Cunningham and S O UT Ha Derember 30 at tise age of 44. Hea number of past mmaters of thse _________ had Jutone day more to sefrveta lodge, acted as thse iustaling teamn Actanis ea eird shape for a bousquet andt heT reeve. Mr. Lauder wasfoth About 75 were present at tiss L wLvll maseetdiatrw t ae il for yos," the article îoinng resnt rics bfor anthe suplyhaspast three pearsa atember of lai- clvent, iscluding a number of vis- L. W.erLoge at a eceo nter as tainng peset prcesbefoe aothe suply a Ion county counicil, and mas one itors from surroundisg lsdgea. fWle odea een et as toi be purchaaed. of the prime movers inaugurating Tise followiof memisers were in- ng over $500bas beeo collect- A t un anto5 wr tbe Halton mutosat ire aid plan. stlled or iseestrd mitis tise jewel ed in the Christmas oral campaigai. colrerd by putiing thein in a bas We thik it'sa helpul inicatio of a hange e die in Oaville-risankr oasager ofGardon Oderageanordonsdecoan seidhpsmder po and. and akaknn We îsir ilsa hlpfi inicaionof achage r did u Oaviit-Trfatur a thir ilic: uared ..Tise boy scots 0w tise pomderits their abaorbent ir thioking thal some prices have stopped cimb- toemrisi HospitaltofaIs brt at- W.M W. Beo. Ken Wataon rsssioi birsotpetais. Althougis the method ia irg and jn tomne instances have beor owered. 'M, Laiîilrv ass baoniinCee- .55 i-oE. W. Fstei al Tsrosbsb il o o !dtecaio a tl a For some ime now price increoses have brrr go- lasd. Ohio, snd movet ilt Canadal J.W.-Bec. J. E. Hsrtey. tiese op rather tisas tiscosetees at miloreti aoy color tisat way. inga ery îrlemih o ncgetig gea ds'with is parenta. SHe alleodcd St. S.D.-Bro. 0. L. Hadley. Ibeir Chistiamas party.. An $1,800 Holtflatha for Bird. in amer crce ih o negttnga rtdelAndrew's Cllege, Aurors ansdiJ..-ra. Gea. Nemrii. delicit an sewers mas annoanced by Salurday nigisl ant bath nigit of beref i. its bren getting a habit in mary linos Jarvis Cllegiate, Toronto. He bad I.G.-Bro. C. N. Kerr. tiseActn PulIcUtlt wTs e or tiseir tho uin ine romeni la ccei piceinreoen iîho isrg od lsebers empisyrd by tise Dominion S.S.-Bro. Clarence Peacoci. modern new seaepatms ienitbirahtusrefoc ion and Steel Fasnry is Mamition JaS-Bro. K.nY.thins. written isp in a magazine for muai- up. But one day just receallya comment tisat the incecose ii be passed 0131toi sre 1939. and bad bren in tise Tyler-Bro. Frankt Ciaholm ic!pal ollii e btl .. se bultohelady obth coreoi th cstme.Inth matieprcs f amlbroberage bsns rvost ht Cbaplain-W. tira. J. lH *McKay. pagewmils nabna olprnaobutislskfbasaorhc lis cntine. n hemeotieprcenoffornline. bsns aeis 0tsITreasrer-W. tira.. . riCîeu and adas a iigisigist of lasi featisered friends, and pouretisonme prodacîs have beon decining and otiser producîs He served as abville caunciliac enta. meebos Free Press. host mater lotobicebled bath. As iii have ta keep in lire if lhey arc going la con- for liree pears, depuly-reeve anc Secretary-V. W. iro. J. H . Will- KiissE B as- soon as tise mater began toi cool. year and In 1952 as reeve. Ne mas malt. Tise Bracebritige Gazelle bas ose starlingo and aparrowa arrivaitiand tinue la be in demard. s member .of Oabville-Tratalg2r Asistat Secretary-Bro. C. H. u1 ils coluusits tramtise Gibson to b er surprise tank turfs isaving Taxes form a large part of ail conIn of pro- Nopital Board. Fay. ludion Reserve, and Ibis la wbat babiss. He mas a membere aflire figislera' Direstor of Ceremoiea-W. tiro. bie weate for thse paper about New S ieldtise bath a second lime daclions and il is oniy resorobie tai anticipOte aid onita. several Masonic lodgeo A. T. Woodley. Year'a: and back rame lise bleds lu o w0 thai goveromenits iii sel o trend in atempiing ta and the Gabville Kimanta club. Gegntt-Bro. D. F. Deis. "Tise New Year l0 bere for 1953. lisemelvea. brig pice moe i lie b dereaes.In he He is nurvived by is ite, the Aadilors-W. Bmo. F. L. Cras- Tis New Yea's Eve used la be Lire-site med« brig riesmor i ie y ecrotn.n h.former Cecily (Kittyl Greenfietd; fard. W. Bes. F. W. B. Fitzgerald. a big feast ait tiese ciasi Tise A life-size papier mache osodel meontime, mc are glad la assore oser aders tisai Ibrer riildeen, Wentiy, eigbl; Ed- people brings a large bossofo!sod of the bride-to-be dlsplayed thse tise home iomn paper hos no immediote increases word, seven, and Cynthia. fnur Tise per diemn systein under wisicis for tise supper assd a gasd peagracogaig-amay clotisnaI a revautl uosanb; bis parents, Dr and Mrs. eiienada campensate ose anlotiser starbi rigisl ater bic eating. The sbawer in Bsrlington. Thie Bur- in prospect. Etitard Lauder, Tarante and a i- far use of Iceigist cesn eariscd ils early pioneera ine to muSte ans ml- ling Gazette reports tisat thcmoal - - - - - -- -- tre, Mev. Malcalmn Stewart, Tocante. SOls bîrlbday on Jaîy it, 1952. ereting speechsatatise large mas made by Toronto sculptes Sol oniy tiuti sarhave s grees Chistamas crowd allending tise entetainmest. Merel Fonler. boltlise Newe Year tidilst brisa any whitie This mas beyosd 25 years aga. Tise rsusea tes mas for Peggy blunset fe this diatrict. Il mos chasse belone Tise Hem Yesr Iraquois Indias bas Tbampaos, prier Is ber marriage lis sprisg. Imo nanines. Oirsi. ob-ae-ra-ae, meanu Peler Waoley. * ew year, lise sîber naine ba, te-ion -_____ - - - -- - - -- -lo-lo-ron-bwa-nion, means ising Leader Pass n ~!II.Td.m~I4se ~day. Tiis is miesail peuple mabe L a * Leader Pasanis. Tise year round dispuisg and Lay N îioflS roei Onr of Ontarios most colorfal and forcefol IIdiffeetwas1umsetti friendo To0 Premiers, Mitchell F. Hepburn han passod f rom at eigisisy os.Tba ney bae anda thewaz the scele. Ho mas tise yoongesl mas levere ta isod KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCI ST. PAULS UNITED CNURCN builiung. Tise momenu bave more Over-grazung s! grainlandu mas tisaI position. tasi sommer mierme lorerd soi-e BEV, E. ORSORN. Minisier Stste-REV. il. L. BL-AMIR. sertt menrtbry dbisa anisune out tisenmai sans folie Ontario farms wmus a groap of agricaltorisis front Mes. RB Wrght, A T.C.M. Grganiis Organisl. Mr. Robert K Care îisry bave israrty esoagis eobry sIc tese oltas recent ternilasiostica Haltor and Peel il mas agair ose privilege ta mort SUNDAY. JANUABY l ,11 îbab banda." Grassiasti Csngreu in Penosyl- hi o hs ar ea S. hoas r ii rcaiSUNDAY, JANUAIIY titis.195301.0ss.Ssotea. Wal, No Kiiebeso Slnk? vattia mere toiti. rhmo i amnaStThms ewl eal1.0a -Sno co110.00sus Seiciar Scisasi. saaasoiage. prreeved sais Speaersfrsusasy patsflth one f hs rmars oftha tie. e sad h ha 1100 . -JuiorSchu. 1100 asus Tbeue,"Tise Bock of leacca. frames for florat tans, ceai muett steessed tisaIacreafe devoteti areof si reork a tiaI im. H sid se sa 1100 rn JaiarScBooktsob.' Junior Scbasi and Nue-. tIncis fesîbers in alaru trous tu farus crapumas becumig alaros- bren aîrd on tise faim, he had came bock agir 11.00 as.-Muenn otrbip. Ser- sery Clama.miîetsrbdcoratgssaligy10adilasmpatvlu to te frm nd l ws terehe as appestand mon ubîel. 'Ysar Citizen- 7.00 pus.-Combiord service bi hite îrisî mii riteu glass. csigl osserne ifîl as mke i musc ta adtma icehemshpieiad aip.'*i uoPehleinCuc.prurilsts a ilwiee lscnev oladmk tmr tise farmsyteia Chr e inamelal or even cellophaone, productive. Tbrougis grassianti ispd la spend lis e nsof ilfe 7.00 p.m.-Evenasg Wuo ca bp. Monday, Januaay 12-7 pus., CG bie !errus anti raflia and tans sruinf, fred asti foodi nupples cau iss ie.Cubaid ofSri. PusTi rh ns l . Jnay48 of ire bireeare amongthlie varieti be matir more adeqoate asti nulrit- home ils a group of ncmspsper ediiors mier milwusbîp is as. lrev. J. 't0 815 Pus-, articles t ta onti binlise loriat'loisa, labor os torarinscon be reducet isemasPreierofOnlria Ontiai ccaionhe L. Bir ie miipracb. Mission Ciccle seilmeel. aappiy datielsnt of tise Dole antiagricslure casihomatie mo-e he ws Pemir ofOntrio Onthatoccsio heFeîday, J asuacy 9-2.45 pus.. Lad' Tboesaae.Janaary 15-7 pus, Ty- Fatale aI Brampton. Tise Peel stable anti more capable of srtot mas rat able ta be home aming ta, a big strike in les' Aid, S. Si. main. ris Boys: T'li Mr. astiMr,;. Gazette New Years issue carriedth ie neetia of the morido tncroaalut Osiam. W mt hm s mryoccsins rdTuaii, Jansars- 13--8 pus. Ev- Club. the tary abot bic suppiy tiepset- ppuplation. Oshwa Weme hm o mny ccsins nd congîfDeparbuseolt' W NS Fruday. Jasssryt 1-7.30 r usent wmiueisluspackedti mlsmer- Grasses anti logomes, if properIY' mhilc me did'I lmsys ogrer mus issviempai, Text mord. *'teigning.' Hast- Rangers; 7.30 pus.. Junior hrisie frsm ail over lsehe olti managet anti terlilizeti, are impuel- me lourdhmvr aradvr esadin ena2.M5 . Cisaroens Ands s. Cî:tps , Snio Chir.Tiere are paper flomers anti cel- ast aoil-cosservig cropos whiris isîmver foe od 00~ udertSnn ci2.4ypu.. oien'sMs W.nE. luisse tiomers, biecussuseler, inuitsmabe geassiast faring of direct Mary a mon misa han gainrd public promi- Roeretys es W. paint anti Iancy basbeta matie byvalue 10 suc agriculture asti civ-. s roence hon found greairîl iappires n tise more Rbrnntise biist. "Jui destin up noms ilizatian. 4 GRACE CHURCH a rîmple ie His farus holdings, iis methods nj C ordTBENAL ANGLICAN- iis leadership in public and farm lite of Canada BRONTE ST. Bec. Norusan Green, BA, L.Tis ______________________________ mode an impression mhicis wll lice long aller Paiciir, H. Woods ilcelue n him Tie stensous demards of public lite talcs Peneeeostai tollneso SNi\.JAURI ti i 1R F S IO A U E T R il an early tou and Wr. Hepburn was onst in his 571h Fliîd.îy. .tiîii:iy 9. 8010 t.- rot Siostiso uler tise Efim ii R FS I NA IE T year.s udIleh b' 000 . oîîîyC,siini,c AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE 1 e,,,,dyîtiy o, r icitliig tant mers il mas Hon. Gordon Conant misa St.NDAY, JANUABY Il h , 1l) 00 us .Sîti,îv ySeisl. passed away and ovly a fem monîhs ugo George I0lii. i -iSiiuid.ît tchoi, 70iteEcia eseMDCAMSCLA OU i McCuliough dîrd in hic eariy lite mils mary years 1 ()aIhuiinh1'_______pnIli_________________OU il e 3.0a0ad f im :m.-vi -(siiiiog ,îndîi 13iiin ,,iPi1-miii 'l THE STEVENSON CLINIC LEVER & NOSKIN e hetet fgod xmer s iv7W li 0 o pie tcs vith cîiuv .Ioaici ,fPhos:2 Chartereti Accauoianta 'p u aasîo rsi liti Dr.tiaC. K.Steeson JENKINS & HARDY le -- -- -- -- -ALL SAINTS' CHURCI4 r.Fred Melos-i 1305 Metropolitan Bldg.. e ~ to Remove BOWES BAPTIST CI4URCIIMin o»hsD, r.s. MCnob44 Victoria St. Toronto, ce Witis lie 1953 mator cehicl ie mese plates ]nthlie .OO.F, Hait Bcctîîv. tIse. Grilfin Thosiiss,~ Office Houcs:_______________ Nec. Robert F. Ssyter LTis.A.Kd.Bty appis ml anisy. A .CADL s now avoulable, lise molorîsl car abolisi tisat ob' -' SNDAI',-4AN7.9.iti. J. PH. 14 7-9 icclonaie Ill stîise tiaI as elisUorer UNOAYS-Einergencies only. Chartered Accoostant Dr ecioabl ltte sicertha ws n te owrîgisi SUNDAS', JANUA1IY liih. !53 0Fîrst Sondas afîelise viln cone o eer mrdisel Tse 03il . susSnday Seisiiil in 10. 10.0M Sehisol MILTON PRiVATE HOSPITAL Main Street Georgetown ishandrd e feer idhi.Tebaliered, 0F. Hll.11.00Il m. s oring Praye and X-t'AY Toiephono 654 h beni and rusled plates tisaI have dose service for i.0W pus -Servicein 100F. Hall. Sermoîn. Coroner. C PR. anti Gasi Surgeon_______________ Me. lHoeace Oornaee. sIiot i130 pors -Cuîntieusstio Cluos. CMIROPRAOTOR& ig 1000 years cor aiso be rrpioced ils sice 0cm T;_i'.oday. .laiiary 13, O S15 ini.________________ 'e oses ai ary ime lisal motarisîs mort 10 make tise Psyere meeting aitbe horme il DR. G. E. SYER NIELSEN - The Chieopradoe en charge. Il mould appear tisaIlise plates made in M.aniloLTiec.ii MILTON GOSPEL CHAPEL pispalcian aund SuirgeaoDge hrp id 1951 mere rot made slurdy eroug og st sand tise ________I_____ n the Farmees' Buildig pOffc-Jmsre t D3r37is er s eattta te igrsof urCaadan oniton orlie oi- ST. JOH-NI, NASSAGAWUYA SUNDAY, JANUARY itis.1153 Oific ours: 9 aitn.; 1-3 Lady Attendant lot lerous mays of tise Caradian motorisîs. anti 10.30 a.m.-Suntiay Scisosi. Acrobe- 7-8.30 panMsso.. Tues., Fn.. 2-5 zo. ~. LWVILE eti film ii e b cesw. Bolb Coroner Wed.. Bat,.2-5 anti 8-9 pi. ls Wistever malerial or morkmorsisip is t T.10 FLWVLE adsilv anti ebldeen miii eniisy_________- Cloacti Tiursdsy il bamewil hae t betakn ito cnsieraionif Angica) lisafilm. blose ii hae 0 bRtaernIacosidr.torif ngians cor Tuesday. .lanaaey 13 t 8030-Peay- DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON OveceDominionStoare, GeorgetoWBi any moce is made ta hace license plates serve fo Be.REPortRtor er anti Bible uludy. Office Hsurs-9 s.m.; 1-4, 79 _ Phone_______150W ___ tmo year peiod. Tiere han been an agitation SUNDAY. .IANUARY ltti. 19353 Wedinroday. January 14 ai830 - Frea ulig anSre frsm ietisupemnnplts forte Furse Sussia ater Eîiphantî e'sMsio ySoit.Teispisune 395W i.J RSRN som tie a isuepemanntplues orlis1i.00 art -Hîîy Commsuniciin nd Ecrey Suntiay, liten 0 Premuiere Reidence 395J Deetor et Chiropractie lifetime aftie car. Tise permanent plates remoce Sermon at Si. Johsn'v. Manning, Edmonton. Alua., a a. us. la 9 s.. CHML. Humilton; 15 Fredericb Bt. N. an anrual nuisance to the public and mould elimi- 230 Eceisc Prayer ati d CharlesoE. Fuller, WKBW, 8.30 DENTAL ACTON Cis îîeh Siisîîîi ut Si. am.ieie us,9. 30 asus; Biliy Geahsaus,P N50 noIe mach gocerment administration incolvrd in Wedîiniti-sy.J:scaaey 14. 2 pus St. CFRB. 12.30 pus. ta i pi.. HN 5 th erl lt cag.Pemnn pae, Geore'si".o A. miii Weet ;lthe Chusrchill Tabernace. WKBW. DR. G. A. KING ____________ liseyeary plte carge Peranen plaes, hoiiie ot Mv. J. ihardsco. 10 Il p. DNA UGENW.G IDEL .C ice manofacîured of better maîrrial, moue tisemaris Au1 Are Weieiiusi' AIl Are WelcoeousAcSREN M . IDL .C nd f plic esie an d no derac fom he p-officeein Royal Building, Miltot. Docbor of Chiropractie idof poliace rof sie An ofo elrmiat fom lseapKnigay pp-n5 nntBronte St., Milton ut porne fcas Anramnlirof BritishsXNa evie Trie A pisse 1' o.9 stSruat il icense plates iii cleariy shsowlise ditterence i ySric hne . Sa.9a 9ppantu n b icI maierial and morkmansisip. Anotiser item in facor * ainCunty D.F.EBACC ir of tise longer use of plates s lise f oct mary skis * lonCoDRE.AL SRGONULCLBRRKOR ve ced knucles are avoided in ciangîng tise plates Y UP OR M1 D NLSRE OULCLBRR OR t ecsya.Bol for 1953 lise corner sticiser goes CHRIST Gte uueu uligFRAUT ce Sl as soon as yo get tise vem markers and tlie a i Evrsings by uppisimesl Msnday . ..1.301 5parw, as nse oit ar yougeltisse alteed rd ent! 'Tuestiay 1.30-S pus. anti 7-9 p.m. I THURSDAY JAN. sîh *x~YSrie~~Wrdscsday -930 .m.-12 nom rusty745 M ~Tisuruduy .1.30-5 pus. anti 7-9 pin. the andr tnombers remoced isaIissuae dore doty fiEGAL .M.Feitoy ................130-S pa. r, sînce 951. MiinIlgiIcso ____________ Sauay.. 1.30-5 pm. anti 7-9 pi.. m Auditorium DICK & DICK Psublir Holiduas ol iScludoti. W. 1. DICK. Q.C, Scissal ehiliren have separabe Sekr a K. T. DICR hauts. CARLonth BINL tiare res, Solicitors Kror n iseA C m* BrownStreet, opposite Armna TRAVELLIRS' GUIDE iaItI (314 a 1tt i1in !net mork as -Uscie Bil" Tetepione 4tsi:.1 u. ult83 sm Sabli -CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Pulse nteHuto atnCounty àxp , jooit T. A. HUTCHINSON, OC. Sandardi Time cd eneey Tsustisy aI Main St., Milton, Ont. Meus- CARL BIHL Tops in Music ' Barriater, Solitor, Etc. oinf ta Toronto - 7.01 a. lise C.W.N.A,, andthie "narlo-Queber Division of! I Me-ex o t..Maso al xet udy .4pm .N.A. Atiertising rateo on requcot. tubseCiptions * SINGt t SING 1Il with NARRY AND JOHNNY< officeNMnt.sChMion duiivexcly Sids; .4pn t in aticanee, $250 in Canada; six mnntbs $110; m iehn 4Cmn rmTrno-93 m copesOc;$350in heUn tinSttes. Aubisorizeti as This la Johnny'a tat appearance ai Youth for Christ as daity; 6.31 pus. duilyt 1.00 anm. ClasnaMail, Post Office Deparîmont, Ottam awaa. frBo oc nvesl- ERG .ELOT daily encepb Ssssdsy. G. A. Otia, Etisar asti satsiiaier Grovillefor tCaob oesUinavearrs. itG eltarE. ENLotr'Ph AAINNTOA TRUMDAY, JANUARY 8th, 103 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO