PAGQE TWUVE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRUMtJAY, IEOV]CME il, un0 *C~CAiMrthJC [i7rriages X It f Duts Etc. WAOAID4 items for thia colûa maia De phonied ta 220 or sent ta thse C, 1 ml »ENLAETOM 03IERON- M.WDDT Chamapion Office h.II MiltonAETT«FRISRTO J ENS -Thankagiving Day to-day in -Surday ta St. Asndrewsa Day. LA Y AW AY PLAN Sm aN py ob houri th RATES lice United Stts birta o their daughtr. Carole No charge for annotincementa of Birtha, Marriages, Deaths -There's attmre to bie tncluded Maureen on Monday November and Engagements -Leaa tban a month until Christ- ln the company of thone who &hop NII 24,1952' at Milton Privato boa s Mmra O lsltpsun o esAtce e ae mas flow and thora are only 34 early for Christmas. A good aug- Buy NOW, andl LCSyCSwCy Ufl pital. Int Meto-ria word plusmu cash pe 5c (If fo ot vease d Articl ee days lait in 1952. gestion la ta cive a aubscription ta o ______________ insertion, te). Boa No. ta ts office 15c additional. Coming the Champion for a difieront hi nMEIDEet-t erruiln t isus ad iTskei -Mrs Edwin Bud! of R. N. 2, ot ci. Another hint os ta read CHRISTMAS __________________pe ______________0eminmum. ______of ________ Campbolille, caiebrata! hier Oth the ado ia the Champion for oog- TIIOMPKINS-HORODECKI - On birlhday tis week. ges~tions beoos makiof oul your October 25, Francs Hio .odecki, -Monday 10 elertion day ilas- shopping lot. Sie aur stock of daaghlec oi Mr. and Mon. H. Hor- For_____________ Sale_______________ Traagga ad -We ackaowledge rerript ai lot- ELECTRICAL GIFTS TOYS WAGONS TRICYCLES oertIL Popin, Manto Mr1hn0ilo 84 N-toson aad someallther centres. lers for publication whlch are net and Mro. A. E. Thnmpkino of R. Jus. Pichat, phono Milton 388rl.cPneItln t4 e -Changeable weatber ba;sotress- îlgned. Our strirt rule io net ta REFRIGERATORS STOVES R. 2 , Campbeilvilla. FOR SALE - t-place oak dinia WANTED-A housokeopor seho ed Ib clody ths pot wok, but pobt!ob a leiter unteos the wriier ______________ etanc aly peibs ase e la wîllint ta bock il by bts signal- HOOVER CLEANERS AND FLOOR POLISHERS rtmola .Poo 59 . A.D pRsagohom.Poo21 theplalat sepeclll lath i~sre. The aignatore wilt netliheIDin j pamplaihtd Ileial ino l th detire ai _111S - la -tlo G-ea FOR SALE-Fresh eggs. Deliver- WANTED - Ridera tram Milton -Busshe g repoath dsre o OE - g.hpIta n Husayilon emer ed anse a week in Millon. Phane ta llion, ai presont ngtaii BsKigaht Ieotd t 1he h-ne the writer's sigature. HA U Ac472. hn Or regular meeting of Miton Rotaryw DAWSOhN HA DW REC . brother ai Mrs. Walter Whitaker FOR SAL-15 3"'1ead3 WAN'lE-iiohm as club that minor hockey beaguai -Resolla ai laoky ticchet drow for ni Oakoilla and mso. Percy Mer- aaw red brick, cheap. Phone 620 ing or port lime housekeeplat. would bae orgaaized shnrlly, undler iltoa hochey club duriag the MILTON PNOMU 4 ry of Trafalgar townnhip, inlaits Sillon. c Phone Sillon 292r5. th sosooboaita lu, garni on Friday, November 21: 73rd yeao. avreei S.nsrsi Rofn Gtoegetob. Realiag ai the SacNab and Son FOR SALE - Combinaioa radio W_ýANTEO - Rouaework by the -Raicl hanenhaa orania SRadi Gsaehourtn;al . and record ployer, gond condition day in Miltoa or vicliîiy. lira. -Rdca hags aebenmatl aio sbe arh CutChapil. Sillon. Fuea erviceoîn Phono 418j, Milton.Jirypoo44Mion mada i Bell, King and Roberts Si., Silton; 10 gala, ail, Mary Bîthel Ualle! rhurch on Thora- -___________phoe_48r __Milton. _E striaIs, atiminaiing o badl dlteh, Banks, Campbrllvill; oatin bosund day, Novembar 27 at 2 p.u. Inter- FOR SALE-1951 Morris Minor, DEAD STOCK - Oead, dlsableil silic the nstalationof a ulver blanet, W Selly, CapbellSoup.ment Bethol Cemiiery. (Casket la excellent cnnditinn. J. McClint- animailsnrarmnnvednatronce.CCaUHal- in adirect lne, to easo ipringRNo Toronto; eson lobkets wilt i eoopoennnma hourch sevira 12.30 sch, Genorge St., Milton. l or Onarlo ng a., Ra- flooig coditions in thal ares. Rîleen Martna Mion. luniomnimnsaevc. FOR SALE - Silver fon roîlar ilton 38656rAra s cl ___________________________________ ~ ARD 0FTHAES an! mai!, la gond condition. Reas- WANTED - A woman for part ________OF_____________ nable. Phne 135 Sillon. eîtime housework, Tuesday and Wed- Tho Ladies' Guild ni Ail Saints' -FOR SALE-emu o- nsday ai each weak. Apply lira. Medson Offiiai Cole-_W.________phone_372,_Milton Nelson_______________________________ Chsrch, Milton Heighlo. tahe ibis san apace heater usîd one siaoon, W._yad hno32 itn Wl L. . H oppnrlonily o! thanhing ail pthone good condition. Phone 87r12 Milton. WANTED - Livo Poultryan rl MILTO OUI P4NE 448 who made donations and helpoetit eahr wne.Mgetprcl AtIna aqe Te o nP 181 mabe sur hazaar a sarcoans FOR SALE-Pair ni ladies' w ite feaid he maal & Moeyi l- Màw hwsNgtyMatinee Saturday booto an! Iuba skates. sizaeph . hn ano oreMl et 2 p.m. ad Holisaa ti 2xn lor thi Melto -n3 gwc. hn or mrila Moses Zaner, 402 Dovea- S Continuous From 7p.m an oiay haoha and apliieçiaion for __the__Milton__98r_. court Rd., Toronto. TF son Tohls mra hosa Nel- TipIàC ants ni hindness. heaotiil floral - sonb Tofein oas otthe ous II *nilrings and messages aif oym- FOR SALE-g pierr Krsgs ouh__________ memer o Nlsn owshp *u THURS.-FRI. NOV. 27-28 mpaihy irom nus' friands la the sadt diolaf roan suite, vary modern; cul, theur muvai, teachers an! theur braeeto oig Mte ml ubchae;Cfil ah ficia guets lt theannul baquetand Grandotsher, Sro. Anale as'. lAmos Sathies, R. R. 3, Camp- SyradCuelo ee roa.rn beilvilla.and__________-- TYPEWRITERS FOR SENT bel!la in eson TownshipO Hatl. wara accepte!. Sandra SeV ha FO SraaE Via Deipero an!c andlv 7-oisnBsnssCle hn Ewart ScKlanoa preoidad.. bora appointe! clark an! Pegyl dies, se FOR f SL-iponch n!hs MilRoln Busnes Colag, 4pon Harold Speers, mansal dbtraidcnienalgnhta nhettlln59.c2- teachar for the schools anirmua Dyer bus hein appoint hozii.o pipe cutter an! vice; mira fanri a!ps-the door comm ite Comin Evet st ces ooh orsartin FOR RERT-Threi onfurnisha!i !dent ai the Raison Rural TaachaO5 s Mbr hav brnn nra JEU o igEet ioceo ooh or clinsma heate!, bot an! cal! water, As ___r milee. oetie nS.e38.s irom Millon. Phone Association, introdura! the taach hecaione harucI Ujt WL.-FOR SALE-Ragistere! Holîtein 4280rS Misc arn of the rural achonîs. detarmine! in design the crei It-cr n acAhShobl 4mnh,'Svrin n The speaker mus W. J. ScCullorh self. Ruft sa!d gRSIR eCM OMIN NESLITRAI ll FRiachy, D ance A hs, bullp.. - 4 -kmnîl,"eag" bed.Sohan! o ulntoan HaL. ltouc Hlan res orths o.ý Pom iscuvde. c Folly accredite! an! goaranlea!. Lo mas thanki! by R. F. BornbaI!, to teen isma bol do net dance us * PLUS SELECTED SHORTS AND COLOS CARTOODN SsnR!ChsmaTeRNrman Cantalon, phono Sillon tad on atiin he decision 10 loah liet the gamas Losx SS.Ro atYn Fondâl pulcscb inpetrS. Mc- situaion. Roter Randaîl bas beau eMb lla,, S. o S. 5 pra ao. De-189r5.c ON apublieeot ataconî ~ * A mh' l irna inp5tr pr.y DC FOR SALE-Applas Sans, Spdg white -ee Yandag yll Gorge CullocIs mus introdoce! by Tait M apone tuisI Prepoct R. R.e 4,rai pan ISMi Ramkins, a memnbar ai the achusi on prics an! types ni garnis.O ED Y NL Chri. trnas concert, Gm agh Deluciaus. etc.. train truck in Mil- deof, R.i R.c an! pumae Gorgeil board. Meanrohila aayoaa mho wishao to c to eol .S , rlla enu n an Saiarday, Ronember 29 ai- ton. c Charles Rea!head ihaokad the donata anythint la ihat lise i A .NOV. 27 àI day, DGccmhcr 17, 8-15 pi.m tranfoa. Br.7g cotain.5 er pbes. SR D-T h atio rnerbers ai the W.A. ai Nelson ushe! to contact a coonicillor. Poc!Aoi17l0 37 a a.ShYE eteirna Unite! churcb, mho caiere! for the contributiona miîî hae graîrfo ly - f~4~jMChristrnas Toco an! Conceet, Fîlsingir Orchards, Boolusginn, Brane Srnall, R. R. 1, Campbell- baqui h msi usprd!acpc en, Gaifarîn School. Tuco!ay eovesg 'fCOlt. c nulle, a pig. Omner can havi saine bynquetaraI! musicror wai bo aceralîco mahlpeeOft. * Smtof hJdl Decembir 9. e.30 p.a. Airnionion by paying iopenseu. Phone Multaon pianoGead rimrea thy coeraulua high lasclacîh .~El~Sii ... 35c. Slu!enlo 25c. c-25-2 SEALED 7m77DERS mark id 276-4.c piieo. teon loamd cto i h0 Rcrea! aro imn "For Porchuseofs Portable" mill ho_______e___ Rot f vi, u~ auditoriumn ths Fri!ay aight for a~ col onas.Ocme 1200 ondS undeeruu20neh upr i- four meb nion!.Te!aclts Cad 7À1 p nening 10.30 prn. ulated potable building 32' 10" n iclaeu bc osore dance, As the name Admnission 3.9c. Aospices Si 22' t" o! trame construcion, isai rot.e' enerynot' noel' nsb! 1 rck bîeyng. usphalI ruf. ashenlas FLOWERS for ail occusions. Gar- Id ýgget.,eerync s mkli esra. haney.har!mood flsa, rocero! ter Bos. Florists, KiGbride. Phono Acceptable to Most Wou fOr.peoeal tIlnoh HoohsClsbEsb ch i!Iocaîain __________ necessaruly. a1D~ nd! Dane. Trafalgar M,.morial boards nddsr, also edtIhblaceJA' WRhO -Des Alihougb oe realize thal fllIhy Thc fealare attraction tim mech M l HuIt. Feidie Deremiser 5. 8 p ihaeaa!deh.aa.ii.1ai E N O KSO ,5 lucre,. 01000vin otbr woeds-isjýl b,' "Slip" Shossrand we! ï. cms RSUUSIIODmUOUFOT à OL Lies ocher an! Hi: HaltnooîOn. 'nil healero an! one 200 1ol. cil mabing-aloratons. Ovar Miltono Ihope: ~ ~ ~ 0 MhY)oltlîKe. *U -gg~g Tiehel» 1on tan1 k .î; or buildingf alone. oaitable MilIti, Surlia St., Sillon. cr the roctofil llwe allitn- opu th we Voe idI : M SMOUMâTce î'lcl.îap nm adoad cnveseionio a!uclulnfînih c coacernalymuîbhevil and use the. Ai the lastcucl i rlgtlmetosaehausadcltn.W RS ONSLEfrsr stff lvi! ' un y a i s'ca ofP rýýs nDeidd t h l t........ ..... linb Uoiîed Chch W.A. soc Mi!!leon. ocecloor - Iroat0cr, rolief. Yor Droggiat sella; Ces ivleinarcnreort of:dace on* Decme 19. an*nivt Mi bhlîs' a sali' ofi bnun-maiie bob- Aeco Publie Sehool'Soso!. Acn. Wart Rernover, laavas noscar., the Dousinion Bureauof5 SIalisItics Oabvilirleose luon an!dl. ps- Là EXTRA! An MAaed Hit! a -s -- niho!Th ae:e oesbeSI The gouernmonî us aLso olcr.tile thîrIe Brls'îtn an! Acton aKuo!es'gorieo Rnnm. Town Hall,- un mioneS'. an! bora ns robat hey club. Thi.s vill be:'"e':n u moi,î:: ,lî'dî. Nrmbr 'S he aren ou3 botMlo aaafi Os'O th en-lo*nn M Tetmt OCIli à enio5m ai 10 o m. c-24-S FOR SALE Personal 94000 more 33 lscr oreoos givs'h 'ace sa' e or-o *hi ,00co Off MI Gr;iei'Anglican Churcb W. A.- _______ $4,0lwormno lus' roe ecý 1 fr sothes' !eIails. AncoKUSTH fCM iao.i:r vill b:' bel! il 2.30 oivli ta nill healt we are force! "SKIRSfY" girls! Gel lonely coin- year; oaa of Ihese t: a oin ou npn intePrs ilon Wd1 aa5.10l.,ew e.Ty Reithos' Georfetcown or Aclon ha! / Ualsib oibHl t W! Liqinîdîte suis enlise stock eo est Gain t11 l nmpp e 5 - i'd.y.Deoeroher 3. Rooîhsof ne ai n! lise! cas, loucha fiouos heallh an! meight-buildor, liste! wrsan la the hîghcnl rec- '>' (iuîoll,'o ii!e bood.rnhal No ir îonaîîn toht 'fteacTonieî! ua onytoctRy oda! oalooy brachel; R1loin eerte ~,, o r . s , candyte.o ole ono p09 n tsrnes Oîrt-c Toned Tbas. Inlro!0ctrAU nWedin on anavleto Afiloîuit:ia wnilI bc eoni'! c-24-S 19.50 Hudon Sedan dosggiss. b Netedwdwt h vil fl!- Golden -ed ni, e _____________ 1950 Astin Sedan ______________ ing sif are 59 men an! Imo mo-I9 i .1 h ulSa149AstnSea men ho arn ron $3,00 o $39991947 I-Ion Fargo Staha rno h cr io $.00109,99On Tboeodsy, Noromber 2I. Mc. L loto For! Ib ton sta CEAIN laoete Sn illon tbare ars an! MSu. Joîhn Walkeî selebi ate! d O IE W f E 2. mpia o!bcsa! A CIN SL 604 malc mage-aarners an! 257 mw - iiesly lhcis' 501h medding annîr-'0 * O .TE.W D _______1-2-3__cars___________SALE meno bread-miaaeas. nosarS' ai theis' homeî, 53 Konroon! B CusolractîdorLvetkFcsOprset.M In the lomest brochet of ail. ihosa Av.. Tor no o'ii ail thair farnîly MlarcBldzrLvsok am IpeetBy whc aarn up ta $500, here ar 16 preosoa. They hslh are eoyial j*Te A HS .HESNGanadFriu codhat n aetermneeEEp5 Til IN bhoisa 332W. Georgetoman bla men and 0mornen. thainndforlhedgaalunes *_____________ Theoundersigisa! have reeined cars he reeledfro teI PiarO-is'6OLES AT MIS inCa srurcions trea la the oîher divisions: $500 tseaI brrcîo er hi WsEDC!0MA odm sdWLIMTC $1,99-7 mn, 30 mornn; $1500 10 SanS MîTHEes * a To saîl by publie aucian aI bis. 91,49 SrnesOmnreisOî,OO __________________ ~ . 7~9 l.IMsN-tiait, lot 17, con. 4, Township ai 10 2.19-19 mis,21 omos; .INSTiICT 50 Plymnouth apecial deluna I.!500 Nanoagameya, on 10 $1,009-M7 en, 21 mornn; .9 ~ WARM, WONDIERFL là 49 Farazer caltons 1-door sean STRADCME 1 $2,500 ta $2,999 -128 men, three * 1_7à STPOTEWY - 4- 7 Cher. upecial 2-door se!dan STRADCME t 17P OtFbkoCaade d Commencing ai 1.30 o'cloch the Formula for arriving ai the 8ig- fuis thiAs! of- cars are oustaandin bath la islloming:r a -rier1 years of """J"'S5'wr aie! gos!e rperneeo au'11 ureuwas 'mag-aers~apaan n prrnaanr, MOSE -2 reonqit a age and ocer. by sex, shominf the se cnte la an! sea for yoor- of obraas uit i number of mage-aarnaos byâont î.W self or nal uscat Actoant 459 nihay tears harneus; coilaes, Wrals have seneral oldîs isÇý!:î boilas, etc. of. eaonings !oring the 12 moniha - cr htaepie ih u COWS AND YOUNG CATrrLE- pr t h cnu dtJone 2, un B asndaesl lcHlakHseinrom, frsf6imela p91 oins loiecoe dale. onimetsl. Jersey com, iraah 2 meeha; Red 0 Durham nom, due la Jaîsoary; Rot- ais! villagcs ni 1,000 population as! stem olol n m aling, due io April; anar." Lorne GarnerSw Ric! Doobam Heifar. 8 asaîha ail. ROCGS -1 mature York oow, -- Motors Ltd. bre!; 7 York pigu, 10 nînhaold E Or mrk asfas a a pecsi s ior Buieb G.M.C. Ts'sIeko FANS uMPLEMENTS ETC-M. Oures'y lelteas Ifstour brakes S'ion T arbr n! împleaento H. groin hic!ar 6 il.; S.R. amer Fe5gSin ris hn no. 21; M.H, grain drll, 10 hoc; S. Igrllike a teen-ager an bis firstHsngcuroriatpoo5. BetaB rmndt rai yu walbing plom; wheal collivalor; M. BetaBer'n aeo fyu ngine stails like Il.___________ cnseaunaaparou-duul -aIse; REAL ESTATE BROKER A4 O ole byu a done' ave s ain 2 single forraw scofilero; fora wa- uoniran alhaei gon, bo aon! hay rack; mieal box; an gftsusetp-top shape in no lime ai ail. . J. A. ELLII.Jî soi fi snalaa; ail broodar; quantiiy GENERAL NSURANC on tSL f biinace moe!; forks..laces, sho- GENEAL NSUANCEhol, twlvola. chains. et.; a qsaîtiiy ai Pe FOR SAELicensed Auctioncêer and ice dushs etc Man t, ilo tinyI. Ioe.RELESTATE HAY AND GRAIN-O lois Tito- Parkd we1950FordhalftonRIAL othy hsy;: 100 bus, eau. M iStM to ul s îo jee 9.35 Perd haIfton Pick-upTRSCs eteetwt Over Bus Knight'a anudi l lo al 1951 For Ce haon Pick-s lero asho sal.mntmt Sue~~~~~~HIDE AN FoCab- Poei7J - eehaaea LLI. PHN 27PCue1951 StMorch SedanAuinar PHONE. 237t i 5e iab ,,î,oiBaa h 1950 Sercury Seudans Milton Phone l9rS Rockmood an! 177j lpl-i, Me for $gl ie14 Se r y Sea n Millon pifs os'! Idi ho aI 2 - 947 Ms arch Sedans L. SnSillaa, dck. ba-Si-I Wifll 60 1917 Sercry Coach________________ eIunpeame 1 ~ ,mua5~Pil. ,* - 946 Ponisac Sedan____ iekygf 9' lahe 191 Cldssbile Sedan ~*-"-" ________________ or a50 ha l 1su h.930 Dodge Sedan MILTONa MTOS EYES bIlafora hea1939 Ponisac Coupe VIUU -I.S $250 Ilar 1~932 Poniac Coupa Electrit an! Acetylene a 36OpensSoaday, Wrdnesday. Faiday ReaeWlifiAlTys EXAMINED oPar is UA 7! *m t Rpaeeraissoey Welding ae Ai Typesr Nov. 27 & Dec. il A! SPTSR A 10.30 arn, ta 6 p.m. i PR HR N AM9 Welding Horac oïsi CORCRONPortable Equîpment BAPO 7 GRIMWOOD V&M1