TH AAINCAMIN ITN NTROTUSUJtLE73.10 When Ris Lordsbip Mlter Justice So-and-So said reeentty ot another Judge that when tisey were lawyers. -Be was my mmlt woriby oppon- est," il brooaht 10 mtnd a couple of lure sales. Ose was by an elderly lady wttf oiniog wite hIol. She alid o! unoîber womnas, "She bas loeely mhite hair 10." And then there Ia he pator mho ulaled "Il 10 ety opinion aod that of other emnie eol divines ..-The Printed Word POPULAR NATURAL ATTRACTION is the Beaver Dam shown en1hE the county's cosservouios program beaver were releused ithe or slructed the dam shows. The resuit of the dam mas a f oodnogoc mhich has cosstustiy been filled 10 keep aboya the htgh mater th, the topo of fence pots aiong the roud. The coastI- recestly porchaý s situted. To get to the dam turn mest from highmuy 25 t Speys ond crcssro)ad. A short malk ie the bush over a wel-mors path w traction. A Champion Flashback Fine Weather f County Show N Al l eurs o! the ether proviso unfavottruble ere dspelled hy the gloros sosbeartta on the mornlng af thse 131h . The weaiher nos ail e,' thal cold ho hoped for. rieturlnI- ie gu ou of people muo largen. lssoholy in iodoors, exceso of asy former year, although plugs it thse merohoots of llt lt-cm flSthe the it falrr oftheocrotsoasthecîliminish Hturne ed omount ,i cash ocýtaîtîgcdc soito' hye os day Wr must congratotote 'itoe Soietyt on thr reroitotu hich more $42700 nf whteh alto$22.5 .tll hi tcr in prars tcavteg sa odorx- balacrutter dedottrg a ýni amountifor espeeses. TIeshsoît roundtsrt'srrtctlaofin, appooronor-. Allhoogb he rtsd was i1.rge here mas n i lot- r o oing te ihe ermoont of spaee in thse encoure. The Floral Hall mus magrttttemel We Latd noiru îtott',ton wcold be, s mettltt,(c-reset.d in the rts. In the cetreoft ;1.11, groostt Itoîr, tto ,osi t n( itii thse Provîitcial Eehýbt teî. titt!i kn Chai ttcf, Is Beaten At Judo, ' But Wins At Chess Tî-oîr Pryco Leggectt is thet131BMt Japao-t- Progam Organizecr. Fe peopit- ccaid ho hîttor fitd for thte post, fîr ho bas bad long and e- tenstves,t, iriesceofs iJapon. ptahs the langage taently and iato- port oh Judo and Jo panese hess. Legol' s a Lssdonerrmho macý eduoteodaI London Uiversity, atol from tht age o sovelc'c'n h sadîidJudo, rompletisg hiu tris- ing ietapas. Me hue the distinction tof hatiof attaisod "Fifth Dan,' the highost grade of Judo Ssld by asy nos-Jopanono and tteo ranis hlom the presont ohampion, T. Daigo Loggett reetly look on Daigo the al-Japon Judtt championsin att eohthttitte match t Loodortu A- bort Hatt.le hud frt-quontty met the roneor-sp in the champio- hip. Ytohimatso, but this ms Legattv Osinmeeting with Daigit, mhtt prîvton100gond for bhnm, which is set nrprsne as tho Eng- lishman as giief him tmlvr years. Lggohi gained is reenms lter osmisos ho beat Daigo tousd- ly at Japosese eheas, and aller tht' matches tlaigo. R. Kano, Presidorît of the Japas Judo Asoiation, and Legett ail broadeast togethor in tise BBCu Japanse Service, a pro- peagrum nhich mas reluyed le Japun te estations ail ovor the country. Loggeti a servnsa itb the Brtish Embaasy at Tokyo aod was lnterned when mar brohe sut. Be waa retoased in a diplomatie arx- change is 1942 asd 1943 joined the Sout Eat Aia Command as a Japasease language expert. 115w his unique experiecee of the Far East la at the disposait of the BBC, wiere he bas worhed for thse past fve i years. for Halton loy. 1864 BUG KILLER 's a OrO' gad, ,tk lt I l. 1tàa ovase'khî-voatr i tr ;, s0y0 The Ftnacol ilso an elri outrit sticit :ureuaopec iatts'oîîo 'î itîoaocapîsraîdgs FC Wellintegon Sutton, Chairman o1 the Ontario Farm Radio Forum, ' rtmotiv nueîîod the appoint- mît't llod Wa te of Toronto la the postonof Ontario Secrelary Mr at h s31, mas hori in York Counti I-le morhrd as i tori bond tinhlust outh and has had exptrnce trirut-al education a fittdoinaftr the Ontario Folk Schto Couincil. Mr.Waite cn tttctt'd the Htlton Fok School hoid f othe second t, r ;il the hoofo Mrs R. Coilter this yoar. Thtestl appointrd serre ttoy agraduato of McMaster Universrity, i Hatmilton, antd Aradi a U.niversity,I Wtfvilte. Nova Scotia. He holsis the dt'grecs of Master of Artsanud Boolslor of Edurotios. A Flying Oficer in the R.C.A.F.ý durtsg Wortd War 11, Waito awardod a DFC for 'dovotios tu dty' mhisle flyisa mith Bomber Comsmand over Europe. As asistant direoleof the Ma- e Icser picture above. Part of iliton Commusity Chest in 1948-49 andasdiretr oflistrurlors for rea of Nssagaweya and con' Frotter Colrge 1950-51. Waile haq f part of the township road iad ropertesce in admistoratin hat h as risen, in sonne places, b oand ptuhlio retations. I-is %vile thes asedproprtyon wichthe am ormer Betlh Molder rom Oxford esdd ropr o wth athe sdam Coosly lu atralord librarian. They wiii lead yoo ta the naburai ut- Ins taking up his new posiion the n wsecretary of the Ontario Farm Fttrum has 793 lialesisg and tudy --grootisto hserve in rural Ontrios Foctoat information is sent regu- BE-CAWS Ilarty 10 the local foruma wfso in ture. orod in their findingu on - questions perinent ta Casadias Tmo molorits oopprd lietroî the Agrtcttlturr. Amssg hio duies t rodltoratllutnch.The r,tsovte the seoretury*s eepossttility tu espertutlY nostot. rotttoo'a dis- osmartzeeand reporlfarma forum cusso salshetherlthe "ras" ,pinon tagoorromesl and otherI winhr 'ttrîtdtt onherrosttotrd ,tthttrites:thus the Ontario a losttagc (S,rthrostuerîn alt a tarmr have avoicetha rasmake farmer was loig somrtttostng.1 e1 f hrurd in prortpilalisg and lhey asked hi OPIOID-dt-tooratic artion. "Sorte.tho--ytth.k' hte,,ttd Jo 1 ad a ot,rtt-rattso ictth t)re Yoît mron tt, ay tott torttalh crwtalh?- S Nopr; rrom spohe Englisb. 1He titîtlapedotla lscckorthtititi and lo-l 1,,,nse n md -os tý(am-e t1 ltood tnt aI htot tnd ca,'Ntto- lIta ns: A,, h, r atd, ted toffhi 1w - Th.- [AHER SHOE STORES Bargains! 'Bargains! )R ONE MORE WEEK LAST CHANCE TO SAVE ON THESE TREMENDOUS MONEY SAVING VALUES BUILDING FORCED SOLD E 3VACATE EVERYTHING GOES TO THE BARE WALLS At Milton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING FIJINACE OIL BURNER SALIS & SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Charles St. Phone 432J Milton APPLIANCES end FIXTURESj MONSTER BA&ND TATTOO Saturday July 19 in ACTON PARK Bugle Bonds - Brass Bonds - Pipe Bonds BURLINGTON 60-PIECE BAND IN ATTENDANCE (Including Drum Majorettes end Color Guard) FIREWORKS PARADE REFRESHMENTS BANDSENTERTAINMENT Parade aI 7 p.m. followed by Taftoo in Acton Park To be -ieid ;n arena in case of bad weather Piesty of f ree parking space ADULTS 35c ADMISSION STUDENTS 25c IT'S STILL BETTER DURHAM MEMORIAL ARENA CERTIFICATES 114- 94 rto«d 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1M PAGE BIGHT 1