Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jul 1952, p. 10

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PAGE T THTENINCMMIN iiIVm-'m% W B irths, Marriages 'LL Murray Grenke 1DuhEtc. wÂtT AD Itm o iaChausmnpison ed ta 22o or sent ta the Camiaat BORN LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 2 P. WEDNESDAT CapoOfflIce i Miltov DAIN.TED AND DIE(flDATfR GOWLAND-Mr. and Mra.Mes _____________ Ctwand are happy ta announce- RATES- -You con ran tt det, but front -Sommer hoidayero t5ay have the birth o their son on Tuesday, No charge for annauncementa of Births, Marrlageo, Deatha there on you have to crawl the Champion sent direct to the r Juty 15, 1952, t Miltan Private and Engagements cHlo uirfresled atagresetorthe n, y tesv offtce.e oaitl BaheIcrnan. Memsoriarn50e pion10c per iUne for verses. Articles for Sale, -Mata lusa famea htda ddraaat henempaor 11CCMILTON 366 REED - Mr. and Mrs. Bah Reed Rent, etc-2c a word. Minimmni cash 35c (If not paidutil alter pincSunday in Actas park. -onwrm aeplyg nee Ida Herenshergor), R. R. 3. iosertin, 50c. Bon No. ta thia office 15e sdditionat. Comnio arin lTonorhmeong or S. orP FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN mi Io,'are happy ta assosnco Evens-1t perton e30cmnmum. Corda of Thanlis--SOr, -Everyone il t0 hot 1 oi oîto la itiPîthe bath of their son, Charles abotmanch xet the weoîhec the gaidance ot motorio .The ______________________ Frudeick <in Tu.sy, Jaty t5, dagrainains eare eing onipletd _1952,__a__Mount__Hamilton__Hospital. -The heot place for a holiday ia atoog the aath ide lt î on aitHaio. For Sale Want.d where the flah bite and tht moi--R arathihdphsan______________ qutoadotand hollyhocka have hors soticed DE FOR SALE-Opigso 6 weesIod. WANTED - Large childa cri:; --Orangemen frors ittas at- in th district. They wosld li tîy Trafalgar Twp. School Area Board BAVERSTOC5-On Tuesday. Jsly Lamne Mitchelt, RR 3,Miton" c also 2 siscie bed speinga. Phone tended thteeting in Stralford os hie eves higher were it sot for the 1952, Juse Agnes Cheryl, F-iOR SALE -Opgo7-ek Milton 181.e Sasray egtroa tettha lcho!ra sith oricnvites apicfon or the position of daghter of Norman and Jean J. S.Ferrierphose Mltos 387r21 oc WANTED - Womas monts day applcatonsBaverato , in bier 61k ytar. wr 5 e orPooMlo -uIf il ransonSm wthon's Dau etisgalaIher parnts' residesce wFOR SALE Fou att pahoae612wto -Ti sapplrsao o uy1,tadsaion bas itIC D nî'atnrotFrtayUt OR SALE7mc-adFourcMtoIs.11 faîyrenoo lhpî , a-heri frtt et40dy BUS LDRI VER & MAINTENANCE MAN fi fnricsero ic LooidaJle8mae, Un-so.Phn Mlo bcri o h et A a mItretLwil n ýr c WANTED-Chtrry p ckers. 3Me il denpatistbad Che-ad hllchw rCpersttery.neda, utqt.,startong about Ja y 23. Colt , R ID - A hs rsienc, , . 6 6 shots 14 Weks old. Phono dayslde ri.Mitn Ont.,on Monday, Jal ty on 353r2 WNE malhm n Ctiht fus hort ofthebO M aitllrded am.$250 per month. Dtns to commence Sepicrober t st, 1102, DýarS Reid, eod hM.E.rtnot bogt hibnd ataAnw racrate isMilton vic sity. WrIte tion yotrdos ha Fred Harhttle af genatar tsdianskoinninî f na h 1t952. plcanoll be e ctdto prou de transportation ihniu h feda FOR SALE -Sandng op antiBas 242 Canaden Champion, Mit- Las sitte. tht Chaompion office 1hbi t hat < ormantenacework and to superuise carttatcing ai schools; atM o oWi, dbury;. Fit tiett. A c rsDoll h 2dg tn îc~utuiita onhistarîc 0 O o drie bus on cach school day where dicîcted; must be Maie; Mirtha .r.LadWNE ss a ot -DannsaClemeoto rceivrd han- Il ia a type of htack cîtone iith o41 mer1icySitokes, C.mphottottto: and Wat- FOR SALE -Johnsoa authoard lSe traTsaportatios odaity lrom Mit- or nGaeIIpaoeaiain arvsapeg.willing to roork ai ariy lotrinO case oflii uny.ter hiore; dcir brother af Wtt îaoutîonsfoi pour vcaon, McKo a t rmpo oarîe7.0a ors tRalatie II pao raniof a tMus- hoede.Appliciîons wil be rceiued byth udecsigced ,j , Rt. oc ni ar tod1r2haot.cR tu r mtel. Phone Mlton if tht RolyalCnrvtopo s-Mr.A ade r igfon(r.EttîitMor,îl, atoaICarnp-5r3 ic rcVan. cuveA Bro scn oitil f Iis lock oooo, Augost 5liî, t1952. hîî,-ccuîî', o his OToti pear FOR SALE-Simoct 4-harner et- Vacaset -dmrda ectî.îdaIhuelital.R 10 ctrc oangirhte anti gray porct ATD-Lv otr .av lisýcdohsco.sPhone.R.MItas. -eaeN wan-d. ihetrîtesd -Power mon interacteal on tu on rotocent onociafe there, .00MOS. GLADYS SPEERS, SECRETARY, Mi lionutil Wîdîîcoduiy, olcreL'la , highoe.PoeMlo eteswne.Hgetpi day teors 7.30 to 10.30 ar. m hitcthat icadinl thse Champion makslrootc, Ontario fIîioîcot service îouu hetnt tît- -.58r2. t paid. Phase Randalt & Morley, MIS.. IrFaOR.SL-o, heCotye or write Moses Zeser, 402 Dsver- Mil, James anti M arystreeto. *good îl ittas' ogain. ia iY rguaoah oti tMKtbor R. oot.T tudarc, Mai iMtn. c_______________ _______________________________ CARDS O0F TISANKS -______ - INVITATION TO TENDER -FOR SALE - Rapherrera y tht Tendersaset requrstrd ose thte OBITUARY s ta thanh tht Irientia ant ing Bilton 293c13, Mes. Wrigglon- The chuech ta ho paintod os tht Ask Board HohoonaoCmcettitt orlbreWorth. c outsidr osty ond hsth doors ors Founde of Shool ROCLA ATIOafl ferinfa ant ta tht late each aide. Please state what pint Founer f Votel Onfv'.LMIVMuIDu1Mrs.Sophia Patteroon. FOR SAL-Tmo 2-pire echer. aor îse t. Seated tenders plainl2r tildsitesttilmatte)Reonbe. mh arhed "Paistinsg o Eilhrlde Un- Dies in Denmark h atke tuntpitd ailles lad tlet, Reobe.ie hrhtabadesdt Metn i pcalssin n15 ta thanh my many tritods, srigh- Triephane 115. c Rosa BarbaRIle, R. R. 3, Camipbel- Newsofa tht saddrn drath os.Iaty Friday, Juty 11, Nolson honhi aro. Dr. Knicht and Rehrhah Ttn o ad r it uigm FOR SALE - Re-monditindoIe edrs closed Augut 1, 7 o JhnAnho Mdse, 7,asa ouicl athriedth prcaseofreeLods nss Thanh pou. mahers aI prices t0 suit ony 1912. resutt of a hrart attark in tht ose three-tos truck and ose haIt- 1I*1 1Mes. J. MeLeso' pachet hook. Mtsim Bardware, railmay station in Copehafrs. ton Iteîrnational tracS tram the p hose ito 28. c Ls n on mayfredsi tePokScolFOR SALE - 2-farrow Masaey____________ tsnytetdahoth ot Ihottht roati deparîment. Tht hall-tonDesaraihNosantAas a ohoxcetaehtacon-O. potteroos and Corspasy, forn moverseol inOstario- M. and itt tot $1.740 and tht three-ton Whereas at a meeting of the Council of the oprainof CBarraent itins. tsetodrg exowCellentcon- nLSTi., il Bunorav matcheo Msth ar o e ati tannd at Aera$t4n, sa00s.dIht1hoIrtrin. phone ittas 70e332. c-7-2 ward . Phone Billon 240w. c aot oriaiftath D tsive acaes A eteve appo as at Fltamboro theTown of Miltonhld on tha 7th day of July, ILaoille Unitedi Chaech Gardes FOR SALE--Oea. White ait steelt LOàsT-Dissosd ring. pearl andI Fintond. It mon tht ttst tirse thty Tonhip Cauncîl mith a viro ta it waa rasolved that j PaetyP.ardk, Aagilaoe. Crn-ltdringîof awchieftte qudippovr, trngad gotd seekîsce mîtto had relurdta1Desmarh ince c-opratiitn Isteern tht twa mas- -IraîPPr.Lmote ntdn trt atradcIae rrarrîst insa Romard. Appy comng ta Canada 22 peso f. iiatio noamc ytrs toc t IGardeni Party, Carsphrtlviltt, cleasor. Phase Miton 290r13. e Champion Office, r John and Betty Madsnfhunded otb-eant Neson and south-eont IA t#sIf ALtuuctay, Aug. 2nd. Dram on tel- FOR SALE - 100 lb. eapactty tht Cherry Hill Fok Sohoal ai Ftamahro. NI Y, >UUS~J T 4h -iiono, Miorster and radio. 7-2 white enamet ice hou; white en Unionville.usinc the revenue lrom Tht police qaestion mon reapeoctd lLowiitcBaillubCtance, Fri atetcook store, marrsing closci MisceiIaneouJs a spotiol coodos atory otuatiti and disconord as ta police proolt-t- b cithha a innd b x s the t Hoia o te ýa . July 251h O9lt ors .Kilhcidte and rosecotePhase Bittas 306w. .__________F._E._________of os ont corner nf their lorenm 0 o , eStonTso ài. ote ru-!lmeiai.rebyflxedas e.rCihesHoldayLuncth cosrrrt tht big bars and lhen hoone ohritorfr oucrurrrsI tl. m sionr50uc:. Luch2 FOR SALE-Stared puttets, var- NTC-r .E acc' f itto gymnanturs. ooiogl ivingf varton iforapoi Narusr to urent yaar, and that th Mayor ba authorized te publish îîiuî Aoico Sc T2ton pricos asti agrs u ala tyinif tîce tilt ho clourd astit Auguit 5, and sleeping quarters. Fac fiar action mao tahon as Coanittar A- Do Me.socr ant itHa . slandcra brpsnPutyFrss 02 -- yeses tht Matiornahavt sets thir inson, thairosan of he plicecol-Ite.usual proclamation iconnection therewîth. pj sîettd hi Billon Ficc Brifadet. Hatcery, phase 48r15 Georgetown. 5-tXWERS for ait occasiona. 63r- deearn oI a Canadtan FotkScRoatmtîe onstpoun. uontiay.July 2sIt. 9Ota1 .Milttasb-M-.6 tee Beau. Floriots, Kitheide. Phone corse toucpe opleof attracesa Bye ws il recrt.Arill o Mduo. n anti 01 Turne FOR SALE - Goati used etectrie 498r11. c-ti peopto y erooltian. D. A. MeConuchie, G. F. THOMPSON dan.uî cAtisicon $1.00 per p1O'sOi~uor ntma 3;ascoc IClIOTBE ROOa anicrertisfgabeed uoder one roofthe township solicito and thel i modut-"islae slwa 3;as hieo OFRAL -i -M M lna pit o fellamuhils ta oo.niemoenîutt t tituMayo amodK ,îîcîO îth i2 n Ne oBut. Liherat aI- hoard"for Imo in prioste horst- , rsippaaldieOuistiee er ntrcedt ttn he1Riv os .cairo TiIo aon yoar trado-in. McKim rs.mBrooks, Martin St.. Biltas.c ne ;)LrJCh hofSantiao. JuttheCHFRRIES ARE READY-Choîce rclief. Youe Druggust sella Cees eachoi_____ _______________________ 211h ait9.3tom. ad lt osonriLMotmiiecOy. .Pick thees ve o c fellowmanmcoept that ec 1 piced ue o ii e ltakin orecard ii,;i a,îît iEvIcrylluii, e- îiuc.ttGethcîcebadOtaO e-e bis ecomoWty 10 <tahis es .- ,,îs.ihe Ity XiiiGcin. Ri . R 2, Mlton, phanei- -- oeeti tiio Div Iaio)Bibtle 2irl20 Bitii'a hRADIO REPAIRS - TV. car andI Th aic etby Jh M d ,,,,C .S ýlmý i ) id Miiriadiîo. Poofesatonal service. Wll Te' *h ca il e a Scthiln( o a*,dthR meeCiL. s P tiiPîdcc Jls 21ta 25. flai PORSALE -Labrotior pOppitO. pich up anti dotîcer. CatI Billon led s i t tho hro tO- A dptto o aýafr t i ii t. hîtîrn l ire oîit i, blocS. oeelent oleain. STr. c-6-4 lrtirootrFttehiilu5 aue;otiiioîîi.t ýg,- iitt t tKnoxlFriloBîccestiole Keîcets. Mtss--- tiett u ont ftisveyeft ah- ,so owshpirke wci t-hiiitchtLiatr Rn Brnea. Bamhhill Farm. R. E. SCO7TI ut Jaek Nouslan'& tiiiu1iii adtasiufehuîîtt s i h o______________________ l. Slil hîuln yc-i,.rR 3,Miltot.phone 384r2. c-7-3 Barber Shop.Practicat match and titi hinrs.etfta15hetp as maoo pooplei hiecivo oote ia,in eadI h I i G2,,Cu eBgi ___- - -_ iseSckepairs Prorptservie. on posible fioti tht secret of cpeincîof itthi fo c hoo R el ii i.,i thîrlt-ivtitcenttscC t 2 FOR SALE-1901 tdatie or I',Phose Billon 428m, tceOinf abundanttliig. o -;1e oun ttu NI , n IT Ntos pick-upo trc, eh tuott - :485j. c-52-1iS Bsmites hi, ite. Betty, Su Irosc ol .o tuiihiiscicthe agr-d t o o ileafi- $1.05t; atua R. t0 mour s dah hrethewoo or n two ow0001 Il Iy Conitiuous Frcoui l7p.rnoC.A. VieItour rradio. $35. A. Sac- hes ita aendeohthce-Ldoîîh9loi, cii, O teGorhonuhmetaiitSSt. Personal 1cm Beta.Kars stiAnc Li 9, I Maiinee Saturdopu ond Holîîîays it2 pand Miton. rdt PceMisS. _________ Thiiýii uiby mrncciyv osto.[Pollock Mtin.and______________ ,eeîîcmptyuih thei equtl' 'SKII4NY girls! Getlovetty sur- ROOM~**TV __the__ i ruaa-gam rua juy rFOR SALE -2 door:s iamos, es! Gain 5ta10 Ilta., oem ptp. TeY ut tt dlîgtio P*riday aturay .18h-19 Campbl et. sti oed; 4 ni-os tdrse tarous heatth and meight-huilder. Manutacturera t apo s; ineti aatees; gui. mater Otrco Tantc Tabteta. IntrodactoeP, ThsIarL en sabomyetai';cothinf. nem and ucso aid *get-acquausted' site oniy 6Oc. AIT feroCnoatinTVseoloeasCnuloit- - SESEHIGH GRADE MEMORIALS wliotO -ttiee dining eramasuite; drogguala.b Toono ndMotra T tanmi-tov od as mm$ ,as àmes" StiMEMOIIAL ENGRAVING cevinrsenorset oetol ire hon; Iu____________ tees oiosh shumari is prpaoatîoc OeDor clo ianoher, ii rinu.,a îilt totps. Phone Milton W0. t fortrnsLýio laeribs ea, f H-lt:' wsh HEREsWHEREiiHmou)m SRD m 62 Waiar S., North GALT ___ FepotsTh ienhecnaicghsonS hîe'i n Lluit, tlih I I 'tTELEPIIONE 104 1 PLUJSIRINO & HEATING CATAL- t. rpnt sTissofteimiost. hr stuîo tiphe id.htî uan RANDOLPMTht t952 cotlooue ta oft tht jumphoing 4pcenîaht i u yeî. liTi , hetlîuiuitoluit mypriss. Writi- for yoor cool:orccisit gHPgy 'LIMS I<L tousf tht rootel haîbroors dia-, MNs ILT fflai qutnmhite and icstoceti fiolar-j BRN CHtOJ IF i H~raLes. n -oitstandard oDze haîbrosnis wth Harold C. Fa tiIduor pineuti alts, jonst the %vvvuWin abhoi- in yor wi itboras.menavethcoOr ynd PLUMBING and cIti,. n tst. tctoehaiu iu.... 1% rnitieopeoie syrterna uand i.u ________________________________ I HEATING ioti a- etera, ranfge -,t~ul~,a NION. UES, JULY 21-22 5ef5 -TiIIJRS. JIILY 21-24 ur.pp-d nd OOircppr 1 oi tanks, refriOiratocOusandteeîrlt - See il vvth Scmeiti r .noeaopltuttlire of tou rea.t YoutLove Very Mucl5 IJOHNNST., (BA'ON heitiof cyouutm5 mtIh cooecto PHONE 423J erads. Wr dlitier lii notir ni-amineiic tts.y s 1 fIrulgh.S . S V.Iohnsonîa PltitmhiiO "Who raises o child of____________ Suptptii-s, Stoeeilte. Ost. c-5-4 chl fonother's ie DEAD STOCK FOR SALE wit Go."Dead and Crippled Farm New t herosjtIuuo cks N Animais Removed Promptly 15 tItidbiirSeanwl 15 l tilaui Setdan, 11,- For Sanitary Disposal 1ti.5t)AiuîtinSdon )Fil Meteor Coach HaIS the automobile world drivas TELPHI'E CLLCT TO O.9Craolte Trctîrol th aagtc cars which need varioas servica Fiouct CLLCT d(,10Rut. igeland repaies f0 make ihem ope- I Milon 210 Dotihier Wagonscin 4-0 bih1 rate safely and depandably. Yoîr Toronto IM 3-3636 Nom Ithrîuhîîîg matitchhavetoi 2400 mile rain owe n hedr drive la the saS. Il. Dont de- inarotomarh.-GORDON YOUNG LID. THOO E. HEWSON ~J~Phîtise332m, Georgetomn h Iay-aee us today. 1951 Meter Setian 1947 MBr-crtoCoach 1947 Bersî y Sedan 1947 Chec. Coach 1946 Ford Coach LITWLDadNOM a US DO YOUR 1942 Plymsouth Sedan ~y>I55 AD lii ftUI ~1030 Dotice Setian J i IL I G1930 P ym o th Sedan IÂNE iivii~ IManp Older Models at E-WM-NR I ARéduced Prices FORMER COUNCILLOR irank Pmaroc and Mayor se, r, i orsnt inspect thce mayors chair that mas completely reapholsteced aed efininhed as part of the ton hall irsprooementn. M. Pearen mas on lice cooncil and recalled the porchase of the chair about 30 yeas ago. Newn chairs haoe also been porchased for the council chamber, that mas officially opened an Frcay Sat Photo Phon '1Y NILTIONT TIî-UREMD.AY, JULY 17th. 102 TLJC rAMAMAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONTARIO

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