PAGIOlEGH Btems. jar ti. caîsmns sas e ptsaed to 20 oseul fa the Canada Champion Offie. in. Mitor -Gssad wother fo hasiug his -Provincial Constable A. McNiv- past weoic, en has brou trauferced 10 the Oak- ville detachmont of Provincial -Milieu Beauts' Salon as roceiv- Police. CaccI. McNiveu mas frm- ed a uow coat of paint. ecîs' au 0he Milton caunts' deisch- meut. -Milon Inn ad Kigts Mnc -The aid Mitonutotmo bell ma Wear haut receentis' receioci tiediils o tO oc tioooo n o .tTau- brighteio oats ofolisint. doy uocihooodotouor. Fcoroauty il bho-got to icmod c motoe htoii -Mans' fron tomn ccd the sue- but in that casé it mcc oaIas raunding district atteudod the op- atcrm. The bell mcc lored fcorn ening o Mallon Centennial Manr the top luor 90 the second fluor lut Sundas' aternoan, levet dsriug recrt lumu hall re- -Charges mere dioriaoed agaicul pairs. Slave Maticcrb in MagistaiccOc -Thc gtoriocc imefth on Satur- Court Wednesdas' mOrslOc mas day-tOc day the ccms' ut William charged iu conectian ilO c cee- III f Engiccd defeated the torces et clefed sichbinf. f James II in 160. The oulcoeofu t10ebaille deided Ruglando aop- -Frank . Stark ccd Sous. Ml- emacy in Irelcud for uver icro ton, pid $425 1r c miiug Roi-centuries. TOc Bcyuo ic a orait strina t c recrut saole in Ocheolle, iver nortih of Dublitu-and cf Mighet price cf 10e day ccc $64G course cornait centre lu Trafalgar pid for Patricia Raf Apple Roea. towuship. Council Ref uses ýZimnmerman Group Request for School At Board Meeting Nelson Township Cotciet OpalAtuaupeecil meting cf tOc maîoits note aothIeir mo-risng un uchaul uardolhooiAre oNa1t Mondas'. July 7, refurd thc rcqueui Netuon Toosnhip, on July 4. the- ofltheSchuut Boardof Schcct AOea bard deietudioc he township No.1, forltheissccnceutfdernturenecuoýctî ta isue dehcoturco fui foc the prupusoti nom chuluon $30500 forlthe propocrdunw cmshcu Nom Street, ou Nec Strect. "Wr helieve tt shousd bh o ucîd auTOc buard reeired a teputotion as a maucis h-tam," 10e motionu,to-cm Zimmerman. hecded by Mar- monrd and secuuded hy Couscllur shall Campbell, aciug ihal mOrts William Greeu sud Dpciy Seur the ucor chot s hoit ai Lcmviile. Fred Walhec, adtied. ihat peoviion Or made uc Ikcrc- Gorge Readhoad cpprarcd he- of tOc pupisonatomhe Zommcrmaosi fore couseol asinf for c grautt oucea. Il mcs sated th a' fait con- the Ralton Agicutlral Society cderaticu cou Oinfg iron lu pro- mhich mcc relehcatisg ils 10010 au- vide adeucle acommodction ftut nicersry this year. A grat of $10 houe decrouf il. was mcdo. Se precontaticea front TacOt. A letterefront Ford Rogers, couîy Bruls. Cedar Spriugs ccd Mcunl sosmaunr, sotifird tOecocunit that te Nemo baa sbcd thesamne cnec Couts'Curtof Revision mctd sit in bu Nelson as Wednesday. Juls' 910 The township mas notiird that te towus of Buribuglon and Dahuotu AU TI N AL weeappeliong tOc decsion ufthe LC I N S L caccty eucit. Aller senme dscus- sio lm as decided tciustnsel theO Etsssohsd Furiture, Real solicior 10 seccre anis expert tots-' Estate, RE. munis that migbt ho reqcsred. A peltoun cou reccscd cnd pre- The cndesgooed bos.av ocse sented hy c dcirgton epoesoslsg Intrecticonsa toasth1e Excutoiu a large pecentoge cf tOc uters scrIbe EtLoss f 1he Retsoun cho mero-enpicotdi n LOVE NMARGARET CARTWRIGHT Ramolos andsti in ero- wche To el y publieo colsas e mcdo t diffocost for thcons 10 recch laIe hume, Maic S., Mito, osi Nelson Tocuship polis oy 7 put Ic5NcuJYJULY 16 Thc peision acbcdtu 10havee Io Ut'iTR-buclco l.cîi i muieipal puls cpen tc 9 pm luefor h tl mîs, plolaicostII anv eeiocu Anmotonucocpccced cocodeuocccaco,,oalchz; thai thec o-usncotpro-ued ucosh the-ccoc, Il 00eaodou g 6o proparalsun uf a bp-i cc rgciliug saluai ccva-hack chatte, 0 theebouoc ofutongluhebeunsSdoo9ois.ioooIfte;ounsod sooo c.m. tisit 9pm, ccd hal the pr- tableouibb chair., lu match; viousa h-lac Oerec-oded. Ilabos ha il csmuard î2 ,ido Allast Wright oas poes vososfurotal;hl etad mnI DI a deutaton rontNo.2 Hihwa rouit hair- cLy alois chas:pal.j eastof the APpleby Line, peoto-sufiaclouîelo.îooclosoo iatt;oo agoonscithv cose attendaon n Scn- 500 lceo a0000SI% dcv pscsoec heing heldi ht a ruiac co '.,5h t:., oldott la' at a tuscamp. Tho-o-s bndchars' ccity usoatodah tchir and the musicis forrogc 105 ccvu1etrc Fi Mdle uai y, i type wcrer acccltomoti 1, and ctt o tuesclaý cmpiitsodsil cnbc heard it 's 1,ohouc machinemihbsOch feetawa." M. Wightask s hati. Oscheu table; udd k coroofl op1utcioanuli-nuiscely-ta a irsiebu colo. bsfacs3 t iotseffevlo nd tolicenceo11,A. syu largcdcantsiiyofgocd silvi*àr temus. Corail dcidodio-unuotteaimt cooooice utol .inncer dih the ociotr rvgacdisg ou asti-nuise es;a: husomoruoot cbueoo.l(l hp law cnd ibt sciolco Oc ccc inoumim III 0000.0 i ooooosooo eo.ototo'teu tber mcncipcltiorche ecvcono-t10sil;-age ot ofboodinoou lanccle use0 hickcti,, o-cc: 0,00y Thereotlecct fl u ceulofuinlevaioauiolid; wloe $62 ws pcocd. The ocavac ldntccu.sur;ilarge taucycectco us. nf 1,74.08 ccc cico s ,.uct.Twos cuo-îoutol 0.-i ebti ressue cos looecisatl$25 cch.cancone dis- vashstandtiomatoOScch;S oob, rssco-ciat $25 frontm hBuo ioug- p-1s and mlîo-eou. mcsd 1 tus Fre Duprluceni mut. -pait.pinoptouc'umtlecuc.aditdresse;cd George Cortiolo- . BS3 Camp1 dreu ihoextrau onsc o-b : osolo helioit, as paiti $10 br bilouc, gc ecc 2býudr uts: toýlel ceea: o ico dugu currysco hep. Merle rus.ctuLelclhs olt cis; to GunOs, B..t, Migroce. cuti Jack pasctis: bau so: ;gcctiu o, ing, R..2, Miloncu.mre rovh picoi ardun toolu: go-cou ubecu:; a $5 folu satis. ucegardenscerder: garteic ltilue. c hveiharocv:Sorti'sa qcacloly of emplis fruit sealr ciher cosmeeos smallticl Friends Meet At ltim ndpae thiTE ii u ofer forsae, ucbet to.ceores.o i Chisholm Reunmon thevh, faItyImont 01000ev a8 o-o. orge ot ou coh iu orude4 a sl The 241h Cihuim ocucoosuw j' -houa o' mu03-pore O ah, oiha ho-id ou Salurdois. Juiy 5. at Ha-toc'. h:oetcoooiltoors, t000000 tborne lnodgeMilon., lb a toici .1sud ouu a no-mrouf: decouf atedneo 80. sud fiishof Iicîcrios ex rus cliudatteut 5.conudition. Atuc us proprrly Tbe cternoon mocuseut iosroubrickbuiig 24 ft. i urmng ceqsaiulaceo-andsinseoet topuais. utlbl focadubleo ar ioipcloag in c upienditi sports pros.. age. Wo'li shodd-ti iamuo- graineonvened byHary Bart ,f hou.e th largse, ean griooo- Rillchorgh. I r00 uliOcurr1r.s Afe a bcsnteucu pcei sippoo.o. o it ocoostti psrloov Iothe u ype seoetion the-iamn, a pct.grcainanot tcistotindmto-cnguof a] buiesmeig wac hed alehsch Ttermstonuo-tciesao.e10 per c-s ltierc front the Clan Chîcios l oovudtp o sale, balance in Sociy ou Seclanti meo-uruati bec ot osclosice' Theslae f Trmsonchatclu CaoshO us 1953 s a, flulowco pro- idetiulLioste Nuurk1I' oflche uoo ui Chishtoim, Moecu: ruticeu pret tl lfoti do-c.FracS Chiso hum. iosloy; Nosoee've seco-cd vce pre,ideci 5l,,-, HN11EV AND RLLIDTT, Barthcium.Torontou:ecrto-Atitoeucos lo-a.cOer, Mes Rua Chocýhoico iol i'hsut 19r3 louc t cutind 1 ton;assstat scretry-reiurMillion ion: catuicci uro-o riaoy HaryCaritright, Frank (' Mrs crtn Ho. lis orioglou eght Exceurs tfor theERtd i LET US DO YOUR Farnworth BUILDING Memoriais bieumetsai odrat Traynor Prices Construction Ca. CEMETESY LETTERINO GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mors. Rd. ai Cemeery Phone 485W Don Messer and his Islanders Presented By MILTON FIRI BRIGADE MONDAY, JULY 2lst 9 to 1 MILTON ARENA [irthsMarniages DahEtc. BORN KELMAN-Mr. and Mc. D. L. Kel- man are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Wod- uesday, July 2, 1952, at Mount Hamilton Hospita. LAWRENCE-Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Lawrence are happy to announce the irth uf their daugter on Thurday, July3 1952, at SI WANW-- ADS LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 2 P M. WEI)NESDAT - RATES - Sa charge for souncomonts of Blrths lotarriages, Dests sud Engagements Iu Memoriam SOC plus 10e pet lune faor verses. Articles for Sali. Sent, etc.-2c a word, Minimnum cash 35c (If nat; paid util ater insertion, 50c). Box No. ta Ibis sffice 19e sddittsnat. Consing Events-10c per rount lino; 3Oc minimum. Cardso f Thans-ôft, MUJRRAY -Mr. and Mrsc James For SleWanted Mrayare happy to cucucuce _________ lhe irth of their daughter, Kerri FOR SALE - Quantity ot quart WANTED--Somecone to combine Lynne, on Susdoy, July 6, 1952. ucaicru. Phone Mitton 545j. c 12 acres ut mheat for the tcaw, ait ilto Priate ospial. FOR SALE-t0 pigs, 8 wekooa Appty Guy Buaoett 76-5, Mitton. c PELLETFERICO - Mr. und Mcr. Bub Hayward, Phono 27trt2. c WANTED-Large siza suit coce, Geogc Pctitttcrio arc hapspy luHari 6fi Sizo mure importaut thon cundit- anonethe birih cf theie FOR SALE-Masacy Hra ioin. C. E . Srith, R. R. 6, phone datcghter on Mundais, July 7. biudcr. E. A. Fish, 9th ico, Trof- 291r24. c 19ri iodu iad Lospia. aga.HELP WANTED-Fernate cuchier, ALSi orLN Mc cnd Mc Trnac FOR SALE-Reord attachrnent, caudy gitl, ucheretîcu and ctoanhsg ALDESON-r. ad Mr. Thmas$15. Appty MCtures Furnishisc, wmn, for Sony Theatro, Miton. Aidorson itubs Vicia BrigdenO are Milton, c Apply Mc. Bi is, 5riday 2 p rn. c happyi oc scuice o-thc iclh cf a - - - .nWIllicas onsey. us Thurs- FOR SALE - Regitered cocher WANTED-Fucnished hocco, ap- dcv. Jcly .3. 19592. ut O.hille- spastel poppico and ctdler dccc. arîrnu or cornu with hitchesu ISLANDERS Trofalicor Mernorici SHospital. Phonce 78r2. f privitege, pceterrod in Milton. for ________________________ arnily ut four. Phono Mcc. W. J. FOR SALE-Clore Jemel corbns- OConnor, Milton 15. DIED alous ciecti ccd cccl uluvo. Phase __________________Milon 390r22. c WANTED - Live Poultry and WILSON-At hec home, Miliou, un FOR SALE - 32 V8 Ford coach, fatdhone mand. lti&Moheyil- MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING Thursdcy. Ju12 3, 1952, Caihaine excelilent cnditoncu.Rocconcie tpai3Phorno enîl on2rle Mt ADISIO $,0 PR ERONHaunnu. ile cf the lie Enest Phone Brouie 21c22. con 143, osWrn. ent, 40ito 2 ot5r ADISO $.0PR ESNJhn Wiieou. rnciher cf Donald ci - c_______________ortwR.,oraosnoner42ovr- Toronto ccd Renuelh P. cf Ilu- FOR SALE - Stcndisg crois and cutR. oot. ligo n ersicier cf Elicu. hcy. Apply Mca. Doliy M. Ardogo. _________________________________belli,___and___John__T.__Hcncs cof Mii- Sirecelsvlle, Ont. e-6-2 Sevc a ed on Saturdcv FOR SALE-O coom brickhbose, Lo an Fon withintement;il vecouenCern- cli eonnenioncrc, cew fbonace. n FUDMl oledg hn etrMlo.Mlo.Phone 589w or meilo Mcr. NSMl ouedg hn G RA N D RE - O PEN IN G!' FNLAM ud Evl iterGr uelph Sykes 272 Ercine Ave., Toronto. c Milton 445j. Ornerai Hospital ou Tccsdcy. FOR SALE - Elocirie raugelle, LOST G rey' and white kîllen. July 8, 1952, R, oy M. Finlay', lu good condition. Ru entra miicg Oeil Thomas, John St.. MilIou. e hic6ioivrar, arioued hohassduof eded. Phe 8w. LS wornsadceka E? UdWIIIIImkMIIiMàIiM Eliza Davepori and lourd faîher LOST - T hamringu ooce. c ut Rimer cif Ttmmnus, ccd Mcryj FOR SALE-Macuss' Marria bin- Remord. Apps hrpa fie cnd John ci home. ccd lourd der, in guod ropair. F. W. Mac- LOST - Border coDlie, fernale. roîher ofl Phinea.u ci Campbhell- houtle, phono Milton 110r5. c mhite choot. Anumers lu "Widgy.'" uile: Mou Moud Reid; Mec. Jarnes __________________________________________ Blaelocehof Guelph. FOR SAL-Starîrd pullets, var- Phono 293rt4. JResisg ci the Tourli Foînecut ioua pricea and agos ais to ayig LOST-Litile girls favorite dotl,. Forery rices TeareHume, 15 Yarmoutih St.. chere fun- Thompmona PoulIes' Farrn and rahhe faco, legs and arma. In ceaiceriremil hehel onFriais clcecy phno 0c1 Oobg_5m0 Vicoria Park vicinits'. Phono Judy afiersous ai 230, Inlermenl Wood- -26 Bromu Milton 536. M I LT O N cou Crmrery. h FOR SALE-Modern -piece ______________ _______________________nul diuing rourn suite; cctîqcso INiNJRA spuol hod and apriof; childa s iga For Rent Ai 15Y MUMOR1AM chair and stroller. Mcc. Marris____________ HOMEOOD lu uuin mearyBrown, Branle and Barbu SIc,FO RENT - Tmo turnlshedl AT 7.00 P.M. 0 DOORS OPEN 6.30 Ifoica doue Moîher. Ediih Homo.e- ln rouma, central location. Write' moud. mho pacord amcy July 15, FOR SAL-Tenders will se ce- Bon 101 Canadian Champion, Mi- ________________________________________ 1951. ecourd foc removat u hof digo on. c c 1mba inkdrih cainool cecer. hnon auMahor Shue Store and FRSN m uunse GR NLEO E IG TR C IN ioe ccd romemhracec clasaoroShepherds Taxi ais tilt July 1th FRRN w nunse GRAN RE-PENNG A TRAC ION i avTheF.secly. Highestor any teader nul neceucor_ coins dommstairs, suitable for BRDWNRIISOE-Is o î co.g emoy acecepted. Apply M. Lodmitiihi ushoon. eaaeot tooî g odmol or lohelOphone 66, Milton. c_.3rance. Phono Milton i512r. o Showing Monday-Tuesday Aumi Rroomnrodox hu pocso.d FOR SALE - Windoms, ncm and .FRRN unsehae .,oe,,cJoUI 13, 191.urd; hot maire tant: 4 nom dres3 ingle aparîmeul, separale otrance. (b.d tîo.o h br hosuor o: ccc Hou cclli.orlarp; ninrd seîeru; 1jal ' lectiirecorigorator, hot matou, et- Buinou oor hoeto ho. louolh coll. atr aleicis; uem ccdued clulh- rctriciiy supplied. Phone Milton 21. -9- .Jc52. [)~VIIS.dl miced ovioo.Oondusons omg.,o.c.ooeod .50/es: 8pierc olid I.5UO~JO~JJbJ'lew . .oand doughiers. os luoti diuo g rooco sucote; cewn_______________ _______________________ îooied scuit scccc ccl:50 lb. ~ tt WICN<.R>S <OF Tl.ONKS capteolu enamel sec hou: dcllliebd, 2 AND TM____FUN________________w_ he Oand doiIt. Phone 5Ml. iclu e s i.EGNSTOWJLFUPI' hriSm:tllSr. wthos lu cuprv-. - FOR SALE,-Couvryce 25 fi. long. FLOWEBS ftraaloccasions. Gor- 61TOFE INYI hih h ha k olsneogtio., rie o.ds18- %vie.oAlit eel. moonird on ter Broc. Fiocia s, Koîbride. Phone- ad rltv î o heir houd on.too-lochîtor. Bul 0v Brigdeuu Maeh- 4OsOcli -t j-,cdi. i td ,cI: atic cno Sho1o, Horuhy. Suicohie for an slafi Si .bo ooiu aîru, e.1 .p mor CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- c oSîsecial hue. os il deiee and colt cise ccd ioe. lieuco qoichly. Ycuc Drufgict sella RDiK- tDrfowm.tu ,and De. Foi el cI huooc. Any recsonchie Creco Cocu Sclve-for acre reief n ollur acepird. Fred Bobertson. taco. 5-2t Hotrot y. phone 70-id Milicu. e-S-2 y RADIO BEPAIRS - TV, car and -r ~PLUMBING h IIEATINO CATAL- oradio.Proîr cccnl service. Wilt omig Evnts OUE FRIEE îieh uaisnd deliver. Ccii Milton Comig Evnts The 1952 catalogue iu off the 379r2. c-6-4 o ~pto-eut Wriice rvourepy or visit H gi -yWedoIo.ototenihl oh e cocu ourehuoce and ec r E. SCOTT aI Jack Mountaina id 80 jm_ ii, Lado. 'Autx-, vooself the mardol haihroomn dis- Barber Shop. Practical match and c 1 plas in white andecolored fixucloe repaies. Prompt service. ecscadodnie ahncos \ih PhonoMoltion 428m, eveniugs F G oosotti. Miloto, ilod or painted callo ot tt oni.-21 ffaJl'y1.Pt/e, Milc o au von cant c Othrcom in your _______________ h Adm ýo.-.50c. Ste - oe'huoe. WrOcre csin ccad O IIT uy10. 7,I al e inabietuit, atrvbsis Personal s loottgt BilCotlus toc cerieosaior Orutecu. range Oil- Adu O,ýi,,i 5lc and25e o coul*', 1popc ond ftings in, toppero. SRINRY' girls!ulo lcy curv- p alvanizd nd cairn. s itcandes! Gain 5tuo10lbo., nempep. Try lii Don Mcur ouotito t Isodeu oi tanks. rcfrifcralorc and rleetrie lamous heallO ccd meight-builder, 'j//j us, ooOod lty itonooFre Brigade. range. a comploeelc ffînoe.Oir oi aiI. Iiautr' 'Uitooodty. cl~ ielS laI. M Iiucr condtioninf anus ccndhot oatcr *gel-aequainted' ire only 60c. A] Aoa Modernootasd ld Tiome hcaOoiotg sysocms ith Lonovecdruggiss. tb Id (Liot.toAditotusoO$1001pr per. rardu. Ve delivrc lu pouruneroue ___________ ,,ri -2 1.caiioeytv cation. pou pas' nu In b-6 reight. S. V. Johnuou Plumhing sThoe lo;çts fS.0 Johooc W.A, Sopplics. Sîreotitle. Oui. c-Idý Il'S ANVOYHER lUNULE 0f 10V oootý and hold a caIv' toIhomes FOR TUE MILLIONS WHO LOVED hrot ddarosu hr, gils' balgant, b,-e -cnLttueo lis aud Campbeoll- FOR SALE MOTFiER LOVE %St WlAT r.;"FAYHER'S LITTLE DIVIDENU" uvilcooeon Tusrda.uccnlng, Jcly 15. c cePROMPTrs AEOMAN «ro ne,.it te1fif.Mito DslyVacctiotu Btble New Into.rnatiloucks o MER MUSSAND ,d.1/ e .ltillSeltoooi c l o'b',hoid Mood1950 Chcu. .ot ton Pick-up Is A Bo AND id, 1 sfluEaS t~o h rost 0Fesiay, Jolv 21 sot 25. b-cm 1949 D.M.C. I4ý les Panel 1 ARRCW 50 ROtEt SARA 9.o itr i .3 C idecu ol'pr o- I141 Forod I toou Sice il W N A o ge- mou metSci Ilu 92 SOcehcteSda.arWAKEN lIER VdMIN. ALE onoe ulubîp-e oislot oos1952 Cho-cu Coach. no-W OILR andov utc siGraveChotech. Iteglul 19.51 Meto.or Coaeh e.isoO cochoOfVectte2 T.D. CrItslo.cTrclcemlh angle ntdooer. 10 fi hiladu- aýFireonoe Scît geetoon thossOer Wagons Iur- Sucerai locu trioed uu-d cars. -o-- -- -THOS. E. HEWSDN Phone 332. GeorgetownO lO nt. PLUMBINC. and iEATIth J. A. ELLIOTT * i* ILicensed Auctioneer and .if yoar Isakes are as lboss as a IREAL ESTATE SiZe 10 hat on a size 6 head, you __________________________________________ Ihave a date with aur brakte relin- 7î ~~JOHIN&T, MILTON- Phni j ing and adjssting experts. A 7711T I l A.1 PHONE 423MîPhon17 safe driver is no safer than hlm vveulesday-Tursday au*y 1-7 --- -Mitnbrakes, T3 1951 Metore Sedan -~~ \ O .,194à Mrrcooy Coach - ~ ~1947 Mereotry Sedan ULMU STOC1941 Ford Coupe Dead and Crppled Far- MayoulDdereMudeis ci Animais Removed PromptIy SduedP4>e ~ J'i.~ For Sanitary Disposai 805,80à SERVICE ?ICNICLORTELEPHONE COLLECT Horace Tominson M cEsNit sGNA N OE Milon 2lt 1CHAPEL ST. MORGAN IMAYO ELSON AToront EM3-3636 BMTON 7W MATINEE SATURDAYS AT 2.00 P.M. GORDON YOUNGLT. arryfenuPa rgiPhns59 1 - TUURSDAY, JULY 10th, IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO - . - -1-ý E