TMURSDAY, JULY t0th, 1552 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO IIow"Skinny" Girls Get Lovely Curves "al 5 te 10&LNmm Pop Pollock and Campbell Manufactuarersai HIGH GRADE MEMORIAS MEMORIAL ENGRAVIN G 62 Water St., North GALT TELES'HONE »U4 DAILY SERVICE TO0 A L CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUF TRAVIE. 1 e .9 LIDDY'S MILK SPAGHETTI IB' DDE EBAONN TIN 2 '20-O 2 M 370 Spelal!1 JELLwO DESSERTS - PUDDINGS - PIE FILLINGS 3 Pkgs. 25C SUNLIGHT SOAP 2 BARS 21c Ask 'Un For Oder Biaak for 24-piece Plastic Picote Set LIFEDUOY SOAP 1,-PRICE 2 BATH O SALE 20 SIZE .1It DISHES SPARKLE WREN WASKED IN BY1rE K. 290 MAMES OCEÂNS or SUDS INf TEE HARDEST WATEE FRESHIE DESSERT 7 mUX - PHO. 7 CONCENTRATED PUNCH BOTTLE 15c, 25c PEAC EsLYNN VALLEY 1 5c SPECIAL - BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3TIS22C E sLYNVALLEY 20oz P A SPECIAL PROCES,2OTI-NS 29 HOME35 GROWN55 CARROTS 2 - bchs. l9c BANANAS - - - - IL. 15e ORANGES, 288's - - doza 29c Radishes & Green Onions bch. 6c 1 1 7 trd- ow price-wi more couldyou waat1 Her's a Iow prîcel IOw-pressur. GOODXVEA TIRE If,. the buy for tbrifty mot istet1 CaU in today ta nee thea satianat new Goodyear Ma thon S uper-Cushi on-a Ic prenore tire that'. rea)Iy1 At ivitt ig do mosi wvomen relire?'~ Ten years carlier titan men ... usually at 55. qurai n f i longf-r.ln. n n eI iE-r e-ni.- o i el .-elica n, n rnnec1 cneru ricfn Iic.-fccne.Mo ccs wani Mto f oiian co rre s-,celaie-.cnisI-d JACK T. ARMSTRONG Georgetown, Ont. Branch Office Brampton, Ont. Poot's Corne Ini response to your rrqa mure Unes fram Mattnite! could live in a brautitul 1like Halton and not fet pi times? THtIS 15 HALTON Where wfnding streama and tainous hittu And woadlands meet. And pour out nurture roth 1 Whaorrek ihrir ealm er And retul pienie spots; Wherr highwcays beome as Wjth modemr ountry loto. Wherer iodstry in hraad x Grams yerby year; Wherrrntrangr i>nd a sli Fram far or nrar; And villagrs mth oId landrr Takr ios arialite and sI Tis things lihr thrsr. f aur: That makeuslvoucu Laura B. ta thr yer 1951. Canadac morr than 2,50.00 ota omobh thereoad, înrluding 60000a Thrcewa rneadvantagr nid stylreosailtetriphonrs.Ti had ta stop talking ohm 1the gavreot lft's amodern age," says Pannals, owhms gis 0e ai leci as t he souee ihas fhcîr grasdmather iin bed!l THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1952 'r 200 MEMBERS GATHER FOR EIGHTH ,-BROWNRIDGE FAMILY REUNION SAT. oci i On Satday ul th200 mem Drng thenoon hor mratancil bers of thce Brnwneîdgr taccîcy hetdi taminatrd seoti mas presrnted ta ticrir Eccotfc Famcty Reusrion ai the Ms maBonig nrcg BramptonnFafr r oulonis. Ms maBonig nrcg Great mootd lbe the surpri se of nition af ber many years of taithiot 1moon- Thomas Bromnridge, mho emicrat- service os Secretary. ed tai Canada in 1819 tram York- sbire. Engtand, if bc knem that in Among hose attending mere: Dr. sutat952 he motd have neer 500 descen- Roy Baniî,BrhHtSs. ca: dants rntending ta the sinth grnera-his daughser, Ers. Watlace Berry, l in bhcrn in Nocth Americu, Edmontan. Alto.; hic nan, Robuert J. ' ,i> Icl 1822 tic vîacred Eliza Ward ni Hiciasidar voKingvtcon, Ont., Mr. Isligtn and theyhorsteaded onîand Mrv. Austin Bramnrcdge and Lot 4.'Concessionn7 of Esqursing Mr.acd Mrs.J.f.H. Lyon ofBran- Towship,.oshere seven nons and dn Manitnha; Mr. and Mes. Dan one daugbtee mre barn ta tbem. Cowing nf Crandait, Man.; Me. and :pne Thin bomrstead bas bren ccntin- Mrs. Frrest Hatcomh and familtyof pane ouuty in the Bramnridge namne for Riverdate, Mi chigan; Me. Eart averrf30 nears anddoring tbcs tiile Artbars ai Charloatte, Nortb Caro- geoond bas mlcamd six nrmîy mrddrd ina; Mr. and Ers. George Bromn- couples. ridge ai Riveedate, Mchbigan; Mr. niceo Tcr prsrtomsrsaeMe and aMrs. LyteBramnridge and fam- mark ThePreent wner ar Mr.andity oaiL nsing, Michigan; Dr. W. ,tartIli Mev. Ward Bromsridge, mbo arr Body Artbrs and family ofiArade, tiving in the orcgcnat borehoîitt y N Y -Mes. Frrd Artburs, ber daagb- as Thomas ramsridîe. On the tarmr, tcrs-tocrisi, Betty and iamity; Dr. nty sa!in theîuacitycemrtery, arehburied Stewart Fisher of Bauriamaque, 1. DixnThomas and EliaaBrsmnridgerand Que. Temarity otbeifamity Thomas' brothler, Wittiam, mho ttedigw ra rm Ontario. ouielcamne mth him tram Yarkshcre, ýie nEngland. traebvs. The iirst reanian beldi n t908 and a]]lsilice that timr huvr tahen pluie Fram a ingte steel ingat of 30000 to thr an the bamrstcad but due ta the ini- poundu fl is thearetiratty possible s crasin numers arge accm-la mahe 35,000 miles ai mire and brîvgi> ruiasmrr agracm1200 miltionsumaltacha. clegs modain mas neeessary ibcs yrar. The îfficererreted for the nrst -Reusian. mhicb is ta bc held in 1955 arr: Han. Prrsidrnt, Me. Faster Beawnridge, Mlton; Ho.S Orer >ý tar. MisEmma BromnridgeTo. c acta; President. Me. Jahs H. Beamnidir. Toronto; Vire-Presi- dents. Me. Jehu Outbeie, Toronta, Me. Earl Artburs, North Caealcsa, Me. Waed Bramsridge. Georetown: Srcretary, Miss Fforene Lyo. Brandon, Mantoba; Treasurer, Mes. Richard Baîley, Mount Densis. W n Dirertai s: Mes. Forrst Halcamb, Riveedale, Mchigan; Mes. Heebret Wheeter, Brîgeave. Ontario; Dr. Y U Biiyd Athurs. Arcade. New Yaork- ~U ,ht Riîbi-t Brawnridge. Kcngstos, Ont,' Mes. Cardan Feathergill, tHamilton: Johcn Rf Beawnecdgr, Tarant>;,.e Robert Ceancre. Miltnn; Mes. Es Ien' d Lacdfam. New Brtain. Cnnn Thoreretcecng tram oaticre are Me. Ellery Beaunricige ofC Bramytone cI) t ad Mr. Jhn Irvi ofTa.weîefsîg iiiiii. s icii. Io -cideca On the rerptiiin eiimmittc-c ocrer rising free." If iii> tilliiing cfl ch, -coite true. scrond arneratiaci. Miss Marv oOîalîg f Mltîîn wohîîs 90 tac- YearSo îId, Mes. Rabert Rîggue ni But or freedomn Miltoniî, Miss Ecmma Brocnridgr ai haro as ilFihas die a- Tiiiiiiii to wo aus84on sh da, ofWe cannot enjoy ara- hii-rî-îiîîn and Mr. Fostr Bromn- personul frerdonr lO- i iifuc.iJtMI ,IiiiiAi-a î,,, ibis "Il-î tam iîliiiiiiiiîre Mr. John 1 HI. ia- sthe dawnfaillc liigie oilTorontio; Me. Thomas plan or regolafe BrHcîiîsîiic.îid erîîgî-iîîn . MeFE- ic: o : îîli-Ir..f teuiîn >iti'cCollectivr bargai iliiii ci-î.îtion. pîopaîfy as me s, fIli(il the actice Sparts Csm- and mcrshîp ail illiittciai s Mr .lîîî cI;ih Ii> irdTii. tuais fought and, ilTî i i .iî i il foi (iii1Ifmc attIokeE I iii:. i i ttî,.îsîiii. M W1 1CAJieti gTohth- s%,;AM IN STEELTF SPECIAL PRICE-- $189.50 ""HEAT WAVE"" ELECTRIC STOVE FOUR SURNER AUTOMATIC OVIN CONTROL CHROMOLAX ILEMENTS Finish and oven aIl poccelain GEO. BUNDY PHONE MILTON 313 to Keep Freedom? bot ths Canada of ours being "the feue North ia finr sontimont and on the mhole il han been , s a thing which nords constant caro lest if die d in so many orhnr cous ois throughout histosy. ytue freedom os o peoplr unlnss wr insist upon m.We losr prsonu frerdom, and so conteibutr of al f rrdom, rvr y me wr ask Government to ining: the right to dispose of our services and eut ore fit, the cight f0 freedomn of assembly, speech Ithese meeonîoy farcause f ceedom-loving indivi- cif nocessary, died for them. rp cur freedom we must have the same courage mA1i,-,i üii ceSitovCKOC (1150) rîey i-cc.ght. Pufslished as a Public Service by COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED Plants 0f FRD - SWANSEA - GANANOQUE - MONTREAL BEAT THE HEAT Swim Trnks OF- STURDY ELASTIC MATERIAL MADE TO CONFORM TO SHAPE. BLUE, YELLOW, WINE. $2.98 KEEP COOL IN LIGHT WEIGHT T SHIRTS N A RAîNBOW 0F COLORS. SIZES S, M. AND L. 98c ta $2.29 LIGHT WEIGHT Gabardine Trousers N GREY, BLUE OR BROWN WITH PLEATS AND ZIPPERS. SIZES 30 TO 42. $7.95 PR. SHOP IN COOL COMFORT IN OUR AIR CONDITIONED STORE PHONE 205W MILTON, ONT. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE THStE S. A. FAY and SONS Plumbing and Heating Sheet Metal Work 1