*0* 'i. . a Award Prizes at Highest Prices isth Annual Picnic raid For Moltion Gospel Chopet heid thetr 150h annuel Sundue Sehont Pirni' BATTERIES t Saper PaorO, Gli, Ont,,nn Tues SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS, duy, July t. Eighty-iie happy MISCELLANEOUS FARM prople teacetird riiher by car oi SCRAP train tOnGat, tOn njoy 00e pirate. The aidet persan atendina cea Delivr.d ta our yard Mr. Thon. MeKere, being 85 yerc nid and 00e enunget being Mis: 175 Caroline St. N. Paddy Chuciton, t 15 monthu, TOt NAMILTON htoiler ouootenîoyed muny sot iteltO:t:c haeltil, orttg :and ettle, t. W axman & Att trtrid lhomo aftotuil1:e Sons otetrh1e doy'e ploonunt erento. Phono Hamilton 27061 Otounu nl pend c billodo' and i tees Oto y fur tociaotl scurit: ad83611 hou' ousmuoh a o tue ilonal do trace, IF 70U WOULO SIUY TUE ~ ~ICERTIFICATES, W! MAIII? PUILD A F4UWONU/ ond iltcon be ny or oit f il BIGS PRIZES FOR 25C THE DURHIAM MEMORIAL ARENA $25,500-00 Membership Certificat. Campaign Me. Peler oersam cf Aytons, Otcrus $1800-.0n Conado Ourongo Bonds Thr seller alsu tram Ayonswn $1.000,00 n Canads Soc' ngo Bonds. Mo. b'.Rekenssecler of Hscosec won $45000 n Canado Soeîou' Bonds. Thc seller ruce Durhsamnons$25000 n Canada ancos Bonds. AND REMEMBER - $21,250.00 MAY S1111 BE YOURS For further information in Milton, ane Mayfair Lunch and Gifts PAGE six PAaE SIX 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO LUTTER TO THE EDITOR NEED NEYER BE LOST AGAIN Request Change in JUST REMEMBER 43, 31; 79, 53 Hous orVoin tr getl Is' No need tOnhune Nobody need leberoubedhlisncr 9- The illnntng lettere, ddred ,ced ilcec toouOungirt th thais he, vlage home hos bren tocotià i' to Nelsn ounotl, hue bren îecîoved nf.e iirmation 00usd in o bnok ousamilet ne setlirment-is a fen er bythChmon pulheýhedby oaity of the Con- insutoscrs when population lascseu- NeonTmuio Juty 4, 1952.1 td:en Bourd orGogeuphocol orerd, the mccc itemrl,'iocliîy' muo is NesnTwsilCuonoi. Naenors, the 'Goetee ut Casodu" uuedl Other es t ess impressica 5s Gentlemen: for),. othweoutccsOGarin, just rc- titîc uar 'bunk' taoker Boy a An l r tre perrentolgret0, rtly. Bunk, Georgion Bay)i,' crrek lUSi- lethre otrinNelson Tonshipt.,, Thtetal-onpurtont ocrop n' us- verrreehtindoqueig; 'rocks'aor t. Hamior o ltn. or other-tformtonîtotothut Milton te 43 eren o ingle 'rock' oo Silbom Rock rs etchr.trl ,to,:hohnk'd.,i'ntoooeltitdend 7 atttt:vSund. ith' OttiIoto ,tttorior: ptt c01tOto \ t ,,'t00 ;i", O, rc roc :o cei :d thry toc n 'e otobay hy 7 00 po.,, or etter tOt it itoulioo oaY hotor . vernnte r ce'loIs' ottdhbetn theheot nlerr0t tttailecttly ifyou crrcytaextant .. .ne*Btprhp os ffo r euocrenedto hotdlthe pols oteitot neltr onuutd >conPliiy molteco the mociby Canadouns who, lobe y, nlii 900 pm This con edily hoie tok somnone. ., ,nte oktis e orgion Bayrerodents ni e omptiuhcd ndter scoton 110 Ao roptlt'o cîr heoo Spnhn, liveris a 'spt. suohseottun :2) ut the Montipal Artct'oc n thol drs:goaliotso ctc rd er ___ ohth readouasollttteot descl*pttorotly and"'o ttspo *h ni eoanliopattLy hec toorotoade tu otdiroatr the rot w ar Mac y l by-luc se td i et ut60 ctverimotane r or r :0 o r ': iraiaigar upposes deyo beos e Orduy ofnomirito t. ions. popoltoîrdpitres'" Rrtdontls chngthe titseifoopesitcg -ndo oe moftherotott. optil d rlcstng the poili cathul il niti r- placeso Oece Mlto nty c houce Ouk il x ansion mainuopent for fnot le-sthon r:ght prdt i ld «hatt1heO k li x ooorlîrr btve ourste hone oht îhetttoefther'heo:tcgovllt.g 'lertorh inthr lorenoos and ou' c,'ooct Nlt' icevilae: r , t rrer Joeph M. Wock.oofiTra. ooci ni e :thre attorotoc et: tait> ýl droîgnat oi postoffiter!' And. fte: laor Townschtp hue oicerd htter rurh hy-lu'ech.tll emte t l n o-a oyor e ot to Cempholllelr. :00 ctcot0>0plun rrrrotiy sub- tronc yert e a r etuntil reitrolrd' 43 do'ro. 20 mntIelattode. 70 noîred bho the townsofOoheilci or Oc1 bhhotof ail coterrc etNA-l'o dereo, 590miuescloogitude. thr eO:ostlinofnni3,000 acres oit chu oight lore fleeotti cd y ex-rs Tht'old pontersretite 0:: :0ee'ch:Ini. Ind saoperporodi teso fthe poil, ne hereehy pet-'uinti h ttmn i none eii ili00 theteonoît pans ther nab- Attgroce.r. bet: rîoîdcr tlno rononr eî tng hy aw tue Ithe ficot regrot solt:ct:t':tletnnt ' Other sottîle tjJtt.ttt:: ouoh a plus. inOetii1 inJu100ad1001000005.mra rnerrc n aînnd O.teo Salit tlrereWtrcs,"t-Idon..u:t law c odtly rttmu Igotd. Ash iteao"station.' it) one:tpoitnt ceat l oto ot Stgîtod- J. Giodoon, peeotdettt Ht:enhy te enthee loltty iIol-te:intetotn ut Trafulgar Township WroiuodOHom e neresAsoti-lodtnthr longetlphubttic l t oiceitctHclw neupatuoftoOs io;W .Cak-,peietPrtb h ako otofc.& stchioolade'h bcexrnoprttd b>' Nelson Crie Assocation; G, E Mlton Wet-"townscnte Mltotnaroner If ieuple in aosecton Bondon, Shoee Acreso Bolad; Mco . pot onite ., .Trutulgur Tep. prttionrd lî l, tejtit: ohotltni lo Jeneli Lune, peeident Fereman- Hltan Co)' itslatitude and log- the Munioipali Hourd ugrerd, thon Queennnoy ComnuntîrAusociatton: itude areo esatly the oaime ou Ml- that noid pîon:tly he o diierent C K.Stuart, prerident Nelson Rd- ton"esu thecc's no hupenof lîndîng butter. ortiun AsnsoiatonL. 5F. Park-youruuy homefit' Miltun West "Wr ato plonisg orca large- houereoident Richmnond Rond you'elotol or'ale cctt ood .rnage disposa'i Enounoneco Assocttiono Brînoon Miton aod Miltonn West st'op ittr the too'oship und notO on theolostcomeMott Bnk.hMi-con patiene on yccr port und t.ogtentet ot Cued:eî n toIlacind. Mlton Lakeohc nîMolton m:: rh ':tosn culs, in due 'tnoe e gtherstres reCadiar tnewoghlaHrtghbn, Milt:on itrighto haotngl'to or nul haveoservicesoand plannng unlthepcnen dru Ilooi' ttuirt f ilage.r(f ctho'o hofl hoptood t1 only19 pund percubc for OSoth Blok, Mnotoand Koico noetd rrmndcestdents that trn: arr thre other settlemenLs: Loe' heotfiot nîti ho nude ptosible hs vletito ouhomiet, Au tocrButire-theosndustcîot ooeo,'metot h, nk oinPtothe goceteece oId F'ord Mcur CumponY plunt and iiod no other appetlton more filt- :thersrcomnsg On 1he townnship. ET ES t:ng thun u simple 'bluf.' Rot, ohig "Wth those ndutetol ton rer- htuiieoithrr:îuýtaoomot. iuo e nueo aaoiuhe, inotnîheicng t*oiti 00 le. b hoorocurtepoyoeu ut Trafolgarc:i EAAMINLU MoontiNemu'. A 'Mount'? 'nar-a exrol tn huve r eronuhie tee' THURSDAY 'h0i110 tcue tOt nl 0e Mont uppeai- a - a Etido-nts i imot n wh n- J uuv iitn ana 31 st Mnoght tiitînh tOy havee0he ditinet- John Caefiteld Smith, presieoo't ino lvinogthe atotn the ittareiftherOheolie Pupocty Omnr' 10.30am.to 6 pm. dur tee diceppontmont. Ator the Asoooiation., oourd the citemont 'ttiontnt' ci Zîmmemmon areothe thet ayace torno ta'cItruat GRM OO t ttcoftîo o teturer, loatio iho'ouhthreadoptionotfcI'n roIl laitudetîrand tlongtude oc inZshonerro' ýýrepotocoober Ouholle Oc riapi JM ELLERS tIsaod. Zîca, Zooh, rc, Z,a rc-n,. issiterbyoannesotîun of oectoon, MILTON PHONE 113 Zuher Cornete, Zumrnd Island und ci Trotolgor Tunnshopc "nîli O-b 1Zurich. ficoghteery inch ci tho nay TBUBSDAY, JIJLY lth, 1953 AND BSOUR Y < Instail a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM for Greater Profits ...suce TIME and LABOR doing duiiy ehores... a DURO gives udded comfort and convenience in homne and haro Running watcr at thse turo of a tap "'speedsuUp" every farm ehore. There is a DURO Pump for every tarots need. KITCHEN TRUCK GARDENIRS BAIN Elimninote nid "psnop depend an a DURO Why carry water? and carry" -tcreoh WATEB STSTEM Giron treoh rumins mater ai the tuniof runninf WATEB ON ... ssured af piroty a* ap avem wont TAP saves TIRE and af moisture mhrn and TIME «e..gter kitchen drudgrry. nrrded. PROFITS tool Phone or risit as today f or DURO Pompsanmd ENCO Plumbina POtures. Write fur iuotrated folder. FOR SALE BY S. A. FAT & SONS Main St. MILTON Phono 205W EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED tudu thmita.. i.CataluslmatSa .Wilpog -Vumu Ummpo