TMXJRSDAY, JULY 101h, 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO OITUAKY Milton Born, Dies In Guelph Hospital James Stanley Corner, ehs secs buore le Milon, ived se the lenth lice, in Stesartîssen ccd George- toswn, drd lu St, Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, su Sunday, Jur 29, sOles csergsing a serios operalion, In blu 410h yesr, Me, Coreser ws the sn stthe ltle M. acd Mlsr Jaunes Corne. He rrsided tor 25 ycarn at Stesartîssen sud had sesved sith his ite lu Georgetomn onya Insu das etuce he waa d- eitted ta bospital, TOetueeut service wsauheld su Turcday, Jsly t su Georgetown,, sud inteement mas lu Grernmsod Cerne. tery, Georgetown., He lu nreivcd by Is ite, for- rucrly Ethel Harrisse, oee bestlser, Austin Corner ot Belfountain, tses tep-cistcrc, Mcc, Jamsc Darhy, Fruitland, sud Mrs, Wesley Klud- rue, Nanîlcohe, sud a ulep-brotber, MilIeu Zlsemerman, Toronto. JOHN DEERE DEALER TO ANNOUNCE NEW HEAVY-DUTY TRACTORS TmG cnwheavy-duty John Oeee 2- and -plose teactocu, cuccssers ta Modela 'A" and 'B," sell be an- nosnccd Satseday, July 19, hy R M. MeDufte sud Sons. Accoeding tlu RB MeDutte, thece newse tractaru teatre a bot ut engneringu adeancus anc major impeovements sheh mabs these tbe grecalcutvaluesu cureoffer cd by John Deere,"- R McDstts stalcu that une ut the nese mudels wilîl 0e ou dlsptay Sstueday, Jsly 19 and he ctendu a cordial scella. taon ta ruceyoue lu stop hy sud cee thecncu'teacloe, Free cofter and dssghnstsanslthse cererd theough the day sud thers ailI bc a registcation for several doue prases. GRN CROSS -1 Complete POTATO DUST mlleS't t Izmda p ts s P'.rotecion.,d I u Prstecin h t eîp - cci înte nes.d ssn,.cý .festosps u:sialts., ds5 ssd eccc. n15.g. Johnson Bras. Garage PHONE 586-MILTON 13 F , deh É%miTilAftý 3. A pig rscder ausnentisn, d helcan. 4. Osard cailteisnthe faresa'sss, peu. 5. Attention as equired aI fa"- 6. Ctspssssg tOc uredîr tes-b et sOs' pigo. 7. A naîclîiose mitO peosîssessg saion 0r the nusen s 8. Trealse-usof*,ihe pigs sessh ise csmpud's preveetauemia. 9. Crcnp fsedinc oh 10e itîe fesîs tOc-e serehsocf ags' sîntil ses-ni," 10 Begîstrartte'nt'ssn 10toctý sud itîr. 'ROis suailof the- alltas'-se,' posrtant Isor thnse sc. to iesîsn , large litersq. rupersenre Oaa s sw Ihal the pcovisionu cf asdsi,ses t Olientacorthecitle pigr; lu partises issis assîbswhebste Mr. F.B, Feu"- 1 s'fthsîs Anisal Hus Osdcs Gis asr sv thatOsaI tla s o tceeles uigO hîlsn su O-brcoderc aI 10.'e CensIral Experim,'oiat Forse, Gi, .ware siving exncellecotaciafara ion Inuths' lu ts'sssecssth c'f the ns hesesc)(er, ebsisou cf thOcpns' jav.sodcd. sud t10 e ses-sale tes 's1 the danger cf bOcsssgeessuhssci Osh,1 Oneuotne , atioshousll se mphatîîizesd. Be. sure' that th!' els-etesesuinstaltisîo ss'ntire't,' ate ,snd 'hat 10e rcsî. ei.' Osý tîiheesie Id sf cesselsn base hesv cOl" 'itaIth. <entrai Ex,prinî,', Faesc O'lss'.s.'a ssusglandtWi s'isas Isi suaIc15, h . 55 e 's e le pss'lth, 233 tons per e seeessp.ssir 'c xlh 7013 on rotss.îittsd lsnd. T;isecor- reepsndin yi'tdo etslse- 67.1i buhîs -ansed U77 Os Ols se .1-, r,.petively. 6 MilISt, ACTON Phoei 1 ConS, Mon, tbru Fr1, trous 7.30 p1m Satsrdays and Holidays feose 7.00. pm Matinee Sus, & Huis, 2 p.m. FRI-SAT. JULY 11-12 Double Feature H iI I n solor by Tehnicolor ""SMOKYý" FRED MscMURRAY -- AND -- lu Tracolor "Oklama Annie" JUDY CANOVA MON.-TUES. JULY 14-15 MARTIN AND LEWIS "Sailor Beware"' Yo'll go ocoaad for Iis 0ne 1 WED.-THURS. JULY 16-17 Double Bill I -Callaway Went TIiataway",, FRED MacMURRAY --PLUS-- "VaIIey of the Eagles" 1ls the emsisciat Barse Von SiebereshrersuBily Cîshicle for tbel fiseI1ilsst ssotebeut. Bth contetants hacdrd <ut and tsch terrifie hîsd,' sîsss thrsssghsut the The opeere pruesded ecrsîmeut assct a.s an excellent diuplay of arestling. Tom Sullisvau threes Back Jack Parisi fîretIse fisst ansI tOc decidsog faIts, ilEit Tying Run at Plate Team Loses 9-6 Camph lve gavePsrt C edt îsuc.ssoudsîs in luthe flr.ît 'c usîss," sîs airs<,' ile5 snd sei;:ls sîI lois anîs s .1'sa hadi",su il a. sOs- g.,sss. -n(lsts 9-; 'esSO ('.scusls'ttis- bscsug SOs' I.- sus i esa t's la <ite. 13st(resdt. sssesirsîîrsss,,ss ths' f iel on tel s engtiss a soalk sud îles, eis,,s.and fsc a 55.5infs IhAA " hinacssk Rodasrtsbs'Iuîa bt aIs kahf"ild,, ssstd alk s. -d 'stOsc ilsd ocahss ,s sssîhast cas,' e rs'e cssssasted Is)hsud hlm. Stan ILl Ieasnfsu'stIy essus'inrinduspst -q".lt ha 'b tot, Os essel' Osý:' tssîrtîs andusf het 1eoppasitvss ire",s lOsse ofsth,, w5,v he ,io list 001 anenseot sas 's',1 te 1-sr5 (, hIsI ais'0 s'es(-n hbsl,555055e sesbsug ouI esi'st The- Cssseîls.'II i' slîsel.lesa Ile Ji,(, ' bihrts estO a bhume rue, sand s, doubsle:'Ston Otroder.,o 10 l'hsssîss bcs' ý.sod Tosmmy Dows- ling wsesh a eîsli'andal ,'-incle Milleîrsuas Portl Creds's beot ha"ýee ss he cosstribtuîd twonolie, lu th10 cue TOc Issu teame hase uosecmp teted thele foursse nehet'd gasees wilO CamphsIliteeln sinosn2 tbese of tOre. "Ta be, or not ta e,' As tOcelussorlahrd isepliesl Coald tîrd c quicsoseluo lu buhe lassitiedt ous loy salhrd and reaathed the nther lde É MOFFAT MOTORS & ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS PHONE MILTON 253R2 We have a supply of poles on hand for alilou, commtrat OBITUARY' 30 Years' Service Devoted ta Church ' s John Jcremiab Hundermen, sho wan an cîder aI Nauagaserya Pres-~ hyerisu chuc tue 30 yeara,5., uuprentrndrut tue 29 yrarn and p rcterh ut session tsr fier yeaes, died~ un .uly 6 ai the Long Seaneh home ut bis con Jams r. eHenderson, sehase home wsa on BS. , 1.Auben lu Nscsagsserya, badl bren 111 tor: îsic monthu fi1 He mac hure lu 1880, the son ut the tale James Henderson and januetl SssssîbHis ste, lu sehoso he wsaîsrsied lu 1907,wsantIse tale Aguro Janr Litte. Funecal servic as heldon Wed neuday, Jsly 9 lu Nasugaseena Pers- byterean chuech, conducîrd by Bec. James Sutherland. Paîthearers werei aIl neighboues, Horace lyIh, Chas. Thompoon, Irain Ltte, Lesterelt Miller, Boy Lindsay acd Alfred Attan. FROM BRANDON, Masitoba, Intermeul aas in 9airvîew cerne- come, a four geserasion pctsrr tery, ActuenluigMs.E chal h Ssreiesng Me. Hendeecon are nldgMe.EMPaisb Ihere son, Joseph, .B. t, Aclon' recuntly celebratcd ber 94tb James, Long Beancb, and Charles, birthlday. Shosen are Mm,. Mc- Appin. Fbail, son Peecy, grandsou Nor- senaunsd gruas grandcblldrun 510 Commandments Kcnny sud lindie, ail of Bran- For Hag Raising don, e Ovr there hudred thouaud s sousfareoserd sunMaeh, Aprt*1 s May lu Canada. mnaun lunIhas dîs-*I>5IU F rct Irset. Eeery hug eiseseants sul raise large ltlera. foseil Ile, extra pigs lu the littees seich in- Sparks ..restling creane the profit iu bot raassog. Atutty, the eaieaoo ot large heu1- top 1111cm utf pigs depruds ou ut- The b, ur5st arenttsuomatcheusffse etention lu maoy detaila. On the tne Sauta Clas Fuud ancre betd 51 .othee baud, negleet sud eareles. the Mlton Accus ou Thuesday eneus casa resl lu heavy tcsses of night, July 3. Syoug pis. The main haut helseren Duel Why nul check ocre the follosing Mucgstscb sud Antonso Rocel dis- lot lu bo sure that the main rsent- pîsyrd some spectacutar sestlsug. tata inusaeeessfl pigeraisiugmwillhebc oreis ucced,'d sutheoseing eiuluded in the ssiue peogrsm? Manotich tue the first faIt bal Gori t. Ooodtfeedsguof the ssubs'- carnehachsesthnuspsed euergysand efore tsrrsseing, eocity sud Ihesu BRocci tue the e 2.W5<'st des, dlean farros;ig secod and thrd rails tswnnthe PAGZ 'COMBINES CONNECT AS LOCALS DROP EARLY. LEAD, LOSE 12-7 Iu an ereoe-eidden sesion that a Olelders choice, Dillon analhed. tarted mure thaa 30 seinutleate subite Bobinson, Scott, Bruce and sud 'hardly ruded betore tIeligt Patteruon bit.,seitb ail counting inlteereuue laut asight tWedîses- csuta Pallecuan, dayt aI Acton, the Georgetosun-Ac- The local ceasud added tO more ton Cumbluru detesîrd the local taillies le the tourth suiIb a hit by Billon ceosed 12-7 deupile su eaely C. Gervais and a tielderu choir, by 01cr run lead that suas deopped lu Kennedy. Mlls senaged a tO o0e inning bit but suas let standed. Milton piîed up tic e rocs in the Three rus eere added lu, the tirul tsuu teasees seilh Melanuon, Combines' count anhen Kirhseood. fi r.t man up iu the fieul, banging ou a single, Dillou on a double sud sîst astwous ebhitin sehichbe Csada on asingle, ailrouuded the ,ssd. tsî SOs ,sessid aîme, Met' bases. Accîher trsuoseau addcd 10 asosand K. Gervais ocored sn hsts tOe Combines' moutiug ucore in wilO C, Gervasons a îsuo base hit 1he 0101k suith runs by Kirhseuud, and Marshaîllun a tieldee's choira. Dillon and Tosuusley, ail an hits, Kennedy als rackrd up a tsuo basa Palteesos added the fluaI coueler hil lu the second but tsiled 10 in the olotIs on a hit. score ou il. Marshall bandlrd the pîtcblug tue Seoreleas until tbc Ibird, lb' the local club util the tiflIs shen Combines pilîd sp tice rus on a becsuas reîieced by Cleenhe, mIss eomplte trip thrsagh the lice-up. tiuiuhed the otreleh. Scott mas the Towsunuey bit but wsea nailed aI hurlerfr tu he Combhines. Milton second au Klrhsuaud made fieul ou had 12 bits; Comebines 17. Milton Beauty Salon AND COSMETIC BAR They're Smartî They're CooiI and most becomning? What? Why our new Helen. Curtis Fashion I Wavesi The whole town is humming I about themi I For your appointmeut I ~ E Haye. PHONE 170W D. EIIwoo I r .LACROSSE: b E IN ACTON ARENAE n E SATURDAY, JULY l2th EBURLINGTON Ys,, ACTON B-HIVE$ * 9.00 P.rn. Brampton ee Arenci SATURDAY,, JULY 19 845 P.M r--e LORD ATHOL LAYTON vs. BOBO BRAZIL Ray Vilimer vs. Roberto Pic Johnny Barend vs. Tiger Tasker ADMISSION 75c CHILDREN IJNDER 12, 35c Congregation Has Locals Blank Oaks Picnic and Program I audyGm On Weducuday eveuing, July 2, the aunualtpicuic othe congrcg-- suon of St. Georges Ctsurch was The local lads blanked ttse hetd at the Losevilte Park. About teague-leading Oakvitte creeseinua 90Omembe rand afew vlslîors pat- hsln eso Stra feno tsiipated in a very enjoyabte pienie ou the tocat diamund. Witts a finat oupper which wsa arrauged by the' sce uf 2-S tor the hume teatu. ruacher, of the church suchout. A thiogs eer didtlook tonbrjght for eery generouso ouppty out ce rree m the Laheuhure ctub. snd chootte mikuas a eatsre of Serafins garnered ausingle base this part ut the eveuing. hit iu the third frame and Metan- The ehildreu made good use (if son tiuisbed up the scsriug wheu the swiugusud oide asus pretude hie drove out a pusuertultIhree basc lui the sport, peogrum, sehiel, sahit, eomiug hume ouu s etty eeuer direeted hy the superlutendeot, lu the short stop. Broek Harris aud his assisaut, Stan- lu the ulue iuuiug sessiou, oely tey Jay. The prise wiuueeu ln the tîve Oaheitte rusuers guI su base esiius rveculs sercoastolloses sudoutcorsre, attlancre left there. 4 * eurs sud totder, Stuart DoîbsI Ou thle sîler baud, tIse local club BIts Andreses. Murray IHarris; sut right me, ou hsseusud Ises giet, 6 ocors anduder, Be,,' s.crd. Powell, *Beverle Coutter, Beverte',' Grenuhe hueled a four hit strelch 1 Dates; boys 6 yeas ansduder ssth t<usp sloseiug six bits, Inu TerrrY Grant. Harold Thumpso, tees"(of Mitou's rlght lnulugo, bat-1 Bitte Andrewes: girl.s 8 uud udo e .ru et cdowu 1-2-3 subIte Mi- Jaue Chaýmnts. Auue Wstters, Sun- lou eut off Oubville six out ut des Grant; boys 8 sududer. ontocBuohn shiu Gastsle. Fred DoîbrI. girla 1t sol rodcer. Edilh Powell. Arlen Pose I-1 Joan MeGaver; boys Il sol Townshsip of Nelson soIfs-e, Bruce Thompocu, Stuart King, Strobru Hunscard; girls Ir, y L w No 11 ud rsudier, Sundra Scott, Marilpa B -a N .1 1 Twsoa ladies' open race. Sandras Scott, Fditb Powelt' meu's ocuri C ce rdsn Harri.: aiord tIres-1 A By-Law to Regulate and Lic.1 I '7,gsd raee, Stuart King 'snd As- nc Plumbers and Ptumbing Ln e ',st The pucze for the, sssngest hild en tOc crosand" Contrartors Andrews Tirc er.vilb Gordon Harreis an' TIHE \MUNICIPAL COUNCIL O Gsrdos Tbomson acting un to,1u1Iý p .tTIE oltt'5)îîATt<5N 0' TîltI io.lao Iains o sere ObcI ssNIIP15' NEtLSON ENACTS for a stIbslganse.snder -'s,' iA5 FOLLOWS: l'o,csligil.sitb W'Z lm Poves-'L NOs l* Il- sîlîIas'. isen îsîs'Ic orr epsiner Th ilsrr 51.,50"î'"lss,"tnsssehk ioth, sIli r-ri n r' ast ht a vorl. e ", o shis s , NI"s Il 'a les a le Po-st pceos, es cos. l sissssi, P2'aesidsl iu .foiu ils, lai l1s, ,,lfier INl, lo t,"'(ýk of h t'al'l.N F1511îTlt"nd1IiiI':1N Lire foi-5 iap K l t" '51,l's' 5I le'bitO ____Tt 1.00 al t".sae,'sss .50'or hi 5<: t' lsl,,î a ihs d ' , a' Il i tr 55, ~ I i IIIss ~ ltssanls-tessls'sss ~ sse 15 TO'lsstss o. ne ~ ~ ~ EVE Io'f 5 h sc 15 o I l a 2080 Th toOsoh Thsiss ecnot rom he ]< i Il. sss'eassssssns utlsst'l shn oscle f-l, - oe,.;itz r ah ý e s-rusit t nooissasst ,t,,r o a dSt, of tnsu - l3tissll supeo T o- scl oihal 95Ii, 0p loloirthe ssstsssuiu ni: t Isst t l e l s thel hsts 5 Thr-dd19 s21. T h s1, Ief o sesh ouldboarsletsrand sî tulsO ls Thie ss ' the eorh e lob". aille le Io Ivna aunsiercsu' dssolzel ')Pavsl udr Townshiîflons' otOclsan-u operaing h ekeUntatectto ecs tbdings' îsstaots-rhici asb lsss ,sleslasst s khatedhsss' s,'tl,'rhesllss',î-s înfo .rmion:s' clss'ae5cos tsofsoupesebs'cI he Il ,-sltindsofs' th, astitdiupe. *,IIilec" co rs esl e r hsssiuns ' ssto s'esrss i an ssI sudo sin i folss andlOs's îs,s, mushesssd ornen îshl sssî.,erls Ifnsrri. ld s rse hi- s'ss;s'lsss'asssOe shlehess îat io hasts-dtss thsrb9 perof (cickIsiog flic,5Ip bes c tlsiss lven ts 'rsnsha llno e sse sssslsiisso la' ir'.ssesssesassst lss's'ssnuis'ed ms o. u c ck n slads' efsî l ,le Ths' sssî *s'ss o lbf' s ss teris to ies ith 5,. ' 55sait'polîs'akt seasssier s]ss',r eh i so es' se ,,o,rssivel r0lesstas, sssss's'stssspsslssfrsientloreîs cr .,m ; 1 il)au ,ss c îss ns" alipîste 'ssts s san îd vens.555sa lîs'5 ta sgih ssW s' i e 's orsur ro f ecr i h th-llIe sns'ssosssblet s.snle I;sin s lis ins rssirs-f iliga oslsioss,slos'sslestrsssss Ssîss1ssssts l.îl l s ad sheosad i poIooslasine mse anols'sssri.sasnslsute moal sl lu);e isîse thie isspies blsess, lie IT-iihsdinor isch erurob.,Oi slsssess tss F piss es ); I s' îss st tas', bsess' h iss l as' n s,' e i e'sdsss'atis ssjt1 ss,, ss7sîsasils o llvrýsl l sno ds so a 's sst slsrr ott'd "ie "'ses lss sp fo5'"i. s per sss's'oual] t o sl' s hal jjo )ý (w ne jely ch l- . 's%-1 1 o sssss oi onti op-'s's th ,' TO s asfo, ,,,, anthIariss thbe cse slsotptersseothts'doseusssItaliiraosIrorI-1tse,'seonoein-"' cvibss',l u ss g ,tarva i iý at,, eatIs ls'l eorss aide reh eu t s'snsd tss'esstes'dl" lenresecalpiole 'ss-hitu onitg Maoulsgs'rthisunt hss ersîl 'Y On a i., bs' lii on tssai psrirs hue esss F tearr ssdsutt ts o t's 5.30 s- s'l"1 îl- ut N -o n v te s In the winto- the fmily tlo 'sd 9, T ic, ,iil ne onscisît br shi Assstl tspsts'rk'aps itst-rIbTownship teof tseAD 111" o rtuslp lu erit gsy esssssucutth n Ioý^o,11 ..,B If Th :,idB,noe il aliessd WA ParonRn oN- MeNnt N hA-tin "te1ts 3 IVE 1 1 i-.-- - m FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES I& eMa" 9 &Comacd WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE New Council Chamber WILL BE DEDICATED BY THE CLERGY AT 9 O'CLOCK Friday Evening, July il THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LIBRARY AND DOLICE OFFICE WILL BE OPEN FROM 7.30 P.M. TO 9 P.M. ON THE SAME DATE FOR INSPECTION. CITIZENS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BE PRESENT, G. F. Thompsan, MAYOR TRURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO CLARE BROS. STOVES