THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THUBSDAY, JIJLY lOtI, 1M Engagements I Mr. and Mrs. Meldeumn Stark,. Mlton. announce the engagement of thear daugbter, Gloria Margaret, Io Norman Robert, son o Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Milton. Wed- ding te tele place early in Augus. 5Oppouis Olie~ He sIwaysstdo Meas Mater Robsert Hatolteldt s home again aller holidaying three treeko aI Illabu Lodge. Cobourg, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. William MrGibbott, Burn Lake, B.C., are viiing with Mr. and Met. M. J. Carton and other Mertd Mes Erre 'It ie tester Nets'teork, ,peit h, recek-end in Mtlon wit rh-Olc Milton Wilson and fantilY. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shields, Mlton and M. and Mrs. Glo Coulsott, Kilbride. are holidaying in the mmit and tilI be allendingtIhe Calgary Stampede tis week. fil ELECTRICL CONTRACTING FURNACE OIL SURNER SALES & SERVICE NEIL McPHAIL Charles St. Phone 432J Milton APPLIANCES end FIXTURES [ Murray Grenke I PAINTER AND DECORATOR I rFýL*jL . .......... PAGE FOUR in the clsssiied! KILBRIDE ~ MEMBERS 0F THE STAFF of Halton Centennial Manor were on hand et Sunday's oprning eshen hfg _________________Mrs. McDonald Is sorme 5000 viewed the modern accommodations for Hahtons senior ctizens. Shown lft to righî MPLone:6 are rs.Clakematon; r. lare, upeviso; Mss elle Fyerhouekeper Mr. M.Hor, MLTO 36 Hostess To Meeting asstat cook, J. Hors, cook; Mes. M. Marrs, laothcress; Mrs. J. Dicos, witress. The scm accom- FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN modation replaces the joint home operated by Peel and Halton since 1909, Population increases i The Women'e Assocation held both courtes brought about the construction of the home. -Staff Pâorto àa , Il t mtreting at the home of Mes_______________________________________________ rMeDonald on Tbursday atereese. I'l Mrs. Howatd preided. Mes. ElInrLWIL HORNBY NASSAGAWEYA S.S. NO. 7 GOGTW IN L letherieglon geve a vrry interect- LOWGEOWNLILLELU Yr* tng readtng Olheeo tahtng port wee r Gatiier In Honor Welcome Minister Life-Long Resident GARDEN PARTY lu Smith, Mm .MrDoeold. r.Rs brry and Ms. Frla. Mr. Hem0 iet uss fTreCucis fCm uiyDe GEORGETOWN PARK adconduced twe ronteots that OfAleraRSDAYOfTheeChJULY fl7thntyDis erwon hy Mre. MDoeeld and Ls rd -USA , UY1t Bts Wilson. Lunh mas oerverd a, Me.and Met. Roy Coolte rte- LdFieening a reepîlon Anath et ofNeeagawrya's lifte-ROACTYFU e the close. taied in bhrotofetMe. and Mec haseld lis teHeenhe United loeg resideets. John J. HendersonMainOQALeCITe OUelp Ant efemrerotnddh BCrdo adley et Laee e. AI- Cbeeeh ta melesme the neec e- a.stetccd scey n Snday night ai the __ Male__Quartette ___ofGuelph_ . e o ets echetiom rt Carlicl'. er;a snd the gatheecnt, r eetei ster Rev. Leeh, wh e ront e b ornte of hbtsono James, LongTEROA Mr.ead MsThoms OMcaettttîhrm1 thern wi h cntomgaineeMntoultratIsland. Hctoohlover BReeech. tcccttthbcmtsedlIn the VINCE JE H o Vgetre have speet the pol - ,erch and ed tahle. M rs.Bradley' hi sles doties tact Stinday and i.- niesthbhcod as hhi'ihed tahen an MOUNTFORD HEADSA cith thereesnt and uel,' md mc.ctsrmereltMiss Mers Geey [li eerfteterUttited ,etieetntsct b.,eh rdett OLLINGSWORTH Amzs 5t Ms. Malt Howard. of Wateedemn. Ch ec he: n tii distriet. H, .tcttcvie.c ttc c ttevived hy thre Jovial Emcee and mzn Mise Diase Atehtt ef Buregtcv r.Meacd Mes. Ce se of Engîct. .Rserrcc eyAtnsworth. citns, Josep trh orcne. James et Fus Maker. Asy- Sensatiosal yoang Magicians and Test plyd 1inthe street antd lvid suent crI serrih î-M. ced Mccs whe hase bren nrurtrrg rctth Bec Tht. chr. tcsieg ofYveoene taîrc- Long Rroeh and Charle;et Ap- thisg Cas Happes Dance Stylist Ventriloquists. A 10 PI5Y gain Eie MArthur. ,nd Me.W RLahke cttd frtmity at ilie tRrsc. tnfant dccghtee of 'tirpon ,rrd therve raedehildeen. Tise 1a o h h toi play &gain E ~~~the United Cbse-eh prsen age, acd MrsJ.Roycer. ob 0lcr: esîath% ottriheeomencnity je e- . . . and usual"Y Almays a Favourite te farmiehl e tartcd home on hunday igbt. 'lSt htphonc Anglican Cbsech, tendvd ilt them dons fml Bts cnd MrW. RLchî,îrsSrntl-y rtenoon, JoInt6.Tîte M-Ier Oe,ir ckerand George son., John, Athur ctnd Hobby; Eu- cnt-c sgcdntrter et Evecytt Coar.tclc..r tet the sreh t Port PAUL BROS. AND SHIRLEY WILLIS McNEILLY tirr ttstc. ohnMeettre.15,5,1tUnited Chtîecb Wme.DoserSongs, Comedy ad Piano Stylist and RonneColslrn idseBre Atr s , ia. rti.ntasertMissoier rte ie t. Me.Jtohn Ht'.retze f Atshtehefa Johes Galoyme Accompanst Mlo yrirterenîtotittaeeh et Hyern ot cJultty2 ittte borme tf Me.sOho.ipent theweek-end with hic_______________ Milton HydroBeach SsrseCamp.ts %Itîi 'peest f-t. MraleR ptcnts, Be tead Mes. M.Hetzel.H N H MA END POWER INTERRUPTION antd Mec Etie Hvdhead c,. manrde Tfrh eceetptioeof th . Annof Westonrte ethldtyin2 Ontario Mrnsetr of Agrculture, wrll open the show onWtcct edfoet rr onert elieS' t-t rth- ereb c tea rei Me. P-ireMc Lean L.UCKY DRAW FOR PETERBOROUGH BOAT SU DA , UL 1thDr ad rsArhu H ilonanil (.-,iigJuy 'ýhRv Tir,- W M h ttd Ladies' Aid oni Rerrshmrsl Booths 8.30 p ChatrIte ofNe' s go- ge.e, Nov ' e ...St fom Wtetdoýu "Rs Pdr(.d eteteingie tee' Bln cîî4 n. t NI. lt.rthrtver nt ri,DMSMes50 A D55 7.30 - 10.30 a.m. Scoteer, onrtThur IcsStt-eetee Til l o ItTrrreafagrcltgarre nt ________________an_____1___ait___ For Repairs and Abterations 7AMPBELL VILLE I r.'rretcîmetes derîd ici ehetete et eI ,- Th d -MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION jCool%,- oDessertI srvcett' te eetth, a- 101re, oIretrei , Tettret Co l alau, D s e i,1Ia t-i ,elelin Sepîroî be r tc îctue î i rt mee ti ngrer A 1, eetal 'ftr t tr serve tt Mr Arî i st se ' 1erme- rd t-- Demonstration I I,eîrîM er tri "d teelere Tterets erpîd th eI t c e riblf of the Bellt t- f- e seia. oý,pcPres hrtr' a rttl-ieeilrtCheel neSed sReeet t-sJ E _________ ____ i e'rendîreghee:>. c m h, et rO tinegel t t,f tl- \ . ' :1e .1he:!Ii"rftetttttth"i 1 b ,-ý 'IhU - u ri. r..iee.t r.. ce e OMAGH c11 NTHOTSTAN'DING SAIUE-KINGI STANDARD SPECtAIt T R A C T O R l-~~~C ste-tctpris it, Run Victim irtstet'eIet PEACHES (ALVES> 21-il 29ý TRC TR oei"r i reyertirrRaed Lucuîy 501 1155 JULLI19 EXCEPIONAL IAVING-DOLE--FANCY DPECALt i . T Iserre Mes Jtrr1cr.l" tig 'id M ccopaivr yM ,imi Lw- o;i] iCttStlLttt 15etria er,' SLICED PINEAPPLE isc37,e A tir rr cite1rlc t irit*et ,iit - h e ra 11tt .-il nd tut 't. filer r i r SERV ONE HOT DISH A DAY-CAMPBELL'S SPEIAL Agnis':ncto A t>fv c irerî 't an Iiii tîrsîîti Ietîstcrce'îî't0 tnt-d iit eosîe t XE PIC LE ..32 flJ Il tite t t-b.M...sgete.eteerreege eesrrtîpsndrciîoetlee-2-'5e resd fT . , aovaMott risBth e.C , ,Mrilce . iesrrs'oto hea alt i., rdd soinhcr tl t tc , t C TFATR-AIRTOelA--AKD' rire -w. ci Iliitly a AnItIOUm tNHositalOI. P e ts te H o sp elec. e t te K it, h eM n c e en i M et l ie e to ' n 2 W)p , . ts fe r;g2su es t in rlisne Att ro st Me. andi Me. Phlips hietiiitmat 1tr rebeldi je the.«îIli ,cabint rrdie IVIRl àr M RLBO O REMS 33 On Saturday, JuIy 19, we witt an- n',t'h'eJoibnson faontttht- Gý(l) itr'te5 rir.. er r ,e. Attrecpota tint- l -rbee srtcefutl t crbls- nounce an enti rely new lune of gene- Rid ______a tieSîtiîtetEtteýner > iai tintetfinish, Min1ýtl:ti bcd , HLLMANS-BLUE EtS5ON CLOERLEAF--RED-IOCKE i ngil Iv eti lnl,:i Mayn 2 Salmon 47c erîA ý >ýtte ti Mer. îtnd Mes. 'tt i i aisettticebdtttt t -___________ ral-purpose tractors -- successors ta MOFFAT(] _____________i_____pins n,]fet i c rss 'tI, rîterDrd cf rttîî c lt ,'d h, .st; bInhet-.ishee.m i l- HEREFORD SPIRIT OR CIDER-HDINZ lu BydofGolp cst et-rcw; ir errreb .rand îttttresý:-, t 12e0Be C. 50( V1neg r 0 J&1 the famous John Deere Models ""A"" Mrs. F. Hathaway t irr.hstbht-eer nece, M. Tl.,chnee _______ values Ht T Groups tri ritherrl. inr iretirrses slvsept s' st-stet- rOAFRCOB LN AIID and "B." By far tne greaistaue s Hosess oG up .... c 1'a O A i t, nî,îîîîiitîfmilletiis Itrit orrîet: 3st-5,t-f disheps: I1ilftteîîrtsRCOKN LN VLEYS ___ d1îtteIedeti tht.' uno r antem'ceCornOu lé42c Golden Corn 2' l 29 lever offered by John Deere, these Tht- WSrruinitlrî Aclan on Saler errer iirg tri crIs st N,'.ý.i.g (yacsn-- herrh eis tht-t drinrBrmptn. Mr.ert ,1hreî d î,r5cstetc.GRAND SALL-FANCT new tractors feature major en- 'ne-tetigsilrîttire- htaiest Mec F ttgr, i ts Mat-y Bront-dge and " C.ARDrN. CAHPFNTEII TOOLS, Tmao Jce 1PantB tr ,ttthaw iirssth agont,,ftesltece. Bit'F.E, nitnidie were n the -It umts-3raI MIOS. elei-teet ue"l.- 16 P ntBur gineering advancements and a hast Tht- pie ilspeaher wccir MesShîl-e'eî îîîtrertterel c ) , 2 mct-:rion 1 3z7ja roe,Tiei sttlc .Ir ,,iifCret-itcl ie.Ihe c ',en,ij- itgetted s.-irist' utitel rrT'el37csst ofimprovemnents ta te l trac- lIlcerterre lrht',i*to ' r.eeeieirntrttbtdleveremt uc. ;Ir.'ecrbd vitretfen t-slr, 'r J*~~~f ~Me. and Mrsteh e nred Ofnst. tith Mr.riandlBes.Ketitet,,,i"e o-'rresterafti trprom nein may iferent 3ii r ýyýp, il HUOR S DLEI'EEUJUICE er tîtc ltttrlc I-e ere rte ity ý (ear r iriî- er ss betr. î.etrese r-t-t inc e hi-sOOZ. TINS-2 FOR 29e 48 OZ.TINS-Sl ways. ~~~~~~MidMci W. A. Friser csd ou'__________________ eaterteCth.orisee, tee speceirîno iît r Bt. -trie MeMi.llit ,,I est- tii t o n ir ,:irr lt" be th re htldy crt fit -ensav r, Cct trtin ad i o (. nRetsieI t c;e,'.tte'ttieott-rtîett ,c,,l irrl iein te s l t ra 5 i ts: our One of these new models wilt beon LBis týý.Thomase Allis',tsspeneu , 1, ciI-t-e irecrftramin ient- ho, glo ,atl, il i tîi; 3ti' ' l-Ont rw rs re darss;iltlb orhne tof lier daîrthtet-. ieeeilir i we sd e itr eceas n jl; tiiit Orld ".'- Ttops NEW TlN('H 2 itcis. Vine Ritsned and Sweet display at our store this Saturday 50 Me Bn.Wils,,onfotMiltone. t,,m(e, nî ri.;ti-Itingh- ert h2ilsIncitr.tsrert'r Caros -1c Cteiomial Jumiso Sis be sure to stop in and see for your- ,Fil,,dTaylor ; 1' Tie ,ttccrat-e.,tnuitcboxe.,; 6<. s. Cantaloupes 19C self how much more value these tir-11- etiii estMr.Normsan Taylor ofSut, Mer.Tise hcsesjssst-e b srar; 0G ft - 29cd 10' great new John Deere Tractors off er Mri'rSheltlnrak eu tii ,i '"ttt im. tIer Oss.--î--rrp u Dtl itc , hs et-glt- s aIf oe Me. ani Bt-eit. r l.rpei.rtoteI: tout celt home'of MMe retS Mm. T C.Amtc ,TIrîî... el n th e -ebirth to e t-e s l r ,: ri ors: rotret-. t-hrs arolosa Jtoise Iceestosse Ont. Grstwn Cabiage. Beets. you. sc.D O o' f-r, t trr'sNorIelt 1 5Ripe and iSwet Ili. Radisis, Grees Onions. Let- îth - il.hiefr i . lees M tIMs.R lt-e ,F tretlti Nd eton-se' l tr' rstrsser,(ee mort, of Shef'figid. fainily art- hum(, alter estaIhaca tio , Ni s t u iltt- 's oti P u he 2 c cmbr.Cee ReîDu f S n,î.etaml iri ilWiby ile'1, fr U.S.A. 1te.. Ttotn htrIdte eIdos. saa.Asss tons WANTED SaltTNDtt'Ey AND EIJOTT. 1 rdtJrntlv OthI tfh & ltth W.est atp mSo rrou Tth,-ioneera(, idoantat, 5o letat.o.rt m R. MILONDfe & oHAMILtTON letidh'e c'c- t ,~Ït~t~ Phonse îlSBerweod aesd 177j DOMINIONSTnORESsLIsMIsED tiSo, Ss r Soie29. Vanouvifer, witis 102, bar rs 'me t r i;; r u, slip trîine ombre their legtcMilton _____________________._________ htrîn et eny Canadien cIp, ' gise rut. ct-