Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jul 1952, p. 3

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TliuItsDAY, JULY lt, 1952 sA monument built of endur- ng granite or marble, sym- IIj~ fi~ bolic in design and reverent n purpose, resting in sur- roundings of peace and beau- ty, a tribute of reupect and honor to the dead, a constant source of inspiration to the living ... OAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS We employ no agents You pay nlo commission-Buy direct j A card or letter will bring ocr service to your door Monument, Large display in stock Cemet.ry - leanied 90 COIBORNE ST. WEST Lettering WHISK AWAY WIEEDS Bauiti Dondelioni, Plantain, Backhotiensd ottier brodtlesved weedi mth the easy ta use, Seetsi dry sppîied compeund. 4..XD - Isiesi owcost meed rentrai <de. velapooni ef Sconts Ismu reseornis. KiII course weeds ou 50 x 50 fi $1.95; 11,000 sq fi - toc suly $5.95 LAWH & TURF Pest Confrol gel rid ofa sisother lame insects mith tis eossly sppiied dry nompoud. Put on'sub by aud or iib a Scoits Spreoder. Trect 2,500 sq fi - $4.25. Z l,OOOqft-$l5.75.' PENNSYLVANIA EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Howard's Poeltry Remedies Royal Purpl. and Pralte Stock and Poultry Tonica Hartz Mountain Bird Seed Ballards & Pratta Dog Food BUILDING SUPPLIES Lime, Gyproc Board and Lati, TENTEST CEMENT MASONITE Insulation, Loose and Batft LIVINOSTON STOKERS Sales and Service R. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 THIE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 200 Register For Reunion of Clan Stanley ParlkErn, veas a por- 14 R Mtent aettinig for o reunelasoethtie N JE W Kitnbing-Watuon clans recently. About 200 rrgistored their namnes, therehy rrceiving a yeUsow badge for the Kitching, a grees one for s i lie W.loons, making it pteaaast ta trace the clan relationship. Dinner waa uervedi in the pavit- Crep Conditios 5 pOtty yrar. W îl an avcrage of 27 temalca ion at one o'clock, attler whleh the lein tîsean production throughouo lise year, president, Arthsur iamond mwas Weather ronditionu ras very dairy tatementa mecluding <1*107 uster ut reremunîco and touts euisypset thehbest planu ofman. svrghsand truts reveat an average chaeteof ashort prugam of musi At the end ut May everytbleg Poductuon of slghtoty over at9100and fu. pointer[dlo unif th'iietcp onlM. veraige ots3'., inlkMusc a niioaîlc. e upplied- record in Hallu"n. Tise extremely Whrn tise mille ued ut home su Edwoin Watoon ut Caiuphclltvslcon Idry periid troin May 241h thruugts taises loto consideration it wonks un dectie gutar; Colin Andcrsocs Jue J on iuever, bau tubro its toit, eut et appronimately 513 hos. but- of Dakville led eummuosiîy inging Thse noe ocedingsofutgrasses an5d terfat per milking temuale. The groos and a trio sang, cumpord out tis cluo'crs sebicis for tise muet port rcturns trom tise dairy, pcr row, Campbsell childccn ut Kinrardine. rb ame tisrougis tise vinter lnecel- was $401.75. Att nombero were enjuyed by tise lent condition, faited ta live op te u edr h nw h ou uine tandu on ie ptoise.hand itodrlar operatur noLindate Farus, will Tise coues cf att babies bhum stisoteot tiery andthsd otrer he isunul gîven ta boatiog. ince tise tact recnons auread by th for tiso theartyeate andFranlely sec question if hoc ut ir c sceetoey Mro. Itobert Anderson. A In tise tinal onalysin tise total ton- partctlarly happy lu bave this m 0ciimucndee o ho natntsotaseinilisamy trycappear in prinî Humeverin wiviso d4 ine0tiese reonion, ngerof tha tay nwl eara o ui, opinionnttsnohicvement isto noeheng eight cndoctedby Wm. coonty. othto euthragntbas uttandsogtaubc pasnrdu oerwits Hrisondfrayerhby Rv. ooge heena tcudOn eothy ycaondnce me oct nome stigist recognition. As a Kitehing, Weston. hee ave oerniyya ogs qoaiîy be ay 011r cf fact we are quite cen- Stieciat f rizes veeegiveco lutise hasee aston hc t uliyha ident tiasanme o our "Blarck and vident lady prescrit, Mes. Mary E. Insortiecsections cf tise ruonîy White" friendo euh hec among tise Anderson, Milton; tise ldest mas haysng uperatios are peetty metl fient l to il it s oin saying, lBaIs prescrit, Rev. George Kitnhint, Wea- rumpetrd. Whilce rrent sisuwrrs cff lu Mourice Bety and bis ton; tis etoros travelling lise long- willliever hepful th spingachieveents at Liedale Farm.' csl distance, Mro. J. E. Shepiserd, grinc('laish os prtwil eHaves;ia.Cuba; tis e ocect weditrs lvii cuples mcd ties ame day, Me. irbeat ercu varieis treeendouuny Scaladale Farse and Mca. Colin Anderson, Oabvitte but neuuld nut appear lu ho more tison 8o ;,cf a normal crop. Tise meeting ut Seutodate Farus and Mr. and Mec. James Muffttt, The sbuwesuof tise past weknear ergetowenis alays ne OÏ Brantford; lungmt maeried couple bave heen vcry ticiste in sm e-tise histitsof tise club year for precrit, Me. and Mcc. Franke Croms- lios. iscueisrduf c-e.the memeseeoftHaltns etO nd uweloftRchester, NY.; newest rien.edatrr end Hio npuocasîDua Porpunc Calf Club. isaisy precnt, Atan Gordon, Rock- Tisucsday aftercoon. tut in tise On Tisorsday evening lasI despite A rtom 0cmcule u remusender ufthtie rucnty tittie mots- tiseeînint skies, a tood nombere-Awloet e ope a turc fetI ten fart, bayieg uprraîions paîd a Vinît tlu tiso utysp tîv gen isy Dr. John Kitcbieg ut ocre stîll in progresun Tisursday Ontario Agriculture. Franisly meHamiton.ie rgar dAt eveeing. are corprisrd tiatsa ufew BallonLAntytis e aro ndWAaOpen Cure tue tise mest'art hisaume re'sîdenîsts ncm aesythnabout tietii agsedteeg paris veiseremny athrewettoretpatmurevecntanedopeeiat prizmes ere giv.. tie ek.Att se ait t îvold Lurated abouot a mile Southiof et.ceuducted by Ross Gordon, appear tisaI ils tise arry-uver ut Bllînafad cenlise 7th lîne ut Es- Coitr. Andersocnand Jark Anderson. ay traintast yeaecsobmpercrrp, isoenîîTownshsip,it is a beauty Thescscmnatofoffirer forl1953 tisere sould lie pleoty cf evugisage spot in cvery nense efthlie word. are: peesideni,oenald Hume. Tor- fte is rmief inier. Wbat tisTewndn rv ruhte w ellotc vive presideet, Duncan Cuve, grain ceop wiii do rensaies luawbruket muodiot is welt morts tise trip ay. IKîneardi se; serretary treasurer, oen Pesounatty wsocranI isetp but en itserf. Mes, Rusuell Watsoe, Toronto. antiripate tisaI despîte fisc cery One ofvur compaeîunsuon Tbors Guestavwerre prescret trous Rock- srt straiedropcofcpeiegtgrain, dayreveiettast, wisuieridentallynvîd.Gulocpis. Toronto, Leasr. tise maey fîieds iii 5h11 tare oct a bas fartîeipated in sencral efthtie Hamilton. Kineardine, Cagary, tairty gîîcd yîetd ut gond qoatîty Hatton bs trips ie rerent years, Rocester N.Y.. Weso. Campbsell- grasn. slaird, 'Wby, verve neyer sers any- ville. Detroit Minis. London, Adtos. tbing anymisere lu compare mush Havana Cubsa, Etora. Brantord. Gaud Cattîr in Al Srccds Ibis." And ou une gfîrd mitis tise Holîgton. Milice. Georgetowen. Wseneeser daîremen gi- togetise foc (Page Louis Bromfield) mîgist Aldersisci. Tiiisonburg. Wuodsooei une heurs a gonîd deat cf gmcd gtnsand mit oneor morebokis and Gakiet eaturederibisi oevr the mrts and ce tise g0ieruoutSeotsdate bot toa____ demritsofltis espective breeds. tet tauthemeetieg inqurstion, liser Jot tisning emlisatbe peivi fereseni allterbieng metroverd by Vancuevor wils102ihsthsemnt etc cf cuiina leetis te Lîndale Mr. and MsS. G. Bennett, tiese buet isil., i Canadian ily. Jersey herd ofM. C.Bialy.of Tra-an dissts at Setdatr adaneop-___________ faarTowmnsip. Av mirerailthtis Prtonily ut seief tiese upre herd cas cîv vasîie 96 hampfion cf tise famou19.52 Perths At tise pi ivenitunie tiîri- are 17 Show. VeGvîdand th .eveIlentV' li sCaleussie Prefeetfoureiased cos n hua butI.Alil doirs v,,i,,-î ieFeheuary 1052 t Perths, Seuttaisd, MILTON 1 .î;îîpeîu[%v .î:îîIue.îîuilau tsiand iei-i dotSetsdale jusatsow iiiîi*s qiirnan acisaagoî Despiie hic iceent trip. E D N 1Wt W m ,ieu i,,,-cui-ptieuns iii vagic îîent. cvrnty-ttasiscd ofitliie cows vhaviseen bred et l;l, ýh a ifiuit t'oplire. pfi g L.iilu týF.iai iin luadîitione.ai tecot' iiiii iiîifull ofi elaracie.île in- Eleetaireand Aretylme iîiî,,,iiiii.,îî,,i1,:,tii,, 1alu , l dved 9viiaproimîis(-tofdevetiipinm Nepeir Wotding et AUIlyp«~e and stldi h.ieiiavevineocad. i uu fiCthiigr.at bulisof tise Weldasg 1is il iii, riv îproductioînas mcli ticis afrotherCe lsievi GI Portable Eqoipîsent fo i tefont I,-cicifiîted a year ugo. Golden PHONE -348 I H:iaîd uit il bc recerîud wsustise Stfl..ST. - hILTON fust rize uniorý'ea ill ai 1h, . 91lioyal, Modern mechanized equipment has mode muscle-fairming" out-of -date Do it wiEh machines - not with muscles - is the modern concept of farma operation. The work can be done easier, quicker, better, and at lest cost he machine way- and here le lets worry and lest ex. pense when you use machine help instead of inexperienced and costly labor. No man who has experienced the many advantages of operating with modern equipment would want Eo go back Eo the days of "muscle-farming." Some of the greatest advances in mechanization in the history of agriculture have been made in recenE years. Your Masscy-Harris local denier will be glad to give you full details. of the complete line of Massey-Harris modern farm machines. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of Iiigh-qualif y farm implement s since 1847 i fAu,,. Mlidi ndt ttiland MuIery. 0QIbvili.iii. tca ii j fiîcaîî,,î. Theiiiii.iîclIîui.i . 1,'ci liAit Blenet, Aviiant Amcîcottocatltru f,,,.aisi i Sisuly Bucihanantresîdînt et iiili,a,411 l.tiitand lDuai t'roe . Ill ie i.dduse iisaisc f liiataIIýiuiic ithe lIii P nad hist- i iiry tleb MmcuVînt Siuilybanhsp'arm Si,,, iii60 ,f lltocv daiiy vit clobi ivmies pa id a iiifi Franki G. Sties acd Sonsv, Teafalgar Tomwn- asiî1. uîrî Feîday evenîng loct. Tm excllent clavssei(f HoIiteincsoCe aaiîtaise for divcuion and todg- Ingt pvnpoes. (--". F. DreCosan, ltiistein field- lrl oui fuiWesi Ci'ntrai Ontario stag- cd an ablec deuuînsratiove si dairy ;i otit Yîîvand aisu urird as cliii aduicîalciA. G. IBennett, i aiutuliinig the y'îcîui t ecpleex fre'vcd surprise ai use nîusiser ut seierloaleadersmbumvwüecco- vueratief mîti 4H Clubismusin l flîctsn uîîer tise ebairmansisip et A. T. Wvcdiey, uf MilIce. il mav aciiiveed aIthie mectîng tistailaItHaitîîn Clubis iieisers mvctd havi'anon iiiivtueity cf pae- ticiptilseinea oici day bus itour ta lihe Miiiliiit lReforestation Station, 'In edy, .tîîjjiy 1tî91. ENon ttaYeuuu, tîecvdeni iii tie 4H Jesey and (iveecviy cis becre'ssed tise aiiiiiii.ciai Il-f liie atieing ituF LIT US DO YOUR BUILDING Traynor Construction Co. GINERAL CONTRACTOR Phone 485W PO. Box 86 Milton British American Oil Distributor GEO. BUNDY AND SON PHONE 313 MILTON, ONT. Farm Service f or gesoline, grease and motor oil PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Correct measore by mater HI-T Furnace Oil Berner comploe with tank-$339.50 EAVESTROUGHING BEST QUALITY MATERIALS HIGH CLASS GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP SPRAY PAINTING We have equîpment fully quai fed to spray pairnt your farm buildings. We use the best quai ty C.V. paint, ava lable in a full color range. Estimates g yen on request. CHAS. MacARTHUR PHONE 384r2 MILTON Co-op News TWINE BALER TWINE -- CO-OP for those who want the besi MODELA-at a loacer price BINDIR TWINE -- CO-OP-600 feet t0 the pound, 8 lb. bales - Dairy Feds - CO-OP 16% Dairy Ration, Dry and Freshening, 24% SN Eppement j Bran r-ad2%- Fly Control - EaCd2%Lindane, Era.Tom Berns Uike Incense- Lin-Dairy Concenirate, Purin, Fly Powder, Sheltox, Atomic, METHOXYCHLOR Halton Co-Operative Supplies formerly Milton District Co-operative Head Office Branch Office MILTON 127 -phono- GEORGETOWN 86 MONSTER% BAND TATTOO Saturday July 19 in ACTON PARK Bonds! Bands! Bands! (Watcis for neci yeek'c advertisemcntl Bands! RFRESHMENS B-A-N-D-S PARADE REFRESMENTSENTERTAINMENT Parade ai 7 p.m. feîtemed lsy Tatise ln Arien Park ;), - ued in area inicave of bad socaîlcu ADULTS 35c ADMISSION STUDENTS 25c Pienty of free parking space PAGE SEVEN 1 --l Molasses Free Delivery on Route Day Service with à Smile ADMISSION

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