PAETOTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TREIJSEhAY, .IULY lti, 1952 vr~ut/ I~TATTHE GOOD OLD DAYS ~ I MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTE iV~e~ ~ Twenty Years Aga Fifty Years Ago ElctonPrmiesH s fftotheLdisFrotthe issue of ise Champion of Fintheissue of thse Champion ef Eu -ery promise of governmentl aid should be Women have cften been reprimanded for sol Tf, sday Jul 14, 1932. Tiusai jJut9 10, 1902. eçcompaned bya prce tag, saysThe Enascaltakng amoeactivepatn muncipal alfairs ((fI New reduced fuie-only $375 one Mr. and MrD.S. Rbetste Post. There would be a good deal les; enthusiasm came la out allention as we attended the officiail way betwee Buffalo and Clevçe Surned oen Tuesday evesnai roin for tome cf these fancy plans ta spend public dedication ceremony cf Halton Centenniai Manoar latnd. Autos any size sarried for their weddinrip.d money if the taxpayer knew in advance just what on Sunday tas the women have beeni workin insisty $.75 John Csnnsay Jr. receessed a theywoud ngt.Usder the nens sciseme of admis- present the alter day frorns E.V, manyway jut a efectvel assom ofoutsien ns High Seisoot adopted loy the Seetes, Galt, et s settiel uf EnglisOs Polit cians dont need tawryaothlig moniciplofcers wogiv onieable lie ajoinlt Hith Sehllea Boards et Haltes pheasants eggs. They have iseen paaof mhev onadle-e iis year, tsthe oltniecandidates ptaeed under s bantentsbien. lise atention f thier audience. People ae ithe rpositions. were adnittedso eerfcaiate of R.B.Andersonibs ssidsout isn mays ineresled in prîces. When candidates pro- Il mas the Haltes Womens lesties that f ~ principat; tîeery service te Bert McCsttsm e!o dlaimt, "If i'm elected, you people are going ta gel cm atclry1 C leio ustogsw Milton Pusbtic Scissst-Kathleen Oranaevîtte and Georgetown Mr. a e otoffice, wharf, iighway or a boosti n realize tiere are many other wmrns sorgan za- MaronF, JameBsiRlertCuuk Mieçelbusenssuad mt eepeece baby bonus," lhey shosld be reqsired ta add, ions mhich aie also conribs sng to he beller idGatenHfel Buetkepgohrs ndist, "and Ihat mill cati you so many dollets is sensment of our commusities. Ladins of the Halon OnS peiSW@ ~~gl» e h ahn o." Mrass ohMaNiDst. at tiserniltnsgrl taefrthe test cf yurlues." W lensîsttutes weosniand Snay taie erMatue olnyTlAlberisthe On S athirde nthreuriis it taxeo te eaoOt fomrs's metexatiday in GrrtSdeMleyDuasit RtChaensres batis n se crne o it ira Os o Ie eaon fr igs axlis e Ilgically located, le expIais ta the manysy 5 1 the DSans ySiele nota S1rubt Chatoespristbsh.ane ot tin fields is undoobtedly the fact thal pepehae roomns and accommodations of lise Masor. lilnre Tsy Sersven WhRet.StaNo'dasne fdeep aod m ,,eosle ave. 12 rteTnsise rs, E 1etyss t a s dan ier t denit Aster ent S benldt eiv htsm n leprovides Not only e 1 hey 1kin ao ati he No Ri T H smn-Mary Reid. Ne. t Tratatga- dsd a third, but thse ortis pluekity thse mesey. Tiere is only ose sorce for gouers- success cf lise tour bol the ladies of tise orgasiza-E ST Earl Dotby. Wins. ayner. No 8 nent in and gtS ier compartions men t funds m tisaIisfin yorok febo.rlion had aiso raised money ta prouide tome e of ds W EST Stanfsrd. A oumpte unifsrm mas receiued th ditoa "'Tt frte ao sc sasipssbefo sh oard by tise Milton Band trsns Engteitd mnybte hnyeu canyselties con- combinalion radio-recordusniblnrerti+e astmweek Ilisn ehibsitioinlthse mony blle tson yessel, adi reordpluet. tt,,Husltd mohere tisas Pais systens indsm ot Messrs. Henstreet Bris. ieue ta elect tisose mise give tise glib promises. We'd liset ltke Oui hais off 1taiese ladies -coaandateantedassnis ove Onme iati is tiseaHitnpn But i's lime lise miole trutis mas reueled. miso are making a definite contribution to their 30te flas a Day ropes ty for oiminug. A fens tise f7 nritisg tise esansinatien ai miicis neioised, Segetiser. 5 Ibs. 0On communities and tealise oliser ladies in tise otiser Iat tthe t ripan cri essage. tthe idea sf creating a Milton tise folloing mere sifceos Satsrday ise caugist one nseigiing To the Point orgasrizationsmiso ire morking, qsieily. ta goals mrrting ihcmar fiii osonialtisrrrmas sseroucisenthisausterSon gNogiie Seaty, ErnestThlograanruetamîe We dont elles comment le out editoriai jusi as secessory. dratmoinst pritnstruc- t SistheStewartteme CsmnsonityMldes. Peter Slinco, Sadie Bucks, a wmn sae tisemrnnoe a tiin tien o ewe thitakeadot lob mes terned and plans msade Baby Canspletl1, Melein Celling.tiemrraslaetutierntnc columnon subjecîtis aImay appear ie our ad- leS pope u h omar'aer r elargong theStreamnaiatrr- Nrsn ohMeus Ceulson, absot il. vertising columes. But a serins of messages Item Or'yt"stson pint. Jaes DicisAo . ru zad t A uery istreting revent took Inda "Lestn ciea oloi4 dt e rrier Anniore HllpelraeNd-tce et tise residence of Mr. and the Steel Company of Canada misicis have been A cm ls mlt rT l? Indutr,, stew g oh t ore Lsnd retva ld poz e S dtetBarieH tis meky esspaer o Olaio Eery lome ias a sprîsklisg of thalle tellowsfpeni te î ec es mesoîn sooteel2OEdardHote, Csoein-îoMrs.Thoman MeDomel on Tisurs- appearing in tewel esaeso nai i u 1'rgaot6x2. ars di il a.Jn 6h lb gteocso have had somie very soued reasoning ihal hasWoostand about ontstiesrais and ridicule liseSoth-ast Treflgîar Prp e r ît y grs icîn tgresnd irtJorrectt. EtIa Jeistnne. t'iemrig tsi eri 050 ei«'Asciceti, W.dRhemtltsssd t oo pst Un pîrnd ables mats ing.d eice. MawrnMe, othe Bmaret eroft Ssey. uTs caugist our attention and been tise subject ef cern- folks miso are doiug îhisgs and dram atention t Oiaiocs' uOoiatOsW.MisseloeCassieed, rcr lrnsmd, ndtai misiakes. Everyoee ndulges a uile insucis prac-tbe seap iuools'n swmshînt tise and Smîrse. Aiei os eas eii n cr.i.Jspsrsne yBy u ment et seme et our readers. fle ffr loCvuody. Margaret McLcas. Lillian cermesy' misicis loek place t 3 Thyar e aurisn ieibt r ine ice on public affairs and if lise critîcisn s sbacked veioPeiens Cfxla cac mould ext bclkdu frelitter dite. Beidea ' I MTrshJ sp mmssiseRra c liasc ued for e bath. îacrisCash conrtrîatiene, tisere Ha. rank" Middttes.Jesp.m.ea He orae Csris l ai iusgCaadansa eterusersanîn o lseup by constructiue helpfulsess il 5 Vell for lise "ouS a e s as at"ns aven maocrsvunse l Msea ilton. Wm. Lloyd Near. Hartery Vr ese ilrs iebie econemic forces miicisgouers our may cf lifte, cause of democracy and commusily heterment, Mr.Waluoiisaid, «'1 pusted ouitetatir Jolis.vrancHlc Oene, eglas eeted as hridrsnsaid miile Wmn. ot ' .,, ~~I did'l laisv20Ue tu300 1battiso e day.'"Wiliiei e .lctd~ Patter, en. Annie Pellrtterio. Derîas onPert Stanley, asmisted Foks are wondering miere il iii aled. We tut tle elfowo iO prtiliy useiess 10alise wrokPD. o ed as oiliy BaspierrivOrlond Roeort- liegroom.Tise hippy copte eft as ooooli t' iioi ud ics .. b vsoov lir icPeople Of so, Mary Tnise. Angele T ed, Nrîhers and Western Ontario aller rtaou prices, fallisg production and lise higisesi rever dotes anythisg le adoanve hs day or gente- Oh, iiSay t SScos ail*tow'iu" -ituxbildfer us!- "Hue" Tmios, Aies Weddriurn msn ie iSreienPr tn indsiral age sourhisory Tse oupe rho tion. Usually, if Iou'Il eeamine tisai individual (l300 kn iso' aiSes bas a crie-..'and igtis hiaslveselipested mare-, Congurtulations le Mrs. Johne ley Netoceeoîr e heetlcbeatitsl lndstral age inouthisory Th coplewhoklt 1,0000' AsoI, Oiisllv pope- iv osog huifut s tfor esideetso ely. Theo1 Blurilevi. Canspivtlelle.mise bas pre srntos soe ren lie choira!f ar n searcis et a home or living quorlers find tise and hisspasi record cf life yoa'Illlied hus acvomp. Posi, tit 5the laltos cioiskerreuîî""Inuit- Iloflih iluligxdc the et- vleieated isrr 8rd birOiday. Orace Churcs, Hiltton. etfmisici tic home priced beyosd tlier means. Ees lise higis lisisments have been negloble and ctes uis pt0' 05C50idooss 5tui decat Itise Mat- v-S,,Ile i tuuso. Doe club y iat muchavetsunser. fro tebre hl erenafihu eb wags ise erscasolkep pcemos lses-vale lfe ussuccessful. lils au old but true saying r uuou hoveîy CJvcgaineoulosio, t.'l'vlisotve BarcldyMe.1 Misehavti ommlotent. orea fialed prices usai are asked.tisai "tise masnmiso neyer does acythosg neyer -latot s ~irOi. Stali ddsv . i ir as rexeoffcie ember. vi'tig tirheSomme et Inepelur O ODAAR It'slimethatwe cnsieredprodctio in makes a mi stahe." Hstor proves lisst tise reat o1Iý > h 'oi tii epaeDne.HTCL LR ils lme uai oe cosiderdiprducton o1, gi oi o ti,se,r oi'uuoîpe'ollv oyoshoouos ai0 Ro'vJa W.Blinbasuivpruncntvd- relaion 1taort costs and lise messages cf tise Seel of tise past ise mode great asvonplshmenls. ai'v. Ca.1io Calido.d" 'tic Laidie's LooveBîoovlong Cleub citi Etrrnse celdsenta eff a nen tr smaemistaises. It s meli tisat n later yeurs we D 000 tie IiOklli ssrtoceinaki oui.d. im, chaeSnge eiip. Ite larnsdesignud for guardiso mer-' sompnyadet ao'oocotoo'ndtrevdpeatee -Fvothi ourthin hnoegonr fotHesink cisandi-ee iarnscdngin he isnd frosl. by r reportsrt curreetly are concise and soond. rm m e n lrf 1hi ra le sw ih led "'. ol ooa uuli. svch as tie ,i,'- ii îî,oooe o ffvîta te s odi.dx e to nit. tise Foin nual Post. It aitemerise lte tiseir greutness sud forger thier filones. ch00'et' , ltIg f i oiOitI'liii icOu' lî,0,, o.o o.uo.lf'i 'uoore M itoossv o bi nso o, o n Soi eouv rg- es convtgiesal aed lar eoant i Nodouht yoous isheard fie stvry belote, hut it If, r, t "Il:oIe.lo,îond uSeut' ,tt o io aonsot- soinrd Hitching Posts or ou er vvln voepî 'hotoiaay , ortirslls V ¶Iassîcis ti'.o ioo k oot heîiownoo t.~îo ti.' v e. oo'o.oe i l heuvirs sin Sonry if me do a bt of rrvoilecvtng inon t il baci e vinvy Asneerbiesoseanl h ihrorTosmres0,o, 00,ii ;I, il dovo ,'stofil,oedWîeio'oeooli costafSue ivre 00 otLî'Mad.I e wrîtong tisese dsys but thiss stise lime cf year adefcec a ne ve eoi bs i*iooi tloi oou v.or o , to .o,' '000.ti OOi t'd p,ih. ndWigeutvh ot Pist e -ltev daois vi P C 6Coff oHad known os dog days", an expression cf misose pubsioti .agsst11 iciO ei(oo 7871 Ne. 7iisoen. fovmerly of ornle meissves tishe slgislest ides but oflmisîsis osnescuo imdagoulictall'eliis 1, Ooi00 00' fiO,,~ ,Oavio'loIoî' kîDi AST ot SîMot.0sos'eddf(?p)o ose kece tise mesnîsg-days eshen tiere's nts'popctsee vr eetieui - fecnlu-,tiii ,,'ki 'ilo"oo/. 0.0 . Il atth-iiiEhibi o Pariiv Saut cd i e 9otixeiso ao sien cf tise interview misen lise busiress mon just ~ , .5, 'voi s' oIh iin ding ua rqureimcsgtistonohvm-osedoe uct n iaiz.usuunimrale0, o,.'tttoiention.uti, eoto.orf ,icoSuem-iy ment. tut as me looised t tise ises et cars i h akooe sin ttise t <ta., o.oe.iiiil,tir-Su ey business section of tomn me jvit couldn't ieip but 'YunIon i Idl'fi>'e odrssso i :,, l ~0I: ' rieîo'e .IL tillîeg mn OoONto run my business, '.niy iauei't toitito I ,.' _____lreCot. recali the old iitching poîts, tise stores mîtis sub- o1a.uinsso y0 on? Aitui"1, o. id i, toit tii,'IRETOR stantial mooden caiopies and tise siade rees tisiha buoesscf Omth'.00. ioi'a 0th, i'C'.tail io' A DilA, ilIC GUD made eues tise business section se cool lvoicg. oîotoo',oov'oo, ,oO.o,t vt o, 1 bIh. o 0I,, 000,00 i 00,000 I AND TR VLLLESGUD !- u% Il Notes "' li :l,,I ,' isoiiing and ceducîve lv some leisure. EditorIi istrotestS pirit tî,,oE We orote about grandms last meeh sa may- One vctvv sor maneucturerv o hes magel kiol i,;î,ti î,,ol'rV i, 0lo"1.o _________________Qi,_>,hor__h,_____DNTA be il's grundp's tare fiis meeb. Our recoliestion rates tied te tise oest cf livin Fiso THuredaSTElVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KIN«FiO1 '.I Ih-l f s tisaitishe herse and buggy or tise demovrai used teduction n tee ptîce ofcr jar,ý ic e fie Thr Pi-di- iTESEnVESN. I DENTG.AL KIG for conveyansv hy grandpu toockvp musis more cool'(I ,triotîoo Holten Numlovu C""ffonee iNTBAL S'ldeg ima space tison ort preseet day cats. Most stores I fil-o li S;. b'1 llrilo ft,,1 , t It 10r-1,Dr. . K Stevenlssn Heers 9-5 fcund one hisciihng post mus enougis fo cutom-' A i-nleuid (l",'vvioec.î .lui'l0 -theDr. Fred Mreityis Evnings loy Appsistnsent A tseema e fCaI Hoin e O rs5 D,,,ýin ie 'ltO Dr.e. Mr(ire E. Ettohi X-Bouy Sersoce Tetephone. 197 ers, ad-hrews oparking prcblem.Ofcurs eOdHrs e ot Wins[ frnFr refrAl(--Iot f Israno ls dnOttice lIeues. in grasdpa's duy lise merchants dîdn't histois p te Cle'.si,.e Appureetly uic I AC M-Ny oitoîîoî,îotîîove vly. DR. F. E. BABCOCK go clown tabusinessand_______,verrethe______hP..14 79. DENTAL SURGEON godmel bsnssad ier vretsecsucs csel tthe ltoietýcs SUNDAYS-Em,,vgo evîco uly. and holel shseds fer parking faslties misen tise M ILTON PR] VATE HOSPITAL Oen amr'Bldg visits is temn mere eegtisy. randapa de (00' epv e'tT t . -o. n Streeor mindwalinga fe blcksandcarringparesCoroer. CPR ,nd .ool Surgeon Eveoengsby ppeintment over to tise veiicte. H e zasacvustymed te ' - fvîo te old e r. Ma bea vrvil t DRbu G. E.ervce SYERoe ing mvii every placen. tîot , oc cî.e ms ie i hc: 1J1'isnsinnco- D.aGnE.SYEacR MISCELLANEOUS Msny cf ycu folks moll remnemeer tiose t uf Ce fonhge p C GebsPyiîve Jooao'SrgeotLVEn HS ooodes iitchisîg pvsts and hem tise impatient ENOX PRESBYTERIAN CIEVER4&URCI- hossleft tied tate sm teelong toC tise mvod P c Stn as lust oeted aîooucîrs ii pr-KNXPRSY.. NCUR GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH PhonevRu. 38('hartered Arrountants isorses " BFE. EORSBORN. Mineice liesJ. #fourrer FeerisA. -830.m iov't . i ýSueceoHsRsD bdyscerred. Tiseyreminded gad ohnh (cfthéït moli elîmiyaie tise floocis tiat pv.ivdivally Met. (i.BNe.,eti, OeOffice i Rertee 7 93f mJ1-3Syjeyjs & HRDY isod îarried toc long le tie siade cf a sore veran- tstuhiatiebitmes, ecteniftiattos da . utno ocyco sierd lut crover $750,000, beiu t î.îaîtrpo c, oaOtisouii ivi ,o oo 'i i t.117,YIiii iii Foilo' 111LYlou iîoooo toi4.,hO, ot','Toronto Maybe ius tise ieol tisaistarted us thisihg abouti semunfilads tIie-eavvyraotec i' tiSooiioo .eoeIi ii,io, It 01) o h tîîîîîîîo" Offoce' Hior-e on.; 1-4, 7-9 pot., ~ RADL shade rees, store verandaiss aedhisichisng pOsts. -teo,10ro Mtio ' dSu- Tre ldlpiceMain.SWre'A.tJ.rd AreNEni No, me dont mont te go havis te tiose days and S.PUSUIE HRI o,îoooe,oîoiiliilil T'iî'l Rvehove 395Wt lioon tered ogutnt 'un liSe oui business section as il is ai present. Coearrient and cosis us mote tisas Miite-RE1V. li. 1L. BLAIIS. B.A Iilili.oOOOti...iti IS'ici o _______________ espou 3 le ihose duys Milton mas neyer a oye ihorse v ur foeod, points coltishe V iccria Colonîsi. "Il is a Dvgaeiiot. Hr.Roeort K. Cirre AhIAie W(ý(o'teies - EG.Ai.('ehoi AE toms and a teck attie business section shows ts rrv.touri(Iily sisocl'uyg realzatios tisat for cevery SUNItAV CTci sel a cee-cr iowne snliese modern ises. tut wv $10 spesu on foc5 bills $20 or mote hiis aeded UiîonîtîSie oc . ot x 05Chuiooe ST. JOHN'S, NASSAGAWEYA DICK & DICK cani ieup but sort cf envy tise more lesreiy (ser te fedtrai, provincial asd muicyipal treosu Juîo' Mliti .tituy ?71hGORGSanWd ILEKW. 1.DIK te. I Oc -Teles hrptot trips cf gracdps te tome le do shopping and th .Iisemort i turbing stili tistai udvominon ST. GEPOR CURH AGLcanIL A. ouCKDulesTerps isressetsa rvie îlighmmsn iv h 'cd proicial levels of geveremecol etravagance At tve TotMin St. Min . R.E PecnOt, Hreo rownTeles pisu ione 4 -1t Yady' fttenantic ce home.u iesomes more ptc noouced evety yer." ueoilu oetF. Snydov SSUVler tioi152 ~ ~ HTCHINSONcW4 & Lady Atnsdant b SUNI)AV. .tt1l ih,'191,21'T. F.tti SioiodNov .ot'W l r tisu5raday9 .m tiiieitî ,îoooîo O e e t oI i i ii 1011;cm It v'ooeCom uniioin ;ii iacciste.ic, etiter, Etc. D e Cmou Sose hre.Oiorclee FVo'iyooiivWetivoooioe Seion iO lSi .,o ieu,-NBet DoîîînChsampiocePrDoiion Se, oretwW utSu oeîO'ffîs e icev,.Main N. Moltooehne10 __________________ind_______ ;I SITo-epise54 PENECSaL HLaES oîîl]a'oîîîo itS b- - TRAVELLERS' GUIDE ~r Q an ?iian~ ±~CHURCH tlisve Sonyi 1oî.ii'l.oîîo GEORGE E. ELUOTT RVI. 11.W(X)DS lmatr At re elome BariserSolciorNotryPubieCANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY KEV.IL O.OS, AI Av Welo'ee Iarentr. Siteter.NetcîiPeiitc Sandard Tise