THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN HALTON MANOR TO OPEN THIS SUNDAY Plan- Dedication Service To Open Halton Manor Warden of Halton County, J. M. Wickson, ii preside ai the officiai dedicafîce ceremony ihat wiii open Halton Cenfenniai Manor on Siînday t 2 p.m. The opeeing cf the Manor marks an- other milesione inflic progressive history cf Halton in this, flic counfp's cenfennial year. The tmo couniies of Peel and Halion have mainfained joint accommodation for flicir senior cifizens ai Btamp- ton since 1909 bat liecause cf the rapid growthlinl boili centres more adequafe accommodation became necessary. The brief service on Sundap mîli precede an opporfunifp for residenis of Halfon fo vîem mîfit pride the residence ihep have con- sfrucied for their elderlp cifîzens. A scripfure reading, a hyme "0 Ood Our Heip in Ages Past'" and a prayer of dedîcafion miii precede flic introduction cf #*icspeaker by L. E. Ludlow, Superviser cf Homes forrflic Aged Brandi, Depariment cf Public Welfare for Ontario. Honorable W. A. Gocdfeilow, Minister cf Wefare ferrflic Province cf Ontario, miii deliver flic officiai address. The Benedic- tion and 'God Save tlic Quee miii conciade flic Sunday service and flic inspection tour cf flic fivc-winged building wiil follow. le case cf raie flic inspection miiilicb posîponcd unfil Mcon dey and Tuesday affernoon and eveninge, July 7 and 8. No resi- dents wiiil eine fi Manor on Sueday but mosi cf flic staff wiiilie con hand. A PHTOGRPH o thearcniieci's mocmî snows the t-alion Len- fennial Manor as if was envisioned lip the Building Committees iliaf proceeded on the construction of the Counfp Home. The building is designed to accommodate 95 residents with accom- modation for mec and women as weli as rnarried couples. THE FIRSI CONSTRUCTION of ithe Manci took shape like this in 1950 with foundations en. The dedication program this Sunday is scheduled to start ai 2 p.m. Halton Centennial Manor mas construci- cd jointly by the County of Halton and the Province of Ontario te fli the urgent necd of accommodation of Halions senior cifizens who had previously lieen accommodated lenflic Peei-Halion Home ai Brampton. le kecping wifh the growth cf the counties, éoom modation ai Brampton liecame inadequafe for liofh Peel and Halton. TON ON THE EAST SIDE 0F THE HIGHWAY. MR. AND MRS. rcW.Cak ancd Mafron for the Manor. Mr. Clar-ke was a former Major en the Salvation Armp. For the pasi truc peurs they have been Saperintendeni and Mairon cf fthe Salvafîon Army Evenfide Ht-me for Mec in Guelph. DURING JULY 1951 ccnsiruci ion lip fli James Kemp Company loeked somcthing like fle ifit fram-ework lifting into place and foundation for mn in. fti s expected ihere mii lie e the neigli- hourliocciof 10,000 cîfraes on liand Sundap fo arum the officiai opcning and dedication carre- monies when Hon. Goodfellow wîlilie the guesi speaker. A trip fhrough the manor miii follow ttc cerermcny. ANOTHER SECTION of Haltes Centennial Manor is pictured here in JuIp 1951 when thie Icundations were completed and construction was taking place above ground. The Manor was built under the direction of counîp council building commiffees snce 1949 and tis year's commiîtee, lieaded bp Reeve R. J. H argraue, secs fthc corn- pletion of the pro1ect. Following the officiai opening the building wjll lie turned over fo fthe Boarcd of Halton Centennial Manor under former Warden K. Dick wfsîch wîil adminîsier the affairs. IBritish American Oil Distributor 1 GEO. BUNDY AND SON * PHONE 313 MILTON, ONT. Farm Servic, for gasoline, grease and mtor il PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Correct measure by meter HI.T Furnace Cil Burner complete wiek ank-$339.50 PENNSYLVANIA EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Howard's Poultry Remedies Royal Purpie and Pratts Stock and Poultry Tonics Hartz Mountain Bird Seed Balards & Praits Dog Food BUILDING SUPPLIES Lime, Gyproc Board and Lath TENTEST CIMENT MASONITE Insulation, Loose and BaRRa LIVINGSTON STOKERS Sales and Service R. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 Il 'I Congratulations! To HALTON COUNTY are sincerely expressed by JAMES E HAMILTON PCONST. -ý ONTARIO GENERAL CONTRACTOR For the new HALTON COUNTY HOME FOR THE AGED THTJRSDAY JULY rd. 1952