TMMISDAY, JUDY 3ed, 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO :FOR BEATTY APPLIANCES SEE: jS. A.Fay &Sons: * MILTON, ONT. PHONE 305 W*hr f oM13.0U an M- i A JR-37 SAMO * O K Y ISS-12LB I Ml BLC KNNH S A i0NMRE- /-B I l * PCA -METO' * MSM LLW WHT CAMo RANO 1-B M 5 S MYNVLEY 7ý., PE SMCA RCS IS 9 FLAVERM PUDNCHE NIAGRA ISTsTR anweeRYe MeLARENS JARN' I -Z BL IPECAL- T13-EW ZSWE TENED @5 CON-TI R O. 21k,, 2ciýc3 SOCKE YE~S?' LB. 1pC SPECIÂL - WESTON S MARGHAILIOS 5 GONOW iLBENBAG o WRE CAP xc 5/2LBP 0*c TMAOAUIEONI33 1 3PUN 2CH_ P C0n'denTncd u ,N SweTRANned-P1 . ORANGES, 288"s CELERY HEARTS - doz. 27c -bunch 27c lLETTUCE - - - - 2 for 25c WATERMELONS Want Ad Page: Where OId Friends Meet Present PrizesautI I.O.D.E. Meeting The John Milttox Chapter 1..E. hetd their Jane meeting ut thn spuious hume ut Mca. M. E. Gaw- land; the regent, Mca. F. MeNiven presiding. Tise meeting nsened as anual, witis the Chapter Prayer, inging ef '0 Canada' axd the slacing ef tise tandard. The nmeeting cted. anaximsuty, loeneid acsmtîtninliry ubsccip- tîson cf Echei' maazinele ts tis' Haltîîn Centeuniat Manor Four' etectrie etneckn have heen ptuced in the Manar. as a gifst ram tise John Miltton Chapter. Mms. M. E. Dtswland cepotee isaving attexded tise picnie fer tise Blind, hetd attise hume ut Mr. and Mca. Chsartens. Bcampton. Tiirly isind peopte peesent jained ixn ev- ecat gamea and seemned ta "njoy tise aftteinnn. Mina Suann oewtand deligisted tise ladies citis two ea sitrendered plana solos. Ducatspeakher sauDr. Jean Max- acy Fiser, scisie hec hanhand Dr. Kennetis Fisher. shaaeed mtsceîl utide., ut Churchillinixtise Arctic reflues. They hud Ieen egaged inresechswîîch le tiiis ftut. bhure counitry.Dr. Fishe dccrihed tise' pietuces ai lho. ,v ve'i-,seaun lres. uhicis haà itiii hceh, s o, tise ind ide. Acutie cittue ini Itume uvwevd bloomx siti envtvc celecu t 'Lien' gtvec. vonthe roek s -,leing cihv red in winter sud orane il, iitise smmcec. Herds .1 caieihustreehthcsuhsand ptciic, ,,anî spvid tise ainter rua', Churichilt.The liietulie ut s Mcc Maclssy epiicc'edtue as- prccîtinutt hsisceiig.tfocsoleih ae iiltecestiieil.and educationaltlt Accuser îlcas.,eit futîîce otth ,îtlroo vcse ithe iccesnttîse etf przst, 1h,' Giadîition Cltntý etflthe Public iScho), ,lVrMcs. ,hîld Winiv,ev vf pize'sce AnnhSilll,"lgv,'ee' Shi1a P,îslTes ,,,.. IV,'e tl e Item,' E..eeee,nue icicvn Wh E.,,iv ,, l., ie!d -Cls ;,e veiiv,,-,, scissî etf eh,- .î,id1,nt e th.ieh-l tise hsp- the h-t eean AUICTION SALE Chic Slnd ex FarnitureLEc JOHN BELL T, nvl Ypbiaciona i hue,, 'c I ee 't.. 1itstls, vin SAlTURDAY, JULY 5th 21112 u'.lu l -,2À .o Ille l,,d .eete. îipli.el 'et i,-i, ie and grei'en;3L,u'- teî,l eh, I andeel t-.cil,. seat. 2 flrLr cý rlght.3c :l e lIbý-lgh ce ru.; 2 As. ido-c;-a hy .eîtisalit Lnei I.1 uI, eeluditig tull b sd , I,ýg,., >.rcg ma t- -r obuto h,-.î eof dcccv,, an ii e-dec leuceci 5 leytalle î,l b'eee-h: ,,l bai ,h,,),es., e cfl e4l hron. eleevhchc 8 to ::Frigedaieecl - e.e e ,îe. h,ifttc "' îî- wiitll 5ý1e n. s t lC'hccsleei.z: (ch ehec'î,eee-mahie,e.lm,,t -ct, (-air);) Aicuwayee meel s;2 ,eetl,lc.eelee; lsenxeeev- er 10011 gciie hcee' seetc-'o teeclsý; v.-tc ;ni.:rst;'- ,nd eeeeeheg ile el.e-llty cel-e; a,eh tusec,hvetc. TEEtMS: C.h ,cillement u'eti l-ch eonîlsy utf.sle pveecîîhî,,u cdl, te the ntei heiddc s .the precliielese hue cule bis hceeeecand is geveîîlupvvs'c eo mmi'diactey atter sale. Axevîc îxteccvtect ex 11011 tîccel tur,' wuid de, vell t'e stt."cetlie IIINDLEY AND ELI.tO'tlt7, Auctiseecer. Phoexe r3 Rsehueeîd and 177j Miltton W. ttneill, Clecis h-5t-2 n ' TIL ET E Highest Prices Poid For BATTERIES SCRAP MRON, STEEL, METAILS, MîSCELLANEOUS PAR-M SCRAP Dolivered 10 aur yard 175 Caroline St. N. HAMILTON 1. Waxman & Sons Phone Hamilton 27061 and 83611 f, sir i HOM UoeNMISI Mette Hamemahecel As tancuanSI caluetul feuils i pen sec hasten ta tq caipture tleir lavu in cean attrac- tive cunccntrutcd presecvea, ither an jmm. jelly ne conserve. It is axly a matie of haxmng seandeetul com- mente et a hememade pendent sat. yn'll eceat tise samne rcipe swith special cre axain. TAKE A TIP 1. it is tise pectin that maires gaad jelling peapectica and isin gaad qaantity in tise pcelings and ceces et lightly undereipe feuit. But cueisxtise trait jaice fer pro-5 lungcd periadu tends ta destray the pectia; hence, in peepacifle tise juie ruais tise fruit uitniai- meing point. De nuthuit 2hisc tise amaurttoutarîd hclps tu etract tise pectin, it la wise nt tuaddtfuessch water for ceeu ceg tise fruit. 3.Sugae in added ta feuil jaice ta, impeuve tisefliseuse and tise arrimant ut lincnhed preduet. Tue icceCIs sugai ucuie S a wek jclly and fl 11ele tugti unc. 4. Frits lectis geud dlly Iruperties are: ci uhapplru, tari acta, guase- berrnes.,irrs. salir pliaisloc' ieriesqaincsandcraspiscrrîcs- ultiscîcceti tstetflur iiay ise lac iacid. 5.11Ilu sadvîiste ta usesacomme- cilal petin ilsfri atesrsas stc awbericr, riderherrien, peacis' esscnd peurs.unlcssnyeihave a retiale iciciiuLisina comina- lon ccf friuts. eucgod Ilevue and relue add 1 clripeeei-tilt ih2rcs oindcl- ille. 'rc îct-plc- fuit: ccWh and rc. 11-\'stics acdiellinîicu .Du 8. If fruiieîcec tiarcît.add lemncî îIceetul1eacvleecite Tu cacisquart cee upeelnIrrîci.csdi 9.Tuieltrccjuiei: la)Addt1rets, or graes. eiî. eelîl_'vicp,c.iatccteu iqt. iccsie cuircrat, gosseeresene eun Add 4 reps usîeta t qt. aple .e ecelelîce ccxl'.t,) tuent andie,uk,,l ecy sutt. I) l'ouci ,t cc l ogle i i~îa tîcce ici we-l ecclue y Istten er Ices plues utfrcli-seilh.ui-uv flic t' ly is fore pueicsce lqeliiex 11ev iuîgen'c-le i sdsIse oudeus il lie ,-e.e l c ctecîl f telle' incse cIre-thcecuti)und ictd ac, o-iec.eeeccfuater. Cuvok si, % i i 1 iteîs, tisclixce le,aect asatci tîct. 12 Te, i,,,.cl.etc- cue tv-ci, l'use of...teletil tjieeemIe aI d.eiclie, inlecce a n vîîcali ;tittltc u Iig aci e. l'ouc, t Muriclie ciel , . elvlîcand deo Cccl tIcr IcIet tad lecc er tiseecmn-n et, cs l e i ieceilcec tic, cpe ra cea c:-1, cl t-Cl IlIf lcrei'î s a eefini i v al, o, c vcuef1,c c,,;, t lof e ISttiîi'icareva C leeceele.outjîviy cdd S% csp suar ti,eo ecliîcul)e c(if thtc.lIce'- 13 icý, i,, i , i t.Teut ivilys 1,gtv- ccinell 15ro- Ici L, s- on1 cleeC, ,l of vcecîcaed aIlowif tI ili lv,IY vti ia tlici- -CIgiofthe iecc.Whcn usea île ele tendcel o eull tcgctîvc. tîce' jetly i, clev tctic,eucsonce le 1-ceee utr ie,, vîceile jcIrti tic' c ce siai ndîc icit uit lit mineuis.e Ccsvc rctl a tin reste of Ce-itril iecicli. Neet dcîy, udd cintiec-i flmcîlacyer ef licicf- l1eri. 1la lc1 tee ,a idstorev Gosseiserry jamu 1 cup goecccclercie 1 rap mater Aboutclît ~csp eegar fose cu)ctcrecd fruit Crind ftie heeccun, Add maIereand siue.Maseuru thecooreud fruit. Acld ecuir cand tîcîl cupidiy te the teltyne teint. k ishcacnd buffettinc s te ier s. Tutti-fruti i am. 1Iquart curcantu 1iiqccrt 'ciueecien 1qartrcherries 1iiqucrt redcîepbe'crie 6ipound (12 cupeîsugae* Wasis and drainflutts. Stica rr ccints. t.e5m gfciiieie and ce- mcc ilstn ede. Add 6 rupu sueur tuîcracntn and eciencherrica anenltIstandt conecîr. SHmmcr Seo mvinues. l'if cherrices and add cuspecrîe and eemaining sugar. Let tand one citer. Add tertceuhed crantus ad gcccvsiccrriiuandcon.- tinureuhîokng 20 minates longer, 'oiitohot stccile jasand ucat Mcchvu t il eZ.)lace. Red Currant Js,, I cap caeesnls I rap maIre 'Yicap suuar foreanis Cuti frcuit Addcwaetcuereuntn andreahk Weed Spraying DO yOu .want your weedn killed? Beautify your Iawn. Clean up your Pasture, grain, and corn fields, and' If lntecesled Cail AL M.Pooa 72 SIlWlY. Reasuce fruit and boit 'spidly ta jelly stage et two drops farneing into oe as delpped from cage et spoon. Shico and bottle. Cherry Conserve 2 psunds stoimed tari cherries 2 poinds augar 2 cupo waier U/ cup cisopped almonda Waah cherries, bui do not atone. cteat 1 cap, of sugar with water, soit 5 minutes, add fruait and cook anil tender. Add eemainteg augar and nota, cook eapidly uniS thick. Skiai and pour ia olserfle jars. SraI. Masabaisut 1%c pinta. B* a& DeJedbaol .SALADA' TEA & COIFPEZ Cheaper tliau y'our after-diiiiier sinoke I~ FER Ieaa than 2é~ a day -just about the prîce ofth cigarette you amoke ýwîth your cofféeeyou rase have comîsîcte protectione for al your valuables. Papera, pasaportn, jewellcry ... all thins of value . . . are subjeet to iota and theft in your owîs home. For compiete aafty-and for your pence of mind-they ahouid be kept is a BNS Safety Deposit Box. Safe, convenient, available to you ut a moments notice. Protect your valuabies by taking them to the steareat brasech of The Bank of Nova Scotia ut the firat opportunity-2ý a day is so littie for oo much. GOING ON HOLIDAYS? Haie a hnpiîv. axcer- (sý enuction ...put e'uur vluahli's'in a nafe jiluci'a taNS Sa/év etD'paliî Box- Sciure yau goa uiay. The Bank of... Yîsue BNS Manager is a Nova cotiagond man to kusow. is Mil- Nova S otia on he ie H. H. Hill. eYour Parfn.r in Canada Gr<aw r PAGE TREZE Want HIGHER Taxes? "Don't be siiiy,' you are iikeiy to retort. But the question is fot a fooiish one. For if you keep asking the government to do things for you then you are automaticaiiy asking for higher taxes. Governmenl itseif creates and possesues nothing. Ail it can do la fo take something f rom the citizens and hand il bacn to them-iess a hanidiing charge to puy the wages of government empioyees und costo>f distribution. Taxes are the means by which thîs trans- fer is made possible. Higher mages witisout higher production per man mean higher prices, If weifarn transfer payments are raised because of rising prices then taxes must go up, too. Thus higirer prices now nrean higher taxes. Kenp these facts in mind when you read about new State weifare pioposals, or about new 'Nage demands that are not accompanied by assurance of hîgher per-man production. Published as a Public Service by TrHE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED Plants ut HAMILTON - BRANTFORD - SWANSEA - GANANOQUE - MONTREA. 'I 1 1