PAGETWO HE CNADIN 'HAMPON. ILTO. ONARI _______________________________________________________________________________ JuC ara tO AtG85 Dominion Day may be a flxed holiday bel in thete days of icaval of aummerfime, fa' preoty difficait îo fixanay holiday, vacepi on a week-end. And co me ond that maay workata aie obseP-r ing Dominion Day on mont any day within the week of JuIy faf. Tuesday mas the B5fh birthday of oct Domin- ion and it may ba that Ihia Canada of oars mac mortty of mate than one day to observe this birthday. We ara naotdimtasy nation. Cacaca s made np of people irom mavy different coca. tries, ai different religions asd clftes, and la fadlay a grentexemple oifsehef sca be ascosep- linhed by repect and tolesacce fat the tghtt acd opinions of others. For yaeasme hase esfolled oas great cafuad reeoatcs and the pat 1c yeea have provec Ihat lhey sevra sot oses emphanized. Bat hast oi ail the paat iew yeers hase shows thaf Caadiacs cas and mili develop fkxse cafuar rsoarcea The pant 85 yearn have taon mach progrens bat if moaid appeas that the years ahecd hold as avec greaear expanaion acd developmevt oi Canada. This t s dved a ancd of apporfacmyfo ir cafive Casadiansanad lar thone seko coma fa make this their eew home asd lvase behind these the pro- jadices and diiferancea thaf have made them seek a new home. Among the nations oi the world, Canada aI 85 a e mece yoasgsfar. As a yoasg cafton if mn a land ai opporfasify for thone mho are willicg ta ttise for baffer thinga. Ifa aar coasfry-if's grose. isg ap. Leta aill do oar share ta beep it e good country. Too Muci' Overl'ead Civil Service conta are fer too high, anners the Winnipeg Free Presa. "Thas n cthe year eaded March 31, f939, aust belote fhe mas, the cent of the civil service-that is tva lederal payecli mwas $74,27 1,000. la fha pretant fiscal yaar mhsch ha- gan April 1, lent, the cst miii be $333.888.000. In bath yearn fhe csocidelense, thaf mn of the cavy, air forceanad army, hava been eacladed. \Shen if in remembered fhet moaf civil servans ara caf prodacers bat admis strafors, thîn iscrease cf $259 millions in f5 ysara assames a spacial importance. if in a staggarisg lest that wve slsaald bn payîng searly $f.5 mllios more ecsh mssth fa support the Fedaral ciil service. On top ai sis cames tha questioe, yak' I neema lîkely to be approvodi by mont of the messi hems ai the Hoace oi Commons, that penion iii be pravîdad for mcmbarn s have servesi a cnrtain number oi sensions. There ns some gooci argament is lavor af nach e pies ta mhîch the members moafd costribata, bat the point arises as fa aust howmumch the pradasers cas provîclain the may ai tacestot meer sach retirement pians. The pension plan mîghf be sn the best cn fereata, bat il admîinfstrat ion cets are te geoxa welIl need e bîggor prodacing staff. rom theorse porfa ci thn masser ln mhîch nome mesebers oi perliament attend ta thoîr datist i woald seam the seneaf mave moald be 1cr e redastion sn the namber of oct edmicintretors. Canada mith ils prenant popuateion and prodactive morkers cas- flot eliord the prenant safaflof adminîstrators and governmeafs mhich we n5 hava. The fax loaci aI ail Invein n net the breaking pcicf. It's an 111 Wind There la ane blessn nsegstha oafbrcak ocifoat and moafh diseane. If han made the Fadierai C-ernmeet and enpecially Agricalture Mînîstar Gardiner realîza the importasce ci keapîng inter- piovincial frede free, ayn The Fsnsscal Font. Thoagh that basic righf isagaarasîeed ic the BNA Acf, e year ago Me. Gardiner fîed fa frample on if, A iese hoara belote the end of the session he raahed thrcagh Prliament hias oforîcan Dairy Frodacfa Acf. A iam monthsaega, ha had a sharp teste aifthe nerf of medisise ha propaaed tfacd- mîiniafer andar bis Dairy redacts Acf. Following fhe oatbreak oaifiotafncd moalh dine ane eyerai Pravincea lappad embargoes on wetern live- steak, Hic nyes mere opened ta the danger oi pro- viala resfrictions. For that belafed conversion me scnfhank foft and meath diseate. Halton Honors its Seniors On Sanday an important ecant in the annals ai Halfan Caenfy mil! be marked whan Hallon Cenfansial Manor, a home for fhe aenior citizena oi fifis soaaty, wiii be oiiicîally opaned. The homeisa iarnshed, the staff engaged ccd an noon as poasible affar the opening many ai the senior cilizena aif his saanfy mi!! iind thîs moernshome open far fbam. Piaf ares acd descripfive mafarial ai the nae buildsng mîl! ha ioand elsaehere in ibisisaue. Tribafe, homevar ia dae thoeapublic spsritad mec ccd wmmn mho accapfad the challenîge and the appaitaaîsty 1cr providîsg nuch lise surroandinga 'mr sorry, sir! You'II have fa check the sling shof f00!" .sg ycata. Tha site in Mlton, mail bacb irase No. N RT ,.5 Hghmay with plcaty oi raam forexpacsnion, jo. lias hav ismli chotan. Ail the iacîlilisoirdh tha coisf toma a imahemay ai public seraicas aie W E S T af hasd amsd yct ftfe locatiosn la quiet an d restul.1 Tharen aanafhci a atter in mlîssbacksowlcdg-SO H mient ci appîccialiaa a duc ta sur alestas! raptsr lae--t atiia lIis:.,iiiili.î sntatiaca For ycara Feel and Halton have csad i, l s..I , .: iss fis:, t -mss mi i s.. , Ili s. i i-s., Il,>mv. scintly the baildingsancd lasnd cf Bramptonas ana 5. I.i1 I.mmi aidIi f iscCimîfîm k.îî iat s s - oim f tfiu m i i Fis,..:tiscia home for the agari. The growth ai bath coanfian :m i - . ....: xiimas mii iiils iiifi Iliii s i mttise I .i.fiot', l, oni.-h'. 55 f immni o f Ia v lh iii - t isidas. abamcd fhe naad lai- incrvaaad iccilifiet. The ii i ,5l:i- afndmi sti-icici 44 fets-f A imîsîiî fluiîif s saparatias aiflihecou exis as fhia proaecsîbas bacs ",iti i.. s,.. bu I l'iinifimaiscî\,Fissoi nas lîifs fi 1fi.., sI ciIncurns in Sahie 1tOm is , f l ti-usafisc imit As5-.s S I mm lsisa, uis- mI imis-a dc- as amisable as the aparafian aiftae oint prajectIllfiscDii liamfmi5mi ciii i s o q W 1 ûI-ifmIlic fs,-smms n actai.' han bacs avar the yaara Ail have markcd 1cr the "5i5.sîaiisica lii iS I.i.l SSiiiiif Iitssccs 55i i55sis S tni,i i ml.: asfI c rs y ast ficlton I lîs ym5opies sommas gaod. Wa believe in ibis ccd othar pro-,.,i. a. ., ..sims a ii s a lacis I-laion and Feel have set ecamplas mariiîy tTis-afisc ismestas drccatphone is,.% il sîî l ii kk iicJla of emalatian by nsto c ousties, bat by nations ;Il - iiii'ii iîl i fSi fsIII , , i altiiiiii fiS siI..a:I I;. fis ihsss I. mI, .a iitF,-1, mss- cni iik 55tif, f . sv , , f M ., Atî i i ri o ai the morld.mIsslais and f;.,k for.5.1-.:fui i o n 5:is fI-m, kis Hallas Cestennial Mavar la indecd a reminci- 4-11tziff sii c i iraGîsîiîîîafsaî.i fimî,..f mm,îsmîaa ar ihai thia prvsvsî day ccd gasaraîlan hcis ollilaTiernsThlar ililta c urhaflici 'madimîF'Iamis "te .5 ifmas mi s,.i. if fi,,, lii ri i l,,- fisc i i s . fhoaghtfiness lai- ifs seniar sîtiaea .When citii--mi11a,11,i hs itofry if.c'inv SisalShoota -ens ai Halton vdem if on Scnday ced the days i. iasAi î-sslia m Fi5 vxhicb may ificsew, they have evary reason for ilffcn iatift lWcCIlai i,, a isfs i i m. imfla ims prida la accasepliahment. i--i ,:filii:msf. l's ha- l...5 a..i a Nscs:aJýF,, lv c 1,f .îm.îts. i f .:, f- -s- fi, . t,.iamnim i ,aî th mils- a -c--- Lest maak mc haslnsea taxi hot sammer mma . imsî-ltus eImsfisc- i:ii-cfIfIIIi..IiF'î.,Iî. "'Id meathar, ccd sanie place e c e iau il mas, a ......isu .."l. . nsi ifsts il lfai i tîlfifi himaifi record for ose ciftisc daya. As cNa smeifcred aceci mI) r... . as i i. s.s..: i. -m. ss: -ie 1f mppd oathom adifiicimssfhom fa io- miii...1.1 ,, aî.fi lic".1. fi..:r, ,-..iiilsî- th, asatciy cool hosasus a scsiilosrecalled file ic iim i, si-dg mvsfki argas ck'nms--II sammcir dayn of casy yeafnago. Gadma I-II, bals , ,i,.ii..'tssi pacpared al terieI t he omos fisc ]li mod st0ov '...e, î.î.,, -s1 -as Sss55,-.iî. even i the weite ng he t cf iimmum. ffs-1. 5 stImmerh t.d.ssnasir]I ý, jrm' i t --i i v, iiî,îs ilii.if, il iandl,,ln ilrrc fia:s x e tac-i liaij truiet fvccqsromsnq l.f-i.ilstoo cacr thevicloNx., cilfi,. Sudics, vac, -l' -I ' 11 vIý lIl IITOP NOT Oc xaanls days qrasdma tas lad oaertheflic mi1ni -.[ ýi fm. I cardlNitiffs thfle caîas.reîcvccl an 5-Ictrt, 1 inne.The illamiisj ay thc-Itovtshsal r, [)e ' 'i'i .' fisFing 111; t. fili>1I,, hired ap ail afarsocîs f0 Ieat tise fPaf t ons, fsr 1 1:,ý1 l il il e iîirry, Tiireesren't acy isiriçf. ... 'i.... , ---i -î nccsaa* Io fias ccilar mih ,.asi... .. ,,.-.i-i rcalshe n ' pot for keapsng parsnhablan. When lrcah vcgefabla tisma cama rocnd, qirandsea dici.. f goo te igrossi fo tie fuppla Thay mare gathesed irom the ardxilc, manlîcc msfh mater sarrsad item the paemp. secybe a 1cm dlocks amay ari made reaxsy ior the iams y Na, mc dont adaccata gossq I-csf. te thanc dayn ici the iîoascmiafe le oday. We are amially qlad ibat modern canva lasses have invadesi ski homeancd the iasîory ccni made nammar seat and mvîa. coci more tolerabla. Bat amid cff thene sscesvessossan gadma c,,ascalad inv acci nmer prîitdrea- that îloth- cd bar fit e acs!Iteflet and mac cfmcyas eat cnd ready te mees the caficîn mue camaeaaorsssg or aferacas W'ra cet cacg agaimni the piesani gjarb e, feck cf rasment cf tic mwomev oi to-day. Bat mv saaf hclp an mc secelleci ansi mop car brem, admira grascima loi kaapsng bas shkirt and nhiîî on ia theCatxasfi..isummers mhssb haaec'î charsgad mach in thaeI-ast hall Editorial Notes Theso aie the dais wmb e m sagb for the oood aId sshoel daya msîh the long susrieaivaca- tien. Hope yaa bcd e good holiday. The meather- seanimas casfaîiy bscd mitb the bracd gicen lai s' delighîial meek-end. Publ hd n eHeort ofi 1ltn nnCouat tli,liscktd ssc-n Thurnday at Main St.,Milton, Ont. Me- býr nf Sthe C.W.N.A., and the Ontario-Queec Diiîson <of the- CW>.A.Adsarising rates on ssssti.ýrSbsc-ptinns pisyabls- in ad sance. $250 in Canada; iaxnsnntks $150; -mdlecocpisc; $c. $50 in the United States. Aîshieda s Si-csnd Clans Mai, Post Office Departnsent, Ottaswa. G. A. Dila, Editer and Ptcblfahnr BUSINESS A ND EDITOR 1 A 0OF FI1C E T E LE P HONE 2 2 0 11-1-9 i Iaî i.. mi b fiuilii Of.. l - fiî~5,f f fls smssAnfthe Q-AT KNOX PRESBYTERIAN -CHURCI' REV. E. ORSOORN, Minioler 1 Mers. G. Neel, Onganlof SftNflAY .itfY 61h. ti52 ,stk Sf 15mi. sif--il5'hîmslî ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Mfiiter-REIV. J. Li- ait, RA 0i-aaiai, Mr. Rbert K. Cave SONi3AY. .fOLY lil frm52 Dîmîmas Ssî1vîsc mml KnoxnChss-k'O Jîssi 291h tsi Jmsy 271kt slîîa BOWES BAPTIST CHURCH Af the Tcîît, Main Sf. Bec. Rbaert F. Ssyde SONI3AY JULY 61h, 1.952 3 (1 I) IIn - 0 F.t-fiaft, Joîhna Jst fi-sua. Toifs-ssilii. stsi fs55 Escsrysma Welcornis PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS REV. Il. WOODS, Puotor Ordev af Services (Field ,sn1.0F. Boal SUNOAY, JOLV Olh. f152 if0 i. asW,,shiîs Sîsasîsý 7ilOuu seNvicms Ail thi- mss-ýiçs aig hasvcesi miib hi-Id tusin Ciiitlus Juy11hai the Qaîcsn Elsizaeh FIitshsems. su -s sPort C sil hi. mi .s a: isndb KN<frI'VFft(>1LENI H DC i the so]iisOn for chs'drens s' 4 .5 awn mascerhose, A l, m r b.,; h lwl ,f s 1, l rady made attachable -mufiand lw.1,--:ý.hsî J . 6f dlib,4. made of fsoht id 1,1is ths . . ,dThf .,îîii,,nelok afsilThe saisiEf the S.Lawence ;-d coas,%. v hh s.s.osdeed partaof 1 D 1 Sts.1 gt ii( li hc l id cf' the Greit Lakc W aierway ssi ý1, . 1-1 -idmvt1w -xd4 he S ;*, f 'Ofvsss.ta. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE .. ..- . '. i.i .Ui. f. EDICAL DENTAL il ii f .-iml'ms mî s THE STEVENSON CLINIC DR. G. A. KING iiiî~i t~iii " miscPhones: DENTAL SURGEON f ; c1i20.1-1 s 1 itsu miioff Mltan-Namhav 2 Office la RayaI Building, Milton I De. C. K. Stevenson Baavs f-5 Dr. Fnnd Mefnil Eceninga hy Appintmeat i)r. fIeOnegan E. Koigili X-Bcy Sea-v-ce Tctvphone 197 TH 9 mma Ofimctlaaas,: csa oly. DR.F.E AC K IT'~ ,ç ttiTON PB VTE HOSPITAL Office is FareemvaBuilitng Booe, P..adGo f Sargeon Es isaaa y appointament X-Bay Service Tetephoe 0 GRACE ANGLICAN CHIJRCH DR. G. E. SYERMiCLAEU fIns. J. Élslner ennîs. B.A., 1LTL fNISCELcd onen _________________ Ottîsa f ame sa-reitLEVER & HOSKIN SU.NIAV .î,.\IgT fy ,Phone Na. 38 ('ianlered Aveounianfa F'îîhS' .fsms..m.îff.-îit.îîî Ofic rs: 9 Sm.; 13 Sacceacs to 800mmi a', ii tî sîî,îîîîîmilnin7-830 p.m -IEfsKîNS & HARDY 11 00 ; inus -omi m i:c'mmuniisiiiCea1v05nsMelsapafitan Btdg.. sisa mmiiw4-1Victria St,Toronto Sîîlm shm,..iaslim.iveimg uiss. DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Efg. 9131 %*ii;iiîîîîîîîfi S;îsI,î b,, OfficeHGeai--I cm.; 1-4, 7-9p.m Ail Aisilmii FacmesaBuilfding, Malts Street A. J. CRANDELL Tetaphasa 395W0 Cianteed Accouiant ST. JOHNNS, NASSAGAWdYA Baidsncc 395 Main Sircet Georentown and Tetephane 654 ST. GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE LEGAL (Anglcan) CHIROPRACTOR Rev.RB E. Paris s Ovtor DICK & DICK W. i. DICK. Q.C, NIELSEN - The Chinopractor ScfNDAY, Jf5 thoe. 1"2 K. Y. DICK it Deugleso Tilenapisi 41k Sssasday attssTriais y arrsteava olciîta 1()0 S lse.M;isiis ndSer missai Brasen Street, oppmsita rac 37th Yvea f Pactie St. John'.. Tataphase 4 ! Lady Attendat 1130 a Ifi Comnonana id Mas., Tuea., Fel.. 2-5 p.m. hîsfy halafîvîs ai St. Gi-sagra. T. H. HUTCHINSON, O.C. Wed.. Sat,. 2-.and 8-9 p.m. 3.00 an p..S.S sas km- Cisephiil- Bareisten. Solieitor, KE, Cloed Tkaeedcy ville Schîîsl Blîsn. Offir-Next Dace Champin Os-e DominionSlave, Georgetaown- AIl Arc Wecoms Officn, Main Sf.. Milton Phase 150W Tetephana 54- -- - MILONOSPL____E TRAVELLERS' GUIDE IL theONOSEBldiHAPEL GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Banefîere. Solicitor, Notaey Pobie CANADIAN PACIFIC SAILWAY SIfNIAs. .OLY 61k. f9521 Office- n Fcvmevs'iBail dingStaadTi 751cm 1030 ; SLiiici;iy chool Mal ocing I oofa -7.1 am toie f f Siiat:y cksss Min Street, Mi]ton d:îmty;e 204 p.m.d daify; 8.20 ar.. f.0 IsaEn-mser re Tetaphane 70 di y ecept Sunsdy; 8.57 p sa. Sun- Tifssdiy,ISiyii8ifliW30 -Pi y -s- -d:ycsly. -no90 m .ad Bîbhstflimis ltahi hmmmc fî(t OTCLCîsaoin g tram Tomic.4 m Nlic :m,îm Msr. 1. istîma ,îîA î. dailîn; 100b i AIl As Wscmsîî.- - CARSTEN GLAHN îs's-saSa Sasesmsta CANAOtAN NATIONAL Clfmd: nsîsaîs lîmaalfk sfls, H. .LAIBO Gocsg Naa'fk 758 cm. asippfy if ec,-îîîîîsîtmktcs. Fce Appaialcai-aif Phone 56 Miltoan Goaig Sacfh-7.10 parm. 1 PAGE TWX) THE GOOD OLD DAYS MAY HAVE SEEMED BETTERj Fifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago From the Issue of Bile Champion of From file Issue of the Champion ot Ilhonoday, ui y 3rd, 1f02 Tilnesday Jue 30, 1932 Tir epsects for thes acss of Frach Canteinn. M.D., cf Milton, the FircBriîgade' 'd-îaî.ntratsion on haîs oned tirentaff ofthe Hamilton Domsinion Day lasked hianean Mac- GeneaalHospital. day. Iteciaed all day,kamwever Al Dr. and M. Frcaer MeCaUa f aleared cff daeicg the nsght and Saa Deiga, Cal., visited with Dr. Tavcday maccing dawced hcight and Mes. H. A. MeCaif hecn on and clear. Semne wark mas ceqaired Tcesday. ta get the groanda itl shape for On Jane t3th Chas. E. Gallaway the hasebail gamesanad sparts, but sel 13 vggs ander a hien and an JaItr tkey weee eady ia gaad lime and 141h 13 ahichn were hatched. the altendanca can large. The ne- G. R. Catteeeof Toronto, for- ccipsîof thc day and nvccsng mrlvaof Mitoanwas na Thlsday amcaantedloaboat $500and hagh tant apponted chaicasan cf the napi-nsea were heavy a reapectable Bard of the Union Gan Co., To- srtasceaccd. ronta. Prof. Bayc lcavcs tkisn'cchon a Eaely ycatccday mcnagkagas fsca saath trip tatheaNcthst. cnteccd Day'shadwcarestore hy a The ascan tcsapcatacc cf thc ccarcrdccc acd staSe gaca, amscai- manth cf Janc wscaa03 ds.grscc. Il tisa, fl.slsgkîs, kaicca, fshsng lac- vas 21 sls-a.s s coider lhan the accc hic as ancd wscl. Laas talais, rase fos i 2 rs. acaciy $400. PcovincaltCansfakle Chles s Bacberc an aks bccn Caahmac isiacnsgating. sssclsccd inMi .Cihclins taseof-1 The fallamsng papilaof Vea W. fscc fac a coupie cf yc.arshascuca- Cairas %mccc saccessfulathe1kTa- cri aclcckhip in stheciOntarioBank' isrstss 5sats faMusicJac ;d the SUCdfsssy ss gessycaasîca'.s.Ruth MacNalsh ccd Aitrassl tt.sîss 5'îchssEd cîslDosaIsiMciakb. NoracnsCassîisifl. AlsscsJons,1 Whise ZS. Arckercas mfosssyg FrankhPembrokes, VecCssscc. H acfn aanlSon Monday hscarcgl Robinssn,Alf. DasnksCisas.IMe-outaof cantrcl and caakedsafal he N.ssc and lRsssecrt fzishis v w BaRyai Tsmpa-'as alserfacatainin asssssasthesTssssstasns wlosap. on tsssfîsfhkcsssn halliand kaaasd Dssmnsssc Day ia Milton. il sives.Ths s t he second limathe Maggsa Matks-sson and Idacci facalasa han kccn hnached avec Laiglasscsl thejuiorsaeamsina- sithsnaafca-maaahaatcamatca ra- fssns atthessTosssntoConscssaaay asay hacasccashsag ict sa thn sf Msss, ss nls sssss Lylc Camp- fist tsma. bels assed. Ail îiscsc acpu- Anaimpccsscccemaanoyssas the ic sf Miss losmilssah sindssusct of RBs.A. B. esesaB.A., At Tciaity Unsserssty Convoac- Tacsdy nsghsinta theapcastaateaof tionclast weck tkedgs.sof Mastc St P's istcsfChacch herehy cf Actas(M.A.) sc ccaereed an Dallas Pcvshytecy. fisn Flosence Dsssss B.A., Ta- ts. Csslin Campbcll, tccmerty cssntoUnsiversst.Miss Deacsc hasn MsaacBuck,cldercdaaghteaof the cisc hssc nalsfss'd b vkthTasrontoaifatsDO. ccd Ms Ansca Buck, was Caf tcg cf Msicstha I she has pas- fcfsd as tke Manitoba Cluk hy a scd thecrcsat scd ss-ar camsn- gsassfsof Winnipeg c-amen anlier- atn inavca iMsic ,snd lhscd ycac 701kh brthday. 5she an harnata I airaio ntscssy.laafh scsth Patecmaoand ssof U.E.L. stck. aad tscst clans hosssses pccscntcd an a gannl an 1he soas smtiosas o f oh Ksng Edmard 3IARRED .and George IV. She has Iseice heen, 10055-McDO WELL- At the es- prancnîcd aitccur. ast yeac seilh decc of the hs dcc passats.tMîil- hsc sais daaghfcc. Bvth. tac, an Jane 261kh y Bac. BRural 1 Dcsan Gef, ffssh E. Rss o f St. MARRIED Thomas ta Cassse, faasth daaph- MaGANN-PERRY-At Ecie, Penn.- ter of Thomas MaDaseîl. an Jane 201h, Alsae Mad, daagh- tes cf Me. acd Mca. Richard Pecry V;isskCKLE-ltUpatAN-At Bacc- of Trasfalgas la Laswrence Eugeav- by. ssss.lîîss18!hhs fiscv. C. T. isfsCsnn cf Cleveland, Ohio. Tsasth. Junte Vaschis, cf Paies- Mos,s ils, 5.sisss f-IsmHffma1n 5of liaschs 1 THE CANADIAN 'CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO mwTrp-ZT,%Aý T7ný