Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1952, p. 10

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PMSE TRIO TIIE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO Item iatiha s yn moU te Ptoned ta 220 or sent 10 the Canadian .Champi«offOictu leMiltop -Rome are the hlghlighla of! be- -It sq esimated that kindergar- ai gardena tia weela. tes regstration iii total 65 for next tati RNot ail wha apply wiUl -Rivera .llrughout the district bexahie 10 be accommodated. It mas are aU lolaset the resent ime. expecîcd. -Masy trois town and Iis dist- c attended the Wateroo bsd -A wild stores wiih thuoder. featival os Saiurday. ýi"igeg and big^ splasof rais -Being sscry for esueseil s mastiog syspiihy o soeearysa knom dorant deserve il. -The Piocess Theatre han becs leased toc a terrsaifyeaca la the Naional Theatre Co. ai Tocania. -Lant Thuraday cvcsing, Juse 26, ailargecromd enoyed a hand concert ha Victoria pari, gives bY Mltas Junier Bond. biche ai 5 am.-Suo'day maenisg. The weacher ceas appareeaiy ýraey cilh the heal," ai siete cahieh mcioy aihera protessrd la he er -On Salucday, Jase 28, the Mii- las lama bowling rish af Mca F. MecNiven, Mr. Riddolh and aipped hy Franki Meives caplîired tirai prize in the eiaed irehîca, 3-12 end gamea touenamesi ai Sirecla- ville. M. J, CARTON Perfect Weather FINDS DEERS ANTLER WHILE PREPARING SEEDING For Family Reunioir M. J. Carton hrought la Ihe inithe spaeîous ground oCraw Champcos office in Hilton a deer s rds Lakc orar Caesphcilvile, lis entier. h mas fond in hia gardes l0ch resno of the Rartley-ShieldL Ihia opring wile lhe anS is son tmlr a hl n Slrda7 were prepainghe grondo fa ilw held roonSt ay seedin4 . The anlier hadtsaor Jn 8,i h tnno spiaces and baSt evidenaly hee 5ofthe fhorst dsys ci the seasas dropped hy the dccc a short ien Joe oothon, prescdent, to Hailil befre.Mr.Caron ell ustcme mas masier of ceremonies and El itlas a commas sigbtteb secea nm e ede itn ertr bec ot dccc in the gardes or the irbo rcgisleed ail as they arrives archrd.The receplion commilicc, M. anc ____________ Mr. Lloyd Crawtord, Mc. ad Mc. J. Maien, Mr. and Mca. Ed Habor and Me. and Mca. Roy Turrer geai Deca e OfRust icasiy rcceived the gsests aeounc Epidemics Ahead? Mr. and Mes. Hartley Simsa os - SI. and Mc. Colin Andersoui ha( Cenadion wheat geomera become chirge ofthIe spors, caceyisg ai. greally alarmed ln 1950 over tihe one ait the mail istereoting seriej wideapcead appearence a!fRe 15B, cf gameo and contesta ever cnjayec a race of stemasthI hat waex- by oîd and yaang At istervals peced a payhovr wth heRoy Waito ot Bomilton tbsec pectd t ply haoc iththearousd with hia generousa ieats c 191mheat crop. Hone o the peanus. choeoialeo, lite-saseen rust-ceitanl mhest vaieties le- gais. cigaca and other goodias fta troduced in Canada aInce 1938 eveeyose: the preident favorec show m enuniy against Re 151j. ith oaapply oI coco cola. Pieni( Whatlthisrcould meas in teressoftsuppermwas arranged osser ah( crlaases waa fouly appreciaird. capable convesorabip of Mci. Lleyc Thr 05135op eiemc wlhCrawford assisteil hy a groop c. The 9351935rua epiemis mhch iîîisag mochera. had caised average annoall isses Greelcngo mere eslrnded la s]l o! 35,000,000 buoheto, mccc sillbt eupecîaiiy ta Aisericea coasinj tcesh in the memory et mot Con- Me. and Sirs. Nacry Hartiey or edien formera. Daisas. Michigan and Mr. aed NMcc The 1951 rssa epidemie, hnwcver Peter Harlly of Kambambîn, Hieh. dld netmaeriaize. T xer-gnaistoMiss Lella Thomeas o ca .eBe anff and John Fisher o! Luton ieaced on exccedisgly dry foUl in 1 Esgand. Severai leiters of is, i500 folowcd by a period o! very 1 .ishes mccc received frmais s fai lom lempecaîsces. Undccaauch , as Cslgary and Winnipeg. tavorable conditiois the iter Special prises mere givra aut: wheat crnp in the statc aI Trxais c the aidelady,. Mm Mary Shields waa iargcly desîroyed and the ruaI ibe aideat mon., Peter D. Hsrtiey spores mere ict ithool a hast. the lady eoming the tartlsast. Mcav Rorsoal the reg stoge o! us 1Lelia,.TbsmasL. Banff and tb( ave-witer onthegren wntr1gantîrman trois the tartbeei aiea avecminirs o th gres miIerta Johclishcer, Luton. England Th( mhet plantu of Texs aand tbe'nacecrtncrred cope as Mr a spores are then wind-barne and Mes. Calca Andersocn of Oàhailiý spread insuccessive stepa nsrtb- aSdch e icoanget babY a.iacVie.; wrd through the Misaisippi Riaer inas a ceeen Andersas, Otua-., Valley 1e the Casadien wheat bell. The name tieket dram caa',t f Wit th patil dstrcton f te!Bascer Hrreidge, Cisebsan anS lb( Wit th patia deîrntio aitheneeci gcce.aon the alarne lar Txauitecmhealecrp, thessum- fiiemrmsc wona ly Misa Clora Hart bec nI stcm cot spores was greally Ie. reduced and, altbsagb the pres- Bnga vos played tac a mhile ece ofRace15B spores waa oh- ibn a prcgesmrenlyeddwilsMr. serreS throughout the prairie Loyd Crseetiid at the piana provncesin 151,theywerenetCammanity inging waso lz]bechý prsien.Jor Saccilia M isaie nufficictly namecouo te ecsise Jsdy and Jil BrowsnIfOsbciie it oppreciahie damage. heastifol cotumes rstertained 'et] Candiions in 912and ansbsr- rier dsscra and acrabatce perlcc quent ycara. maybc moretfavorable assscra n several nambers. A lic ta cool derlopisent, and the Cas- madelliîn contrat mia csrried ici adian meat tarnare mac inS il an iy Colcn Andersan mith sia me! "ill wind' that wull lomtrom the c,,scantsta pravnofqaile joncal Sime partng wordsolbhas n aoslh and anfect is wheat fiede As.id Long Syne ciuerd ithe liapp: with milions snd miicons o Race gthirial. 15B spores doring the critical Thee aaie oI atficer.ehelincifa montha aI Jane and Jaiy. Even the 1943 reunias ee. past prec ahosid Texas bave asother tai) ident, Jar Saullios. Hsmilon: pres witb eather conditioas as advereedent, Hsrtliy Sime. Oelillr; turc as hos of195, hiswil ne n c icer peeidrnt, Cois And-rso as has o!191, hiaccii st nc-Oabaiire; screreoy. Mes. Arcc cessaiy avert the danger o! o riaIt cKinscsn. Mitan; trrscueer. Me, epidemic. Jacki Smitli, Taronto. Wideopread occurrencec oIRace Gtss mer prescnit f1mw Streri. ItS spores as reparteS is 1951 aclle. Ocndas, Hamcilaon, Cismc trois variais districts in Mexico. Ou'tewd, Brantfored, Banff. bits Shace wbest in Ibt country may Engiend. Kambamlii and Caria c bc gownin n unnteruped n Michigan, Arthuar, Beeiseisi cycle, Meaicco casa act as an incx akv -___ndheistict____ y hautibic eservoir tram wicb apores of Race 15B may lc ie nd- 9600 DIVISION hiowa continously la the wbasti fields aIfIthe United Stars and A lady erili Ide rsasin th Canada. ady acd s daghtir n h' WA( Athoalli dising milli soiphue ccs isîecîasge mhagne aid ol and other cliemicals wili efective- Yuc mc, he.g aea ly control nstem ut, these meibada 'irhY acri icyi)La ethe ficC are espenaice The onlyaaasnom- Causcethirc ain't noisilk A tlib icaity nausd rrmedy. ons ontion- aend ..uiua.dscthecaim ri'iy. ide sealc, lira is thr devlnpmant o nrm heats orsin.a that arrires- The nationali appie ie eai itantieRacr15B.CanadiapIon! iccci. .ioaeniius ih.itipcceecbook pathlboastoanS plant breedirsare'un saliie t drugstoirie ac nw u nom rihin asheirdi'aiiicpneint milic ahnunsa siLe. Leci yüi o! rurli sruai. trne Smo promis- Lue riciliaipusliceset $63,000f)() isg mheat varetiî c nbtainrd irais lic 231,0iti,090 pichet books. Titleý Kenya. Thise machin centreS t c cii rno Te ati,'ai m our Winnipg in the Dominion Lsbae .-"t atory ai Plant Pcuiolaîy, wirh e_____il__________ onderethe directian af Or. W. F Hanoa, anS in the Dominioîn Lob- fretorY aI Ceceul Beedini unSe ther diretion oaiDCe R. F. Petersn. Credil 1or the bulh o antedpth- Glcarl invcestigatlionseon ruaItfies 10 r T. Johnson, There con liens dashi shotth evrstual.sacec'.il derlcpneint o amlirat vsriety tbtmwill ba reit aol te Raer15B. but this mrk i st libly tahrerconelished in a trm ye.uro The danger of redue 29 code mut tierefoaeebie regoceed -itond the pefect secetopry laid Ed the esecutise Pals nd papir mi]mcrhcrc aie' Ssdoetisinegin clssiied Canada.,highi'rt indlo'tricui 'ceners ra odas consecative.- u.uh aeagceeri kiily arriinîu cof $7142 cua Oiru 1hi I951 si'mm M4ilton Beauty Salon AND COSMETIC BAR They'rs Smartl They'is Cooli and ntost becoming? What? Why our new Helen. Curtis Fashion j Wavesl The whole town is hummisg about themi For yosr appointment E. Hayeî PHONE 170W D. Ellwood PRINCES$ý T H E A T R E To our many patrons of the last 12 years. 1 wish ta, thank you ail for the splendid attendance and co- operation. 1 hope you wilI give our successor, the National Theatre Co., the same consideration. YOUOS VERY TRULY, M. E. NIXON GRAND Re- Opening (under new management) Roxy Theatre Formerly Princess Theatre MILTON MONDAY, JULY 14th AT 7 P.M. WATCH NEXT WEEK'S NEWSPAPER FOR FURTHER Rt OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT LIKE BINGO ? THEN YOUJL ENJOY THE LIONS CLUB 0F OAKVILLE SUMMER BAZAAR Oakville Central School Grounds JULY 3-4-5S YOU'LL ALSO ENJOY CAROL'S MAMMOTH MIDWAY, THURSOAY NIGHT KlUbIES' PAtADE, DR. BALLARDS SATURL)AY MUTT SHOW, FIVE BANDS, GAMES 0F SKILt AND CHANCE, ENTERTAIN- MENT. and Special Lion Draws for DODGE HARDTOP CONVERTIBLE $100 BABY DOLL TMURSDAY, JULT IBirths, Marriagesi Dets Etc. BORN TON4ELLI-Mr. ansd Mrs. AIea Ton- elli Jr. are happy toa axnounce the birth of their son, Raymond Amnerico, on Tuesday, Juiy 1. 1952, aI Milton Private Boapitai. BAILEY-Mc. and Mca. Kes Bailey are happy ta ansousce the hlcth of their son on Thursday, Jane 26, 1952, ai Milon Privale Hos- pitl. Brother for Kessethan iili MARSIIALL,-Mr. and Sirs. Bruce MRanhali are happy ta annoooce the bicth of their doughier on Satacday. Jane 28, 1952, ai Milton PrIVate Hospital. Sister foc Pcggy. BAYNTON-Jack and Arse Bay- n150 are happy to annoasce the hirlh of hir sas, Daryt Keith, os Tharsday, Jane 19, 1952, nt Mount HomiltisaHospital, a brother foc Larry. QUINNEVILLE - Bernaacd and Frascea Quiosevilie lace Petiti- grewd arc happy toanasoosce the hirih o! iheir daoghtcc, Breoda Lysa, os Maaday, Jonc 30, 1952, ai Si. Jsphs Hoapitl, Hamil- MARRIED ROBEITSON-LANTZ -Os Fciday, Jaae 27, 1952, by Rev. Kesaeih G. McMilian, BA.. B.D., Guelph, Amy Grace, daaghiec ot Mc. and Mca. George Laniz. Actas, ta Rasa Stewart Robertson, sas of Mca. William Robinsonanad the laie Stewart Robertsonsaf Hors- hy, Ostario. b PIED SMELTZER - Suddenly at hec home, 17 Biciaseil Ave., Toronto, os Jasas 26, 1952. lsooel Alice pecry. beloved ite et George Franklin Smeclzer, deac daughlec ai Mr. asd Mrs. Francia Percy of Hilton; ister ot Mes. Willia Pecry (Cors), ai Miltos; Mca. Stanley Joe (Olive), Acton; Ar- thur ot St. Thomas and Francia ai Nem Toronto. Techer at Hum- bec Heighta Sehool, Weston. Service maa held Mosday with sîtraestin aMilton cemetecy. 114 MEMORIAM i READHEAD-Is iovisg memnry OnI my hashaad, Ernest M. Rcadhead,i who passeS amay ouddraty Juty Though absent, lcieve a Stli loaed, atlit mLssed andeer dear f oegottea, mile Elles. CARDS 0F TOiAN'KS i wosld lihe 10 lobe thia oppor- losity aI tlisshing the doctors anS aIres f ilton Privale Hospital foic ilir ikndnes 10me doring ney rerent ilnesos and aiea my friends lerecards and cigarrttes and the1 Multas Hardware fec thc use oftihe tricetrici ion. &Rbr e - Coming Events Dance, FrcScy, Jîly 4. 9p.m, Mil- tain Fcair Groauncdes. ilarS orchest- ra. Admcsunn 50c. Auspices Hal- lioi Agrîcslîual Society. c Zînemernean W. A. Asnaa Gar- Idin Pary on the sehool gmand.s, IJuiy 9 Gacîd aerîely progea.. or- tuiss rum Ocailr. Ilaioolloa, ICampb'lville. Tuny Hopkisa mas- tee il crermosirs.Bal gamd 730 pm.,Lccmei-vs, Ziasmecaan. Ad- jmiceýicia adaltasOr0. publiae chool ehidrea 35e. prr-mliesl, frer. c-3-3 AUICTION SALE OF FURNITURE, ETC. Incluidisul ire sereeo and tendec brcas; toesc'uhairs; tables; chesie,; rag,,mcîlee oatrner;cannung much- one; golf clubs; elecric lighia cind ectrîc wiring; pietucco; and a trame liarn 54' by 80' wltb an L 33' hy 28', timber trame, inch idis!. Suie mi lirbcleld at propredîs f.rm. hlaitmileerastof !Bronte- Palemo Road. Os hydea lise, on SATURDAY, JULY th, 1952 At 2 oicbocli. TERMS. CASH. HINDLEV AND ELLIOTT, Auctioneero. Mc. CeeuePropruelor. b-4-2 IHarold C. Fay PLUMBINC. and j IEATING JOHNd UT., MILTON PHONIE 423J DEAD STOCK Dead asd Crippled Farm Asimais Remnoved Promptly For Saitary Disposai TELEPHONE COLLECT Miltos 210 Toronto EM 3-3636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION - 2 P.M. WEIJNESDAT - RATES - Ho charge foc ennauncemensaof Sirtha, Marciages, Deat.ha and Engagements In Memnoiais5Mc plis 10e per lise fac versez, Articles toc Sale. Rnir tc-Se a mord,- Minimum cash3Mc lItflot paid sfiO sitar ierion, 5Och. Box Ho. ta Ibis office 15e sdditlonal. Comlng Events-ite per count lise; 30c minimsum. Corda of Thaokso-90c, For Sale FOR SALE-S maie pallia pus, 5 weeka aid. Phase t7r,23. s FOR SALE--t acres Brame aad Lacerne. Phone 271r12 . c FOR SALE - Standisg boy. AI Pallerson, R. R. 1, Millon. c FOR SALE-il pigs, t wehs aid. Aisa tew cards waad. Steve, phone Milton 566r5. c FOR SALE - Ladies'C. hi- cycle, gaad condiio. Glenna Bus- seii, phase Milton 76r5. c FOR SALE - '39 Buick coape, gaod condition, $295. J. Dary ott "S" hesd fNa. 25 bighway. c FOR SALE-Bayas bicycle. Alsa giclas bicycle and 2 lama mowees. Lamne Johnson, phase 41j12, Ac- tas, a FOR SALE - 3 year aId aaddle horse, Esglish saddle aad beidle, lady hrahea. Phase BRaditon 2821. c-4-2 FOR SALF-1950 Stadehaher, 94 tas pick-up. Lihe ncm. Low mileage. $1,100. Apply A. Bocbely, aid Gardon Rame, Main St.. Milton. FOR SALE-Stacted pulleta, var- iais pries and agis up ta lay10g. Thompsos Paaaltry Farin and Hatchecy, phone 48r15 Georgetomn. b-M0-t FOR SALE-75 lb. capacily mais- ci ice box; 2 borner Sulent Glom ail bornera torcScon saove; Mc- Carmicli Deecisg single millier an- it milh extra poil. Phase 541r3 Mlilton. c FOR SALE-Tenders mill Oc ce- ceivcd toc cemoval of buildinlgs hom as Malier Sobe Store and Shepherd's Taxi ap tlliJely 1tîb Hîgheot or aoy tender sot secesoar- îly acceptcd. Apply M. Lcdmith, phonie 66, Miltas. c-4- FOR SALE--Cosveyoc 25 tt. long. 18' mide. Ail steel. moaolcd on riihher. Sut hy Brigdes's Mach- ioe Sbop. Hernhy. Saitahie toc handiing hales, re. I h.p. matr cciii drive and miii rahse and lamer. Firat cdosa abape. Any reaaonablc otter acceplet. Fred Robertsn, Hornby. phase 76e14 Millon. c-5-2 PLUMBING & HEATING CATAL- OGUE FREE The 1952 catalogue is att the peeas. Wrie for your copy or vieil the new marehouae and aee toc ysurseiftihe model hathrocm dia- (s Iays in mhite and eolored tixtur- ce instandard cisc haibrocimas.itb tiled orc painird mails, hast the csy you wan ahahroom in your cira bere. Wr havesinshoand cccli cabintiinits lavatory bsins and loîtets, pressure systemo and riectrie doler beaieca, range boit- era. pipc and filtings in apr galvanized and cool iron. seplczanad oil tanks, rerigeraoes and eecc ranges, a complete uine cf turoaces air condilioning anuts and bel maler bestial systis mitli eoveclac rada. Wc deliver ta yourseaest raîlmay station, you pay n treigt. S. V. Johnson Plumbing Supplies, Sireclaville, Ont. c-5-4 Personal SKINNY" gicla! Oct iaveiy caev- es! Gain 5 la 10 lhs., sem pep. Try tais health and meight-huilder, Osirea Tonie Tahilt. Istcodactocy, .cel-aeaiuaisted" aize only 60c. AIl draggiols. b TOP If you're a quaint sort of driver mho thinms you have to strip the 90011 te, keep your car rose isg cool, you're sn trouble, If your, trasmission howis like a tomncat1 on a bock fesse, you'd botter see us. It mas our expert mech- asics mho put the "ras 4in trans- 1949 Ford Coachi 1945ittMeecury Coarh 1947 Cher Coaech 1947 Cher Sedan 1939 DsdMe Sedan 1941 Forcd Coec 194-1 lymoîcuthlaSedlan 1946 Ford Coach MILTON, ONT. -scd, lo Wainted WA EJD - Waaisg, piched up and dcliveced. Mes. Watlisln, phone 1571,41. e-4-5 WANTED - Balisg ilh Allia- Chalasc r olo haler. Gardon Home, phase Miltos 435c14. 0 WARTRD-Secosd cook foc nem home toc the agcd. Appiy immed- i alely ha the Saperinîcodent, Mi-. WANTED-Woman ta baookaller boise andS iamiiy et tour. Foc part- iculams,mrite Harold Trimble, Box 7, Milton or phone 522j after six o'ciock . e WA2TED-Expecienced capable maman desires position as bouge- heeper (lUghthainilton or district. Muas Ahhie Turner, phoas 159c12 Milles, c CARETAKER WAJiTED-Foc St. Pols United Cborcb. Apply by letter, sating qualifications and slary cxpected, ha A. G. Maî2tab, Milles. c-4-2 WANT9ID - Live Poltlry and teathers manled. Mighest prlce paid. Phone Randal à Morley, MUI- ton 143, or Wm. Dent, Millens Wl or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- court Rd., Toronto. T? WA2!'iED-Relleble girl or wom- on toa asaiitithhoaemork and cace ot eleven month chld durlng Augont and tulobe ful charge mhile moîber teaches beginsansg Sept. 2. City conveniences, modern rqoipmenl, no oulalde mork, Write or appiy in persn o 10Mca.. RD« Mooleli, R. R. No. 2, Milton <Lom- ville). No phone clla pleaae. e- For Rent FOR SERT-Ose bedroom sprt- menl t tb 3piece bath an àteMon. Write Box 34 Canadien Champion, Milton, Ont. FOR SERT - At Waoaga Beach, Oahviem datrict, 3-rsomed cottage. widcsecreesed veraodah, coling tacitîties, dishes, cullery, sleepng accommodation toc is. SU4.per meei. MS. H. F. Whemell, phase Miltos 239w. e Miscellaineous ROGM AND BOARD - Accom- modation toc Imo. Phase Millon 479r. c FLOWERS toc ail occasias. Cir- tee Bris. Flociola, Kilhride. Phsone 498rll. c-t! CRESS COR SALVE for suce relie!. Voor Druggial sella Cress Cllais Salve, to0. celieves quitkly. c-i-tf E. SCGTi' ai Jacki Mountainea Barber Shop. Praclicol match and ciocli repaira. Prompt service. Phone Millon 428w, evenlngs 485j. c-52-13 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Furniture and fBouge FursiLuhlagg The undecigned have ceceived instructions tram A, T. BROWN Ta sel hy public auclian at bis home, Miii asd John RIs., Acton, sas SATURDAY. JULY tit At 7.30 p.m. H1NLEY AND ELLIOTT. c Auctioneers- Horace Tomson 1 CHAPEL ST. BRAMPTON 77W MILTON HARDWARE Carry Genuine Suege spore Parts 1950 Harley Davidson MODEL 74 Cemplele asith aiodacreen, saddle bags, boddy soat, and chrome fillinga. sas mileage. $995.00 1950 Jawa SINGLE CYLINDER Taso slrokc 250 cc. wilh wmmd- srdes, aaddle baga, lasddy ceai. Loas milcage. $27500 Miltos Phone 415R TERMS AVAILABLE Call! WALTER BRADLEY -M - - -- -- -- - 1 1 P-1 1. 1 . THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE TEN

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