Volume 93.-No. 5. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 15 e Home Print Pages-.Six Cents pExect 10,000 As Prov. t' ~ ~ Minister Opens Manor $305,000 School Halton Folk SchoolTor0 Ma rIsP t for Tw'P. Sponsors Concert Afi.ter consiidering tenders on batih -o r g a a 1 0-rom ad a12-rornschol, h I.pie of the Tieat on Wedniodiy o p n n o r g 'u Twnhi, ecde oJuie 26 veig Tatiere wsagond Da tandatamtîngo t endane aithe usral gl concert aepre SOaecen lstnel ieng0teand scholarvsiy inro h osrutdHlo etnilMasoron Snday uy 6ai 2p.m.when boad aared he onracs fr alton Music Festival in. Milton Bon.WA. Goodi lowMniserolPubiecWelfarefor thePoviceeof HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR will throw open ils doors io Halon ciizens on Sunday when Hon. tewr.BgaShososrdb h a--naiofcal pn h ao.Wre .M ikoReeo Goodfellow, Minisier of Welfare for Ontario, officially opens the new couniy centre, locaied on The contract for general tradte ton FoIk School Commil! No. 25 highway jusi south of Milon. A brief dedicalion service is scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday I ion Ce. ef Hamilton, ait a price of tieir forto by hearing a firctt rali 1ows. Supervisor of Homnes for lise Aged, will aIso patcipate in the brief with a tour of the Manor io follow. The new couniy home replaces the Peel Halion Home ai 1$233,690. Tise plcsnbing, heating and perfermance by ail the puarticipansesrine cereeoiy and dedication pregram. Brampton which ;s irned oaver for the une of Peel Couniy following a muival seulement. Halions veýntilaling contcact viue awarded whomrere as Clleus: Susan .Suce- The lice winged building will be open or inspection and it n ex- senir dluen hae ben acomodaed a Brmpin sîce 909whenihî coniy urcase a lietie tber Plueibing Ce., Bur.liant, Bayner Jonny WilsonPiste- senir ciizen hae ben acommoate et rampon snce1909whenthisc St ucaia linto te utia qucattion of $27513. grave; Ptricia neheel choir Ray_.,tdmn ilaaltesle fteopruiyt e h e half interestinl the Peel building.-tfPhoTe Quinn Electrie ef Hannon mas mond Archer, Aahgrove; France building. le the eenet of raie, thse inspectionofethlie Maner wîLl be pot- genheelectcîcal centractli Peatiesrone, Omagh; Quatr Braoseaed untit Meeday and Tuenday alteccoun and eveningn ni tise ollew. $11.241.67. cfhoir; Donald Wilson, Milton; Mye îeng mecs. l m as etimated the nehont mth nu Wiluon. Ashgreve; Marilyn Tise opeeieg of the eew building tisaI han been ie exiaece since 1 lorninhings. and arciitectural een Sîuliser. Stone ectinni; Douglas rnstacleangemntb-10wh heCuyofHIn oIild cnt $305,000. Dredge. Ouiirrie; Helen Agnew. brînBl loue anageemeont be- 191 hen aha e ontyho!Hale Campbeltville; double tion. Norval, wc; alo naPe onienpuBard a ilon Tesir ties o and tise scisolarsip wissers. Fraie _______________ IBaits h eirntgn McKeen ulnI : aeClm ftise Iwoucoanties ssere grenu- lA t ete. Milton and Peter Tippine. Lmo~.,,udated tisece and tise change has Forunie.tins tbeen iscougit about isy a ubtantial L. Liue , Milton, was chair- growthin l population. Twice At Reunion -anuic isrtee ent and called on I 0yas atnspplto Mes. Boy Couller fee a ess c,- hou grosse frout 28,515 ta 44,003. Te- msarks. On behali ut the Folu getiser, Peel and Halton eountiea Os Saiarday, Jante 28, aboutl 1.50 Scisîîîl comîttee. Mes. Ceulter bave experienced eonniderable mioiis ote Gnby family mcticd iesicr appreeistion and tns growîhisshs aîurally increasro ail Ballon Cîîuuunîty Paris lue tv thc- eceoise and suiervisorofi the nrcesoity nf additiosal accom- lhie assual reanios piesîr. lin- tiest.oival Associtintorhee- modation. niodiatl lvater tiseesioos sreevltis le ni:riivperatiiin saI liadte- Ballon Cenienial Manor bas yrcsidosit BRobert Hurenesf Camp-;i.1îîIîî, in a.sucressful concertel;as . teen cosstructed ander tise super- h llîvîlîs tank iharge ofthe ro- il,.Iboilis hilsrs and Young peopis. vision of caioubuilding commit- gram tIssuiasuesAbisîsi. Bue. or hvie ssadmraisle performane Irtes of Couniy Counril tisse 1949 lingion. les ied every unt iti l isîsrd Wair ou s es clîrd On and ibis yearo building coumitte. iicu oc wli-eboo scords and lise lv enîerelaî lie audience len . ieaded iy Reeve J. IMargrave ofCAc- r .prsloh suixioftise igisl braneS drimalieutiiin ef a magielun fr.,., ton,nses thecompletion ofthe pro- SEIN FROM THE ROAD is Halion Cenlennial Manor, a home for Haitons senior cizens, which is es oflise aeily tremire ised. iseMidle nI . jeet. Follossine tise official dedie- SOveesaiperiod of a yi'an îiseeee Nr.Sbuelisuned theraccomp- a 5 tioneoCthe Manor thse Sourd oft scheduled io open Ssnday ai 2 p.m. i s desigced 10 accommodaie about 95 peesons Ihai may be h.ehentsdti.,Crmu aio hssabyusildli' ,HlosCteilMur.edd accommodaied in un acivenares, if rmary ing, or in a wîng whnre ihey may reqoîre epecîi 51 iai- av asd1 ile r liionen n e eeI c yK it en, eunl taiseocreliseud- iennion. The grounds are Io ian developed wslh attractive placlscg and lame aeeas. The plantiîg of Daieils, home on Il-ace teom ile rpieksil Kennneii Harrison ansi minslratinn of tise building. ace s plnned -Stff Poto Kieeicmissin ield, race lise' , shade rees is coniemplaied ivncerain ameas vhere ouîdooe 5:11:09 spac lac. -ih Poo.irîmdnesadsnyhi ios siiiieel cDoueall. jsAccommodation ln procsded ie limraqadrs n pa frtise building Cee about 95 oenise bh:-vIo membees deparled:i. M...jcilizeno. There is acomodation MniisiMKeee. Ca.oad,îcs. N.Y. OBITUARY foruabout39 menuand 22 women M9ILTON JUNIOR BAND, MAJORETTES Organize Bowes A -4YAs S isMîdn dmiknyLik ur h e 3 ~ 0 Mît, ae tice, ie Imo orparuir PARAD , COM ETE T WAT RLOO A Baptist Ckurch A IlI. ne serlirs -ris issu: ci r-Educated, Taugh Enest McPhail, ouho lived in the biling. nts relpr Its seporstsbi, iwd i siiîilîOiilI A& c l Mltondistrict al her hife, mooed There is also uccommodatioin iliiissii i so f vl.f aIMrh1 rnoMnlbssuuemn o 3mn andte ______________ The BowesBaps.olhursh of it of tii ney il) ilscousnMi.-.IoliesihhronPec -musmouy eqir pela Milo uirBan.etredueotMiton omt*ossoliOesu Milo b c:s nrgmnicii.iB;t;)ltioii.cie Mgn i.sIonaey nursi- M soeloîhA Pers SmeIirs iewihhrsn PryAC omnwomyreur pc Phaieîssos viseeindeividus o crerdue 10 inirmitirs. Booms are s ptto o h is m. ncassfridvda hurchOnM s'l;l. J us530fi l iaiti Natlal, Souiths Ahicsi 0555oie, bobre sin Mltoîn, ducalel hil Bc îhsar eddaLso pesvsded for useniesicouples. pluord tbsedin lise ioîeediu.e ntsand localminsees mee,-e e ii.icvieailiossa.:mi. ointC The cyoii-ot ucuher piessil 1i1::;,seshiosanud lIntre laiOhýfromthe disticioithe nonogeil- TsMorlootiu en bruhndlaut io.WaelîiBus.sel. seconcd. troubonce; Carol wisis. ,,adirectlin 0!:,.LieOdlvsi o:s.slesThiiiiodrsieWe-asn lse Maaltsconin ende Festival atoday aileecsn. and in Stevenson,. 100 iiests ont-ssItisse pres.-c eightis îiioiii,. a iiiiOAlls.vbwse prentMe lin isome reeeenlly. Sb iitsbelli and MsErie W. Clarkeand quart- thoeecîca 5 hr40 bond ueuber filet; DavîitLoeie, i,-i'. saiOs sios-sias miýmOs-es Th, tioibui- anduMis GordoneBrdley. carnelth, s tinhoir on lise staff s! Bomber ersforstafliving in thebuildinsg. and 13 ouartly dreseoddrurn pisser: Paluy Lysil. tIbeer irsîs .p isi cIwil esmaOin open ifor on5,0Iest ol uattendsitise pîrese. Th-, lîriohus-publie csovi,' Westuonfer TNR SCisange oous ihls iciers and moetsardd ece huso- saspoe: Lyll tmieo. isso .eo.mi,iul.inioinin iiiiî ildsiemember prescrit mas Mc. the pisilninr years.T aonssisîaraddbfr ad ays NRASsowoers are providesi foe stuff unds asmb n lise Wutelooîsone,. tesspel; Dos Wilon. iird, ibciiisidi<l ýl isîhrîce imess : Seiliii Lsebiere ofHausîton. She hall isught oc tiese ltC fofENTER TOURNAMENTuuleehouynsicinte park.hoe r u Lmo.Beelsle br use!vl su-se-i di JohiscTracsiireoe.Wallacebuu. . seeris I usher sorbos. inclsiding Au- IN MILTON DOMINION DAY building. wnopîsn.hich was idjud- ris..sceonsi, larînet dur'. RiS-t signesi vis ecoesuen hîforitheprogesu ofi ceosst Reidensaiuthtie hume sill live Icd y e Mii . Mlo ssrBell., fîrt sunapisose. RBs- oMîrly lIai. sbsirssn ow Bansi mas assrrdd 8 ponsnTher Ohisecousacrd botthcir is-lise BHume Mss-vioBoard îof isevissltreilumd. inlisisu Se ansri d ,ey-- e 5 Muon therehois y Jlu s1,apacilyedes. iththeros e IorCoua ailler bands roupeine mer- ieomslloare sot ycl avilabîs-. Flîmhp iIseenlo ililsssloisesil aen i r-s. isFracine r isrr arentsGeore criod o lse olday. Jlyt, ns ies edo.msth ngeenous decoruray- Kamloops. BC. and London5O1Csiesoiusiri~.:iu, Ont-quehuliie,,iisO e.asceinhlihmrI5ecbrpaenleMr ssiîeblrsou,.AenssstsrntiostecTenyigurepif or rey urssKauospumonlis clns sils ~ * OSBON CODUCS oe isoosri d soshrly cisurchisi rînson aos e fileîbt 00 CrIses audssiMcF rancisoPerry. MiiIo-55 100frCntuActon. Gorrgetowsn, Hamilton, Siomero for tise residentu are con- REV. lisamloispsswoCuntd. iscleivithissie! iiifoue ge-ner;il ssi.: inon.' amily ssers. Mev William Perry. Mlton Norcal. Ouscille. Burlieglon, leuulîrd otsmuenyrrced 90 pointu. RV .OSONCNUT hogotCndatda hi-s h ae ee xed Thremerh.:ohlie slscFAY-HESLOP WEDDING N mun (ifi tie meelsos. Theoueshluses re 'Il sres t cnsisting 'of* Eu- andi Mes- StaneyvJor. Aston sînsi Sireloville. Aldeeshol, Pnrt Credit a certain temperatuee. tsus uvoiing isuosi a n s udolohe R Ise5-NOXPEBTRA CUC.i iensvsosaic Bie a-o B CesuLson. renat-gransihiue:ivwo beoihees. Arthsur Peery. St ansi 2Milton. uldisg. Light s is e bedrous ban ad hecodutrrR.wht-KNX REBYERANCHRC tst thîsi s-s u eoone, Geore' LeîniîeîW, Cousîsn.grasdfahsîi;e.Thomasuansi Francis:Perey. Nev T-o 15 ensigantes ssrer pluyrd havertel sbudes tiat ill direct clone. ere intenrvesi over 1hbo-Husseli-iidt.Fe-siRoibisns. Robesit Kesneih CouîLsus.Inihier ans ii-so- ToirsontosFuereal servicns-nb elii n ther attrnoon ansiene aliter tise lugis doue Cr readsng or up rasiosurig theday. Baskets andstoandsiseofiwviite Bocse setyieasireim. Gii1uColsiJr sn.asum,,.F onWestoonsupper. Tise Port Credit ries. fo anofter. indirect ehhect. The banduembero rangice igi. -cd pieS peonies. visite gladiol, Mortoun; Stnsiv Seissol osueisi B Coalioîc.gruau - eeanduoth-u-.ihpped bv Me. Cooper. mre tise Qartes r teativrmenand broy sior ta 14. sispdusuos. ouarnatioensluiesansitinduesu, Frunk'is us-us. esud svhr - MesCisurles-Brysant, granimoilber. 1OUTDOOR BAPTISM ucnnees ils Builinglon, ekippesi mu e anisonlain a unished ies e dcurate-d Kesse lresbyseeian ItegunaId Rorh r Mev Llosydi Cuuedale. musser ansi Sp Feuek Virtuesercond; Streertu ittine mosu. The murts sectionnia Chuecis. Milton, fisc tisemaresaulseCf Thsîeo b hui frm.lly s bss s rsua Marilvi ovier.dduseru CODUCTED "Y REV. SNYDER osle ohîppesi by O. Loveleus tisiesi uln peocided silh a buarber siso PA.nBeGlu Oea BelliHeslop, dauusti.e of Or.lus Reý. oRibetSncdu-r lu, le the is cnsOiC counmui,, N SIXTEEN MULIE CREEU ansi Aldershot skipped by Me. DIT- ansi s clsu5not for ouldour loli- Find Stone; My Be and MsCuu islup usSuer usC(iiIo r10ueisosu-iOuiiis îsl heii i ilcs riscsIsrh.Ahr uprain.Cocere 0 ii ms Albet Fayv son or M. and Mes.hS.ihurch. Me SnysiehsIs f-os. sr nrniyeununas fllomc presili. Miuliisýýnirsiouitdoor baptsu len geat nuber ofCindsuand inter- sarta ed aabsmn AA.IflT FA y, Milton. ng as panile ofi lis ms-iv.ciArhusr Csampbell, Osuliille: hr-l sgousilusyeyrsn ouis place sns sued people liord the cres luasup. Tise mornsrnhan u Tis douoble rng c~etemonsy vus Filsru 5ev oh 1951. ii-e -pes-osdst.Haroldi tarbîîllu. lise Sites Mile Creeis, ight ut thes aies tise play.cesine resu. Sehuool is ul or the Milon Fti- .slemiusd v l-cE.OrsbornHslmîliusn;seod vice-preidîssl Maie Streertbridge, ,onuduy. Te mns dayroou hasa masive det nbt h uleadIihGisesuin arruseesebylisse rthe,-vnHari.Actoisi:Ameriean --e lsiceucostable G.More enli- brik iieplace anda ood box in dentos und isolb thuisnsi off ta lite binde vion a owngyms sîl PAYE CLEMENTS IS it 7r.M r ~ceraesors.RuesI usîrs avcra hînsiresi peopler ily ose end oh the large rooos Windows fisoms-ransi ueingoRot Lc10 wht ntansishadsv lace 0ave MEMBER 0F WEDDUNG se, N.Y.- C.usssîians-.ecreeurY. Mes- gatisesesi setise bridge and tiese ysid F huer Higisay 251an anutacause andsI es-uero on Bbon lues lisým Te ses yoSe mus offset 1 CHOIR FOR SUPERVUSOR lisene Alubsul. Bîslingion; as-ssi sa nsunofsu!the mecs ta match. Tise rm y criling ulis receesesi lighing are ani an Frou h ler. o uhe O eil s. these 'ope i su- eg erelsar. Mes.Olive Clling Mil - seevice mas euusdusid Se Hec. R.I lda eh asidiioal ealures. A glas- partit- amy roslie lus-eomi oalus ssln d-u.resiicu(cul.r(u-lry. Mes ElOt- yer oh Bosses Baptint Cis uch, U n raur h omfroc lise arssson insteoceehaiWisul -s itiseed periadeis s.:1 e Iovtýn s s ario-iIresilui OrsiiHuit, Locirtl Y, liiuissso pliesthe meeosieiofhap-maein oiedos - ben iuedAve.shtefonetlrstured alfrntinl the girl.u, orîats,îîo tîî.:sîIl,-î Wd -ios ai*orin let unnlluslsanyoIsic Oi:: slueudnein u bock sulierwedisusinsuG(uuseos--1 Me.ansi Me William BHarris.,uvas priels nrus st AObeaded ueaddes enlfer 1 Iucuirisellmas dsieislisilîosld nestvlesi Tise aiisi eueeiHRoberiBucks. psside ansi M. Harrssmothersyadspris h nimr forieiresembirs ceey vlo sisi sici iloliluIluusdsleususîMoussiweînîn sNonsescl-olehîuisZiniuci. Rgius Beseesusvîes 1.hlia er1sigm o roies stwhn ndians kscsscg Snie.A tlesnug- srcIs-u1 ue of dssslo ses. iJeosi iM t0e Whiiloil Rapis, i- igasa ,Hursb, isysMunBarbaora Glrasnsus -u redo iiisDcs -pitli essTher nîsees sore is lar i-s f mh -OIsioe. slmigi isO sprvs i i-gvotItcidntsnyhue opvid poo le einiemaey eorridor. -c-ellMes William Eur ha pu Kes. su - in nandllGeorgetown soei lso ilsve re. BR. 1Puslincis. mas hilîrd Coolunes iun tise masns uetion o! oeil hve b c0 uslsi isîMasr lise - us (in iday. Juine 20.liesidîgarieSp-inn' PiseoiruîioseMu0seissY -ssi.lriiisiurlscosi sqiesinV. thMeiaec a ubnurdbiîn.sidinBardteSmauibrey Anol-:sogisiuselsiiIi it Mslluun suuslssc nd ssir luslr- Tus--ir yi26gîirs m5the chiirsus.o-icaristiasreiicccl ocn Aninoreýighitointnoetholop. lIsîserssu. hisose gi vo-uc i htsianguso ssmirsss tlireosul- hsw n ohrsfe u. isoi.scepoird rooman iry hi .Champusin hs i- se iclksn a lng loîiuîsî5Tus-o ocre lussnesi hy tise ansu he.s:n eepinmn. ocn ti in dis. SimcoeoOiuIinsiss;n iii,.su1sac. a ss-i.lsisitt ithbidessîf -itepsscisu-i-al wssuisaBeioeesas puid bss-. hslaiced iniiteralects-ionsof the i71555 s h- o't- hliryd iii i ssi bld iussano- ;toi-- i I - -ieeiuienlueiiid-merecareand isgc-obuling r andnn n f a0i- , r s-o m b 'M u sjJt o n s M l u s î v u - lii se ii t i ie t r s ie v e o h e i d i e s s ll pn ly e l m nb i the an i c a sso rle s C iiurieim s nies h ( aiJc y ol s s iu il iinl s hoss r t e C u t M H i -- e th u .l o o s e e lu v u u 17)S metul shtis op uI-sle su, as Oyvemseîgh E vans on âme a MBsirsei rs.duilceseiseentlîcsntotse-girsofth lOiw crivit, bubchs liv~ ei:.isiueu iuh-sii uîealss.îîsessiesv id ig. TOu Orel suioreuli uiS osscur le. c sin isr,,;d li.(Ai.h(inull issoOs-re r55a500,ih ore brsud veti la le.te leisen ai-r lsclvîiohtshehiighloir h andsuuiihssisi,-dChils-:i1-sMs1.illieut esi heInho ksns-hemalb-rigotions. a:,i-.fr s Shsvnsý,c!kvsl iiiui.-siEu-.oiOusi is Dr.liiii Cuiuilieu-ullinhoOs ai alru ysru s aelagesi scipeieessi.:h.ieiiiiisesisi. easysscBenv-asslssstandiu-osoneis.osiesilit'ice ilO i- hîsldofm ihcustips-elinby rassoped halWssee-nssiv!ii 5 5s scousn ;,s.gisuiaritheosvyosssxei. . ilO DrES eea niu TOi Oc bisefi Ariil ies-l1Oui i Asls 1 su-iIssus 1,ih- Oîînîîssy Dr e Bull Osbo-aneus b b e FRoiCAMP NErAR DUNN ILE eof soe s m. iaîssîe rus-a lOs: i.: eihssa h sne t u i ses lOi th, ciis teisandes silshu -eir i i ogruu isiesifi lU oiv eol ovu-hedi n tielocolthe ie i- ýIn spi inn k iebu y ni sdn I i uhered. M,,, iaii -t cur ns-r I ce rs . iiMlsn !esbtM îdu, Th esdssois b-bidn i formatin aboutmteeesoof nihlCNmmsniUnivPark, owasitish Colmbcas-sue DJoUilE.0 IBU tes--b-uilding heplasiis-es-y, vhrrr snocs-siMilt n riieecerisetansiin aii yeiIiLovoiand Ah suOvtari us s suis i.ica sv, 1 Atth sucpirlin i . rosusied ____Dr.___ fu fH ae Ti ie.iss>in oar OR C M N A U NI S e t oeu-l s liiitii s o ing u a s i.sîis t ofîusl ufo he rspis suuis olsu sus theîl.uîîus. nO Ocîd - isusa ru pe uile flus uu i vcut.r:si fie;Edu oosn reigadfie: Me .B C ssn Ee- sil1 sv sly Asi--,su:.1 M ih his- scein s s sîîlsiisu isiv d Si lvsr i-suai esssoy uresownsi'sufssWesuern lu, ro,îîu an,-iils * el eMs.C eyrl godobr;Ms.LCvrMilsel alenr est os. Osyl e round s a .1 Hsegs uilding,,, islsis sdsiyisigsbc sisui iiIslsosnso esis Tues-lsiins-c ii al foriics rros osi.O-dsuMMuls îusas,-e tobc lasusiees-- il Oh-aciv a sm. sus es-osul n,ýit adrig i r u îcîîî : es-îîmî,îî! Ideione adMriytCvrde, agheaiiso rdBv.t al lie S Fy eee hMiî,