Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1952, p. 5

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?RtIHSDAY, JUNE 21h, 1952 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO P.A M J. A. ELLUOTT LOCAI CLUB WALLOPS COMBINES TENDERS Lc.nsed Auctioncer end 12-4 INHBOT TWILIGHT SESSION Pit. f55 o , i REAL STATE Milton Intermediates wrapped up mistise PaintthgwflS.S.Geov7,i8,andy tieir sixtis win on Wednesday nlist and Souths rppinff three up in tise NASSAGAWEYA TOWNSHIP - Phone I177J when they woloped tise George- lioat of tise otxth. tomo-Acton Combines 12-4 ln o ev- On tise mound for tise locols, TneswIharoldUp.5o'okJIy ndoran- Muiton en lnnlng twligt seession that Marshaull alowed oix bits compared Tno i l hos No 7 S d 9 t Naa'coagawlya n forpit oeemed to lacis much soponi on tise witi tise 15 tisat Douglao and Jor-in colN.7,,ed9, esgwy Twshp ____________________prt o tise Combines. don, tise two Combines' moonidsmen Tise Combines cored two runo were nafled for. Hello .Homemoboersi AU the old 7. Proceso pnts of berrnes Good quality oil peint, mostly hand painting, ineshtisecoeond and two more in the Totetoino wropped one out In thse favorites ond p(soblyafw rut for 25 meine., qts. for 30 mie. w cotindead u. seenisbu fitdtocosewiistiesixtis tist loolned like a sure-l ire yoo've nover camied, rmoy 04tsi eapos~ w ot nieada 1ead tise ocas piled up in tiseisomer os it iseoded for the otiser woy lto ealers tiis yeor. lit in for 20 mina.. <sa. for 20 meina. Tenderso b be sont to third frame wisen tises counted six side of the 000W fence tisat sur- witis pride and satisfaction tisat Proceso plots of pluen B r h B.B o n runs. rounds the outfield. Dillon in left uur perishobles cao bc proceaoeol .1 for 20 na., oto, for 20 reisi' . MRS. A. FLETCHER, Sec.-Treas, R.R. 1, Campbeliville Scriof for tise luca club started f ied reached for il un tise rt o rlhane fr lpi aa desserts. FPo Proceau pinto of rhutoarb LICENSED AUTOMOBILE in the firsti lnlof wisen Rush k ai.ic and soesotdscrsu au, -eaeul ru o 0mn. o 5mns Gervaia brougt in t'wo on o two over the fenite stillhina 1 e nte eoan f il duu. eile as Prca it f tomnatres adbof hit by Foy. The tiird inning tise bai. ml e otbrrnsor em fr2 ia, i.fr2 i- ____________________________ PIRE NSURACE AGNCIES saw tise wlk-sway as Douglas, tise Big it ot the gime went to Muta me eta ldoo ithasolfcmoid rcespnso o ri u viitors piteiser, viibîs. weoiesed on tise Milton crew, a pissei bitter TAXlE A TIP for 15 mins., qis. for 15 mins. ond ix rues were tllied. Jordan in tise sirtis mien ise banged out 1Only selers P'REE from crackso. NO'tE-Process Oled Jonrinlo it- REAL ESTATE tois laver tise mound duies nd a tiree bager and went 0on ta nickso and uneven edges sboutd mater baths for 10 mins. less ime Grenke counted a soltary mork our rat tise final run for Hilton. b ad.O ferrmv effss sate f Main St. MILTON Phono 237 -2Scrub ealero and glaso lid.s cooised fruit place on foldedtPCU ~ iu' and close 1n clear. bot water. 'bas cessed, tîgisten topo or screm Gor Oudos Ion Rit, RnsScuce lids on a cookie sieet and 9. tovert jars ASTER cooled te W. can again give you prompt, exporioncod service on sîcrîtize in preiscated oven 4250 test if ocre-lype do net leais. your picturê traming problenris Mo nWet q A itndoits.) for 20 minutes. Dlp rubbcr 4ifhovacuam-type seatero re'CI HAOSE U APE MaEn rYligAEMlo Downed ringsanad metul lido lonto biolinf coul, tap lidu fentty and If pro- ALIANSEOUSMPS muTusa vnng ue1t.wter for about I minute hefora iirly saed tiscy mill give a clearAlo hek orpalog eqimet E YEX.ia dye "o.JOhOV ~ Wte'rdw ild op lise Milton 3sf1 u i n alrt 0Wipe containers mitl a daolOWe carry a fu stock of EAMINED iesd~~eiîfaioorsrioanfiofrty i e mis enreo s i e 0 Wtro Pusoeo loi fneeoty at tr ol oi lc. Elastica House Pint, Kwickwork Enamel, Soffone Finishs,, TNURSDY tit t sc ltos Man Joî'diio tu il u a tachaapremiotit as .For Most somalfruit traspisue- THE QUESTION BOX KmtKe o.adEatc lo nml uly 3rd and l7th fatil-,tone. This bout n'as tndee utd cana inte- Mltao eisattoed ias)twa r co, olrarseofies. gomeberrio. Mi'anB. S. asha' Shotild be a 3r 7 tiseMost esittof eveot tf tiselhile and Waterdowo oats.ted rerrawud e d oseriesrb tisedhiB.itS bu opeed ise 10.3 am o6 p. enina. athcantiaesî soîsmt. l eMe.ospiepae hotyrp and pour over brise aon empty opace ietmeenC E EN S GRI W OO coa uuta d od isp.i:e olC et alloto e thn f01edot d rait. Boit 1 cap oufar in ties yra and lise top of lise n? coMW OD ecellent veotiui. Gori M.tîsa- T i otnballe isoff ie.s ru ae frccc'ai mertN.tonu pe r- ANT-WALE R - iS ESAfEIIED tuth. misa aise namisertriettcon humafi tonfoc is or, 1tttn ti ,trqat- a f'at.aeatefu ah" l - anwrs u.onîta ie teo ei-Phn Mion 2W mLJ tedeWuetseciapinisluSra .bion mp mated for tise honte MILTON HONE ~ tedeJrdaor t s e fi futa Td Iai u amal olsescod ard t c oraf e crfyfiiruitt tigsedtjmsoi at-seares orl ndlea dot1f3n or ie tird fait. Tuscin er ind the smonad ies t se iscae f ul isoifr u is.e iMes B.K.ars a'eWcool) isas sap- Li S D R tatln aodn Baedton sVoetSaihe boms amelte atie mo d le e bin- op bvn le. crakin, lae t-oit r i n f poeale.Th ir îofmeeliallr a o-.ia t , l e th terdomo hoab. Fam httI. O Prtu a liu'o ifol a b nuerhesyrup wmayneto auset o lame'adf, cou., andrise o l a t t B l ..NTAIN ot- alittttrt--to a od upties bop o l ise uo ntieio LTus0YLRT he 't mid.iaif bet- ent-o mlo ioca clb Ct-heît l it u-oIt-ca-eliert o rlveatît' t,,ti Ten. 100. Ol-out om I ard dai ganOMrthEti0Ffll Cso UPL E m.riutes t ad Pt-o a n het n tie s' ,t' K. a tilt t-un baustand LE SDO OR SllvMAd ao oi ebRRIEDREn theY .NdorO aetd.irtde roos bttu oftt ttt IeuringyroesofeingE O A Con tru tio Co Ti e to ue li.vplu-ot-'daut. 1,llt rdot-tb.ttbtt - 6.rc .intb a v -ell pat-t- u s itAnw:. .,s.s' ssooldiaut o Phono 485W G ion.T he--uct-d tes,ftand tlse ai atîi-mortttîtiti-a-00-î qithî ou n la t sol Beot-t or ut tis e terni t lim e X E I H T la- in fLll'OU- rad keptil up l, BELOUNTAI surethat-ulwt op uad %pine topaofltear-s isnh ho aaul OO E PO. B o r Mltn t-bs Bîd, lt El'ýtheotl Igro t îltita md soit-ytartai ath Thntoi nveraliiiiIed _______of _______________HOMEOtOt- U P Lt- Ett i Ptrne tt-ii,,tf2 v ae tsfon ttutt 'î'tr--lir ans ais t d a n*NdRIE EEE VE L los r c i n C . T etie ipao' g - aone t E aclîrrN, dtIN OTtett u l se con slatt oitutt t-t-tt.tc tot-. Is oltint tis es natt s ti s PIN lt-Ait-tondra b tlan li, c ok , he t o:s el a d la tt I compN Etad We AUCT ON S LE Gît-. imta Ft-il Wil. ti.-id .î 2 lut- h d tris M ebO RE AKAL HDN 0F c fic. ren fi.'e. ET('. i th, I v t--ai tit Su flt-C lit-t-te t-1î,oiiitlueb md plat-t-o misto Phone 485W bout sing "ornt tuetu a îtii'-ii-b t ai-- maot-prcesngtmei u , t lit--, ltma hd îîî ao.s. 'adt tOtil e'lauor sh1udFCLEANtINh iots-iiîw itt.t--'i d lt-i-liGît-andîî iei t it he vci din'i a E AL PIORTH AL WHITE îîîî.î'..îtîîî'.. t-b.iiîof.tlilt-,îll.- 'r t-..uoft2h5-t-ud.stub lptiliar l... t-u .t-tttt-ooft-n't. rttltog a?îl lt y.ts s-d-s-iag ll-r to t-e - ll tfrcei g i.Afi ici 'h ar-il ul leos lu f sHO SE W I DO S S tu-;utIlt-ub, -lt--rt-liisa aid it- it-pta su ui, i. nlisî-s "- tfoao. ttteho pt t-'dbah u1d111J ANO I E DDOWAYS L ele-tit mrtg: lietir.. ud te ndrdîtîutsît-John Eaft hletr, e0 t ari t na i'sthlie t-loteis Solevii behi-d utTis man oismor Mss rs i,; o Cm hoete Cao yougest Paî-t- u Roa on TC int-, on .Mut-y' Wîlsîîn. aI r i icsencru-m. isued n 10 aî i nd aca jar" Tis e M o r s c m Rtu s aclo y upu n NG o î e -S UR AY. JULY.50. Ind M ar rt-a' Ma M r. e-e o slumtue bulJeIcr udtolafe ulit jar 'idRuHE opedIT Au-; Ite2nr;tot- nmais. d Ceonthe i dem osof m histe a e c'cm cm tOelseX IIIt rna 00 'let-tit atebtît-t-tlmos e yoo talacet hou s ng a P m ut pt-t-tu-ait--d;aptuerrressromnTi' ap odscnt commendeIforshtrtnonracoatAs, repain l'yfr"Ilnebam 4' by80 wih an L 33'headd jik in heeooethth coîd wpa 28 tm er A t-tinc Oet-rtIluso t-b. id t-t-nul i h a D at-ulf î--t-ie ati Br oh-2 Te As ft atergt- , itie ýOtitî lîm'Aood9.Tsisrp s o l e c atîi o cd ara u u aut-r is o gafcsm cete an onaa rfa Palerio Road on hy ro fin . on B uce an ti- b idesmads. M is THIStilt-tspet-a four'ent Hu t'b t-t-udt9e a ahr? O M oou 'st Nec OnehCMoo Exus ioOne itCool s ExtescornWiscate SAT RDA , J LY th,195 1 ar>Vitî. l latta ist-. minite ra om, tise mu l isaf t o-oed tJlum t lto nwb:eit ai uttrage usl ng eelaye aii stsatoyrpanigov rod a Bt rampton Arena - gows o whte ales 189. iem urialp e Intnyaoo- a llll-tui kt. tpl at-t-S Nou srae ih tuin aPim . TpERmSet. TAlSI.B me uvil tiltli-fîlt s rîîhey w rmdth-tiogo "mdup rss mut, r n -t-* p oAe aperies ta- Ti OPc i eo m ne o s i n oto ean sîump oNDrELIOnt ed l'ie Ii'and î'..ar yflt y pu T b. a v aî, P'a p'î cî ' --t- u t -. e r M ero h id.r n tif oo rhe re e thwo l p aol o r ît a m p rt-il ts ilm N e b-4-2a ado t utttt-ît t tAfetit' i l,i tlit-l lt-o ve.'îîlitam emoraf 9 e tst-to i t ht- i t ilit'. t- jars 'li d ut-t e r I th w o rodsbfcs neth an sw rna a rfae h.File :SfN toîdîit n--tr m la îo,î nCuv r t d Qinobu n dItis t tise thime ltoilit- lrupIoi -tth.e r i. Cin- ofsw vr h udb rme ihM ow ePie n W R EST L IN G taffi-ta frock il p~~~~~~l ---tcl oa av e a at ubo" iise wtn 't- heClatExeio hie Stas T t'Il -ti î-îîîîî- lit 'ttIt t- l.s ilt tit iniat ure of t - me at una c ol s bo n d su t ed t-tlut tl e iutt -ut- -utc t o eh t-'.ttî. TI't . 'tltt)î..S ILE. r, 5îîîi iîîii ýIn.',gl-t -tii't liltca- lac uben l uîcraî inul Car a n os s ltut-" ii tose "htii.on. b ro S leB Bram pton A reJnc ' ', ila t t--î.ît'.t-lso t-.îîîîomethe duitutile C898,fueure. aott l ipen oîaSt-iefldjr ar ae. No Cl du lrdr12 c ml l t-d Nban Fr TOr o f e t ma 'lor îa boîthrartt-ea Wnse s Humpht-s ru. e no Iýtlof as Cr ypu Jack . u-ttu 011 icI.Iiiii-.it.iititit-n fO t i'indlfttli r wo.U.....U...U...thUUUUU*Ire*l,**UUUU NStarsTONItItt'tERtîî .STO E u1Idn rosc, CuýI ndQ e Ti stefr t -*COEiND BEPe T o -s' Il b v p u b lic rit jo l t-I y w s s lit t. limelu .1 lItaetît-tîla Stît-se l".NSMENtH 'uPaK1ODStS.,-,-3,-A tltit-n,îîîa. lît - in ina C n d as b e ee td 11, k t I u ,tckn li i h a'C-I'tl-to.-t -li stut ttit-!lt,s aiIloi dwhit-rI. I~ iii~~1I~ t- lIt 1' tilt),7 EM NT AN TutS- i ls'îi li i.lia Santa Fuin fid 51lîîî M dM es Witson i iiestenULY 3RDer 6 iii St ACT N IPhono 11 tt i ltti t' I'n;rolti ut t-t-tii', Fýithrrt- inCIrd oii It- I unt n aou îunî MILTON thl loARENAul Coa BAMon PtT N' O F ltnul'-t-t-Iau ilt-a tîtitîtt M or o.Cil, fIi o 1,b mi. -li.CO E A DOEM 7 30p .m S a Hlt- Idat- s o andnClp..ILin n "t-tii it-tp liit-I For Hunt e rmio iadt h tt tt,îttt-î 'îtt Muîno ol& ai 2p ' t- h t-p il;%- i l t-THE t-lta itt-m-li-Iîîuîîîli-goît-h ilG RNi. anaian Midletiitp THURS-FRi-S T. . . lt-ti' ît-i.ut.mtii.tlot't ithetaIlit-t-at-dut-- Champion tii t-it. io " 11t-rldit h tFt-ri i ml îlit-'att-uium'dleM IN EV N Tw i osue -t-l i .atttbt-uta.". t' Il ,t .il M. -b it-t rWlsuo ttt -.- tut lt -bdn a. ti-. G R M A GT ICv. NT NIAR CC tt -t-mrei fa1tilt itI o t- utîi. 'îa îî'îîa tmt ad IllaliannSIfr) Fil iS . C k a 'hn' 1 0c , 1h g1 a ou..1ri ,f r i h b î-0îuu m.uîîo b IiIuuît*o a" l p a d .3 P M gîîau .'mu' : 2 tttî exl itt I h. t"itt 1 At.i -i,,,i- tIItIit. m ýIuui: i bo- rt i. e t et3vatsa M nu e Lai .Co r bpTon. th lîîiltetuu.f linl iln ii i gI ntI.m'iiuL -lut- mî atîî'd iull i-bi tant h "Litti Colon l" > litlt' m it- uc'.'ua- ka lt l-font n lut- Matt-iilna.tt- at2ftium&utiSii usîtutl2t p.tt-.lmlliiiv tghut- s o ra-mB UTtui'.uBYRE ImM.i-mltul't'i- lo'it-s Imîu21fa ~thîtt riIIuit'e- lh Ilitt-in l hit't't- Cokuooirglk rnd c Mon-Tues. J xiel 30-Joiy it-, fimilsnt-îtypeus*liiImutais " H a p p y2 G o27 -2 8 Lib h l t a t.t î itilf , , maîtîf, rl - i- 1it*n. m e . 'ca et- il -o wge d taî. î t- o î l t îr a î - Colî lt- ech ît- alroit. '-s' g ' itab e flo o laitl t! -muid wif. o' i l o )wI ' 1 .l u tdlîî. ciiilî ,m n ba t-t hii tii ai 0 m n t i i lui 'b M "DeioryTcniBeor-r lien 6Illog -_____ n hihmut CuiYM DC EL is -,nel e ils 4.07.47 Cuan d i în o, 25'o t lid Se ltr 0 iltr ttr ieoso RIHRDBSHAT HIDE AOELIOT.1onittmaie rod O t ,'dtarpusiinu'bO tise to min ar-! ..u..mummumUMMMMUMUMMUMUMU _________________ANI)____L-5N2 urtoecr Il o Isncsquotom O m tisu ouet .i d f o r th t it t h- m

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