Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1952, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR HE.C.NlDInCHmPION fiit CIVUNIEJAates Harold C. Fay PLUMABINQ and HEATING iuom r, MMT014 PMIOONU4m3 MILTON WELDING Electrie and Acetyee Repir Weldlng et AU Typas Weldis Portable Equipnent PHONE - 348 bI .LST. - HLTON Onie theogh D)DT flusicd Spr a fJers rmr brye oftlie,, jr,, s, etc, ftir 8-10 ,,vi, .4 rrvats j .t tmr, ilthe DT deprsitand die. Strav,rrr,' p- etc' Viril n triS u ... n'~a îtrt )iairsîliar. '% ' 5% DD1r H OUS EHO LD SPRAY *Rco'd. rnssaO (RESIDUAI.) Blowout Protection J35% frorp, body ftr..t'O Bia. &At P,t--tis.. .t. b inond,,tie Itd pt. -o rbb., Sth.toed j to h-. th. ...,t.o.ly ... sowlp Johrnson Bros. Garage PHONE 586-MILTON *Campbellville Ints. (P> OatternSketchiing Engg met Down Port Credit __ Ta emnsraiolM Cmblvleboeterto Mr. Fred MacNab and Mr. Lit- eiD m nt to M.adrsC.. Service, Mil- Campbeltonebroke heir ttheicengagement of gaime loiog streak on Tusoday île af Rosemnounrt, Ont., viited thti The afternaonn ea hetti by tire their danghter, Charlotte Isabel, ta night as they defeoteti Port Ci-dit formera brothler, A. G. MacNab. Wamnen's Association in Omogh Erie Crnradl Toleloko, son ot Mr. 7-2 in Port Credit. Port Credit recently. Presbyterian Church on Wednendey and Mra. C. Tolelaka. Mitaon. The slaledthir oatpa, Kn avi j Cmpbliprtesorof mas o molnt succenofut event. Re- marriage will take place Saturday, but ho fatet i l> retire a single moni mathernatico at the University o.ev hemn uns oteJl 9. and had t arho reieved by Friel Aberta, Edmonton, anti a former church entrance were Mca. Will ______ with none out in the irot as Camp- Millaniain, has been viiting In tom onMeFargdeadetMm.fCecitl Catter- betinille cored tihreera uso as a re- for a fem days.lsn Lare hoakemuninht.rPeann-d 1PS.VU sait nf a triple by lK. Moore, a Ei in r.G.A i1;a-sandonmade acommonifora tan-tiM single by Joch Laing, naccesstalEdtratMr.GADiîn-stdamdaprlyloIoelg. rsR.Pr~ UL ndoubles by Hendecaono, 1e Roberts tended the conventlion uft he Ont- Mm.- Patteroon, prenident, an hehaif ri . arer IosI *andi Clitt Mils lang fly- Part Cro- ari'i-Quelaec divisinîîof thIe Canari il the WA, aelcamed thi' ladî,aBlilesing ix ditv-,ame bae wih acrtin tiv-irail Wî-ktcNi'wlapi'a'A,uriitiiandtriidedtfoi-rhe i.aîliii: lThe li e gAux iiatt ot the inning artwot in rge., ian t Wigv'iaasan Ludge, Msokaa, nicting iipcned by sinîaîau ti ci aniananuttieldtfly. trta'eh. rnd epating the LordsaPrayer in niaun atter mii.h M_. MeFati- Mru. Roy Parker onu hoaleca ta Campbellville added one more ia Hamilton West End Crama elong dnogavev the ncriptnre reading ond the Blair Evenîng Auxiliacy on the third and three In the taurth writb their mines, beld theirasecond themne. Wednesday evoning, with the prea- mben Joch Labing homered and rani and tiroir at the Henry Mius Cavi MeMater ut Miltas, dent in charge. Mca. Robertsn Stan Hendernon. Joe Roberts anti Facm, Kîtbcide, one SunuasY Jne woia gifttid yoang escaîrast, tas-- opened the meeting mith a hymn Cliff Bill singleti. Port Credit 22. Thsirprescritowre Mc. andi aced waith solos ccamparied Eyoandprayec. acaced their second mun in ru.- lfifth Mc, O0.Lang, Kenmore. N.Y.; Mr. Mraý C. Peacocls. The Bible ceoding wan giron. by mhvn Hentierson lt Piercea eayad Mr-s Laird, Toronrto; Mr. and The carat apeaber. Mca. E. Hae Mc a Hsmhy Mca. W. Mabon c'alec go tbcngh and the latter iMs. Bill Salisbury anti Jimosie: ofart inte, then detivevrc- a talk tuier the tceosrr's repart anti Mes. scoed he Holan sngld ad ,. nd rs SipkisMr.an and remodrnrîtrationun via s-m cuft Huîrbty rndtinuritesaof theMay tri sn alnîtit, ete rMc Moavl, M. nMr. Wt.isiteand hrbîîsbied hae ,rerî rii'iirî CBer ecar,, 2Mr' D fikRet îehildac.i-Mr. andi Mca Baker, Mr. aartîMcv i aîîrd. Mca. Haeie7an astat nd inulir ea a thank yaun oate tac JaickRobeg vrip p tire ing frta BonSalisbucri, Mc.anti Mrs tarabliri-ti Ier talent ta sketch pat- a ard rcecveti. Mca. Partai"r rat winier. gve p fve itsand Mashall and Mr.]Frank ;"il ,ýrns*trscadruperies, cnsbios a nt a cbaptrnttheastadyliu,kaon J rrkrButaseerThe Campibertt.oftHamilton.tblemuts.On eirytanvelyrsmater- SoutB Amrcî'vaMvnei, lovac v 5ile attckva ledby Jack Laking ati abeen sumpeti sitrirthe irdrpvndrîc' Rubtha h and a H stingcaale, a vCAMPBELLVILLE til mfowc nutbet'aith h.,tcr- Mi., E. Sîipsan gave ail intr Robrts and 1-lndeson wit a l, lacs ao tetinCCanadai.An- 'lina' repraît of ttheRate h,!71 ri douîbe and sil aatrvarKen Moore l br ad pi'ara roia bigra 'iii ue,,a irMay. Ms. D.nglis ceati irith a triple. andi Jacb Robe rs. a, a i K a ad hngofthBe ifatc-ira':, air artcltrain the Gtad Tiins Clf ilanti Brian Moriii - e an 4OnBse e ,niateUIIU aru ici- iivi tîr, iiriling crime outhrucccbrito iriuiringles. ,tdo inr B l v u lr'and patirrs Misa Isuhel McCainret ut thi- LVýÇ'IUUftVIIWcia sChristianrrMedirat irbaut Veltlie. ________ M lleS -a t,vr i tchu ýi-ii a,ofutMca Miltireti Urimasa "r,-d tibnkd MissaMrMllatacnd fiit epuiicnce fra.iîtiics drope it,,se- i ci. ad eraaai r.i ss nutrher.imcplace. VanouerIsan od lae lithe eatrivstcningronuTîkuii. f1cr thir cntciriirn tir Atter ingisg a hyrri',. Mcu '0l Satiay irhas iithec 'atti-icri uaithe troiam antialitai thankrd alBa,îtioed te metng wt Topic of aadress 2-0 drrait t tire bandslv ritthc Oak-1 ,hahBaticorme ta betpli a,, ,- et cayr. Grace mas anna asti tes vile OuasTh rrrrrctcnirliai Iicýrh a Suircra .The'ittinr, li-i.,iib,'rsadivon- uet criayet pi 'rire ut appoctiricv t ai t)in1 d iirh a 'ymne dr..n i ti-i.a cr us tictiings )futi.,'ia--r.vc Tiho' Nasagavweya W t hîti iiittiiiliii'cti ruit rniîhe,1iritcv1aýnticttaicb ibl atiîarneiitorthe S nrtCraB,' 'rhcac regiiiar rirrmtiri t.h, h',mi.pou'base rriiiiin ltclhrbricS iiram hrva dint ieiv.iiri--) ,rt -laCharria Ma-týi nMi - L du ____a____et - n, trn- a sro gajtr-tavr e rr,'- 'tihc Dr- ,r-othe u ic ir, rstMais iB litiîr. G<;mau,'rr ecrittririEden. KILBRIDE c. ..rrîîi rîiin Actn, 11'ri t hetlr Urhille hun li. tir tri tt 'l,, e ri -,tciita- C iv vi ,- . F ;kRinrrrhc gia've i, ' a i,- ii iii'proivcs rao ir kitiicitr, ffthrirai Barre OuBerIt,' Pit rar, -'-'van illk on t. ri r,vr-r. tir baseîaî,r ,î ieîrc.. . s i ,- iriNetitrrand tiMiloAn1I- TV V iew ing Novel r arr.-icd , ir i -,,,i ru l,,iiia'ndîiii.ii'iî ' tt ii trProgram For Group i r , ri",dae a i n ' a c i -h uackltriic . ia urn' vi.ci'i M Iî Il t, v Catoin Faý ýý ll l alcid iti t r 1li, a'-a i .î ttiittn'and'li ' and c anal Mi Girr'il'fa'ltalaar-11'il,'arreaTh riig , i'.'rc 2 r'rîh vipe ntttIr tonf 1-,onnsha hi aloh,,th, î , l,ilriaaliiitr,ia,, St :a riaîchra ofiîauar li -o irai ght an a'ia i -, 11îi,'îî fa i t in rthaf;s'rictrt. i and, Jacri t iai a',ce-'di di' v:,:i;ýo,, ittcirer o m',a'a1, 1,.i . r u w a v eiu pisit'ai] aitict]:,,tu'n'a a vii ait11a-nuit1 -iM. , d jniai tii ti,1,k'rlic Cai'[os n O k ill tlci. lfil, lc ti ln-ariu Si a ; av r. a Farv. lu C'a h c a,'lriait"t" %%:! ' i aih -, v t ,,...g Ill îtWtin ,,,, ifgi,.rr f, 'I Sri' Piîv ! t ai c rt , ,'ai t ir t, ",.' 'Iliii'tiiiiii tirait îî,îîi,.î'qhî1î fi,îfr h a rErth h Ma.n air .3ni cha,,e ,i al -r iirh,' 1 rM I t'* ich : 1.-oriia'!Cir,aa I., liiti ,, ta iii' arîrît, ,. taa' IA th tria...ir ra' a rttt 0-M a ii'lu'h.' b-,'a'tii G v it d iýi i, !-:i l - hu Ist is go 1 on r n l.v:T'ira h rîrti ri erriat.,mrto i ra ' iii Cc a' ] PHI S i,, Pr t L ý amb,*I,>, ý itiri, ] o '. ut NI - ') hîo, h tuait or ii .it qlT icltt - ', ia it 1hv, W M r a ia <inorc:ridtrIl(.î morfil, stai l li vAting 'ccc rcreircicc'li.iîti, itiiatirhic l'.th,, 162 oa r 3 in L'ai iackriiit a ch irir t u-, i itrtItl,, ...'.. tdl arl. aieid n ar.r.l s theh tSf F ir i liiaiiiiiard )v th i v i i i ' arc it2 t. ' 0ai 11,ati b- a R'iriiri, flirt a vit 'tica iles f ai, a. ar T ni,,g h 'v-it ia. JO f ie ýxnoInbL i n cjal i W ti tri a tiiliii' one l' al hîr 1th iriharr* y'i To Barrir, irtM. Brîlîrîth f,- :l uAinL iCTiONSi auS iALE iAtCiirAtinUILDh I EALt, tra ari t ivcrdrtliti,ni, ai)rFvrd tindUci,\- ilait i SATUItDAModern JuLY 111hrElia. tir trit f A heJ iii tir ,îicî',îî ,iii r l l- , hic L'e ricr'ada',"r 'hta tririo, ornh o The craa' a' ilt ic', oi i eitii h'-u' fi cotnstrucitationMfin, Ch111T ha e, wgr a-., ai air ici lai 'ici,' litnd arct1airi litaittirrulai tar, lt5ip,'t " ia',iîl couair hs i t E sr ara rilnsflr r i gî'a oî ,u,*îctl ii'Bti'inTeut ina,.a vhti I n rrSuirttaiir t traai'ttirir rC5cnl radîn ai'tri'ua ta'n Bal OHN',cvvcîitBELL a-iatrattti;.1lotalii'r- chi tt. asîri loftStcciilneit,T-i,lîirirtandurcr h. ,II ,î,ahub ilt aiu .,'ciri l o c i , ndra paît t ai., B iaud 11aurs ilra rohui vori rkii' aittunrav' r cis I- t'arîîfi, a' tarlyaB 'Baîthîaa 'îîî ackîrîrrai-alrî,î cAU RAa.,cd araihaCtîrapla ofiairttit.aMma't C hFar],.%ttM rMi,c itcis cii. iatgu, t .it fotiicitosltii,k , c ft.,, ial. oi ha,,,..i .llit. 1 h,'aa 'ir rcîlý srraaai IliB ' a ir" d 3 ti-icil a io yIl ,rrur d xr o d a '.es i ah l i- ra' 7'i lli r, B aiiatii).: all tili tit I n.,. '1..ilt.. tR.a1 c l 1 vII .mir'î.,îas 'Iv nr'. ci, fern ry; t-ýo k; f ll *,id l b:*ýs. tiî,a'ak age d etlcaitait, I hit rd i ' a ndliic tti hi'Ar t raccîn iirehlac g ' i ,tha'li..' tîc a v ar cu ul, caBra' tî"î"î, t uri caria t.,ttc and i B ý i ra a" h i,2 ir, 'î.tl, f r ha e 1i-J i , - iiii -o iii y t Bro r a i ý, t i r v î'g at : f.t i f o o w ' .f i h l C I * . 1i r i lit ca t i r t nt, r g , 2ai. o , t h r f h l h ai , i o, U ,rl 'o- onbt ckcchcBa o as.' ai, i , P i ra' a i f lii ta har ' il aool bboandrai a-ralairlaid f ,rr h i rili tata'eclc , i ,cIita ,l ~rir 'rir'iail ar aoaltr- mantan if li' i'tt a Sont- tttNt-il, FYicl AriD E r t«. "!it tre.airiti"te tie-;imta cr t ir 2 aurt osltt e-by N'mîîac iramtis tl sr -r (O g rrlct Bui ar ,,,,;rrlîîîri rîtr 1 î-c îiaîsuîg senr. IOslrtllrrc t actaî. trie tWirIliiii1t mii.tch.anid' ~ rtta i t, I c h l ri ilsltotlitit îtrirtiliitrU v rîî,îsr n crrocraîei tîiir ntticnaio, luk,. lshut'.t"s MîThkEliRNIS ltatarîrMCatl c (lshc m' Evcirî'îm. A.5îcrî',, IthI gI) sp .t-t aorh, î'otmnc i. , ît î îl,' b t Il C iaiittt-i',t' 11h., C.: Ch'lrî,,n ot li Th. eti l'o.lict'l rîa Cou'it n tun nf llmîîrmrr h.illrianmi cii-i.f t«r s h, ý.eî t fli i-tli ti' c Si ,'itr'r i fac Fr52 t,'rrn ii CcttitWr'r'v Nîraraîîîca (Onîîîtîa n rti rime ' fi t hli si atuatn.ilucta, ur i n t hRla-r d nv h tui iri ih i c, ah tiits Vî-'rrv-rî,ln'ît, l ',în li ' t,i,irt','i , itL 'r ârm V w a r-mît "îîî,, tr-î,îî l'fit t, i'icrt rayM ttc Wimiicm i-I tnciglla uis l' rg, , lir lofate, Ee ,sh ri imh n nol i i v tmiilt-il vri e DIm- i'2J' l-bes Teapimfrt Fuit u'.kci-mrfliiiîi-cvî i c tir tIv( n uithpe i,î In W e emoso llm tl s(O nta t rrl ithelogDv ro wtiith'. Mm fîlmn, (lcn aitiic wl I c Jn r i t ,t g ch ier-tintefed fwe ie t oraiig mtilSin Coo, EdtîioT e i IlmmcN'obe î li omi Napreos, diE.1l e.r ln ag TSîte b -tiit lriRiincShia hMoEheAncinsEloocc ri tl lo-rni weeby oerippecsenîîf iiori mtb trrîîasîia'ti00010 0110. Brlb lteo omcti et-' mtn b Ib Ntsctthc ~c-c.CtLFJ.ieItFAarctBame~<>eîonn wlhlie ibir V RbaMe.oinl TIEURSDAY lJUNE 26h, 190 S. A. FAY and SONS Plumrbing and Heating ~ Sheet Metal Work PHONE 205W Milton Beauty Salon AND COSMETIC BAR For the fastidious woman Who wants t LOOK SMART - BE SMART- AND KEEP COOL Have a Helen. Curtis Fashion Wavm and Hair-cut For appointment SE. Hayes PHONE 170W D. Ellwood SEE The NEW McClary Ref rigerator With shelves in door Capacity 9.1 cu. ft Butter Conditioner, full lerrgth doýor Aliso the McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES HOOViER CLIANERS AND FLOOR 901, SHERS LOWE ERGS. QUAI rY PAINIS DAWSON HARDWARE CO. MILTON PHONE 499 PEANUT UTTER '29 TREMENOUS SVRALU-GRAD ALLEY-FANCYA TOMATO JUICE 2001& EAVESTROUGHING BST5 QUALIVY MATERIÂLS HIGH CLASS CUARANTEED WORKMANISHiP SPRAY PAINTING We have equipmvnt fully qualified to spray paint your farm buildings. We use the best quality CV. paint, availabte ie a full color range. Estmates grues on requesi. CHAS. MacARTHUR PHONE 384r2 MILTON OUTSTANOING VALUE-SMOOTH &i CREAMY-SALAD BOWL SALAD DRESSING o...231 HORSEY-SWEETENED ORANGE OR LIME-MoLliRENt! Orange 1i. 1 PUNCH 9. JUICE -2-e- 3 k MIX 5 -7 & CLOVRLA-FANCY-ED 'ami. Vine R ipeinrd oand Soscet S KEYE î'as4 7f Jub ieSALMON Cantaloupes - 19C YFI GolenTenerKerel Frsh SPICE 3iarg.,cobs 12D-3 Corn on Cob -25c BEEF n -smet. hin kined ad Jicy CLARK'S-WITH- CHILI SAUCE Fil UillaS 20o'. PORK &0),, al7a Oranges doz. 43c. BEANSA SI Forda Blanik Diasnnnd, 96's Grapefruit 5 33c1lForColSnmrDik IASIT SALISLemons - 6for 29 flMarmalade - 33c 1 IValues Effective Thors., Fri., OtOGADIEIleG'S 8.8., Jun0 26th, 27th & 28th W..eWabit m oai. DOMINION STORES LIMONe le Roc 0ra . Sain021 PAGZ FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILTON. ONTARIO a MILTON, ONT.. Il 1

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