Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jun 1952, p. 2

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TIECNDANCMPO. ITN NTROTTTSA.JlE ti,15 Not Every Year Good te sec that tise pavisg job on occ streets is compietcd. Peshapc me sisoalci say se- paeisg. Bt se mtter misat tl s caleci tise roud- way ns againsemootis asd from or recest traucîs wc believe tlmoalci be qaite reasosable te say wc have tise bcst roadmay in tise province. Last year miestise paisg job mas dose titat dlaim seemeci osly logicai. Bt semethisig iappened te that cmootis surface daisy tise iter and mies inters acccmulation cf ceoci and ce mest away part cf tise sice cmoetis mccc surface alto disappeared. Fortcsately cotractcrs haci dose tise job mise wccc prepareci te back up tiseir guarates cf satisfactesy mrkmasship anci tisesemas littie difficcitp in araeging fer a cern surface. lits sot evesy tome tisat gets a cern roadrnap esci peur andi its set able te happes agais iere fer corne lime. We coulci came rany ternes that reguire cewr sac surfaces on tiseis main therougisfsres but mese noteoctisat tan ratet must be arefuliy guasded sn thece dayc cf maey moniipal seccin. Wce sisceseip hope tisat tisecern surfane ot ceci- pietec i mii prcve satifacterp benause cn al probability t i ii be tome yearc before mc rniil sec asotiser cern roadrnay. So e'ii haue te do eus beet to make tl ast tiis ime. Diversion and Routine We doubt tise reiability of tisat old sayieg, that tise bett part cf a viit cs gettîsg back home'" W'sc ready ta admit tisat uts sice te be home again but severai daye amsy from use of- fice ancitise seccscity cf gttisg cdoms te thisiiig of subjenfe cf itcret is tise community ias uls handicaps. Last meek me tocreci for tno cisys cutis Hal- ton Coanty farmers, spent Wednesday anci part cf Tisassday at home acnd mont te tise assual con- vention cf tise meekiy semspapers of Otareoaaci Qccbcc at Wigmascas Locge le Museoka. Its jus! a bltte difficait to get oas thinkisg staightesed ct. Ecides tisat me havent been readisg tise daily papers vesy tiorougisiy andi defîeiteiy cci exccianges hoentiaci asy perusai. We moude't mant te bore eus readers rnis more trauci mritîeg agais tiis meek but mises ose spencis most cf tise preuleus mecS cn travelling eue dlemma can be appreciateci. Pet, its geeci te get bacS home agaîn, bol il dccc take tome ad1usl<eg le get bock sntetise routine agate. One FIag We'ue ctes rnesdered misy tise fiag cf tise Unitedi Statet t se psemînestly dispiape in Canada. Go te tommes resorts, conention halt anci vesy ften service clubcs Canada, and youll fici tise trne flags side by ide. Its perisaps donc as a friendly geture te eus American nousinsc, but asfortocately yoclIl neunrsecc a Canadias ensige os a Unies Jack te meicome tise Cosudian istor seutis cf tie border. We thisîk its a cheap rnyo fsoring fîîed- siip anci attractîeg attentien andi me dcclt belîne eus Americas friensit pecite osec thicîsflag mises thep coene l Canadu any more tisas ne nu- pect te sec tise mci entige floco n<etise Unitedi States. Canada is a nation and, cf ceurse, decarues a distinctive flag cf its erne. Untîl such ismîe as tise Canadian goeesmest gels around te tise tasis ci adoptisg a dsinctive fiag tise Unies Jack or tise eci essign mitise Jackin tise cesser ii soffice, andi icîn makeit tise enly fiag fiern ne eCanada. If's emali monder tise Americas seatots get mis- taises ideas about Canada mies me go te sucis measases as to place thicr flag sn equal proîni- sesce mitiseus oms. Tiese are masp mops ni sisoisg a melcome te eus Amnerican ostcrt mitisout usisg flags te mave befere tiem. The Joy of Youth Sciseels ase fiised tiis menS and tise chisld- ses are ecciteci oves tise sommer vocation. In tisese daps ef iurrieci travel and tise, ducac mcli bing. Tiepcon aise nouer tiseir tracksa more eacîlp. Tise drîll is le gel pour name «île Hansard erl pfrida7 fercaae, ceef ypea gt ar c'Boc' le tthe Speaker, andi sisedasis lg thpisrolmo stia tien. Thea yau gallap nie lise Hoee asi efe cdjournrnt lte Mcndap nîgist aed, sap 'B.. egaîn, and again cjt thiss deathiesa rernarkis <tc anre ie île Hcasc bath Fr<dydo,î e Maop i-aec <e fact pou mese plapîeg isae ey is Toroeto oe Meelseol. Tise traie sciedale are uer p co- cperarove. Tîrne andi geegrcpisp m<ltalcagotesi weatern MPas Mapise if's tîme mc put brar trops indes nacis desi." Editorial Notes If po lisnk traffia conditione crurssîeg tise hisgismapos meecS-edsarce-sarinus ie peur cern- eaenitp ptp lise folks n hcwmaeile misere il <c rcporied local molersts and pedestri anc aune t ross tise main arîaîp t certain limes rm rCly afierecce unrul Suedap euenîsgs. t2oesfrc,îaatio cf cer n idost rp s nom rcubltpand a gsrnîing mouernant in Ontario, re- ports Th ise Pceaal Post lenaraen os an narioeý masp families isausis gicg te sammer places roceerneneteport. 0f 92 neci industries cemîsg whiere tise bathisig facilties are ct familias, tiere la tise provtnce last pear, 67 are eutsîde tise are masp dangers iurkicg mutish cas mas tise reater Toronto area Tiis compares mitis lisout sammes fer tisemisole famiip. cf 47 oltsîde the rea int1949. 0f lise 92 sean Ufctusatelp, it ususiip taises tome disuster industries, 32 are anmpaies crîgînatîeg sntise te make people arnare cf danger miais cuieU.iS., sien arc Britîis, fous European, one Aus- aicsgside as tireugisoct euerpiseur cf cverp day. letalian, 46isCasadian. dtr(Lauabîau QJ14aptuln Plilsd in fi eUartcof Fatec Cctp Pauisî,d eveuy Thossday as Maie St., Mlfon, Dot. Mým kbetoftise CW..A, and tise Octonse-Quesce Dviioneot -tisi C W.N.A. Advertîtueg afes o c e srt Siikcrfiene taablintadvun cre, $2.50 ic Canada; six mcetiss $t.50; inglaepret;$n5 the United Statec. Acthiead an Sîced CfIaose Mail, Pcsf Office Oenccfmect, Otawc. . A. ittc, Edita? cand Pabitaien BSN E SS N EDITOR l AIL OF FIC E T E LEP HON E 22 0 C, I.<.îg [<g a ,îit- Th, j' fii i gî il -oft t)a g i" I l l'. f< a î o i f<îff<î-i <. îf1t11, < l i ai i - tai-i- lei-fiar a ls-a 11o hkî- 'via iîgi. ia <t. ai:,,t 'm',<< h, o, tt oi >1 al *AT THeC- KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCb! GLACE ANGLICAN CHURCH REV .E. ORSBORN. Mtntster i iStan . t tnre eseta, BHA.., LTL Mes. G. Nen-eti. Organli tri hUNIOAI. JSITIF29h,2 b.itt UNlDAY, JOlIE 29<k. 1952 lim, ;,nu Thisa ffapy Wurir. TniisouSudoy fucuTuueufy Sît- a- -ai-- ic<t<ufutration 1 01< I, Ptrs Oay aifisSt. t'agP iOsiif , Çctais tfat110y comuin. _________________ tm1000 siclc. Sacvandaui Bus loss, t. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCM if,,ijii,,i(Un ,alM -at,, sand Sûr- Mtlntaer-REV, J, L- BLAIR, B A mon* Oegcnsnt, Mn. Rbeert K. Cacs r su33m0 O aAir Sevie-oau ' J gunaid. at Appiy a'knîi SUiOAY, JOlIE 29-b f o D2oakisît. Annoot Axic,o umn uric a KoxCh Ir,. It aoif t.i tonutciua tuca Onutun 2huctoal ui 71hnesOkugais îkî .eCanoan SA.Kahuti Juiua ilss tt ,iy271 ut-i tîc t.uDaGege's, Duelph. o tidîaîî onit Septembere EOWES BAPTSST CISURCN At tisaToust, Main St. ST JOHNNS, NASSAOAWEYA Ber. Bobert F. Scyder andt Tktieay, . t,-.IceByir. Muto - ST.GEORGE'S, LOWVILLE Fiidiy, So[oedoy, 8tom Be -.Man- BeeBR.E.Prrid,Bsectas iay Hlai, ocretai y ai tise Faf - iuuanehup oet leaîaect Biptiant SOD ,20Fosi so SONDAI, JOlIE 2o1h>.1520 Sud Souday ofticeTinîty 3.f)fiptt. -Ouotir Boptiam ,t 1001 arn itfuuaandîlSemoin t Maine Sf.Bridge. Mittur. st. Johtis. c8i,3 pi I tien' ý.Mortey Itof. Seue-3.30l icni.De, ( on, en îuaair e - eetary nt tise Faf oýinai oiilu- ce os Aptuteky omuega e no<n depeedeet Bapilat Chihs it- Diiflae KEryoncaliriane 800lipeu -Eeacýosg. 0k ce h Sabolanul cd Sermon a.Sa. _______________________ Geo(riges. PENTECOSTAL NOLINESS CNURCN BEY, IL WOO)DS, Pmtor Ondes cf Servcres iHefd ile1t0OG F. Matit Ail caris ight serveels unutt k eceifi iîtii afirn tise"Oral tOberLas' euýmpigc, wmisiris c k- uag istd ic Tutuati ta Eniisine P'anis,.Jsce13 Jane 29. SONDAI, JOlIE Mi h. 1952 ION a.mn Sscday Scesel. 11t00 am.-Wencip Se-vice. Jofy 2, .30pm. -St. Gerge's Ceegrîgotuon Puenie as Lum- vitle Pach. Eveîyisudy Wecr MILTON GOSPEL CISAPEL Inte iscFmece Building PUNDAI, JOlIE Stibis.1952 10.3u ;om.-Sacday Saisoot. Teesday, Jaty 1t-Socday Seheet Att Are, Weteemc L AND TRAVELLER'S GUIDE I MEUSCAL DENTAL THE STEVENSON CLSNSC DR. G- A. KING Phos:u DENTAL SURGEON Mii ian-Bomber 2 01ficre i BcRya[ Bilding, Mitan tDr. C'. K.htes-ensan osc 9-5 Dr. Fred Metnis Eaeeiegs isy Appistmeet Dr. Mlerrger E. Knighi N -Boy Servscs Tetephsce 197 Officie uuea A. By ppaînsmet ecty. DR. F. E. BAECOCK P.M-1-4 79.DNA SUGO BONDAIS-Fmergancees nly. DNA UGO IfLTONaiÇPIsVATE MOSPITAL Officer us Fomers' Bildîr N-BAI onetseet ttccc Cornccr, CPM ocad GaoniSorgeon Ecacist. y appaictmene X-Bay Serviae Tetephace 6fý DR. G. E. SYER ICLAEU ilsysicice and Sargeon _______________ OtticerJoma-. Sfreet LEVER & HOSKIN O Phoe nam:Nt.are;Chartered Aseonnanin Offie Hurs 9 am.;1-3Saceîsso sta 7-6.30 p.m. JENKINS & HARDY Cocoors îsasMsfrcpatîtae Btdg, 4-4 Victoria St., Tsranto DR. J. W. McCUTCHEON Etg. 9131 GfilesMors-9 c.m.; 1-4, 7-9 pre FamresoBuilding, Moue Street A. J. CRANDELL Tetepier39aW ('hartered Aceaanlani Reidecer395J MainStircet Georgetowen Tetepises654 LEGAL ____________ CHtROPRACTOR DSCK & DICKI ____________ W. 1. DICK, Q.C, NIELSEN -Thse Chiropractor K. Y. DBK Duls hrps Borructemn. Sotieitcor., Drhgea Teap Beon Street, opposite Aceca 371k c ofaiPransice Tetepisene 4O p Lcdy Attendant Mes.. Tces. Fn.. 2-5 p.m. T. H., HUTCIINSON, Q.C. Wed.- Sot., 2-5 and 8-t p. Barrister, Seolcttor, Etc. Ctcsed Tiscrsday Offue-Bet Dssc Chamspionc Gars Dominion Store, Gorcgetawn- Officer, Maie St.. Miltonr Phone 150W Trtepiscîe 54 ________________ TRAVELLERS' GUIDE GEORGE E. ELLIOTT ______________ Ilcrleter, Sliciter, Naiary Publie CABAUtAN PACIFIC BAILWAY Offie-In Farmers' Building Standard Time Maie Stret, Mitcn Gcieg tc Torontao-75 ar.. Tetepisoor 70 dauty; 204 p-m. daily: a.20 pe. dauty enept Sscdcy; tI57 p.m Sas- ________________________day ccty. OPTICAL Corning teore Teect-thi4 . du ýy; 6.31 p.m. daily; 1.0 .m. daîty except Soc, CARSTEN GLAIN. CANADIAN NATIONAL 1 Sucsrroo BAILWAY M. C. LAIBD Gieg Bcsti 758 c.m. Foc Appcîetments Phoces 56 Mitoan Goig Sosti-? 11 p.m. E. -' %f.t.I . MAY.HAVE.SEEMED * THE GOOD OLD DAYS fe sef sthesurem poseo os ToFifty Years Ago Twenty Years Ago parnts hoeve, wat an t man f trouh Fom he ssu oftheCasadian Frocnthse Issue o tise Canadiaen a est ho mlcoservisocn tha enc fthough Champion, Tius day, June 26, 1902 Chamspion Tiusdati fana 30, 1932 s taken frorna child? Thewold waaehoeed onsTues- A very peaoact surprise was ac Paenscchouldai ailtmes take the greac sday isy tisaneme thtasKing Edwo d eirded Me M uglisCampbsell tact isdocd<-aggce an npcrafiec tor mcek whec sh mwac p rcctcd ia cao cof yocsgsfers. It s the dufy of euery mas periyhiise concisenaine fer ap- aUtc Memk rcip Certifcal bt asd momas to look after our yocsg people. If a0 peedici fis, tisas hie cndifioce mas tise KnxCiscisW.MS. Mr eery citicat and fiscs fie coros- Campbisthn f fy charter mess- ch Ici asy ch Id, s ees piayisg is asy particlas aties isad beec icdeficiiely pot- ber ic car eoncregafîce. bavseg place where there cocîci be possibic dasger, t s 0pcced. jciced tise society whec if waa Th is i en onesetice mi is fisc tormed 54 yearssago. cp taall ofcus tegve awassng. That wassig, cfsreetrareftriieineTorontoconSan- Rc.A. B.trisB.A.,fise nsw mhchmilosly takevey lite cf ou tme Io day mccc ceeu cerios. Ties ts eiciter lat St. Paill'stUnited Chargtn gice, m ght meas the differesçe bewmess tisa was fstttsd onsMecday. Coccees- ifi pesach is fbeti servces aon - ions mers made ce both is des, buf Sacday. tnducticc ercrefe ilise chldslfeeo deah.tise street cr mec gaiccd cecidere-krtd ce Taeoday, Jaly 5tis I sa grancecponscbilty and i ests upos okty. Sicty-seec ppitc are wrinrîg thesholdes o evry embr o th comuntyTisetis Accoa Exccursion cf tise ctronce exsamecft tise Hsgis Snisct he hold c f uey mmb c is cmms1 Botfec Formnere Intctfe I tise Mr. Licdsay icncharge. -partinulai ly on thoce cf parents. Asy cegligesce îîcenainly I'm a taxpayer! That'n haw I goS ibis conditiant" Agreottorot Ceftcgs, Gueis. lt Miso Marjesie Marcstallad Mise rnhich places a chiid mitisoat the boucdc of ceces- Satrdcy wae accsatvssytlarge- Ceea Lonsarc afishaine, isaeisg ___________________________________________________ y ttecded ky inemisera cf tise tc- grodoatcd aI Macdeoad Hll, in cary superuision, ruse for a ucry brtef period cf _________________________ _tisate. tise Worecutcigcci Guelph. time, may be fatal. friends. Luanite United Cisaîic itt ce- Let' hav a jyoussummrtim butlet s ai NO T HAgrand dcmoncfrtincecder thel1eisiuteits dinmondi5ubilere nSun etc ouea gguscumettme ut el s al N R Ilauspes g e icFireeBrigade wse tiduc ccd Medycrcxt Jaty rd ccd do es pai teprotet tse cilalce Iem se heied i Miton ce Toet.doy. Jify Itis. do or prt a potet te cildrn fonttheE AT W* g st.oc Secdcy mrnricg [ast. tise datneier aed mre suepericencd. i *o uswh Mca. C'ar<teyMrS. Wftmtt cerf Wtdrenfthse Wnid marcesd tu dreager ansiah e aier biecsb oreofucmseWiEST Mru tInmacofitenedth ie WCTtJ IEec<tg<Iee eCemrctrey and decer- I ------ 1S CgoLita ConvecntigontfWentrnnrth-< ated tise graes of et ceea-d mcmn- S OU T N Hilta el-datSaeCrcJn ieo - 191h_ _______ iiiand 2ftk While oyrrtinnoaibcnd ose cI .To ghJo 1Levi Smitis iad hicles adfa Sittas Wood Peoduets Cumpacys T ulJObfIicites Meestrerot .i.g. Kîestabligshaintiseasigren c bd ai tise \MiltgoncedBrctotgegheca ge Thacduy tant, Oea. Offiiaigcadeg f teec nsrbiîhmnec, c j nec i teasant akcildien vhgisev nc4t Tisc kicdcsgarfro popit Ca. (an Monday atercP ee ky honingDtc e sdbs[at igro i s eci bcîcg atcmpted <en font provincec, iii befnspeciftiseleaaclrttijai lita-n aha <aviîg onetise bridoet thej aroo rt h ma cideetydmvin eott sud hgcerrcd. neronbi niite a jcethickc Tise Fisuenial Post. It caycs «gsaaat:aclig acitiaoahiai hel o-Iladogekie. Inte ise etern OntarioTenia lsildIni.aie as a-icg ETise ladf oag sboiaikt t te sr-ONAssocaioe<concd tcngaecocmpe- "Eues miti susch tangible thinscl as eggc, but- lil tic ttc trisa('dtatfi cli irgerd tare after tac minutes cf diciof. DALBtIAITff te Milton, on Sotue- fitiocs kctd ot Guelphson Wedcsa- ter, iambes, aad ciuîat, gradieg has corne disad- tît' moadicre ilstinos asgc ofTise Aetîc ire k, godes resanrita- day. Juce Otet, te Mr. ccd Mcc. day. hotistise ladies ccd gecftemen vanage ad lmittins.Thre s bun ta ie a iT r fiveate, 1 ter as raaked tu DGegetossn bot RBB. Gatisraith, a doogiter. memkscoettise MiltoncCtab defeat- uasage ad lmittins.Tisrec buedtebe hTie es sy F Eitzoketis Cfa, keuc, <iii i, ota etti,- sdonc. MARRIEDrdsfohîtiestcgslfa tdoste offinial re- t'itciorit0< aw i-~dad fic i Ue-Sr e -Town tOBEBTSDN-DEWAB tcInMilsen Canidecist exacitemrct mac tuieeden sîe ha psg qyndT1 ce Wu frmr rfaga eddy. Jane istis at tis easced at Cedar Springasehcc an raisr uss îgse.Tes-n Manager ceevs, - ientt cci foBigeor, remi- reisa Be Ef MaL rnîts aents.auto. onned ky Me.Wilii, of Ham- mhe mccere t icasqble lie sraîesmisnis Applications far tite position ofaa.<i at tise DOailsfdtrict S' Rbtrson and CtharsnerM. iitn an.kasd don tis ecmisacsecf buiS se largelyie tise touest busineastisediffi-tee-o moa'ie ft a Die i ciii ka giclitena ha bettie-c cî 860,tn. iotyaagan t dougiter cf Duncacn ictte iarnmicî pool. M r. aultiec iscrease. aiteertised feta îcîîîîaîteiy The.te ,cchaOakeîie Rr,,rd-Stcr. Dewar. kctis et Milton, Witîe macaloeeic tise crsasttise hiisîcîofe a tîOO manoger m lop ier ci, t cu-. i smres ecatîmc and ecrassed possiblte erican A great deai miii depeed os tise ediaidual proed ky atapayac s acttUcari -W tBignor, înjory. A ais toi rmCs petaqitpae thr ol idi oe luie ne Freneh? vîs ii asoc ua quiit icde-orer dîfflieoty. sceeedd ic dsawnsg tise mas aquit lac, thes noud isdt erîg. A nci- re t cnstrnctaatti wi tsaissog, caral toet.Tishe c peside of tise hock. Sorne may muet co-called plaie aooekîg, ethers nîtîcîn a-utbaonisa cririraigaiet'Ioni, ;sat îîîaîcca ery, Tisare oen-ce c amers Poerte Cor- Macey talksuBUT faremel tais e mili e isppoien vit eu nus- aone mîî c Di' tic- Trafalgcar kîihs ceiel iAi 1O ski aot td sîtoico tke 5eiytif tcess t e cilb iapited is u rls Sm le- eetefi-eh e ture il l hrh.adilwsTiatesortaris et maie earheva nvthgileersy om. pect soees, telenisies, ticher-tapes, steam heat bi oitîfttt-. ieruît a-bu la'tîIus-iit oitsiaise <i- t4 tisats aieBsaa rr is ale WHO PAYS FOR TISE ROAOS? aed a misole lot cf other thîegc. Hardy seuls may rclisî t îtîtîtea fut htia sarcogale 1 case uîîthe pfiscttiion te kar grand- Allrisccucroic attn afinitîthia-cc-ettieiect? Det îioglOe.5[tisu Bigu Ta aecdnrintioir inesancdnont hein In tise tact 5h yerm ceror f cavae rmerely a camp aut or a sleeping bag. Aed bette tiat the chfisc îtire i -',_______lietrt auomtîver eehiehans been tac- misat about sceccry, clîmase and geographyT tti.ttigis NEOFHIed ciscdrescof milioncs of dotlars. What gouerneet <spetor gan hope ia pot a T Trafatgar tinahlsrd OE0 40-ETPRETTY CERcLE pcoistly maris marccn fart tisant Tite.alg a ia e ii iiii I 1,y PRODUCINO JERSEY HERDS tise total amert cf money apent yardstiak on tiese? j lie Fncd pant. INCND A AVLE ThtePSouth Aficon ciiîon.d ie- as igknay-en tise samne yericd. 'We must stili rly on edcatio o arpatîtîost ig,- oln isa plaistn t <i NCND A AV E dstytitsati'. os syaE. W' Ken- Feemonea quorter tscoecs'irdof ascienn t mroeor orst aetfDakiaîf ir, a nn f aîiî ii:i tu10 (iiDietagest, oncatc-it tisese peopla poy fus ganline aed laiaia la ipreaecgr a ccaaommnoda- slion.,o<thei, tI,,nck ialte lt ia-hi i gliii li li poai., it'lot.ii"'r;, iisae aitild tic-hid tifa iaprovic'sial tac ne. fus as cerage tien. An officia] sige oves uhe front door rn 1< net "li'o -lct ia u aa hir) .Iic ('.îîîîi.îaa ibisa vi,' ei a ittttol ile t,*e Inctise cr.asout boit a cent fer eveey ma eymucis ueîess tee - sai ernelii p <-i.t , ie. Tis ta latb, i<aa i. < it.ttaICt,,-i ifisi.(if tit Dlinte Mi(iil opteaîmile traceird. men nr tseeIleatera < pu l tailgOt iin Il a j. iahusga e I I Iv, T< ouhAfiie tt- i, n te1Witosnatkecar and truck oagne- fît Li, tth<îiiliii.<te lia Iil.. e. -oî\t lita I<iegmri<tnci thandf. heiseti iataxsseceeis na lý: ", bgl ;Iiý. -ai 13g. If l ;Iai andIII uIct iilsndisa.Ioi vys e Fîanio',Pottisersuuaold Wken Teachers PIayTruant iigiî.<<lifcs< . << Itc a necgioy hIfttrgt' [-lh1l1 1: lait1 fil?5 1bafis aimus1Nais econatenerthsien et antij tAtheeisterelMshgcl<1isîoi PaliomnitMac FI Poilt 't.iiaiand oîîîf iîisîîih niih(;:7 1li fattît n eaîoîtoadfîîgisenîpie Ol ccirv lrinaea u f nece-.st argonsth e Calgary Hrald. "hte ersii e-c "nt ýt sk g.isnta :1 ; - i <ii t Sitoifîi itOino((P a ao US isain 87areadt îng an Ontario or Qocbecacoestiiieny s a more cd ta aýtîsa tuthîe , <-'<lnt «'i-t1 e63 l1ý.Il 'tmiii, I aîdaags jais han represesîîeg o rosîcrnsat<eajg, ... iitýrif-i i-ti<a l <ia tît' a ince fi 1< fUii, or voietiser astercers get tired m ore eoslp co r i sag gest .conc lti e tatE i ta lf hi. if1225, tisa il Nij( i. li àIl o 675lir en PROFESSION-AL DIRECTORY te fîud uhe over-icea rweek-ensd ecaetial ateiril 1 <itii fi 11 ge it IV le s- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TITURSDAY. JUNE 26th, 1952

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