11t's Stili Btter!"l WATCH FOR The Durham Memorial Arena and Community Centre $259500.00 Miembership Certificate Campaeg WITH 4 BIG DATES TO REMEMBER *DOMINION DAY -IcI JULY *ALGUST BANK HOLIDAY--dUc AUG. *LA.BOUR DAY Jet SEPT *and the STILL BETIER" DAY OCTOBER 111h YOU CAN WIN WHAT YOU WANT TO WIN andil sn b ntconeaor allaof THE11 BIG PRIZES FOR 25c Ne BSment Needd-YetRfflosAre WaM! AUToMaTIC Coleman OIL Floor Furnace -No Asices e Sifs In The Floor- Wastes No Spot. Youll have a better- heateit hom-e cleater home-and lacs workr. 'O - wvith the "taite-it-aY" Coleman. Exclusive f ea- tarai briog "warm-floos' comfoat. more heat for your monay. Listed by Udwrtr'Labora- it-nmi ItsA Real AUTOMATIC Fraco-Set In The Floori Cora ne nand Se. 10 Laoen^bout Ou Low Price-Convenlent Te-m MckIM HARDWARE MILTON, ONT. PHONE 28 -C'harclcnMickty. Mmm - GaUd! ForyIncî-liOnta'rioiî cld mine pnidaci'd gfaIt tinn mact$7.- 782,1,93 in Nnnîýrbc1951, accord- igtotahttc partmcit et Minci. TinLq s'i n]nlyv lihtlS bilaS lice fuecc purin4 durnnthUicrom- pnnalc mont (if I950 Hîsenir. te lstn fceînc mpleycýd ici tic - oIt mi nlriilped Cciii 13405 in Noechr 19511 li 12447 in Novcin- 1b,cr1951. Ttc asi'ii,5'vacuicper lin of cie ticîlcil rnoiinitci t' $9191. Cinnni. îc'picciipaliinP(rt Om di, m it'nni 1951 west mnciocry, cx- ci[ii ni n mcm n'a li uic ni,' Harold C. Fay PLUMBINU. aid i HEATING JOHN S'T.. MILTON PHONE 423J1 MILTON WELDING Elactileaid Acetllene Repair Welding if Ail Types Welditig Portable Eqipîaact PHONE 348 MIi.L ST. IL'Olff 4 wirsMILTON, LOWVILLE ARE INSPIRATION N FOR ARTICLES IN DAILY NEWSPAPERS REVIEW Not naarly ai aid ai anme nemi- Mile Creek and nestlea belmeai papers hrought to tIe CHAMPION air two mourîtaini. Ratlesnatte ..-.--.-..-..-..-.---------4office, but lait as fullIoai itereot Point aid Flamboro Headth ie 9:R OFTà ara a trio lent reeenlly. latter being uteit ai a guide for the SPA'RK 0FMaris emafl A Toronto (Glote aid Maili af May alîosainthe laite." B~ Eret Mria Riarcie devotea moît if lis front The thirt newipaper contines "Sparla of ILUe" muaI ba rerog-,page, second section to Milton, tales of the district. "In the early nized ai o remaritable, watt writei b terse a ni-columc headliie days the etterc hereatouta watt book, imply becua tht reader catchaislice eye, "Unpoetlcally Namn- ta Hannahsvillla (tom Nelan) tir will fret auccUant imprasivîe loch if ed Milton, County Towan ofIlaltn, mail aid graceries. Maiy descend- pleaire wheî ha or sIca readil- Moves Mouatain la Taronts." ails of lice old settlers are cliii in If aie cashd dais thraugh lice taik A caplian ta oie if lice sic e cammusily, lice Collinga, Coul- inai evenimc aid forget il., t pctacca of the lowni guet a csc la son, radts. Toilera. Rircaritsos, Buld bice ttfair i ra bilnenythc treadlior as il cîplito ,"Milton Pnwclls, Speocci. Picktlla Rrad- Biftasincenhlro of sjîtorI icana large numlnraof brikfclli- hcaditeannimay othrsn." of cocenratoncamp wl i1 tories wicciare wrticg il top ger aid noag ail self - amplaceicy for a long lime, ergs: the bath speed ton nnast city Insing short- mon tewat miltt. escarpncil prooldes an ample a Soya lice authir, who, hy the miy, a îpy of ced day for tebik io tht author il "Al Quel on the suh tih Westrn ron,- Ibisboo isnotaid residents soy "the motainis jusanlîshe a detaitait repart on a~a migticer pic>tara r a tn speciic concentration ramap h yhrpItrsaeo h have iileilioialty aîmplificd many cemetrry. tami hall. Martinas mil], il lice complicaînit routines aid Main St. aid oie wmicci includea chosc a milit iloecan say tliiî Oie oC the stationsandipart if lice camp raîher lhao anrxerminatio P. L. Rohertsoni Msnfactriig Ce aî centre.*'"Skneradcrs wîîîtc buildtings. grateful.n "Althasgh Naicamp, Jach Hamiletai, mica wrolr the hav nc ecsoat te hrre still'stsry, icaitrit il."Milton OCîcis ucers in ttheiîscld aid they grosi 1 AImant Att Main Orlirci." ni namicrc cash year. The reassoifor tthenualifviiii Ttchat atalciogteril- alaIh.l" cores iottc last pâai i. t i l iscompulsive. The,, grapic nf ttc starS 'avhcic rcasc are tingsa'c staald nI i,,aut- "î-ifttcr aostd it t p te "oldI i ns-ccao tatiil 1ci'iniitccy sItIt trote ndfl Balutccc nes aiginh-, ightlticatI 'bcs mit ndpachtherof f h mas,the ttci-tincy tLs hancion[ taninhall s twud' ek ncîsal fltct tian. nTtctsimaii l5 tions vouildt tc j bu dctcyte pa ofh 1inthe n 44 te Huni mea maitde kfn ~ciin o'iiae' is of.5narticle nLw Gad iag, 'i lic kttchedil tyMcs. C.A. n'd -Spark f Litc" ns a toaI pitai thanin aI Kittnidi' aid prsneb: ah ainIsa aisis-and as cuhi bCharles R. m'Clliiafi J 0. nc and rt al."Idiont ktîss 'ait th Il salntial tnntrsy ren sttlr in the Lowvinlcdis- trict-tce article ittrts5 Ttc village %,a.calîcit Lowville as it wss the Poet's Corner h onon themain roaitro LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SUDE Thcriscanian a(i tin 1, -ad Basebaîl Schedule Andt mann il !ne fmin Ii:,e ttcdi, r laid. If tic c niiln.c O , se ivouId Ttc- 152 tîmînbalsctn'iflc iii matcIL ' Mîlînnn i s flllii'a' T hatte uI that ai fintlltsýhpc, Salnirdmic. Mnay17-l'Port Cccdilmil Iiili't. W,,ilicsilay May 21 Millen mat ,Ttc gras,,i mii: i -,ii. itkiiili are icigicl.Saacdsy, May 24-Watriowaiil sailcth 'ri'l'c Min 27--MiltiniaI l'rt Bttlncc tîpn. liii ighih in, ngsl hui 1lna Satinciay. Mmy 31 Oatsillc nI Annd t kn hi n i'. II iii t. Nnî Friitc.i'! ,1'ui ., m i W'li'siy. Juniic4 tICampbeill- pcp hccitn i i tMinîn e» WtcPniihciiini'i" nln i' F',clac Jînîc tMillýn iioaltii day. ntil'îliilitn Orcan -i sig iit son,iil , n1oiiii, i.hiliidct. unir 4 ht icctisi Aid to dnicti'. n 'cii c,,, hu nie' ' ,Jnt 4- ;-rglIr cita goec. il itltfi I. theh, iiic O 1h ccdis linuon'8-it M oa Tic ccc s ina nl cum Fin vJune 21-Miltosu tWatr hil hI, p.an, ue 5Geretw 1Wtha ict ai." n t. ,x'i, ime c o211 Ml an;i Or temni" '>hoai niîl1-"1>l111, tuia îî maytct thcilovenfîanitlestîîd, lii yi,liii11,10 onatCirp Or a rnutt, n cprinsur Inn icavni lIl I l Or ii', tc Cthe n ec'ilcîiitefl ttins l5 --Oaih i Fini a cunl) i ater ivù. Mlon. Wnnlnn9n-n MiltonyS M Bttntr to *cil.in th,-b fihf- ( A btittIandmilcii filinif 'ntinnJî51 rd Ad to o GninýIvdl ,,,,nshranthernid Tiinil Juin 15 Mr reita fulliof, 1jon iTtai Inn,nanp îhnnl,îî'in 'întc hnétiiicla,in tin îq 9Wat na ttrcsd Mitn. OC siccuriions iic lun Wcilnnslay ,lily 23--inpbll A nid ns bal hV- o ag ,1 t'itn Iv LTO N LU " A-it idLi'ac , ,wr iiilatnder ,~Ml~ It tîkes more than a heavy wind to affect tht Brantford Super-Tite Siaten on any roof. In fa, we don't know of a single mnstance where a Super-Tite siate, propcrly applied, bac biown off. What'c more, your Super-Tite Roof is impervioui to înow, cleet, ice andrain. 14 Special Iock-type butts kniît sltti together mbt a trim keyatone design thatis both weathcr.îighe and attractive. c' thce covering You'Il find the ntriking design Ilcot ceunis", of Brantford Super-Titan, in colid or exciting new duo-tone blended coloicrî, particularly beautiful on large, O unbroken roof areac. Ask your architect, building contractor or neareit Brantford Roofing dealer efor full information about Super-Tite 1/80Dn for re.roofing and 2/ tO'a for brand new homes. Brantford Roofing Company Limlled 4 Brantford, Ont. Toronto-Montrecl-Winnipeg-Soinl John Asphait Shingles, Sealeai-In Siding, Roll Roofingc, Building Papers, Roof Coutings, Built-Up Roofinga, Asphoil Moelle Floorlng, Woterproofing Moleriols. MBER & COAL COMPANY SALE! I MAYTIME VALUE FESTIVAL STARTS TO-DAY Print bouse Dresses LIGHT OR DARK BACKGROUND Good Qualiy Prns Sizen 12 t1044 SPECIAL MAY SALE PRICE Hadbl fr$2.87 See our ailfr Further Storewide Bargains fre el e1'foi' &el k'C THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO 1_________________PG TRUMBDAY, MAY 22nd, 1952 British American 011 Distributor GEO. BUNDY AND SON PHONE 313 MILTON, ONT. Faim Service for gesoline, grosse end motor e11 PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Correct meanuro by mater HI-T Furnace 011 Suiner complote with tank-$339.50 N T0<~V< VOU 6000 VAWL.. Secoua ltelephone honds and irins are worlig al the ime f0 find baller and cheaper ways of doiîg Ihing, the mol anybody pays for a home telephao i 18# a day. Chances are yaî poay vnl c than toa... lasthon Ihe cccl af a cosoal oda aI the crter drug core. We wiii go right n O eeping poor tleaphono service gaod. yor elephone cost c. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA -I