TH AADA HMPOMITN NTRsixUSA, A ad 93 TOWNSHIP 0F NELSON TENDERS FOR POLICE CROISER S.ëed tenders wilIIb. received by thse underslgned up te and Inludlngj May 2Sth, 1952, fer a police cruser. Auto- mobile must b. of thse coach type equipped with ide spot ligist and siren. Envelopes must Police Criser." cepted. bu merked on tht oulside "Tenders for Lowest or anly tendes- colneeussarily et' WARREN McNIVEN, Assistent Clerk. R.R. 1, Burlington, Ont. lii FOR UNIFORMLY FAST MOWING .. FOR UNIFORMLY GOOD MOWIJNG.. eat c'~ ~35 ACRES PER DAY Thse MM Un-MoherismasYvonsstasd4i% fatures shat asurek longemore unifoc ienssCih ~a iimauf sriciaF ulli lahm earie. plate bolds the Isife trac asd staight rots ed ta te r. T g rci pat1loe ht uierace' revnuts rhohing asd1 separaias ef tht moe knife sectiosnf.omthtgord plates prevnts uadtrgrowth and dirt trots wedgag iutu thtehoferact. There is safety butiuca tht MM Uni-Mutwer... .for the operasue and tht machise. Safety shielded hitch-bar quickîr atahssu ploteesake-i off. Catrat f uttsies bar is chcoagh coneniestly located leve or byi hydeaulic lifi liakage.' SAFETY SPRING RELEASE Whes tht sickît bac of as MM Uni-Mater stikes us obstacle, tht spitsreuse hitch is di sengaged. alloting tht moteaud sichîr bar ta pivot su thterar and by-pass tht ohstruction. Torersome upecuios wthot leain the st,the opeator mrlybac ksthtaOctot rt-engage 'tht hisch. Tto 56-i nch caser sheels assreosifrmcatitg lenel unereass geoud c usour. These fll-sinelissg eheets make is possible su muht shortsaerss surt square corners esily. Peavne lifts nud rocksyptedsartavaiiable onsthe 5, 6and7 fot siats oftheb Uni- Moter. TH4E WATERLOO MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED WATERLOO ted CATHAM, ONT. J. G. DAVDSON R.R. 2, Gorgetown and Ashgrove Phono 42r2 Georgetown For STOP QUAIITY CROPS - c-that mature earlier! : & 1 C.h6 W/wHATEVER your trop. - <~s c, ç,. w is cas be impros'rd wiîh li&Ittlt a complete plant food. ~ ~-~Z-. Swifi's Vigoro for lls Commercial Growcrs is f. tc"-, a complese plant food -testcd hy sieutillc research-pro)sed tsy experience! Vigsro Commercial (roner goest so ssk imuscediasrly you introduce it ta yous- soil. Is gives te your soi! enery vital nulient essensial ta crop growth and developmient. The esulîs appear in your harsest-rarly mnaîurity, higher yields, top qualiîy -and in your profits! So plan for a bumper trop this year. Order Vigoco for Commercial Groseers from your Authorized Swift Dealer îoday. SWIFT CANADIAN CO, LIMITED PLANT F00D DIVISION P.O. Box 39, Nets Troto, Ont. Get your Vigoro C.G. wt: MILTON MILLING CO, LIMITED 1 MILTON Retent Shemera Pep Internatiunal Lino, Stuck Show. Tiss I' Up Crapa yeac's wiener ut tht Achienement The shumecn ut lest meeh wece Day tu be held on Saturday, Jase 7 o aietuliy rceived in ail sectiosuof ut mu, thanso the Haltun W.t.'s, et- (laltoni Deopile the cos-rest prtces rauspauy tht Lincoln Couniy busE oftagrcuitarai.produticttveycrural tripts-ougb the Eastern Untitedi lace moce a omile alter lasi Thuts- States. day morning's shomec. True, Ose Foc tht second yeac ln successiona runîty as a mboie mill need tee- the Hamilton Speetator upecilofut tuent shumeru like Ihat ut al t $50mii ho osed to heip deray thee wetkifsme arettoi hacnest abunpertuptstsuofthe Junior Frmeris i trop. Fcustu have utunted the timu- nec. Mac Spromi of Acton, who iby in saine actas but without ex- mas tht tinsser in 1951 aeeompaited8 cespioncop prospects inthe mixed the Lins-uln Countis bus trip. nubile facming areas ut thte ounîy ace a ibis year tht minnec, tho incident- lot moce promioing than they mes-e ally, miii he aelected in ronjunettuan when ste mece writing our rolamn misb thc Juntios- Fermer Assual a weeh ugo. Lite Stoch Judgiug tompetitios au Spcahing ut agricultursi prices. May 31, miii f0 10 the 4-H Club isee isn' tonomueh wrung wtlh Congress inChicao. them when use loks baek even tout oc lite yeacs in our opinsion, Wlna trbsalehtp Ibere woud bc littie ur nu kirk Hallun Folh Sehuol enthusiasîs trom agrieultural pruducrs if thtemii ble dtltahttd tao item Ihat Clit- ct ut teed. tectiliotro, tacm mach- lord Waite bus heen awarded a $«f ses-y, taru labour, in tact. praci- sebotasacut ar evard Unsiversity. rall yevecylhing mbîtb tht tas-m This m-tiienahie him tuo brbe-hin operator bas tuhuy, wuuld ata- sdtuis orsa dtu'sdeeeits tordingly. lu rtlationta u 'orld Adoli Eduration. pricrto us tres in Canada are Clitf was leader uf the Hallun1 sth11 bith. which adds tu tht ditti- Folh School Ibis year and mas tes-y tuily in oetoring mas-tuelu toc oas popalas- îtb ali mho met bits. Ac- surposeso Humete-. as conditions curding lu ihot mhu atts-nded, Mr. cssst. milh teedo, tes-tilizern. and Wa'île madieearb onetfeei thatbleuor olhts-parcrased cummodities at last sbe had oietbingtucontciulto u ytar's figures, ansd in sotune tasts the oures oftthe tasht liard. The hither. Cusadian tact cr0 are tes- mealth ot intformation whlrh Ise lait lainly caught in tht squeeze. Thal mîth tht sludenls seul enahie them Ibis is aiready reartu uon their lu tahe their place as botter citiorna huying powter, is indieated hy thteoin heis-reapeetive rommunlîles. drop.-in saesby loca mrhans. HaiuunFolkhStbuol leaders and Whltste dontsoseas an trou- otudetstsnextctsdîag hcartîtsiecon. mistu'cecas'l help buiteei thai an- gatllationtaon hisacarievement, at- uihe- 12 mosihs may prescrit an sa ,-nprs&-îg tht hupe thal they s-ntiuely dittes-cnt tittort Afttts-ayhbctas-iunattenooghtobae all one çast gel out ut hogosud hi hetp agaiu tn tht tatas-e pro- pouits-y verycapidiy, antd jadgissain.uofaIHaltuts Folkhoai. by reporta thes-c aee a lot aifa ws -____ toute to mas-bel, ,h'h u ndr sut i mal conditions waatd have becs iNelson Increases hepitus-r bs-tdtcg parpuoco. fildos sot iahrs-y ttranh ut a surpluso 5 getaus intodifticotie, adothe Police Protection aiher baud uciihterdata iltubak mach ofta shorage ta tus-s the seil n the ulhec direction. Tb Tuawtship ut Nesonutano Whilutmay bctmttbllihihiag, t,.iiii5aosruvde tas-thes palirepps- auge ofou-athris- ics i'- 51 ce11 ' ý.tiontoa the area hy supplying ar there as-t potibilitie s if tht U S.aaîaI.tat tr, ttablî ta Chiet Con- embargo bcittg liîted sometume tiaî table Il actesHut and alaa a put- flu. Ifl tdurtstoatcrialhue. tht ptc- ccrie tas-c coutld change ralliers-apidiy. Tii, appin tient oilble madie Ccctattly tht easîecn statles ment ._oi, iîlosralter May 20 atd th" our daîy cattl - the US. could eriratrrcrhaa'd. Wîtb ints-a- uiloata ottiugtît ist graaih oaIpitualaltuinand ex Is thterastîme. il snuid appeasr rîciduaciah dcvclopmrtt.Net- taus îtthat Hultu tarmers wuild bu , SnCiiacilliasvcoioidethdle3d- wesll adsiid ttcarryon a baanrtd iiiiultii.ti iti'p essotiant nty ta ps-uts-nu In thestltrstsis nou t,,nu lac prsrti,hd wokdof limetaulîr iiidiii.t i,ii sic Irî i'idiutaue ps-otctionl toc tho ('ni[Boards-rs A iarw.isriy ofhaey imd Lat t-, w-tIgg,,std lît tins list' %vas lividrseoty. This shou iid .agissîstio-tai' I cîslace ,i,-.. ichidi hb i o strasiu, s sailliof .,ibo siii aî,ittii' .bb iti tr inioî g oE asti s istir u i isssitypc ' I 'C;l[n.ii'i Qi'bitcitnd tht Mtritiîs lit soin ,îd lii siius c iii itir tt s;) î.î, t.'îî Faros,OtiaW in101927. FI, id Ialtaîi,-isil'it Giiiuîps in i- tnluvac7:5titids ers id. ViIv- 32 ii qi How"Skinny" Girls q a iii iti'P ',ii 't', ii',î' titi nllk iii ils.llis i Gain 5Ste 10 ibS. Nec Pep 21't'ii t ., 2 r lsi l-'f t .3ui.t idits 0Iii, tittti ft. Tooeiettatao.5 ar, maton tut35 ttili0 liDis 'i tiitrifet. toas uits aunse OsepP1. itau.U- ». îîIls ,, A,îhl s g -tts u hic te iiîtc lic1.1.d qua iy wt i i st tli.ii ' 1), fe tat ilsî tasî iili c isiisilisitir'u tht stockh yars- alo,'ti s-cîîiîîss h giiiitli titshi'tinighcfriiccv vhi'c"' ,," briti. iof top lonîid h ors rasn o lic iiirchasiur $ue itir îtt's- b- tbats a fw irs tintlîavot'i Kisgsu'ay Kissans Krs-ssy Intersts-d ln HaltinoBeys' and Girls' f'tubs Tbhe Ki g'amsiy Kianis luîiîts Torontto 1:1l, lssolbîtto a bsî'ttsî ttrvltinilsthî1isc sg'ittiltiira tenlsion lîi't, î:'iîîîî O llail i* l thic last fur yvas. a ch yaas-tbty ci tisSho tiuse at tht Ontasi' i a( i oi lii i,(iii'gt ls lii Tn aAit Vit iti, chutian aitii t îsîCîîîl t isitnAgiciiulua amiC 'nervtio forth., Ktoig'ost;,t iiai.,aiit'd Agriulatus-al He- V su itmhoarbhiîist r*ato; tlh mbctoinof-i'ai.forht atîy ulbes- tiitciitul6p0uîu't- mticb thy s alaîs tit ptt ictswihte t Tîso pot luatcuistbutmtlt amarddtinu rtsost'l iteh Girsl' Gasdtn Club m-os-b, tsee tus-CatI Club mos-; Imuotrtht Grain Çilt tisss; aote fthie tpman tn te Acton rs artus- Manttnanc Cab; one tt tht musses-in tht Nus-val JouniorPas-mes' Fasm Machines-y Club; and the isai onetolutht su-n nec up toc tht Chaumpionschip Trip n the Hallun Junior Facmrra' Lieesioch Jadging competition. Halons Wames's Institutes and HamilnsSpeteaor Sponsor Chumploesip Trips Fus- many years tht Ballonus n- trict W.I.s have sponsos-ed the Champiunship Trip fur Halon Junior- Homemahers. Lat year'u mmcccr, Mies Ruth Brown, uf Lime- hoose, atttsded tht 4-H Club Cuon- grees in Chicago ai thetime ufthlIe ISutod Lseualds'J BE SAFE FROM BLOWOUT ACCIDENTS WITH 4iOoD/VEAR Lif eGuard Safety Tubes Whsn a tire with a Goodyer LifeGuard Sfety Tube blots, the tire doesn fot go fat ira- mediately-tbe inner chamber retains air long enoogh to aliots e safe, eontrolled stop!l Seos today for Goodyer LfeGuardel MON SION" OF s ecASE eOOR Tht Briisah Usitedi Preua puintid out thai each $10 bill recelvsd byl the gones-nmenl 1h10 yt5C tîlI oue lrumtht ttli-lsoures: Pes-sual incomnetexes $.. t2.92 Ctorpos-ation icume taxs 2.61 Oihe- dis-elttaes.. . .10 Oîhes-intdirect tatou, dalies 1.92 Nun-a sous - ...... 2 Toali ........... $160 H es-ega mItes-e ach $10 billauo. Delense and tus-aigu milit- es-t aid ......... t 4.90 Sucial teca-iiy . ..... 2.90 Stalialîcuuns. repas-timg hal spos-t lushing ia big businessaic Cana-ta, ý,'sliralea il i swus-lb0000000 an. Hihest Prices Paid For BATTERIES SCRAP MION, STEEL, METALS, MISCELLANEOUS PARAI SCRAP Delivered te eur yard 175 Caroline Sit. N. HAMILTON 1. Waxman & Sons Phone Hamilton 27061 and 83611 honor to the dead, a constant source o! inspiration to the living . . . jOAKVILLE MONUMENT WORKS We employ no agents You puy ne gemmssion-Buy direct A tard or letter wiII bring our service t0 your door. 1. Monluments Large display in stock Coe.tery Cieaned 90 COLBORNE ST. WEST Lettering PENNSYLVANIA ELeG PEA BUICKWHEAT STOVE NUT BRIQUETTES COKE CASCADES Howard's Peuh-ry Remeaies Royal Purpie and Pratts Stock and Poultry Tonics Hartz Mountain Bird S.ed Ballards & Pratts Dog Food BUILDING SUPPLIES Lime, Gyproc Board and Latis TENTEST CEMENT MASONITU Insuietien, Loe and Batts LIVINGSTON STOKERS Saies and Service R.. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 uo ite Ail citizen TO KEEP MAY 241h WEEK-END FREE 0F ACCIDENTS Holiday week-ends bring unusual traffic hazards ta Ontario. More drivers and pedestrians use tho streets and highways. More miles are travelled. More time is spent att of doars, and Ihausands af children are re- leasod from school. Al Ihese factors swell the normal traffic volume and increase the danger cf accidents. 1 earnently urge ail citizens, and ail leaders in com- munity and municipal life, ta encourage widespread awareness of thue need for safer driving and safer walking. Thse îraffic accident record con be kopt dawn-if each of us does hiu part' Thse Department of Highways is conducting a plannod attack on accidents. Lot us ail work together ta keop the appraaching holidaiy period free of accidents. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER LE v D THURSDAY, MAY 22n& 1UL -Ad-JW- am 1 LETTR TO THE UDITOR ! M M U M U UM U M M U U iter DescribesI Motôrcvcles i Valley Weather : MMreSi. HARLEY DAVIDSON USED ~ SuhBurssaby. Vuneuver, Ail modeis @vsrhauled, pointed, chromed, run end Dea Si m» 9,195. ook like n.w-lbtsof scgsss@r.. Tht sprlsg traîher in thtse r OI RCI ANO B EAU Valley bau been veey cugubtle. ORPIE MO ESAE Iel utewny andcolto-dayrU Yelay uletsdy n ur me European makes traded in, checked and reconditioned thot- Fr-uit treta are in hiosauts. Cherry oughly to, be sold et sacrifice pricen. Corne in and ste Ibis alosFGoma have tallen or are tulling. *lergest display ot Used Motorcycles and heer themn run. Farly applo bluosomas are out. ToI- SO T ips are ai their beut now. * SR N I mias Lillian Grays eoiuman, "In srR N CYCLE & S iSLMU. aCountry Lane" very marIs. 1 en- 737 KCING EAST HAMILTON luyed ituaitwau alwuya so Inter-* eutlng and hope lu sec Il again very* Open eveninga tili nias, cioaed Wednsay * Wiih bout mishes for eontlnutd*** u* ua *m u**u*. ***u sutresu lu the Champion, 1 remualn ______________________________ Tauca uitseerely, Naney Morleyo.* ('Edilucus Note - We regret thal tirs. Gray wau fus-ted ta duscontinuer sercorlumo 'In a Country Lune' h s e aril1b i ____________ s hedisrit. A mohument buill of endar. GOVERNMENT ing grecite or marble, symn- HAS DETAILED PLAN **bolic in design and reversait FOR ACHTAX 10 ILL .I~- ~ in purpone, resting in sur- FOR EACH Tuuu$10 BIL T ea....a...n1 k- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO