THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO TMURSDAY, MAY 1tti, 1M9 NAME MRS. W. WEAVER PRESIDENT BUU..U...Um~UUmMmUU irthsMrriages A A r- *à HALTON CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Dets t.n mmL W. A. Weaver, of Enling- ctizens tise sperinendent cors- M- IBR AETTM O NETO ENS ton, wass elected Prealdent of lise ciuded.M W Matas asty Chidrena Aid Sac- Reerring ta problers witiin the ce * tLSM. n hMs eli Wl No-cATESge ieiy, et tise annul meeting heud at home, Ciare Vinnela, director o the z s. ~ are happy lvno netharii Nohae r announcensaBitsMragDais St. Peuars United Chureis, Miloa ailton CsiresAdSocetyD. c rvePwrPme hi s adoption, of a daughter. Mary and Engagementa lieevening o ay Mer li. A large wiss wes introducec by Ciares 192.n Tesay ay13,DnMemvim 5Poluser pe m fo vrse. rtile fo Sle the 1952.hRniMetm-ria word. erMinimum r cashe<. nt Aidticlesfoaléer turn-aut of members and intereted Krkneo, Acton. decisred, "We etet.2awrdMimucsh5e(fn pdutlatr peope iroas ail parts of lise counly wanlta reecis tsme ciildren in Iow Weil and Deep Wei PressureM MAHON - Roger and Doreen Ma- insertion, S0c). Box No. ta iisfic tie l5c edditionai. Coming gatisered la endorse lise work and tisir own homes iscore it reacises b on (nee Wallon) annoosce tise Evenl-lie pearcouailune; 3le minimum. Cards of Tianis-le. isear tise guest speaker, M. Claethe tage where thay have tuluie M arrivai ai their sas, Rager Pisil- Vinnela. Diectr ofthlie iamliaan reaoed irom tisee." Pumps or Jet Jssmps. M ip, on May 6, 1952, ai Msount Chldrens Aid Society branch oui -We are aiea raicavoria la prt*M HminHoia. For Sale Want.d tise repart oi O. F. Tiosasus.p-mo, emph,si neaaa oi, AuoacSump Pumpe eristndet of thecuflty bchris epeialy tacrard lise segleeteel SLT J N ING . aSt t elu Or taniis intcaatiag repart. Mc. rhild in Su sr." Sa adird, des- FOR_ SLE_-________Phon_________en_______. A Tlsompsosasaid lha mas very ihappy criiagini a vcry itrctisi masi- FREN *MAEATJENiChINS, MiInS. au'Sit- on SAEGrls2 C..iaCiv. HEPWANPhoeD58-jClon. Aci la report tiere ia Sean vcay tm e isehework tisai has basa as- Uied May ,ilton5, DoisSsa-Phs 8jilo.eMLditsposMas66r cases ai rueity to a chisid. but wiilc compished tiscogisditticuit imas PhonJes8jMigto. Hamiltars, dhoneuilgon66er massy other prohiema a came ta enpcianccd by somne families. He M Dealer for Miltonand District * i Ma. a, admtonedhe r-FRSL-tpg,8maoad 6e1 * ynirbSa MltHMsiitasaoaatMC.FhRaclsorptasiegusg8mach. Phas morteton eecifl oepa M sises. Mu eper tas.tB onald Fred- Phase 155r22 MMtas. C WANTED-.rnich iayiag, cament nraes whisisis raniehoblamad ieased Sy tisa Society inconnectios CrckaltHailtn,_snoM_.__blokor________ ork partioliy on tise higis rosi ai livrin. sisth osiar homes. MEadtabinh.J. SMIL c____bFRSLE_-____________________es, hon Me furtise staîrd his oolise w as irant et theor fstes homnes as bren MITON MILUING CO. LTD. lit s nowJSal. stn.ho e SAlE CMaltn.valiseettis aM'Itan ti0a3t. s-49-4 swamed ithapplcatonsfer erygraifyig. speiall inthea _WANTED-Ridars ta damnioma o-P ONIIL OD5 FOR SALE- a grav lot i a Evcr T rnt s and r tura daiy. Leaving coplshaeONEe uteaopMnILTONinashler 150ORCI tEnln ltra brgfrecs Crmelry. Apply Chsmpion Mlton 6.45 am. Phone 379r2. C coaaciou, but are sarprisad misan Me. M. J. Brown tianel tise M llaroa, an March il, 195, Seîl-- fceitn -M0-2 -_____________ tisay find tisay ara unabtle lak- apeaiss fer is interrsling addrs. . ......... u.u..u..g etp ssbats 61 a-FOR SALE-Hanse CCM. bicycle Crester ia Milton. Hous il prista> homesaciitd lise day after thiai Wardea J. M. Wiesos anpresaeîutalin. betaari husasd ofAmy gdrconition. Cheap for qaîrs 7îa.m. Same ihsoiool eissation, Yea sar ao lie rabes cap a ay e Hlo bHampbries andlister cefitiehard,salte. Phose 11-ltMiltosn. C nerrnsary. Appty an peroon ta tisa application isas Sean fiied. is apprerialica for tise maria as- Cifr oc n tneo _CifOeaoteBl eeh tSa fe erth rbe opi S b he I tn brachWisebveere'Hill, Eagland, and FOR SALE-Houstraiter, isuiltiC familesappar o flloý* he ametindconmened he bthreofMra. Gea. Hliaibrocic, nlarssia, ee, ransgette, $250. Ce. af Canada, Milton, Ontario. general pattera. A sieiiarily a-îlex ggse ls ppltinai lton. in hie lIa ye.îr. A. McTracb, Miltas Heigise. r-5a-2 WANTED - Lina Pnuttry and ita s ise typa of nagieri. sari s cn cey wulieasti Se icaistriil O AEUr i inbsStqbr ald iietpin Ses ime, ________ SE ng theIFORS Aean-e. (Sc ascil psred pa i. hns andaligh Marty ies quarreliig, immoraity, exeama. . isnisranseIe ______ _________________o W - ON n oeiairereWs -JL ciy. MiltonîsaEl etrîr. pocar259. ton 143, se Wm.fDent, Hilton 9OInS thbasaparaîson otparents. W aaecsriscal sessbere sare S-- Wî eche ofau-se May _____orassiteRdo.eTaran T0FDoe insinrd 10o ssoiate deueriyenanita ee by tise mate quarete aof Il 5. FsoSALE MassaîiMayccclurt R. oot.T tise fthier. but duiag tish ra îe 1 lîaii ObareS. and tIs9ai5.FR AE-Moac c i tisemîe asas dero seseri Ia tmut, Me- - al1tBrinln Pri Iir boe misefbisit, bis failibwl.. riodcondsition. Pbone Hilton 8713. seond isad copy of Histaaieat At- teaving tise tier ana mus thenrasE. D. Habon mas in tise chair.,TSrong5a rs. iîd i esSFRSL Srmar lasilo1877isy otSeaoui yplishot Ta- Anbii arme bh saS ta-rat. Premier, Dorset, Glea Mary, Fsir- osto. Apply Hangeatord ancl ehuidranqu.te.unare 10 cop mltb Olsr ottiesoorlestramarc; Av the situaion,"eMres,-mpsmSeeei vhy mites esain tas.eKeit iMliaa, phoane Hs li- Gamisîr, 15 Douglas St., Guelphs. tae.Rbno.Okil; ertr sT e B avsity. las 2709. c-4-4 ________ "TheChidre's id Sciey i Lois J Le, Brliglon trýsuer.POSITION AVAILABLE - Ap- U sd .Aobi s an lm rPmth G o ge lho 5d pa sa o n i on Baks, M ape A ve., phone B uriiis- s ra as Co. f r a qualif iai le t- tie nyagencyla ee olprea- lliam Mso ti OIJsON vas-r avingacm. o 70.ey FRSL-,c0lmI i-03 ipicant asumiiisapecivaof by tise ev,1 osr isIse isasisaandani tathre, issisesiaRichnrdLani Rai.aPd'aH- Haiton UsisafFalmofs' Mutuat Fire deaii aiA. lia.mtiar sevic, Dreeons i ngA - E O EB O .wrn n aemnu een r loepoleaeurnn ot i Es- Hob.isîv nd niEmeasmiLois Ahlighn omupnne, FR AE-Vgtbe n uýig o ecl y nan !elin Mgn or pepaandtsianglate bsHuo .Prtn;Bnisti-A proant amuir. a ieat o otiamloer pahuaial is. IbthesCmpany. Tise mais reqafrei aeiseyfor poue sistnet u .LemGogtwila e are No Hin<las-ebSai ouid atsrr thisaJoses' Gaeaisoasa, John St., phase nîss have tisa paspea approacila renierohitT.stermscrong: Milton-' I orti rauti houd. 4a7r. Dabveaies maie. c-48-4 saral lisepubltie andilSaqualifiai o posilean is.. AraNixon d . .HionPaint PusQualuty ,The memcey aif hie s nose haep- .-hava litssors appeovai sy lise Mes.M. Rusas ani J D. . . Crig- Pu ake. FOR SALE -2SHoline ars. Ontaria Hydro Etectria Commission, M.. Gahi iedandle.-JhDr. H. V. CaSa- Witb micb ma mut navar pari,1t/i yaaes aid; goad maris hanse; Track and equipmenet iii ha up- M.HS.ClimsTo tauiRTownJin A.Mra; Es- T PAYS TO USE THE REST (Si b as bisa la His ierping. uessea irai wagan and fiat ask. puiiy tise Company. Applicoute BocnTmai a.M J Bai, me hava hies n sur ieats Gardon Robisns phase MialtaOils nisas mahe parsonai epplication Honors In Meet rama; Rasaaseya Tsmmiip-E ýAtmasarasrnmiseand si maaiil 98r. i ta lise Company Boarddet tiseir ICnfnaifrs .sc is) D. Maisaiselason Tomsiip-Mrs. -by bis ta aîsg ite. Dt ands rsesîîu meeting inA alois CouaciliChambers Hem onis; and Trafalgar li H RDW RErisln aDasglas, banir. Cearg- FOR SALE -aHnîys itti, I10 Townsip-W. G. MacKene ai Rob- DA SO H RD ARin, a and Graist. displereisr. seae<y assai. Ai roadit- otark (DS.T.). 40-2be <M; E. LarsnnGi; S. Crateerinson. MLO HN 9 __________israi haniain; soat it slave (G. Ccaaiy oncil representativra MILTONPHONE_499______aven,_modern, Hiltan Shan. 50yard daS-C. Mron îA;H. aeaJ. MWirinon, maries ani. Lost HNK ilo 272 Luxion 9AI; Marilyn Cirave lOI A. Fas. Milon. -1Imisb l ta isa my frirais. nrigb. -FO;R SALE -Wareaaatiniasnr 75 yard das-C. Mortnas(A); H.William J Vsosikei ihaedaIt' osindmri r fZmmra ntinaastockhof ilsiseimse.svary- Ls Lustan lAI; Elsir Larsea 1G), irisaasird to amue lise anssai iIbiî5aforIan l Ibaini iniar.saand sbiag muai go as me anethe asala. LOST - Gantiemans signet ring Junor oy me*jn te sccss l ws.outofbaip dîinai my rerrnl iltarsa. Drop in and pis sp a bargain. S. Reaad. Champion Otfice, Miton.c 10 add sh-ali marW.onaviitSroansaa luddims sto!r-Siseraiy, Clîltori Ebs A. Fay ani Sans, Siln(A;J. ad G.uiaFac.SPnior nai oaltedosadnior. o FR ALbORT BlocS and tan issuni, 166 yard di-W. Anic lAI; W. Isma siaitanofsaîi i Miss Vre-,aTdîMitonbcaelopia eot FO -SLE 7-roomai feam e andlot 2,betmaentist aiind RanintSîg-W.AsSs <I; . Dposmal a CsîidWnîae ni usa Picue Hîspleî, W.ess Wbiseadiing, Ievnga, hasimani lins. Phone Hilton 39ia21, L Silling lAI; C. Auger (M. Mss Irne Allas, dîretar aoftb A and all fnendas w enat olares niosagagoond an.garage.,mot Rnnisi heoasi-W.A 'slA;CtcltobeieaAdSr y ap g~ itec sis las-stand mass-ibha«Gilbset Sr. FaulonSt.. pisane Hasa n u- W. Arb s __(A)____-__ M n C a IcojV 7m __rrK W. Skliiiii(A); J. Haaiy (G). alIsta pîl. es 76. 1 isîdsaa.Mes 55,aPde _ (A); W. Silling iAs; . MiirJ______________ FOR SALE-Sesi and tabla pt -__ For___________ (G. ans, $450 bag; Hand Prentisa FOR RENT-Roans, 3 mitas tram 5Sho putt - W. Ani lAI: W .,wperr ehaisno.son ue oniy two Milan on R. R. 3. Phsona tSr3i, c Silling AI; D. AndersoM i i gIlIlf vêfts ecntisa; tram oftisasa.1300 lin,.__________ Ple vault-W. Silii A);W J A. ELLLIOTT ____ .îs; balai issv and stnam; 8 Pugs. FOR RENT - Pine Beach. Lake Anis 4A; G. Howard I(M)W7 ___ s chold; Yorksaom,duein one Simcoe, nrav,maii farnisisdaitco- 22 adds-.Anic A ats Clous Street Fir, TSars- a eis; EngIish sam. dae in 00v aga, Sydra, isiie cosveiinee. 220 yng Ad J.asis-W. <A- LiceneaiAutionesr and iuy..lîias-12. Pires aundfi lîî lin moalb; gresa. aonne stting. due in steap 4, auto beach. $25. meakiy, ShilinglAI J. ani 5eernla. c52Ssi-h; danksa; 10 saris essai.Phase TorontaoStE 0530. c4 fItrnedite GinlsTf_ REAL ESTATE bagain '10 rni.4s4x8 in bosS. oitc49- Runn ihjm--oneWuirbhfor the a panigsofSillon 'inygcad rouis; 9 oluas _______________ rnaing SYgisnesM-aaneTii!-);ea Rsmolisng Club. Hewmemm- and bassia. Stesa. phase Hiltma fod M; vaa HEen l, - Phone t77J -beswc is--em .56 c Op 1M sel eu SotSali thnam - Gé'il WheAlIflf Milton MHanter Gorden Party. Metes srrCHE INIÇS Mis________________ (0); Barbara Brama (M; Pal COA E, S ITS ND w..w.IS Agri s-ia oitFia.Jn hteprean nm te.2 ______________(M)._____27. Fonibe arîsacsement la -es n 42, igSt on IftI Saisi issinhoard;:FOESfral cain.G Huaning bead-DSirlîcan Mi; fo s eue ok ir laapplrtsl ter 49in11 - tas, KilSaide, Pisone frmorregular stock, drasticaiiy rdcdMitona tairnrîdisir A H ctheatm teige pe i 6xOsuhrinamgle __________________ Eiiean Otos 'Gi; Joyce Drnamesfor this Sale. CI(n'lo> olSd i danceria the Towmn sn aniioledg edoanubleinsa nio (G). ,HuýIl an Fiiay. May 30. Admiccisseaddul ribor ik n RSSBNO AV elv Standing brasi- Vers Siaclaîs r01C n n-sc obnlas adrîaiHR IHO AV oiv (E); PEtTRAORDINARE)VALUES lnd and ink h ishnt draintsoardi as tai.ean stytisi s aoea sion. (E-; Pa Hadmet IEI;E FronHiiesl JuorînFaames îeaiasnsoaats.i.Catalogue wmus tis- Dssîfsnta netS Crss ContaSalve 75aI. PftElen ate (): Ca pbll Dnecrati îiteaaîlle Purk os; W- cleltlio dignaisa racssai iaa. e--t 75 yard dasb-iiesa Gotan 01; -*'r- araey. M.y S. Admi sson 75c. balS iîglsa6066 ,lýsSe, r awmita LWES o a ceS.o u Wiliamînaerîeman (Hi; K McCr.l- HllMeieesairesaOrchestea. C VJebn.ntan Psesii Spplies, GameSafoaplant a. sia on-u t al(A.. anutrars of MJIý I Hit (cr DIvian.Sîelvit.laienaB atSs.pJaphonoSutn 5yard das-Wilamiae erman HG RD MMRASABerasîca tes uni baeaet- na rio. c-47-6 tisa be c--ho e ito haMs;Eie(Gt). O;Jo Iet- MMRILEGRVNO n fine mool fabrics, gabardines, Pic and Pic, asd importai fi(, 18, 0Mrsa Hcry osiC Ree u - OR SLE- FOR PROFESSIOHALmraoTV bam <G) iae Bys 2 WterSt.*Noth GLTi fashios detaits. Sices 12 to 42 doinsese indiseuSta. e -rR ALs-ad crsradisa rpaie service, cal Rinersiiate p -Ruî u LEs .Z. 8ana61rt 41.Aco At. nd -fs x; iMiltas379r2. Wilt pisia up oui de- Hua T.Noroi GR oni us<mp (H A).I TLPHN as - ases An r mci rsiayahii i 1LInS Internautional Dump TracS, lise. 2G20T.yant ash10- Ge oe Ain 1' cu2.9 o 4.5.ilninuir.aFr30,e tle .Mciiîaii (El; . Haagis AI; VaisltonTo Clear Ail6 $14 J .3 .50 AMiilnieisesm! 1 i1949 Fard l-tîa akse Truck ihîr ion any iristas icrraiin my (Ms).(e! isi1 .îi5Re1'îe- 1I 947 Fod3niiu mp Truck narsbsthmymcitrn consent, ain 55(A). MHgslI GDm .Fieat Hilton Br,ýePacki. (ur v1,49 (SMC. l-t.ePael Trck5SgedODaiiWsa. c-4-8 .sn lI ffvF~s ieiiiice. Isies mthe Becs-i. . 11SSa0Chea '%-toeckr-usp Paie val-J. Timîeh lOi; D(S - iSi1 S1 15tîHdson Horari Sedan. nesa______________ Vaughaun (HI; B. Archer ().IHI AKCornerilthlsedisce-ai lbigtey 11952 Stoirbeiser Scdii. nas Sht pt-V Connoiciti (M); G(5g fIF n cat inlAse ndbMCedstyesiseeLed SeIl-t, Frid; IY, Hy 3a, 8O3psa 195î2 OlsSeda. rm Alitra lE); . ORvanh <AI. SERVICE 5 SOMETHING Hg b.iitot snseai eti tlesaeta Irar-l leei BIens bassier Il 1951 Ford Victacia Proa 100 yard duShW. - logi <AI; VOU GET IN RET- materials oai sas.gabardines, crdai ottomans, velvet Adnii.ia iîi35c. tuai-b pcriid t 1190AuiiaSedan Aitkn (E; D Vauhan M). AUR Ni1MeCasre Fîsmai H Ts unlan. SKIHHV guets! Oct lovaiy aure- G. sîbn Eî;O Vaaoa Hi. AIANTS EETWF . and il w eeathea <naIs. Sicas 12 to 46 and 1612 ta 241 z. liernancse, Tîîîed,îy. May-20, S9 - - - - - es!Gainss5 t110 ibs.aem prp. Tay Hap, sten and i iîmp-DOVaîisa WARS.'1a;,,in iiarna. Irdi5 iîe. Tcef- 1 li. CilmersTruter fanissu eilS uani meigbi-boiidar, (M); D. DOseis(A,; J Timle aReg $24,95 ta $47.50. lota 9.50 ;i.-eeî Euh ,îîîî5 Xii ;jBiser itie1 but d-irsvne la peai bale diggern OîrexncTaîse Ts.It. uîstory. (G) T CearAt$1.95J h i ývIl <i lag. Mailla lis Bî<ra Ad- ir Fasîl as Frssi,îteit.aruited ie55 nty i0s. Ait TeniCreGirAs missionuîî Oc1i- s t aras ba ieDiear fcr Fenil or driggists.b 50 yard dîsis - Noraae Bramowns ;. . n15,uî. rehu Si. ieiol.- s -su-,1i'g fr; Il Cia r Fag sa aMi. Mry Nodiel Eu; Deectise- aAu.ise,îa(ry l.iT, lieihsîcl1 it(hroFr rFr Wiliams G. -I~C A 1s iel S S- , Sil.ui. Miys nitf 75 yard dis -NersasBraw MISie:., * UMMT IE Cle.î',îîu s ii 53< Bih- utab e--'aegsiner. uîed e nty anc Mary Haimnl E; Risc Booth f:,li-il.iic, 1 TOS cI-erîl i ne rar-ATOI Standing broad - Julia OeVri- îa < ypseShrN eaIa le.lil -tA areiteîi dr,19fI (Ou; A . Spterraui E Holsat or thrae-quarter lntin a great variety of materal. e <1e lileuîîiu .B 5.5e1e5l445 (AI ir. Orna Toerii(M). Sizs10 ta,42. ile 1al hrdy M y2,8.0Sv rIl- nipé idcrs Hunaaf raci Hi-ita ; imesil> aiModer-niime sielda THOq F WON Runni-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- o$95.ýfcawtn rcntiielingmwes.s Phone 332w. erellv (GI; Gaestisy Wiliamsa(O; Nosr- $91.99t5$950 4 l~ ta $19 95 ISpea-ersss trsaosa. Fnd ,nidà RV ma Brama (M. - To Clame At f1a Wîeîla Braris Toiruilao.iaTownshbip Sotattisit tseamJane Tisaspeaîsncuîcrsusged tuatend. Eey <Ou; Hrretta Zilia <Gi; Isabelle uuîîî- mîlcîusa Eeby5 AUCTION SALE Horace Tominsonj Wiisang<Hi ImpJanWtvoWe arealmso ari s ua estire stock ot. cislrans ols, ecî<îr <of the Farate of tise tCHAPEI. ST. Su;FassOo E;Mr a-I o i ,ta.muibe coat sets, and tees-mga coats, at unussally low ptrices. ( l LATE J1AME1<S TURNBULL BRAMPTON 77W E) . uelleGayrEa;Mareutl Ibaveas us tnrerinas "'i wel(l eSno os ls cars ifWa cas kae pu car is Atesson tel e 7. af etarn an ITSp ARDARE 00 yard dshR El< MI- E. l cars W taa a r e mu ar aa P ri ced f rom $ 5.00 to $14.95 Or Fanes lmplemennts. F^uarnîuart. Carry Ganuîne Surge Cales 1(M); P. Barbe aG). safa, dapandlabla aperating cas- (oaa Sn, ATURDAY, MAY 31, 1952 220 yard dasis . Etis (M); Stadtion. Remamber thora 5 50Hooanit nryg astsa iaFusl partnlsian nexlI machs _____________ Mirenin (El;- RElris <G);. substituts for safety. Caurt of Onnals Sessions ofthtie piser. bO Dreige 5); W. Casi <p, '49 Fand Coacrh Peace and IsMMthe C attiseumi Sisal pull - R. Ellia (HI; E. '501Fard Coiach ONY0 ILTN A C IN SL Cairns (M; G. McCur G). '48 Mecucry CoaochAIFATO URATE RYORmt o Sln t OIi CoNa ltuniinf rai-H. Elis <S); J 47 Che.CoashSTSACIN ARNEDO YU iluehl n tie CBertiha D..,...SAL Rabanta (M); Gigrh Tartan E). '46 Manan S CoaschMONEY REFUNDED iO n 0 Ithe ILONBerthaK ARETB. Brown Paie vout - E. Dreige (M; .. 41 Fard Sean T"OFM- ON LON-ei IsssayaEveCKMRyTa IE DATMBL BuiS (Gi; J. Thasapson (<H., «41 Fard Coue-NsatTusa n vryTusa IESDATMBL Hop, stnp andi lump-HR. Etha S); t1(sci Fard Tracotr M1 ST MONDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1952 Atî1 pm. E. Cairns (M); J. Gsvidon (A). uA , itheSn isa of i p.m., D.S.T., A sacaSel ctabisisai soiniy foa and Open Evnst s!ýý 0 R mhicisa iJustices, o! tisathe sain a! ynua linrataciaaut topi Girls rea. oe,220-Mitn Peece Coroners, ConsalessGai- rashs p ces. Remembra,iso sale, IRE INSURANCE AGENCIES Gereonaioaps, - etsas andal al atiers coîcerniedam ae e- ns commnissiaon. Lots of maiing D EsrgetonesEntaa 0taise notice oui attend. as bayana. A eammaaity prject Boy's 440, stpen - George Aitentisis 0da ani prtons att dîties misici basai on tisa raquiremeals o! the REAL ESTATE (E); . Etia (H); J. TimSera <G. --sppnrtain la them. Canadian fermer. San yau ai Mit- Boy --, pn -D . _Mac -_y1(Su);1 T l IA 3-JROBERTSON . ton nent T su sa y it alS a i a! M i S ,ofT N P as 3 r PAGE IORT