Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 May 1952, p. 1

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Qtu Ànbn a Volume 92.-No. 50. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1952 Eight Home Print Pages-Six Cenits HOME IS. HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR' O.K. Summer Art Classes In School The Milton Public School Board at their meeting in the Public w o n i e s o u s a School on Monday even ing, granted5o Mr. Deacon of Hamilton, permission adnJM.Wcsnelo(d6puiechlstet urg to hold summer art classes for hi ol nui ii utergla otl eso cdatteCut Milton district in the school. Bidns iiu atTu-dy l-si h tdnssol cdul Members present were R. T Wil- rucr tedn hsssodurnthCuty etniaya."t son, Mrs. King, C. N. Kerr, J. M. *uonJl12 i,3 tefrictnycmi etolwnghetete Ledwith and J. G. Purdy. The foi- oot a ignic, WierWcs elre.Icnlungha- lowing accouints were approved orcdu sa ott odliti-dwttepiz bngivnth for paymnent; Milton Hydro Elect- rie $9.25; Dawson Hardware .50rc;0.0 F r e d J o n s o n $ .0 0 : J . M . W a rd eni J .lgM . W ic ks ou d n tw el c o ma ed 2p u b i c sh e c ho ol st u d e nt s d u ri n g $4.2; Ryrso Pres $1.64 W.their inthenulo-viesino thetrear monthlysessi othed at theCoutye Gage ad Co.$8.84 N. L Picklt I ESTIVL COMETITOS ANDWINNES vivre th chilren sown tedal he reeivBuiordings. paMiltone olostr Turssd2y.d IIe said theai students Unt should beund doublyu $57.73J. F" ittleEstate$505;here aler rceivin awars ai te 2 1 i Anoai Halorproudtyofsiattendingss.theihsCssionuf duroinglthe HCounty'sso centennialt year.u W"It Kerr*s harmacy$20.55;rcKwasronJuly 12, 185, Ithe firn o tyble co l mefoHlowng muthe imet B ras. $ 4.23. F stival eld in nox C hu ch, M ilon, on hnouncedndanriessay lcontest iw ouhedlbet held fwithrlten prizesr. being rgivene the The p edIr. The p cture ai the left how s tephe Snniti, Liii)ro k, Da id ba a Fren h and Sylvi Restvfirsth $f0.lto. aHd ourgednealln students detohttakelupartl<inastheencontonstWi writingopa "My redeJohnso $5.00: J. M. edt 1st Countl y one . on the purchase of a proposed Low, Oakville, and lan Foster, Milton, woinners in the boys 9 and un- the solo for girls 9 and uander class. Sylvia captured the coveted>l' school site but no action was takelr der 'solo class of Friday morningi. Heather Hayward is shown after gold miedai and Barbara woni the tird prize bronze medal. The proablemri of and open season counceil debated a proper name for Mrs. GoodchIld mwas appointed Io -Staff Phtotos for hunting deer and the use Of the new County Home for the Aged. the staff at a salary of $2200. com peting in her fourth festival. She is proudly wearing thie silveri boats for fishing at the beaver dami Somte members felt the new Queen The board recommended th1' - . were discussed at somne lengtni. should be so honored whbile olthers school supplies be purchased local- ST. PAUL'S CHURCH I1 Memtbers were luke-warmn to a r e- did not like to have the namne'homne' 1ya a ente utm olCalS g et-CNEO ATJNIG 1 quest of the Department of Lands in the official title. Three nms, Several items of business re- aCN FSL nd Forests, woe sought council's the Queen Elizabeth Manor, Moun- maiedan th metng djured aloNHom N meWEDDING ON SATURDAY approtial of an open season for tain View Manor and Halton to, meet in special session at a later deer in Southern Ontario. County Home were tabled, but date. St Paul-s United Church. Milton Game Warden Dudley Hitchox counicil defeated each motion. GI 0 n nReports of (convenors and deler wa %,,s the ýcene ofi the wedding Sýat- urged ,counciil to agree but sugges'- Reeve William Marshall said, oteo provided the- main topics of the, urday afternoon of Doris Sh irlyedonly aimied number of lie- 'It belongs to the county of Hàaltonà Gr tn CoNtyCo-oval scotch "B"k" W"r""n'" sti'"t" Jurnings "amilt"n, ""ught' "' en"e:,'b issu'endi° o °untyresidents and it should bc so knownI feel Gre t N w C -p rurting 'held at the home of Mrs. Mi . and Mrs. Heley Jennings ofnly. Manly members felt and that the word home is quite ap- I M ~More thtan 300 entries competed in the 21st annualtwo-ay HltonL. ist ayl.Msl ilscn ilo oatdiFrederick Salt, ageed that the mattler should be propriate as home is a home no. G n rlM n g r county Music Festival staigedl astThursday and Friday in Knox Presbyh utdthlntlaio eeoyofHmloson of Mr ad t kn ba ýi)ck tci orteurindiidaton-samatterhowe a itais. I havea terrian Church, Milton. where the 37 vocal classes were judged by Mrs. F hF ir nboii h dFrdeic Sl o Ato.Th Rv.ehpconclsfr her oniertinimllhoecndIamprudt A very enjoyable social evening G. RussellMuB.. Mus icDrector of the Toronto, Normal School, and or- ple-dging their support. JBarofcae.addcso ntemte. ko hti shm.Itikti was heldi m Stewarttown Hall on • Given in maurriage by her fathui, Boats at Beaver Damn new home should be known as Monday evening. May 12, when a onle of the first to start misiecIm Halion Countyschiools. Mrs. Rosselltx- The roll call was a suggestionfor the bride hadl five. attendant,. Th:: ;ami- Warden Hitehox advised such." group of more than 50, made up of presedpleasea itth way music in Halton had progressedt. nainnwhere iarMus, Kay Eldridge. Miss Bev- counciil he had received a complant Warden Wickson askedi thel visu- the directors and staff, wives and Linbrook arnd Oakvilk- tiæd lurthe most pr1zes [ini,- thetrbanPbiebm Hlo tstHvn nely emg.Lnosister ofof f ishresgbas h n suet fte ol ugs fariedftheMlonCo-oeratie, School competition on Fiday. t Fach school had 13 prizes. Ouki, hai .un...L.dge New conventr. 0 thelbride; Miss MVargart Allan, ondart ,lthe beaverydasm. edpoim a naebu ton wsdfrthcoming. gaheedtoweer. H eir ewcund iMs,,alciiSarithe1d utthisproert wa owed y Hwevr o moionolfReee genera- aaer r arold Smel- seven firsts, four seconds and two thirds. Linbroo,,k hr he iss ee adn omt b e nh orsinand M iss Gail Fryr ciconeanlhy a heat - drand Deputy-reeve MacArthur, liehis wife and family. seconds, andtretid. 9 -- am n dctoa etnsArin, merf th'. groom H,, ,iltito uayhowoit mwas to be uscd. calling the Home "Halton Centten- Chairmnan for the, evening wsM, o ulcSho eeve w|a h ls ec lass ppe- aýi mand was & . til lir - ,Laener At,. l(edid not favor the use of boats nial Hall" was almost rejected President Clarence Ford and guetfitprzsSyvaRsiown ainwaexsdtothee.:Mrt Ivnggv slnii()ille i moi essr, AllbmtSparntonhrefrihngbuaddheddwnmmessidteddno speaker was Mr. Earl Grose. mani-l th, gold medal for lher solo."The b l.,veof the Festival by LL Sk- orport oifiheannual meeting (of th, 13M1bur -lo, hboth Jof A- !not think it good policy to prohibitlihke the word 'hall.' Reeve Lauder ager of the fertilizer division "fi Hilltop" in the nine year old and ait the conclusion of the evrent. Childiren's Aid Society and theo rn, wee shers lth, sport of fishing on the prolp- suggested it be changed to mar the United Co-operatives of Ontario 1under class. Barbara French too)k President Mis; Ruth Evans. Gog-dlgtsrt th, Guelph Conlference- A w:it, failli- Iiffoota _1own11withi, ty W(, still stock the streamios and promptly counicil approved ai of Toronto West. Mr. Grose gaveý the third prize in the samne class- town, e.xpriessed( appreciation to al) eore a record attendance with f']ulnt vsit was worni by the and theinre is good fishing for th.. calling the new home Halton Cen- an ineresing ad msructve tak HetherAnn Hywar andCarolcontibutig tothe uscesfulr-senanxcelentopeaersadminormave brde, ith aChanillyl jackackt ppotrngi nthuiast" tenial anor on the duties of management as |Tufford won the first prize gold Following is a completi- listo Ars mh ith hh collai rand lonoM.. Council authorized the clerk to During discussion of the hospital wellas nteraiing th ru ao easi tede o irs1 n h frt eod m hr rz•Miss Ruth Peddie, who was spon,. p ile Her lonil. Ioit 51.. aeab-a opoii heacutmmesciiie h ora-n laig te.ru n a vr iging "Spring Wind.«" winne-rs in the two dity Fes.tival.. -tiotdby thle Institut,. brought back -Pl"n -v1 lwas caught ioo a ..e, oftboats at the beaver dam. an i mounting costs for indigent hos- live lyn h asong edbyth Alto11ge,her Milton claimed nine THtlRSDAY NMORNING : _good report(of the Folk Schoolherthaedheadcdrew rin. -odeed ins edannunin tistobpitalizaion. Members all agreed to A tst lnc ws eredbyth pizes1made uof fthree firsts. ont- iRural, ho 1d1at Mrs. Roy Cutrsaal w:th oraý'ngeossmsai perl'), d mmditey-have thirmunicipal clerks sernt- wives of the directors and progress- second and five thirds. solo, B3ovs 7 and under Chmir ,,f-rlthe Annuail Folk School (-Con- Shlo.-: arri re roses andmiliie f- Jdg Addresses Students inize all applications more thor- ive euchre was enjoyed for the[F C trdteodCahr.Seatan 5:Lidfrnehl tCherry Hill Farm Ihe-,*all,-y Her attendants made a Duruing theý afternoon session, Hisoghy balance of the evenng. Prize wm-1 Faye Cen entcapor rls un godr Keih, n 4 o hnr75;Martin.t hchs h ens.nt a a attur fsrm atl eiThylonrJde .N obno poeT hag e ners were Mrs. Wm. Mahon andnmedlal in h oofrgirsl l-«K-t, 7.Jhcn ir r nd --i s- c lo p ýpstu e lresecT: ivdvof oih udge N ob din:sstat-hageF Mr.W.Benefrte aisad21. singing "The Little Damnozel -7Zmmermanin. 73 c<,e1gate rcid ountirn ofjusiend tot holdin of cou- A-torganizations using the Mr.WmyMhonanlM. JckMa- AnePiketiadayeClmet liot.sirl7ad ndnd S n MrsMu.r gveanmnmngmkandbottr.tp t cort. e rvea eryiner corthose oo wll e hage Do n a oteamnr Jc a so n thr izin the dutndfor Sa ret. Bcynu. 78: Betty Si;.. m , r e .ading. *Your it*"fe*s like that amialo fll le - ad ta e, 1w1Ith tin t leplaineig ter fvuntionsa $3 fee henceforth, counicil decid- girls îunder 17.igny, 71; Sharron eziAshr- aortigmal contest by Ms.W,11. 1,LffUwt r ed lkepangteflcioscion recommendation of the Prize winners in the rural cae grov, .76 mr a treat deval of mirth, .kut a bh jailkets niof the tiffe-rent courts held in the building committee. It was fet Discuss Resolutions included entranL, front, ar"n" k - m' t -t p"a'oi "" coii, m"32 v,2 i "it t dscitvtlkdsriigthis should be given to the carre- burn, Waterloo, Pinegrove. Norvall. irnder-(4 edar 5rg,7;;: Wtro.V re1Po r mA m sh diitaio fciia a er for the additional worken At C F M '.moi °*lle t"ne androse I,,tis adohe rh theniron to rmnaef. aw a . Harvey Agnew, Milton, was A .C.F. Meetimg Quatre Bras, Bell's. Limestonie, Sohir) :. 9 and ud Johnny..LodD Dnl pone aeakrfrtecut Munn's. Clay Hill, Hornoby. Stew- EloI 'meni FO; ARolssma;- W.M.S. May Meet gf,% eshihrnedl r en ly . igeure ibuildings ai a salary of $2.100. The May meeting of the Co-opt- artown . Coyne, Zimmroman, shali. NorvaL. 7; Bron ent-yi orc IlanMr Don;old Bari ad ec omefoodi trie n He The agricultural committee is to erative Commonwealth Fedieration Boy ne. Ligny, Ashgrove , Cedar 7nde5s. . Tho May, meeting orf the Aft, re them to bcomne frrinds with arrnge o hcpaygo ed was held in the Farmrr s Hall at Springs. Milton lHeights, Glen Wil.. Solo. jorIs 9 and tundrr- Sandra no on uxl iryW.MS. fS h eetoni here ftheficeon the dfeetpolie- log ounty roads. This decision Milton on Thursday, May 1. Therelhamas, Maplle Grove and Duffin. loyi . waton.m Parlnrua - n d hurch was held at tlhhe ri a e ints-lmeuwasa;i frcs"I have fournd them týo be tvas rac the follo in co was a discussion on resolutions to The Patricia schooil choir, Milton LangtonL 7wj.lle . no l-eVarr.. ttih homerofMrs. ereKing on ,n by about 6o ust. raioe of the finest groups of mein in 'cato rmteWe npco be presented to the national con- Hleights, claimed first prize for th, Stone'. 76 - .Ttr.my afirrilo Lit Ms 0 N vg.thrd mohrwoe«ih out."hitae.who thought more weeds could be vention of the C.C.F., which will be second conisecutive year, singing (hi.erletunlrl uisl Glrihpeie.A vril n- li mro, u iset te-over -1af- Speliking toi couincil in connection cnrle fteJbwr n held im Toronto during the month 'The King's Men' in the class for, Quatre Bras, 84: BHell s. i3 ad oc-.,irgpogram wars 1 -ft onwt ile e ce.wt rviinfrws om nearlier in the year. of ugst I ws ecde tatrural choirs in schools of two and Solo, boys 11 and ntiunr Ry-olf-errnies and pink tearnations ocor.,g,;thio.jury roomn. Sheriff Robertson i aprovafrte useaof a lotfor members would give the matter. thre-e roomls. riond Archier. Ahrve ;A!an Mr.' King,mri eporting ther. ecent The roo' mother wore ir-ride-sel .mid lthteemwas sufficient space to antakeaeai a ie furtherconsideration and bring Inespector L. L. Skuce was in Emn Boy vn-e.l-);HonaldM- resy r -eting lin Acton, re- r m-chid ý;ffo-ta with matching ar- makre this provision. These provis, t the Village ofi Bronte, their ideas im concerette forminto the 1charge o(f the presentation of medl- L1n.i-r-o .ci ithe excelleunt address of Mr, i rroiadbabvrochiids imher irrns are nicess.ary as both men and W thesonTwntgrsipappovung neteectv meig. asan rphe hihwregvnfCnine mIaeFie liG cau nChristian citizen i- raewmn jurors will be enlled in 1953. i- tshasssse ntues, twerohu- MrM AexndrA avl hsxeprtnf_.ery higaveimoranldpittAferreedigprirttBstillas orthsierslftinth cpaiteshaeodiatdahertb the last Provincial counceil meeting --n to h oe' iso Ass.te coupile w till live oin thhadfoftheiin c ommft itt,. jections. They were Burington by v tthe datedciscusnommnation coi,- SMANY PRIZE WINNERS TURKEY . "f" r " . Bod S ,a m-f, uto osdrtion lt"" d Oakville'e thg Mrs. M. Pinney was appointed tcw igfr calthese call for , T RK Y ,11m- Faimt-e rded wooil,(, osolutinsarnd medme nts asked a re-assessment be l:,eràýure convenor for Halton Rid- ,il !hm y ira;¡t onl l ial ad a'sme f af foi-a fwminutes lwhen rae oni eti ol elf inig antd shte emphasized the need C riever until the June meeting when for a greater circulation of I.terat- n oheNNeatueATfthe ffNaIproestscoul'beuodgi ur t hlppepl udestndth ---progralon w r aceremons o", f following passing of the equalized hær>ry and the aims uof h C-LTu.UaMy 3h ,a md triun.t icSte : T ht mo up gfs asssetby-law. erative Commonwealth movement1tr din cithe anl of St. Cla us rom vro' ofbt-T mo r e of o l og ,Investigate Request 1uriCampbeillMasonic Lodges. lit tisgliss ,rnu-hor:l bIITeounity road comimittee are to aterInual ILadi,,s' Night of e The nt-rtinr o uI td bt'rilt teWatNlS. M ito>nthi ai o invetgatefurther a request froma C0Univ Unit Head t di Atd" Sl ame ,f theHrr-nySen MsIshp upl erGeorgetýown council to have part I about 20f) sat e l ito a trkydii Th, tahh sIlwer, ;dllrih·:- 1r, l he )nin o Bord.A tokeon rifthe Seventh Line widened and htir , rin th, Mil on Town Hallwhrh and t vr as dancing or card rofi--d u- imprl(iod. An application from Dr. Mother Resigns,-,; ru it "i pl tin 1 fi", it -,o u l , ; ln ,1,ItofK t t le i onr.A t e 'Charles E Por-ter, real estate deller, ,nd ;,wh 11,necoutld h ,- -noMmo ...:.. a. rvtd by3,e - i M Mi Mis eporte eeking to have the county purch- p The la idies of the, S ,c o - ntt'. Orochetr;' ti:il g'oode.ýzo i oimet i-1ums, Tho annu ,l i ter c oi o w i Mlert thtisyear bt enActon. Mil- ase an additional 24 acres to the Dr. James M. Mather, Director 1Blocrk W. 1 are noite.dfor th ir Iurnth, danvo iket. ci thereadyv. tn.;;mre oani Fan w:,> rhecli GuorgetownonWe nesayofthis rear of the Home for the Agd and Medical Officer of Heoalth of the mi ls and Tusday veni lng theylaiev wr dr:ern for priz, Th oM,WmJhntinginth property was ordered filed.L A sell- Halton County Health Unit sincelist really outdid te sle. No, one following arc scome of th- p, ri r-lvotionial, huid particular themight ew<,k Shoo ,,pirt n IIed w ith ntment i o ls on ypitbt ing price of $12,000 was rumored to inception in 1947, has resigned this who could hold1 another bitie hajd winners: Mrs. eogeE.C(!'in"" fMothr'sDay and rclldsome tle in th'. late aflternoon as Milton and Acton viedl for top honors of the bet he amou nt asked. position, efciv1uy1.D.an caio olave the tabe r.AsnMDufe r .I fthe fine qualities of a great day. Milton 1ligh tppdthe <tay by a nmatter of points and checers, shouts Coni approved a resolutIon Mather has accepted an appoint- Wor. lMýi;er Fred Hayi-watrd asMcKay, Anne Birti, Margareot Bo,,ok, mth-r-none other than Suisanno itatod generai rjoicing broke lorseiin thergeow park. This was the received from the County of Water- mentas Professor and Head of the masuter of cermo ies do r the Florence T. Dales, Mrs. G. H. Daw-wely loo to makreit compulsory to have Department of Public Health in the rusual toasta ,called upoin K. Foioter'son. Mrs. Loyd Crawford i l1uii Fi rit ofa United Nation',me-n- conti consectivew lin for Mill tu ince they aptured Ithe trophy last caitle sprayed for the prevention Facuity of Medicine, University of to introduce the headt table. Crthr. Lillian Thomaisý Elsi' brship, is the excellent booklet oniyea of warble fly during the months of British Columbia, Vancouver. Wor. Master George Thomas rof Violet Veille, Mrs. Roy Couilte, external affair. wich Miss Hurme A brief rain failed totri the color-beairing athlletes as they con- April, May and June. This ls to be Campbell LodIge spok- brie-fly, as MrS. Stewart Cramp. Mrs Frank usdin peetn some asecs f inued on(thet1 track events lin the- afternooan. Field (,vents were hecld in done before cattle leave the stocle- LOCAL COMPETITORS dlid Rit. Wor. Bro. Geor)-ge Dawson, Chisholm, Mrs. F. McNivn. Mrs· the work for peace. "The Christian emiln.a yards, it was explained. WIN AT BRAMPTON AND who was representing grand lodg.ý Dorothy Wendover, Lillian Reoad- Chucrch and the United Nations atr- themri Near Settlemnent Being Wor. Matster red Hay- herad,. Audrey Coulter, Mrs,. Mil both world wiide agencies for peare, Roald Ellis of Milton received the Softball throw -- S. Forbes (G); K. Y. Dick reported to counil NIAGARA FALLS FESTIVALS ward's birthday. a special cakle was Coulson, Mrs. Wellington Wilson, ch needis the other. The United championship trophy on behalf Of F. Clements tM); B. Anderson (Mi. progress that has been made wkith ttpresented with one lune candle.. Mrs. Jim Daowns, Mrs. E:dgar Fos- Nations also is doing on a large Milton High when George Brown. Running broad - B. Anderson Peel County by the Halton negot- Alan Emerson won a bronze and iR. Wor. Bro. Frank MceNiven ter, Mrs. C. R. Turner, Edlna Gor- ,scaie what Christian missionarivs Fsquesing representative on the iM); S. Forbes (G); A. Hyde (G). iating committee in respect to se-, a gold medal in Creative Dramat. proposed the toast to the ladies, <er, Mrs. V. E. McArthur, Mrs. H.1, have long tried to do in a humanit.. North Haton High School Board Bantamt Boyis tlement of Halton's equity in the tcs; a silver medal in recitation and which was responded to by Mrt G. E. Berry, Christne Needham. Mrs. arian way." made the presentations at the con- 100 yard dash - K. Richardson Halton-Peel Home for the Aged. a bronze and gold medal ln the class F. Thompson. Bro. Jack McPhail Hugh Harrison, Lillian Ba 'y1ýy. Mr,. elusion of the day-long event. (G); G, Gibson (Ai; J. Homewood Mr. Dick said only a small mamont for boy's vocal solos 11 and under, of Campbell lodge thanked the L. Hf. Servos, Mrs. Jack McPhail. BELLS, STREAMERS Bantam championships were won (M). now existed between the two at the Peel County Music Festival ladies of the Scotch Block W.I. for The prizes consisted of cups and 1 by G. Homewood and S. Forbes; Shot putt--J. Homewood (MI; E. parties. held recently in Brampton. the bounteous meal servedi, which sauicer, toiletries and other items.1 DECORATE HOME FOR jumior championships by W. Arbic Simmons (E); K. Richardson (G). During the afternoon, the inter- David Phillips and Alan Emner- was replied tu by Miss Chisholm. At the end, consolation prizts MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER and C. Morton; intermediates by Running broad--. Gibson (A); ested visiting students were taken son also won a gold medal in the Mr. Len Maude of Mimnico, an old wiere awarded to various ladies. G. Aitken and D. Kelman; senior J. Hlomewood (MI; D. Watson (A) on a tour of the different depart- class for boy's vocal duets under Milton boy, was in charge of the They were the flowers used as The Woodward Ave. home of Mr. ehampionships by R. Ellis :nd N. and E. Simmons (E)tlied for third. ments in the county buildings. Of- 1 2, with 84 per cent., and a silver entertainment and sing'song. The table decorations and made a very Jack Hall was decorated with bells Brown. Individiual trophies were Junior Girls ficials explaned in detail the op- medal in the class for boy's vocal entertain-ment was musical woith nice consolation prize. They wetreaand streamers when Mrs. Hall, presented to each. Ball throw - S. Scott (G); S. eration of the department. duets under 15, with 83 per cent, one exception, which was a mono- supplied by Gorter Bros. with Mrs. P. Galloway, enterinined D. MacKay claimed the Tom Wai- Dredge (M); M. Fay (M). Accounts approvedi and authoriz- Two Milton Junior Band memt- logue. A number.of.men fromth in honor of Miss Shirley Jennmngs, son trophy for the half mile evient. Running broad jump--D. Ander- ed to be paid were: assessment

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