Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 1952, p. 8

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9AiW ICB'!TECAAINCHMIN MLOONAI AG E itena lai tite colun eau ce.phoned tez220 ai sent ta te Canadien Champion Office in Miltor. -rornacea are out this week. -Coilingwood gained a declded vlctory over Sinicoe il-0 hn Col- -Garden dlean-upc ara the vogue lngwood Tuesday evenlng as local entituaatas et lntroduced. te pringa iret wacm days. -Don't Uttr Miltona Main St. wth wrappers and rubblah. Tino -The main street recelved a vcry are provided and a 1111e thought titorough uculbiag h10 eek t taw il keep the treet qute at- cemove the winters accumulation tractive. et and. -Farinera are busy on thse lard. -An Il1pound chocolate Easter At the early part of the week, egg as on y Ms. G Eliat indust wao blowiag i nlouda as the a dram t Myai Lunch nier the machines ent avec the tond in Nieek-end. $arne sections. -Mont' bonfiren have arited -Traut ishing dacnt atficlallt' the weleome change In mallrr. gel under way until May i an hont Lawns have becs cahed, tence re- cta those rada and cccIs ontit naircd and homse tttm repaialed. nexl week-end. The uaay dnya are diretît' e- ponsible for the improved condit- -Gardeno have iten powd uena cand mot haines. tiis ecit and saine ot the mot ardent gideaeca have already been -The S. Patlas Churcit Chir, at cuttint their geos. the ceqetof a the Centennial it- arcai Committer. kitjdly cave lime -Thinga mooled dowo afier the ater te concert et Wedacadae' ev- briet hut torrential Aprit shamer cing 1001. toc n photogt'aph by te Tunodat' mmmc gcomple mîwth Canadien Champion staff 'rom- thunder. lightnlnt and diving bers, toc ose tante planard Hit- main. 1neleal Booit. W.A. Buys Plastic OBITUARY To Cover Hangings Mrs. Annie Ware Thse retular meeting ot S. John's Funeral Is Tuesday IOtA., Campbelville, mas held aI the rctory an Mach 26. Litant' Rendent ai Campitelîville toc frointe Living Mesage mon give'a tity-tour yeam. Mr. Annie Woce by Mc. Carbeet. Mc. ZawilIsý paued amay on Saturday. April 19 cead the sripture and rail call mas at te home ai bier daugiter, Mc. ansmered by 10 mecaber. Bayley. Lamitoa Mutas. Site wou in Titanit ynu notes tram Mc. Caca- lber eigtty-touthi yenr. A native caon and Ms. Davenpnrt were ot England. aIse came ta Canada i received and rend au mell aute 19M. Her busbaod pedeceaaed hiec treanurecas reprt given by Mca. E. eveo yearsagac. Blacitloci. Surviving are Ima sons, John T. Tite lomer and fruit repart was Ware and Abert S. Wace ot Actan. gven by Mcas. Deforest. Il mas and anc doociter. Mms. Marlon repocted mateial tor te Darcan Bayley ni Lamiton Millo. Pive bale bau beauoradered by Mci. Sit- grandeilidren alan renomn. Mns. tan. Tite inntitit bulletin mas read Ware wasan mecaher et S. Joho's by Mr. Davenpart. Citurcit. Nasagameya. Mms. Poritt and Mc. Evely wece Thte fanerai mas beld on Tues- appointed delegates ta accampant' day and a i te sereine. Rem R. P. Mi. Carbert. prealdent. Inthie an- Daim ot S. Gorgt's Ciureit. ta- osai Diocesan Convention In a in iotn. mas la charge. assited by ilton. Rev. Mr. Poriti ni St. Jons. In- A motion mns passed titat mem- terinent mas la Si. John's Cemet- bers qult tmn quillo tor Mr.% S. et'. Nasnognwct'n. Bill. Thte int quiltint mas beld Pallearero mccc Messrs. Geocge an Apil 9 ai the Rectnet'. Warc. Herit Aliiaon. Gordon Gibit A motionamas pasard ibal plastic Kennetit Clidero. Afred Bayiey sheetiot t a caver chuen b bangints and Raitert Barbear. bce psrchiaed. Varoas collection, wcre taken. KANSAS ARTS, A dait' luncht mas serd byth-lt ERAMICS DISPLAY commitice andsomial boit bouren-a. joycd hy ail. MAS FREEMAN EXHIBITOR An exiittoe itttoh e seitaNi- MARGARET DREDGE WEDS iî,nat ,uoiîoArtt,and Ce,,,- GEORGE ISMOND N Lies Ehw in ta i iUl, Kansasi < NASSAGAWEYA CHURCH man. \tîua Etlurtctona za Tati standards cof tnapdeagst- AcpincZe oiaootîttiî-xt and daffodila Oere te eting i lîbl hio p, î,ogatio,nft, ,,,Iya Nassagaweya Peebyteriaa Citaeh tisIl îiteith oft iii taaittt nietted t®r thc weddiag nf Maegaeet ESure- tt-ho in. teoîî,-fort,, î,-play. beh'Dedge. dagite f Mr. avd Tirttictuhrs t theUio,,ttttysof Mc. Heebet M. Dedgranad Knasutare shom inai,a.,ctfictnl, George lamnda sna 0fM. and Me. ioldoîs.sata nd Ppppîcsaitieet, John Iumond. on Aprit 14h. Rev ýtnnewareovate. French breaai 'r- James E. Suthterland eitltiated. verand aphoitery mateiat. Mms. Veesa Camapbell played titi Mits Ethitotumuadated fDom meddiag music and thte smitMer it, do-pacîmunttf design in lunc,, Mimer Deedge, cassi ite atide,lti sang "Thc Lords Peayee' beice,, the eddiag ceremonvanad "O Pee- SONNY AND HONEY ted Love" dselag te signitni -r te egister. Titi n fat' tiadie i th ttit Tle bid,.giveaiin aceiage b- tphononamwees-end louu i ber tather, mare a finr licittit etig aw cao t mofiwite trasted ngaîdy wtm otoitig 1.otrt. One Saisedat' tuliP coulac. itted badine and fllmnaagayiug GI citaged a dol- neepiag sirt. Site as more lac i acredd bu ,, teastal. matched pearisanad eariîgs, gft eanged tie nickini a sonste otte grooin. tire asuider theli to th t of thetite tctpitoaeia lengib veilmwas af lul i mtth oba it. and placed a up of coiic ameetiteaci haloanad cite caeeled ta ad a plteoofdiugntulaos thte casadeof smeetplens andered roct eacbllutalhertgiti. Rer atendants ere Ms Mary Rîtisfrts tlepitono aîtwa Fenii, maion ofbaanor.sislerntiat ofsttoon bsad te groom; Mis. Betty Deedgc.lnty osstn nhssd slstcr-in-iai ofthe bride and Mis, manly oieetîoit toosO - c y ,ý Shirley Dcedge. sister aili the id.suce thiat ittot". The flomer girl mas Miss Karen A mîddlc.aged ciilian maitiag Dcedge, niece aidte bride. Then toc a booth ist îcd, iosited oe mere gomaed alite ina tetd rg te areat' aifnikels and italît' andy ta Pastel shades ot bise. eol oet ite lunc onte. Rn yeiisw aid grecs. mt itied bsd- nm tntmttapaeo pget ]cas and filski siel. Titet' mrr aadmi itpalte od stei t flouser trlmmed banda on thionl ileeedtedoro h heads. Eanbncared ainoegat'tfibootiadsaid iidlt' Hereson- sprint tiomees. 1ay, youll be aeedtag diase a Thte itomer girl ore a dainttv ere il ail t'use girls soc at big mauve ieosted oegndy comnanad lalitors ast titît tac Tito Raderos narred s basktet sf aeet pea. Digest. M. Donald Iamoad, brother aiof_____ the groom, as groomsana Gbera weee M. Norman Dedge, isenîber GOT START IN SCOUT SHOW oifte bride and James tomond, heother nifte grootm. Whitle alicadtng Higit Scitoot on Tite bride', motter reeived la a Toroano totoat' Wayne and Franit goma onavt'failemwititgray at- Sitsuter, woo-tduy cosy top- .neustrien and moretaoorsag f t titi pttlulaily as rudis omediano Pinkt caratios. Tite groomsmdeltedottoaB'Soa moiter chose a d roat aof raret tmadtuo iotuc i a o y oti faillead lace mit cary urcsste- so.Tesceso hi em les and wore aocorsage oipiahmteocariedithem timptly carnations. Aot sutitt'gsta-tteoutiitVasity itote Army teidcd areeptionantasagawroy. ShowtinoCanada and oveeeasTitat Preobseia Citscititicaadletliroslizod a long tlecred ambitisîs tables denoraird mitt Pnt and toien titotgo-, iotaradioshsitlit mwhite African vioets. A fosr lier allier bioug domtsulozd icoi World eddisg cake as made by tbrc brides asal, Met. Ed Deedge. Wr Il. For travelling, te bride more a _______________ gra'suitmwititnavt'occettnrie and a Corsage ai oeet peas. Gtýso. _______l Harold C. Fay Suntlomer testsata te Expei- PUM1G n mental Station, Meliori, Sasit., have L M N an shows taI eacty seediat aiftiis j HEATIG crPa is thelite sit importace. Seedlihga made as May 9 gave a yld ai 5554 posada an acre mitit an il content af 21.17 pecceai.. ____________ miile eedlaga ai Mat' 3t ylded JOHN &0 T.. MI[LTON Phone 112 Goulity Marchand o. ai Leacer Prices Mion, Ont PRINCESSn T H E A T R E c THURSDAY, APRIL 24TH4 l"FLIGHT TO MARS" A Thriller -Ose Nighi Onit' MARGARET CHAPMAN CAM MITCHELL FRI-SAT. APRIL 25-26 ""FORT OSAGE" Ose of Rod's Besi 10f CAMERON JANE NIGH MON.-TUES. APRIL 28-29 ""BIG CARNIVAL" Formeryain t' i he Hole KI<K DOUGLAS JANE STIRLING THURSDAY, MAY lst " HOME TOWN STORY"1 DONALD CRISP MARJORY REYNOLDS -ALSO- "'PAINTED HILLS"" A Thursday Nighi Special PAUL KELLY AND LASSIE Spring Suggestions! TO ADD NEW BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME Births aiages DuhEtc.. FAY - Mc. and Mrz. Ciarles Fay misi t taannouace te 101db ai titeir son an Sundas'. April 20, 1952 at Milton IFrivale Mospital. DURANiTE - M. and Mca. Ugo Durante are happy te annaune tise birti th ieir soneon Saiuc- day. April 19 198IONaI Milles Private Hospital. COLILSON - Me. and Mes. Layd Cootton are happyt t annauner te arival of titeir dasgitlee, Janet Mat', t Mousat Hamilon Hospital os Tiusedat', Apeit 17. 1952. MeEACERSN - Me. and Mca. Jas. McEanbern areihappy ta an- none tise birth o their daugit- tee. Karen Mat'. as Satucday. Apeil 19 1952, ai Mount Hamilîton Hospital. SCLPSIZZI- Mr. and Mcs. 01dbl Scisieci *arr happy to ansoîce the blirt nitheir dascitter os Tsesday. Apil 22. aI Miltas Pri- vale Hospital. Sister foe Jene ad Paul. DIED WAR-AI te homne oi her daseh- tee. Mns. E. W Bayiet',6iEtiioti Aoc.. Lacabtan Mutas, an Sattue- day. Apit 19, 1952. Anale, widnsu of te laIe John Ware, dear mn. tiser of John Titomas anid Aliteri bath of Arisa; aid Mario.. CURTAININO, DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVER MATERIAýLS PLASTIC BY.THE-YARD IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS ---0_- FLOOR COVERINGS C Congoleuin, Linoleum, Raxo- leuin-Sea our large mlection -75 patterns te chooae frein. Rug-al si«s. BY THE YARD, g 'fi. and 9 fi. wîde, hall rue -Ia cars 18-22 and 36" wîda. C GOLD SA CONGOWALL Loveiyt 10look ai! and aIlt as practical. Heres a mail covcr- in hats ual inhala s aaîid to give your hutchai or bath- rooro a irest sein loton o like tillel A cich t0 applyi t' oks el, la Congousalil ileoible, caty 10 haîdle, yci îhick aid stirdy. Aid s0 econrmucal!Corne la aid talkit iloser. WelI se glad to help you witn5 estiminse t' ose aceda. Compiee iernge of colorst-54 incites UINEARF 70c SHOP HERE AND SAVE Saisfaction esaranaad or yoar atones' rfundad For Sale FOR SALE - Cementat oiiotîs sain. Phase 7r14 Miltton. c Sein Mnarît refrigeraor, a nu. il.. $29.00. Phone 499 Mitton. c FOR SAL-Premier atrawbmrry FOR SAL-l lots aunCCouet SI.. ach 50OxiSO'. M. Sica, Phount Milton 293r4. c FOR SALE - Red clover eed; neg. Holtein teien Moward Goin- land, phase 2M1110n 288r4. C-46-3 FOR SAL-Beaver mnd RSnos oas, Montcamtariet'. Carwright Brus., phase Miltas 291e3. c FOR SALE - Kiteisen cabinet; Massberg rifle and S boxes ai aitells. Phoane 565w, Miton. c FR6àSALE-Tin n ilver ion iusn lite 0mw; als ladies' idisg breets. nee ees nri. Pitone 237. c WAIE'1 ADS, LATEST TIME FOR INSERTION- 2 PlI. WEI>NESDAT - RATES - Ncharge tac annuntementa of Bictito. Maciagea. Deatita and Engagemenis tn Memoriama 5te pus l0t par lise toc vernea. Articles toc Sala, Sent, etc-2e a mord. Minmumn cas Me lIt nt pald uctit miter insertion i 5tc). Box Na. t hi 11oaGfefic 5eadditlenal. Cambns Events-tOc par casaIt ise; 30e minimum. Carda at Thanko-050c. i CA at Ce Il. api, Mie. AIg l te, a PAGE uvmw Il ýý THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO PAGE ElGirr Wanted WANTED - Holstein or Durhtam iunger. _Phone Milton. 9ir12. c 9TANTED - Bs' Milton Privaca apital. Laundrens. Gond equtp- ie1. Brigtamd airs' laundry. ipt' Milton Private Moapitatl in busc eg tating esapecience amd mag- eqsiced. c OPPORTUNITY tac lady or man mawrk aitemnoon or evenbnge. Car detiaite asnet but ot essential- 'rappoiniment phone SISrn .upi or write L. Kelly, 2M -ange St., Guelphs. C-4&3S WANTRD - Live Paulîrs' and eatteca manted. Rigisalpdice id. Phone Sondalt & Morley, M01- an 143, ar Wm. Dent. Milton VkdB Swrite Moses Zener. 4M2 Dever- seut Rd., Toronto. Tr For Rent FOR SENT - Nemis' decoratenl smori. Phone 5Mi Milton. c LAWN SOLLES TO lEST- in.0 par ciay. $5.00 par meek. MIl- en Hardware Phton. 43. c FOR SE9iT - Two unturoiatei -sound fnac roacax Privai. ait- ane. Fac busineas couple. Phoane Wiltan 35K Miscellaneous FLOWES tacail accasions. Gar- Le Bras. Flints. ibride. Phtone LAWN SWERPER TO lUiT- 1.00 par duy. $5,00 par meek. Mil- on Hardware Phoane 43. r CREss CORS SALVEftrac air rli. Vaur Draggiet aella Cres carl Remaver, leavea o aal c-S-t FERTILIZER SPSFAJ3ER TO REST - 50e pec dus'. $2,00 Par ueit. No change toc ttc tirât day- Milton Hardware. phone 43. c Personal SKINNV MEN, WOMEN! Gain to 15 its. Sein pep, 100. Try tacanu. stîrex Tuie Tabîcta for doubla esulto; sein heatits'lestt new vigor. Hem "gcl anqsaintmd' ise uit' 60c. Att druccisis. Goodwill Used Cars 51 Ford 4 duulSedan 51 Pootiac 4 dose Sodas 50 MNisent4 door Sedan 48 Nencunt' Coupe 17 Ctev. Ficetlile Sedan 46 Mennui-y 4 dune Sedan 36 Plymouth Idoor Sedan USEIS TRUCKS il Fard balf toa Panel i1 G.M.C. % ton n. and n. un Fargo i ton c. and c. 49 MecueY DsMP tomne Garner Motors Ltd. 45 Nain Adtos Phone 45Z -FOR"- SALE- 1 L1It aecnatioaal Dsmp Trait. i 1940 G.N.C. 3-las 5 Yd. Dsmp. d. p. asie i 1946 3-Ion Ford Dump Truct mllh acu maotor and tires t 1920 Godgc 3-bsn 5 yd. D-iP Truckt t T. 9 Internatioaal power Truac- or Goer milsta'10"bade t 'i ton G.M.C. 19)49 Panel t 1951 Homnet Sedan, nem t 1951 Dodge Sedan, nain i 1951 Ford Victoria t 1951 Fard Sedan t Feegasan Tractar. nain t MeCor-feer. Farinai M,onew I Mnneupotis Motine LU tractar t N1inmapain Motinc Z traciar t bell-drives 14" pool hois dlgger- for Fond or Feeguaon t 9" pool bote Diccer toc Ford or Ferguton teactor i t-t.p. Empire cardes Tracter itit plan ad dise t itceti-ufon Ford oe Feeguson Severai loin pried sd cnom. TROS. E. HETSON Phone 332wGeorgetown 17 BUILIN Aleratians and Repaire IMICHIE AND DREDGEI EYES EXAMINED THURSDAY ApriI 24 -MayB8 S 1030Oa.m.to6 p.m GRIMWOOD JEWELLERS MILTON PHONE 113 :RTWSIGN-In Hilton Private caille, averaglat 06W ibs, ecrI. D.ro Hospitl on Wednesday. Aprit 23,. Secord. phone Oaitviilm041513 c- 1952, Margaret Jane Csetweighit. HAY FOR SALE-Firat or second $ dasiter ai tIse lte Jameanad ntiae ltauoanmmdby.t Elieaboeth Cartmricht. Seasng la;abl.W.R sme 193. ct- Reoliot ai ber lte residence tor Raoal.W .HrelO3 erat service on Fridat'. April 25 FOR SALE-Nucaber range bouns- gc ý2 pin. altermeal Evertreen es, excellent condition; gaod table. r rmetery, Milton. ehairs; sdd turaiture. Milton 294rc M IOWERS -At Ibm home ai ber F0O. SALE--Premier otramberet' dasgitter. Mro. K. O. Foaler, Mil- planta; also arît' caishace plants. Ion, on Salordat', Aprii 19. 1912. Ed Jonsa John SI.. phone Milton Alvina Ellea Parkter, mldom af 407r. e Thtomastieiet'Pomers, ihec-. 791h yer. FOR SALE - Saspheret' canes. Service mas held la Park St Valentine stramberries. excellent ta îited Choreit, OrnsOn Tums-iaî for irenint. John G. Irving, piton- d4i prit 22.lInterint Oron Cern: Milton 154r3.c Iet'. FOR SALE-Chsancellor aeed pva$: 13.50 bas. James Vamsictie. biwnt( IN MEMORIAM 1 line, sortit nifoDndas St. Piton,'- - Broate 46r33. e ALBRAITH - Il bingmemory r of aiashaîdsand fathee. James H. FOR SALE -7 piece oatdiiing Galbraitht,inho paasmd omut' Ap- eoom suite; Qsmbec coot olivv cul 27.1011 toîith marmiot ciele. Phase Mil- We inho i,,red yout. sadit' misa yos ta oin weemilt. c oit daî ihr o. FOR SALE-Premier uleswbceylv in ou oelhvahertof thiîhing plaola; alto Lattant caspbecryi 1itiil.oftyotare or ri-ar, canes. Aady Franit, Campitetivitie,- i.uoiigi rememb(eerd ht' Wt'e phoune Milîton Gir2. b-41-4- ,acd tamiey KINGON-n Ivingmemry f a FOR SALE-Lurge i0e bus; rai-g- drN i.DON londeiunt.Mimtes ia .4te;il beoer;McCoriuck Deer-- di-uaio-r id ant Mi.t its îg single militer sut, corail Kisîdsi tuo i osd asar Apul PhioneiioMlot 541r3. t, Duit of tthiqi usrid ofsuOrim, FOR SALE-Cartier sala 41-7t28; e fts a hivri iiir-ut. germinatiuon 98per cent.; Etharci r,., ituuiahuseautoncidrfil irien. oa.i 41-7829, gerintaion 9tperc M. .0 ho,,tes the tt vtst. Colin Bcaly. phoneuirMlton Esie iofmins-iurrd bt' Sulpi 2-l. c-44-3 c Atudeut' andt'umilv. FOR SALE Forsythia. gnose- - iue.ehitits.Atout.,,, toleL,, luox a'ARDS O F THANKS talas: paie climbin g tpusuanti hilt. liDoeulttyNoirisStttyiew Gaid-ou. t t, hls tuot the fdsetosencd Miltai, pitut398w. c t.soeuv.iteo t.rionsindtoiîisteet FORtitALE-Grade NO. 1Bcascr f--tuuioee ers rtitç.erdi and moiYtstgowntoeiiegiteoodOtout.î usoc.duriuinmrecei-t ay $1.40bus.; M.H.tractoe dise,28-î ihsstsitalt plate, in îuod codition. W. E.i - Tomrrie;-. Foird, phone Hilton 98r3i. n-lt-2 REGISTERED Nu. i Beacer s. gat-esnmeut soaltd, incleas baga Coming Events fire tsaroteiso. 1$1.70 bus.;i Ciummercis1 1. 11.50. oredon Les- lie, phone Rscitood glnI. b-41-2 Milt Baucibtîl Club moi-tint, ditaesApeul 28,i p.m.,Tuwn FOR SALFt-100 acres. 1,imitot Hall. t ,i, p e ii niofCampbrllille, ecelcclent bitulding.,usockt and cqsupment in- Rî-d Ceusa Blsud Sait, Townîluded, $15,000 for qutint sale. R. Hali, Frîday. Ascii 2.1, 3-i. ýj-9 p.m. H. itcHauri, Waterdowi. pins du appoiliiit? 0eCuume anay. c 41-r21. - c A,îî,aîl Dafitidil Tri. Fridat'.May FOR SALE - Lumi momer; bed 2,3220pm. in Astgeose United and speiig; god doDr;mwidonoAI lit irob Edai ..iouea guest oape; 30 il. acin yetiom Congo- spieaier, Admisuionî5c. c e aali; mioed elobiaf; bot mater tsil-r; t gal. bise wate palot. Huoitby SoftttaiiClub*s anosul 1 Phonei-81Mi ilton. n metiîngFrîdîîy, Mut' 2, Hrsbyi BA EY FR SL DOaingeHall, .15ip.m. Pli-a. cbi-l SEED ALYFRS E- bhis met.ing a nt lrgottes oie.o c Commercial No. 1, geotn rriiri egiteredNMotcalm, germiaiîon Cuumcdy 3-ci plat'. Asealua 96 per cent.. scadfor siple. E. A. Briîdge i-osa Hemluîni Ridge". Si. Wcir. R. S. 1. ilîiten, phone Ag- Dasîdi Citrcit. Campti-ilvîll-. incoset Zone 2-486. c-tf taurodat'i-sroing. May' t, 0.30 pou. Admissiton 40e-lic. ci FOR SALE - Rmgiaeed Ns. 1 i Beuver oa. si seaimd bacs. germ- Evrîsug lSearScieacia Lodge ination 97 per ceaI. $1.75 boa. Rîrttdut' Bazaaein .0 0.F.Hall, Commercial No. t Beaverota. Salurdat'. Apeul 26. Buiig caady.eromo iront eetiiteeed semd. 01.50 aprais. turei-y.tlucit tlais: but. Edmardo Pasmore. phone Attinntlea 3t So.cvrysar Olel2, Roctmsodi. h 40-3 welcome.n-44-2 KITCHEN SINKS Wite porrelain. ensmet, Sten.213 sd2, rîgitorne ifi haod du.îiîitad; titi-aliesys pputlse 1tx20singli- AUTHORIZEsit; lan ýledge type dotîbli- buss AcfiiOlzto idd ubtodesabsard siata aid a one-piece combinito laundrt'trav , . aid oint olith stidiii dealîbeard: ba;l'aheuom si-la Catalogue mth la- StuIlistisi diagosams. RSe-oed tathloibs $00. 5Seoi- sescele S. ULICI à SEaVICE V. lahoalos Ptuîîoing Supptiet. Mail Order DGision,.Strreltsîiie. Horace Tonilinson _______. ________ -47-6 t CHAPEL ST. BRAMPTON 77W 1 EXTENSIVE CLEARING MILTON HARDWARE AUCTION SALE Carry Genaine Sarge Spore Parts tSTIIRDAY, MAY 3RD Thetprpent et FRED MADILL Aitus isti si n . 24 Rigitway. t miessth of Attos. ut 1.011 Oclu.k Nîlit cons, Shtsoiitsoand blet- ,,,i suas cg aille: toto. poultet' Bertha B. Brown a pdsoty eqaipint; gosd fism tram of ysung Pcherons;tsrness. e.; Cane leactor on rubiter. ast Pubmlic nen. but fisi nss condition; teacise impiemneola of ait iinds; cri-s eparstur wit too; roît- Stenog opher iag machine and plpiag; tarse di-son implementa of aIt hindo; Interne Tac Returns qîîaîtity of grain; baued bat'; eed ciover and ammet ciovrmraeed: Prepared îimoîhy. i-te.. etc. TERMS: CASH. REAheESTAT la rmnted and lthe rp MILTON PHONE 237 IND3LEY AN FlELLIOrE. ______________________- bAuctlonecru.

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