24AUVII irtin. Iwo& 1 --------- 4 Harold C. Fay PLUMIING md SIRATING JOHN or. NRLTON PHONIC 4m 'ELECTI C 0 N T R à FuRNACE OIL SURNEI NEIL Mc Charges St. APPLIANCES ai ec-ý-Y 111 dg. ýý i >n, plans Patrick's be lield Moore knives, ýl purch- PENNSYLVANIA ated by Jng ýher- EGG PEA BUCKWHEAT STOVE NUT WIN A WESTINGROUSE INTERNATIONAL Standard and Short Wave RADIO ENTER CARROLVS 6'JINGLE JA»ORM 19 Get Tour Entry Blank at Any of Our Storm WORTIE "no£ AS Muffll PARING ee KMVES MA. IL5c MANSION 11BLUEBA0191, RED SaIMOn '/'-LB- 350 Temato Soup Aylmer 2 'ToIONZB' 2> DEL MAI CREAU CORN 15-OZ. TIN IL60 LYNN VAT-T Y WAX BEANS 20-OL Tn; IL70 NIAGARA XIST PURE ORANGE 24-OZ. lMiARbIALikDIE jAR 29c SARDINES KMGTE?;SCAR 26C Temato Julee'rÂx'cty's 2 2'-"z 27, 48-OZ. 2 BLENDED JUICE TIN JOLLY GOOD 16-0z. Peanut Butter . 29c p E A Il S GLOBE DESSERT lLg)e ",IIZ" TIN PEACHES Queens 2 15-Oz. 330 Royal TMS CRII ED PINEAPPLE 15-OBTTIN 230 WESTON'S COCOANUT ICE BISCUTSLB. 3301 CUFJES E GOLDEN BAR BABY ROLL - 1-LB 530 McL en. _Oz. Paucake Syrup 16 ar .G 33o CE'S BUDGIE, SEED 1110110uz. rKG. IL7c BQUARE DEAL UNGRADED PEAS 2 lT5I-.oz.- 2501 FLOU IDA. 2.%18 ORANGES - - - 2 doz. 49c GRAPEFRUIT - - - 6 for 29c R. S.Adams Stores Ltd. PHONE 48 Içeeping an eye on cSu is pint of our daily chore. To give you the b%ý gest possible vilue for your telephom THE dollar we must get one hundred cem BIELL TELEPHONE out of everT dollar we spend. COMPANY OF, Keeping our cSts down bu kept CANADA the cost of your telephonc low.Thm% the way we both want it to be. i "Mike" Coxe BING & HEATING lhe 7ime For ir Eavestroughing Jobs large stock on hand te, serve you. Proper packine an do much to lcýs r,,c,,ived' ýsc. A poorly pack- Thecundersigned have instru tions from agýd product maY lose weight in FRANK ('111SHOLM ý.xcem of three per cent over a To sell by publie auction at hisý 12-month siorage period at zero. A farm, lot 2. coný 2. twp. of EsqI es- h , vy wax coating on the outer ing, 1 mile noKh of th, ;,.Town of Milton on Highway N 25, on H arolè d inner surfaces of the container, 'qI 1 WFI)l -,SDAY, AéRIL 9, 1,952 or roated cellophane will control At 2 o ' el ock the following: moisture loss to one per cent or FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-M. less. IL drop-head hýjy- lý,,idýr: damp P L U M I rake: 3 M.H. mo 'in Desiccation bas a more marked lainder, in good repa ; M li. lu tn eff et on sonne fonds than on others. ure spreader; 3 farm wai,,->n.î; hay In efrozen fruits, especially syru rack* sý't of sloop sleighs; t "f 1 p býent'si(ýighs; dise; wheel packs, il la negligible and does not 2 sets of harrows; stcel land roll-er:; Phone 370R seriowsly affect quality. Experl- M H. grain drill, 13-run; 2 walking ments conducted at the Summer- Plows; buggy; light wagon; citter; tock rack; wood rack; root pulper; land Experimental'Station lnd'cate, 1 IDLa,ýil cream separator; pea bar- however thst It ls important toývfflter; pleasure qleighs; hi-ness; pack vegetàbles inmoisture-vapour- top collars; bells; quantity of scrIp iron and other small farrn equip- proof containers and fill the con- ment. tainers completely full. This prac- MOTOR CARS-1 Model A Ford N ow Is j tice reduces moisture loss to a nain- coach car, in rumning condition: 1 ý Nash sedan car. imum, thiLq conserving quality and GRAIN-150 biL,,. Ajax cals, suit- palatability. able for seed. testing 44 Ibs. te bus. Y oa 1 ' TERMS: Cash settlement wîth 1 clerk day of sale. Dornestic consomption of evapor- i No reserve as the proprietor has sied milk and dry skim Mllk ln rented Jais fann and has no further W e have a 1 1951, was substantially greater than use for these chattels. HRMIEY AND ELUOTT, ln 19W. b-38-2 Auctfoncerâ.Iýý ICEBERG LETTUCE - - - - 2 for 19c THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH 27th. 1952 Fashion Hint EYES EXAMINED THURSDAY Mur. 27 - April 10 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. GRIMWOOD JEWELLERS MILTON PHONE 11 RICAL ý CTIN ri :R SALES & SERVICE c P H A 1 L Phone 432J Milton ind FIXTURES e_- Y 67c'nP'Ka'G"' q99e Mr.;. Wm. Vansickle was 1 to the Ladies' Ald on Wed afternoon. Mrs. WnL IR president, opened the meetin IN À COUNTRY a poem -Spring is here'ý singing a hymn, Mrs. G. read a prayer. LANE The devotions were tak My Liilian Collier Gray . Mrs. J. K' Mahon. The ri WaS auswered by naming i inunity activity that the This morning, as I was sorting -,bouilli lie interested in. TI through some things, and trying ta retary and treasurer each decide whether they should go in- their reports. The Cheer se tu one pile or the other, I remc.m- reported sending three carci bered those words of the preacher, During the business sessilai That flrst whiff of spri . ng carne Ecclesiastes, -There is a time jo were made for the St. P last Friday, on the first day of keep, and a time tu cast away." supper and a quilting to 1 spring as far as dates go . . . WýII, I thought, this is the time to the following week. Mrs. actually. they tell Ils, the equinox cast away and irrita the pile of re- reported that dozen each was last Thursday. But to business j'ections several more things went. forks and spoons had been -what that whiff of spring brouillait As some of our friends knowi ased. was notions of what to plant in the the probleni around here just ai Flic offering was dedica g.rd ri, wh t ver to wear to walk present is how tu accommoda'e Mrs. A. Moore. Mrs. W. Ki in te t mct a " tha d-..d urhat to wear for ourselves and cuir possessions to oc- tu,)k charge of the followl spring. The ýcrýýnnial Eister Out- cupying premises not one half as gram: a mailing, "What is fi t. large as we now are spread out in. by herself, il medley of Ir Here beneath that new, level-look The only way to bugi' tu solve. the cetions played by Mrs. H hat is a smart suit thit leans a bit Problent i., tu lie quite ruthless and a reading, "Spring is back to the Gibson girl vra as well about (-ver ' vthing huit the most by Mrs. A. Moore. as ahead to Easter. It's of plu Vvrý made severil dis- Mr.s. King then conducted check worsteil with leg of million however, and one is that et- contest winch was won mon air bo just as sentimental Moore, the prize being a ci pull at the top of the sleeves. Note il the nipped waist, the thon ,kirt and ait It **thirigýý,** as a woman. The meeting wa.ý cIo.ýed the arched hipline. Afier 1 have quile definijely put hynoi and prayer by Mrs. That sommer garden's going tu Certinn pices of furniture in the Mahon. Twentv-threc ladj need a lot of spring work before *raýst awýj . v'. portion, th, man of the joyed the social period wh it's beautiful-ind maylle prospect- familv comes along and says. "what 10wed. ive suit buyer, could stand a bit do voir vant to get rid of that foi' ' The Giace Mi.ý,,ion Bar of work-out to lose satine weight So 1 sigh and change things around flair March meuling at th before slipping into une of these again. And 1 Ver., in och fear that of Audrey and Joan Early straight, tait - and deilnitely thin nothing but the Iark of spare is go- ulday afternoon with Aniti suits! tng Il, finall * v solve the pi-obim of th(, prosident, lit charge. v hai tu keep and what if) cast The meeting was opent away, the call tu worship by Joan W"11 probabl., move li>o many followed with priyer by Mi Acton Juniors Top p(xs-ýt..ýsioti.ý and be foreed to inakl- shaw. the final rejections when lit contes The scripture le.s,ýon was to the point of deciding which will Sandra Turner with com Polermo; In Finals ccupy the new home, the Grays, ri pri by lie lead( lý.Il..,',Yerh. .1o conduc or their *'thing.s." Acton Junior Farmers defeated study pvriod front the bu, On, of the treasures 1 would like hildren downstairs,- a 1 Palermo Junior Farmers 7 to 4 in Il, take along but fear 1 can't, is the c sartrien death game played March view of our - mountain" front, my stories of children in Soi 20 in the Milton Arena. froni windows. Haiton scenerY is and sortie time w The Acton Junior Farmers will f spent making the friendsh: much mure beautiful than Il ai o Boverly Roberts gave a i now enter the finals, the team many other countics. I have been and Marianna and Lois .standing by being the Milton Jun- faseinated by it ever since we came ior Farmers' Acton has eliminated herc. And 1 had hall boites of ex- playeri a piano duel. A _ ion followed. The ine( the Brookville and Palermo Junior e.ýq ploring evvry single road in the elosed with prayer by Do Farmers while Milton bas elimin- county, Not that there are a great hll. ý ated the Norval Junior Farmen. many which 1 haven't been on. but c IA-is Inglis and Fern Milton and Acton will play for the ther(> are some. Such lovely hilis ýi Halton Junior Farmers' Champion- ý,isted the hostess in se and valleys and streams. Such in- f eshments which ait ýnjc ship trophy. viting picnic places. But maybe l'Il The St. David's Girls' C 1 In Thursdiiy night's game against (-orne bark some day and finish my lai, venin g of Feb ru 1 Palermo in Milton Fyfe Somerville explorations 1 am quite sure 1 got two goals. Those with one ýhaII conte back ta visit. the home of Mrs. Moore. 1 piece were Bill Somerville, ing was tri charge of the Ray Thiý is really a farewell column, Majori, Chester. and wi: Everriell, Lawrence Herrrsiey, Fred foi* how cin 1 write "In a Country wi:h priyer by Marilyn ý ý aCurrie and liarvev Sprowl. lý;tn(-" %,hile Iiý ing in a town apart- The scripturv Ies,ýon wa n" Not that therlý will not ai- ý joint Black, Marianna be things t;, write about,, and Lenore Chester Audr 1 Freezer Humidity h,,,vr one live.ý. but Halton _a(j il oeil, , Gori's dr'-ant Dessicates Food are more likely to find th, , to an ulect -(jltiriin intfresting if it is written fýjr thý- Sunday Srhool r 1), ý,o-;-onI- vhu lier., arrIong them. NI,,, BIavk«ý 1,pil- ,i,, ImIn,,p,-rIý packagod foýj pro- And 1 hail 1), il huridTed or so ý of !h, people i ý ducLý. eýpu,-,..Ijy meat, and r-Ilýs ;ý-,.y, ý G, l ia r, ýI Th, nioviine! w 1 fi.sh, ai,, subjet tu serious And ýo, this i, v, But in jý, 11,ý. Il : , t ion idi-ying-tliitI tri the freezer. >on il] fa'ewell. 1 vory : ()il F, lou;l, , 12ý the rhIý 1-1,ns il-o- food valur ý-1 moich --nt t,, ýa, hov 1 have en- hýl,-ý, 1),en appeilran- of th, product iivý,(] tý) aloi for voit vvery if, 17i), -,., held at ',Ir In xtfIn(ý - free-zý-rburn pioI thr(,ý Nars. And A,,ýi,«ý-y Cairn., 1 rùýult-ý, and ilie product becomes 1 vant to av thank voir to th(, wa., in (hargt biown ni colour and woody in lex- ('h:ityiliiý)n for grantirig me that M;,iil,ý,, Cairn. tiin.. fil ;irici poultry prudocts ýj,:o,-. and te my !hýý wit . h praye the fat th, dri d out ýo fýo* Nly very Ile-st Th, ý,riptn-,ý 1-son in 1'. oxffliZý (I and rancid. out tu one and all fer the _h,, -ivice was choson The prot, in becornus perinani-ntly -,is ah,,id. Il ha,, bevn very jition foi. th, firt and th, tiýtie tough livine jmong voit. 1 think hu-h in Briti., and dry, 1 vill not av aller all. Ilunen reail th,, The und, rlying ciIu,,- of desicca- loit pist. as ve su often say when ;Ilici %jjjjqIý Il Moore ;nid A tion i.ý th(, hurnidiiy of the air in t( oporat-ilY 1):irtinlg-"T'Il b, scc-iný, the freezer rouai, ý*:Iys A. W. Moyls yoll I'ýa nr' >*'%,,,- ro Mad, foi- of the Fruit and Vegl-table Products 1--eting to which the oth Laboratorv. Summerlatid, BC. Air A v,-iv popular foattire of the croups would hi, invited his il normal riloisture holding annual li%,o-.sti)(-k meetings« ai Regina ".1 si vaker wolild ad, that of warmi air being __ a hef and lamb (lifting dvon- e', capacily; than that of cold. The ontration foi 111 ting, Mrs. Black gav grlýat(,r - womei Th 1 il, on the first Pre.ýbytei 1 frozen product and the air in close 120 vonien ande.,11 I.o,ý ionaries to the East Ind re 1 , proximity to if, is relatively warrn- part il, a local identiflc.,tion 1.11 the plantations in Br et- than the air in surface contact tes, ina and the building of with the frerzing coils. Thus, the Mi,,sion church f irculating air absorbs moisture Maril y ri Moore closed rom the frozen product and de- ing with prayer. Thore N posits it on the colis or plates, in ALICTION SALE il each meeti the formi of frost. This continuous cycle, over a period of months, can Of Farm Implements, Seed Oats, 1 ý result in considerable moisture loss. 'Motorg Cars and Farm Equipment BRIQUETYES COKE CASCADES Howard's Poultry Remedies Royal Purple and Pratt's Stock and Poultry Tonics Hortz Mountain Bird Seed Ballards & Pratts Dog Food BUILDING SUPPLIES Lime, Gyproc Board end Lath CEMENT MASONITE Insulation, Loose end Batti LIVINOSTON STOKERS Sales end Service TENTEST in British 'as v M",:i:lg ý,i Md il Irs th vic, gq' r th, ýn th,, -1 1 to fo i,111 ýI .., t Mi.'ýion ish Guiani. 1 nsc.*1pý 11, ' 1 1 . Zkor a suppe- ,her mismon [ and a spe- d d ess th, tve th, top- erian mis- dian people 3ritish Gui- of the first 1 the meet- was a gooi 4ing. CAMPRELLVILLE Ladies" Aid Meet At VanSickle Home Intended for Last Week. Plastering IS OUR BUSINESS PROMPT SERVICE ALL TRAINED MECHANICS ALL WORK GUARANTEED ----- 0 ----- E. S. BLAIR AND SONS HUTTONVILLE Phone BRAMPTON 424Jl Phone 451W ACTON FRESH RADISHES bunch 5c